SOKE PRINT MISSING r-vo vm Ontre Daily Record. ret. init.c ' uen.iui, Jrc, 38, laf'ITtl AM) I1EPAKIXKK IT 'J.'l4lV8 oai O. V. dc A. tt. IC. HOl'Tll. f yu. Phsseiiurr Leave Corry 11.20 a. n. ; '''iit.Bville, 12.&0 . in. ; Petruie'no Cell. up, 1.40 p. m.; Oil City, 2 22 p. m.; Ii linetnn, C It) p. m. No 4, Passenger Leave Corry 6. 10 a. m. Tlliieville, 7.35 a.m.; Petroleum Centre, 8. 14 am j Oil City, 8 69 m ; an If at lr vlneion 1 1 .40 a No. 8, Pasenaer---Leave Corry 6.05p m; Tlmsville, 7 50 p m Pelrnlniig Centre, ,'Ct p oi ; arrive al Oil City 9,20 y di. KOKTU. . Jio. 1, Fnssenger LnH Irvinoton 7.15 ao; Oil CUT, 10.10 a i; Petroleum Cen w, 11.06 ii in; Titusvilirf, 11,60 a id; arrive at Con y 1,40 p in. Nn. , Passenger -Leave Irvlneton, 12.- p i; Oil City 2.57 p m; Petroleum Con tee, p ioj i'iiusvii;, 4.20 p in; arrive at C'trv ft.6 p m. No. 6, Passenger Leava Oil City 7,00 a ; Pstroleuiu Centre. Z.43 a ui; Titusville, S,i a arriie at Curry 10,10 a ni. I?lv!ue Service. FRKSBYTEKIAN CHURCn. Praacaiag at 11 o'clock A. M., aaa 7 'clack F. M. P.T. J. T OxTonr, Pastor. allTHODTST EPISCOPAL' CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at II A. M. ana i4 r. M. Sabbath School at 12, P. M. acta frte. A cordUl invitation extend 4 to.all. Kit. C. M. Hiard, Pastor. 8T8. PBT1Z AfTTpAUL'S (Catkolie) CHURCH. Haas at ICI4 a. ta. ' Yatpsr sod Bsnelielitn af the Biassed Issraaegt at 4 p. at. Cateskisa at 2;p. ss. J AXES DUNN, faster. Owing to the extremely nnplnt state or (be weather the Catholic fair at Sobel's .Hall wns not very well attended last even ing, and closed at an early hour. This eveoing a variety of exerc sea will be pre sented The voting lortbe various ar ticles 10 be awarded to the most popular gentemeu, started niT quite lively, and the cenfest prom lies to ba a lively ore. We ltorie to see the hall crowded lo-nijbt. '7 Tbo jinort that the Snanish innhnot wore eoming up Oil Creek tu bombard IV- iroleum Centre turns out to bo unround,.,! It was only a fleet of fishing smacks loaded wl lb oysters for the Petroleum 'Kxchang. Hotel. The fleet Is comtnacded by Capls. Sutherland ami Taylor. ' Tub Salibatb School of the Melhodis Church of Ibis place will bave a r.clirul o the chord Friday evening next. It was not practicable to have this festival on Christmas evening Was Bret intended A very flno library has been purchased and will be presented lotbesehool. There w': 11 be a variety td exercises by the m mbers the or cbof.l. an a repast consisting or fruits and rake will be served nl the conclusion. Each family connected with the church. eongreea tion or school Is requested to furnish a cake) ana send it in on Friday morning. The exercises will commence at 7 o'clock p.m. ' M. E. Hess, Supt. We Inadvertently omitted to mention in our issue of yesterday, thut the cliildreo of the various Sunday Schools of our place were made glad by tbo nnmero'us presents srlvetl .Ihilll liv rrtenila mi1 'ei.i v - - " . v. jiuiuiiin. lull Is as it should he. fur It cannot help but add interest to the schools, and creates a friend ly fueling i t: 0 hearts if all connerted therewith. The Bennett well, on the twelve acre lease adjoining tbo Mallory rnrm, com-? 'itiencod testing yeslerdy making a fine show. The water was not exhausted until this ninrnfug. It is now yielding at the lata or II vo or fi'x burrels jier day, uud bid? fair to be a pom) paying well. At least ten new wells will lie down al lied Uot, near Shamliurgli, within n short vime, and a largo increase of production if moKeu lor. A new 1(10 barrel well was struck on the Independent Tract, Sbamhur, last week. It is hardly probable that all 1I10 wells put down at that place will prove paying Institutions, although so far there cro os dry boles. A terrible liioectnred ut Syiaeuse, N. Y., yes'rrday'niotuliiB, by wtlch property valued at $450,000 was destroyed. The wea'ber is deoidedly- ba'tjiPAll sjnt. Nothing but luurl under looty, clouds overhead No protp-ct or a6""""4. 7 En cine, In bis lecture in Muw fioorg- Tiericau Kennau, a member of Telegrapu Ex'prtJ. .ut 1 1' u i dresj vped as if. ii - i i...:r;,:.p- a New TK WIDOW ItlOHlt.TlAVseilll'D. DlKCOVBRV (IF TUB Ml' II UK I! Ell IN T1IIC I'BB- 80S or A I'ltlSONKR CoMMITTKU Foil A sliocklxo assaci.t u1"cn axotukr Child. The butchery f the Utile girl Mohrmau In PliilndelpM.i eighteen months ago has been fastened upon Juhn liaiiion, a barber now in PliiUdelpiilit county Jail, under sentence of live years' imprisonment for a shocking assault upon a child. The details of the atrocious murder of the beautiful little girl Mobrmjn are slill fresh in the memory of the people of Philadelphia. Up on tba discovery or lis commission the pro- loiiudvst sensation was created in every circle, and (or months afterward the entire police lorco of the diU'ic(, with ail the detective department, went to work with an earnestness never before known, to ferret out tho criminal. The child was kidnapped liom its borne one Sunday morainj while its mother was attending church, and on tho following Tuesday its bi.dy was found lying in a vacant lot near its borne. When taken t0 the police station stalwart men stool aghust when the Corner's physician took the body and showed the manner, i:i which the hor r.blo net had been committed. A large number of persons, among whom were vagrants known to loiter and sluep nbi.ut barns in tho neighborhood, were arretted on suspicion. But as an examination of the locality left it sell-evident that a house hold had perpetrated the crime, the va grants were discharged, and the barber liar. Ion, living a few doors liom .Mis. Muhr. mac's bouse, was taken into custody. A little girl, who is said tn have witnessed the carrying off of little llury, could not identify him us the man, and he was di cbargeii also. The detectives bureau tins urver lost sight oTlbis man since, and a rigid surveillance was Instituted over bim so strong were tbe Indications that he alone committed tbe foul crime. On Wednesday last be was missing from bis house, and upon Inquiries being estab lished it was ascertained that under tbe as sumed name af Charles Harris he bad been tried and convicted of an attack upon an other child. While those who have carefully watched this case aro morally certain that Hanlon is the murderer of Mary Mohrman, there is lack of legal evidence to place bim 011 trial. s OIL. SEWS. The Clarion River well, neor Rlysnn linn, wss tubed last week, but beloru the water was exhausted tbe seed bag Imtated. They have now procured new casing, aud wilt be pumping In a day or two,' To or three wells on Deer Creek aro al most completed, with favorable indications. There bavo been several new strikes at Parkers. The upper well on the island 1 reported now at. 35 barrels, and the Gailey well, a hulf mile up tho river is put down at G barrels, and still increasing. Two or three new wells just at the mouth of the Clarion are being tested, and yield' some oil. F. G. Guib. has purchased Mr. I'ol iner's interest in tbo Clarion Borough Com pany's well on the Fox Farm, so thit It is now all owned by citizens of -that place. The well is pumping six or seven barrels a day end gradually gaining. The company will soon commence another well on an ad joining lease. , The l'iney well owned in pait by lieaty, Ross and Myers, of Clarion, is pumping over SO barrels a day. The well in which our old friend Aidinger is in terested, promises to be a 15 or 20 barre1 well. ' Two or three Fina'l strikes in tho vicinity of Euilentou have created a denvmd for erritory in that vicinity and leases are now being rapidly taken. Two or three wells are about being com menced on land of E.-F. Heeler, on Sandy, n l' the burning well. A well Close by lljwa over a barrel a dny, and .there l.i a hjavy gos vein. Cl irion Demount. On tho Tidioute aud Warieu tract, the eimpanywcll is pumping eighty barrelH. A new well was striivk Wednofday on tbe F.Bber and Cusbing louse. It . is numbered four," und stuns out with pumping sixty barrels, and promises to bi a 1'irge well. No. 5, 011 the same lease., is down 150 feet. Their No's. 2 and 3 are pumping fifty barrels. :' Mr. Click's well on the Cohill farm, is pumping fifteen bairels. ' On the Economy tract, no change of any moment hustakeu : place. The West Hickory territory holds it own remarkably. I In Citicitiuall, Sat nday 1 uiglit, a pocket knil'e was plun-iod lo the hill through the left temple of Jerry Horgan. Ia that con dition bo was luken lo tho hospital, joking and playing with tho handle oi' lheknif. , opening and shutting-Jt, nni ivd b'folt us if he had two beads, lu extracting'!. tinea inen with full strength held his bead down, while two exlitic: l the knife, using a nalr of nine tonus tu grasp ih hilt. 11m- 11 tn is doing well, wUn a fair uuspct if retuvery. The up lie uci't: w..! uot cut. evn Item. Xladamo Prim begins to pranco like a queen. An English woman has willed $10,000 to Jefferson Davis. Hump T. Dnmpl? is playing at the Ns tUnil theatre t Cincinnati. Prim insists that Isabella did prin .Hie Spauisli jewels when she Ml her situation- Mrs. McFurland-Sage quietly domiciled at her father's hous in Cbnrlestowo, Mass. Gail Hamilton! bas written a story to illustrate her ill treatmeut nt the hands of Fields & Osgood. A dvvarr eight inches shorter tlian Tom Thumb is attracting oigbt-iuchlou in Chi cago. World. A woman in Chicago reeer.tly seiz-d a man, and before he couid s-.-cure assistance) brutally married bim. Brick" Po'meroy's sobriquet was given him iu 1S57, by George D. Prentice, of the Louisville Journal. Green Clay Smith, late Governor of Mon tana, has taken puitoral cb ugo of a Bap. list Church ia Richmond, Ky. Tho Snprea King of Siain is called Somoditch Para Punirainda .Malia Ctiula lonokoon Patindr Top JIaha Mongkut. Tho morals of tho ."bal'' dispense with balniorals. Worid. It is authoriliavely stated' that the loss of life by kerosenj Is greater than by railroad and steamboat aecideuU coui'oiue l. A. D. Richardson's property, estimated at rrom 673.000 to $100,000 a fortnight ago, will not toot up over '$10,003. itisnjw said. . , , . The Kew'York Evening Mail calls New Jersey a great bedroom, with New York and Philadelphia at either end holding nlgb keys. Young lady physicians' are multiply inc; throughout the country, -and consequently tho young men urrf decidedly more sickly tbun tbey used to be. Tbo largest individual tax in Boston :e Augustus Ilememfay $33,329. The Boston Gas Company pays more than any olu.r corporation, $35,280. See. what comes of attempting to violala immutable 'imlural laws! A gentleman rashly undertook to teach a Siindaysehoul clu-s iu Cbic-igo, uud died almost inin.edi alely in consequence. Oswego bas a new pi' per, culled I he I tide, pendent. It decl ine it will be neutral in icllgion and. politic!", as it "knons very litt'.eortho loriuer, and nothing nhateveroi tbo latter.' Adam Tim wns bunded in tue jtil yard lu Carlisle, I'u , at Ul'ty-oue mihules pact 1 o'clock Monday atternoou, for the murder of Henry Stabni on December 29, 1SGS, near Sbippeiiiburg, Pa. He kuocked his victim down with an axe-polo and then cut off Us bead. O l his trial he pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to doitli lie op iosed nil application for pardon, and said that he was willing to dio for what be had done. Au application was presumed to Gov. Geary no'twilbtanding, but it wns rejeoied. Bot lew persons .wiluessed tbu execution, and T'tus died easily. 'Jem" and "Tom" Allen, two no torious brui-ers, well known to nil interest ed in tbe P. R., ami of no uccount M any body else, nr airanging for a prizefight for $5,000, und that mythical honor, the championship. Tho light is to take p! within fifty miles of Detroit or Cincinnati' and Allen proposes, In a loiter to the Clip per, that ho will meet Mac, to draw up the ai tides, half way between New York and SI. Louis, which he thinks would ho about Pitlsbiirgn. TERltir.l.E Dkath. A negro in Washing ton enteied an tn. occupied house receriilv lo steal lend pipe. Alter taking nil l;o could find in an ti pper room, be cut a bole in tin He or to get down into the lower one, but not ui'iking it huge t noupli, lie got fastened in trying to get through, und bis chest be ing contracted, suffocated. Ills dead body was found i-ttlurd .y, hanging thiuiigh the ceiling, by some p-nple who entered the lower room to tin Kb repairs. ' On night tbe llrsl death at Hickory occurred. .Mr. Aaron Daniels, oj Waverly, N. Y., a-soap peddler, died of the delirium tremens. He informed the proprie tor of the White House that hs would die during tho r.lght. It took threo men y hold bim in bis struggles with the hideous demons that peopled his fancy." '"Tho daelleis on one of the streets 0' Memphii were recently Huitled liy loud cries o! murder,' and w hen the peisou from whom tie cries proceeded was found, he replied lo anxious inq-iiries, that, "being an orphan, having no father or mother, or otser klnsptcpte, und feeling lonely, be concl'ided lo gather a crov.d f.T compa- ny." Just received a large and stock of a'.iolf liuidware at J. well aborted Riitherford'8.1 tr. Parlor and ollicn stoves, a few loll and will be Bold at cost nt J. linlheif.ird,s. tf. Carrlusc 15ta. wholesale and retail, at Nicholson & I'lackmon's. S-tr. 'Horse Shoe Noile, wholesale uud retail, t. , js ' tllit Nictolsnn & Blarkmon's. 23-tf. Richardson 14" - A splendid assortment or Diamond goods just received at H. L. Nuse's, No 10 Spring St. TiUisvllle. r, Dc- 3 I" A ! stoik tfleUies aod penis gold WntcK just received at H. L. N use's, No 10 Sprin St. Tllusvllle. Dec. 22 lmo. Hipiois for Smith's. the Holidays at A. s Dec. 21 t f. Slipper Patterns lor prifents ut A. S. Smith's. Dec. 21 t-f. A full assortment ol laKRt st le of ladies shoes at A. S. Smith s Dec. 1-1. The largest variety or Sterling Silver Ware, and silver plated wore, such as Tea Setts, Cake Baskets, Fruit Stands, Castors, ie, Ac, oier brought to the oil regions, can be found ut II. L. Nose's jewelry store No. 10 Spring Street. Tllusvllle, I'a. Dec. 22 lmo. Si. S. Simiuoi'.s has some very ,bcant)fU articles suitable lor picsenls displayed lu his Drug Store. Dee. 21 I f. Step into Simmon's Drug Sloro and il you duti't fiod something suitable tor a present, we won t ask yon again. Dec 21 tf. Go to M. S. Holiday goods. Simmon s Drug Storo He J. 21 t-f. for H'riWni or f.Hs Daily Ilecord. None need tell me beauty's fleeting, For "lis seen-to lade awaj; Tl Bai'.kku has a charming secret; Makes beauty prool against decay Al his Phutosraph Gallery Not (he artist's skillful lingers Can the human lace portray. Like ihive splendid liv like pictures; Woven by ihu God oldny Al lURKtnsj Art Gallery Friends have we w ho larly cberisti Who would prize a picture true, Trux tu nature, Hint ne'er shall peiish; U.uiKEii uitiki's ibem uot a lew. How pleasnnt tb gszs on the features ol friends alsent, or those Ibat huv parsed awav. N. B. A card represetillng four stages 11! the recent total aula r eclipse, piesented lu eiich p.-rson orderuiz Imlf dozen .rd Puotograplii ut IIakkkk's Picture Gall fry Die 14 nr. Fine aisor m-nt of latest style ofiadb'S shoes at A. S. Smith's. D.-e. 21 t-f. Olden luken for suits and Ills guaranteed, at Lammers & Allen's. The New Gas Pump lor sale ut Nicholson it BUckmon s. tf. Reduced Prices at Liminers & Alden's. nov.22tl. Slippers for Smith's. the Holidays at A. Dec. 21 t f. ' Slipper Patterns for presents at A. S. Smith's. Dec. 21 t-f. The New Gas Fump for sale at Nicholson Blaclttnob's. ' tf. Underclothing in large quantities at Lam mers & Alden's. Kiu Cloaks A Larneis & Alden's. large assortment, at SliEKiFFs Skk in Ci.oskii. Nicholson & Bla ktnon having bought bim out at this place and K.une(jily. tf. The largest uud best assort men! of Table 'uilery, ever brought into Hie country at Nieheolson &, lilacitnion's tl. A NEW MARVIN SAFE, of II, FUKKMAN. Dm. 51 tf. CHRISTMAS IS If yuu wuu'd hnvit a Merry t'hrUtinuV and a Lappy Kcw Your, buy j our TO V 9 ut . J. W.Beatty's. The largest lot of Toys in the country can be found at J. W. Beatty's R icking Horses at J W. Beatly's. . Klelxh's at J. W. Benin's. China Toys ulall kitxls at J. W-Beatty's A ttioiiaaml and onu things to he sees at J. W. Beatty's. Tin Toys. Wagons. Mechanical Toys Velocipedes. Hot Air Toys at uenliy s. . Cbo'eo American und Freooh Confection ary ut Beatty's. Jlalaga Grapes at Beatly's. Ladies' Willow Baskets at Beatly's. Pure Apple Cider nt fcesMy's, lHm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T M1E ARE NEAR AT HAND AND oi; iimsKH' HAS MADE HIS USUAL CALL ON J. WOLF And left the Largest and most CoiojiItU) Stock of Goods suitable for lloliiUj 1'ieseuls ever oil'ered iu this Maikut. Watches, Jewelry, Gold and Silver Chains, Silver and Plated Ware, Musical Instruments, HT A.H.33TJMS! IS LARCH VARIETY, OOLiD PEXS, CITIERY, 11EVOLVER?, Als s largs u wsll '.ncud atck of MEERSCHAUM PIPES. - Clgur Holders, Togtthr w lb a naaortc! itock of lancy Goods, Pleos call and take look st nr Stock. WASHINGTON' ""TKEBT. 1'EThO LE M CB.NTRE, PA. UertKlw. WOi.F RESiDEHGE FOH SAIE. Ths llcs'iieni-" or M.EXfS f'UH, ilMt.uett, I eiraleuai Leu ru, r ei; .1. . x v.oom, SLIISTAXTJAl TWO-STIHIY I.ntlied snl pltcrert. witli ;q rromsen lis noil s it'iod c.Mln.- l'm-oion tjireu lu it-pfi-e;ia!er.H. Ai p'y uo the premises, JOHN JOIWOR, de'13-2". K't . FUN FPU THE HOLIDAYS Catholic Fair ! Opcns'at SOBEL'S HALL, PETROLEUM CENTRE, MONDAY, DKC. 27TII, Useful and Ornamental Articles, Toys and Christmas Pres s ents in Abundance. Ref re aliments In every style always l""d Tho rollow-.n.- ardclea will be el W A GOLD HEADED OaNE. n..w.Mors. A. Wood'.VncleJohaXD" Irwtuaud Hoot. Tajlur. A BEAUTIFUL RIFLE, Between S. Hoydo'.d. ana O-'O. ilsao. A GOLD HEADED CANE, Between tbe Poctors of ;!.am.C.atro REVOLVER, Between Messrs. Kiun.y, Lswionco and A FRENCH MANTLE CLO0K Bctwa Mrs. Ftaajy-faltou." V A SEGA U HOLDER, Bfltweea Mes, V- JlcMahon. M J-i f , A MAGNIFICENT STOLlv. B.twa.eCSSh;.:.011r. A GOLD CHAIN will bs awarded to tu. most popular Ci a'"1 A SILK DRES3 PATTEUN. To the mint popular Luay Manauer- TIIK FISH will b3 lu full uperatiua. unnr. nnon st T P. m niid closo at 11 Alliuidsion 10 cents. COAlMIll'"''- a Fmiih, i. H sclu,-'; O.ren0:itTney, W tMi