MISCELLANEOUS. T. M'Donald. j LIVERY ":FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PBTBOLKCM CENTRE FA TBI beet Stock of DRIVING AND SADDLE HOUSES on the Creek, are to be foand t M'Donald' slavery. HAHRIABES CUTTERS TO B LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FED V BOAHDED on Reasonable Terms. Teaming of all kind at tended to Promptly. t3roiv.meac.il. T JPDONAL Petroleum Centre, Not. It, 1W. LIVERY fk FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I have put In a good Btock of Rldinr and Driving Ilorses, which I will let on reasonable terms. AIo, Cutters, "Wagons, Spring Wagons, A:c. HOUSES boarded and fed and best of care (roar teed. u tl A. 9MAWLEY. BTORS. The nnderlnned having fitted np e new store on WASHINGTON tc SECOND STS. Petroleum Centre, Is now prepared to fnrnish his customers with ev erything in the bonse furnishing line. Stores and Tin ware, Lanterns Fancy Articles. Stamped, Pressed and Japanned Ware, Also a linrgts Stofk of Rrass Ac Iron Flttiuee UM, PISTON AND HEMP HACKING. LACE LEATIIEK, etc.. THE CHAMPION AND NOVELTY CLOTHES WKIN0RR8, WATER C0OLEH8 of all SIZES. All Job Work promptly atten ded to w ith neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Sterm Fitting, hav ing a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil cutting Gas Pipe. Region for JAMES RUTHERFORD PtroleumCentre, July 18ft9. tf.,8 FURNITURE BUSS & DAVIDSON, as Diamond Ht.. TITLSVILLE, PA. ' (Opposite Herald Office) Would Ito nie.o.d rpatrona and the public goner ally to coll and examine oar SPLENDID FALL 5T03K Of FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Parlor Baits, Chamber Sets, Book Cases, Side boards, Lounges, Carpets, Mirrors, and every de scription of furniture, plain and fashionable. Tarmsreasonab)e. Jn ty To Milliners and Country Storekeepers. FALLTRADE. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT UP STAIRS. TVEBIHABLE goods roceived dally from anrtlon 1 and private aale Oar stock of Feathers, Flow era, Satlna, Silks, Velvets Klhbnns, Laces, Trin -nilngs, Frinu-g, Yankee Notions, Fancy Goods, etc., etc., is large, and cheap. We out lengths at plec. prices. Buy and sell for cash. Edward Itidley & Son, 09, 311, t& 8lltf Grand, and 66, 68 & 70 AUen Streets, Corner utore, fifth block east from the Bowery, NEW YOKK CITY. pt.it f. C. A. Uurfey, DEALT!.! In sr-coud hand engnes, boilers, Tnb ing, Casing, also new Wood Mann engines constantly on hand. Having the facllltlos for CLEANING AND REPAIRING EN GINES, wllldo so on th most reasonable terms. Parties Having Engines for Sale Will do well to clvo nio a call, l'intfottn near tho O.l. &A.K. It., 1'EillOI.lil Jl CEKTUF, lA Oct J", -iw.tr. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IS TBI BEST LINIMENT IN THE WORLD For Man & Beast. 86 Years In Uso. Ia tood for Rheumatism. Chilblains. Corn. Whit lows, taitea Breasts, oore nippies, iTBinpe, nous, i Kite of animals. Winki.nw of the Joint, Contrite-1 tiona of the Mnactea. Burns and Scalds. Frost lines, I Painful Nervons affections, f 'happed Hands, I.ame I Back, Pain In the bide, Swellings, Turners, Tooth I Ache, 014 Bores, Hemorrhoids or riles, Flesh Wonnds, Galla of all klnda, Sprains, Bruises, Crnck ed Heels. King Bone. Pole Evil. Wind tails. Cal" ions, pnavin. rweencj. riaiuia. Diuasi. r.xiernn- i Poisons, Scratches or Grease, Ppringhalt. Sand I tracks, lameness, strains, Foundering feet, .vange, Horn Distemper, uargct in cows, iracKud Teats, root Hot in Sheep, and many other disease inci dent to man ana ucati. R. D. Tatiob, of Concord, Ky., says the Gargling 01) cured a horse of his, Injur'.d while ploughing by attempting to step over a stump, almost severing his thigh from the body; also that he has nsed It in his family for fifteen years, and Is the best remedy for uute, jjurne, ttruises, r ro wics, oirains, juiuuui- auam, ate, ne ever tuao- From Chump A Bros.. Cochrane LantKnp, Ohio, Nov. SO, 1850- -We are pi faced with your mtxltcine. it ntifl Deen tne means oi curing a great nnnioer v different dinette uuon twrsoiin. at nlw tmon hornet. V think It cures all yon racommettd It to do. We I want you to end ua the Uiyer nrotMirtioif of the variety tor "uanuiy une," in smnn doi. Prom D. J. V. TxitRKLL, Warren. Ind.. TVtnroh 1850. I am enffOged lu tlie practice of medicine and find yonr (aniline Oil an extremely pfticfe remedy In all cases wbera an cxlcrnul application I is inaicniea. From Dr. G. B. Nkat Burris. Iowa. Pec. . M.VL I have practiced mi'diclro In flu a countv seven I ytars and cheerfully recommend your Uuriihig Oil OS LUU fUBfr IIUBIIIVUI HI UPC. EJFrom Dr. T. W. Ellis. Gfl , Jan. 6, IW9 If I coo id receive both hoxeft of tlxt OartrlinK Oil it will not he too mndi, a I thli k I con Id soon find taU f for it all. the inquiry bcinc frequent since it is sup nrrsM that I have it fcr sale. From Dr. Wm. 8. 31cCALL,ChsmoK Mo., Nov. 6, lKVU-YYiir GarcllncOU is takins thcshlneoiT from ntl Hi e. Hn'mtnitfl nt' rim Hv. If van AiuiriA tliom. I I could procuro dozens of certificates from thow I wno nave veen carca iy iu TMmhw. JTcLan lb Bros.. Wholtwue Srtiirs. vtueeung, n frtv. unuer a ie oi tiuiy v-t, jpmi. that lliey can snrcty rucommonu the (.argiing uil ror moreaiten(!n umu u t nrniuim imm ht. From J. K. Fisher, rniontown. ra., .Time 31,1 18R7 Your Gargling Oil Is doing much bettrr here I than tormeriv. since lis virtue." nnvL- tiennue kiiiiwn. and the bottle put up for Snrully fee. without stain, ars mucn Bougui tor. era Extract from a letter from HonNATHAir IiirnsET. County Jwl?e of Shelby Co., Iowa dated Unrlun, April la. IWI It is decidedly prulurred to any lin anient sold In this section. Kxtract ot a letter from Bamuit, H. Hi pt. dnted I S allnhnnr. Ohio, July 17, VW. Iu June liiu Henry I Minnie una a vmnini: con tnar naa unnt wn snn- pedtobe Dyptherla for mr.ro thnu tfn dnysaol tnnt it couiu not ear. unu me uiroai. triiien ainitisr i shut, and the nae of three or four applications of I the dollar bottles did tne oepirea euecr. F.nm A. a. ri el. Lewlsvllie. Cescnocten f'o.. (.. March. 16521 have nsed vear Gargling Oil fur the I Hcratchea on my horse, and it cured it with the first application. From Ekos MiTnm. Mlddlenort. N. Y . JuIt 'A I 18S0. I purchased a bottle of yonr (inriMing Oil of 1 your agent, a. B uaKer, ai. jiiuuiepuri nun nn yei I nave used bnt half ot It. I think It has given me I moaft relief in a case of severe rthcumntit-m. or long I standing, than any thing 1 nave ever used before. Extract from a letter from J. 0. Fatt. dated Ouinrv. Chantnnnua Co.. N. V.. Aninist i. 1854. I have been acquainted with your rr.edlclas Onrgllng Oil) for the last fourteen yenn. It hit proved a sure cure for Foot. Hot In Sheep for wh-ru I sold tbe last bottle and have calls niinnpt daily for mure. I'leaae forward aa soon as convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Retail Price, Sl.OO, 50 Cts., Fhake well before nslng, and rub on thoroughly before tne ureor somu warm buusihucu. The Oargltnir Oil has been In mho as n linament SH years. AM we ask la a fair trial, but be sure and follow directions. . - . nnlMi1 ni. J..ln, In Dn.nl Ateuicllua ir uimi ui uui nuiianofcp.iiii mic ..in- cuius, and read what the peopU say about the Oil. The Oarpllnir OH Is for salo by all respectable I dealers throughout the United States and other countries. Our tettimmiaU date from 18S3 to 18(58 and are I umoliciled. Veil the Gargling Oil and tell your uugnhors wnat good it uus uuue. Wo deal fair and liberal with all and defy contra-1 diction. Manufactured at Iiockport, ?V. V., by Blerchant's Garellns Oil !o. JOHN I10DGH, Secretary. cs a Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; MA I If STREET PETUOLEIUH CEXTRE. II.L3NQ tVEaVL,' Proprtuto r. f.t.ni New Tork, Phllsdelrkla, and TttU1)t:rir, which toitetlwT with KJitortala and Local mattera, niako it iae or tkM ninat deairabl. nswapapars piibli.hed in be Oil Keglau. As mi Advrtisinc Stadium, Tho RECOKD baa no superior, aa It drcalates wherever an OH Operator or Dealer can be foand. JflBBHG DEPARTMSNT. We have a large and well selected assortment of Jobbing .Tlaterlal, embracing the very latest styles. Wo are therefore, enabled to execute Ion Woi k or every variety In a satisfactory manner w'.ieu desired, jobs will be neatly printed In CoLoas Shipping Bills.! Poitersi) Hand-Bills. Fiogrammei, Bills of Fare. Isabels. AND Kiifincss nnd Visiting Cards LETTS K- HKADB, BILL-BEADS, BILLS OF LADING. Bt , Etc BALL VHlNTINGa in or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly exaca- V.'U .ted, embracing CTRCTTLAKS PKOOKAMMES GAUDS, TICKETS, Etc iact, every variety ano style of work In latter, Mercnants, Lawyers, Jnstices of the Peace, Land Agents, Gil Dealers and Agents, Insurance Agents, Exnrofsmen and other parties in want, are Informed hat wo arc prepared to execute toovder all kinds of muni ty. buslncssr legal, roquired In this com- McEowen j , (Corner Spring and Monroo' Streets, ) TITUSVILLE WOI'LD call the attention of Grocery Tlmloro of the Oil Itegloua tothefiict thin il. i," eatablished for tho accotnuiodatlon of tho Imde a A strictly Wholesale Grocery House, The only one of the kind In the Oil Rmrion, We tuve seen tho necessity of such an establish nient lor a lung lime. The Retail Dalcrs who nays his taxes and licenses and vonm capital in his business, SMi Be Protecti In It. We propose to do it by Selling to Dea'ers Only. We havo In store a LARGE AND CAREFULLY . SFXECTED STOCK, comprising everything that Is required In a FIRST - CLSS STRT. Which wo odcr at prices that will Compete with an Market in the Country. W cordially Incite? an examination of our ui and satisfy )ourstlves , scp!4:Siu ROBSON'S Oil Ckfkk 1'ipe Wouks. CI!A11L,E? :iOJl!HO. Ac Co., Corner of Seneca tc 'c litre Ma., Eaat Itie uiitjreeat, uti fJiiy, 'a., Dealers In Morris, Tusker A tVs OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, AL8Q, WORKINR MAUHKLS AND VALVES, OTLl'tU lit 'AO.?, CLAMl'S, TONOS. bl'UKElt RODS, le Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BOHINO TOOLS, DRIVINO PIPE. OIL, I'Uairs, tluu Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BHASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS F1TTISOS, . BELTlxa, tACmaa, ana nw, UAUDWAUE, II0C8K TKIMMINtH, Carpenters' Tools, Kope, uakiim, Nails, Axes, Coffee Mill", Table & Pocket Cutlerjr Full Assortment of Everything In the HARDWARE LIN& Jiuse Furbishing Goods, Lamps, Chimneys, No. I Winter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Defined Oil, Stair HikK ,.. Table an dDoor Champion Clothes Wringcn Mannfactnrers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Hmnlnna of all kinds done with ncatnMI dispatch. Especial attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING- . . ..... ...Hmirt Of We havo endeavored to merit ina i''""' ;,. , the publio, and shall use every exertion to insure Our facilities for ft-ml shine ""TtnJn8.Mtlo line, having been greatly increased, in the en of nor New Ruildint.'. are now icnuiRST BUPBHIOK TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISH W angtH-Xm. IN THE OIL RKOIQN. O. F. SCIIO.BIiOM, Proprietor of the Bufi'ao Bakerg Dealer n choice Flour, Butter, Egga ana Alio, choice Oroccrlea, ' .... Tl- l'ctrolonm uentro, i w Orders left will ho promptly 'JS4' Orders lert win no proiupuj Goods delivered. Postolllce llox -l WJTI'I rilailDAIml LT RBCOHD. ui tb 1 medium u the oil regior-J So;il by ! S. 8immON. 0rBtUit.