MISCELLANEOUS. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA THE best Stock of DRIVING AND BADDLE HOUSES on the Creek, are to be found at M'Donald's Ilvery. HARRIABES & CUTTERS TO M LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FED A BOARDED on Reasonable Term, Teaming of all kinds at tended to Promptly. IGlve me a call. T M'DONAii Petroleum Centre, Nor. II, 186S. LIVERY FEED ' STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I bare put In a good stock of Rldinf and Driving Horses, which I will let on - reasonable terms. Also, Cutter, Wagons, Spring Wagons, Acc. DOUSES boarded and fed and beat or care guar teed. n ir. A. SMAWLEY. gaits .fuvttisiluitj STORE. flTh underpinned having fitted up s new store on Petroleum Centre, Is novt prepared to furnish his customers with cv crything In the house tarnishing line. - Stoves and Tin ware, Lanterns, Fancv Articles. Stamped, Pressed and Japnnned Ware, Also a L-arge puick oi Ilrnss Ac Iron Flttinzs SUM, PISTON AND HEMP PACKING. LACE LEATHEK, etc , THE CHAMPION AND NOVELTY CLOTHES WltlNOERS, WATER COOLEIUJ of all SIZES. All Job Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Sterm Fitting, hav ing a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Region for cutting Gas ripe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. Ptrolenm Centre, Jnly 1869. tf.,J , FURNITURE BUSS & SAYIBS6N, . t 3IJ Diamond Ht., TITUSV1LLE, PA. (Opposite Herald Office) Would Invite nis o.d patrons and the public gener ally to call and examine our SPLENDID FALL ST03K OF FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Book Cases, Side boards, Lounges, Carpets, Mirrors, and every de scription of furniture, plain and fashionable. Teams reasonable. jn To Milliners and Country Storekeepers. fallTtrade. , WHOLESALE . DEPARTMENT UP STA1BS. . P ESI It ABLE goods received dallv from anctlon and privat.Mle Oar stock of Feathers, Flow ers, Satins, Silks, Velvets, Hibbong, Laces, Trin' mlngs, Fringes, Yankee Notions, Fancy Ooods, etc., etc., is large, and cheap. We out lengths at piece prices. Buy and sell for cash. Edward Iltdley & Son, 309, 311, & $liy Grand, and 66, 68 & 70 Allen Streets, Corner store, tilth block east from tbe Bowery, NEW YOBK CITY. p..:: f. C. A. Win fey, DKALEit In ser ond hand engnes, boilers, Tub iug, Casing, also new Wood A Mann engines constsnily on hand. Having tho facilities for CLEANING AND REPAIRING EN GINES, will do so on th tnoal reasonable terms. Parties Having Engines for Sale Will do well to give ran a call. Platform near the O. C. 4A.lt ft., pi:j.uoi-F.r.n centbt, pa Oct X!M!'. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, IB THE BEST LINIMENT IT THE WORLD For Man & Beast. 30 Years In Use. b rood for Rheumatism. Chilblains. Corns. Whit- Iowa, Caked Breasts, Sor. Nipples, Cramps, Bolls, llites of animals. Weakness of the Joinis. Contrac tions of the Muscles, Burns and Scald, Frost Bites, Painful Nervous affections, Chapped Hands, Lame Back. Pain in the Side, Swellings, Turners, Tooth Ache, Old bores, ilemorrbolds or files, i lesu Wounds. Galls of all kinds. Sprains, Bruises, Crack ed Heels, Ring Bone, Pole Evil, Wind Galls, Car Ions, Spavin, Sweeney, Fistula, SitfSBt, Externa Poisons, Scratches or Grease, Springhalt, Sand Cracks, Lameness, Strains, Foundering r eet, Mange, Horn Distemper, Garget to cows, t racked 1 ears, foot Hot in Sheep, and many other diseases liicl dent to Man and Beast. R. D. Tatlor. of Concord. Sr.. says the Gargling Oil cored a horse of his, Injured while ploughing by attempting to step over a stump, almoat.severing his mign ironi m. oouy ; aiso inai ov nas ueeu u m uib family for fifteen years, and la the best remedy for i;uis, unraa, Bruises, trust jwes, ou-oius, mieuui- atism, etc., he ever used. on ore From Cm-it, ft Bros.. Cochrane Landing, Ohio, Nov. 1). 18511. we are n easea wiin your meoicine. It has been the means of curing a great number o illHi.ri.nt ritaiflFea nnnn nersons. as also unoll horses. W think IL eiira nil vnll recommend it to do. We want you to send us the larger proportion of the variety for "Family Use," in small bottles. Trom Dn. J. V. Tsnstru.. Warren, lud.. March 185ti. 1 am engaged In the practice of medicine and una your Gurgling oil nn extiemeiy eincien remeuy in an cases woero an exurnui application Is Indicated. From Dn. G B. Neal. Burrls, Iowa, Dec. 80, 185R. I have practiced medicine In this county seven years and cheerfully recommend your Gargling Oil as the best linamenl la use. Efrom Da. T. W. Ems. Ga , Jan. , 1SM1 If 1 coma receive com ooxesoi ine viargnug in it nut not be too much, as I tbli k I could soon find sals lor It all. the inoulrv being frequent since It is sup posed that I have it ftr sale. r rom iib. n a- p. jnc-jAia., Liamoi;, ,nu , hut. o, 1S38 Ycur Gargling Oil is taking tbeslilneoff from all the liniments of the day. If von desired them. I could procure aniens oi certincates irom loose who have been cored by it. Messrs. WcLain Bnos., Wholesale Druggists, Wheeling, a sav, unaer a .to or duly X4, j.v.n, that they can safely recommend the Gargling Oil Tor moieatseases ttian it is reconinicmioa lor. From J. K. Fii-hkr. I'niontown. Pa., Jane 81 18H7. Your Gorgliug Oil Is doing much better here than formerly, since lis virtues tmvcbecomeknov.n. and the bottles put up for Family Use, without nam, are mucn sougm ior. m en Extract from aletterfrnn Hon Nathan linnsr.Y. County Judge of Shelby Co., Iowa catcd Httrhio, April ID. It is decidedly preferred to any lin ament sold in this section. Extract ot a letter from Sahisi 8. Tfrrr. dated Fal'sburg. Ohio, July 17, IMS. In June Inst Henry shuffle had a viarllng colt that tnd what wns sun- pi sed to he Dyptheria for more than ten days so .thnt it could not eat. and the throat twnlen almost shut, and the nse of three or fonr applications of the dollar potties aio rue aeirea euecr. F.om A. Q. Niel. Lewleville. Coschocfon Co.. ).. March. 1852.-1 have nsrd vonr Gargling Oil for the Scratches on my none, ana it cured it witn tne nrst application. From Ehos llATtn-R. Mlddlenort. N. Y., .Inly W. 1880. I purchased a bottle of yonr Gargling Oil of vonr silent, a. b naKer. at jniuuiepon. ana a. yei have used but half of it. I think it has gixen me more relief in a case of severe Kheumatlsm, nl long standing, than any Hung 1 nave ever used before. Extract from a letter from J. 0. Pratt, dated Ouinrv. Chautonnna Co.. N. Y.. Ansiist 18, ISM I have been acquainted with yonr medicine Onrgling Oil) for the last fourteen years. It has proved a sure cure for Foot Hot in Sheep for which I sold the last bottle and bave calls almost dally lor mors. Please torwara as soon as convenient. Always inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, , And take no other. Retail Price, $t.OO, SO Cts. nnil'lS !ta. fthnka well before using, and rub on thoronchlv before llie ureor some warm suosiance. The Oanrlinir Oil has beeiv In nse as a linament 86 years. All we ask Is a fair trial, but be sure and follow airectiona. Ak vonr nearest Druggist, or dealer tn Patent Medicines lor ono of our Almanacs and Voile Mu- cums, and read wbat tne peopu sa.v aouui tne uu The Gargling OH Is for sale by all respectoble dealers throughout the Culled States and other couutnor. Otir ttttimcniaU date from 1RS3 to 1868 and ore vnit.licitrd. I'i-o the Ourgline Oil and tell your neigfjhors what good It bus aone. We deal fair and liberal with all and defy contra- aiciion. Manufactured at IiOckport, !V. Y., by Merchant's Garslins: Oil Co JOHN HODGE. Secretary. Sold by !! 8. MIMMOWS DrngKlft. MI ca- Es 2 in Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; MAIN STREET PETUOLEIU CEXTUE. II.LONS WELL,,; Proprietor. rram New York, Philodelphla, and PltUbnrg, which together with Editorials and Ijcal matters, make it e of the most desirable ntw.papcrs published in Adrrtising Medium, Th. UEOORD has no superior, as it circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can be fouud. JOBBING BEPARTIiEKT. We have a Inrgo and well sulocted assortment of Jobbing material, emurucing tho very latest Mylcs. We are therefore, enabled to execute Job Wuik of every variety in a aatl'factory inauner when desired, jobs will be neatly printed In Cotoas Shipping Bilif.'S. Posters'. $ Hand-Bills. Fibgrammes, Bilii of Fare. .Labels. - AND Business and Viaitlng CardaJ LETTKlt-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS OF TRADING, Ete , Etc ' tLSO BALL, MUNTINCt a ar Fane, Styles, neatly and promptly ex eon KtU tea, emnractoi( CmcnLAKS PKOGKAMME9 CAKUS, TICKETS, Etc. fact, every variety anoslyle of work in letter, Merchants, Lawyors, Jnstlces of the Peace, Land Agents, Oil Dea.ers and Agents, Insurance Agents, Expiean,cn and ether parties In want, arc informed hat we are prepare! to execute too'-der all kinds of muuily- butiucscr leyal, required in tl.is tom- McEowen & Od k (Comer Spring and Monroe Streets,) TITUSVIXiLE WOl'LD call the attention of Grocery Denlero of tile Oil lick Inns lo the Tact that they havs established for the accommodation of the trada a A strictly Wholesale Grocery House, The only one of the kind in the Oil Iteirlnns. W hive seen the necessity of such an establish, mcnt tor a long time. The Retail Dalers who pays his taxes and licenses and ventures his' capital in his business, SMI Bs Protectei. In It. We propose to do it by ' Selling to Dea'ers Only. We have In store a LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK. s comprli.ng everything that If required ln FIRST - CLVSS STORE. Which we oiler at prices iTfat will Compete with any Market in the Country. W cordially invito nn examination of our go and V sin isfy onrselvea sepl4:8iu ROBSON'S hi Crfek Pipe Wokks. CIIAKLKS) UOIIXJIV Ac Co., Corner of Koneca Ac Centre Kta., East aide Oil CrecU, Oil Ctly, Pa., Dialers In Morris, Tusker Co's OIL WELL TUBING AXD CASING, ALSO, WORKING IIAIHfKLS AND VALVES, blurriNU iii.r., ,. CLAMPS, TONGS. Sl ChMIU T.ODS, ae Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries UOR1NG TOOLS, DRIVING PIPE, COLD VVATKK PUMPSj oil. 1'LJira, Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, : Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BHASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS F1TTIX0.1, BBLTJAV, tAVKIXU, ana liuon, UAItDWAKK, HOUSE TIMMMING8, Carpentrrs' Tools, ltope, Uakttra, Nuils, Axes, ColTeo Mills. Table & Pocket Cutlery; 4 Full Assortment of Everything In the HARDWARE LINK Jiuse Furilshing Ooods, Lamps, Chimneys, No. 1 Winter Strained IJtrd Oil, No. 1 Kellned Oil, BUir Hods, Table an d Door Mats; Champion Clothes rinjjers Mauuraclurers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Kepalnng of all kind, done with neatness and dispatch. Especial attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the pationngc of the public, and shall use every exertion to insure its continuance. Our facilities for fernlshing e'orythlnq in onr lino, having licen greatly increased, in the erection of our New Iluililiiu.'. are now SUPKNIOU TO ANY OTHKIt ESTABLISHMENT nill-ai-Hm. IN THE OIL tlKGION, O. F. 8CIIO.BriOM, Proprietor of the . Buffao Bakery. Dealer u choice lour, Uulter, Egga and Cheese. Also, choice Groceries, Pitriilniim Centre. Pa. Orders lefl will be promptly attended to. au Good delivered. Pustoilleo llox VOX '" ' " rpaiiDAImi I.Y RKCOHD, Is Ui '! '-dvn Isiiu 1 uiedieui n Die oil ritfioi'