ally Record NEWSPAPER, 7 'K-. AND Joe'' Printing Office; MAIS STREET, PETftOLEVlI CEATBEa H.CONiSriVflfcl,, Proprietor. ' fca-n Saw Tot, PMlaflalp.. ml Pttntrarg. which Kr-'lT wilu Ytor!a!a and Loral mature, make It Adrrtitlii; Medium, Th JtBOOttD hu no anperior, n It cirrnlatai wherottr an Oil Ot arator or Bealar onn ho found. Mi1 1' V, 0 hnvi , a i,ge md wou . MittfU M,llrlmrat c r Jobb-u, Material, emor.clng the yen t Jtylea. 70 ue thei.,orei cnablel, (( 00 W orlt of ever, vaiiety in a aatlalitctory munuer tt hen dailrod, jolw wUl l, neatly printed tn. C.'olob. Ilniid-iliiu, I'tosrnuames, of Fare. . 1 liabel. AD Bujlnea. and visiting Cavdsj LETTRa-lTItADi, , uaL-nrjADs, U . bam. ifainvtsG, Mi or fwut Stylaa. naatly and ptompo uiaea. , ttd, mtiraelnii t-AHJlll, TlC'KUTi, tie. . ' ' ' ftui pvtny vdriuty one itrie of work ia ivtter, ' Mr!)Aat, UwyAviMiat.3 of 111 Vtt Und ta.l.rii.-i'imen lud ether nart'f in u-.i.t ..r.. ;..r.1PwUi ;.at we ;.r.i;,;.ri'l to ex-jce too iJer all kiv;l of MERCHANTS qarqliNG OIL , 18 THB BEST LINIMENT IN THE MOB1.3 For Itlan ik Beast. 36 Year iu I'M). era era noolb,r ll'ocnro.itt.m, Chilblains. Come, V nil iowj. laiied Llr.iuie s-ore Nin4iD, Cramps, l-oila, L.lm ol sulmals. cal;l ul the .lo'.ins. ' '.nlnic liom orthe Mu.i'le. l.utui na ciU i'lost HiKs,'fi.l Nervous ufrectiotis, Jli;nd, Lanc lisoj. Tfl'u iu llic M;:e, fwclliUKe, Telners, 'J oolh Aclie, Uid iJor., Heinori hvlde or I'iles, l liuli Wonnde. Galla of all kind.. Sprilrn. nniics, Crock ed tiot-li. itiue Itouo. hole .vil, uid oil. k'&X ,011. HnTiti. mmhocv. fistula,, fcllfiist. Externa- Poison, bcraiches or Grease. Spritiehalt. riiiiid Crac... Lumeuess, strains, Foundering reet, Minute, Horn Idrleeiner. Caiaet in Cows, CrncLed Tenia, t'ot l.'ot lu Mioeo, tu,d many other discuses hici- a. lit to Man .v.'d tSiaa. R. D. Tatloh, of Concord, Ry.. aye theGarg'lug CU rord 11 horaeof his, lrjiurv.d while plouiddnir by atteumtine. o sterjuv.r a etmntr. almost severinirhi. th rri rrunt t::n bod : also llntl he lulu nsed il in hia family (or flfeen ttwm, and in ttai bent remedy lor Burns. Umlsee, rroat JJitte, siratna, mi.nin attain, ale., he nor used- CT3 era PromCnCMT TJho , Cochrane Landing, Old", Snv uu. IS.. w r nro measco wun yonr nmrniie. It hns b en the monno of curing a (treat nnniher o rlltTei-enr ri'iscusie i.tion irsons. as nbo u,)ol horses. u 11 tlonk It culpa nil von recommend It to ao. t ivaat mu to and ufl tliti l.iivor of Uie Yauety tor "ratauj tee,' 111 aiuiui uoiuua. From Un. J V. tetirkli., U'nrtcn. Iiol., Mnrch 18&G. I Am uneag-d in tuo oracticuof mcdicinr and find jour GiutcHi it Ol an (xneuu-lv 'ilk'itj rarnmly in all cnaei whero an exttrnal applicaiiim ia inuunttu. From 1)h 0. n. "Seal, nnrrin. Iown. Deo. . 1 8f,B I lmve pracilct'd medicine in till: county 8t-cn yr.ra nu rnreriuiiy riicoinmonu your l,.irs,lliig Oil aa ina uaai iu.amciu id 111a Vrom TJa. T. V.-. Ellis. Cn , Jnn . lfT.O If I conld receiTO both buxi a of 1 In (iai-ulinir Oil it w ill not oe too much, a I thi h I could (,11011 and tal for ir nil. the inquiry h iio; frequent since it ia aup P'lert iuji 1 llAe ti irrf:nc. From 1h Wai S. Mcl'Ai.i.. CtwmnK , Nov. II, liW.A or GarirllnL'i If la taking thraidiH- ojr from all the )innifiun ot the ca. Jt on dt.ircd them. J ennM procure dnzena of ceilificatiB from those who have been cured hy it. Messrs- ?i'LilN ftnos.. Wliolrp.,le Drn-j''!-t!i. Wlo'uiitij V:i. iwy, under d te of , Inly 4. jy- 0, timt they can sniwy reeouiiiicrd the i-it'irliiig: tJil Tor tnoiedistnc than it U nfi'oiiinM-ndtd lor. From J. K. Fimikh. t'niontown, I a., dune ?, 1817. Your Carding (HI U duinir ni'.ich heltfT iiore than oniirlyt s nrciia v;rtuei havobticomi known. aod the b-'tiles .nt up for Family LVe, without titnln, aie much sought for. CO C73 Titract frnm ri.t'(lcrfromnfTiXATnANTi?cp?ry, County Jivlvo of irhi Hy C o., Iown catcd llnrl ui Anril i:J. Iril7 It i. decidtdly prci'ci rtd tu miv lin- tvinttni nld in this pocTion. Kxlmct ol a letter Irom Hamvsts. Uvpp, anted Fsllbuiv. Ohio, July 11, 160. In tlitne litt-t. Ileury Mitillie hfid n y ail cull tUat I ad whut was iip p' eil 10 be DyptlK-ria for nwro than ten d-iya rt Vlint it could i.or ent, nn l lb throat w',l':Jl nliinwt j-hut. und ihn usti of tLi c or f'i nr a; pllihiiio.ia of tlut bonl' did ti u dn-trd I'fl'crl. V.oui A U. NrKL. Lowisviliu. Cmi itot ton Co.. ()., Iklftrrh 185i 1 Iwve u. i-d Tour (J-irsr'tnir Mil for the S?rfttchtd ud my home, aud it cutel it .uh tt.u flvnt .HiUcuVkti. CD crs From Fnos Matiirr, 7Hiddl-iott, X. Y.. July 'A lrtftl. 1 parchiipcd bottle of ymir (.tnvliiis Oil of yonr asent, A. S Biker, at Iidlitpnit ami an y'l have .wed hut tmlf of it. I thinU it bti ivcu me m'ro relief in a cnoof stvero lilieina!rt!i)n. oi tonir standing, thua nuy Uiiug I have ever ttod before. Fxturt from a lfttor from J. 0. Ir 7T. dated Quiu' V Ct.nntmHitia Co.. N. Y., Antrum l. S4. I h ive liopn nrqnuitiied with yonr n edidne GarliiiLi nil) for the lnt 1nurten ynarH. ,lt han innud n niro cnrL for Foot Hot in Shei'p for wh'rh 1 sold the lam bottle and lmve call almost daily for moru. Piaaie iotw ard at uou m convciuect. Alwaya Inquire for " " Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Itctail Price, jil.AO, SO C'ls., aiul t.i t't. Shrike veil before u-iii2, and rub on thoroughly hcrore me ureor eoine warm suo-iance. Tlte Garj-'lintr Oil h. is hern in una aa a ltnamcnt Sri yoara. All" we anli U a J'air triat, but be ante and follow dtrwiiuuii. Aa your nenie-H jiruKi'T, or oeaior in i nreni IediciiO'a for ono of our Ahimiinci and Vnilo Me- The (jftrplinff Oil ia f..r aalo by nil respectable dealera ibioiighout the Lulled stales and other couutrlof. Onr ltrtian'af datu from lSS to lew and nro ti.)IW(fit Vru the llart'liiiL' Oil and tell yonr Dctgnnora wlial good it naa uone. Wn deal fair and liberal with all and defy contia dktiun. Xiaiiuffiiirecl i.t Iockport, V., by HerohantS (Karlin Oil Co. jonx noooE, fiOTtT. ,1. !j a MISOFlif.ANKOUa T. M'Donalcl, LIVERY, FEED & SALt STABLES ! At thy Ocpot, opposite tin Central House, PETROL KU Jl CENTRE PA riMIK beat 3to.'t of DRIVING AVI) SAPLU.E X UOlirJKS on me itok, nro to neiomru m M'Uonaldti Jylvcry. AHBIABES & CUTTEHS 0 E LET AT AM. TIMES. UOK$E$ FDD Ac II O Alt DEI on Eea'or.ablo Ttrma. Teaming f Kiiuls .at tended to Promptly. tjf GIvo rue a ci.ll. rctrolenm Centra, Nav, II, lK. hTORK. 'h rindrraiiin -d lnvitij flttml np ivw t,r oa Pciifdenm Centre, la now preparivl to furriiih Ida rtiatomerj wINi ct- eryuuu in iiii nou.e laiui.u nun. $lovi'anlTin uarc, . ijiuiierii. Fjiiicv Articles. and .lap.tniiod Wnrc, Alton B,:irKi' M '''lf OK :Sra At Iron I'tfthic GUM. 1'isr N AMI 11KMI' fAfKIVO. LACK LEATIIKH. e'e, THK CIlAJU'InN AM) novelty clothes win kg bus, WATER CO' LlioS ol all SIZES. All Job Work promptly atten ded to xvirh neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Sterm Fittinjr, hav ing a Cias Fitting IMachine not excelled in the Oil Region for cutting (5a.s Pijio. JAMES RUTHERFORD. I'rrolmun , July isn't. tt'. S IIENUY 10. WKK1LKY, c ivil. rtiiii:;e am SUEVEYO K, HKKAI.I) ni.CCK TITISVILIT, ..... v,v. Surveys or Level Mspa Tracings, Building Plans and Patent Drawings. O X HANI), 'A !a'?e sleek of his sanaoned and painted Lease Stakes, OF LATWE SIZE, AND WITH PAINTED NU.MBEKS, Which are beingunlvorft'ly used. Till; XllW .HAP OF TIIC ENTIRE OIL REGION IS lAKJIl, IHK'KrT FOISM, $13. ON F.OLLUI1P. flj. Juii1j:2v lyilAM As CO., WWJDI All KISS 5c .Irwi I.iUS, IX Or-EUA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH a INGTON 6TREET I'LTISIILLI 31 I'KM'IIK, 1A Keep constunlly ou hand a large asjortmtul ot WATCHES. JEWLI.HY. l'lSTOLS, HEVOLVFWS. VIirilNG TACK Cartridges, Ac., and will sell nl e:uletn prlx. watoti work wmanled to ulve piiii.rr,ni.,ii. VERY FEED STABLES, Waaliinston street, oioUc the 0Mru Mouse, PETROLEUM CENTRE, l'ENN'A. I bave put la tt good stock of RMinif. and Di'iviug Homes, which 1 will lot ou reuBonablo torma. Also, Cult. tr, Wugoii,SprliB Waitovit Aft-' HOKbl boaidnu.aojd.fi4aud be of curs gnu. A. HVAV,'1.EV. I ienrnarr-7ur ail kind m to REYi-CL'JS BRODI1EAU & .0'S, No, U Centre ..treat, oppu .iio the Post MUM, Oil City, Pa. McEowen 8c Go i .(Cornpr Spring ftni Moorou Strcoi?,) WVV.t) ,lft ''1,,,"n of QrwwryrMal.r, ol tj.eOil L.,l,,ii, otr.c net i,at they u tabll.hed tor the uceomm.iAiil. n ot ihe t'a h , A strictly W!i;!csa!i' G-rocory House, Trie only one of the hind In the 011 Hc-ioni We luvr aeon the tic'v.eit)' of f null an eu'lahlL.h. meat loraiouit time The Retail Ddlcrs: who pay. hi. taiea and llctnaaj and tcnt'.ir hta capital in Ida buiute., In I.. Vepropoao to do it by J Selling to Dea'ers Cnly. We have In ftiTt- a LARGE AND CAKKFCIJY SELECTED PTOCK. cnmpr.r.rpev'Tythiii'j i r.iulnl In a i 1'IBST - ST0KV. W'Weh we of! at prirea thst will Compete with any SJarhet iu .he Country. W r rdl t'.iy lii .it an bxan.Iitn lun -r nir and rt rtufy joartt ve.4 h;.l.Sii 1)11. CHiRK ViVf. MllS ciiA;:iif:s :iou.-::s v ('., Curlier of SciiKfti k feiitre Sin., i:nt aide (lilt rl'-U, Oil City, k-a., L'eukTa in Monis, Tusker 4 Co's on. wei.l tui::ng and ca-inc I.SO, vvoituiMi ilmm:i:ls AN1 VA1AES hTL'fl-IMI llOKi:. Li.A.Ml'j, TONUS. MClvElt l!i)S, ' lilacMacry for Oil Wens & Refineries Loirtvi: tools, OIL 1-L'Ml'S, Dl;lVlVO.i:"K. OH.l VVAl.ii; rlMl'r-i Ktery d "i'ri;itiili of alTiLIE.S 1011 fill. Wia.l.S AND RI--K1NE1MES, Also, STOVES, TIMVVAltr, IiKASS GOOD?, A?D OAfi r'TTlXO. , .... iiaimiwak: H0C3B T:;1MMINCS, C u'lTitorp' Too!, Koiio, Ouliinn, NailH, Axe?, Coffci Mill.'. Table A Tucket Lwry, K r.i!l AssortincDt of Uvcrjpthmst in ! H:RDVSAKE LINK. liuso Fnr dshlos QomIj, Lump.. t:iilmiieva, No. 1 V iutrT StrnilieJ Laid 'Mi No. 1 Koilned il, ritair llmls. ,,,. , 'jBblaaitdDoorJlat.", Cbampion Clothes WriiiRei Manuf.ictorerii of : Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware.. Benairinz of all Wnd dono with noauieaa anil, dlapawU. KepeolW aueu'ion givuu to STEAM A0 CAS FITTING. . j - j ... .,.u t.n n.nnlla ef WO nave CTmeri'Jre i.u I V It the nubile, and shiUl use 0 ery axeriioa U Insure i" coittlnuance. . , . nr Our faeilitlM for fnrnlsblurJ o'on'thlnu' I" line. Imvirg lieen xraiitly Increased, iu the crociw of "ur New Hulldin ?. nro novr , ,., hUl-KltlOa TO AN V OTHER KSTABLIoIO.LM aurrtl-ara. IN TIIK OIL HK'HOV A fine aasortment at tlio Fiirnltnrr frtrra. O. F. 8CIIO.IiiOM, I'roprintor of the Bnffao Bakerj: T5ra!.T ,,choloer:r-.r,liutir. HIS;5 and C"1 Aluo, choieo (irocerica. t Petroleum uiiw". . - 0r,,Prl i,f, will bo pmmnHr aHwIcd ';... Qoudj dt.L;:td. pmj.Lcs )-s - did by .H- !. MHt.S, Uinsipat.