I' J' SOKE PRINT MISSING A . HISCELLAI.'EOCS. T. McDonald, ilVERY, TFEED & SALE STABLES ! At the ejit, opposite tin ('entail Ilu?e, PBTBOLKCM CENT R K TA rpnK't.e stock of thiitino Arn saddle X HOUSES on tho I'm k, are to be fipnr.il ' M'Koi:i!tl? .Livery. CARRIAGES & CUITEES 73 B LET AT ALL TIMES. OBSE3FE Ac BOAISI)E on Treasonable Terms. Teaminj f all kiwi tended to Promptly. Cr01vemc.cn. T Sl'DONAL . Pctrclentn Cent ro, Nov. If, 1SG8. LIVERY FEED STABLES, Wnsliincton Street, ' opposite the Opera Ilone, PETROLEUM CENTRE. rENN'A. I have put in n pnnrt stock of Tli.linir ami Driving JlorniK, wiii'.m i uph " r .'pisonalili' tcrnis. Also, Cutter. Watrosis. Sprins Wiieon, A-f. 1IOUSKS boarded and fid and Ui-si of care pnar B9tf rt. : - . BTORE. all..' TmnrInTv1 l.Lir? flt'eH "P J" "."I"70.0 WASHINGTON & SpEUIN1 SIS.,j Petroleum Centre, ta nrenlreil to fHrlllh 111 entnmcrs with cv- erytlilu in ttic house tnmippliiug lino- Stov.'smnd Tin ware, Laiittprns, f.'iir Articles w arn jTCTrf an THf ST " " " JUM. I'lSiV-N ANK I1KMI' l'Af'KTNO. T.ACE I.EATlIEIf, e'e . TIIR I 1IAM- PIN AM) Nop.-KI.TV CLOTHES WIHVOKe'S, WAVER CO' ILEUS ol'all SIZKS. All Job Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and 1 is- patch. Parlicnlar attention paic to Gas and Sterna Fitting, liav ing a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Kegion for cutting Gas 1 ipe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. Ptroliini ntro, .In'y 1M0 tf..8 aauss & LBAVIDS01J nrt Piaraond tSU, k'p. 'ilTU'iVlI.LE. PA. y tllppostte Herald Ofllce) .K-V-fJiis Wm'l Iti'au e.pi pk'rjiijiul ally to call acd exnmlns our FALL toyremain p'dnesday of il be highly rj may con- wi. "ahimself.Tiod rarlor Rnlt, Oliamtier Sets, Bof .., i aV'' '"I.. iv ' Pist-elssl3 iy day? bonrdai I.our,(;ca, t'ai-icts, Mirror. acrlptl'ia of furniture, plain and fusliionnblu. ' f..,.,;-. Te.un. fenionable. jn t3F" To Milliners und Country Storekeepers, "'"; FALLTRADE. MII0LES.4LE DEPAIITMEXT - ' VP STAWS. "I"T!SIKAHT,E Roods reeelved dnilv from nui-tinn , KD,'!,J,r,t!1,r'ly. ,'-r'!"''k"fViailier.sr:oH-.1'leasantvllle iiiii'K", rnni-n, Yankee NipiI.him, Fnncr Oiioiln. - ..IIIVa. iiiiiniiiid i.nf-t. -ri u, . EiJward ISiiiley & Son, , 09, 311, & mu Grand, and C6, G8 fi 70 Allen Street, C.Coraor store, Ifil, i,l,k east from the Bowery, p ) f NE,V VO"K CITY. C. A. Ilntftiy, nig. CasiiWr, aNo new Wood ft ..:,, r'..," CJ .t.ully cti .bt Having tl.o fpidlitlo for CLEANND REPAIRING EH- h-Zr Jul titS, will,doo on lb most nswon.ilile terms. Partes Having Engines for Sale Will L well to pi mn a rail. Pir.tfoiin near 'the y o. v. & a. u. ii., I'ExnOLEFPI Cr.NTRI , Oet w, r sr. ThMoil, , ; .'ont TallahajssJ, Florida, ntlrtuan' formerly mcm FO South Carolina, I an V .spn mm horn an the 1859. 1708. at rickfltiarillf, g. spectable and' affluent pa- educated at th South Car 1 1 at which tie graduated In j(r ""udyinjt the legal profession wn, n(in)it.til to tho bar 11'jiV veitfdjn a repres ntatlve ' .ha. nH.ll.. T LI.. r 'J'S Western circuit of ftj at one time. also I "neral of Stat troop. ha. .Jar-we tn not certain. In Ihompsun wai elected a represen- Congn is, serving for tbret terms, In 1810 chairman of the Cornmlt- 1 'Mi:.-.... ii.!.. . . J ".i in 1811 and during the lolleAvinir ''CFivfd the nppo'nttni'nt nf MJftiUtpr .potcnimi-r t Mi-xtco. Qn hif ruluro e Uoil.il Stales he wrote am'publiied rittf Ja8 dKISUaiijoinlag ro I ulilt,nliiite an extensive circii- gh liy no means a Urllllant , Mr. Thompson was a raao ; His career after his re- was nninterestintt, and 1 in Florida at the time of Vor tho Fall Trl'' ' " e, and with his fleam an- rorLtij.tni politicians of the asfed away. nw pnrrared in concentrat" -Suri Trtrer Indiuns on the Mjelected by the Govern- ver Niobrari, which ex jltith parallel westward rH vor to tho 104th merid Hill region. General Cai'l V"t,- ' 'i feed the nucleus of a j.river. near the old Kce (L i .V "Met Jrniat matlcia are pro- ready several Including a portion of the 01 . t. tincA unmA In with a jng wera comfortably housed, LA 151,1- .nitiated Into the mysteries General Stanley, in com f'l1J'!v:i'-ly, al writes that the , J...H. , . , , littl ft e present season. very CDoap. Uu lin Alnacas is the (ina -v i t. . f..rabout sixty yearn, icb has been about -j -j j - . , It is a small country JLv. JV. JJ.re, and the palren is .rish. It will be given "P-.f yil'ejivjlo one of the family, J. vui Uluing to the custom, to nily.for it is only the fools fee uero who go into the uiin f, if Tou can. $50,000 a rear iJi'Mlary of tha President of the (ten btate,thus taken out of the pockets oe people and given to a country parson uo will do all his work by deputy. iwooitnit tnree great universities of ft . . bnulsud, those of Cambridge and London have opened ihnir doors half way at least to women si eking a blghor education, by onfaiii-zing examinations for such, and giv nig ceruiicauia upon the results there. The women are not formally recognized as mem hereof tho universities; but they can, of j course, reaide near them, study as.' and of -mm mryi un.poee, waicn is what luo anen do, and acijt-pt lb results of tbo examina tions. whicB the univei-.i'ly presides over, es me man haire to. A' lucky fellAow at un auction eaile on a .1.. SP---.l 1.1 uiiimeiiiuH only bidder "-he lust paso of the marriaei. .ieni oi tne Ujupliin, Louis XVI ,aud v Antoinette, beurinj their signatures spwll as those of Louis VI1L and Cbarl. s - o i,U fur one dollar uud a half. That na , .worth its weight in diamonds at tl.e iperinl archivea, v I It io said that the production of oil at do I not now exreed 1000 I . , ... .. . jr, uujr. t ui. i a neavy tailing off oin a tnonm. The Uoulino in the pro. tlon is txkisg place all over the oil re A xt season no doubt there will be a nding increase. Physli situation of Petroleum Centre, Is re- v favorable to the establishment ol ' o'rliH and other manufactories. rise, is that a larger amount of s not been invested in tuoh uere. .'Xt a change takas p'ace in if Oil Creek & Allegheny Q(. Wo publish the tiaie il, this altcruoon. It will be the 1 1 mo of arrival and de- i uniti on mo riiau is c.ittiigeiti The ,ng wus;oikserved lu Boslon in oiied, Now Eng'suil style. It !ly there ail d.iy. n Tali Tn number of Indians now liviitg within the bounds or the Uniled Stales, exelusive ol those In Alaska, is about 300,000. So says the Commissioner of Indian ajlatrs. He ststes that the Cheyennes and' Arapa hoes have clearly violated their treaty prom ised made scarcely a year ago to the Commissioners sent to treat with them. It is difficult to account for their bad behavior on any other ground than their innate love of pi'under and revenge, under feeling of dissatisfaction, eaureil, it is presumed, by the Aon-d.livery of guns and ammunition pmniised them by the Commissioner, bot withheld because the Cheyennes bad not ki'pt ,tlie pence. Th great TenseKSea snake story was a g'loil Dne, but Vermont has the credit of bating it. A paper of that Stat says that Mr. Srianlcy, of Randolph, caught a large -' V 1 .1 .. ,1 1, !..!.. . I. .lil.iina.i rf a r p n lamp, anu loere came um of ti ("jjricket a Bnake some lire or six inches in lengtjhaud alive and darting out iw tongTio." Nobody will have the courage and tfl'roDiery to try bis band at going ahead of that story. A Si. l'aul (Miiin.1 paper says that an exceedingly brilliant meteor bad been seen pass! ng over ,1 hat place. Tho head appeared to be about the size of a flour barrel, with a tail of great jenglh, which looked like a monstrous river of red hot iron Darning across tho sky. It was visible about ten minutes, and shed a flood ef strange light upon the whole country around, affording a magnificent sight,such as is noseen twice iu a lifetime. Some time since, Mr. Clay, Minister to Russia, sent in his resignation, but shortly afterwards forwarded a second communica tion reconsidering bis action, desiring to withdraw bis resignation. A doubt seems to be entertained at Washington whether the position is vacant or ot. The question is eiciiing attention, as several interesting and difficult points of law must be considei ed before a decision can be arrived at. The experiment of tunnelling tho rirer at Chicago, Iilinuis, lor the relief of the over flowing current of trade and travel, is pro- greasing favorably, ami will, it is said, be completed by the 1st of January next The entire work will cost nunrly three millions of dollars, and will tauk next to the great lake tunnel, at tbe same place, for original! Ij UU daring enterprise. Some ten tuiles nurtb of Salt Lake City is a tibuim sulphur spring. - It gushes out in great volume at tbe foot of a liniestouo rock, from an aperture es Inrn as a hogshead and a stream that would fill a tube a foot square. The water is very strong and you can pe.- ceive its odor a long time before you reaob'r,,,!,r'"'unl,'',! tu srrlve.thls week, at th spring. It is boiling hot and" stiolliug ' A. I. MILI.EK .t C P 'S Mormons often cook eggs In it. l.OVI. ; p Between Pitied, and Mlpldliitown or PlejautvlUe, The re union of tbe Lutheran and Reform .mall T,-aveiiK vnli,, on tbe ih ..r or,, ed commnnions in Gei m.ny is in prospectiil be vallea contained .ine It-iil papers of vnloe tu lobe made upon the baais of a coniavJ0 creed. It is found that ritualism is ij. out among the ministry of both classes that an increase of earnestness and 7.' the promotion of beatc religion ia del ing common sympathy. Irrespective c- rclarian difference,. The Philadelphia North Amerii In mentioning the fact that tho State ihnn sylvunla polled 955,I!C2 rotes at ''tie Presidential election, while it ppl 4T, 642 at the election of KSC0, when t!0!'"1 tion was less than three millioirKU that the Sluts must now have a lion or about fmr millions. It Is said that Madame Anna .u0P on" of tbe sweetest singers in the ,rl1- "'' very celebrated as a liuguist. t on Pr- fessional tour in Australia, win fKirn to this country, and tetire permanently, from the stage. She is now fllty-tive years ol ae. Tbe Ruthlioiie Oil Compair"' Pbtladi pliia have again been sued fcl pretense, and this time will bare tcroduco deeds and oilier papers to prove ownership of tbo oil lands, on inn si'gth of which they boasted of a capital , half million dollars at one time. , : TtiKRC is a vast amomi mock charity in the world. It is prncl'4 by individuals who desire to be seen jjbeard of men who wish to have their od deeds told of In pii'.lic. 'That charltt'Bicb doetb good In secret, and for the rf fke of doing good, is very scarce. i A gentleman livin w miles from Clevr- laud, Ohio, in a lolteivritien to a friend lu thet city, claims t fcave discovered a Sold mine on his farm "1 'tales that bis prospectings have he? higlily successful. In pyriles, perhaps! f . Thkbk is a Toluiitil company in New otk numbering sevitiy men.nono of whom have beards m th.,a foot ia length.' Tbe captain, r-Sniod VluJiliBlmer, cultivates an or'' wh'.eb exlcnili t his ent paid that was an eqiuvmo- frlng jour- to K. B. Washburno, s i nalist, who euld, own brother mere hrimlnl nf Lhinea to ai - a 1 ' lit ennrft uchanextraordln.tf7 , .'u to excused ordinary H ' L A vo.InTbToTbTrt ' nn In M wedded ' ) Ult nvr kill Jewess oflWl, ' .1 ''. . . , well as that of her bW7-V oa ,,,P'n- tended since the death bfU ,r Tt la seldom that one A lb marriage alter five sisters. Thtof" '"ht WM seen on Wednesday vei" Ue ' iding in Norwich, Reynolds-BuckiDghuui Conn. CosmnTitscv: a we'to"" "rgyman, ' V j . pocketing a cool flO.OO. yer fur Hpi services, condemning '1 clasavS' r tbl'l iaordiDato love of moif- T The sheiill'.whoTirJy itistifhaog Har ris, the Auburn OW''orer, on tne4tb proximo, bas nwsleply disapn-ared, and It i. .Innhtful whetf H'O ff bo executed j August BelmoujViulnre gallery is valu ed at $500,000, aa' on nfVCJibest collec tions in this coua; ( i ! If Oil At J. W. BETY'?, Mppasllo the Rkc opo Bulliling, 1V',1'U1" CeDVr., I'a. TOYS for theflilldnul o'STEi's ?"i Everjtwdy I XC- TlONt for all tV wlh tntm.-I OIKT8 for the Ldl! Ju facteervthlngfnd nnyiblnci:i the line ol Notlonn, T(pj c, can lie f)pl at BEA-iTVP A FIKST CI.AS5 rAHu.- naoeen titled up fr the accommoildiipn of Lndiue. noTltm. 1,500 rpilliU' ALL l'Al'Ult recilvtd Ihl4dij at A. D. 3I1LLB 1'O S. DIAKIKir :S0!Ut."X. I). MIIXEK CO S. PAfER til Ii.NtI.Ot'Ii.Sat A. D. MILLGK Js CO 'S. OAHfM TUBACCO at A. U. MILLKK 4 CO'S. j-yF'CV UOOD8, all drKiiptlona, whole a'eiuidail. for Holiday rrcsrnte, at A. I. MILLER Jt CO.'S. ALU This In a newly dlncovend article to be uaed A hair drL-jslus', which Is .-aid to he nnpr. or to ahing of Ilia kind yet placed N fcre the pnl lie. enders tbe h iir fj and gloy, and wlll.lt in ia-ane the hair to crow on redps wlikh have tonf-kad ppiich a covering. It U not properly a haK. and vet it w II uvrateon lh. iwptii or then- w lien iippiil np t.i rmtore it to it. orliiiii alirnnd luxuriance inn very brief iporiod nf III It w beyoud qpie.-tlim, a very s.iprrier tn n ', oil'l mure III in 1111 the i ipoiliiilno. i.f n,iy m wnay tiri-bne 't Syrai iice I'a n r. 'I'rv Sew. aCollprll I'll e. It I Hie be-pt . , Mtl.t'.KHJt I WIip.IupiIo and Keuil llrugtuta, AKrnit for o:im t'enire, P.i. novjj-lm. Hit) CAOKS, wholesa'e and retail. Tl.trl v- " y"1- '-be P'-'i'ii fluplingand muni ma 'iieiinieion c, at rox House, I'leajaatville, wop or iipn;niiiy iflwaruea. octt tf. II. c. JOHNS. CAXAIlV 1JIKDS, bottt tman Imported, whole sale and retail, nt A I). .MU.t.Kn & CO.'M. (07 Uin'anl l'arlw. I hs lover, of the f'ne are respectfully Invited to call at irar Parlor, In tbe lb-curd linlldinir, nearly opKi.iteJbci)..ra Homo, If ibi.y wb-h to enjoy a ijiilet. itaine of Hillem!.. Tbi I'arlor has twin nttwl up lean auiuciiv. .tyle, an.) will rcconnn.nd itself mia-lf. Kiip.MjN i: AUNO..D, rrop'rs. tniGomti!itro ii lo.nto get a pitfr of Boot. mndeofthelieststPDek, that will wenr well, and warranted te fit, at J. A. Jlaittc t-aah-li nabla Boot Shop, U'nslilumoa Street, Pirfrol.uni Centre, Pa. f:hc libn a irial. seplu if. Excclior Itillhsrd Parlor. To cidoy adelhrbtnil and unlet plln, t Bllllaids, gote A. . .-miliiiiu's Kiipililoiiiii.ia Blllla-d Par! lom, on W ahiii.jiiin street, next riW 1o tbe Itorh- jrniU". V": " ""wtl'iin a. bort dig. tance of mo.-! of tbe principal hotels lu Petroleum 1 tutm inny tf. Nentral Kulphite of 1.1 nee tor prsurr- ln Cider, at oetSWf T B. McNAIR a C ( 'S. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, e. e. tiltiswoiii, Opens a ON WEDNESDAY, Tn, Were he will be on hand to mpply the eoainionln with JOAL Iit the tou i r at bna. " All order. nropnnilv uitp.nrtu.1 to. Pelro elroleiea eatre. Nor. 3:1 If. TAIkli I,tmt:H! T)RTIK8 dd.lrlne to purchssa KliKmea. Hods, Hopee, i RIGS, TANKS AND SHEDS, aaj all apparatus per'alnlnx to wells, can do so bv calling on H. V. RAKCtK.'Knr F. K HAMMONli, AtUmon Farm Plllcc. Uppur Cherry linn. t.ovKL uivX Wholesale and Retail Dealers i GROCERIES & PROVISIONS CROCKERY. CLAM stud 8TONE XV AUK, NO. 30 MAIS STKEKT, on, vnv, p.. ,f A. D. MILLER A CO 'SCOLUmIT A. D. MILLER-4, CO, Wheleaalt and ltetall Dealen la D R U GS," MEDICINES, &C, Vashliijrto)i 'street, PETBOLttn CENTRR, pA, Their Slock oonsista of everything jn line if Drugs & Medicines ! PURE LlQTJORS FOB MEDICINAL' Pl'RI'OSE. Wholesale and Mclaii Agvut, for JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, ; CONSTITUTION BITTERS. ALI.SMA FOB THE HAIR. SEWARD & BKNTLEY'S COUGH SYRUP MAGIO MACEDONIAN OIL PUWNco s (;ilde. i'ills WALKER & RAZES CIGARS, JAYNKS MEDICINES. ASW.KSONS DERMADOR. BrEXCKirs MIXTURE. SI'ENCEifS OINTMENT, At. ver's. Marnden'a, Xcl.ane'a, VoflM'it, S1oti', ttndway' R. ft .Tud-or's. ISOLr't, Vl'ma's, iflwrii'i, Wriith-l., .T.yne', llniniirtli's, rephiilie, Merrick'., Hooper'., lttibiki-k'.. Clitrii's Ft wale. t'hemenian'a K-nenp-k's, ';. ,' heeneiiian's Dfhionco , do. Vclpuu',do, 4c, Perfumery, Toilet Ar- tldes, Soaps, Rrushes, &c co ion, coiiUa, tec Ayei'n Cherry Pectoral, Javnes Expectorant, Mamden's Iialm, Schenck's Syrup, Universal Syrup. '' Exeel.ior Syrup. ', Ransom's Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Cue's Syrup, Hall's IialnHtit. , Denton's llitl.tin,, Brvnn. Wnfxrit O'.ive Tar. Brown's Truehea. Wi.barl's Pina Tree Tar, Seward's Cough Cure, ItateniHn's Syrup, Cough Candy, ie Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tile Bent F.ror flroiiulit to the Oil ItrCioii. IIAIlt KESTOIIATlVEii. AT, ISM A, MRS. j. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S, CHEVALIER'S. HALL'S. MARTHA W ASHfNGTOX, BARRETT'S, ROSSKTTKRS, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, 4c. IIITTCUS. !l',!"Tf-. coNW! rrnoN, R'.nACica. rHAhH-. MAIItll.t A I'A R, nrii.cv MIHI.H'ra, li'PSl'Ki'TK't'S, fl'KKI.". IH)l'I.ASI)x. 1'Al.fi.MltNIA, ATTW(()l), PllOTOXIKB IKON, JsU PAPERS, C'lirtuliitand Hustle Shades. 1AI.TS, orisi, VAUMSHKI, GLA... I'lTTV, tit.VVt Tirrix iitiiie, lspoiier By.' Stuffs, Dryer, iu:iii:i.s' si fard Oil, liero.seue (HI, tc L AMPS, LAM I FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch Ale, liemiett Ale, Congress W ater. PRKSCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF T1IS NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES, &6. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TBl'SiM Come along, some one. cue all. Il duiil T IMik g I ) look M uvocW, awl ws will l k naa J m wau. MWIW k CO Pa,, Prtiv m r,.fr, Srpi V.