The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 23, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. Ceutrt-, Tncp.lHT. Nov. 93.
Ko. 2, lfl9senner.Leare Corry 11.20 a.
m : Titt-.sville. 12 69 p. m. ; Petroleum Cen
tre, 1.40 p. m.; Oil City, 2 22 p. in.; lr
Tineton, 6 10 p. m.
No. 4. Passenger Leavo Corry G.10 a. in.
Tittisvtllc, 7.35 a.m.; Petroleum Centre,
8.14 a m; Oil City, 8.59 a m; arrive at lr
vineton 11-40 a m.
No. 6, 1'awen per Leave Corry 0.05 p m;
Titiihvillo, 7.50 p m; Petroleum Centre,
8,38 p in; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p ra.
No. 1, Pacseucer Leave Irvineton 7.15
a m; Oil City, 10,10 a m; Petroleum Cen
tre, 11,05 a m; Titnsvilie, 11,50 a m; arrive
ut Corry 1.40 p in.
No. 3, Passenger Leave Irvlneton, 12,
05 p m: Oil City 2.67 p m; Petroleum Cen
tre, 3.36pm; Titnsvilie, 4,20 p m; arrive
at Corry 5.45 p in.
No. 6, Passenger Leave Oil City 7,00 a
m: Petroleum Centre, 7,43 a m; Titnsvilie,
,30 a ra; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m.
Olvluo Services.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and
'clock P. M.
KEvy J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Serviced every Salibath at 11 A. M. ami
P. M. Sabbath School at 12 P. M.
coll free. A cordial .Invitation extend
d to'all. '
Eev. C. M. Hiaud, Paster.
Man at 10 a. ra.
Vesper and Benediction of tb Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. ra.
Catechism at Z p. m.
x iii- 1 1 juj it. in., jRS!iUKf r uuin, oonu
wii delayed an hour and a half ly an en
gine .tEinjr off tho track at Oil City.
This mornings train. South, took a large
number of our citizens to Franklin, as wit
nesses and spectators to the trial of Gni
The screen behind which David Tatestood
when be was shot, and through which the
fatal ball passed, was taken lo Franklin
this noon to offer in evidence where tbo
trial is In progress.
Last night i he engine bouse and rig on
lease 56, Pierson Farm, was burned to the
ground, wit look fire from the escape of
Ras, and entails loss of from two to three
hundred dollars to G. J, Cro, owner of (bo
About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the
boiler of the Funk Well, near Titu.ville,
exploded smashing tho engine bouse into
splinters, and greatly injuring the engineer,
named Jessie Hays. The came of the
explosion is not known.
Hiss Foresee, who. has sued Gen Butler
for the recovery of Gen. Twiggs's swoids,
Is a niece of Gen. Twiggs, and that the
story told by Mr. Parton in his "New Or
leans" volume Is destitute of truth.' The
assertion made at that time that Miss Flor
ence was the mistress of Gen. Twiggs, Is
without foundation.
We notice that it is annnonnced income
of the New York papers that the newspap
ers in Pennsylvania aro advocating the ex
elusion of the Bible from tho Common
Schools. Under our laws the Bible may
bo used or excluded at the option of. the
teachers or School Boards, and in many of
the Schools it has been used for years.
They have a way in New York for al
tnust everything. Awhile ago Horace G rep
ly's watob was stolen. An attorney, whose
practice made Mm familiar with the thiev
ing fraternity, gave general notice tbut the
watch must be returned and it was. A
f(cw days ago Mr Hastings, of the Cotimicr
oiai Advertiser, was relieved of bis wafch.
The Sun advised the thief to ro'nrn it, as it
was a much prized gift from Thurlow. Weed.
The thief took tho advice and sent back the
watoh with a cbaraoleristlo note, express
log bis "regret, not nolo the man 'was a
The subsidy business will bo up in Wash
ington on a lurge scale this winter. The
amount asked of Congress, It is estimated
by those who aro familiar with the sutject
will not full short of $500,000,000 In money
or bonds, and 250,000,000 acres ut Govern
mcnt land. Indeed, bills have been Intro
,dueed in the last and present Congress, ask
ing for abeut two-lbirds of ftiese sums, and
those known to be in preparation will bring
them fully up to (he figures named. The
highest order of legal talent has been engag
ed to push these tlaims. One applicant
has retained sn ex-United States Attorney
General, another employs an ex-Secretary
or the Interior, and another an c:;-M.ijor
G moral.
mciKiiertlie Iflnrdercr lulils Cell.
Fnm the Rochester Vnivn.
There is now lying in the jail of this city
Ban named Joseph Messnor, under sen
tence of death. Unless the Stale Executivo
should interpose by reprieve or communica
tion, on the 10th day or December be will
be executed. This condemned man is verg
ing upon sixty years of age. and is already
far advanced upon the road from life's prime
to the grnve. Ho will be missed and mourn
ed as little 'as any man in the city whtn
dead, because be is as little known as any.
Messnrr is to be executed not because be
Is clearly guilty of murder not because
public so regard It not because the public
eafoty demands his life not even because
the moral inlliienco of the gallows must
be maintained. It is because brs counsel
were too confident in there ability to pro
cure his acquittal- because the jury did not
understand the full (orator the verdict they
were to leturn because, technically he
stands proven guilty of murder, and there
Is no legal opening by which be can be re
leased. Full assortment of Diaries for 1870, just
received at W. H. Nicholson & Co's. Sta
tionery ami Variety Store. f oov.23lf.
Last evening a young man from Mead
vlllo, came to this place in seaioh or a
b.otbcr, whom he learned was seriously ill
here. It seems that.tbe brother had been
on tho creek for some months.and had led
a wild and dissipated lifo during that time.
After some search tho young man
was found up town In a ploce of ill-repute,
in the lost stages nf a leatbsnme and
nameless disease. Tho yonng man, who
hod como to look after blm, took him away
to-day to his home, This boy 'was a few
years ago a steadr, virtuous young man,
out railing in with evil companions bo
rapidly fell iulo Uad habits, and is now u
mere reck of humanity with epparaiitly but
a saort tune to live. Ho was a sa l sight
to look upon, emaciuterl and wasted uway
to almost a living corpse, a victim of dissi
pation and licentious passions. To look nt
him was a regret that man could so degrade
himself. .
The old osUplishcd blouse of Owen Gar
ieny, Is acknowledged byoll to be the place
to find pure and unadulterated wines and
liquors. nov.lDlni.
News Iienin.
A lady in Verden, III., bus earned a farm
of 700 acres by leaching school.
Eugenie no doubt thinks tho Suez Car al
the meat striking passage in Egyptian hie
l'ere. Hyacinths is tlio gueat of the lion.
R. C. Winlhrop at Brooklyn, near Boaton.
Bergon, Germany, nan a papiur-maclio
church which will bold ono thousand peo
Twenty.five tliousaul dollars fats been
refused lor an ebht internet iu the Onon
daga, stoneman.
Camphausen, the prtecnt Prussian Bout
well, was formerly o President of the Co
logne Chamber of Uuuimeice.
A lady in Santa Clara, Cnl., had to
have a leg amputated in consequence of an
injury received by kneeling en a hoop skirt.
Gladostono recently, during a drrury
Parliamentary debate, occupied his time by
translating iuto Greek itiu hymn "Uuck of
Tbo Rusaiaa Legation in Sweilzerlnnd
has been transferred from Berne loGnnevp,
on account of the greater number of R is
slauj in the latter city.
The cook of tho Eiupcrior of Austria
committed suicide in grief that the dinner
prepared for Iho Crown Prince i.f Prussia
was put appioved.
Iu London they have abandoned the ve
locipede and adopting steam wagonettes;
which, however, they aro only permitted to
use at night.
-' A bpggar in England carries a physician's
certificate, which, when deciphered, is
found to testify that tho bearer is slllicted
with hypocrisy and laziness.
A bride iu Cheatham county, Tenn., ur
rayed ior tho altar concluded to marry an
old lover who cutno hurriedly to see tu
ceremony, nod she actually did it.
A Itucbeslcr lady writes that tho Onon
daga stouo man reminds her of Senator Uos
coe Conkling, "though he is not near bo
good looking as the Senator,"
A Reform Evangelical Spanish .Church
has been established, ut Seville, and the
Rev. J. B. Cabera bs gone to Madrid to
obtain a charter for its organiz uion from
the Cortes.
A member of" tho Tennessee House of
Representative recently pTered a resolution
for the sale ot the portraits or Gen. Thomas
and Sanator Brownlow, owned by the
Tha Chm-okoo Council ciuv.viol at Ta'o
leqtinb, Arkansas, on tho at int. Tlio In
dians are siHl to ba iu a pisspcrjus condl-
A Philadelphia Scnmitioii-Tlio.Mnu
who Inherited ?7G,IOO.UOO
Fsein the l-'hlUuVlphla Ago.
There has been a ruddeu explosion in our
higher life circles an explosion; that has
caused disaster, dismay, and grief. Some
weeks ago the announcement appeared that
a young man, who, fot three years prior,
had been serving the guests of a Ilarris
burg hotel with tripe and browned fish
balls, bad fallen"heir lo jui Jintrfrnse . for
tuue. Discarding the towel, tho npron,
and dispelling that air kof servile .submis
sion which all thoroughly instructed wait
ers avf supposed to posses, Jic, launched ohI
ibto a career of fashionable excitement umi
flirtation. He came to this city. The re-!
port spread quickly ,of tho foitune, which,
by the death of an aunt iu. England, he had
fallen heir to; miil.gossip p.ii.snl it from
mouth to inooih, until it was ilteiared,
with his saucticm, thai. h,kwus ll.n uc!y
possessor of $7d. 01)0,000. To authenticate'
all this he wouid hiiu.i what , appeared tu
be true and failhlul transci ips ut the wii:,
deeds, Ac, of this gteat est, i.e. ilo l.eciuie
intimate with our Market street merchants.
Possessing the open sesame, cheuli, and
money, he Tumid no difficulty iu cicepiug
iuto laiiiionub.o society, und, l!ieupiiog
iug up as a teal, uudisuisml lien.
A certain West Philadelphia .Congress
man detailed bis uouch and two to .convey
this young loid ab nit. 'I ho .-managers ol
a number. of our chantrble institutions re
ceived bis noies, promising donations ol
etertling exiraviginee. He even went so
far as to ileclaie his intention ol enriching
his Trieuds who had kuowu bim when be
was nothing mor,i than a pour, dnwmrod
den server ol tripo Mid steal;; and living
in this belief, they Invited liiiu lo their
homes, und tiealcd him in a Uiendly wan
ner us tht-ir means would e.llow. About a
week Ofjo'lhe great deuounecmenl came. It
was uiscovtred that wuilw hv.- had i-.-ceived
u imaii icnune. aoout 4-o,tiuu, U:rouf;j ins
own Buiiuus aud conceit it wes pul'Ad up to
ruortnous ouiount named. What he diil
hud carried him along for three weeks
with al tho eclttt and individual gnuidu.-r
that envelopes a prince. His money is all
gone; ke is denied wherever bis name is
known, 'snd the bon-tm wonJir at their
short-sigbtcdiiess in believing him endowed
with tho wealth to confessed 'o. Unfortu
nately for, him ho had mentioned high pai
lies in New Y..nk. its being lis buckets.
They were telegraphed to, and lennocd ni;
answerthat be was'nn impostor.
500 barrels of choice Winter Apf.les. nt
Wechtei-it Fetters. nov. 23 I'.
The New York Sua s.ij s the Hon. Tlujh
Hastings, who lB;ely lost his watch, which
the Sun ivcovcivd lor him by its inMueooe
on tiu con-.-ie;.!.-- a thi.-f, is infrine-),
"by a gen t!i m m wiio knows, thai tho On
omlnge r-t-ii'i' giant was ntadi! in C'hit.igu,
and wes luoi.gbt to Onondui;ci coun'v a
yoaragoawl depositd afn-r ilurk in the
spot win-in it w.f found.'- How lucky tlut
it was depus te.l nln-r davi., for il it had
been done In daylight the i:--i. might have
been fjtind out.
But who was ihi- pon'Ieirin that o-ive
'.hi- iiirurmai iuiV And wm iu Chicago
made the sti'.in-? Ai.l 'mm whs it that
lirougtit it lo i) i ,i IV.,, ,..,.-,, y :1 veer ai;
And who buried it at Caniol' ef er di-i!.7
Let i.s Live i lo- truth, and i;-.:h:i:.; i. n La
truth. Ex-SeercUrj tjumou's h-'.'.ih U tmp-ov-ing.
The bi'iik-tnei oa the llu l. !;
aro on u strike.
Tho new Minister liuiu H iyii. i-n. T i'e
successor to Laivrbe, has urrive.l in Va!-h-inglon.
A flro nt l'"urt jtully. l)al;otn Territory,
recently, destroyed a niillio.l dollars' worth
of Government nores.
The Catholic church at Ililoxi, Jliss., wsb
demolished by tho recent storm.
600 barrels ol cheico Winter Apples, at
Wachter & Feller's.
800 barrels of cborico Winter Apples at
Wachtir t Felk-r's.
Kin largo osiorlment, at
Lainois & Alden's.
Ordeis taken for snit.i and fits gurantoed,
at Lummers & Ahlen's.
For Groceries nod Fruit go to tiliiills.
He has Cranberries, Apples, Fears, Ches
nuts, Sweet' 1'otalies, Candies, and every
thing you can us!; for, at wholesale nnd re
tail. ' 1'rices low. nov,17-tf.
Tho largests stock and best variety ever
offered on Oil Creek, is nt Guff'eny's.
Cli.)'i, Maiim, H.-bUick, Given Sea!,
Gold rfjal and other favorlt Lrands, Cin be
had by tjudinslo Gaffney's. novH'im.
Underclothing III large quantities at Lam
mors A Alden's.
Buckskin Gloves, cheap, at Ltunmers &,
If you would inuko a pressnt to a friend
give ono of Kellers's German Stiver Lamps.
GnlTeny's is solo agent.
Reduced Prices at Lumniers &. Aldcn'f.
$1 00 buys a bottle ot Gaffnej'.s Sunday
Comfort, every family should have it.
The Old ;uil B'stiiMislicd
S. SOBEL, Prop'r.
I3oor loi.1ScloKM Opera
t 1osisij Potroletim Centre.
Aficr n n'imtiftr of yea" spoilt iQ entering to tlic
v:mt" vi ihoriiitiirt of iVroleiim (.Vntitf (,
un'l '"fn ty. I 1'-irH ;o ivtuni my
ilniiilxH inr tin r ivi'voinm ml rn-c'Tii'-
tip'iit ; '(', tu 'nlonu
tlini tlin: I hiiv ' ;id K-J
tiri'ut y to my -ti-k it.i
Kiiii, nri'l willi iu-nrrts-fi
iiii "It
iIpj ft'u oai.b Ml !o rill I'litajicr ; cvtr bofoic-
just opevt:d
Another Fres'i ? ply of
I'imcv Oitjss (oitrfj,
.litttlil'n iiilk V-Iv.ti,
arid itt-iivev Chtllix.
rui.L a.':-'o::tment of
im suibs or mm
ULANK.KTn Fi.ANWK'.S .'- snAWL",
i'Lont-5 a OAi:;:.Mt;i:i:s,
t'jrpcis, li Vlnttis mts.
I TnrvK ftiJ fsTcnt'I.r, n-d a f.;!l line o!
liL- i' FUit.MUIMi liOOi'S.
Mrs. WyckofF,
f.' 1- riTc fo !r.f'-r'n th-'j'uM!y tfuU b! o tic ra
liiovo! l':u:.i tl. I'y.beri l uriu,-
Totba Ntst 3law HI- B.
llininons Druj; Store,
V.'h' ro t.!ie'viil !;uep ft'flr.e a-si rttn'-i:t oT
Millinery Goods,
"5" Sol;t:;'iDfr a'em.-o r f piib'-c rnronnc-T Vr.
W. tio;,e lo p!ea-e thos j w'ao may fnvortier wl:h
ae.ill ituvltl.lw.
Drilling; Jars.
Wo I r-vneetrullv nnnotmee to our c:uto.
mors find iho puhllc gehorully lhat wo ketp cou
stunt ly on h ind
Cast Steel Drilling Jars !
Whlfh for stro-H-lh and llnraht'lty exec! any Stcjl
J inuil .Jai- he:TtolV,.u iu u-o.
Tlio ltlvanlagas wo CI;i5ni
ovor Meed .T on urn that, Ix-inr. ATX STKIir,, thev
Hie slmiiver tli 11 Jnr.j eoi' .imly of Iroii;
that Dre.-entini; a stent Mi'i-'aen to iliuro'.ih, thuy aro
:.'oiujied from u if on the ouLiitlo, and wlil Ueea
their ahupo luii.-r.
Wo Warrant Them to 8ri
I'iifu'en Sl;in;ivil l'i't.
Wo also keen on hatd
C:it Ertiti Woi'kiiisr ISnrrcIs.
FhSit'r, Morris & ji.
M'.JTHOMCtJ.Tl Cra't'SE,
Hot 12t!i, lS-Mt -tf.
I. H. HILIIARD, Agent.
Itenresf-titeit nn d cnrediMi invi-Ml, il I v ,v r . ..
lilgrellnh'ecmniiaiiloH: "'..uw-
u.e iiii'imi i.ue insurance Co. ol N.
Y -tk. cnietnl. c--r.
Thoin'.lna l.trelnsurnnn-Co.of Hartford
- Conn., rntiHl.
The Home lusurnnco Co. of Kew York,
S.hl'O ma
rhe liisurnnenCo of North A niork-a,
I'd., eanltnl.
The lloiiKi of New Harm, C tn-.tlcnt,
Th Ailnny City tiinnrni're Co., of Alba-
ny, New York, eai-ititl.
The Miieilnin l.ifolnsuiaiiec Co. br
I'liiinaetpnin, capitoi.
This Aieiicy Is mnoiiK tho olrlent sei-nrin. i. ..
Stsieof I'emi-ylvania. e. of I'lillaih-ii lua Z
fnid ibnhm tlio hiil fourtera ycirw over
$300,000 IN LOSSES
Oonil Dwelllnitlluuses. Clinn-liiM. s, i,n,,i 11
and other luillilltipi
Insured rerpotnally.
Oil lntired In Store and In Transit. 'o lu j,, 1,
nil on shori iiuilra, In any of iheaiov I. U i
ir.-a:e t.'(niauie. iu Franklin Kxa -,.."'
The snliscribeif, liiitinif iim-w
liascathe st.i r.d ct JNl. Mo
ney, on
PelrOlciini Cciilrc. la., -
Branch Liquor Store
and will continue to keep con
stantly on hand a full supply
J. Ac 9f. B Alt RETT.
T trolenm Centre, Nov. ISth,1'. If.
Fal! Trade
3 1 roleum Centre. Pa.
111 a
J. Bill,
For tho Fall Trsile, embracing full Line '
ropuxs, silks
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes,
Calicos, Muslins, and a choice
assortment of '
And slsoa choice assortment of FLANNE S
very cheap. Our Line of Alpacas and Pop
lin Alpacas is the finest and cheapest In th
plane, suptlStlf
First das Saloon and Itcstan
rnnt. WASHIXOTOM BL'ltEET, Fetralcum Centre.
rtVAK Lie ei- lleer constantly on drancht, and
1 and all the 1 lioieeH Wiiun nnd Cipirn, Iiimhor
eer t hee-" Miit vr l-BKe, H ilid lehei.f ardinn,
COUTJiViOO VOIJCUb'H, lroirlaton.
Oct.! :tr. (Fred. SclmlU old rtauU.