TO CREASES DRUGS AND DRUGS 1 MEDICINES ! J. H. OHKISTIE, DEALER IN DRUGS, XftEDSCINSS OlSaS, Paints Varnishes, Grass, Putty Soups, Dye Mulls 9 Fancy and Toilet Articles. AUi KINDS OF PATENT MED101ME3. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! '''fejiSL SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. N. B. .Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. No. 13 Washington-ski Petroleum Centre, Pa. 4y oItb me a cnll before purchmliiK elsewhere. J. A. LOSEE, MERCHANT COR. FRANKLIN T'iTUSVILLE, PA. Extensive Assortment of foreign and Dome lie Which I am prepared to Make TITUS VILLE Bbett & res L18EH G03E3 : Wliit3 Goofls! 3 o 571 so Mroiics SMWLS 7? CD NOTION! A Eoiitilic Goods FLANNELS 4 0 CRANE A; TIIACKER 134 inalden Lane, N. Y., tOlUIISSlOX MERCIHNTS, aro now prepared to receive on Commllon and il Tn... ...hI; ""! ', "enuera and Oualura iu OIL VITRIOL. CUAXE, Tlf AOKRU A. Co.. Keep "n hand ' OIL VITRIOL. BLUE JkWniTE PAINT CAUSTIC, SODA and GLUE ' Are prepared to ni.-iko liberal dUcnunt to 'ifsflncr. CASH, and will uut be iiu4onsolil lu any of tile Jojunuiatf CRANK. TIIAAKKR Co CIIILDUKN 8 cakhiauks A flno assortment at tlw Furniture Store. MEDICINES. MylOtf. jr. 11. ;mtiTir:. & SPRING STS., up to Order on Short Notice aiiugtl. JR. R. FISHEE Petroleum Centre, PEALEIt IN PUCE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN OffiS, MEDiCIXiS iSB SHEEICilS CHOICE FOKEION AND DOIMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancv Goods. IMPORTED SOAPS, BRUSHES, AND Druggists Sundries . Physicians' Prescriptions compounded from Dure IF YOU HAV'NT S E E 1ST IT GO AND SEE IT The Magic- Match. Petroleum iCcutr o.Juuo )Sl9. juu7, TAILOR PETKOLKVUI IAKIlE'aS..KV TI5I. KKKAP1I. WeMcrnlTiiloii lane market Report. Special Dlipntchea to tho Daily ltccord New York. Nov. 17. Crude. 2014 Bbls. 2fi. Refitted, Si)43i. Jan. . Novi-Di'c. Spot. Market Quiet but firm, Pittsburgh, Not. 17. Crude 1GJ. " f-'pot 1GJ. S () nil year . B 0 all vear . Rr-llnnd 31. Oct to Dec Market Quiet, and dull. Philadelphia, Nov 17. Crude 19 K. (ft IS1- P. L. S. to W., 31,'i' S. W34. Market -Firm. ; Liverpool. Not. 16. 1-20 p. m. Refined 22. Spirits lld. CiOLIM.N NK YORK. Nfcw York, Not. 17. Gold 127. The New. York Meat Market ! HA W. PAKEE'l have fitted up a now build , Incon On Main utrect, Opposite the ITCciJliiitock Home, And intpnd keeplni: what Pettolenm Centre has u;r nerved, a nrsl-ciius iieni ,v uracil, uniy lue CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will be kept. It will ho onr aim to larve our cn. omers with promptness aua lu incir enuro satis action. W.t1li:tf. II W. rAUKLft. Petrol'm Exolianiifc Saloon AND RESTAURANT. SUTHRLAND & TAYLOR, PROP'f FRESH ALL THEJ LUXTJ RIES 1 OYSTERS ! Received OF THE SEASON DAILY ! Washington street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Is ham & Co.'s J3vulry btorc T)iv Honrdor ncoommoditod, MoaIa served All hours. OvbUts, end every deseription ot game No pain, will bo npfirrd to nccommodal who l.ivor us witU tliuir patronage. ED. SCMERLANa GEO.TaYLOK. l'ctr U urn Centre, Scott II, tf. BolsoA Oil Creek Pipe Ms1 CHAM. KOBSON & CO., Corner of Seneea and Centre Sts, east side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. nnvlntr nddoil a imwerfril Steam Enitlne and tlireo 'arie 1. 1 11 r.. 10 our cTuuv cxttnrtve Mnnufnc nitui t-.i.ttiliHiin(!iit, nr. now pri'imrod to uu all mo uocesiinrjr wyrn, iu niuug up, ana repairing ENGINES. IIOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS ' ' '" Mo all Mnrhlnerv .lob Work cnlrnnted ton Willi nuntneii Mid uUnntra nniz Vlmoa FISHER & AO K HIS, GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealer. In all kinda of YVEIjI. TOOL!) 4e FIXTURES KepiMiary for putting down and npmtlnit Ol eii.. jn coniieciiitn wnn onr .MAryjE biiOl1 we uava a inivu auu couvenicni BLACKSMITH SHOP. WOnr faellltle. for MANrFACTiTHIXG are not ex ci'iiuu oy any Bui'p iu uiu uu JtrKloPA. Shop Milu-Hl,oppolte ifcL'lintnck Jlmi mrtr tf T(!.nKH ft NOD Mrs. Drilling Jars. W 0 would repwtmnjr announce to our morn ana inn pumic generally Unit wo keep con tmiiitly on tiaui Cast Steel Drililnj; Jars ! Whlfh for Strencth and Durability cxeol any Steel Lined Jar haniaifure iu m. The Advantage we Claim orer Unrd Jan arc that, tielng A IX HTKEI,, they are ntninwr Ib. u Jr roni,M-d nlv ,if Iron; thai prwi'iiilnir a Kiel aurfac to ihvnick. tboyare pmiaenid inn wr on Um oulaide, and wlil keen llifir uliujw luueer. 1 Wc Warrant Tliem to Drill Fifteen Hundred Feet. We alio kacp on hand Cnat Iron Working UurrcU. Fisher, Aorris & Co. rp3,I)AImlLY RK(V)IU), I. iu. I-,, .o,,, iin 1 Uicdiuia 0 tbo oil nviui'. EEMOVAL OP JOHN . CARTER. TO TII1C L,r OPPOSITE COMjNfTHIAST JIALL, Where the patrons of the house characteristic of the establishment. A comj'k'to aiortiii''iit of Linen Goods .Inwt Ilccclvcd, White Duck Sultti, Iiiitct Style, Brown Dnck 8nlt In (Irent Vnrlcly, Linen tnck In Every Stile A Splendid Assortment of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, he in the Oil Region. The custom department is pre sided over by one of the best ami Most Fashion able Cutters in the State. mi Bim OFFERED AT Greatly Reduced Prices! For the Next Ninety Days, to 2sT3j"W STORE, n course of Construction on the lot latelyoccupied by him, cor ner of Spring and Franklin Sfreets. Remember that the stock of HATS AND CAPS Is large : and that such another assortment of Fui3sriSH:iisr a goods Was never before qresented FIFE GUTTINB. TIN WARE. GAS CUTTING. TIN WARS? uu-jCtr. will meet witn all ilie t.irtesv enable the Proprietor to open hia to the public in Titusville. j,,,,,. AT. T. LEG GE T, Manufacturer and Dealer lu Seed Bags, "Valve Cups, &c. Experienced workmen nro employed, and ITar ncs8 of all kind kopt ci r. (jnlly on Laid aid maue to order. P. C IlcCnir' Pat. vctt-IiHg For Sale Repairing jDoue at all Times ! Call and exmilno our .lock and 1 ricoe, Uuin-gt., below )l e .tlcriin tock IIoimu. Petroleum Contro, l'a Jan. 7th, l'l -tl S. S. Q-riswold, Dealer In COAL Orders by the Car or Ton piouijitly fined. Alao, Agent for the celebrated KEEL HUM;!! CMABj! OFFICE on Second Street, near K. H. Track PETROLEUM CENTRE, TA. JanJtr. J. A. PLAWTE, French Boot Maker Washington Street, PETnOIiEU.HCE.TnE,Pa., Ia manuractnrlnz to order FIHMT-CLASS FINE WOHK, uiii a. Patent Leather Boot, Pump Sole llooi, French Cork Solo I!oot, cotc Welt Hoots. "i HEAVY OR LrGIIT WORK DONL IN FRENCH STYLF. C.ill and aeo wimples. J. 4. PI,AXTK, I'ctrolcum Centre, ra , Julys Sin. :roeKery For all kii.l u M HEy.MU.Ds UliODIlEAD & OO'S, No. 11 Centre UU'. ot, op;,... l'i'tlii To-l C'lllcc, nil '!ty, l'i. 1JL31sJc& Q a"f . i- -