AfKXIYAI, NO DEPARTl'RK OF i n IMS ON O. C. A..K..K. 801'TK. No. S, Piusmrer Leave Corry 11.20 . n. j Tltusville, 12.59 p. m. ; Petroleum Con. ir, 1.40 p. m. ; Oil City, 2 22 p. m.; Ir Vinelen, fl 10 .. m. No. 4. Passenger Leave Corry 8.10 a. m. THnsville, 7.35 a. m.; Petroleum Centre, S.14 m; Oil City, 8.69 a m; arrive at lr-TiB-lon 11.40 a m. K. 6, l'wn!!ir-Lem Corry COS p m; TittibTille, 7 60 p m; Petroleum Centre, I.M p a; arrive at Oil City 8,20 r m. K8RT1L Ko. 1, Passenger Leavt Irvlneton 7.15 aai; Oil City, 10,10 a n; Petroleum Cen l, 11,06 a ro; Tituivilie, 11,60 a in: arrive at Corry 1,40 p m. . No. 3, Panger Leave Irvlneton, 12, 0S f m; Oil City 2.67 p m; Petroleum Ceo tro, .8 p m;. Tilusville, 4.20 p m; arrive al Corry Mi p m. ' No. 6, Pasen uer Leave Oil City 7,00 a m; Petroleum Centre. 7,43 a m; Titusville, ,30 a u; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m. Mvine Serrleee. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Freacblog at 11 o'clock A. U., and 7 e'eleck T. K. Bit. J. T. Oxtoht, Pastor. KXTHODIST EPISCOPAL CnURCH. Servlcti every Sabbath at 11 A. U. ami P. il. Sabbath School at 12' P.M. eats free. A cordial Invitation extoud. ee to. all. . Bit. C. M. Hiard, Pallor. 8TS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Catholiej CHURCH. . Maes at 10V a. m. Vesper and BeneJielloa ef the Bleated acraueat at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. v. ' JAMES DUNN, Pastor. B tNK NOTICE. Our offlco will be cloeud all Christmas day. (Saturday.) G n- Bjssei.1. & Co. The Hullory firm, contrarv to aeneml ci rotation, is turning out to bo firet-class oil territory, notwithstanding It was generally opposed lest summer to be dry territory. Messrs. Aroold fc Pbitner. the owners nl the farm, have now three producing welin on the, property and one ;new well poing ". r. s. r. Armstrong and Dr. L. II. Christie, are alto puttine down a well tn Ibia farm which is now down between three ail ronr hundred it. The second well I'Wt down by Arnold & Phinne y, which hag flowed al intervals for some days, commenc ed putnpin; day before yesterday and is now yieidiDff 40 barrels perdav. The third well put down by them, notice of which will be found elsewhern, up to nooi to-dnv bud yielded 35 barrels ol oil. The drillers are still at work ononis well. The second well acted in precisely the same manner. Several new wells are soon io be put down on this farm. Although money is n litl In scarce, yet al rn lime In lbs history of Petroleum Centre lias business been livelier than at present Our merchants are kept busily at work fell ing goods to their customers. Machine shops ars crowded with job work and keep large number of bunds employed. Tho oil business is quite lively, and although oil does not command quite so high a figure as it did a few wve;g since, operators seem to think that there will be a "iIsh" after the Qrtt day of Jannary. In the meantime ueTeioping goes rapidly afce.m and new deri'cks aru being put up on nil sides. We call atlention to tbo advertisement of II. 1j Nuse, jeweler, Titusville, which will bn found in acotlier (o'nmn. Mr. N. has a lar.o and select assortment of gold and sil ver walches, diuniund and gold jewelry, French and American clacks, silver and plated waro, fire arm", fco., 4e , all of which ho is selling at a remarkably low rate. Those of out oitlzens desiring any good In bis line would du wall to give him a call t No 10 Spriug Slree, Tiltusville Pa. The Meadville Daily Republican haa npeuded publication. We shall miss it from our table as it was one of our best )oel exchanges. During the existence of the lMUQlo ami I'elroleum Centro U cord, the Republican has suspended al least four tlm. ' A";new iyii lias breu struck uu mu Scott Furm, West Hickory; which is producing cttio it 2! bsire'i per day. This opens up a lure truui of territory hitherto ttiidevo' ojed. TLe sum contriotiled so tar Tor the benefit of Col..; Drake, tho Petroleum Pio neer, amounts to $2,601 Something should be done In aid Of this cause In this visinity. As yet we cunglesrn ol uoiMnii having teen douo. Who will move in mnttor? Tho si cond span of the A. V. R R. bridue, t O I Cy, U llnlshed ami the bridge will soon be coniiletel. Tub fi.llow'a,? from the'Enst Brady Inde pendent l a pr t:y go id description ol the ex citrmpnlnunding the discovery of oil. It npplU-s not only to Parker' Landing, but to other oil towns: Viewing Parker's Landing at night from the East side of the river, it presents a curious and rather exbilerating sight Lights stream from many windows, crowds are rushinn to and fro, while the puff, puff or many engines sonnd strangely In the midnight a r, the steam from them ascends among the dark pines over-hanging the town presents a wild and picturesque scene. The broad waters of the Allegheny roll oa, flashing and sparkling as the many lights Bosh upon the rippling stream. ' The saloons, the concert rooms, the thea tre, the stores are lull or Idlers, nero and there you find a group discuseiog oil, the latest sttlkes, buying or selling, leases, o: contractin g for work. Betimes the streets are crowded, some rushing intent on business some yon will Bnd reeling under the Influence ol benzine and acting like mad-men as tbey stagger along their uncertain way. Parkpr's, like other oil regions, Is rntd0 up of all classes. There you find the busy( active and energetic operutor sinking bis well, fonder a group of speculators ready to pitch In and make "their pile; then the merchant with bis goods, occupied with his customers; the hotels are tilled to repletion, while gropgeries nud blind drink ing siloons are visible wherever tho drouth may lead yon. Another closs, too, is there. The rowdy, the gambler, the loafer, find a '-local habi tation and a name," until their misdeeds piece tkem io the dutches oPthe law and society is rid of their undesiruble presence, when they regain their freedom to prey up on and insult the community. With all the evils tbnt follow its produc tion oil is a great biessln?. It rapidly opens up avonucs ol wealth to thousands, while to the masses it gives piofitub:o employment acd scatters its blessings over a wide lire. Every class receives advantages from It, and money that would otherwise remain useles.i is thrown ont freely and iu.lustry aud prosperity follow In its train. . Ti'e wiinesxcd a sad spectacle yesterday in a barroom op town, which shows what men will do towards K'nding,even thuir own children, in the paths of ruin. A man wboso name we will not mention, but who resides al Cberrytrec, stepped n; to the bar and called lor a dunk. Filling b's glass.wilb wbiaky, ho drank abnul hell' ot it, aud then guvo the balance to hi little boy, a child probably about 8 years of age, who drunk ll off Willi ns much euso appar ently as an old toper won 1 1. Upon b.-ing asited by a byslnailer if it would not injure the b.iy. the father carelessly leplit-d 'Oh! he's used to it." It tbo father con 1,1 look forwurd In the years to cmne ami sne the misery that tniglt po a bly come even from bis giving tho boy one glass of liquor, we are sure bis hand would have been staved. The father th-it thus places temptation iu tt, way ot bis child may be sum of having the cutisequeuces visiled upon his own bead. Tbo new well on Kane Run. owned by Messrs Arnold & l'hinney, altbuugb hardly finished yet, has fl.iwsd about twenty bar. relsbfoil. Every time the process of saud pumping is gone through with largo quanti ties of ojl comes to tho surface. Judging from present indications, when finished this wel' be ono of Iho largest wells in the oil re gions. Last night it snowed quite hard and tho conclusion generally arrived at by all was that winter had arrived in earnest at lust, but as Burns says "Pleasures are like pop pies spread, you seize Ijie flower its bloom is shed," so it was with tho snow, for during the night the "rains' descended and the floods came," nod this morning the snow had nearly disappeared. The tinkling of sleigh bells heard f r the first time to-duy, reminds us that J. J McCrum, Tltusville, keeps constantly on band a large assortment of sleigh bells, buffalo robes, lap ri. &c, all of which are highly neeosry in order .to enj'iy n sluigb ride, especially il you bnve your girl along with you. Give him a call. The Maratoti well cn a 5 acre le is a h of the Malory Furm, which was torpedoed several days ago Is doing 25 barrels , The well was struck early in the fall ami never pruoid over 10 barrels bofore being turpaJood. . .. JiipI received, at Baum's dry goods store the finest 'assort metit ef furs ever brought t the nil regions. It comprises furs of all kinds suitable for ladies wear. Call and examine Hem. I'op'er Machos sxd disks al fit lil'en lire. K'lsewoiul writing !". 22 if. , Fine assorim-nl of latest stylo of ladies ghurs ut A. S. Smith's. D c. 21 t-f. From tbo assetsnr's report, as tnkon (rem the original book in the City Clerk's ollice, M. M. Pomeroy, edilor of the, is the third wealthiest man and the largest taxpayer in the city of La Crosse', the First National Bank Corporation being tbefoui lh. The wealthiest man in La Crosse Is Mose. Anderson a dry goods merchant, who leads the editor of ire Democrat $39,000. Twen ty years since Mr. Anderson was a poor Norwegian clerk in that city on a salary o' $10 a month. Nine yeurs since Mr. Pome roy began business there with less than $5 Capital. "Both gentlemen named are work ing men temperance men. New York Demociat. Miis Sallie Beagle of Manchester, Iowa, was commanded by her father to think no more forever of her chosen love. Instead of weeping, Mies Sarah packed I er trunk, ordered a carriage, repaired to the de, ot, and telegraphed to her lover at Nashua: "Edward, I'm coming." The enraged father followed, and tried to detain the trunk as stolen property, but the baggage master said be was a baggace-tnastcr and not a judge, and be chucked the trunk luto the car wiln bis habitual tenderness. Ed Ward was fouud waiting at Nashua with a two-botse carriage; and before next morn ing the lovers were in Minnesota, and married. The wedding cards of Robert Jenkins and Multiu Moriian, colored, were distributed to their friends and acquaintances in Nashville, tho other day. A hnck, with a liveried footman bearing a silver waiter, drovo about town and distributed tbo pnsleboir.l. The cards were gotten up in the helglith of fashion, tbo groupe of four tied with w hile ribbon. On I be first card appear the name of Mollie Mnrtin; on the second Robert Jenkins; on the third ceremony l.y Rev. Dr. Revels, at 7 o'clock; on tho fourth Mr. and Mrs. Shelby, nthome Thiirsd-iy evening December 1G, 18G9, nt 7!j' o'clock A San Francisco Chinaman was caught by bis queue as he jumped through a halch. way to escape the police in pursuit ol him. He dangled foi an instant, and ;then draw ing his knife he severed bis precious pigtail and dropped in mfi ty.wbilu Iho olTic rs tumbled over backward with a handfull ol hair. They hnve-a fellow living In Lafayette, Indiana, who is hnti.ility personified. The other evening he asked a young lady if he might "lie allowedthe privilege i f Koinji home with her," and was Jndinnnntly re fused; whereupon ho Inquired, very liuinhiy. f he might bo "allowed to sit on tho fence and fee her go by ?" Ono hundred and thirty-five Members and forty.fotir f-'enators njked in writing Unit Secretary Stan Ion be appointed to sin ce il Justice Grier, and the Senate manifested their admiration of the by coufiiiiitiii: him in less than sn hour ufl?r his niu e reached lliem, by 43 to 11. The American settlement founded In lSfiS In the Bruztllian provinees-ufS in Pan In by migratory rebels Irnm Hie !n utbi tu Kiati s is one i of the must fertile nnd prot eroii in Br-iz I. Il lies on the rnite or the pro posed extension of. the San Paulo ritlwt y from Jundinhy to Campinas. Outrun is being planted there on a larger rc lie t! nn. ever and tbo cultivators are much encour aged. F.fty miles of tho California nnd Oteg' n Railroad bavo been completed, and ii Is believed the trnck will reach Mill Cieek, one hundred nnd twelve miles distant fiom Sacramento, by March next. Survive arc being made for a lite t liruu j;h the Kan Joaquin valley counl'es le the southern boundary of lb Slate, which will t liter San Francisco on the track of the Western Pacific Railroad via Oikland. ,'Tomtnv, my son, fetch In a stick of wood." "Ah! my dear mother," respond o l the youth, "the grammatical portion ol your education has been sally neglected. Y, u should have sa:d: Thomas, my sor, transport from that recumbent collection of combustible material upon the threshold ol' this edflice, one of tho tailed excrescence of i defunct ojt." A western poet hus found inspiration in the Ricbardson-MeFarland affair, and after a decidedly original jtalement of tbo case he moralizes thus: "'Tis wrmCg, 'tis dangerous to pcaco or life, To touch man's honor, or hi" wife; Public opinion wilt not allow, Med lllng in Tumilies uny how." VorauJii SJitU'-iiJrosshi'j. IIATUlQ IfOOMH. rTlUE snbscillier Im fitted i.p lit sfcrmd floor In I U .1 .t,u-ul.C U-fl (jllxlji.. :-'."It, M u .I.o.-L-ill.;, Barln tstini F'jiir flrt.t-rUiii workmen. -will be in ibendance. 'I'll-r ' iri 'In e..-e-'tia.icei to Iho lisr Iwr Miop, one boiwu n ilo li.ulJlnpv. 01 through tltnolil ronnif on Tbonrat rtjor, hiU's two lligtile ef a r 1 om I be )t w:iitt. Mlw -' CHARLES J. LEOKniTfEtt pi - wrwT! - mrsiimafi! r ' If yi)U Wnut Io sec ttu'laiicest selection o Holiday iiifis ever tillered In town go to Griffi s Bros. . Dec. 22 If. Fancy work boxes of nil kinds at Griffes Bros. Deo. 22 If Bohemian plitss toilet sets Parian vases aud figures at GrlflVs Bros. Dec. 22 If A splendid assortment of Diamond goods just received at II. L. Nnse's, No 10 Spring St. TiltiBVilie. ' Dft, 22 lioi). A laige steik of ladies and gents gold Watches just received at II. L. Nnse's, No 10 Spriiu St. Tltusville. Deo. 22 lmo. Slippers for the Holidays at A. S Smith's. Dec. 21 t-f. Slipper iPaltotnef for presents at A. S. Smith's. Dee. 21 I f. attorlnent ot lutes' style oT ladies ,ta oes at A. S. Smith's Dec. 21 t-f. , Tho largest variety of Sterliug Silver Ware, and silver plated ware, such as Ten Sette, Cake Ba skets, Fruit Stands, Castors, it,, Ac, ever brought to tbo oil regions, can be found at II. L. Nnse's jewelry store No. 10 Spring Street. Tltusville, Fa. Dec. 22 lmo. Grand opening ot Toys ul A. il. Fhult's at reduced prices. Also a heavy sioc't ;of Candies and Nuts that will be sold cheap through the Holidays. Pec. 21 t-'. I M. S. Simmons lias soma very be.tu'.ilu articles suitable Tor ptesenls displayed iu his Drug More. IVc. 21 i f. Step into S;in uni'i iru4 Sior.' nnd ii you d in t t! .d itn Hun.; roitible lt n present, we oon't .sk vou ag.iiu. Dec 21 II'. Smelling -isiied t.'iur ti.ils in eret variety i Cr Ifes. ;-. I'. e 22 ;f Colo M. S. Simtnun's l"ii Kti-r lor Holiday go ,ds. To:. 21 l-f. WritUu f'.r f.'ui Z'i.'y li'cvr.l. None ni i ! Il ir.e beaut 't. I'.eetlu, For -l 9 en to lade twai ; Yet If awKr.K bas a ciinrmii'.g m-cre!; Mant-e t-eaoty rioi Hinst decav At bis Puotosraph Gallery. Not flie i, rt tjj-H !i'!Iful H'1-iess I'an Ike tiimmn l ite po. tiay. Ltli" thine tptenUid li: like p.c'ures ; Woven hy the f Just nliNy At UaHkaHH Art Gallery. Friendt huvs we who ilrarly clo ris', Who m ii il rie ii picture true, Tr i to nut, re. in t t:e'ct ko,ll peiih; l'.AI'ltlR It kkel '.I.i-i:i iu. I i lea. How pp-ss-int to : on e f, inr- ot Iri. n t It. i.t, i r tt im it'ut i.,.e p-s, ! away. N. R. A can! r--i r 'e-t! i.; r. u of the recent li'tal mi bi i-c! se. 1 1 na-d In iH-h p-rci!l l.r.lel- O I H In f e.Z-'l vSf"! Phulugrapt.ial IUrs-- k'.-i I'.c on- G ill erv l-e. II 2 iv. TheNi-w las PkiiIjJ lor ,e a. .N c'iolsoo V IiUi:lio..n . sr. U'dncd fns-sai Lainiiirte J Alden's. P" pets fir lite li-d;-'- ut A. Smith's. Dec. 21 t-f. SlipT) r Patterns roc pr.-s-uilsat A. S. Smith's. Dec. 21 t-f. The J."el lin.1 lUl.p l"l File Rl .V i ebli'son -t Hic'.-norn. " if. The l.i-;:ei,t nnd bet naioriment of T.tble ''lillerv ever lirini.-bt into tho country, at Nic.'ioolsi'i it illoKmo:i '. tL, Snsnni?s Pn.a ta Ci.oskh. N'ichelpnn l. Blackiiinn having beiiglit bint out st Ibis pluce and ICnn" Ci!. K. LTndercloUiing in lure quaulilies at Lam raeis i A'd'n's. Kid Gi.oaf.s A large assortment, at Lamms & Alden's. ' ' PtlERIF S.IFK IS Cl.llMBll Nicholson ,t Blaekinnn havin.' h-mkt hia eut al tliis place and Kane City. tf. The largest ami best ssforlsinnt of Table f'ullerv, aver brought into Iho country at Nichcolson A Biacltmon's. ll. FOR HXIjV. CIIEAl. A NEW MARVIN SAFE, llrqulre of ft. FRKKM X. Dei. SI t f. Denier In Fine Watcl'iis, Diamond and Gold Jewelry, Clocks, Movliiig Sitvor Ware, lire Arm, Arc. Alt K ND8 OF POL'D .TF.WUL.ltV MADK TO UUtiKlt. f Itcpnirliip, I'ligmvina, v m rorolvo Im mcdiituctloulioii by oxpoi'L wolkiucu , AO. lOSPltlXO STBEETj 1 1 ITS YILLE, r A. il'.cQ2 ty - vei NEW ADVERT lSnilliNTS. KOLCDAYS ARE NEAR AT nAND AND OLD HIMSELF UAS MAD! HIS TjbtTAL CII.L J. WOLF, And left the Largest and most Comply Stock ef Goods suitable for llolblaj Pieseuts ever n'lerei In this MurkeL Watches, Jewelry, tioJd and Silver Chains, Silver and Plated Ware, Musical Instrument!, BTALBUM8! IS LARG5 VARIETY, COM PRXS, CilTLESV, KliVUliVEKI, Alio s iarfs stid w.ll M'ectiil Hock ot MEERSCHAUM PIPES, Cigar ilnltlsri, Ac, Tcfctber w th a !! soortfl itosk of "T7,! n rtr 43-v r r P e call n. tak a look at JT Uct. WASHINGTON' -TIIKBT, PUTlOJ l.K M ;KNTKE. PA. iiiri' I t. J. will.. 3s;SJDEflOE Ffln SAIL Helr..tfju l-a i, I'. n'd. v i, suns r atj.Hj T W ;-!Ti)HV i 1 V K Jj L l C. , Lathed or'f t 'f 1rri, vrlth frq iiPivft i n esrfc fllft '.( d C 'ltl" clvcu lit M i J - c r.iuT At 1'J n (be i;n mi: JOUN ..OHS-(M. ''o'TJs'v. f-:x'C'y- m FO I THE HOLIDAYS Catholic Fair! Oper.!U SO BEL'S- HALL, J'KTRULKUM CENTRE, MONDAY, DKO. 2'iTU, '00. Useful and Ornamental Articles, Toys and Christmas Pres ents in Abundance. Refreshments In ercry style alway n hand. Tho followlun a-tUlw will be contotoa on A GOLD HEADED CANE. Pe.ween M-Hr. S. A. Woodn, Vncle John Null". Iriu nnd Hotit. Tiijlor. A UEAUTIFUL RIFLE, Between . Ksydolde anil Oiio. W!,on. A GOLD HEADED CANE, Uetwiicu the Pectors r Centro and vl (.inity. A REVOLVER. IMwcen Messrs. Kinney, lwreuce end Mcllugn. A FRENCH MANTLE CLOCK' D.!tivten Messrs. Fiimy. Fox, UeHenssoaad I r alker. A REG AR HOLDER, Djtueen Mesrs, I'. SUMahon, M. J. Fee'v 8 D,lly A MAGNIFICENT STOLE, Between the Owrrerst Inns 01 Oil Oily, Tiltu'i'W' huiX i'tiie'eum Centre. A GOLD CHAIN, will he awarded to the moil pooulsr Cent!om and A SILK DRESS PATTERN, To the meet nopular Lady MaiMi:"- TlIEFIsIlPOX!). will l3 In foil oaeratloo. ' Doom imca nt 7 p. m. iiud close at ll. Admission 10 cents. COMM1TT1.E: - ,, J. f Floi.. K Univ. A. B. Built-'-Ownlliirrwy, W. JIlGoo, U Swuene.'-b'-ctS ti