1 V- ' i MISCELLANEOUS. T. M'Donald, LIVERY,: FEED & SALE STABLES S At the Dejf t, opposite lite Central Iiuse. rSTKOLECM CENTRE FA rilllK best Stock of TllIIVINf) AT FATIDI.E J. IIOHSKS on tli Creek, ore to be fouuil at McDonald's ..Livcry. nJlEHIABES & GUTTERS TO S LET AT ALL TIMES. OH3E5PEO & ROAKDJGI) on Ucasonablo Terms. Teaming of all kin;! "J at tended to Prntptly S"J"Glve mo call. T M'DOAL . retrolenm Ccn're, Sov. II, 18118. LIVE R V FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE. rENN'A. I linrn put In a Rood stock of RHinir nail Driving Horses, wbich I will lot on reasonable terms. Also, Ctitiers, Wresrons. Sprintr boarded nd fed and bert of cure gnar- teed. jeJu J. 8MAWI.ET.ra KEECJIANI'S GARGLING- OIL, JS THE LI&EK3Eli3T Fto Eflcua S Beast- 301; car In t e, CT3 GO Is iroodi'or lihntmatbm, Ch'thbilrs, Conx, V'hlt lows. I nko.I Hre:its. Sure ippUs. Cramps, 1-ot Im. Hues ot animals. Wcnki.i . ,,f iho .Tumi!; -, 1 i.ntmc llons of the Muscles, Hums rmI !n,:iK i-re-it. liiics, Painful Nervous alien ions, ( hupped Hand. I nnc llnck. Prill In tho Side, Swclliluis, M l.luer. Tooth .-it...., v'.u ourcs, licuiormo.utl or J, lies, tesu Wounds, Galls of nil kinds, Spnln,. flrnt-cs, 0'nolt cd Heels, liinc Bonn, Pole l.vil. Wind tint's, cal' ions, ISprvin, Cueincv, Kiniihl, (ill:!.. rx'erivl oisnns. Scratches or Cream'. Srr'nubnlt. !-'iikI raci.s. Lameness, strains, ! i.iiiniiiii.L.-l'i't, :.n Horn Distemper, Garget in l', Cracked Tents. Koot Hot in Shce)i, and ruauy other discusm hid- ui-ui iu ai.m nuu jjcaitt. " '"V S3 773 It. D. T.VTion, of Concord, Kv.. fnvs IlicGai-pllne Oil ennd a horse of his, Iniur-.d nhife jilouuhliii: bv attempting to step over a stump, almost pevei intili'" ttilirh from tho bod ; also that he Wis used ii iu his family lor llficeu years, onl Is tilt best renicdv tor 1 im, Hums, Bruises. Front HiUs, Strains, Kheum aliam, etc., he ever ujed. CT3 CT3 STORE. fllhs Tv,c,ws!nri''i1 b i'.ii find "71 Tfv sot on 1 WAsuiwrox & ssicond sts.,j Petroleum Centre, Is no" pnirec1 to furnish bis cii'tomera with cv. eryt'nln? la the bonus fuiuishiuj Hue. Etiiji Stovi!anl Tin ware, liantnrns. Fancy Articles, !? a tm !!. S'rrssod and .Tapaitni'-'l V'arc, Also a ffjarjj ' StncJi of rSrasi Iron f'siliHrr1 HUM. l'ISTi'NAND 1IRM1 VACKINO. LACS I.EATHEU, n'e., TM M C.TA'M 1'ION AN1J NilV.l.TY Cl.OTIIKS WHTNOF.US, WAVER CODLKIIS orall SIZES. All Job Work promptly atten ded to with neatness nntl dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gaa and Sterm Fittinir, hav ing a Ga Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Eegion for cutting Gas Pipe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. WmfoiimgCaTitrR, July 1S0.. From CncMP ft r.ncs , ('orlirfinc I,nm'.i:ijr, Oliio. Nov. 20. 18' I'. 'p nro ph n t: ;b yutir ntcircine. It h- hfi-n the ni-niiH ff f:iri):! n ral triimlnu o (lilVorrm fl!-'ii--f 5 t.j'ini vt'i"n-. n :i! o m , ti t r?f i. We think ft c:iv ill! vi r; i curim-i:.! if i. d. V. win t you to et Ml hc 1 n n-v i.uv-U.u of variety ibr '-Fitiuiiy Cc,' in einnU botti"s. Trom Dr. J. K it:r:ii.. Wrrrfti. In! . r-r ISAM. I om fTjrSfd in tlip r.ictir '.r nwli -:n nnl And your ?ilintr Oil an r:;irn:ti'l -f o rcmeiy In all cane wlierc au cxunial .".-i.:;c;ti ini L llitlK.fltc l. Fi".m L'n O. n. Tat pm-rK Tr-ws, 1.-. v V'.v: 1 l'nvo prrcfir( il ri' d'ciT'P in li.;.- c r nviv t n n ytars t'lid olircTiLliy iTcnrnmoiid jcur (u-rrr; t.il as tho liostt linaiucut iu ut. Trom Dfi. T. "Vr. Etlts, C.i.. Ji.n. P. 1" Tf ci;nj(l roc5 tnth box en tif tlio iiprvliir- i' it u it bPtii-l miifli. n4 T lint l- 1 finl.i ... .,.; ..,1 I'..t-lr oil ft.-. t.w...iP.. t. 1.,.. .' .' :1 ...... ij'in.i y i- iu jitriirui Mutt' it 13 ui; ppfl Hint I liaeil frwlc'. Frir. 1'R AVm. S. Ici'ALi.C'hr.mo'a. ?.!n, Xov. I cutil.i i.ncnrc di'zors of cwtiJicaiia Timiu tii w!io lnvc htvn cured by it. Wi-wliiiK Va.. H.tv, niidfi' (1. to (i.' .iniv 1"'. 3s nir.i ino.v f.in fuh. iv ronniii (i tm i tv: for moidl-rn?fp tnj-.n it i rt -nii'iniir1' d l trum -J. K. iifiin:. L irrmix, :i. ! nuo Oil RUSS r & ' DAVIDSON, TIT I3iauioucl t$t Opimslte Herald Office) Vi jf hh; . I ,pv.r ,;vi l j tbc $Mc genor JPI7. Vfrtir(iortclfnp (A U ? h hvt'-rhvv l on tVirnifi-Ii'. iiu c i i vinuiij huvntpmini'l,Pi i. n Aiwl ti,.. U, ,t fit 4'.., T."...., t IT. . ..ill... stain, aro much tout for. Fxtrnct from n lrtir ft-om nn T'-Miian !.r;r.;tFT, County. lud.-e of Sti"11sy (.'fi.. lovi fn'od II irl.in, Aprl W. is.i it ii tk-t-iijfCJT itrt'.c-rp.-d to imiv ntr.ent fold in lliia octMin. Kxtinrt ol a l?t'-r rnm P'yvET.S. I:ri;p. (Vtt.fi F.-il's-nr?. Ohio, Tii!y M, l: Ol. hi -hin-'i ht-t. :y M;nitlul:nd fly-niiii' c()t lliv I n u viux vuy ij.'HHil to be TyiiUriu !'or Tin Tfi tlcin Inn d ty ft tlat it could iitti f.ti, i.r.i! lb.- tl:io. Mii'im fdijunt fh. and h t;so i i' it r tr !'crr K-ti.):: of t Tie (i'tl'ar bottlrn r.ici tV.c d ci-er-i F.om A. O. .Niei . I.cusv;lir:. ( (., tioc'rn (., Marcli. 1S;72 I buvc ii)(d vonr tif.rs'in;r ( il !ur 1 1 -r - bcnttci'os on my tiorau, ai.d it cured u v.th tt.t- ttr.st applictalon. aUy to call and examine oat SHOTI2 FALL ST03K CF ? ;pu3Niiueb c? nil mm. Parlor Sulfa, Olivnher Sols, It'wk Cnse.., "Fido bnanls, Lounc'S, Carpets, Mirrors, nud every ile- Tlpticn of furniture, plain and fashionablo. TetmB rrBorablo. " jn To Milliners and ComitrStorckcf pcrs. fallTtrade. UP STAIRS. 1 K31UAPT.K poods rocohdl daily from Miction 1 ' nod cr!v:!lesii!e flizr stnek of Peal hers, F'ow ers, HiitiiH. Silks. Velvets. Hiblimis, I.ae.es. Triu niiiurs, Kriivres, Yankio Notions, Fancy (looOs, etc.. etc., is l:ir bu.i e-tioip. We cut length t jilnre prlcia. liny ami sell forcish. I.(war.i 12i;Eley & Son, "66, 811,"dY'311 Grand, and f.G, 08 cG 70 Allen, Street, 'i Corner f,toro,'fi fib block cast from tho Bowerr, . NEW YOKK CIW. . ,.:. f. CD CD C. A. jmrffey, DlAT.T.Ou'econd band ont;no6, hollers,' Tub uii Casing, also new Wood AS .Vann engine cjtmtjuiljr on batul. Havlug the fucllitioii for CLEANING AKD REPAIRING EN GINES, vill do.'so on th mohi rcAstmldctorms. Parties .Having Engines for Salo W'UI ! well to 'Ua mo a c.iU. rmtfoim ucar tlio O. C. ti A. it. K.. Got iS. . From Evop TdATnrn, TlT-ddlvort, N. Y-, July '", lS3(i.-T piwlmsfd a VmhI( of yorr ti:ir; !'r.s 'l o your arin. , S JjaUcr, a It'iritilcpr t nt.it as y-t have mmI but iaU n( it. f think it Yri- .iin iiic more rollff in n rnnof -Yerp Jilcnniri- tii. n io'ir niandtns than any tbin 1 r.ue tTor iicU belt ie. Fxtrart from a letter rroui -T. 0. Thatt, .iteO Qiilm y, 'l.nn:iuiiia Co.. X. , Aul'ii"! 1, K-'M. I h ive been ncqn.-iin't'd w th your Ii -di ino G;i;v t-i-v til) f'r tho hl.-'l funr'i-cit jf.-nr-.. It h;m j-rovt-1 r. fin re ciirftfor Foot bo: in Sbeep for vli th I eclu tin; hut brittle iiid btive calls ti'mof t tiai'.y for uioic. l'lea.-c funvard as tiOi couvt-aicut. Alwnya IrquJrc for ; Marciiant's Celcbrat::! GARGLING OIL, And tdke no other. ISelitil I'tfre, ftl.OO, Cf) Ctn., ami a -5 ;ts. bako tvcll bi'fo'c u-!t", nn:l rub on tl,oron:!:ly hef.jre Hie tlreor si-nifj warm -uh; lai:t. The 0iirplli:ir Oil has been in use is n lhinmont S lycan. All we imu ! a uir (riul, but lis sure and follow direcii'iiis. A-k yenr nran-t Drii-. UI, or dealer In Patent Medicines lor one of our Almnnrcs kim Y.nle e. cuius, and read what tho jtenjde nay nbeut the Oil. nioCarellii!.' Oil Is fer rub. bv nil twpcctcHi dealer, throughout II:. L'ulud Matin and ether couutrles. Our Irtlimoninlt dnto from lsra to ISPRnnd am ntunliei!id. l'u the diiralina Oil and toll jimr neittiiliors what good it h,. di no. Wo dcr.l ralr ai.d llberul with all and defy contra il lot Ion. MtmufUc t urerl nt IocUpt'rt, v.j Try J0n:vT II0ECK, Berrctaty. P o 0? o 0? p S3 B p" c; o 1 t d li-0 Q o Q O 0 ?fit . o r-'.i a U--.1J o O lta.li l3 ST 1 a' m DailF Record newspaper AND Office, IS A I H 'fKBSX, HcEowea & Co., i(Cornor Spring nntl Jlonrco Elrcotp W V ,!,oMI"11110" "f roeorvn. of tl.oOII bcfionn ii,th,.,,,r, . , ' ""Hero c.tahllshcd for the aceotnm'umu! ..n,,!,'' A strictly WliaZwate Grocery House", The only one of tho kind In the oil v..i Ueluve.ee,, the llece-slty of "ueh , nu-M tor long tiuio. Th. J "tab ' Retail 2 SJalcys W!0 InV, 1,1s love, n.1 .1 . capital In his bualue.;, """" nn Traturw hi, :.s,nfistrc:i,i, frui usor. r:-n'i) V.wT.i-V, r'lill-.de'jibi:, ai.d I'i'.'ur". M ., t' er . ill: l.iic.l ttvit. luatt it t;.i tii l.tva Aaar. At rtihtt!. I(?cJiMai, '. . i .... ... vii-.: rr-r IK; C.;-em; r r. .ft 1, l'..1.1. ?r inr 1). f,.:,ti'.l. ii UjJi3i.it..!' U&txiUiiUiiU. SW, propi.se to do it ky Selling to Dea'ers Only. Wo bars in utore a URGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK. cnnprli'ciiCT.rytMnit that In required In a fihst - clss stoef. IWlIch tto oSct at prices tk.t will t'oiKjwte with cny Jiiiiuct ii Hie i'oiiKtry, Jj-ivoi.tse,tc. (P., i :szau:. iio;js:t; .v (., foriior v,,,.,. a , r.tre st., s:ii Dealers v Kurri,( Taskcr .V OIL. WliLI. Tv-,i!NG A-D CAS 1X0, wtmKiX't n.Mirr.Ts vitisi. STLH INd MX? 1''" 1 CLAMl'M, ;,V(.S. " CKKK KODS, c UtiCliiaery for Oil TVo;5 & r.efiacritt KiiriiNn TntiLs, pmviv i.fv livery descrijilion ot '.Yet.ijVf-n l-r.-iitk! w i ;l selected r. ,;,rtuie!it cf ,o-l;Mv.; .-Tt'atcrtMl, im.r.dii8 tb ,r 1U nyuA. V: en. tlr'n'Tero, e;wh'e.l to e.f:utt .10 V. c.kot ove:y vi.r:!;. I a ;.rui m-inw v.-ren de;..-l. ji.isM ill he utatlj ji. luted la Colons Mtttui-iii"n ziz .Ii5St,a5EirT.f!j Hills ol 1'are. 3w3ntii nut! isUtusr Cair5i3 LirnT.K-SAr., BiLI.-UnADf, nil.LS OF RADISH, Etc , Elt U'AI-I. jKIN'tTlNG, in r F.ncy Styles, neatly and promptly ciecir IC'I, eui'rue:tu( CIT".orM,l- VKOGltASniES CAliDS, 'HCKKTS, i::c. lTact. every varlely a:,c stylo of w.irk In totter, yl'CM I"' UliUi,'. SUPPLIES FO!! OIL AVKLL3N3 FlAh.K!E.i, AIpo, stoves, tinwa:, I!KAi-S C.or1!)?, ISA us jyi a as Frrrrxox, JIZS.rl.Xtl, tAVKlSO, and IfOil IIAHDWAHK, 1I0CSB TillMitlN'Ja, Caru-iitors' Tools, llopn, Oakum, Nails, Axon, OofTen Milln. Tnblo & Pocket CiitltT", Full AsBortrucnt of Evcrytbing In tho IIAIiDWATiE LINK Au:e Far llnhir.it Goods, Lauii, Chimin"., No. 1 Winter Strained bard Oil, No. 1 HefblC'l (HI, ttelr Hi'l ', , ... Tahloatit'DnorVit'. t'8:a!!ip!ots Clotlws Wriagns Matinracturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. KepalruiK of all binds dono with neatness a'"1 dispatch. Especial atleuilou given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. Wo have endeavored to merit tbn Vm-!i tho public, and shall u'0 ovary ejurllon to iunure COllllllliniiee. . rtn. I Ditr fiicilities for rurnlshinc; erythlnR '",,. line, bnvii.fr bivn ereally Inereased, lu mo of our New Ituiliiin'j. are now ....ir'T MJPb'inOK TO ANY OTIIK" KSTABLlf-IIJ"'" aucil-bin. IN THE OIL KKtilON. Vorcr.ants, Lavysra, Janlins of tho Po .ee. I. tod A'.-. u:', (.11 Peacr. acd A;:enta, Inniranoo A,.;!.-, Baimi'sonen in (.'.her parties in want, arc lo!ni.cd ! Om i-.at v niuail Proprietor of the Buffao Bakery Healer n choice Flonr, Butter, rpB anu i-"1 Also, choice tiroeoi ien, Pctr.ilcum Centre. Pa. ... .... to. Ji" rirdcra left nill no ;.rnr:piiy ";;:; ,,,vw iVdelivcvo.l. rosloilleu Hox y3. -,it wonieprerareJ to execute too--dcrU kinds of "7; r,wm'i. ih. i . dTfil'1"5 niuaiiy. ,tusiiJtir le4t, required in - torn- 'n11 ,LX , ; Mi I f H" U. SJZKONS, i3T)Kgtst. tJ