JUSCZLLANEOUS. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, TEED SALE STABLES! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, fITJtOLlDM CINTB1 FA . ":. ::. ' "Hock inf DRIVING AND SADDLE Bw M the Creek, ue to be found at M' Donald's Llfery. AKRIABES & CUTTERS TO B LET AT ALL TIMES. R9ES FED.fAc: BOAKDED a Reasanabl Tersna. V .amlng of all hind at tended to Promptly. CrG!T.ec.a T M,D0NAlj , f etroleam Centre, Nev. II, 186S. LIVERY FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite tlie Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, FENS' A. I bavo put Id a (rood stock of Riding and Driving Horses, which I will lot on reasonable terms. -Also, Cutters, Wagons, Spring Wagons Vc. HORS1S boank.il and fed and best of care goax JTtf. A. SMAWLEY." STORE. The ord"rlnnpd bavins fitted np a new rtore on WASHMUTON & SECOSJDiSXS.,? Fetroleum;,Centre, It now prepared to furnish his customers with ev rythlus in ilia house lurulshius line. Stoves and Tin ware, Iiantcrns Funcr Articles stamped, Pressed and JapnntMl Ware, Also a Iirg stock, of i Brass Ac Iron Fitting UOM. PISTON ANP II EM P PACKING. I.ACE LEATIlW. etc., THE CUAMPIuN AMD NOVEl'.TY CLOTHES WKIN0KK9, WATER COOLERS orall SIZES. a 11 Wni-lr mvimntlr atten- JUl -"J J- i - wit!! Tuntnc-S?t and U13- " . patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Sterm Fitting, hav : rinc Vittinrr Mnp.liine not JU" il - - excelled in the Oil Region for cutting Gas Pipe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. Ptrolnnm Ceiitrn. .Tnly) lsi.'.t it..u PBBM! RUSS & ' iBAVIBSON, 33 Diamond Ht., itbsviixe. pa. (Oppoalte Herald Office) W 1 1' 1 V.t I ,1 ,.r.njt it pnllc nr ally to call and examine out SPLENDID FALL ST03K OF 1 iFURNIIUHE'.OF ALL KINDS. Parlor Suite, Chamber Sols. Book Cases, Side boards, Lounges, Carpets, Mirrors, and every de crlptlon of furniture, plain and fashionable Teams reasonable. J" ty To Milliners and Country Storekeepers. FALLTRADE. AVIIOLF.SAI.E HEPARTME.T UP STAIRS. PESIKATiLE goods received dally from snrllon ami prlviitesule Our stuck of Feathers, Flow era, Baiius, Silks, Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Trin mlnge. Fringes, Yankee Notion, Fancy Goods, etc., etc Is litres and cheap. We cut length, at piece prices. Buy and sell for cash. Edward ISUley & Son, (ftrBll, & 311 Grand, and -65, 68 & 70 Allen Street, I fjornor store, fifth block east fnm the Bowery, NEW YORK CITT. - C. A. Diittey, XXEALi.-t ln'sorond hand enar nes. rinllers. Tub Xlinu, Casing, also now Wood & i'.ann engines eo sbiully on band. Having the facilities for CLEANING AND REPAIRING EN" GINES, will do'eo'on th most reasonable torms. Parties 'Having Engines for Sale Will do well to fW me a call. PlatfoinVnear the O. C. A.lt. R., PI!j.BOltin OF.MTUK, P 04. A, If. 1869. FOR THE Fall Trade NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, J. WASHINGTON ST., etroleum Centre. Pa. HAS JCST OPENED A LARGS AND COMPLETE STOCK OP FOREIGN miESTIC DRY GOODS, For tho Fall Trade, embracing a full Line BLACK AZAPACAS, FOPLjy ALAPCAS, POPLIXS, &ILKS Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes, Calicos, Muslins, and a choice assortment of LADIES ANB CrEHTS FCRXISIIIXG GOODS And also a choice assortment of FLANNES vry cheap. Onr Line of Alpacas anil Pop lin Alpacas la the finest and cheapest in tb place. septl3:tf F. .!. HAN 3 A & OK, MACHINE & BOILER SHO WAS11IXGTOX ST.. PE TKOIiElJM CErVTIlE, Pa. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds or Machine Work don promptly and warranted to ctve satisfaction. 'J. TIANNA 4 Co. BUFFALO AND F.I11K RAJi:iJrA5. On and after Monday, Nuv. iDiil, lsuj, Passenger Trains will run on this road at follows: 1EAVK BItIK GO'NQ EAST. It f ft A. M. NIGHT EXPIiEt-s, stopping al " Kipley, Wcstficld, Dunkirk and Mirer crock, arrlvlii''ut RufTalo M 4.45 A. M. tft'la A.M., NEW YORK EXl'KtSS, t.,n ''"' pingat Wcelflcld, Brortun. Dunkirk, Mil vorcreek, and Angola, nrrlvinr in Uuli'alt at 8,10 P. M 7l p- w- CINCINNATI KXPKES, ,to a j,2 nt Northeast, Wesillcld llrocton, Dunkirk and Sllrcrereck, end ariivea at Uuffiilo at lo,45 P. M. C,nn A. M., MAH, AND ACCOMMODA TION, itopplngat allatlons.!itriviicat Iltinnloat 1u.4m A. M. 3,t P. Al., DAY EXPRESS, stopplnc i- Norllieast, Hlpley, Xt'ntlU'ld, Jjuiikirk, Silvurcrm anil Aigola, uaiviui; at Bui. fulo at 7,ilo P, M. LKAVB BUFFALO Onr?f(l WKST. 10'9 V. M., DAY EXPltESS stopping at An .i,t poia, silvfrcnrk, Dunkirk, liroc'on, Witfleld and Korthcast, aniving at Eric nt 8,-15 P. M. 4.fAI' M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA UW TION, stopping ftt nil stations, arilvinc at Erie at H,5o P. M. 1i A- M ' Tol.KDO KXIHEWft. flopping nt ' all stations, 'ind uriivini; at Eilo a lo,vc A. M. 'ftft p M , STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, stop V ping at Angola, bihe.-' ic.l;, DitnVirk Brocton, WestlP id ouii Soi'tii..-:it, arriv inc nc l.nc at i,o a .i A- ' MUH'l EX I'H !., ftnppln ." riivercrccK, j-'unaiiK nn,i vVc-t fluid, nr. riving L HI H,W A. .! Railroad timu is lo ntinulcs tnnr tirtn Kilo tim It iv l-KOVVN, C. i.'l H n,.t-, THE RIALTO I'ETKOLLUM CENTUE, A. 11 HI? midprslgncd liavlna jofiltetl ami onpnrd the Hlnlto Hotel, on tlie Kurcpeim j !an, in piepnr 0(1 to lum(rh L'Ui'Nts ith ntcitU nt nil hour. All tuo rielicHcifft of the caf ii cnntnittly on lmtid I'rlvute pintles t-uiptaa ut atiortnouce. FRESH OYSTERS in tha Shell received daily from New York OYTTERS BY THE QUAKT, GALLON On THOUSAND, To suit Hotels or Private Families. Feeling gmicful for past fnvory, I hope by itrlc tttetnii.iiiu business to merit tho patriinegfi or the BAL1M, t?3 W o 13 o Si CD P Jf W 01 mi Bally ncord NEWSPAPER, AH Job Printing Office; lf A IS STRUT II.LNC:TELIi.:S'reprlte Irom'Vew York, Phlladclphta,'anil Plltsbnv. which together lth Editorial and Local matter, make it rne of the mmt dirblc uesprra puMislied In isv KL xivgioa. as au AdvrtSainj Mctliarn, The RncOKD h no superior, It clrciite whercTer an Oil Operator r Dialer u be found. JuBSIl BSPARBENT. W have a lane and well' selected assortment of Joblilufr Itlalorlul, emurucluj th vry latest styles. Wo ar tltcrcfor, enabled to execnte Jo Weik of every variety In a satisfactory mniit when dtniieJ, jobs will be neatiyprintcd in Colobs Shipping Bills. Poster , Ilaiid-ISUIi, Fiogranime, Dlllt of Fare. Labels. ! AND IliiBincM and initing CardsJ LETTER - IIEADS, B1LL-TIEAD3, V KILLS OF FADING, Etc , Etc . ILS0 s ALL PRINTING.' . la ar Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly execa jted, euibracinti HTtCftLAK PROGltAMMES CAltDK, TICKETS, Kte, njfact, every variety ar.o style of work In utter, - , press printing. Morcttants, Lawyers, lostlces of the Peace, Land Agents, Ml Peaiuri and Agents, Insnrance Agents, Expressmen and ether parties in want, are Informed hat we are prepared lo execnte too'.-der all kine of sstialty. rusluessr legale rsqwirat la rMe nm- McEowen fc Co., (Corner Spriag and Moiroe'Slreeta,) TITUSVILBL WOT'LD call the attention or Grocery Dealtn of th Oil Keaions totliefnct that ther ban established fur the accoinmodationi of the trade I . A str)ctly Wholesale . Or o eery House, Theonlyont of the kind In th Oil lterloss W have aitm tho necenity or such an Mtabliah. mcnt lor along tlsso. Th Retail Dalers whe pays hi taxca and llcansos nnd ventnreslils caiital in his buaiauss, SWi BfiFroteclel Inlt. Wepropose to do it by Selling to Dea'ers Only.' Wo have Injilorea LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK, oseprl.ing everything that Is required tn FIRST - C1USS STORE Which we offer nt prices that will Compete with any Market in the Conutrv. W rnrd'nlly !n '.te m ciamina'.Vm rf p d iatiry (ur o 'm KOBSON'S Oil Crfek Vive Wosks. t'HAlif-KSI ItO5iO. Jc Co., Corner of Keuern A- t'entre Sla.. Ea t lJo ,il creek, Oil City, a'a., I)i alert lu Morris, Tusker A Co't OIL WEI.l. TUBING AND CASING, A1SO, WOr.KINT. PAIirKI.S AND VALYIS, fc'iUFKlNO noxi:s, CLAMfb, TuNOS, at'CliEU HODS, At MrtcLinery for Oil Wells & Eefineriii nOHINO TOOLS, OIL PI. MI'S, PRtVINn PIPE, COLD WA l'KU PCSPSJ Jtvcry description of surrLiEs foii oir, wells and re- HNKKIES, Also, STUTES, TINWABE, .; BUASS GOODS, rraAfS AXP OAS FrTTlXOS, .-. BELT1XQ, tAVKiSO, a UOSl, HAHDWAIiE, IIOCBsl TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Hope, Onkum, Nails, Aea, CofTee Mill, Table i Pocket Cutlery; Full Assortment or Everything In the JI AMD WARE LINE. .Imse Fnnlshlng Goods, Lamps, C'hlinnnvs, No. 1 Winter Ptrninrd Lard Oil, No. 1 Defined Oil, 8""r TSl?..ndDoorM.t niamnioii Clothes Wringers Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Repairing or all kind done with neatness an dispatch. Especial attention glreu to . STEAM AND GAS FITTING. el We ha endeavorea mmmi " ?.' , 1.7,. lis the publle. and shall use ev.ry exertion to Insure XTffiu- forfnrnlshln line, having been greally increased, In the or onr New BttlldiiiL'. are now . tchMEN'I BUPEIIIOR TO ANY OTHER KSTABUSHMt.. aug91m. . TMTIIKOILUKOION. - cf.ifiktiftT.flM. J. Jr . svii""""- Proprietor or the "BufTao Bakery- Dealer cboite Flonr, Butter, rg and fr Also, thoic Groceries, Petroleum tonne, r. uoon ouiiviTii:u. ...to,wlrorallkini to to KtlSOl BKODUKAD OO'S, No, 11 C.a rttefc.Pt0OO. l a. PetroMurj Ovi.rrt, Psa, Oct. VH.