DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL 'k- DAILY. VOL III. NO 117, tETROLEUM CENTRE, FA.. FRIDAY EVENING. UOV IS. 1669. 2: GTS. WEEKLY TUB PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. H. LONGWELL, Proprietor. Per year payable In advance, 18 00 I'er month, ... 11 FKIl'K-LIST or ADVERTISING. (Ten lines of nonpareil make one square.) No. Insertions. 1 sip a fq. a sip col. One day, Two days, Throe days, Four days, JPlva day, One week, Two week. Three wceka, One monthi Two months. Three months, Hlx months. Mine inontlis, Oue year, t 7' 1 l" 1 60 60 i mi i sii a m s 6(1 1 50 INI ISMi 6 SO 2IK) Ml 8 01 7 IK) D HO 8 8 (HI So 8 50 4 6N II 50 4 Ml 6 (III 7 M 14 t 8 Oil 8 00 10 Olrf 10 l,J 7 tin in no la om so no lfl (KJ U Ml 15 HOI 80 00 12 mi 15 00 18 (l 40 IX) ai oo 7 on so oo( bo oo 27 0(1 84 ( 45 ( 80 (HI ds on 4M oo w mi; urn no tlpocial noticed 2u cents per line, each lusortloo. Ailverttst-uienta payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. II. PO.I, M. IK, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, can be found at the Mct'llutock Holme, I'et. Ceulro, orllic present, nov-iit A1.SIEUT 8. IZAVElt, ATTORNEY 4 CO'UNSELOR-AT-LAW, .v OFFICE Io'hi the Rochester Horns Bnlldlns. on vtaamiigton aim ai.ua street, PETROLEUM ay 10, 1808. tf. CENTRE, PENN'A. 'ttONClA.il &i SMITH, ; ATTORNEY3&COUNSELORS-AT LAW, Offloe niL'h Street, Franklin, and Petroleum Cen tre, Pa. MayllMf. V. IMcALPINE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST.;; OFFICE Horry"s new Bnlldlnr, corner of Wash ington ami Hrcotiu ilia., reiruieum venire, ra. niayr.l If. GEO. II. IIISSEMi Ac CO., S -A. IT K E B S PETROLEUM CENT It I-:, FA. O. U. Blaaell, M. C. Martin- Christopher Meyer. We offer onr services for the transaction of a OKNRMAf. RANK, NO, EXCHANUK and C'OI. LECTION BUSINESS. Any business entrusted to our caro will recclr prompt attention. Jul7tf. . II. WILMAMS, COAL I I II A VR opened a Coal Yard at the end of th llovd Farm Bridge, wheru willbuconstantly kep all kind of STEAM AND STOVE COAL Teams coming to my yard for Coal, will have Free 1'imnco Over I lie Creek ttrltlge. OPERATORS Would do well to enquire at the office, and will find it to their advantage to dea with me. Petroleum Centre, Pa. JjlltANKLIN, PA., INbUHANCE AGENCY I. H. HILIIAED, Agent .$50,000,001) CAPITAL. Represented ard carefully Invested by thcfollow- lug rename companies: The Mutual Life Insarance Co. of N. Y tk, cnpitnl. :5.0O0.00O Tho .-I'.lns Life Insurance Co. of Hartford Conn., capital, 5,150.000 The Home Insurance Co. of New York, eapiial, 3 9110.282 The Insurance Co. of North America. Pa., caoital, 2.SI8.823 u nc Home or Mew Haven. Coneetlcut. capital. . 1.523.974 The Atiiiny city intnrancc Co., of Alba ny, New lork, ninlt.-il, , SOO.OeO ihe Attiertcnn i.tru iiisnranco Co. of Philadelphia, capital,' 8.0T0 000 . This Ajrency Is among the oldest agencies In tho Btste of I'onii'ylvanla. wot of l'hlladeiph'a Has paid duriuK the last fourteen years over $300,000 IN LOSSES flood DwelllncTIonsas, Churches, School Houses and other tuildliiKs Insured Perpetually. Oil insured In Store and 111 Transit. Policies Is sued oui-hort notice, In any of the above Fire In. snranco Companies Office In Fraukliu Exi-hauee, franklin, Piu . uov5:Um. HOTELS.- IX EXCHANGE jllOTEI.. SAMUEL REYNOLDS. - . Proprietor The larccst aad most commodious flotel In the oil re-,rion. Fail- on the llrl!ie ri-duced totuoardcrs. This house Is plcnsantly situated, rooms cool and piciisnnr, mnainx u a ucnjjmini norei in uu respect. retcoicuiu centre, April io, aimm. JOCHESTEK HOUSE, Washington street, Petrolcnm Centre, Pa l BUADSTREET 8H.EKWOOD, Proprietors This nonse is rentrally located, and the general headquarters of oil men. rciroieum venire, ra.. may in, ltws u. QENTRAL HOUSE, FETKOLEUM CENTRB, PA., Near OH Creek AUoghony Uiver Railway Depot, mayia tf. O. J. CUOSS, Proprietor. M cCLINTOCK HOUSE. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. This popnlat Botol, situated Corner ol Alain ck Vns:i!:tp!on-St., Near the Doio hns been retltrcd and furnlslisd throughout, and the proprietor will spuro uo pain, to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. octS-tf. C. GRI3WOLD, Proprietor. ""petroleum centre, pa. J. It. BARNES, . . . 1-roprletor. This Hono Is in a pleasant locality, and bnt a short walk from iho Ueitot The room are lanre and ronifortr.Me, and the table supplied with the ueucncies oi me soasun. jllSO-tf- J. It BARNES. INTEtt NATION AIL HOTEL, MILLHK FA KM, PA ,io:in E. ROWK, Prop'r. flood arrnmnioil-itlnes for trnnsiert pnstomer. Dav Iloiti-'l nnd ilotird with room en ren-KinuM terms. The prnnrli'tor v lli Ktiare no piirn to mike nin iiouso niiriciivo io ipu'iiH. jtiiio tl ION ISOTE... PI.EASANTVILLE, PA Thl llotiee hiivliu' reci-ntiv lieen enlarefd nnd re runi'nl I'd. 1 nin i.ii- pH!'-i'"-d to nccoiuiiiOiliite tv,i hu-Mlretl I'ticsls com'ortnlity. Stset-s hiive thi hoifo t'tree time- a d:iv for T! tusvilie 'ilu-re is al-n n I'no of t-i-.-(i to l-itlioii-. JiiH-tf. TIKiS. JlcKINNKY, Prop'r. PETROLEUM MOUSE, Olffi CITV, PA. Havlns recently taken possesion ot th nliovo Ilnnse, wowonld most rcarwctnilly Inform tho trnv clini; vnbllc thnt we propose o "keep a Ilotel," and to convince them of the act, wo nvite nil who wish the comforts ot a home, to cnl . upon us. It will be found The Hotel of the Oil Regions. Our Sample Room la supplied with the choicest Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars, and our tnhlo will be found laden with tho very best the market affords. There is connected with the House four first class Bllllnrd Tables. Also, Rnrlvr Hhop and Bath Rooms. Give ns a ell, and convince yourselves ol the truthfulness of our assertion. ClUFM.rSi V. STATS, ja.hi:s . W11ITI1. ocio-tr ISIIAM A; CO., Watch makers & Jovfxers, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, FETItOLErni C'ENTKF, PA,, Keep constantly on band a large assortment ot WATCHES. JEWELRY, PISTOLS, KEVOLVKTiS, PlsrilNO TACK Cartrid2es,c, and will sell at eastern prices, watch work warnnted to eive satist'ilction. 0 f q h k $ 53 TO THR WOT? KINO CLAS Wo ao now pre pantl to fundi!, all clntsoii with constant em ployment at home, the whole of tho timo or for the Htiare moments. liuslncfr new, Uyht and prolltuhln. Persons of cMhor tex easily earn from Bne.. to 15 per evening, and a proportional emu by devoting taelr wht'le timo to the huNlbtfifl. Itova and irls ern nearly m mtich ns num. That all who see thin not ire may si-nd their nddre, and tiwt the hutinenr wo make thin unpumlletod offer: To khcIi as are not well ftnttiMU'd, we will pen 1 fltopnyfor the trou lo of writing. Full partiiulars, avaiuHhle sample, which will do to rouinuuite work on, and copy of tlu People t Literary ampanion one of the larfst and hortt fnniily m wpapeirt published all sent free ty mail. Kinder, if you want permanent, profitable ork, addrerfl E, C- Al.LE & CO, Augusta, Maine. nov4:3m. Snirar lor Horses. A gentleman in New York is -tbe possee- sor a $1,000 Lorse, wboxe organ lor appro- butiveaoes is prominently active; be can be coaxed, bnt rarely driven against bis ill. When tbe considerate owner enters tbe stable the horse groets bim with a bearty wbinney, his only language, which is equal to a cheerful expression of delight. He is at once treated to a lump of loaf sugar which tbe beautiful and sagacious created konws is usally carried in a vest pocket lor be rubs bis nuso directly .Jin there. Oo returning from a drive be expects two lumps. As two are invariably forthcom ing when unharnessed, It - is unmistakable evidence to tt.o borse that bis conduct was. satisfactory. The sight of a whip to tliut animal would be an insult and au outrage to lils nfl'ectiomto regard for one who 1 -oke.oarcfiilly to bia benlib, securoty and cuuifurt. Such an instrument of bar barity does not belong to that good man's carriage, and may God speed tbe incoming day when tbey will only be seen in muse ums, to illustrate tbe condition of countries that ultimately became Christianized. ' VP Ttio Great YoHtinlto Hitters. All hail ! (iwat bonfactor, Who to ure ii of our illfl, Givr life to thnr)tcnn9olnt(!. Without noxious (fniRn or rill. InvpH diflone frtmi otn tw pvstcin, Fillri the htart with life nnd li-ht. With the bent of iiH tlm tonic, Dow ior Groat Yosciuitii! With ront from out tho va11cyn, W hero CVliromin's sun dot n nhlne, GMnp: wdilth to u poor mortals, ItevonI the right's of her mines. Wraith of lieal tii and hnp;i.ie1, Itri hlrssilu none shoul'l tlii:ht, Dn you wunt it f Would yon have itf Us Downer'd Qrcat Y.-.i-mlte. Com" yo filcliu dtsoaaetj dloonso1ator n ny snouiiiyou imiiu nnu uici Ye fcrhU, Oiint and luiiim'shin;, Coni, the-e jrlnrlnns Hitters try &e how tln? (jnju lis and nostrums, Flee fr uu the Imid hi fritclit, Givfnp place to this pure ionic, Downer'? Great Yortemttc! itli24tf. THE RIALTO PETROLEUM CENTRE, pA. 'IPIIR mtdrr-lir.itfd bavin? roftttetl and opened the 1 Kli.lt. i llotrl. on th tMiii'in'tm plan, in prt'jw tul to limiMi iH ntH wi.h moaln at nil Ihiiii-. All hip i!:icici n of the m.-on coit!iaritly oii hand. 1 livute pa'tlct supplitd at sluat notice. FRESH OYSTERS In the Shell received dally from New York OYTTEHSBYTIIE QUART, GALLON OR THOUSAND, Ti- suit Hotels or l"rivatc Families. Feeling Krnii'ful lor ia-t fnvor-i, I hops by strict nitcntii'ii lo biisinuss to merit the patn n:ie n' the nubile n-neralW. C. W. I Ol-I.IFF. Peliolemn Centre, Pa., Oct. 2U:if. Coal! Coal J Coal! rjMIE underslsncd, having estnblihed a branch Yard at Eyn:l Farm, are now prepared to furnish All Grails of Coal At the Very Lowest Friers. Operators from ( horrvtres Kun, and vicinity, living at l'etfoleiiiul'rntri', inn leave their orders nt our ofllre here, anil have llicm promptly tilled from the ltynd Farm Yard, AT LESS COST TITAN USUAL. DO.VT I'OKO'T THE PLACE SKAltl.ES & COUNWELI, Oillce on 0. C. A A. It. R., Petroleum Centre. IlninchOillco ut ltnd Farm. N. B. We hold pxcln-alve control of the famous ST0NEB0RO COAL. at both the ahovo named pulnts. . jun2-t . H. O. Jarvis, Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. LOOKING CLASSES In prea variety. Looking iihwi I'ls'.ea replaced In old Krumcs. Piaturc I 'mines iiiikIc to order. Carpets, Oil Cloths Wall Pa jut, Window tSlaailes, A FINE STOCK. liVDEUTAKISfG, COFFINS of h!l sizes on band and trimmed to order on short notice. SASH, LAZS AND BOORS, sizes. Varnish, n, Ac. No. 100 WAsiiiiNVroN.yr. I'croieuui Centroept lS(i!J tfd, iBii IMPROVED ORIENTAL - AND A ditEAT VAltlUTY Ob' 'AUUHEATINf STOVES At AMES' mayS:6m. Opposite Post O.Hee, fltnsvfllo. Til. JTolm C.Welch, Sciicc:t-t., Oil Citj-, ra., Dealer In iib!$s, niii'-Si'1 3 & (o's Burins: and I'ishhsg Teals, Inni's Nncker Rods, Driviiifr Pipe, errfek Irons, Orate , Ralaiicc 'Wheel V Piillioit, all sizes. My eonnectlnn with Meadvillo and Plttsbnrch lonndrin Is siuh that I ean get out all kinds of Castings nt short order JOHN n. WErrn. Oil City, Feb. 17, I860 tf CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally tli at we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever been in troduced. Give os a call ! Fisher, IVorris & Co. F. .J. II ANA' A & CO., MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WASHIXOTOX ST.. PE TUOLELUUEVTUE, Pa. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work done promptly and warranted lo uivu sulialueiion. K-ir F. J I1ANNA Co. A. Jt,it placet Lwffot tin, worth of your money In nt tho AKW I'l'Ult A.Ml rKLU MOIIK AMI hi, VI HKU YAltO of HI. STkKiNlU UU A. Cisf v, here there i nlwnv n MAN r(!v to show their eiiatomei's their Uro t, of KLtililt. HAY. and nil kinds of FEE! and tlie place nUo whore may ho FOUND V hinro nsHortment of flt-claian ItOrOIT ANI )KiaED lcm!;::, lath, smNfiKios. &c,t I the verr lowest cu.-h prlcoa TLose who are not DEAD 'o their nfln inret. and wUli to deal with men do liiiinv!'.4 on l!ie miiiaro, will tind il to their mtCH'.rtlo jrlve ns a rail lictore purchauing viae whore, uud sue what we ran do for yoa IN onr line of Illness, frjr All Orilnrs aiu!tMlmlng nniniplly ntu-n-li-i to. l).i nut foin-l Ho- lila-e. til" I'UMTR TIIH HOCUKSTKlt UOUaE, WASH INQToN BTUEET, ..,.v, PetrolQum Centre, Pa. L.-V. STERNTirilO, U II. WAHNKK. .FrhBi-tf 1, DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE, HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOR, BLIND AND WINDOWS, READY GUED PICTURE FRAMES, Are. HOUSE & SIGN PAINTING GLAZING & PAPER HANGING TO OlIIIKIt QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFIT L. D. KELLOGG. Pianos ! Pianos ! (T!5MffJll 1 T RWWt as inn Manuractureis, JAMESTOWN. N. V elusive Agents for the Also, ex- ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, DEALERS IN Slret Music, Strings, &c. fJT Send for illustrated Catalogue and prieo list. CAOKHI BUOWN. Warernoms 4 1 JTaia Stteet. Factory Ilrookly Block, loot of Slain-rtt. may27 tf. lVFFAT.O AND Hill ICAIMtOAIs. I 3 :inl, lset follows: Passenger Trains will run on ihis road i lAvn sin: COIN'! FAST- 111 A. M. NU5IIT K.XI'UKSS, stoppinR at " Klpli-y, W e-ift -lil, linirkirk and Silver creek, arrivleat Pr:ffulo at -Mr, A. M. A-Xk A.M.. NF.W OUK KXl'KKSH, slop l1,f' fliigut Westlletd, Hroel.,11. Dunkirk, Hft-verci-m-k. sin Angola, nrriviu iu llullalc at S.lu P. M y.'ll M- CINCINNATI KXPIIES1, soi .' pint' at Ni.rlheasl, Weslileld Brocton, liimkirk and Mln-rrrinik, and arrives at ltulfalo at li'.4f. P. M. ,Wk A. M., MAIL AND ACCOMMflTlA U.Vt TION, stoppiimnl alututlous,arriviug at Hiirraloiit l... i . A- M ! ' KXPIIKHH, atonplne at m.-w nnriiieasr, mpii hllvercreek ni.d . ltlpley, Westllild, iliuikirk, Atgoia, arrlvlii'Mit liul- fslo al 7,Ho P. M. I.KAVK Itl-KFAto OOIn WKST. 1 ; P- M., IlAlf EXPKI1KH stopplnjral An mi'J eoln. Silvercreeic, Uunkirk, llrocton, V'esiAeld and Northeast, ariiv.'iiL-ul Erie at 8,-16 P. M. ,IAF. M., MAIL AND ACCO.MMOIU ' TI0N. stonnlnit at all stations, arriving at Erie nt K,So p. M !.. A. M., T01J5PO KXPHKSS, stoppitlff at S.."SV I all stations, and arriving at Erie a lo,2o- nti P M', PTEAMIWIAT KXPIIEIS, stop. ei'lU plnK at Aiil.'"Ic, Wlverrreek, Dunkirk, llroi-ton, Wustni id aud Northeast, arrlv iiiL' at Erie at l.'Jo A. M. A. M., MHIIT EXPIIHSS, stoppln? a rVP Silverereeli, Dunkirk and VVestUokl, ar rivlllK at Erie nl 4,-to A. M. Itailroad time is lo mlnni'- fn'ter trinii Liie tlin H ii. LUOWN, Ciun'l Mlpt First Clns6,':!on and Itcslaji raiit. WAIIINCTON STHEET, Pctrolenm Cenlro. rpjlEbest I.au'er llerrconsl;mtly on driiiihr. and I nnd nil l lit. clml. 'i-.t Wines anil Ci'trs. LimlHir eer Chee-'i', hwil .i-r Kiln. S:iiiilwlrla-H. haniluw, A'e ' coilTELYOll t VOI'clll-'K, I'ropi iotois. (M 20:11'. (Fred t'cliuil. old taiaL I ! 1 1 : . i ;!!' wssej"