The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 26, 1869, Image 2

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    oleum Centre Daily Record.
ot. Centre, Frl lev WOT. 2U-
TRtlNS OX O. C A. B..
. gOl'TII.
So. 2, Passeneer Leave Corry 11.20 n.
in : Titr.sTillo. 12.A9 p. in. ; Petroleum Ceri
tre, 1.40 p. m.i Oil City, 2.22 p. in. Ir
yineton, fi 10 p. m.
No. 4. Passenger Leave Corry CIO a. m.
Tlttisville, 7.35 a.m.: Petroleum Centre.
?.14 a m: Oil City, 8.60 a in; arrive at lr
vinton 11.40 a m.
No. 0. Passenger Leave Corry 6.05 p m;
Titui-ville, 7.50 p m; Petroleum Centre,
8.38 p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p in.
No. 1, Passencer Leave Irvinclon 7.15
itai; Oil City, 10,10 a nr Petroleum Cen
tre, 11,05 a in; Titusvilie, 11,50 a in; arrive
lit Corry 1.40 p m.
No. .'t. Passenger Leave Irvlnoton, 12.
05 p m; Oil City 2,57 p m: Petroleum Cen
tre. 3.36 p m; Titesville, 4,20 p m; arrive
at Coiry 5.45 p m.
No. 6, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a
u; Petroleum Centre. 7,43 a m; Titusvilie,
SO a wj arrive at Corry 10,10 a m.
Ilvltie Serviced.
rchine at 11 o'clock A.M., and 7
'clotP. M.
Rev. J. T. Oxtobt, Piwtor.
Services very Sabbuth ttt u A M an(i
i P. M. ni,ntli School at 12 P.M.
eat free. A cordial 'invitation extend
eil'll. Ke C. M. Hsaiio, Pustor.
STS. PETER ANtTpacL-S (Cutbolie)
CnURCH. ' ;
Mass at 10J a. m.
esper and Uenediction of tht Blessed
encrament at 4 p. m.
CnteeLisra at 2 p. m.
Wkather remains moderate.
v-OMKnoDr's 6on was out Nat night." Ac.
Tub oil territory on tiio McCray farm is
looking up.
Prater or
from mud.
tbe pedestrian Deliver us
A oood place to spend a pleasant even
iojt is at Robson 4 Arnold's Cozy Billiard
Osr Wednesday night at the National
Hotel, F.'hnklin, a mnn.wan robbed of $163
Wu understand that the remains of
Lieut Col. A. W. Bowman, 31st Regiment,
U.S A., will arrive In Franklin next week,
in caro of his brother, Dr. E. FJ. Bawman,
of Illinois, for winterraent. " Col. Bowman
died at Omaha, Nebraska, July 18, 1869,
on bis way to bis homo in Fnnklio. to
owalt orders from jhe War Department.
Tie well located on the side hill, Cen
tral Pelruleum Co.'s Farm, in tbe immedi
ate vicinity or the Fox well, has been
jumping since Sunday with a daily yield or
(our barrels. It is a matter or surprise to
operators familiar with this territory that
the well is so small as tbe Fox well, which
Is but o abort distance from it, is producing
40 barrels per day. Tbe new well is owned
by Mr. Sit. Robinson.
Tub Ruiki. Trial. Nothing new of in
terest was elicited from the witnesses exam
ined on Wednesday. Dr. E. J. Frazicr's
testimony related principally to tho post
mortem examination held on the body of
Tate. The testimony of M. C. Frazier,
Jchn Zonizr, Alexander Frazier, Nathan
Put I on, M. C. Zobnizer and Samuel Bow
er?, on the part of the Commonwealth, re
lated principally as to the manner in wbicb
the shooting was done. The evidence ol
these witnesses is very contradictory, some
of tbem agreeing that nana of the parties
bad been drinking, Bnd tbe rest that they
had all drank more or less on the night in
question. Tho testimony on behalf of tho
Commonwealth was concluded yesterday,
and that on '.chair of the prisoner last eve
ning. Tbe Bumming up ol tho if by tho
counsel on botb sides was to bavo been
done to-day, and the verdict of tho jury
will probably bo given this evening.
Latur. Tim cusn was summed up this
uioiuinn by W. J:. Galbrattb, Esq., on tbe
part of the Commonwealth, and O. E. Tay
lor, Esq., fur tbe prisoner. Tbe closing
ploas were to bo made this evening by A. B
McCalmont for Ibe Commonwealth, and A
B. Richmond, on behalf of prisoner.
Tho music, in the Lev. Henry Word
Beecher's church costs $7,000 a year. The
orgnnist gels $1,200, the conductor $2000
the tenor 2,0UO. the soprano spyuo, tho
contralto $800, und tbe basso $800, leavinj
S3U0 for incidentals. The paid choir sing and concerted pieces, but th
hvinns are sung by the whole congregation
led by a volunteer choir of about seventy
y ti formers.
A I.. ..I.- .. II ll II llllll I, v-flvo bands ot
iiiuii, ..I... ......
nil,- simterl nt Rimsevllle und owned l'l
Messrs. CuuipLoll and Vamlerville, well"
U. s;niycil by lite yes'erilny morning.
Dkar Record: After a somewhat pro
tracted absence I bavo returned to your vil
lage for a few days Intending to ply my va
cation as busily a possible I regret, how
ever, to find the business very much over
done here. At this present writing it is
hardly possible for others than those who
are related to na lo reside any length of
time in this little community. The conse
quence of this is that my operations are
rather circumscribed, and have to be con.
ducted with unusual caution. The worthy
proprietor of tho Central IIoHse, who, knew
roe years ago denied with the utmost suav
ity of manner my to board with him
for the few weeks that I propose to remain
here. Tho Rochester House was also "full"
and the McClintock House in tho same
vexatious fix. I am not easily discouraged,
bb you well know, and having made up my
mind to camp here, I was determined upon
having comfortalilo quarters, as it would
not at all agree with my rheumatics to be
exposed to the chilling blasts of November.
I very opportunely fell in with Geo. Ar
nold, who dflu't know mo as well ' as some
other. In consideration of my gentlemanly
manners, ho furnishes me with on e.xcolleut
room over the Billiard parlors, and I regale
bim with stories of my adventures, during
these long evenings. George has a roman-
lio tun of mind. He will listen attentively
to tbe longest tales and biggest lies that I
can tell. Clint don't exactly like to have
mo around tho establishment, and keejis a
sharp eye u tlio money drawer and the
clear boxes. But be is such an eccentric
cuss that I pay no attention to his little
Idiosyncrasies, and go right along about my
burned) ns though bo wasn't around. Tbe
reason be has alittle antipathy to me Is very
trifling. I borrowed ten dollnrs ol bim
some livo years ngo, and, singular as itmny
seem, be bas,not yet forgotten the circum
stances, llow sordid and miserly some
people aro.
Now that I bad good sleeping quarters
tho next thing was to look up a commissary.
I went lor Ed Sutherland, and can now be
found regularly three-times a day nt his
saloon indulging In ' Quail on Toast," tbe
choicest game and other luxuries of the sea.
ton. Edward complains slightly, and says
that ho cannot live through the winter if
tbe class of boarders to which I belong
come in on bim regularly. But this I can't
help, of course. I must live, you know
and it is perfectly immaterial to me who
furnishes tbe means. Altogether I think I
have reason to congratulate- myself on tbe
manner I am fixed for the winter for hero I
am bound to stick for several months at any
The numerous mombers of our family to
fonnd in all tho. bar-room', saloon, and
groceries of this enterprisinz little bo
hamlet, renders my situation -rather dis-
reeable, but I can got along if any on
can. K would be more lo our interest 11
we should scatter round the country and
not colonize so thickly in one place As
tbe business of the town now stands, I do
not think that Petroleum Centre, allords a
profitable field for more than eight or ten o'
tbe Dedbete family, whereas there are more
than three score bore, and they not of tbe
genteel and respectable portion. But
this is just the point I am. ahead of them
on. My gentility and nspectabiilry will
carry wo a groat way, and down right cheek
will do the rest.
I am soon going into tbe oil business as
it offers speciul inducements to men ot my
character and ability. You shall hear from
me frequently. My cousin Timothy is in
Oil City, doing well.
Yours Feelingly, t
A. Dkdiikte.
It will be seen by reference to tbe adver
tisement tbat Sherry's New York Theatre
open at Sobei's Opera House, on Monday
evening next, for a few nights only. The
opening piece is entitled ''Rosedale, or the
Rifle Ball."
A Vigilance Committee In Fremont.
Iowa, a few days, since lynched a noted
ruffian named Sam Murdock, charged with
tbe murmur of Henry Johnson. Since, Mur
dochs death, Johnson has mndo bis ap
pearance alive an j well. Efl'ar's will bo
made to bring tbe lynchers to trial.
Collector Grinned has received addition
al information regarding the perpetration
of most stupendous frauds against the Gov
ernment by mercantile firms in New York,
Over two hundred respeetatilo merchants,
many of tbem occupying prominent posi
tions, are now under suspicion of having
participated in the frauds, which extended
throm-h several months during the last
administration. Thoir names will be sup
pressed, pending the official investigation
now being conducted at the Custom House,
The frauds were accomplished by meuns ol
iiIhi invoices and under valuation of itn
portunt merchandize, and aro believed to
involve a vast amount of money.
Mnlo News.
Tho cumber of Interments in Philadel
phia last week were 225, against 171 during
tho BBtne period last year. Of tho whole
number 134 wero adults and 138 children
55 being under one year of age.
On the 9th n Mrs. BilliiiRS died in Man
chester township, Wayne county, at the ago
of 106 years. She was born at Phillips-
burg. N. J., in July. 1703. and distinctly
remembered bearing, from those who saw
it, of Washington crossing th3 Delaware.
At a meeting of physicians, held at tbe
University of Pennsylvania, at 'Philadel
phiaj last week, a remonstrance against
clinical instruction in the presence of stu
dents of both sexes was considered, unani
mously adopted, and signed by tho facul
ties of tho University of Pennsylvania, of
Jefferson Colleq. by the medical stuffs of
various hospitals, and by tho members o
the profeesion at large.
John Bla'rr, un employe on the Panhan
dlo Railroad, wlii e working lit a turn-table
at Stubenville on Tuesday, had his lout and
ankle so terribly crushed us to teuder am
putation nccessury.
Dennis Curlin, an employe of tho Pitts
burgh, Fort Wayne nd;Chicago Railroad
Company, one of the oldest citizens of Alle
gheny, was run over by a team on Tuesday
last, and 'instantly killed.
On Saturday nigl.t, Mr. C. E. Sunder,
soii-in-law'of Judge Blight, of Conneaut
villo while removing a keitlo of hot brine
liotii me stove, einmetl in sucli u uiuiinvr as
to spill the brine upon his feet, ec.tldai
one of them badly.
INcw Jicun.
Fifty-four mi ies of llm Jer-ver
Railroad have been liuished.
The Universalis celebrated their cente
nary iti Albany, N. Y., yeMerday.
Tho Virginia Republican i-tato Convcn
tlon organized in Richmond yesterday-
Recruits aro going forward to the troops
in tbe Indian country from St. Louis.
Conrad Meier, under sentence of death
for murder, escaped from the jail iu Toledo,
on Tuesday nlgbt. i
James kitchen has pleaded guilty of
burning the Eaptist Church in China, Mn.
last October.
Tho Philadelulita mouuinent to tl o nu
pils of Girard College who died iu tbe war
was unveiled yesterday.
A Boaid has hen ordered to convene in
nauapoiis on uecemuer III HC lo examine
lix candidates lor lieu tenancies In the Ma
rino Corps.
Dkpkrteiih Wanteii We leurn Hint
Gen. ral Whitely, couunnudant at tbe Alle
gheny Arenal. ofTers n reward of thirty
dollars each for the return of two deserters,
viz: H. B. Alexander, of Mifflin, l'a., and
Walter Seaton. of Venango county.
About ten clays ago, a twelve barrel well
was struck on (ho Xinu u j Oil Couipuiiy's
tract, Cherrytree Run, und ubi-iit four duys
later, on t!io sumo Company's tract, anoth
er well was struck wbiob ie producing lil'ty
barrels daily.
On l!ie morning of tbi-21 tl.i'ist., between
five and six o'clock, two freight trains gu'.ng
in the same iliioetion on Vtn Allegbeny Vul-
I .1 ... It! I . I .1:..
irj jvuiikj.iii, i;:jii,i,cu HiilIMi u l.lul.ce I III I Of
I'lttsiitu-g, 11111) H'vcrul cura i.f tbe fin ward
tfiin were quilii badly wrecked. The pas
senger trains oil the loiul mu delayed in
consecpiencu. No person ws inj ired by the
acciiieni. e urj inruiri'M that Iwo cars
having on board eighty barrel! of crudo oil ,
caiigui nro and wero burned. 'I be lire, H i
stated, Caught fuum a lantern.
&bw rAi'Eit. Wo have received Iho first
liumoer 01 a weeKiy journal, puoiisued at
Erie, by B. F. 11. Lynx, formerly tditor
atid publishei of the Dlxpatah of that city
This nw enterprise hours, thuvery appro
priate title of neatera rennxilcanian,
and is devoted to iliu commercial uud mau-
ufacturiag inturests of Erie, and vicinity.
Mr. Lynn is a very able and successful jour
nalist, and in our opinion, tbe people of
Erio will stand in Iheir own light if they
do not give bim their fullest support. Sue
cess to you neighbor.
The Prussians complain that tho distil-
leries of that country consume more pota
toes than tbe people eat.
, new ten barrel well was struck on the
Hess Farm, Cherrytree Run, last week.
600 barrels of choice
Wachter & Felters.
Winter Apples, at
The lur;;ests stt ek and best variety ever
offered on Oil Creek, is at;Gaffeny's.
Cliqu, Xni;ti, Heldsick, Green Sial,
Gold Seul and oilier fnvorit brands, can be
had by sending lo Gaffney's. novllHm
Tho old estuplished house of Owen Gal'-
tcny, is acknowledged by all to bo tbe placo
to find puro and unadulterated wines and
liquors. oov.l91ui
titles nt Lam
mors A- Alden's.
Buckskin Gloves, cheap, at Lauiuiers &
600 barrels of choice Winter Apples at
Wachter t Feller's.
$1.00 buys a bottle ot Gufl'ney'a Sunday
Comfort, every family should hove it.
Full assortment of Pun Ies for 170, just
received at W. II. Mchelson A Co's. Slu
tionery and Variety Slere. f nov.23U.
Kid Gi.o.vBS A large usFortiuent,
LameiB it Alden's.
Ordeis taken for suits and its gurantecd,
at Lainmers .t Alden's.
If ycu would make present to n friend
give ono of Kelleys's German Silver Lamps.
Gaffeny's is sole agent.
S-rosi'r it mniiiijcr,;
Y. Ml Lit it Y
For x Vvw Ncght Only!
to nnnirfm to tlia ctil
i.uv :ni;t,iii!tyl tuat be
7. -in ? ri'trJt-i-m ' '
W ill OJMMl Willi it (Mil . ;t I, J
Select -d f nin iIh ir n.-!;i:il Vli. atr! ,f v Yor!;,
lto-ti n tn.M 1 Fill. i'ii l.iii i. tuu'. tntr Willi :i Si'l.r.N
1)111 SIi. KK I OilN l.i' HANi' n..d ll lull nni e:U-
cieir 1 'r.-li.-tia, n.iikiMn ;in j:u-:it.'-t ennbiuaiiuu
el' illuntiuic und I'uluiil tiini'lllnj;.
Monday Evening, Nov. 29th, '69,
Will be produced Wa'livk's Croat Pensallenal
!'rnni:l, ci. titled,
Miss JULIA liLAKB irfLariv'F'orcncp
Mr. J. F. SHEKCY - as Klliott Gray
A Lieutenant of Lai cots.
A'lmi.ntnn. 50 renlfl
lieiervfil Stat, T6 cents.
rriiute lti.xis, 5,1.0.
tTTTIRCETS for salo at tlic McL'Mntock llou.
lJi'ti'ts open at 7 o'clock, pert'ormanc com
li uc- l
nov-MH. J. M. PI1HKHY, Ag. nt.
l ii'st '!a.S:i!-oii mid Itcstii
WASIHNOTON STIIEKT, lVtr.ilium Centre.
rillli'. ivt la e- nieri-cin." on ilrau?lit, and
J und a'.l '.lie elinieo-l Wlllen and Cins, l.illlher.
;er cuocne, swii-er inse, r.ninuel.ei, aulues, .e
served np In ovuy st. lo lo oidcr. Also, for slo by
iiie i.iii nr heir
CtiUTlvLOtf V VonrilFII. Proorinton.
Oct .91:11. ('red. KohuiU old tmid.
T !r sul scrilicr?, liavinir pur
1 setl the stand of M. Mo
. ney, on
l'ctrOIciini Centre, l'a.,
' HAS H'l:EU A
Branch Liquor Store
and will continue to keep con
stoutly on hand a full supply
J. & SJ. If ARItETT.
Fctrulcuni Coi.t:c, Nov. l3t'.i,'.S0 tt
Underclothing In largo quail
: j.
I. H. HILLIARD, Agent.
3 ( ca eital.
Itepnwnli il nn d run full) Inrertid I y the M',t,K
tlir ivlinltle rntiii.'inU: '
'I l.i' MuMinl Life In-urnlic; t'o. ol N.
Y rk. cnpiml. . sj
The .l'.tna'n Insnrancr t'o. of Hartford '
('nun., capital,
TlieHuirifl luHin-aiire ('. of X,w
8 in (i Din
Die liMiirnnre C. or North America,
I'.i., tl,
lie lli'tne of .New Haven, Cj;'Uii nt,
l'he Aili'liy I'lty Iii.ur.ii.rn Co., of Allia
ny. Ni'iv York, cai it:i'.
The lui-ricfin Life In-milm'C Co. of
rbiiaui'iiiian, capital,
This Aeeiirr li aiming the olilit mrcnrlci in n
Slucnf IViiifvlvaiiia. wurt iif I 'litln. i,i, ia iu
l aid ilurinu li e Imi fniirlmn yoar over
$300,000 IN LOSSES
Oooi! TlwHIIne House. Churches. Si-Ii.x.i 11
and other lniihllnpi
Insured Perpetually.
Oil liisnri d In Store BmMu i.,r..:.
"llinl nu slmrl notice, in tin v of Ihralmvu pin. In
uraiirv Ci mmi inks, twice iu Franklin p-i.i,...:. "
Kiuiikiin, l a.
tiu 5;tim.
Drilling Jars.
Wo wnM repprvt fully nnnonno to nur r.trt.
men nud ilio public generally Unit wu ket u con
jf'.nitili on lanut
Cast Steel
Jars !
WMrti Tor StnTiitTi nnl Dumhrity excel any Slcul
Llm d Jir hert tofoie in u.
The it d vantages wc Claim
OT?r Mnril Tnm am thnt, helnc ATX STKKI.. thy
in; fiiuii';i 1 .nu? i rriiy 01 mm;
ttmf iiri!.-fiiliu' n Stirol rurf:uH tit 'tnnwk, they nit
prnttKMcd li-nm wiir on tLic outfidt', unil wiil keen
their !hne lont-r.
We Warrant l imn to Drill
Fifti'di S!uilml Vnt.
Wc a! so keep on hand
Vixst Iron AVorkiiia Rarrels
Fisher, ftorris &
Bryan, Dillinghttm A; Co.,
Iron aiiil Oruss Fuuniitrs
Manufaeturi r of
ENfll.VE-!, noiLEUT, lKILI.INt?
saw mills. rr.Mt rNo ki;.s,
T tusvl 1, Not S'.th, ISil. vt
Mrga. WyckofF,
llegs have to Inform Ihernlil'c flint il.o hM re
moved from the Kticrt 1-ariu,'
To the Next Building Below M. S.
cimmons vtug oioie,
Where sliciwlll keep a;flne assortment of
Millinery Goods,
rVSnllRltlniT n'aliitrn nf niililln I ntronSKO Mr.'
w. iM'.tuw tn i.inn.a iIhui wii.. mnv fiivur lier wLb
l J. 1BAiiA & 10.,
All kinds of Machine Work done promptly sod
warranted to ulve Mitifffuctlou. r.
V. J. 1IAKKA f o
Reduced Prices at Laminers & AUIeu'e.
500 l.airelsef clioieo WinU-r Aili', (
Waclitrr & Keltem. nev.2otl'.