The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 16, 1869, Image 2
DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL I I Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pei. Liinrr,TucJa)i Nov. 1U. ARRIVAL. AXD DEPARTUSE Or TRAINS U O. C. A. A. It. It. FOVTII. No. 2. Pwwonorir. Lenvo Corry 11.20 a. m : Titoville, li.59 p. in. 5 l't-lrulHUin Con tr. 1.40 p.m.; Oil City, 2 22 p.m.; Ir vinntnn, fi 10 p. ra. f No. 4. Panunger Lcavo Corry C. 10 a. ra. TitiiHVlllo, 7.35 . m.; Petroleum Centre. .14 a m; Oil City, 8 SD a m ; arrive at lr-vim-ton 11-40 am. ' No. C, PiifHonger Leave Corry C fi.'i p m; Titiifcvilli!, 7.S0 p in; l'l-trnliMiin Centre. 8.3:! p in; arrivu at Oil City 0,20 p in. KOBTII. No. 1, Passenger Lenve Irvineton 7.15 am; Oil City, 10.10 a m; Peimleum Cen tre, 11,05 H in; Titnevilie, 11,50 a ui; arrive ut Corry 1.40 p in. No. 3, Passenger Leave Irvinoton, 12. 05 p in; Oil City 2.57 p in; Petroleum Cen tre, 3.30 pm; Tiliisvillu, 4,20 p m; arrive nl Corry 8.45,! ra. No. 5. Pnsen(rr Leave Oil City 2.67 p m; Petroleum Centre. 3.i!U p m; Titnsville, 8,30 a m; arrive at Coiry 10,10 a m. Hvine Nrrvlcca. PliESBYTKRIAN CnURCII. rroacbingat 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 'clock P. M. Rev. J. T. Oxtoby, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and if4 P. M. SaVjath School at 12 P. M. cat tree. A cordial invitation extou'3 ed;tonll. Rbv. C. M. Heard,- Pastor. ST3. :PBTER 'ANP PAUL'S '(Catholic) CnURCH. Mass at 10V,' a. m. Vespcr.and Benediction of the Bleseed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Cateobisin at 2 p. in. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. Arnold & Painny are testing a now well on the Malory farm this ovenlnjr. Col James 8. Myers, of Venango county, is spoken of favorably lor the U. S. Circuit Judgeship. Ex-Secretary Soward is now traveling in Mexico, . where be is reeem-d with hon ors befltting a king. ' Wt leain that Dr. A. G. Egbert intends removing from Mercer county and will take up his residence in Franklin. The amount of oil shipped from Parker's Landing from the first to tho sixth of this month, amounts to 2,117 barrels. ' Mr. Ilonry Clay Beecber, son of tho Rov, Henry Ward Beecber, bas married Miss Frances Gertrude. Snow, daughter ol the late Mr. Goorgo M. Snow, once the commer cial editor of tho Tribune. From a letter published in the Erie Dis patch to-day, wo learn that Petroleum in Urge quantities bas Uoun found In Mexico. Tbe writer' says: "from threo to lour thousand barrels flow away daily for want of tankage." Tho names of Messrs. Johnson of Craw for c, Strang of Tioga, Webb of Bradford aud Adaire and Miller of Philadelphia, are mentioned in connection with tho Speaker ship of the next Ilouce, and tho canvass promises to be liveiy. Speaker SliiiBion nt the Scnata will be re-lected -without jpposi tion. j It is said that one of tbe Harrison broth ers, arrested for implication in the great ex press robbery, had live thousand dollars of tbe booty concealed beneath a pile of pota toos at bis residence' on green Island, and that after his arrest be guvo tbo cflicera iu formation of tbe fact, and tbo money was recovered. ' There will bo six eclipses in 1670. four of tbo sun two of tbe moon. There will bo a tatal eclipsu of the moon iu January 30, in visible; a partial eclipse of tbe sun Jnn 28 visible only in Australia ; a total eclipse' of the sun, December 23, visiblo in Europe and Cauada. Edward U. Ketcbum was discharged from Sing Sing prison on Saturday. Sentenced to four yoars and b'ix months imprisonment, Lis uniform good. conduot gained him a com million of eight months, making tho time actually served three years uiid ten months, A telegram from Cleveland, Gated yester day, snys that J. C. Buoll, Cashier of the Second National Bank, of that city, com ilted suicide this morning by shooting him self through tbu heart. Wo understand that Mr. Buoll lost heavily in tbo gold spesjiilation. v - . . P.'T. Barnum has contributed $7,000 to and in dotraying the expenses of celcbra ling the centennary rf Univeisalism in Amrerica. The Ilev. Mr. Murray first told us In 1370 that vo ore all to bo saved. It U proposed to iuveet a large Willi tf n:oi:cy in tbe ei lil.Ttitiun. Tbo East Eraily Iulienl:nt is a new pa per published by Samuel Young, Esq., ut East rirftdy, Clarion county. It is a live Wfekly and takes a popular course, political ly. Somo of our citizens have started a club for Samusl's paper. Good fur Samuel, good for the paper and good for the ulti.yiis. While Mr. Silas Corwin. a genllemnn of eighty-three, was nmnsing himself by dig ging out cluy in the yard at his residence by the river, bank, at New Winsor, oa the Hudson, ho discovered a large earthen j.r, covered bv a Hat stone. This jir contained fijO Spanish dollars, bearing dates from 17 20 to 17-73, The coins wero still bright, and probably wore never In circulation. .Since the discovery, iu fan neighbor of New Winsor, spades have beoumo trumps. OHB Tax. The new regulatioa in reference to the income tax will not set well upon the stomachs of those who iiavo hith erto steered clear ol this ouerous burden. Every house must, bo visited and the nauit-a ol the Inmates obtained. Persons who have no incnine to be taxed must make hii Bidi vit of that fact, and thoss who havo mado no returns are to bo summoned to appear at tbo office, of tbo assessor, and in case of fail ure to respond, nro subject to a penalty. Oa the morning of the 5lh, between 3 and 4 o'clock, tho post ulliea nt New Poit:ige, O., was entered by a br.rglnr named Wm. Wittier. The storo in which tho office was located had reqnently been entered before and robbed, undoubtedly ly tho same per son, and son this occasion tho proprietor was watchining and shut Winter, killing him on (bo spot. Tho thief was au old peniteutiary bird. SrEciE Payment Rxsi-med. Ou Satur day I'aH an invi vidual sintering from dilap idated tciib, callod at the ollice of one of our city deatlsis, and after having the ruins, of.whit had once been a shapely mouth refitted and inlaid with gold, bo proffered in payment for the mmo eleven hundred copper penmen, which bo produced from an old satchel, and which were put up in bak ing powder boxes of ono hundred each. Up on tbo dentist expressing a dislike to such bulky poymeut, tho Oil Creel: Sipnner said ho had nolhin' else, and gave as un excus.i that wheiche woilicd, at Petroleum Ceotre, the facilities fur "Allocking dowo" wi-ie such that ho hud to ccnliue his attention to pinnies, as the least likely to utlract at tention. A Littls Hkiioixk. At llugwasb, Can ada, a fuw nighis ago, tho houiio of a fam ily named Cro'.vly having taked lire, all tho inmates, except three stnail children had escaped, but theso were nleepiug up stair, and the tiro below mado it impossible to reach tlicui. Finally the mother's screams from without awakened tbo eldest, a girl not twelve years old, who came to a window and was ured by her moiiter lo throw her self out, but she. answered, "No, brother and sister must bo eavcu.'' She then re turned tliiounh tho he-at and smalto twice, and,'ufier throwing the two younger child ren from tho window, she let herself drop to the gruiind, a d.ilance of sixteen feet, and when she arose said, "I'm done, mother; but I have saved my biothcr aud tiler from being burned up." The mother and child ren then walked f70 yards nuked for none of tbo clolhiug had bern saved to tLe near est bouse, where tto llltlo heroine, terribly burnt, shocked with the fail, and chilled witn the exposure, eUU early tho next morning. Kcws lie m h. President Grant has just taken a deed o bis Long Branoh jnirctian. The Pacific Railroad peoplo have discov ered oil wells along the line. Sir Morton Polo Is trying fortun again in Hungarian railways. , General Belknap got acquainted with hf wifo by capturing her brother, who was i rebel tflicer. Eobett Bishop, of Boston, lias built i model block for workingmen in Boatou, at a cost of $00,000. Mr. Seward is going to build a library of Alaska white cedar and California redwood, as a memorial of bis tour. According to tho New York paprrj, they are now having a "thieves' jubilee" in that oity. Senalor Grimes in still in poor health. Tho Empress Eugenie loft Alexander for Cnrio yosterday. The steamer Maine, from Bremen, arriv edjat New Yoik on Saturday. The first stono of the main edifice of tbo new Post Oflico iu tho Cily Hull Park, New York, was laid Saturday ufternoon. Billio Peyton introduced a bill in the Tcnuessco Senate on Saturduy, (.roviding for a monument to John Boll. Mr?. Central Ciistar accompanies Ler hu:? band o:i hid hunts uHer Indians, r.nd is said to bo a pood sLot with l ho rltlle, Nutu to Urnrte. lrom tli. Rift Brmhj Mtpmitatt Sinco Mr. Gilfillan is so very anxious for re-momination, jand his ftiends so urgently back him up, would it not bo well euougb to inquire into his statu as a representative of tbe people nnd his antecedents as a poli tician ; 'while n glimpse n' bis confreres might bo an interesting subject for contem plation. As a lawyer.Mr. Gilfillan is not the equal of Daniel Webster nor so eloquent as De- moslheues. Indeed, his legal record is not so bright as that of many who nro younger in the. profession. Ilia pleadings at the bar were not so touching nor so successful as his pleadings for a seat in Congress; neither have his cases been so intricate und perplexing ns to Feiion-ly ail'eet bis legal mind and cause his few Iricnd-j to fear that his great ability might drive him mad. Tho heaviest field he ccimpted prior fo joining the legal profession, was that of Superinten dent of Common Schools In the "Messer dioccso." There his wonderful powers found nil vent, and there he br-mcd that exalted character for truth and varocity which so eminently distinguishes him, and has hid tbe filed of keeping faithful a few men, who prefer truth where it does not uilVct their interest. Tiii pneuliar and bappy charnfcttreslio has led him on. until good luck, or greenbacks, or something else, gave him a seat among the representatives of tho nation. But here, ns elsewhere, ho is a listener, not a speaker. It is in only the private walks ol life that he presumes to speak, and then only to a select cofrn'e, whom ha is posting ou the moiiua op tramii of securing bis ro-nomination. Iu Congress be is liko a hoy at a huvking" has nothing to say. Yet, wiih-.!, he is dignified and scuicwhot jjednmic In his manner; and those who do not comprehend tbe astuteness ol his calibre, might mistake his silence lor the wisihuu of a Soluiuon. But the owl, too, is reticent, and only ut ters a sou ud because the monotony rf its daylight silence furcea it to cry out when re lieved of tho glare of something briginer than itself. lie claines to bo A Republican ; yet it is said that he often spills his ticket and votes for Di uiocrats. But, we suppose, atl older and wiser head controls bis actions, and us that head sils on Ood eld Domocri'tlc shoul ders, lie is bou::d by tho call of sympathy nud obedience to follow tbe diet am of his factotum, Bobby. Wo can not seo where his Re-public'iuism is, when bis artinUy runs in another cha.viel, But wo h:ivo kntwn mvB to duff tho calf skin ond put on the robe of the li;;u, when nnyth ng was to be gained by it. This much for himself, Which shall wis tho man with Ills roll of greenbacks aud br:.Z"n impudence, back ed by imaginary R.-publicar.s, who have only their own battered axes to grind, or tho honest people, honest la t'.clr purpose? TiliU JJxel tt'llloiit. Yesterday our reporter saw a crowd ol meu ond brys in front of Wachter & Fetter's store opposite tho Bunk buildiii ;. Soon all s'.artcd on a r.ih into Hie Btore. (biplane, a firoor a fight m'thi be the caitee of nil this great commotion. Our r"piir'.rr bie jlh lesdy bolted in nl.t, and found tliu true causa to be a raid by the people npou the splendid stock of Groceries, which W. & F. are ulmost giving away. They nre d ter mined to sell out their stock to dk;!:o room for more tbat is contiaiif.Ily ritdhin!: in by every train. So now is your opportunity fo get your Groceries cheap. novin :-it HEI'OKTJSU FUU TliS DAILY, HECOKU, AftoiT'.ois DSsjiatfhcs. Wasiunoto:;. Nov. 15 It ii understood thut tho rii'.'ii.lent consider the present condition of our nuances most favornblo to a spoe iy return to specie payment, nnd in his forthcoming mesage will ure such a measnro'iipou Congress. lie is opponod to ull tinkering with currency, and believes il tbe present Internal Revenue law be suf fered to remain intact, und in another year such a tangible reduction of tho Public debt will have been e'.ected, n3 well as enable tho Government to safely and materially modify the taxes of all kinds. The resump tion ol'specie f-'iyinents, tho President ar gues, will pri'Veut fluctuations in gold, and break up the inrlnenceof the gold gamblers and Bavo tho people from the ruinous efl'octs of on irredeemable currency. Kkawng, Ph., Vov. 15. Robert W. Devinehiing himself inst uight in jail, where he WttSiilined fcr deserting his wire, Ho left. tetier reproaching his wifo for her evil' wy a. ,0 l.iiiK. Nov. Ifi. Harrison's cigar f-iclory Greenwitch s; reel, together with Clark's book depot and Wood's paper bag factory worn burned this morning. Loss 15,060; i i iu red. Lor a I jVoiircK Sew J 'mr , Peed mid Grocery Store i J. S. 115 ATI! ECU , AtUiooi.D hank nrn.njxc, MAIN ST, epiKtsito the Mct'lintoolv llou-e, ha ou leu.d l nii'l llir-t rla-s stock or Jl'lour, t eed und 4rocerlPM, whirli lie i itlhii at a low licire. flg.Don't ferret tie.- plaoo wliore A, 1. 1'olum & Company broke up. A !. A Clmryman, roshliiiB In South Anwrln ns a nitVioTinry, (liscovrrt .l a s:ifp ond slmpie relueily for the Cure of Nervous Wialinusii, Karly Decay, lMHrfiHen of tho Unitary mi'l Henilnal Orgaiw, anil the vi hole tr:iin uf iil;oiders brpitKht on by I uiefu nn-1 vicious bnbits. (Ireat luunbiTS havo tieen cor eu by thianolitijremcily. rnunpled by adoslreto bruel't the a'.Vnotcd nud uufortanate, 1 will send tbe receipt lor preiMihu: uiid lining thU medicine. In a sealed fnvelope, to any ov.v who needs It, Krtt of t karate. .A(iiv.!, JUSKPH T. 1NMAN, Staiiuu D. Whlo Ilouce, N. Y. City. t O:.J I'GAli l.OVK aiidtlte I3npilnria of True marriage X1.-.SAYS for Ymin! Men. on;tho Krroro, Ahieaes J ami Pi'ea'es "Vlik-ii l!et:ij- tho Mnlily l'owres and cien'c Iii:;ici1Ii:k-u:s or MAtfKIACK, with nr ineans of riiel. Sent In smiled b'ttcrenvi'lo;irs free l el anre. Ad Ireti Howiiil Aiuociatlnn. Itov. I'. Ilillndelphln, I "a. sep';!:."in. '.4IttET AND WIj C l OTiCS t JVi i It l.CKV 1, ' nlee pi'- V. nt Tt-.r. FUhSi 1 b litis TOKB. X'fo .Tori lsin" (.ciiu!:io I'iuo Tar nnd I'ei wJan tleallne; ioa;s. Tho -a so:i;i.h u: bi-i-rennted willi exoticJ of the Hii!(b-.-t nr. -I iiuhI Hitruiiic nivtute, awd are warrant ed poi rumly innocent and free front mlrcml nnd oth er pernicious ndr.iixtnrt. and nre t-eleetcd by the Imlie nnd ihe pullic in general in p:u'fir.;rcc lo nil other sonpa, nn tho pvat producers nnd proservere of a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator ef fema'tu bcr.ty. Fir the softness nnd delicacy which they luu.ico to the hiuiilH ami face, their capa bility of soothino irniRtl-m and r- r.iovir'i; iinnitjluly ircption-', render them iiiibVpciiriiule to every toil et. v"e k'udly HBk t!:e public to try the virtues o thcuc soaps. J. L. II. A Co., Proprietors. A. D. Miller & Co , General A,rertii. Ju:22-3m. WTOatawyptHTCia jj lujirtuwoiPBiii wima NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N. 3. ATTOIIS E VATLAW j I' i- 'Inirn Centre, Vcnnnjo Co , Pa. OrrlfN' In rcoin f T.n ily ocii'.l.-d by .T. ?. V I'mt, l-.-n., ; i Hri(k f,:-.i.'M Huilin. An- .citU d with T. b. lvi:iu-ttr, 1-isij , I nniUliu, I'n. tfivil if Pioneer Tlid suliKTilicr-s Imvinc p;r cliased tbe f itf. M o- my, on IpetrStisni Ventre Pa., jJltluulL aid will ccntiftuo to heep wn-. ftautly on Iiantl n, full supply of OF ALL KiNDS. II. 7.1. BARRETT. Pttrolomu Centre, Nov. I.'l'.h, lw;u. tf. Drilling: Jar Wo would r.i?)i"r;riil!y r.nnoimco to our cus'fv m"i iiml ili'j paliliu ycue.rally ihat wti uunp con HUlntly ou liand Cvwt Steal Orililng Jars ! Wh" for strnrfih mi rnrtiiiilily excel nuy Stocl LliiLtl .lur liuri.-tuToru iu u.m. over I.lncil .Tnm nri' t'mt, liolnor AT.T, KTET-:r tliy an- stln".,: thii i:r- i-iii.k..i-J .ui-m v of Iron; tli.v inv.ri!l!ii!;n SH ol fiirf:ii- In lliopn'.fe, theyiuv liraiocici ii-niii winir im Uiu outiiUf, anil wnl kiq) their li;ipe lol)i:r. W Warrant Them t Drill Fifteen Mujitliv;! Fwt. Wc nldn Izocji on hor.d Cast Iron Working Uarrcls. Iis!ser, flni S: Vau W.TKM.r.VJl CI-.NTKEi Nnvl2il. 1SK9- tr. Vcraiviiii llair-llrcssijlnw. It-V'X-IIlIVf 1 HOOMS. rrillK Hiib-crilicr h:m (lllctl il IiIh t'econil floor ill J luxuriou- and coinforlililu plylo, un u JirHt-rlncii 1! 'rlicr Whop. V-nir flrsl-rlmw worknii'n will b In utt'.'niliinri!. Tin n. nro thri'i. fntninri' In t lie I'-ir- iMir Simp, one botnei'ii tlio IviililiiiL'n. oub llinni ili tlx; nli! roonu on the UM Hour, bcuiilvO two illgllts o f.juii in-in mo t'lao-uniK. ivll-lw (.H.MU.KKJ. I.EON'HKLpKK THK Buffalo CHEAP CLOTHING STOEE FIELD Main street,, opposite MeClintck House, IS ear Lower Bridge,. Pet. Centre, Pa. An linnnMice titnelc of MrnV nuO Poy'g read? made ('liiitiiiit; i bo wild at ntnl ht-low Co?t. i bqtmre dc.illng nnd well pcitiuuiftcd cmctrn. nEADQUAUTERS, BCFFALO, N. Y. I'ranrhpf nil over the I'nltc-d statm, Tli nndcr-.-'iKPeil htn ly n'turn their In nkM to fie intnll mi otr"ti(l um IVntri. nml vicinity, for Wr liWril p.'itn-nrt'j (iurhift ttievptlt'i; hh I SiuiimiTj aiidUt Irave lo hi form lluiti tlicv Hill r niiin it the above iiam'l Ht.nitl tor n f w wit k limber to dlv putcol n Inre httu-k of reudy inmK' ClutMng for Full and Winter Wear at fmm 25 to 40 per cent, ehenpr than can be purchased in ti e OIL 11EGI0STS. The tvntinn why we can nd will :Wi ihi-np'T tTi tlu rhp;ipt; wo mamitVture im i i'ihc .itnutiiH on whh-li wHJUHt we ar tiiilici Ut m II irur p cd ul ri'tail rJiaprr than they am la' ni:iinif..cturedia mnnll qiiantilit!, nfti-n umki? n; fivo thn,ii'(l ia L f mie kind, takinu ndvuiitari' nf rvery innli of rioth. Tho wav we cnnthirt unr Im-itu ciiictlr on the ONE PlflO.y VS'l KM mHi vv'ih fitvoriwrj whnre, fur tt Ij the only wav iu;l r;!tis the con fhlencc nl' tlio community pjuti nrtirle'j marked with the lnwi-at anl only prlo-hi p'ainfc ure. No tmritcrin, no deviation, all j;ao4 wtmr,t ed tolwof llie In-nt material nnd of enperior work niaiiphip, unllko the tvnb nftmi kept in rfntlymade ciotldng Htort";, nil iiirti pitrotiiHiHj nt ou: stire, ifnot to the htire wtiraciiin of the hn)vr. mil not ioi td, b ret n rut J within fivuduyn" robe ex chiinird or ihem-wy will b rufnrt-d. Looktt our low prlt-04, iiod" Overcoats $5 Wl .entire ras N;mw Fniti $8,00. Jb $KstO, Hwivcr -nitJ 2H.0 ), Ovnrnllo50 r.8., Pvtor eolln-i, 6 pU per hnx, and alt other 'help In our lino rrpnllT u clmap in prAportfc.i. Call failv nt tin HuffU Chfttp One IMi Cochin Store, Main Street p pntdte McCtintock Houc, .lr Lorter Ilrid Putrolcttm iVnfo. I'd. lUKStNTHAI., FALCK & lKAFL Nov. 0 tf. prqdttwi. FOR THE WASHINGTON ST., 3 1 roleum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST OPENED A LAUGH ASD COMPLETE STOCK OF FOHEiaU nOMESTIC For the Fall Trade, embracing f11 lm BLACK ALAPACAS, POPLIN ALAPCAS, POPLIXS, SIL& sniwLS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Ch!nt4 Calicos, Muslins, ami a choice assortment of LADIES AND GSNTS IHLiSIIL And alcoo clioico aflHortmnntof , and F' .i rim. r trw. it A Inncaft tjiy vi-'iiii wiiiu..-r t ill " in Alnacns ifl tho flni'st and cheap-"' ... .if laco. t as! Trade BAUM. 1Y Ml