MISCELLANEOUS. K.-it''. 9?McEowen t & Co., N E W S P A P WCornc'r sI"'inB nd Mouroo Streets,)! FOR THE Fall Trade T. M'Donald, LI VERY, FEED & SALE STABLES! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA best Stock of DRIVING AND saddle HOUSES on the Creek, lire to be found at M' Donald's liivcry. 1AHRIABE3 & CUTTERS TO M LET AT ALL TIMES. FED;Jc; ISOAItDEl) on Reasonable Term. Teaming of all kinds At- teniled to Promptly. rpGW mc a call. , T M'DONAL . Petroleum Centre, Not. U, 180. LIVERY FEED STABLES, ' ' Waskington Street, opposite the Opera lloiise, ' PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I havfl put In n good stock of Eiclina nnd Driving Horses, which 1 will let on ' roasonallo terms. Also, CiiOer, Wagons, Spring Wagon, A;c. TIOUSSS boarded uud led mid best of caro guar, teed. H9 tf A. NMAWLEY.E pause nwtoluug STORE. rpb nnrler-.nnoil Vavlne flt'e 1 up " nw toro on I VASIHtiTON A: SECOXDSTS,,j Petroleum Centre, Ts m prepared to furnish hU customers with ev erything in the house furnishing lino. . Si to vps nil (J Tin ware, IinntoriiM, I'uih'V Articles, rXnuiiU'ri, ressel and .TnptitiD Ware, Also a JJr4! Stock'oX 4 II rsis A- Iron Filtiiilfi - OUM. PISTON AND HEMP I'-XCKINO. LACK LKATIIPit, e'e, TUB CHAMPION AND NOVELTY CLOTHES WHINGKItS, i WATER COI ILEUS ol all SIZES. All Job Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Sterm Fitting, hav ing a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil T'esrion for cutting Gas Pipe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. rtroleumJOentre, July'1s1!'.l tf..S FURNITURE SUSSjt;&..lBAVIBSGN, an Iivmoiid Nt., TXT9SVILX.I3, PA. ' (Opposite Herald Ofilce) 'Y . i I'itijf i'i 1 ?v'i a a. I opuV.lo en: ally to call and examine out SHtaa FAIl STflSK cr FURIITUROF'ALL Kim. Parlor Sufis,' Chamber Sets. B'K1; Caves, Side hoards, Lounges, Carpets, Mirrors, nnd rveiy de scription of furniture, plain and fashionable Tunis rcnsonnhle. ja To Milliners and Country Storekeepers. fallTtrade. WltiiLISALE KEPART3IE1W VP STA 1)7.1. PY.31H A TILE poods rereivrd dal'y from ' nuet Urn and privatesale Our stork of Feathers, F'ow ers. Kitlns, Sitka, Velvets, Hilibims. Laces, Tile tilings, Fringes, Yankee Notions, Fancy Uooris, etc.. ete., Is larire, end cheap. Wo cut lengths at piece priced, f.uy and sell l c:;sll. ,hv;.iil J8 1 ilh'y & Son, 00f 311, tfi 31U; Grand, and 06,08 16 70 Allen Stmt, Corner store, fifth block east from the Iiowery, . KKW YOliK CITY. , ; C. A. Dili fey, . ' . DEALR.t In'second hind cnirnes. 1 nl'ers, Tnh im?. Casing, iil-o new WooJ Maun i n.'iies Co tuully on h.ttid. Having the faUlltioi for CLEANING fAKO REPAIRING EN GINES, wlll'do'so on Ih mcBl readiiiubleterms. Parties Having Engines forSale Will do well to ylve me a i all. Platfo m near the O O. A A. It. H., J, pciRoi ri in !iTar,p.i 0 H, ' tf. , I Bill, WASHINGTON ST., ob rolcum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST OFENF.D A LAKGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF For th Full Trade, embracing a full Line BLACK AlAPACAS, 1'Cn.lX ALAPCAS, rOPLIXS, SILKS id Carpets, Oil Cloth?, Chintzes, Calicos, Muslins, and a choice assortment of LABIES j&NB CENTS And also a choice assort mrnt cf FLANN ES very cheap. Our Line of Alpncus and Pop liri" Alpacas is the llncst and cheapest in lh place. se)tl3:lf F. .3. cmA & m, MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WASUIXnTOX ST.. TiSOIiElM t'E.VT It 13, PE I'll. BOlliERS AND ENH1NFS REPAIRED AT SHOUT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Wovk done promptly and warranted to cive suriifuction. C. J. 1IANKA & Co. PMFALO AND f HII3 l!A!J.t;i)HV I (u and :ifler Mroi.inv, Nov. v.'rd, l.'.t, I'asseugur Trains yviil run im il.ls road us l"o:io'.m: 1 EAV: ElirE 0ON, r AUT. If I A A. M. NTtilJT FXI'KLSS, ptoi ianif at "' Klph-y, We-tfie',d, Dnnklik and- i-iivur creek, errTliv.'nt Hetiiiiont 4. ;5 A. M. liV'is. A- M- N,'w' VOHK EXI'KivSS, .top ," pit f; at Ymtfleri, liroi-ton. lluukilk. tiS verciek, and Alo'n, nrrivin: in Jtiifl'al( at " ,10 I'. M y,-: I'. li., CIXCIVNATI KXI'KESS, Ktoi ' jillur at Northeast, WcstnYM Droit. in. Dunkirk and Wlverrreek, and arrives el Hiilhllo at 1o,4.i P. V. Pi'dtl A- V ' MAII AN1) ACCOMMdPA i,.rnr 'J IOX. Hlo)inK at allstatlous.airHini.Mll Luflalo t l.i. li. A M. 'i'-S ' ,!-' UAV K.M'IiErifi. stripplns al f.-K' Northeast Kiplev, Ueatfnid, DunUirk, Silverrroek and Areola, arririiiK at Bui' fato at T.lJn P. M. LKAVK lUTrAlo OOINO WKST. (Mi J'- M., DAY KXPltFhS stopplmr at An a.i' ta, SilvercreeU, Dunkirk, lin,nn, etfleld nnd Nurlhetist, anivlni; at Eric . at S.-lfi P. M. I.f MJ H M , MAIL AND ACCflMMftDA -.ff TION, stopping at nil atatious, arrivint at l'.rie in n.Ro 1. M. tt'l(l A. M., TOLEDO EXPRESS. Mopplrent J ull utioiw, ind arriving at Eiie a' In,'.',. ftlii ,f STEAMBOAT EXPJIKSS, stop liVJU ,,init ni Atimil.i, Mh-cn-reelr, Dunkirk llnictoti, Westflcld and Nortlieast, arriv in? at Eiieal l.Su A. ,M. ..j A. 51., Mtill'l E.VI-UEK8, stonrlng a- fllvercrcex, liunklr'i i:u.i W iMteld,' ni rlvlnit ai hiie. el -Jt A. .M. h'ailrond time is Jo mil eu-s luster ttnn Eiie tim R ... J.HUWX, Uen'l h nj,t-. THE P.1ALTO Mill? n'.1i-rLnvd luivhii? rrfltt-d rl t'pennd the J iJu.' I. on tl"" pwm pl-m, prri Ji'-- 'ixl It; '.'iimlr h .'ii''HU wi li iwnaU ni nil hnurt. All hie i'cHck' i"!- til' t lu1 drnsim eimshmUy ou haijil PiiviiUi pa: lied mi; pllt d w bIi-jH f.ytlou. FRESH OYSTERS - in the Shell received daily from New York OYl'TEKSEY THE Qr.V'iT, GALLON On THOUSAND, To suit Iloto's or Private Familim. Feollnn' 6 aliTnl rnr rnJ( fii:ir(, I hpp0 i,v ,,.ic tttomicu to liiisines.-j lo merit the miu'i n'le'of the niihPe p. n"r.ili,v. i . y. 'j OI'LIFL". P -trn eu:n ( 'etttre, Vi.t 0-1 t'.f. tot L3". r 2.V0 0 a" wB;.tuss. 1 AND 'Job Prsotig Office, IIAIN STREET) . II.I.MSWELL, Proprlc tor. fnm'Vew York, I'hllodelphln, nd Pittfburjf, which iov'i fier lth KiMtorlalf and Local aiatlere, make It n ..r 'h- nt desirable uewtpaucra published In the Oil Hegloo. As an Advrlisiitff Medium, The KKOOurt haa no nperlnrHi It clrrnlatcs wl.errTerau Oil Operator or Denier can be found. J0B3IK D1PARIHEST. We have a Inrtrc and well" selected Mso.rtmont' of .Ioblini; .tatcrtal, emDncjiui Ue T.rj latest tyi. We are therefor, etuhted to eiecntc .To i Woi k of every variety Is a aatlalactorj manner when dciied, jobs will be fteatlyprtntH ttr Colors Poster Ilsaud-nuis. I'togruiKtnea.l .) Kills of Fare. Lnbcl. AND. rliiiJiMis tnnl ViNitine CarI LETTEK-1IEADH, BILL-nEADS, v BILLS OP FADING, Etc , Etc - - use II A 1,1, k'ltlNTlNf in r Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly ezecn ;tcd, embrac!ni , Cincr'LAIW VH00HAM51EB CAKDS, TICKETS, Ktc nfact, every variety art style of work In letter, v press I'linling. Merciants, Lawyers, liitlcei nf the Peace, Land Airents, Cll ea.ers aed Agents, lnsmanco Agents, Expressmen and cllier parties In lvant, are informed eati we are pref.arel to execute too'.-der all ktndj ot njimily. t-j, t'tisiui ssr leual,. tcijulred In tlJ torn- . 1 tho attention or O roeery llenliira ' Itelons lotliet'uet that they linn aeeoinmodath.ii of tho trade a Tho only We Iiavc sc nictit tor a lou LURY who pny lils taxi'i and licence's nnd tpj cilliltiil in hi. I.i,. .... ... , lli.lt. Wejpropose to do it hyfl Selling to Dea'ers On1 Wo have In'ituret LAIUIE AA'l) CAUEFd SELECTED STOCK, comprising cverythlns: tl.nl is rcqtttoi FIRST - ( LSS SDIBF, WUIch v olTcr nt prkes lint til 4 (Ompctr wilh anyMaij in the ('(uinlrv. We cnrd'aJly Invito nn ex.iniir.aHon r'1 EOESON'S Oil Cbfek 1jie V c iiaiili:) nOSlSO.TJACl Con or ot Seneca v i'entresn.1 t..uo till Creek, OU t H), raj Dealers In 51orrlf, Tasker IVi I OIL WELL TUBING AND t'J woniiiNa nAHRKi.s and v.m ves, KTI.'FFINU IIOXKS. CLAMPS, TtlXCS. J Machinery for Oil Wells & Sefis IIOHINO TOOLS, JIL I'L'MPS, EltlVINO PIPE. CULU AIP" Every description of SUPI'LIES FOR OIL WELLS AW FINERIES, Also. STOVES. . TINWARE BHAss coors, TXA.VS AXV OAS firnu.i, , j 11KLT1KQ, WC'AWOi""1" HAKDWAKE, HOUSK THIMI Curppntcrs' Tools, Rope, Oukiim, ..., Nuils, Axes,Coirce M' Tul.le i FocketCt Full AFSortmcnt of Everytlnog in Ins HARDWARE JA June Ftinlshlnii floods, Laieps, Ciiliimevs. u.rjoll l,o. 1 Winter StrnlnrJ Lm on No. 1 llcttuct! Oil, ." . B",lrSan!Dtf tliiitipioii ClolhcsWrim Jlnnnfiiclnrcrs oi Tin, Sheet Iron and Copp Kcpalnnsof all kinds done Willi STEAM AND GAS FIT'ING. We have endeavored to meal : th. pajrot.jtj the public ,u,d shall use every""!"1 to nui cot'llniiiinee. , , ,,V(lilri' In Our facilities for rernlsl.i e l f n, line, liinini? hcnn (irently of our New Huildili'.'. an; "'" pbm TSliJI KUI'ERMIH TO ANY O- IM' fABU' auai-3in. IN TDK O- p.prlolor of he "d,.,,,c, choi'-'1Bl-1'S"Vl Also, choice Or--. a , . . . . l'l 1. -irnrollV StlemW oKlivM' '.otlUexJJ rrq.,I-L ItElOI.D.tiih- - 'j I all'S...n.n the i.n ICKIol' 5