SOKE PRINT MISSING nuTTrajmriijirr1: . niscEi.LAt.EOLii T. McDonald. ilVERY, : FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Wept, oppwitfl !l' (YntiiJl liuiw, PKIBOL EUM CENT R K PA mnu'M'iwii n rtnrvixo ami saddle J. HOUSES on the Cntfe, ate to be at M'If"i:i!tlN liivry f ARBIACES & CUTTSHS Tfl B LET AT ALL TIMES. ORSESFEW As BO.VISDKU on Peasonahle Terms. Team'...? of all kiniK at tended to Promptly. you the Fall Trade xew goods WAX illIS, I MM EJTGIve mc call. T M'DOSAL Pctrclenm Ccniro, Nov. II, 1SCS. LIVERY & FEED "Wasliincton Street,' iisnsite Ilie Opera Home, rETROLEUM CENTRE. PENS'A. I lmvo put in n, pood stock of Riillnir ami Driving norm, which i win mi on r'nsonalilp lernis. Also, CiiUrri, Wait or.. Sprins Wa;oi, Vr". IIOKSBS boarded and fed ar.d bivl of care JSTtr A. SMWLEV.V JLBi ij WASHINGTON' ST., . .. 3t roleum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST OPENED A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF r! FCREI8N & IOMESTIC 31 1 fxmwc ;fuvm5lnug . . STORE. rpln nru7rr1n-iM 1mv1ii ilf'ed np i pw store on 1 WASHIXUTOS & SEC UN D STS., J Petroleum Centre, I now prepirod to furnish customers with cv crytliltiu In the lioute turnlfhlug Hue. Stov-'unnd Tin ware, JLinutriiN, Fuitcy Articles. UJinmpj'd. trosel Jraa c. lTttt lnxmiti"'' "r""" JUM. i'lS l':N AND HEMP lWCKTMO. I.ACE I.EATIIF.K. e'c. THE CHAMI'IuN AND N'lVEl.TV CLOTHES WKIVOKKS, WAVER CO' H.EHS oi all SIZES. All Job Wnrk promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis pateli. Particular attention paid to Gas and Storm Fitting, hav ing a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil liegion for cutting Gas Pipe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. Ttrol 'uni Vntrrj, Inly lfi!) tf..8 &USS & iOAVIBSON, IJifimond Nl., iri;svii.i.E. pa. (Opposite Herald Office) Wi 1 lti'iu A pi'rjnjml e puhllc gener ally to Mil and Diamine our .SPLENDID FALL STDJK DF Ie'FUMIIURE OF all Kim Parlor fiiiltn, riiamhor Sets, Hook Cnc, Side boards Lounges, Carpets, Mirrors, ni:d every do. crlptlra of furniture, plain and fcshiunahlo. . Terms fcntonnblo. jn For tlio Full Trade, embracing a full Line 11LACK ALArACAS, rori.i.y alapcas, ri'l'LlXS, SILK '9 Carped, Oil Cloths, Chintzes. Calicos, Muslin?, and a choice assortment of LADIES AN GENTS very cueap. Our Line of Al pi' and P.ip lin Alpacas is the finest and in ih plcr. sppt!3:ar C5FTp Milliuersand Country Storekeepers. FALLTRADE. WHOLESALE 'DEPARTXEXT 1 UP STAIRS. PK3IKAHI.E Roods reeelwd dnlly from nm-ti.m or. Satin- Milk,. Velvets H j 1 l.r.i,s. TH ,, . I"! "ft,! v,"!k,:B N'"1""-. O"'' !-, . , . 8"J clieip. Wo cut lenrlha at piece prieeK. jlluy tad wll fo'caaS. g , 09, 311,'cfi Sll Grand, and C6, C8 (. 70 Alien Street, t. Cornor oro , im, block ea.t f,cra BowMy P..J f. YC"K -"TV. -R. R. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DEALEItjIN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLI.-n AND AMERICAN nnrns mi,mnvii! ay ERSMICAL3 CI101CS FOIIEIGN AND DOMESTIC . Toilet Articles f ANDJ IMPORTED em ri C. A. 15m f-'j-j DEALK.I lir(vond hind en wn i,n,.. , lot., N0 new Wool " Ji:!l'n"i?;,..;1: cj .taully vtMbi. Having th3 f;Kin,!e'. fw CLEANJndrepairjkg Er.T. will'do'so on III moat reaaim.i'lile tornin. Parties Having Engines for Sale Will L well to plv. mo a e.,11. Hr.tr0:i, near tl.e e A, It. l.t Mj.B:.Ern ckntuj-, pi Oot W, 'ftJ f. SOAP3, BRUSHES, AND Druggists Sundries . I'lijslelana' J' cnnirmmded fiou 'Duie and chuicc muiermls. ' If you IIAVNT S E 15 3ST IT GO AND SEE IT The Magic Match. c,.Tur. Will. ft C1- 5 5 Vi a; 05 3 V3 0 Q o Q p. (9 tad HI n it 3 02 o CD 0 Q L.T9 SI 'Ml O P 9 O O Ni n o OH -.1 .1 Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND joe PRiswiftSG Office, M A I X 8TKEET mciiiowen Cor3 k(Corner Spring and Monroe' Plrect? j TITUS'VZSiSl lirOI I.nrtlJh.nttei,llnn of Grncerv Iii of the Oil lieiilim. lotkefart that n.-T"1 established for the areoniinoilnili.ii nf ll;e inijS'J' A strictly Wholesale Grocery House, The only one nf the LIi:d 411 tl on .., , We hive ee tile n il .f fi,d. un S?V nienl lor a long lime. Tlio 1 Retail Balers who pny his taxeg and llcciine and reniii-.. i capital in hi ImalneKH. " lb h.l.OX H tVi:i.L,rt'rprleiu r. r.oni e.vT.irl.-, PhiLidelidna. cr.d I'ittiharv. M. (. lej-'i l!:er .in K.'itttial mid Local aiattm. niakt it n . r II," mint i!i"l':il,Ie newspapers j.ubli.lied In ilie t'il liVvioa A- no AtlvrJitiisis illccliijts, Ti IlPfonn hm ro rip-l,.r. rt It t!rca:tw " " " r ' r"Mer .!., .:, fn j IS DSPARTUENT. Wo haven mrpo ar.d v. el 1 selected ntunrtmcnt of jinKTIal, eimiraelGf; Ik. vary '""" We are tlitm-for. enabled to execute lo i W... k of every trrli,- in a atinfr.Hory niannor -ii..j,j0DMnii i,e iit.ttly printed iu Courts PoMlera J U.sntC-lCilN. li ngmjisincs,; RHIh t Tare. l AND BiuJii!K snul ViMitiiE Curtly LETTEII-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS OF LADING. Ele , Etc -.tlio i. BALL t-KSNTJNCV in er Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly )tcd, cmbrneiutf rmcnLAHs proghamveh C Alius, TiCKLTS, Etc. i.ract, every variety nrn ptylo of work In letter, jiruHt pr nilny. Mercnant, Lawyers, Jsttlces of the Peace, Ijmd Agout i, (.11 iJia er? aud Amn't, Insuranco Aircuti E.-.preMsmen antf ether parties In want, ore informed ant we are prer.nrel to eseruto too derail kinds ot mitniiy. ..-i. Luainitsr li-;.ul,j rcrpilreil lu II it ioin- Injit- Wej rcpose to do It ly Selling to Dea'ers Only. We l.ave In itnre a ' LAIIGE AND CAliEFULLY SELECTED PTOCK. coaiarialr.g cverylliing that l rer.iiirtd In t EIIiST - (Xr.S MT(R7. .Which we oCer al price ti nt will Cocipptc witSi liny SIurLct in the t.'Kntry. V cordir.Ily fnv'to nu t xninlLntioii cf rn: pi tin! t tmi iffy ((Uri,lv4' 0,!4.:ju HOBSON'S' i Oil fiiiTK rirE Wobrs. ClIAMIiEy i:)!3)X .V Co., I'ornrr of Sniei n A- Centre :ih.I i:aut iui; mi t.riTH, II), i-a., Dealert in Morris, TasUer A Vu't OIL WELL TUIJIN.G AND CASISC, LSO, WOItKINd PA!f!tKI.S AM) VAI.VKS. . tTLTtlNO HOXi-'.s, CLAMPS, 'i-liV(,'S. M'CKElt HOPS, to Machinery for Cil Wells & nauceries UOHIXd TOfil.S. 1. 11 ni'iin ' r,i:iviN(! pipe. ctn.i) WAi i.i. riW Every dcfcrlptlon of SUPPLIES FOI! OIL vklls and ke- UNEKIEti, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BUASS CCOD?, TEA US AND OAS FlTTlXas, VELT1XG, I AL K1XG, cni UVSS! HAHIUVAKE, IIOCSK T1IIVMISGS, CarprniorB' Tool?, tJukum, Nuils, Axes, Coffee Mili", Tublo A Pocket Cutlery; 4 Full Assortment of Everything In tlio UAlimVAllE LINE tlimo Furlnliin;; Goods, unapt, I'lilmneyn. . No. 1 Winter Strained iJird Oil, No. 1 ItellneiK'il, : Btair l.'i ils Table an (IPoorMtH, ( lEitKijiiun CEoJ lies Wringers Manufacture! of Tin, Sheet Iron end Copper Ware. Kenalnnir of all kinds dnne with neatness ' dlspaich. Jispecial atteni Inn given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. ncnave ennenvored to merit the patrolmen the pulillc, and hU use evury exertion to Innireif continuance. Our faellitlos for ft'rnlMhtne etorvthlmr in lino, having been greatly increased, in tlio crecu of onr New llulldinu'. are now ,. SUPEHlOlt TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT angSl-am. IN THE OIL KKCION. O. F. 8C IIOMIB-OII, " J'roprlotor of tlie Buffao Bakery- Dealer ti choice Flour, lluitcr. Er -s and llict Alto, choice Croceriea, IVtrolenm Contre, Tn.. Onlnrs left will he promptly nttended I". ,n nods delivered. Poetoillco Hox iidU- v's' 1nT)AT" LY RRCOKD, I the h tdvnli'TS wednirun tbt nil nviun