PRINT OBSCURED DUE TO CREASES MISCELLANEOUS. T. McDonald, LIVERY,8; FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PBTBOLEDM CENTRE FA 11I1H hest Jtock of DHIYING AND 8 ADDLE . HOUSES on the Creek, are to be round at M'Donald't ...Livery. HAHRIABES & CUTTERS TO B LET AT ALL TIMES. ORSE3FED & BO.IUDED on Reasonable, Terms, Teaming of all kind. at tended to Promptly. ry Give mo call. - T M'DOMAL . Petrol en m Centra, Not, II, 1808. LIVERY FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite I be Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, TENN'A, 1 be vp put In s good stock of Riding and Driving Horses, whicb I will let on reasonable terms. Also, Centers, IVngrons. Spring Wagons, ir nunsu uoaraea anu iuu uuu uesi oi enre guar teed. no-tf. A. SMAWLET.a STORE. rTvhe nnfleflnnrd navtno; titled no row store on 1 WASHINGTON &. SECOND BTS.,1 Petroleum Centre, Is no prepsrod to furnish his customers with ev erything in the home furnishing line. Stoves and Tin ware, Lantern, Fancv Articles, Stnmped, Pressed nna iinpimnra ware, Also a Inr(re Stock of Brass fc Iron Fittings HUM, PISTON AND HEMP PACKING, LACE LEATIIEK, otc, THE CHAMPION AND NOVELTY CLOTHES WHINOKRS, WATER COOLEHS of all SIZES. All Job Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis patch. Pariicular attention paid to Gas and Sterra Fitting, hav ing a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Kegionfor catting Gas Pipe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. Ptroleiim Centre, July flSnn tf.,3 FURNITURES HUSS dTh DAVIDSON, On Diamond Mt., TITCSVII.LE.SPA. (Opposite Herald Office) W r'i ttoJaia'o.dVpatroaJandiltho pablic'gencr ally to call and examine ou SPLENHIH FALL STD2K OF FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Parlor Suite, Chamber Sots, Book Ca?ci, Side board, LomiKiH, Carpets, Mirrors, and every de scription or furniture, plain and fashionable Tejmereasonable. jn t"5T" To Milliners and Country Storekeepers. FALLTRADE. WII0LCSA1E DEPABTXEXT UP STAIRS. PK3IUABLE poods received daily from snctlon nnd privateaale Our stock of'Fentlieis, Flow ers. Satins, Silks, Velvets, lllhboiis. Lace". Trin mines, FrlriEi'S, Ynnkee Notions, Fancy Goods, ete., etc.. Is larire. and cheap. Wo cut lengths at piece prices. Buy and sell fur cash. !:lv,;ul Ittdlcy & Sou, 09, 311, & 31 VS Grand, and OG, GS tSs 70 Allen Streets, Corner store, fifth block east from the Bowerv, NEW YORK C-ITY. Pt.:: f. C. A. litirfey, DEALB.t'lnJsooud htnd en? nes, hollers. Tub m-i, t asing, also new Wood X, ilutin eoKines constantly on hand. Having the facilities for CLEiKIMG IAND REPAIRING EN GINES, will dl'so on th moil reasonable terms. Parties Having Engines for Sale Will An well to cit'o me a ca'l. PlP.tfOiin near tlie u. i . cfc A. 11. li., ISj.Itai.Et'!!t C.'FNTlir, l'A ort ':, 'isv tr. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, 18 THE BEST LINIMENT IN THE WORLD For Man Beast. 30 Yon r In Vo, Ie (food for Khenmatisro, Chilblains, Corn, Whit lows, Caked Urea,, Sore KlppU, Cramps, Hulls, Bites of animals, WonkLPM ot the Joints, (.'untrue tlons of the M uncles. Hums mid Sculd-". Knwt Hites. Painful Nervous atVocttons, Cliapptd Hands, Ijime iwck, jmu in me fiue, wi'Mings, Turners, too. u Achs, Old tSores, lli-uiorrholds or Files, 1'luib nuuuust, itau? oi nil kiiius, rprains. uraiscs, uracK Cil Heels, King Bone, 1'oIr KvH, Wind Galls. Cnl" Ions, hparin, Sweiney, Fistula, PUfiist, Kxterna Poisons, Scratches or Grease, S-rim:haH, Sand Crack, Lainene, Strains, Foiindcriiipreit. Mange1. Horn Distemper, Garget Id Cows, Cracked Teats, Foot Hot In Sheep, and many other die eases iuci dent to Man and Beast M4ri nr It. D. TATlon, or Concord, Ky., says theOaigllni; Oil enre'd a horse of hi?, iniur'.d while ploo:hiii: bv attempting to step over a stump.ulmost scverim;his thigh from the body ; also that he tin used it in hi family for Hf.cen year, end if the best remedy lor i tits, minis, rirntscs. Frost lines, drains, luicuiii ntisni, etc., he ever used. in From Chump 4 Bros . Cochran Ijintlinrr, Ohio, Nov SO. ISMi. We art' pleased Willi ytmr medicine. It has been the mpans of curing a (treat nuiiiher o diflerent d ileuses upon rieon:, as nlo upon tiorses. We think it cures all yon recommend it to do. We want you to send n? the Urer proportion of the variety for "Family l uc," in small hottttH. From Dn. J V, terrkt.i.. Wnrron. In1., y arch 18oi. I am engaged in the practice of mcdWnn and find your Gary lint: Oil an extremely eilicie remedy fn all casee where an exurnal application is indicated. From J)n. fl. B. Xeal. Harris, Iowa, Pec. 90, 185.1. I have practiced medicine in this county sevrn years and cheerfully recommend your Garbling Oil aa the best liuament in use. rFrom Da. T. W. Ellis. Oft , Jan. , 1W0 If 1 con id recede both boxes of the Gargling Oil it will not be too mnch, as I thltklconld soon find cole for It nil, the inquiry being frequent since it is sup posed that I h ave il frr !ale. From Ur. Wm. H. McCALiChamoi, Mo., Not. fl, 1858. Y ur Garbling Oil Is taking I he shine off from all the lin'ments of the day. If you desired them, I could procure downs of certificates from thoae who have been cured by it. IMessr. YcLain Bros., Wholesale Drngrrtsts, Wheeling. Vn.. sav, tinder d .to of July 24, 1H ti, that they cna safety reeommerd the Ga-gling Oil for moie diseases than it i remmmendid lor. From J. K. FifHFR. Tniontown, I'n.. June 31, 18(17 Your (iargltng Oil is doing much belter here thnn formerly, since its virtues have herime known, at-d the bottles put up for Family Use, without stain, are much sought for. in Extract from alerter from nnnNATiiAHT.iJinpET, ConntyJndre of Shelby Co., Iowa dated Hnrlnn, April 18. 1W7 It is decidtdly iirefernd to any lin antent sold In this section. Extract ot a Inter from Bahcit. S. IIcp?, dnted FaPsburc, Ohio, .Inly 17, 1j-G. In June last. Henry Shame had n yrarlins colt that l.nd what wits sup posed to be Dyptlicrm for more than ten dywio that It could not eat, nnd the throat twolen almost phut, and the nse of three or four applications of the dollar bottles did the desired cflect. A. G. Niei., Lewisville. Coschocton Co.. )., March. 1852. 1 have used vonr Garglinc Oil for the Scratches on my horse, and It cured it uh the first application. From Exos UlATiirn, Mlddhport. N. Y.. July OT, 1850. I purchased a bottle of ymir Caroling Oil of f'onragrent, A. S Baker, at MhMlepnrt. and as yet lave used but half of It. I think it has ulven nie more relief in a case of severe Khenniatlsm. ot Ions standing, than any thins I have ever used before. Extract from a letter from .T. O. Piatt, dnted Qnlncy, Chautatl(ua Co., N. Y., Allsrust 13, IKM. I have been ncunnfnled with your n tdiclne Qarelin Oil) for the hist fourteen years. It lots proved a sure cure for Foot Hot in Sheep for which 1 sold the last liottle and have calls almost dally lor more. Please forward as soon ad convenient. Always inquire fot323 Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Retail Price, (Sl.OO, SO CIs., uinI 2 Cts. Shake veil before nslns, nnd rub on thoroughly ueiore llie ureor Biiliie wnrui suusiuuee. mi.- ii nti i. i .. . 1 1 . 1 in UHrgiuii; wo mi urru in usn n n IIIIUIIlI'lll 81 years. AlTwo ask is a air trial, hut ho sure Ak vonr nearest Drnsrcist, nr denier in Pntent Medicines lor one S our Alnmnncs mid Vnilc M(s dims, and read what the peojilt suv abuut the Oil. ThoOnrgllns Oil is for sale by sll respectable dealers throughout the United Slates and other countries. Our trttimtinialn dntn from 1K3 to 16(18 nnd nro untnliciied. Csu the tlarclimr Oil and tell your UclgtlDOrS WIUU goou 11 lias uonc. Wn deal fulr and lllicral with all and defy contra diction. Manufactured at JiOcltport, X. Y., by Jflerchasit's GargHK": Oil t'tf. JOHN liODOn, Secretary. Soldhy PI- K. Sl.tII', IHtigfjlst. H o n a C o W t a. j W re J Ui 5 3 a 3 f) 03 ted S8 e c c e- rs- o a i 3 3 a s n rf) o Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; MAIN TBBET, PETROLEHfl CEXTHE. tI.I,M s WEf.&,;pr(prl slet, from N.w Tork, Philadelphia, and Pitt.hure. which with editorial, and Local aiatUn, ma It pt 'Je moat desirable newspa)ers publl-ilied In Aalvrtlstlaff ncdlmn, Tb K!PORl) lias ca ailDurtor. as It d.-utati r wucrerer an Oil Operator or IJealer aan be found JOBBING DEPARTMENT. Y'e have a larco and well selected assortment of Jobbing: .Tutorial, embracing the vary latest tyli. Wo are therefore, enabled to execute .Jo- Wo, k of every variety In a satisfactory manner w hen desired, jobs will bo uoutly printed la Colon giitinitiS iiiii. a j Postr rj HaiiTilllls. Piogrnmmci, ISillsof Frc. labcla. AND . BuincNs and Visltiiis Card? LKTTEK-nEADS, DILL-HEADS, BILLS OF FADING. Etc , Etc BCIj printing. in or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly oxecn- leu, cmoracini; CIRtILAKS PK0OKAMME8 CAKUS, TIClilSTB, BtC. '. Jfact, every variety anostvlo of work In letter, -lU. Yir'IltltKF Merctiants, lawyers, Jnsticea of tha Peace, Land Aunnts, tlllea:ers and AgenU, Insuranco Agents, Kxprosnieu and ether parties In want, arc informed hut i we are prepare! to execute too-der all kinds of niuuity. tusincsitr legal,) required lu this torn- McEowen & Co., a .(Corner Spring and Monroo' Streets,) TITUSVIIiZaB WOI'LD call the attention of Orocorv Denisrc of the Oil Keglons lothefnct thnt l'ln. I,.,,. established for the accommodation of the Untie a A strictly Wholesale Grocery House, The only one of the kind In the Oil Itprfnnt.-s .riiRTrnrii i ne in-ce-Kiiy ui sum au eslalili.ti nieut lor a long lime. Tha "wunja. Retail Dalcrs whs pays Ills taxes nnd licenses ti,l ..,.,. v.. capital in his business, SMI Be Protected, In It BWs propose tadolt by Selling to Dea'ers Only. Wa have In storo a LAKUJS AND CAKEFCLLY SELECTED STOCK, coraprlslngsvarythlnf that Is required In a i'lKST - CLSS STORr. Which ws offer at prices that will Compete with any Market in the Country. VT cordially Invito an examination -of tuir i nd o sni isfy jKurnclrca . k?pU;3bi HOBSOIM'S (III CBFEK TlI'E WltKKfc CIlAIUiEsf KOUiSOA' Jlc Co., Corner or Npneca & Centre Ms., Dail iuo uiiiroim, uti tit), i'n., Dealers in Morris, Tusker A Cu's OIL WELL. TUBING AND CAS1.V0, SLSO, WOKKINO PAItTKLS AND VALVSS, bTUFl' IM I'.dXKS, CLAMi'S, TuNI'.S, HI CKKK KODS, Kachinery for Oil Wells & BefinwiM IIOHINO TOOLS, OIL I'UMl'S, niMVTvn iitp COLD M'ATKK flUf Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND U- FINISHES, Also. STtlVF.S. TIVWABF. BUASS GOODS, TEAMS AKD OAS FITTINGS, , JJKLTIXO. l-ACKim, asdW"' 11ARDWAKE, noUBIt TKIMM1S0I, Carpenters' Tools, Uope, Oukiim, Kuil. Aram rn(Ti Mill', 'Tiible't rocket Cullf'j; 4 Full As rortmcDt of Everything In th HARDWARE JJM lliutc Filr-tishlng Goods, Lamisi, Chlmncvs, , No. 1 Winter Strnlned Lord 0". No. 1 Kenned Oil, BUUr TahieancDoo,)!." s.. 1 ll'rlntfl'n viiii:iiiiuu lwim a t '"( Mannfactnrcrs of Tin, Sfleet iron ana toppw - ltenslrinc of all kinds done with nesnre" - aisptucn. especial atten'lon giveu STEAM AND GAS FITTING- ... . . . . .... n.trnnn the ptihlic, and shall use every exertion tom" unr facilities for riirnislitnu' V ,i sr1 lino, having been greatly Increased, la tuu oi our new iiuiiitiiur. are now ,f(My htTl'KUKHt TO ANY ESTABM"1- auaSl-Hm. IN THE OIL KKUiu.i. O. F. SCHOMIIi:,, Proprietor of the Buflfao Bakerj Dealer n choice Flonr, Butter, t-Kf" Also, choice Groceries, ... . . v. rciroieum uonue, - . , ,i. ttell(lW ' , Orders left will be promptly ""." Goods delivered red. Postonieo Uox IigilDAIinl LY ItBCOKI), U tb niedium u tha oil Miioi' .