ZE3BBBBgSB&2E8Sffl5BE22E3E. DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL '8 rssi: ?: a u k irs-s. . f)n ii i' ok Pi:ii:(.Ki M ' Ci:.vrrn IVmi.v niM-iitin. J'KTIti.'I.KfM (Jkntke Dec 9 S mPtzzTR ma RjS llCHil COR. FRANKLIN TXTUSVILLE, hi teiisivc Assortment of Foreign and Domestic v . Which I am prepared to Make TITUS VILLE. DRESS GOBI " fey & Cite inn lite M o old 0 CAM " I-1 LACES ' lMi.1i.Uf Til . t'iiAAil & . T II A V litilt 13-1 lInIdo: I.nnr, N. V., MMISSiej J1EE0HIM3, am unw )rormroi to nvolvn m rv.mmia.itnit n..i m:ki) Llk.Tiil Aivrtnci8 to IlL-flutirs and "Jailors !u v 1 uui uuu niniica un. O VITRIOL. CJIA.VE, T 17 A CHRIS .V Co., . i'j;i iiO!,i:i'M i-kn i'!:i:, pa , 7 Keen mi hum OIL VITRIOL. IW.rE it VVMITE PAINT, CAUSTIC!. S(H) null nr.ri,' Aro prepared to iiiihe llh.ml tllwouut tu Keflner, .-i--u, mm hui J1UI no UUU0.lolJ HI Ally of till ab in: article. loj.inulU It CKANK, M II AAKKK A Co. ( liii.Dnn s cakkiaok A Anajawonmaut it Ui. rrnimr Ptaig : PETROLEUM IRON WORKS ICrjun, Uillinghum &. Co., Iron and Bmss Fcundm , Maouractnrfri of EVfJINU., ROIIERT, DRII.I.IXG TOULS, MULUaY AND .SASH SAW JIILLH, PUMPINU ltlti.S, .WAl.KIN'fr BEAM AND BAND WHKEL IKONS. l'LOW.-i. AM) AM. KINDS OF iiahtrin VllOLEriADO i liETAlL DEALEli.S IN I V 111 OU, WELLS, At. T.tuiville, Nov. S'jlh, lat. U. & SPRING STS PA. up to Order on Short Notice ! iiu2:t. The Old an:l stabishsd DRY GOODS! STORE. S. SOB EL, Prop'r, IVrxt tdoor io nt-? Opri; House, Petroleum Ontru. Af:rr n numVr nf vr-ars- (-prut in r.-iti-riu to the want of the citizen- uf fYtro"enni Centre (in 1 lclii;ty. I doir lo return my thank fnMe r b.rn.-iriL't? nr.-l u- tllem limi, 1 Uuva ml I' d kivsil'y lo n:y ytUi.-l.- this i nil, nnd-ith oren('J tu--ill-lie? til enQb'cd.Ofeu.l'rtar.irrilnn evir before 1 !.c d JUST OPENED Another Trcs'j Supply cf WIST BR DRY GOODS. Pt:'.!!, !tul Fancy "ires. Goiidx, 32 a:: til I a Silk Yeivvf, ('ltinc'iit'ng, r'ULL aso;itmkxt OF FINE FURS lU.ANKKt.-, IT.AN.Vn.S .1 PHAVL ; cloths a t'As.siMj:n:-:s, Carjiffs, ttil I'lotiij, Safe, T"UEa SATCIIICI.S, nrd a full line r,r OfcXTB' FCKXISUUU, UUOM. C -IOTIIIO FHflNT. :r.x-lt, tivo ftor'e l l.-li, re X eent'.Y iialnti d itru i.tuTi.-il. Kilrle n. piui try coal nud vend Iioihc llla;'ln-,l. Coiivnlrtil to walen. Mtnatml on the Eirbert Varm l.i the lih-a--auti-i teo'i of l'eiroh'iun ('.-ntrtt. jVPi-ly on the premises of n"v:i tf J. L. IIAltlHXO. lIS;OIiCTIO."V "VOTICE. fljUJH e-i fnrtre-Hhip heretnfia-n cxiniier bi'twcn .'1 . Q- ) . llawe. and K .1. l!o:. In I'm n il-, inn hiwhl. 1, Hi's day dissolved by luuliinl eon-en', B. 4 --livfj. ntiriiat fnn 11.0 linn. 'Ihe hiiiine will he uintlimeu, r.n 1 all hiiHii.a-a of the laieflriu wli be is.'lihd bv (l W. ilaive.-i ,i.ul Nov. Si.d ISO). O. W. HA WES, - uuvllO uw. K. J. JtUSs lf To Jlilliuetf ind Country Storekeepers. FALLTRADE. WIIfiLESAW IJEPARTJIi: 7T UP STA lllS. T"vKHIIiAlll.iigeoda received djilv from im-ti in I ' a ad pr v.iemnle Cnr stock of Feather, r' ow-er.-i SUim. .diri. Velvet., Hihlion, Lace--, Til" -tn int-. l-'ri:iir :. Yankro NntlonH, i'ani'y Uood.i, ate. eie is larw. and elnitp. Wo cut lcuiitlw at ploco piices. I'uy and sell focah. K:ivvarl ftlJ!iy & t'jii, 09, 811, ct- 311' Grand, and -'G, OS 0 70 Allen titacls, Comer etoro. llfih block (as! fn ui the Uowof, , kebt vcKK rrrr. Tlio tii.iiil.t is weak Willi nuotnlion Inwpr. Ki Kile. ViV qnoir l fr,40 i f 5,455' ICrpurMof nil IheSnloM nf i'rtrolcatnt , In Mew Yark Ton lord ny. ClU'la in Liiilk uul 11141111'ud fur lu any ex tent, iricrt straily, Kmall lot.i ecliiut; If',1 J, rclinrd very dull traile, pi lew barrtly llril, nut quotuMy ctmngod, rxporla out of murliot. SbIi'b 1000 Mill aUudnrd whilu spot 3500 tbls ditto balarou of month 32. l'bilaili'lplii delivery quolu slow trade, pri:? 2500 l.bls refined ftandiird white bnliince of niontli brought 32;-.. i-t. JUlI.l.ti't illA iiti.N.Jt 1 1 1, Milt A I'll, ll cttci n I nlou l,iuo ITSnrkct ICeporU psciul Uijpiicctiufl to the DallKjcord. tirw Tork. lec. 10. Cinde. ISt.r. Ubla. . UWiucd, Jail. . KuvJtDeu. .pot. , Market lirm. 1'hiludelphia, Dec 10. SI. S. W.3JS3'4'. Crude 18'.;. - l: L. .S. to W., Market -Weak l'ltlabuig, Do. 10. ?1 ot IP. S O ail year . J5-(,' bllyrar .' Jielii.ed 3). Ujt tu leo .'.iaittet liill. Am wkki', Dec. 105 p. m. Crude 01'.,'. LivKiii'ooi.. Did. lu. 1-20 p. to. llefmed 20. .Spirits lii,l. Hum burg, Dec 10 S Shiilin-is. 15 inaik. heavy. Ureiueo Dec 10. Oroalcs 6 ' TlinteiK. ; 01.it i., Ntw V'onit. Kew Yoiik. Dec. 10. Cold 12.1 r r. r ri 14J t qif tu E M-omciso ci.xss . w prc JL pnvil ' Innii-h all i lussci with cimsiant mi piiivmnil at home, the wlmln i.f I'm li-ne or f.pr the n'ltin- iimhih im.. lisi,,, nnw, llhl and prolltable. IWoua of il; her -ex :iily enni IVom 40c. M I t 1 v.! -in ii'id n Troporthiiuil tllin 'by derotiiiK taidr v.-hcli" ihae t:i ihc nu-l,.i.ss. it. ivs nn,l Kii- ei. n nearly us nuii-h i,h man. Thai all whn m-i'thi uol:e.tt tuny h. ihI :;tM, mlclrt.-p. anil t-t tne lilt I rlt-?4 imiku Ihi.' iiiiMia,l-eit ciir,'r: To nia-h are no well lti.-11J.rn w.ll - I $ 1 to v for -hii trial Ii" oUvrltli;'.. I'all pailiLulnrs, it valuable cimulv m hlp'i Milulo to fumtio nie werli on. nud ropy o the rnih ' l.i'eiirij fumpanion ,neol tin! InrR 8 i:r,: liet l .mil v 11. sp:iici ipimli-!,,itl h0nI tm. bv mad In 11 ir, If yon vnnl pel 01:111' nt, prolltable wo-k uildrow K. C. A1..KN A; CD - Aie'nsta AlaiH'V novJ:tni: Iviu'n! AOtific. 'cw I'Icsir, !! amtJ Grocery Store S J. .. fUATirt'EI, AttheOl.-l n.W'i; TI'JIT.HIMi, VZS MAIM-ST. ep,it.?ite t!.n U-r!lnlor !c lleu-e, 1.::. ou hand 8 hu-eaud fi;-t ila-s "lock of flour, feed mid tlrocrvler, whirl: he 1? ffllin... nt a low fl-nre. t. Don't for ,'rt the plana v!ii:r A, O. (.'otten A Contjlltti) hr.-vke up. C'..I UJ.tli roVK nn1 V.tr. ::npiiti.-.s f 'Fritc .ilnrrlnpe T(l SAYS for m.u- l' y.vn ill Ihi Krrorj. Ali.t.iH J JVtt.1 l!!ae Hliiv.li dertrojr lira Manly 1'owiva a::d cream il:'J:: din.in ol MAUI.'IACE, with :ire n.c iiu of tvi'ef. Fi m is ii'.dedli ttirfaTi-lopn Iree ul i'rar"o. Ad'ircw Hoil1 .ocinlion liur. 1'. 1 hi'ud.-Vl,ia. Pa. rci V.4 &m. '" . A :.ltS. A ( leiL'yii.nii, let. dan; In South A marie inn m'ushn nry, d-fei'Vi-veU a wtfuuwl aiiaplo remedy f.a the t u-ei f XetToti, Wiahncrs. J'arly Dicay, Idnrnxejor tlw I'n'lary i;nd brmlnal Ore.am, nt:d tlie whole train rf dlr ulcere htvi.tht 101 by l.i.n, and vlclotts l-alilta. rent nu-ihir;' hnvo "bei ncur ed by Ihls nihle nnmiy. J'rou.i ted by nilc.-lri-1, heneflt ihe rflhcti d and unfortuiiiiie, I will erai the receipt forprepn lie; aid ushii; itiis ineidcinn. Inn sealed lliveh.pe, lo niiy 11110 who n idsll, Frit of Ihitrgt. .W:vj. JiM-:iH T. INMAV, Ma.ion I). Jiihb- lloii.p, N. V t ;ty t'..riiir.-i ANa!L t j.ojih! JUS I' KKCRVnl), fonlt! nlee pplerra. et ah :. V l i-.Mt Ul.ii STOHR. :t.(MU.I., l'A., J.Nr.rKA.CK AOKNCY I. H. KIL1I1RD, -Agent. ..ti0.M C'AIITAL. Ucpr-.-'r-utcl iu. d flnfuH fnvoftid l ihc folio w- Ul". n li'ihit M)iiiniriii'.-i: 'i Lo Mu'ua! i.'fi: ,!iMinmc2 Co. of X. V..ik. cap:iiil. 9?7.000.O?C xiii" ,i-.in.i .:it uiBuiance i,o. ui iiariioru Cllflll.. rjliilai. Tin; Himuh Iiituriinco Co. otKen York, IMjiilK', n.c liiHiiraii''- Co of North Americn. i'.i., itii, 1V lliniM- uf -New Iliivon, Cic(.t!nitt Tlio Aihuty City hifcunincc Co.. of AlhA- iiy. Ntt.i York ra.-ital,. The a ii m l-'in I. if' In iruucc Co. it I liiJiidirijihia, capital, s.tK.o cor, 'I'l.iri .-V'en.-.v I- anioiifi the e!df?t nirene'e lu the r ::.ieof 1'oi.n-j-lvania. wet of Philaui:i,hia. Has paid till ';':; llle l.lAt iollrlt-i a ye-m o-r $300,000 IN LOSSES C ort l.)velllT!? H.--11S3I, CUilil-l.e.t, Kcfiool ilojpes a;id other l.uildiuya Insuroil Perpetually, Oil iu.-iirtd in Stnn and in Tinmit. IVlkirn n ene J ou !l ri uotlcs, In anj of tlio nhovit it, in fc-irAHfti Cu iiiwiji- Cflie in rrai,'.lin I'vri.i.n OHN J. MERCHANT TAILOR, OPPOSITE C03RINTHIAS- HALL, TITXJSVHL,TJ-E, - . pV., English I French and Scotch A Splendid CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, The krgsst in the Oil Region. The custom department is pre sided over ly one of the best and Most Fashion able Cutters m the State. HATS AND CAPS ens Furnishing AND SILK HATS MADE TO ORDER. Drilling Jars. Wo vniiM ri-sjipct Hilly niinonwp to our riinto-inei-f ami ihe public i,ciiemHy Uut we uccp cju stautiy oh hand Cast Steel DriMng Jars ! WW eli for strppirth nnd Durability excel any Stce! Liiii'd Jar hereto fore .h uu Tlie AtlvaBitayos wo. Claim ovrr T.l'ird Ja-s nro that, heitiLr A Ui STKKL. thny iri i-tron'-ier tlj n .7 nr. v...hj-J vanlv of Jroii: that pi t-s(.niiD a Mt i'l (tiirrati' tu rLv roi!K, ihy are ii- )Ti.,ifil tnrii wii ,r tu tLu outH'dL', nua wiil ktcp their fha-je lonyv'i. Fiftec! Muiin'd Tvvt. We nlso keen on h:ii:d Vnt la'oti Wcrkins Murrel. Fisher, Xorrf & Co. Fl-Vl KOLEir.ll i tMlli:. NovV.'Hi, 18'3-tf. IPioneei''..' -LI JUOR STORE. Tlie subscribers, having pur cl rsed the stand of M. lilo ney, on PctiOlcieiii Centre. Pa., has oi'i:m; a Branch Liquor Store and will continue to keep con stantly on hand a full supply ot OF ALL KtXDS. j. .v .17. Iauui;tt. fetnilnai Cnt:e, Vov. lStb, 18! tt Cliqu, Matnii, Ileiil-ilck, Oreen Seal Gold Seel and oilier favnrlt hrands c iri be ad by tending to Oann -v'a. noviaim 'PMIfOAI-n LY RK ! t lX Ii Hie , alv.lol'f" cV m-aiiami raa oil rvvio'1 CAR Assortment of AT. T. LEG GET, Manufacturer and Dialer in Seed Bagc, Valve CuiD., &c. Esi'prlHT.pcd wsrlim?i nrr; finpVyctl. nd Vt. i.p-H i.f all ki-jd- kep'. u n.rautly on hiu:d ai;tl rmae to orijvr. I. C IIc;n rat. ScMl-tlnv l or ;&l.' Repairing Done at all Times ! Cull and cximiuc our stoch ni t', jirtoi, Hai-SC, I'cSow i! e IVtroieum Ceiitre, IV, .Ian. 7th, -tt S. S. Oriswold, Dealer l IS" Order Ly the Cnr or Ton piomptlT Filled, Also, Ai;enl for the celebrated KMX nunm vmhi OFFICK ori Secoed Klroet, near It It. Track LF.KRTOl.'M CENTRE. J'A Jani'Str. .tatplawet French Boot Make r t ViVasliiiiKtOJi trcnl, v'' ,iy r. ; PHTKO I,;: CM CK. TJS K, p ., ' r I 1 ', Is manufncturliis to older FIlffiT-CLASH I1V i a,a 1UI.UII Patent riealhcrlSaola, Pniii axtim j;it. rreiwh Coli Solo Pnt, notK Welt Ilooti. HEAVY OR LIGHT VVOliK DONI. IV FI1EXCII STYLE. Call and aeapnmplea. 3. . PI.ANTE. retroleiiTallcnlie. I'a., July i Sin. Conjjreea U'aler la good lor all (Jafl'nev bus it. nox.lOtnl. " ... GiMiuliie .1 iiiia.-ia Kirn. German. SotQ.' and Tiish whi.-ky, at Gull-in'a, : i i .f 'v - : i' S JWl J.a nn l ,t;i.a.l Hv t ih. airSi