: - Uv PRINT OBSCURED DUE TO CREASES 'X'. , ; ' ' Viv , , J- lilf-llJl'f v-N DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL , ' ' l '''(aiESai..'- v DAILY g -" -----ir'-il.- - 1 ' ' I . ' - f ' - aBv itn.mrri f ' PA.. WEDNESDAY EVErflNO. WCg -L7. 1869... 25 la- NEW MjKWK AMI FKKD JORK ANI) LCM I BEIt VARIl.o I. M. (ITEBNBIIBO V - . , Clhi whom there ia always a toll.-- NO 116, PETROLEUM CENTRE. THE PETROLEUM, CENTRE )AILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, 1 a ' , (Sundays excepted, f , W. H. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TERMS. l pr payable In advance, ! mania, " fBICE-MST OF ADVEKTHIHUi (Ten Hnc of nonparall make one square.) 18 00 75 flip. Insertions, lug. H eg. Hso,, H col. Jtedy. .oars, days, .days. week. Biro week. Ebw weeks, Cn, montn, ta months. we months, i months, . 1m months, 7i. i m $1 wit l in i su a mi l en i (M a mi i 00 1 Sol 8 Ou 1iA 8 (KM M 3 6(i 8 Mil 4 61 H 4 Ml S liul T 50 0 00 8 (10 10 011 7 00 10 (10 1 IK' 10 110 li fi 15 0(1 laoo ia oo """J Ort 27 ( 30 OW 27 IKJ 88 (l(lj 45 00 Hli (Ml 4.S (Ml 0 (M HOTELS. 11 EXUHAHUli ll01t.li. SAMUEL REYNOLDS. The larccst and most commodious Ilotcl In tlio OU region, rair on lue uriun awwwi w uvoiw ir. This house Is pleasantly situated, rooms cool and pleasant, making It a delightful hotel In all respect. reirUlVUUl April JU, .mm. 84 60 8 8(1 8 80 7 00 8 00 8 50 14 IM 18 (IV SO 00 80 Oil . 40 (ID 80 00 80 IK) 100 l '4l JOCHESTEK HOUSE, Washington street, Pctrnlonni Ccntro, Pa l BRADSTREET & SHERWOOD, Proprietors This Ilnnse Is centrally loaded, and the general hn.ilminrtnrs uf nil men. ' . . . i m 4qh. r felroieum veninj, i u.. muy io 1. siittl nntlr.pm 20 cent ner line, each Insertion. idverttaementt pnynble quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. II. POX1), M. D., llOMEOPATUIC PnYSICIAN.can befonnd at the meCllntock Uouie, ret. uencro. I auie present nov4:t QENTUAL HOUSE, PKTKOLECM CENTHB, PA., Near Oil Creek k Allegheny lllver Rallwnr Depot, rtaylO-ir. ' O. J. C1S08S, Prnprictor. lcCEINTOCK HOUSE. PET ROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Ihts popnlat Hotel, situated Corner of fflatn Waaliliigton-sii., ALBERT S. HAVE Be lATTORNEY i COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE In tho Hoclierter Hnose Bnlldlng, on Washington and 31ain suoeu, PETR0I.RUM ay 19, 18(18 tf. CENTRE, PENN'A. Near the Dem line hoen roflttcd and fnrnlst" thriniehont. and the proprietor will epare no pain, to make it a FIUST-CLAS3 HOUSE. oclS tf. C. OHI8WOLD, rroprUtor. A Kobber FrlKfitcned to Death. A few weeks ajro tho members of honse- bold lo Rochester. England, were narlled Lane forenoonjiy a heavy fall on the floor a- uvi.i ocvcini ui ,ug laisiij iuvi.iijivii rroprietatfujhea up utairs to the principal room on the second lloor. Irom which the noise seem ed to come. On openlag the door they found a "trance man Ivlnjt on the carpet. He evidently bad just fallen tut was quite dead. Ills reatureg wore a looK 01 terror, nwful to gaze upon. Around the room was trewn nroDerlv which be bad removed from tho trnnks and clopelp. to cam; but there be lay strickrfu down in tie midst of bis booty. It was remcmt'cred that jnst oeiore me noise of the lull some persons of the family had passed I lie room, on tbeir way further no stairs. Tbo robber must have beard them. Keiriul nf detection in his crime, tho excitemet't of his position probably host encd tlio crisis of some fainl affection of the beait or brain, and hti dropped, actually frih tended to deaflL Never was tbo eld-fashioned verdict of he coroner's jury, "Died by the visitation of God,-' more appropriate than in this case fur many perfons will believe that the death of Hie rubber was n punishment sent direct fruit the band of the Almighty. The clrgyme.n at Rochester seems to have thought ot something ef this kinp, for he refused to petmit the prayers ot the Eng lish CImiicIi to be read over the body of the man; consequently it could not be Interred jn the cemetry, but was placed in unconse nted ground, 'MAN t or and the readv to show their customers their lrj KMint. HAY. and all kinds of FB.KI place alo where may lie FOTJNX)- V lnree assortment of (tr't class ROl'On AND KrSEU I.UMHKK. 1.A111, r-niiiui.1!..-. , II he vei; lowest ea.li prices Tuoie who are not IMPROVED ORIENTAL AND A CHEAT VARIETf OP . 'UOMHAM f- S.tll I'll, . ATTOUNEYSA COUNSELORS AT LAW, OBee Hlh Street, Franklin, and Petroleum Con or, I 'a. MavW-tf. ITIcAEPlNE, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST.;; Tterrr's new Tlnildlnu, corner of Wash- retrolenin cciuro, in. OFFICE- lutoti nud Second sta inaylll IT. A mrillCA?! HOTEI, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. J. R. HAHNtV. - - Proprietor. Tills llira-i! Is In nU-if.nt Incalltv. and mil -lin-'t ':illi IVi'lil I'll' l'i-ivl Th'.- riiiiins'"nre lufe and eitinl''nlii' le, mi'! ltio l:ihle tupplied wltil llie (ti'ilrt'fii" ot llie Hl'lliMill. j.tju-tr- J- B. BARNES.. 1 KTX:AT10NAIj tlO'I'EL, SIH.I.EK FARM, PA. .roll" E. r.iWK, - Pnip'r. (Irt'id neeom o'l itl'ins f.r trnnsiert en-'tnni'T- Pnv tlii'ivl nnd Rt nnl wltli roonis on rei.ii.il.!i tiritis. The nroTirieior w III (vnre no iiu!nn '( mulii his Hume uttr iciive In tuesiB. June'Mf Gi'.o. ii. niissEriii Si ., B J. 1ST k: b -r s , PETIIOEEUM CENTUM, A. C. II. Bistcll, M. C. iartln Christopher Meyer. We offer our somiws for the transaction of o OKXRUAI. UANKINd, EXCUANOM anu Col. LECTION BUSINESS. Any Business entrusted to our. earo wm reran pronirt attention. JulTtf li ri.RARANTVIM.K, lA Thl Uoi'"-o ,vv-iii; rncfiH'V l-con eti.aruH fin r rir.i'!.fl. I inn . tt''""1"! lo ncct(min;iatP 1 w liit".ri,i nftt rnm'urtnhly. St-t'fM It "vc tl.l litti-i iJiri'i ttmcw a Onv fiirTl tunviM(! There III a. n Mm-of Stnj-ff :o HthnN-. Jn-tf T1US. atcKlNKKY. Vrip'r. 'I ho .reat VomciuUo U I tier. AH h ill 1 (rftt bnpfftctor. Wlm t 4'iire iiff of our 111. Civi- hli! to tlifd.rcimtolntc Wiiliiiut 'tuxioin flniKHor pllla. D-ivi-k disouhe from out thoB8toin, Kills the lit'.trt wl'h Hie and llht, Willi tlit l!4t of nl the Iod'g, Dty ucr runt Yoscuiltol With root from ont the Ta'.lov". V WhfroCVUfornla'ii ittn dollinhlnts - Glviuir wfKthh toita ptmr morUita. rMniii-Vv-. J T'.fvnnd the rkhr of lwr tirnie-, Wim1.ii of heiilth ami hnppittfn, lis lik-s-sitiifft tumo should flight, D yon wiint it I Woii'd you imve It f l' Dutvucr'sGrciU Yi-sumlto. Cnmo vo !rk. dl-wed, disjconnl:ilit Whv'fiiouhlyou oino nud du ? Yi fwltlr-. fnitit and liHLiiihitt'.'. Conn-, tlip- liiHi hit t its try hi-f how iht'M quarks and i-.-n uni, 1" im' ';--:n thl? Und in t: 't. ( ) 'lit' i:nv to tli iiurr imic( D,.v. u.-r'.'t'itfiit Yo-iiiii t ' tuv:.'f. i THE RIALTO cdqkin: and heating stoves At AMES' S:6in. Opposite Post O.Hcn, Tltnsvlllc, Pli DEAD .V their own Interest, and wish to deal with men hn do business on tile square, will linn H to ineir intcicsllo give n n cull before purchasing else- wliere, aim ace wi.at wo can uu ior yuuj our line of business. rjT All Orders ami learning ornmptly nfendeil to. Do not foriret the place, Or 1'OSITE THE ItOCUESTEll UODSE, WASH INGTON STREET, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Fcbei-tf L.'M. STERNTtrRfl, II II. WARNER. John C.Welch, Scncca-St., Oil C ity, Pa., I-. I.OI.hLM I'ENTU' .. ilti.fi. on th Ktir. iifim j.n. : fiit Mti wiili meal nt all i. : -..i. j 4 uf tin- Bi n-on con-iimtli oi. ; pit lie sit-dhd nt ilwrt notice I. II. W1LMAMS, PETROL Ell 31 II 0tSE, FRESH OYSTERS :n die Slier reu- ved ua::y l:'oai Aew 1.) UV Il EtWBY Tili- ; A - I'. GALLON Oil THOUSAND. To suit Hotels or Private Families. OIL CITY, PA. COA T nieir AtiAnM'l . Ponl Yard nt the end nf tli I Bnvil Farm Bridge, where wlUbcconsUnlly kep an kiuus ot STEAM AND STOVE COAL Teams coming to my yard for Coal, will hae Free Pussatro Over the Creek Mridgc. OPERATORS Would do well to enquire nt the office, Had will lad it to their advantage to dea with me. Petroleum Centre, Pa. JjllUNKLlN, PA., INbURANCK, AGENCY I. H. HILIIABD, Agent. $50,000,000 CAPITAL. Represented aid carefully Invosted by the follow- nil; ruiiuoie conipiinies : Tkc MuMial Life Insurance Co. ot N 1 Y ik, capital. $:iu.O0O.O00 1 Tlie Kiua Lite Insurance Co. of Hartford Conn.. ra,illal, S.inO OtO The Home Insurance Co. of New York, capiial, , J9IW1.S9I2 The Insurance Co. of North America, ' Pa., ejiniial, S 34S.:S3 ho Home of New Haven, Couectlcut, capital. - 1.632.1)71 The Alhiny Citv Insurance Co., of Alba- ny, New York, capital, SOO.Oeo Tlio Aniei ican Llfulnsnrnneo Co. of Phlladelihia, capiusl, . 8.000 000 This Ayency Is among the oldest apeneles In the .-ii.it) 01 rullllsyivania. wesi oi i unauu'piiia. uaa fuiu aminii tue 1US( nniriren yeara ov ravin recently tahen possession ot the above House, we would most respect Hilly Inform tho trav eling pnhllc that we propose o "keep a notel," and to convince them of the act, we nvlto all who wish the comforts oi a homo, to cal. upon us. It will be found The Ilotcl of the Oil Kcgiona. Our Sample Room is supplied with tho choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and on r table will he found laden with the very best the market affords. There Is connected with the nouso four first clam Billiard Tables. Also, Bnrlvr Shop and Bath Rooms. ivo ns a c-dl, and convince yourselves ol tho truthfulness of our assertion. Feelins guileful lor past favor, attention to htis'iium lo merit tlx iiiilille !'m;mllv. ( ITiniirimi ninr, i i.. octs-tr rH4l(l,F W. STAATS. JAUIESI i. WHITE. I SHI AM Ac CO., WATCIIMAKEIiS & Jewt-lfrs, Fn OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PETR01.EHHI flENTRK. PA.. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment 01 WATCHES. JEWEL" Y. PISTOLS, REVOLVFRS. FISFIINO TACK Cartrlilec.&Vc, and will sell at eastern prices. watch work waianted lo elve satisiiieiion. I hone bv ftrlc pairenape of the W.TOPI.IKr. Oct. Sl'.ltf. Il.DaKELI.OG. . DEALER JN OIL CITY PAINT AND ' x WALL PAPER STORE, : HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOR; BLIND AND WINDOWS. READY GRED PICTUKE FRAMES,;. HOUSE it SIGN PAINTING GLAZING & PAPER IIANGING TO OlllIKH QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFIT L. D. KtLLOGG. Dealer in iibbs. Russell & Co' Roring and FMtinj: Tools Inni's Nncker Rods, Driving Pipe, crrick Irons, Grttte urn, Balance Wheel Ac Pnlliea, all sixes. Alv nnnnrv.tlnn wttb 'Meadvlllo fmd Pittst-nreh (nundries is such that I can gut out all kinds of Castings nt short order jons C. WELCH. Oil City. Feb. IT. 1MB. tf Pianos ! Pianos ! georgi imowx, Mantifacturcrt, JAMEfeTOWN. N. Y. Also, ex clusive Afjeui iur ma ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN RETAIL- Coal ! Coal ! Coal ! rpHE undersigned, having wtnlilltliod n branch laM at i.yn i varui, arc now prepared to furnish AU Grades of Goal At the Very Lowest Prices. Operators from riierntree Knn.nud vicinity, living at lVtinlciiin Centre, can leave their orders at our office here, and have lhem promptly filled from the ltvud Farm Yard. AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. DON'T FOHO'TTHEPIjACE SEARI.ES & COHNWELL, Ofllce on 0. C. A. R. R . Petroloum Centre. lh-anch Ollleo at Rynd Farm. N. 1).-Wt hold evi-ln-lve control of tho famous STONEBORO COAL. at both the ahovo named points. iunS-t . AND WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN $300,000 IN LOSSES Dwcllln T t.iiild Insnred Perpetually. Cood Dwelling Houses, Churches, School Houses uiu oiucr Miiidliigs Oil Insured lu Store and In Transit. Policies Is snil on ,1, i, ii ,,iiic(. in Km ()r 10 nlMive hire 111 iiraia u Cuiiipaiiies tilllce iu t'raukliu Kxehnnse, r iiuiklln, Pa. uoo.0m. II. CABINET O. Jarvis, Dealer In CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the puLlic generally that we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. Tins is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever been in troduced. Give nsa call ! Fisher, Aorrls & Co. Sheet M usic, Striiiffs, &c. IJfScnd for lllustrutod Cataloguo and price GAOHUI BROWN, Wnrerooms-41 Main Biroel. Fsctoi7-nrooklv Dlock, loot of Main-tit. may2. tC list. FURNITURE ! q ? ? q -is i? $ y f-io TnE WnRKIXf! CLASS. We ae now pro. I pared to fuinish all classes with constant em. ployinent at home, the whole of the time or for the snare nione nis. lillMlie- new. ii-jiii nu iiMinti.i.ii-. Persons of either sex easilv earn from ftcc. to JS per evening, and a proportional f mil by devoting tuolr whole time to the business. Hoys and girls earn nearly as much ns men. Thai all lio see this notice luiiy send their aildrn-s. and tesl the business we make this uiipiiniilo'ed olfer: To such a are not well will. Hid, i,i will 1 1 ii I 1 1 to pay for 'he troii le of writing. Full pail i iilars. a valuable sample, which will do to loinmculu work on, mid s copy of tho iVnoi-'i Literary Otmpaninn oneol'llio ilirgi wt and best fHinllv uiwpnpeis pulilisticd all sent free ty mail. Header, ir you want peruiriii nt, proiiuliie work, nddree E. (.'. ALLEN & CO , Augusta, llaine. iiovlJiui. A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. L00KTNO GLASsps in proa variety. Lookinu Class I'ltirt'. replaced in 014 Amines. Picture l-'nitm's 111:1 lo to ordor Carpets, Oil Cloths, W, Patter, 1'lnilow Shades, A FINE STOCK. UX DEIST A K I.YO, COFFINS of til sizes on hand and ti immi'd to older on short notice. SASH. LAI S AND sines. urui-li, No. IOC VVAxlllX Pciukuui CtliUe'epl U-l'J Uh, DOORS, 11, c. 1 t).-Vl. F. .1. II AX X A & CO., CENTRAL MACHINES BOiLER SHOP BUFFALO AND En IE KAIEIIOAD. ' On ar.d aHer Monday, Nov. i.tid. 1H08, Passenger Trains will run on this road as follows: 1 EATS CItIK OOINO EAST. 1.111 A. M NKIHT EXPRESS, stopping at '-tO Kiiley, Westfleld, IHinkirk and bilyer creek. arriving ot llullaloal 4. h A. M. 1 '.. NEW YOKE EXPRESH, slop lti;l hiK at Westfleld, Hrocton. Dunkirk, sil- veiTieek, and Angola, arriving iu p' u CINCINNATI EXPRESS, sto, .' nlna at Northeast, Wesllleld Broeton, Dunkirk mid SUrercreek, and arrives at .! a7 ail,'and accommoda liiOU tioN, slopping at nil illations, arriving at, Hllflnlo at ln.4o A. H . 1 " P L, DAY EXPRESS, stopplnc at I'' Norilieiist, Ripley, Westfleld. Dunkirk, Sllvercreek and Atgola, arrivlni; at Bul- falo at ",0o P. M. I.FAVE BOFFAIO milMO WBBT. 1,i.K P. M.. DAY UXI'KKWS stopping at An ltri'i t,a; Silvcrrrtvk, Dunkirk, Ilroetnn,- 11 (iSineiU HUU HUTllieUBl, .Hl'H'S l.niiP,3'M.H:MAIL AND ACCOM MOD A f iOU TION, stopping at all stations, arriving at Erie ai s,.ri P M. , . ,.. A. M., TOLEDO EXPRESS .slopping at HP all stations, and arriving at Erio a' lo,ii mp M. STEAMBOAT F.Xl'RESS, "top O'.OOpini at Angola, Silvcreieek, Dunkirk, Ron. Westfleld ami Northeast, arriv- . W WUT F.XPW ' tS20 smwcrecK. "iMinkiika.,,! rtctneld, or- AVASIIIYOTOX ST.. PE- THOliEtM CEATItE, Pa IJOti.F.KS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work done pioniptl)' and win ranted tt tu n sausk-stton. gu-ti r. J. JU:;:. Co. rirt c:IumSIiiI and UcsIuh ritnt. WA'-'IIINO TON STREET, Pctroliiim Ceutre. ruilFhe.t lii'i"- V.pirciitistanllv on d:-iiiii'ht, and I , . a! iLiienc-t W. a.id.Cicy-. I. n.'-er , . t-,,,;.... sail -?r K:l". S.l.il-1 le: r at . 4 ' Ci-UTLLiOH v VOCCHFR- IV...i.i;'o.v :l-'.d S-UiUb r. I I 1 ' ; sMa, iitrtsiHiS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers