The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 29, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record,
ret. Centre, Monday, Not. 29.
TRAINS ON O. C. it A. It. It.
No. 2, Passenger. LeaTC Corry 11.20 a.
n. : Titi:vile. 12.69 p. in.; Petroleum Cen
tre, 1.40 p. m.j Oil City, 2.22 p. m.; Ir
Titielon, 6 10 p. m.
No. 4, Partenger Leave Corry 6.10 a. m.
Titusvilie. 7.S5 a. m.; Petroleum Centre,
8.14 a m; Oil City, 8.53 a m; arrivo at lr-
Tineton 11.40 a tn.
No. 0, Pan-engcr Leave Corry G.OJp m;
Titubvlllo, 7.60 p m; Petroleum Centre,
1,38 p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p m.
No. 1, rasseocer Leave Irvlneton 7.15
; Oil City, 10,10 a m; Petroleum Cen
tre, 11.08 a m; Titusvilie, 11,60 a ni; arrive
at Corry 1,40 p m.
No. 3, Paesentier Leave Irvineton, 12.
05 p tn; Oil City 2,67 p tn; Petroleum Con
Ire, 3,36pm; Titusvilie, 4,20 p m; arrive
at Corry 5,45 p m.
No. 5, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a
m; Petroleum Centre, 7,43 a m; Titusvilie,
,S0 a m; arrive at Corry 10,10 a tn.
Divine Service.
Preaching ai 11 o'clock A. M., and 7
o'clock P. M.
Set. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ann
t P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M.
eats free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to aU.
Rxv. C. H. Beard, Paster.
Mass at 10 a. m.
Vesper and Bene'JIctioo of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2p. id.
New Well A new well was struck on
the Clark farm, Shambufg, last evening,
which started up pumping at the rate of
350 barrels per day. Frew Ave o'clock last
evening to ten this morning a 250-barre;
tank was filled. Thta well la near the
Thompson well, and is owned by Dr. Coo
mey and others. Shamburg is ahead!
Petroleum Trade.
The New York, Bulletin, in discussing
the petroleum trade, says seventy per cent,
of all the exports of petroleum made this
year have been made from New York, while
the remaining thirty per cent, shipped from
Philadelphia was nearly all on account of
New York merchants. It says that coo
tracts can be obtained from Pittsburgh re
finers at buyers' option for one mouth, in
'lines" for a series of mouths extending
ever the whole year, and that speculators
can be more readily accommodated in Pitts
burg than in Cleveland. It is this mania
for speculation that the Bulletin ascribes
the decline in the refined products of l'itt--burgh
for the past year. It alleges that re
finer of this city are nearly all .speculators
on either the "bull" or "bear" siile, biiylug
ad selling options of each other bands out
side parties who always have the advantage
The result is that speculation baa almost
entirely usurped the place of legltlmato
manufacturing business. Tbe Bulletin
then gives the refiners of Pittsburgh the
following advice:
'If tbe refiners thero would be content
with moderate and sure profits, limit their
tales to periods of thirty or forty days u
bead, and to tbe legitimate exporting trade,
and contract to deliver at seller's option to
suit the "lay-days" of tbe buyer's vessol, it
is unquestionable that tbey could run their
work at a greater profit than any othor man
ufacturing centre, By adopting this course
tbey become more intimately connected
with those who buy oil for actual export,
their brands would become better known,
and more desirable to the buyers, bb, i
many cases, one brand would make an en
tire cargo; they would pay lees by leakage;
in short, they would become misters of
their own business. Having no contracts
Jor future delivery of refined oil they would
not be obliged to buy crude futures at ad
vanced rati-s to cuver, thereby continually
stimulating tbe price of crude. Tho l'itts
buig refiners possess, in most cases, ample
tankage, and could easily bold their refined
oil over toe wean anu uuu stage ot tne
market. The location ol Pittsburgh, con
nected as she is by rail and water with the
oil regions, and possessing obeap fuel, iron
and cooperage, and (bo Pennsylvania Rail
road alwaja guaranteeing her lower east
ward freights than the Pennsylvania or any
other railroad company will concede to any
other manufacturing point all these ail-
vantages combine to enable bor to deliver
refined petroleum at tide-water at lower
prices than oan bu touched by the rcfineri of
either New York or Cleveland."
Referring to the rumors tli-it the Pitts
burg rcflueis had f-iriiutl a combination that
eauscd the recent alvanc; iu both eniJe
and refined oil, the Bulletin says that after
diligent Inquiry it Bods that crude for im
mediate delivery is exceeding scarce, and
that the demand on Oil Creek Is rrom tho
legitimate trade. It says that the reports
of dully production and stock at the wells,
published in the Titusvilie Ukrai.d, are as
serted to be gross exaggerations, and that
purchasers on Oil creofc estimate the produo
tion at not over 10,000 barrels, and the act
ual stock at from 50,000 to 100,000 barrels
less than Hie Herald reports. Tho stock
in New York is very light, and exporters
are buying very little, assigning as a reason
that Europe has plenty of petroleum and
will not respond to tho advance in American
Tne Last of -'Lochy Ostuom" A
strange History $25,000 Left Beiiird
and no Will A Prospective Fight for
the Money. I'oughkeepsie, Nov. 2fl
'Lochy Ostrotn is dead," was whispered
about the Court House in I'oughkeepsie,
this morning. Who is "Lochy Ostroui?"
inquired a Supervisor. Thereby bangs la
talc. Rechel Ostrom, or Lochy," as she
was fnmilliarly called, was born in this city
In 17112. When she reached ber majority
she became acquainted with young Pougb
kuepsie lawyer named Gnzley, and an ar
dent affection gretf up between them until
Gnally ber suitor applied to ber parents for
(he band) of their daughter in marriage.
It was refused peremptorily, though Mr.
Gazley was in all respects an honorable
man. This, of Course, sadly disappointed
the lovers, and they parted.
Some time afterwnrJs Hendrlck Ostrom,
a brother of "Lochy," who was considered
a miser, died, it is said partly of starvation,
leaving a considerable sum of money. He
was the first to drivo a hackney coach in
this city. Some of his money. $3,000, was
inherited by 'Lochy." After bis deals' the
property which 'Lochy" und Ilendrik had
mutually enjoyed was sold, and "Luchy'
then began to hew ber own way through
the world. She wool out at days' work;
was industrious and economical to the letter;
in fact, like tbe brother she was miserly.
The youug and beautiful girl bad grown
to be a homely and morose woman, on
whose face the marks of time, disapolnt
ment, and a soured life bad left their mark.
Fifteen years ago the young lawyer, then
also grown old and grey, reappeared, nml
then again offered bis baud to ."Lochy" iu
But she was a changed woman. II t
heart bad become hardoned to her lot in
life, and tbo proffered band was rejected.
Since turn she had subsisted on friends
about the city, scarcely ever eating a din
ner in ber own bouse Sbe has been known
to say that a mutton chop rtould last her
two weeks, and one who knows her says
she would subsist on ten dollars a year.
By continually eating at others' tables, she
managed tt save every cent she earned.
She purchased no clothing for a number
years, and for the last fifteen or twenty
years of her lH'e was not Inside of a church
It whs known that she bud accumulated
considerable properly, but when uBked
whether sbe wished to do any writinir, re-
plied that she did not, and died wi'hout
making a will. She leaves $25,000 in the
bands of J. II. Full man, Eq. This pro
perty will go to the State.
By reference to the advertisement it will
be suen that rr. Christie has removed to bis
new residence, on Main street, at the end
of the Egbert farm bridge, where he can be
found from 8 p. ai. to 8 a, in. dni y. Tbe
balance of the time be can be compiled at
bis old office, on Washington street.
A "bit ov a row" occurred on tbe street
near tbe McClintoek House, this inorniug,
between a ton of the Emerald Isle and nn
American citizen of Afncau drsceut, Uo
sult son of tbe Emerald Isle got one of bis
eats chawed by Africanus.
Sherry's New York Theatre and Brass
Hand ''put in an appearance' at this place,
this morning. Tbey open at Sobers Opera
House, this evening, In the great drama of
"Kosedale or tbe Rifle Ball," in which the
entire strength of the Company will be
brought out. Let Ihcie be a crowded
By the iiso of torpedoes the production of
the Niagara Oil Co.'sFarm, bag been more
than doubled within tho past two weeks.
The Rov. Mr. Hawkins, of Story Farm,
bus opened religious services at the School
House ou the Eubeit farm, every Eabbutb
Afternoon at 3 p. m. Also, prayer meeting
every Thursday evening.
An old well on Geo. P. Smith's furui, on
the River above Franklin, was cleaned ot
and torpedoed a few days ago. It id now
pumping about ten barrels a day. Another
well near tbe above, on (he same faun, lias
also been levtved and Is yielding a small
quantity. Loth wells two pumped by tbo
im eog;ae.
Arout one hundred and twenty-five der
ricks have been put np in tbo vicinity of tbo
big well at Red Hot, near Shamburg, al
ready. The derricks are about as close to
gether as they can conveniently be placed.
in consequence of which the territory will
not be very lasting.
Tub greatest living curiosities of tbe age
tho Wild Australian Children are com
ing. No we Items.
A Chicago woman now wants a divorce
because her husband ia'a "night editor."
Iowa bns a successful colony of 1,300
Communists, who own 20,000 acres of land.
Pneumatic lubes aro to connect tho Now
York post-oflico with the newspaper offices.
The Bible is read in tho public schools of
Wushlnglon daily, by Protestant and Cath
olic teachers.
The Syracuse papers have lived lor sever
al weeks upon the stone man, and the Jour
nal runs a special Giant Department.
The Vermont Legislature has passed a
bill holding liquor dealers responsible for
the damage to person or property dotie by
those obtaining liquor of them.
Some time ago lie minister in chargeof
a church at Ringtowo, l'a., having fallen
into the habit of spending bis leisure time
in stealing liors.'s, was dismissed by bis con
gregiition, who thought such conduct unbe
coming a preacher. His successor was a
very promising youn? man, but he bis just
been arrested for minder and the flock is
again without a shepherd.
Oko Jumbo and Ja J a have bad a terri
ble light at Bonney Town, in ATriaa, and
Oko J umbo, who is no relation to Hukey-Pokey-Wiuky-Wum,
gave Ja Ja a terrific
thrashing, and mado him skedaddle to Jit
A White Pino landlord thus advertises bis
hotel in the local papers: "And Joseph
wept aloud, and ho said unto bis brother,
'I am Joseph; doll my father yet live?
Aud his brother answered bim; 'You bet:
the old man is doing bully, for bo boards at
the Cosmopolitan.' "
A Kansa! intra jl Says that tho identic!
starspangled b inner which floated overFoit
Jicllenry when Key wro e our national
song, Is owned by toe bode of Col. Amstuud,
who cajnmanileu tbe Jortjand kept the his
toric bunting.
Tbo best thine; wo have seen lulolv Is tlie
following poetical addenda to the marriage
of Mr. Levi L. Porter to Miss Adaline
Latul, in Ashta!i:iU couuty;
'Levi got a little Latnl),
It's flutes was white as snow,
And everywhere that Levi went,
The Lamb was sure" to go "
Each year the traces of the military works
around Petersburg! Virginia, clow fuinter.
Many of the large forts still stand in their
ruineu anu ittstunnnted condition, and will
stand, doubtless, for ninnt years to come;
but the long line of breastworks, in many
places bavo Lien leveled cud put under
Peuuuti may bojolsed about, but there
is a bu tune in them. Two years a'o an tn
terprising Yankee went to North Carolina
with a few hundied dollar and beiran culti
vating peanuts, This year be bos sold bis
crop lor 5(ii,000. getting fol.OuO proiif.
Auitralia seems possisfed of lb-' magic f
our west in the growtb of itaeities. Mel
bourne, which h little over thirty years ago
was inaricea by a solitary log but, now
Ojuslsol iM.uOij iobabiiutits.
California is tbo garden of the Uni'ed
States already. Take one geritl.-inuii'sgar
den as an example of the abundance and
variety whlcb prevail iu all the region. In
this garden thi-re were English Walnuts,
sweet and bitter sfltuonds, two varieties of
ligs, an acre ol blackberries, nire tliau nn
aero of strawberries, half a duz-n each of
peaches end pliiinJ, an abundance of nec
tarines, ripening bananas, limes, und or
anges, seven or eight varieties of grapes, as
many more of pours, and more than could
be numbered of apples, lie said be wasa't
doing much iu fruit, and yet a hundred
bushels were rotting under his trees.
Underclothing in large quantities at Lam
mers Aideu's.
Buckskin Gloves,, cheap, nt Lammers &
600 barrels nf choice Wiuter Apples at
Waebtor & relter'.
fcl.GO buys u bottle ot Gall'uey's Sunday
Comfort, tvery family should have it.
Fn!l assortment of Diuiies for 1S70, just
received at W. II. N!tLeleon& Go's. Stu
tiom ry and Variety Store. oov.2311.
Kid Gloaes A largo assortment, at
Lamets & Aldcu'a.
to..iioAij i.ovr:
aud Ike Iliipplncae of True Marriage
17.SAYB (or YonnR Mee an the Krrnrs, Ahnses
2 and Diseases which destroy Uie Manly 1'nwres
and create. Impediment of 1RAKRIAGR, with sure
means of relTcf. Sent la snlcdlettcreurelopca free
of charge. Address Howard Association. Bov. P.
FMladelpnia, Pa. MS4:8m.
Ordeis taken for suite and fits gurantoed,
at Lammers & AluVnV.
If yon would make present to a friend
give one of Kelleys's German Silver Lamps.
Gnffeny's is solo agent.
600 barrels of choice Winter Arples, at
Wach tor & Felter'a.
Tho largest slock and best variety ever
offered on Oil Creek, Is at; Gnffeny's.
Tbo old eslaplisbed bouse of Owen Car
tony, is acknowledged by all to be tbo place
to find pure and unadulterated twines 'and
liquors. nov.l91m.
Drugs at Christie's
Medicines at Christie's J
Toilet Articles at Christie's
Pure Liquors at Christie's !
Pure Witie3 at Christie's !
Pateat Mldtcixb
at Christie's!
VnEsnitlPTION. componaded at aU hours or
thought ncd hnr.diiy.
21), IID & 4TU.J
Great Llvli g Viondrn I Immenie Attraction !
Tho Wild Australian
TIhmo iinpara'lel Oirrimiltloi of Natnra have, nev
er been on cxhlliHion in IhU ronntry before.
Iilrinlvor a 1 aii .iliiil r:ica Ju Mm rroiu their nnt
u:ui!', ilieir tnip, aiiai-p teeth, per
l.upttihe only Buuctiucnt) from that country uuw
MONDAY EVE'G, Dec. 6, 1869.
and 13rass !Batid
vov.U ttl
111-. Ii. II. CUItlSTIB,
Has rcuiovod to liia residence on
Main Street, at the end of Egbert
Farm Bridge,
Hour at residence from ft P. M.. until 8 A. M
During retnaiuuVr of ttie day be mny he found at
tin olu otUc.
I'rop'r & NmiOKor, J. '. Mil It II Y
FOT',n;PfW A'ijjUls Only!
fl Mic Mnnscrr lr l"ive to antmnnr" to tin eltl-
1 zi-ns of rotrolelim I elitre anu vlcimtj, that he
will open with a company ciiupi Itiug
elpetrd frem the prlnctpnl Theatre f New York,
lloMnn mm l lillliieinnn. u:.-inri niti, n pn.r.
Dili hll.VKH I'OKM.T HANI) and a lull nmlrtli-
eicnl oiTlieKtiu, nutklne. the Kn'at,'t coinbiimliuu'
ef lirnoiat'.c ami MuUul TuU-iit tiav.'lliii'.
Monday Evening, Nov. 29th, .'69
Will be produced Wnlinrk'fi Crcat Stnsntlnnal
ITHUlUi VlillUl,
Miss JULIA RLAKE as Ladv I' orence
Mr. J. 1'. SI1EKCY - as Kiliott Gray
A Lieutenintot Larcers.
AJtul?lon, SO e"n's KoMrveJ .i-ent, T5 cents.
Pilwitf Itoxtv, f!),UO.
I3TTICCET S ttr sahvit the tcClintc c"i House.
IKiOl.'S at 7 o'clock, yrnoi'manct com
mitii'cH nt 8.
uov-9t. J. M. FIIEKIir, Audit-
600 barrels of cboico Winter A'ple.
Waobter A.Feltcre. tnov.23tf