' - - I 1 p'HOLEUjli Qg,. . I DISCOLORATION OIJ ORIGINAL - m&mJ DAILY Vol hi. no,12o , THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. U. LONGWELL, Proprietor. Per ymt payabtejn advance, 18 M 7f l'er month, tKHJi:..IMT OF ADVERTISING. , (Ton line of nonpareil make-on. square.) No. Insertions. I w, V q. 3 sq. i, oil. One day. Two Any, ' 1'broe ajri Four days. (1 511; a oni t 50 8 ( S Ml; 4 M T 5ii 10 001 12 0' 15 ( IS l 30 0( 45 00 IM IKl' 4 6li I 511 6 511 1 m R UO 50 14 01! 18 (III an oil 811 INI 40 110 60 00 HO 00 loo no 1 (to 1 5' J 1 51' 9 U"i 2 0l 2 Ml t -a 8 H 1 So ISl 4 5ii 0 IM e im oo 7 no 10 ( 10 or U Ml 12 on 15 001 21 im (M 27 (111 S6 IN h not 4n mil , (lue week, '. M Two weett. ; Hiro wk, YOn. inonu If wo llliojrths, ;Threo mouths, If - Six mnntp, Klne month, aporial notice. 20 cents per line, each lusertioo. Ailwrtinrmrnta payable quarterly in advance BUSINESS CARDS. N..B. S.niLEV, ATTOHMEY-AT-IiAW, Petroleum Centre, Veoantfo Co , Pa. Atwclattil Willi 1'. D. Klnnc.v, Esq .;Pranklln, UKFIC In room formerly occupied by .T. ;o. 11 linttEnq ,'.in llrlfk Bank; Building aofl&tf. HOMEOPATHIC PlIYSICIAN.cau befoiind at tlio McCllutuck House, TeU Centra, ortho present. .- nor4:t AIsIJEUT 8. IIAVEU, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFfiCE In the Horhoder Ilnnie Building, on uaU:iiluii and aula streets, FETIWI.KrM CKNTKE, I'ENN'A. y 10, 1SI13. If. 'MOMfAM t 8.11 ', ATTORNEYS,! COUNSELORS AT LAV, Office Well Street, Franklin, and I'e'mVe.: tre, Pa. Mais-if. V. IdvAI.t'JM:, RESIPENT SURGEON DENTIST." OFFICE Berry's new PnlMinir, corner of Wash lajimi and fticond retroi'iuin Ceiurc, Pa. mayl'.l tl tiVAi. II. .SISSEE.t, ic (O., 13 -A. N II E R S , ' pK'raoi.E;si cdm ki:, pa. Q. II. Binell, M. C. Martin Chrlslnpber Meyer. Wc offer our serviirisi r,ir tlio transacllon of a OKNKH.M. IIaN'KINC, F.XC'IIANHK and t'Ol. LECTKIN llH.-INE.s-i. Any business entrusted to onr caro wilt receiv prompt attention. Jnlltf c. ii. w ii.iJA.nsr" GOAL I T llAVUnnene la Coal Yard at the end of th 1 Hovel Kuril, lliid'e, whero will lijcun.-tiu.tly koji an kiuus oi S TEAM AND STOVE COAL. Teams coming to my yard for Coal, will have Freo Passnsro Over Hie Creek ilritlge. OPERATORS Yonld do well to cii'iuire at tlio ofllee, and will Cud It to their advantage to dea with inc. Petroleum Centre, I'd. ISillAM A; CO., Watc HMAivi:as & Jewelers, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASI1. INGTON STREET, Pli l ltOI.I'.l .11 CE.NTHi:, PA., Keep constantly on hand a largo oaaortmeut oi WATCfl ES, JE A'UI.RY, i'triTOl.s, REVOLVRIW, FISIIINO TACK Oartridj;ns,c., and will sell at eastern prices, wattb work waninled to eivo talicfaetiou. PETROLEUM CENTRE, 3?A., TUESDAY EVENING. NOV 23 1869. HOTELS. II liXCIIANGK.IIOTEl,, SAMUEL REYNOLDS. Proprietor The larecst and most commodious lintel in tha oil recoil. 'ar on il'n Uridine reduced to boarders. This housr. ! plcnnantly- situated, nwraa coulnnd ph uimni, inr.kiiiK it ft di'ML'litfiil hotel in all rupect. JOCISESTKU IIOrsK, Washington atreet. Petrnlenni Centre, Pa.' BltADSTREEr & SIIEUW(IOI), I'bophibtors Thin House l centrally located, and the general hendqiinrten of oil men. retroieum l.enire. rn.. may iw, i.-,a n. QE.NTRAL IItISE, PETHOLECM CENTP.K, PA., I Near Oil Crock Allegheny Ulver Hallway Depot. maylO lT G. J. CItOSS, Proprietor. i'(XIi'OCK ISOISK. PETUOLEUM CEXTltE, PA. TMa popnlat Hotel, tltuatcd Corner ol iriaJn & Woaliltiutoii-Rts., Niarthe Hem, linn been refitted and fnml'hed Ibmnuhnnt. and the proprietor will p:iro no p'lina to make it a FIRST-CLASS TIDCSE. oct$ tf C. ORISWOLP, Pronrletnr. fPETUOLRUM CENTUE, PA. J. R. BAKNF-, . . . Pro; rieirr. Tli's llnnn (s in a pleasant Hiral'ity, ai'd nt a slmrt Willi, frem llie lep,d Thv rooms nre Hr;r' anil romiitrt.v ie, fin,: nm tame suppne.i wiiii uic delirnrti'S ul tU' tuition. jll.'O .!' J. It, BARNES.. i N Ti;u:.-A'F.'2:?.TAi. nurri,, MILLEit 1'ARM, PA. .((IIIN C. R'lWS, ; Pr:p"r. CtQi i-.crjini no'l ili;'is f..r transient customers. !'iv ll.xr.l i'ii 1' i rd wiiii ronins tin riv'snnnMe t s' - - 'I''.' 'irtfv 'i iir will sitnro no pains nj 'ii.iUv hit, IJ miic. ult:,L'lie lo kmi'S'.ii. jiilieS-lf T' PI.rAAVTV!!.!.):, PA T'.-is l!.,'ie ii:'.Tl:u' re.ieTrt li'M'i; "iilurced nn'l re. fiir:i:-l e.t. I i;':i ? ir.v r,-iM. ii'i'i! ty ill C'.MlllnuL'ine two l:"'i!."i .",''"- r .-ii. ,,rt;ilt!y. HI.";:i' i'-'ve ;(ii h 'tise ilirce Itines a ilev for Ti- tila.l'ic There is n , P' a-es to I' Ihi'l". J lR-t.'. 'llldl'. .Y.e!C!NWLi", Pr.p-!'. Otis ITV, P. H'mi wcwonld mo-t mipn t.1!!;.;, info-m tho trav- filiti'r public lh.it wp pt'n.o?o o "kfH'j- a !futt?if" im-1 to iMiivinco Hicm nf tlio art, w nvJti n1! v.ho m i-1i ttm rmnforls oi a home, to cul. niion h. It will 1 e found Tito IJoeol off iUfttril UogUms. Our Sami-lt? liooni Ik Mipjii'd with thf el niecMt Wliu'?, Ucii -w ;i Ci-rar, rnd our t'ihl vill Im found Udt'n with the very t thp inrU'-'t RffurtU. Tli'tro It cmniocted with tlio Hotio four firjt tfru. Hitliiird Tnt-les. AUo, n-irh r Khnp ni:d Wuth IfoomM (live iijj n cMI, nnd convince jourrxilve o the triithlnlnuss f our is-e-tiop. rff I.I-'M RTAATS, ja,!ii;w i. wiiiti:. octotf Coal! Coal! Coal! rjtllE undersigned, having estnlillshed a branch Yard at. Kyml Funjj, are now prepared to furnish All Grades of Coal At the Very Lowest Prices. Oporfitoro from riiorrytre li'nn,niid trinity, living at IVtrolnuinCcntrir. etui leave their nrdt-rfi at our office here, and lmvo iliwn promptly 111 led from the t t IJM A1 SI III X MIUi AT LESS COST TITAN USUAL. BOX'T VOltr.1T TIII3 PLACE BF.AltI.E& COIINWELU Otllco on 0. C. A. R. U.. I'etroleum Centre. Bniiielidillee at Itynd Farm. N. B We hold cxi lii-ive rontnil of the famous STONLfcJUnO COAL. at lxith the altuvo nuiued points. jun2-t eraiiila I?jhi-I)itssI2:. IIATIIIIVO 1IOOSIH f'nllK sulHcrilier lins tilted nil his second floor in luxurious aiidcnnifortrble ftyle. as a rlrnt-cluss Burlier Shop, Vollr firsl-flBss workmen will be in , - - limp. Four flisl-elass workmen will be in ice. There are 'iireeotian'i- to llie liir p, one between tl.e Imildlnm. (me iliroieh aitendanee. ber Kliou, the old rooms on (he first floor, bcfcid-.'S two I'.ighls o s.nira from the side-w-Hk. orlHw C11AKLE3 J. LEONfJEItiER raEBSm KJiilJUliD. , ScleiiUHc men ultibule tbe lato govere sum ib or ond autumn weather, the Blorms. Goods and earthquakes that bare prevailed In various places, to tbe influence of the sun, which, they assert. Is In a hijufy agi tated Flato. It is also asiserted by tbera that the boiy of magnetic light shooting from the euu in every direction will, by the begining of next year, have extended far enough to exercise material influence upon the earth, and then it in said we may ex pect the phenomena will be observed such as have not yet come under the notice ba nian race. A lud caught her liuabani breaking tier hoops. Two bi.ura afterward, the unfor tunate man was seen at a drag store purch asing hair restorative. It mutteis not what a man loses, if Lc saves li is roul; but, if he Uses Ms soul, ll lnaUere mil wbat he naves. It Is stuled the subject of 4tbe resumption or special payments is being boldly advanc by General Garaeld nnd other weaforn men ' bers of the Iliaise, ocd it is considered pro bable that the Uiscuesion will bo opened in Co ngreftt. A suit fur slander liaa been commenced in the supremo Court of Onoida conntVbV lir.1 I'atu Oei.ro, ul ui,hii:kiou, lr-h, 4)a4in'st- Jiules Gordau Iieouett, Jr., 'DBBg.taes A, Levin n ml Samuel Gleun, of tboiY-enino Teleijruph oi tuis city, laying bis flaWa-a ul$2U,UU0. The slander consisted' In crn- ueciing him in a (Imputable manner Jwiil; on oetoroon tiamed Meiienioiselle Belle, who be ulieees is bis allianced wife. vns arrested nnd cave hail. . Mr. Glenn THE CHEAP H STOKE FIELD Main street., opposite McClintck House, iear J.ower Iiiidge, Pet. Centre, Pa. An Tninn'TirK' Siock of Men' nnd niy'ri ready mad t'lottniiir to b-' t-.-ld iiid Udow L'o.-U A SijHiire dealii. i:d ( li jKiiifbiiizcd (uiiceru. IIKAIMilTAUTKKS, liUKFAKO, N. Y. 1'ranche nllov. rthe T'nlled S'tntet, The under fiicinid hen ly :viiiin their tn nkp to the inhiild juiM ot Pctiolt inn tVntie, nnd vicinity, for iheir liht-ru! patroiiiii' d.irn n Ihe i)iin anM iiniiner; nnd hrg leiivf ! inform llicin that ihey will riuidii at the iibovo named ninnil for a few wet kn lo'i-jer lodirU puse ul a lr.r'0 '.m k of ready nmde (. luthing lor Fall and Winter Wear at from 25 to 40 percent. cLoapcr than can be purchased izi the OIL PiE (HOISTS. The reason why we can and will sell chraper than ttlo cln apust: wo maniif acturu I in i ense qunutiiies, on wliit h Hceomit we nre eiinliled to Hell our iroods al retail clieiiper tlian they can bo UKitmrurturcd in siuiill (iilanlitii, 'In n liuiKe np live thonstind suits of one kind, takiiiR advantage of every inoli of cloth. Tim way we conduct our business strictly on the ONE fli('t-S YKTKM meets with favor overv where, for it is the ouly way and cuius the coii Adelice of tlio c.Miiliilinlij' at larye. Kaeh nrtiile is marked witli the lowest and only price in plain llu U'ca. No lianteilnt', no deviation, all j;nod warrant ed to be of the lint niaierinl nndof siiperinr work-inaii-liij., unlike the trash often kept ill ready made clothing .loics, all articles purchased at our store. If not to the entire satisfaction of the buyer, can, if not sol id, lie r, turned within five days tn l.e ex rhniiKcdor tlicin liey will be refunded. Look at our low prices. ,.nod Overcoats $5,0(1 .entire ens. sonere suiisJB.no. $1U,'I0, Heaver suits $ pi.OO A szn.O'i, ,ive;iiiis on i-is., ra nor Co ars. H els ner li'.K. auu nil oilier srucies in our lii rheiip in prnportlou. Call lailv i ! o ,e,lp due l'.'loe ("olhlie.' Store, "Mn j p., din MiOlintoe!: llou.'e, Kcnr J it, aim h -Mn.., .. ii, our line eipillliy as lit llie Kltualo Mail, K'reel i.i ; y p. idle ,Mi'i:niiioi'i: iiou.'c, cllr J.OiVer Drld'o, iieuin c ejti'e. i :i. i Lirtw By rfsilio mm i ULU 1 1 lilEti-MUAf, FALC'K & 1SKAF.L. t'roptieuir.. ,,v 9tf. IMPROVED ORIENTAL I AND A 0-tE.Vr VARIETV OZ' C2Lg?"Z ANE EEATIKB STOVES 'M A'MES' ninv5:0m. Oppn.lta Pint Olllce, Tltnaville, Pn. John C. Welch, Sciiucii-SI., Oil City, Pa., Dealer In (iibbs, fJussell & C's Boring and E'Mi!ai Toids, Diivh'ff Pipe, (rain crrJck Iron, UI'8, ISaluncc AV!itel Jk Pulliesi. all sizes, "My eonneclloo with leailTille nnd Plttsbnrul. linn'il'l.'H is such licit I can (jet out all kinds of Catlings at short order JOHN' C. WELCH. Oil City. Feb. 17. 18(1(1. tf CHAMPION REAMER I We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally that we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever been in troduced. (Jive us a call ! ' Fisher, Xorris & Co. r 1'. .!. I3AA & CO., MACHINES BOILER SHOP WASIIIXflTOX ST.. PE TieOIiKlM CEJVTKE, Pa. DOlLERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine W irk done promptly nnd warranted to 4ivc ta'.ii-f: ctlon. F. J. II KX'A A l J. 25 OTS. WEEKLY a. fo,i ptncelo ffit tb. worth of your monevls at th Nl;V Fl.dUK AM) FKK1) HTIIIIK ANII l.UM HKIt Yi:i) of I,, in. STtUMMKtl 4L Ct ., w here tl.ere ia nlwuvs u rt?fidy to f!.ow tliolr cnntnmor thntr Wry t of KI.OCK, HAY, nnd all kincU of FEU; tr.A tLe place uIau vljcre may bo FOUND 1 lanrc nssortmont or flrstclnss ItOfOII AKD hi:sei:d i.r.MiiEH. lath, miiinhi.km, jtc. , a tbe very lowest cash prices. Thoau w no tire cot DEAD i tholr own Inlcrost, ard wl?h to dent with men wtm do liunJneHH ou tin pqimrc, will Unci It tn Mk'I iuurpAt to give u a cnli before i-urchasiug cleu w).cro,.aud sue what vu can do fur you IN our line of lnlnss. fff All Order, and trnmlni unimpily ntu ti led to. Do not for -el theplai-e, 'U' il'MTK Til K KdCUESTEK UdL'bE, WASU INQTON STJiEET, Petroleum Centre, Pa. MM. STKHNnrRO, 11 II. WARNER. FebBI-tf DEALER IN OIL CIT YPAINT AND HEAD OF CENTRESTREET. SASH, LOOEi, BLIND ' AND . VINSaWS, READY CL1EDJ PICTUtlE HtA31E!,A;C. HOUSE cfe SIGN PAINTING GLAZING & PAPER HANGING to oitnun QUICKiSALES, , SMALL TROKIT i L. D. KJiLLOGG. Pianos ! Pianos ! GE0KGI BROWN. Manufacturers, .TAMESTOWN. N. Y. AUo, e clusWc Agents for tha E8TEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, DEALERS IN SliPf t Music, Strings, &c. t"jrcnd for Illustrated Catalogue and price ""' OAOHGI A HIIOWN. Wnrernoms 4 1 I Main Btrcot. Factory Hrookly iluiu-Sl. t niuy?-t. llloek, fool of BI''FAI,0 AND ItAILHUAn. dn and after Monday, Nov. IMrd. lbilo', Passenger Trains will nin on this road as follow.: i r.AVF ruin oino east. 1, 1( A. Al. NlliHT EXPItKSS, stoppins; at ,-tXt Kipley, Wesifleld, linnklrk nnd Hilrer creek, arriviii;at Hnffaloat 4,4.1 A. M. Sli,1i A. M., NEW YORK F.XPKUSS, stop l.'S-i pingat Wi'stfletd, Hrocron. Dunkirk, Sil verrieek. anil Angola, arriving lu ilull'all at 2.10 P. V ,.T1 P. M., CINCINNATI EXPKE8S, .tn 4t'i pinir at Noribeast, Wostiiel.l Brocton, llunklrktind SiWercreek, and arrives at Huflnlo at 1n.4S P. M. i.All A. M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODAi Ql.v'U TION, stopping at all stations, arriving at lluffnlo at lo. lo A. M. ,1,1' 1. M., DAY KXIMIEKN, Ktopplntr at Northeast, Hl ley, Westneld, jMinkirk, Silvercreek nnd Angola, arriving at but- falo al 7.0o P. M. i.kavr nrrTAirfi ooino vtebt. 1 .,.; P. V., DAY HXPHKSS stoppInaarAn tw.r'J (.ula, Sllvercni'k, Dunkirk, llrorton, Wesifleld nnd Northeast, anivlng atKrlo at H.45 P. M. I .III I' H i WAIL AND ACCOMMODA ttnt TION, stopping at all .tations, arriving at Krle at 8,rm P. M. ,' A. M., TOI.KIIO KXPRESS. stoppinit at MI all station., and aniving at hne a' lo.So A. M. . n,AAl M. STEAMTOIAT KXl'IK, stop ping at AiiLnila, bilvercieeli, Dunkirk, llroelon, We llield nnd Northeast, arriv ing at Kric at l,i . v t..ii'e I,' VP IKS 1 eXt A. M , MtillT EXPItKSS, stopplnB a lrS SilvonTcek, Dunkirk ami " estneio, nj- rivlllg at Kile al l.so a. ,i Iteilroad time is N.' 0'm Firt Claw Saloon and HoM mi ni lit. WASIIINOTDN STltKKT, Petrnlni in Centre, ri'll K le st I ii'-'er Hei r constantly on diaiight, anil I nnd all linn lioiei'st Wines and ('inns. L inlier .TrClieesi., s.er la-e H.l d'lli'I.es. Simlinis. 1'iiKTLI.iOI' . VOI'CIIFH, Propriuto Ocl W tf. (s"rcd Hclra.t. i ld urit 1 ( I ! ' ' :;1 . -i-st. :J,.rt..-:..lgfj ... , ,,1 Z-im-94S.C. . lk'ik4UiiliiwU lt'm.1