DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL J. A. LOSEF HERCHAN i TAILOR ! COU. FRANKLIN & SPEING STS., TiTUSVILLE, PA. Extensive Assortment of i Foreign and Domestic Which 1 am prepared to Make up to Order on Short Notice ! mm B FEiBTCaB&' S TITUSVILLE. I'lll I If. I mi a m Llffl GOODS SHAWLS XOTIOA'S o (A M C C CIU.M! c THAl'KDK 131 nalden I.nne, N. V., COBIISSIM SIfSFCIIAXTS, 'r now prepared to reroVe on Commi.dnn mid mi nim:-i in iiuiinurs aim Jjeaiura u Crude and I'.onued Oil. OIL VITRIOL. C It A SK, T II AOK RK A; Co. J'Ul U.Jl,i:i'M CKNTKK, I'A , hi!!! on IiaiiiI OIL. VITRIOL. BLUE 4 WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA and (JLi;H. An prepared to niaka liberal dLciuttit t. Tirnnrra Vy.u. anu wm mil tie undurMd In any uf the Xoanel3 tr. CltAXI, 'I tl AAKBK X Co. KTROLEUM IRONWORKS lryan, Dillingham Ac Co., Iron and Brass Founders FORGERS, Xanafacturm of ?'JlE' BOILERT, DRILLING iu u,N, uulIjU AND SASH SAW MILLS. PUMPING RIGS, WALKING BEAM AND BAND WIIEKL IKON, PLOWS AND ALL KINDS I IK" r.ATivns VUOLESADO 4 RETAIL DEALERS IN ALLISOYN H BI AS I CAS I A (J, FOR OIL WELLs, 40. TiiWTlile, Novt 23th, Uf t. It. p'kiu Gloves, cucup, at Lammers & Th3 Old and Established fi A n 6 STORE. S. SOB EL, Prop'r. Xext Door (o S!o! Ojjit: House, Petroleum Centre. Afier a number nf yearn spent N citcr'nj In the wuitu T thecitlr.eni uf IVtrnleuni Centre nun vlcin ty. 1 divire io return my think fpr tlio r pnrotr'iro er.,1 en CDiiniU'incnt; n'ro, to inform them that I have nd led great 'y In my tnet ;l,ij Fall, nn-1 wiiti iu creaiod Incill tlos nil ain.bc.1 to roll cheaper il au ever before l have JUST OPENED Anotlior Frcs'j Supply of WISTER DBF GOODS. Silk, Poplins, I'lahlN, H!Hl Fa ne V Hpoh Cutxl, Mantilla SIMt Velvet, CllillCliiliiM, ami Bcavar CIollj. FULL ASSORTMENT OF FUSTE FURS AN!) Latest Styles cf Hfcy Mi BLANKETS, FLANNELS & SHAWL", CLOTHS 4 CASSIJ1ERE.S, Carprts, Ml Hot lis, Mats UliXTS' FUUN1SIIINU lioojiii. wttt.tr. 8- SOBEI" HnUSK FOR SALE. GOTHIC FKOXT, ifx, two Horlm Mtli, re cently Iwiiilcd ard papcreil. Kliclwii, nnti try oobI mid weod ioii-ii ittai-livil. i'ihitmiiIii'i t water. Sliimted n tlin Kfjliort I'aini in tliu tlwis. antral pin nf IVIroleiiin iviilra. Apply mi ilio rt;tiijc j of uov30 tf. J. I, HAKDim pllANKLIX, I'A., INtrUKAXCB AQKXCY I. H. BILII&ED. Agent. 950.00.00 CAPITAL. lfeprexentrd ai d eniofull) invested ly thefollow ldg reliiihle comKinlea : Tke Mu'ual lAtc luaurance Co. ol N. Yirk caiiiial. 97.000.0iX) The :ina lu.urance Co. of ITartford Conn rnpllal, . B,!80.0C0 The lloinn luauranoe Co. of New Tork, ell al. S OftG.SSg riio lnsiimnre Co of North America, ri.,ra: -iml. S.IMS.823 The Home ut Nuw Uaven, Cotet tlcut, capital. 1.52J.flt4 The A;h ny Cliy Iniurawe Co., of Alba ny, Nojv Ynrk cm Iml, 500. Oco Theiiictfcan Mflimnuiu.'O Co. of Philadclplila, capital, t (I 'O 000 Thla Ai?oncy ! among the nlnVat a'jenrlea In ll'e St.'enri'eiiiHvlviinla w.i.t nl 1'hila'laipliia. Ilaa paid .luilnc the lam fullrli en er nvr $300,000 IN LOSSES OncdDw.-llltij, Mouse?, Chniolic, School Hounes acd other kullillnga Insured Poi'jiotualh'. All I. a.. 1 ! ... . . . . . .u-.i.i u ,n .-.inre ana 111 Trani-it. IVMrln I. on alnn uoUee, In any nf Hie a!;nve t'irn hi nrjaice (miijiniM rii i.. i m i-..t . ... ' - in rAi:i.nii i-.Aci'niii; tiauM:u, 1'iu bo6:Iw Till, OSS. Ji tllKETS. Oppicr OP 1 rnoi.i:i-M ' Ckntiik D.iit.T Dscnnti. J'KTnor.Kiii Ckntkb Deo 22 The rr.inlii.t is till eft from yesterday priccR. Last evenlntr 500 Mils were euld it $0.8.) and to-dny 1 000 Vila cnncelled Hi $4.70. We qiinto at $4,757! $4. 85. Fliiludilphia, Dec 2'L Crude 10i17. : L. S. to W.. 30. S. W KOI..'. Mnrltet -Weak ' ' , i l'lltsfcirg, Dec. 22, t-'l titlC. I S O nil year . ISO all year. KollliKl . S Oct to Dee MurUrt Quiet. Crude 60J4'. AxTtriitr, Dee. 125 p. m. JOHN k CARTE Litkiipool. Dec. 21. 1-21 p. tn. Refilled 21. Spiriti 1G.1. Hainlurg, Dro 22 4 Shillinpa. 15 nrii ks. C Thalers. Bremen Dec '2. GionteB ?J, OPPOSITE GOPtHSTTHIAN HALL, TITUSVILLE, - English JF'rench and Scotch New Tokk, D.'c. 2 GuM 12.' CHRISTMAS IS. COMING If yi;a woi:'d havo a Vcriy Ch'ltmaa aii'l a hnnnv -New lear, buy nir TU 1 S at J. W. Beattys. The I truest In! nf Toy in the country can In f niiiil nl J. W. iWny's Rncliini; IIurH. a ut J. W. Realty's. Slelj-liV at J. W. Hcalt). China. Toya of all kinds at J. W- Rcntty's A UioiiKiiml and olio tliingilo Iwnvi'ai J. W. II -ally's. Tin Toy. Wnpona. Mechanical Toya Velocipedes, Hot Air Toya at Betty'a. Cbo';ce American and Frwroh Confecticn ary at Eeatty's. JUInyn Grapes t. Huiilty's Ladies' Wjllow Daakela at Bnntty'i. Pure Apple Cider at Batly'. 11-lm. it f i . U 5 B B 'c"iv Munr, I'cucl ui:S Grocery rilorn ! J. S. PtSATIIRH, AttOl. FAN'! M.'ilXTXO, OX J!1X.T. .p;jop:tt the McC!iata::k llon-e, hn on V.at.cl c lagjand St cla. ftoeh nf '!uur, Feed mid l.rorrriPA, v. Ircli ha l fe'linj at a o-t ilji.re fcLltoii'l fiirei tbepiaca vntrt X, I). Cottea Jfc (.'winpany aroke lip. '0..l tlAfi t.OVM aal tlto ItTsjipiit'"" r'!'riie SfarrlnRc Ji AysfnrUn'iftViB til lhe Frror. AbMei 1j';Ki r;?'e uhich dratloy the Munty I'lnvre lud ciia'e? Impcliaia of 1 Alf ItlAIJK, with atir menu, uf n4 ef. tem ia ft.Medlettereavelnprp free t oi rti-e. AdJ;tn lowA.'4 ABjrcfation. Pot. P. ! hiV.i'.i-'pl: in, F. mXta. A Clcrn an. rea ding in South Anitriea a. a mV-In: i-ry, Uier..ored a vile find aiinple remedy for the t lire of Xerrou. Wiatuei-a. 'ar!y Cray, l!."!iflos of tho lni:ary nal Seminal Orcun., nr d thn v hole ir.dn of dit-otdtre hn asht on ty haii'-fu ii. vieiuiiH l:ahiti. t'rtat rnmTierr have liet l: cur ed by this noble remedy, l'rnmptcd by a detiinto brnrf.t li e nfr'irted nr.i) nnf.irtiiimte, 1 wHI eend lh receipt f 'i-tin j.a ini; t-nd mi:i hU imviicli.e inn i in d invcl .pc, to arv nne who li ed.-it, e Charye. Ad'"'.. JUh!:i'll T. 1NMAX, Mn inn 1). 1111. 1" llon-e. S. T City Drillinsf Jar Y0 Wo would rtiiert fury nnnonrtf t our cr.ito nuiR mid the public genu rul.y ihat we keep cuu Airtully on baud Cast Steel fMIiinj!; .furs ! Whlfh Tnr 'trp'tii a-id Pnrnhl'Ity oxrol any Stoi'l Liiu d Jfti' hereto fu;e m u rXIie A!vantyr wo Cist ha OTcrl.lrrd.Tft'tnrothiit, behisrAl.T. HTEKT-, they nrentnri':T tli'ii 1hv c'.:.pi-'d lmrlly of Iron; tlm iinwiuiuija KhM mirfaro it tin rock, they lire m'liio.'ief! from wt.r ou UiC outnitic, nnj ulil keep their hti9 luiifur. We lYurrant Them to StriU l'iff;ien Hum! red Feet. We alio keep on hand Cast Iron Working Barrels-. Fisher, Aorris & o. FCIilOLFVIl Cr.NTSIK. ot ISth, If. GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dialer. In fill kinds of WESi li TOOLS A: FlXTUItRS Veces.aary for puttin: down amlopf ration 11 'ella. in confutation with cur AlAClilXiC bitoi' we have a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SITOP. " '" Onr ficilltlea for MAXUPACIUH NO unnt pi. celled bv any hop In the Uil Hegidiia. HhopMain-st,nposite HcCliniock Jluu n-.a;57 tf FP-nE'J X'JRHIS. A Splendid Assoi-tment of '" MS & CASSIMERES, .'he largest in the Oil Region. The custom department h pre . sided over by one of the best and Most Fashion able Cutters in the State. S r y r. r. 7.i ' i i iii SIR HATS AD E TO ORDER. NewWdware Store at oviif-.vrt.Tir;, pa. H.BEEMAN ll6v"n!e't'il.i..i rrp.?T ''I..S llAl'IITVAKK STOI.K. tl.Titea :e t nlronrge of tlm p llilie, bni 'nz I y lair di ll lnd c.n-e a tentlon to hniine.. to merit share .ti, public yatronaa Nyit.ioW comiits In part ot Gil WW Supplies, STEAM ENGINES, WAS PIPE, KELTIC, EMCnMJ ASW Iron Fttins. Drugs at Christie's Brass Sed'iC.JHNB at Christie's! Toilet Articles at Christie's aare LIqaors at Christie's ! fur Wit at Cliristie'a ! AT CHRISTIE'S! of all kinds for Sham, water, Gas or Ol. STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON WARE, YVhoIoale Ilcxlcri In 9crp Iron. i-eeial Attention Giv en lo ripe CnttinS) Can aud Sit am Fitting. ALL GOODS WARRANTED A3 REPRE SENTED. Branch fitora at Petroleum Ccrtfe. 11. rilESUtX. rc. 10 tC AIM rSAf CHRISTIE'S! t'AHI'Era AND OIL. l.Oa Si -JC V HWnVZD, iw ul. e pi'-rni. K t vM ci. i... 1 1 h a . j v: i I'ATEST jSEmCHFS , AT UIBKTirs : r T'l.'CI 1 "riOV c incn:.Jfi at U n. " ;l ' I I 1 f f ' . I . i SI 1 0 if jijyii.f.i'i.Vietaei'ttciiietitiw tlllll.lK'lll..