The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 12, 1869, Image 2

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    , oum Centre Daily Record.
t: :. , Prt-tay, !
Y-n of Clout .18 ;nlU.
P. O., PsToi,Kri Ckxtre, Pa i
JULY SHUT, 1868.
,1! !''MIit m llce the walls will arrive at and
n i ru n 1 1' is. ofltce follows :
,t M.i Iwrt. via. Irvineton, 10 71 A. M.
.. 1V,t, " McnilTil'.c, 5 IS P. M.
-A r.Mt, ' Carry, S. "
.if.. .-!! Wert.'. A. M.
i.t r:l West, SSil 1'. 1.
i ;it:.. mi mi l SVe.n, 10.03 A. M. ''
Iv.iii' sip icc.
at 11 o'clock. A. M., nnd 7;
r. m.
Kuv. J. T. Oxtofv, Pastor.
IV. a
. i it li
'.;:tuodist episcopal ciii'ncn.
Services every Snlitiulb at 11 A. M. and
)i P. M. Subliatli School at 12.' J P. M.
ents free. A cordlul iovitutiun extrud
ed to nil.
Ret. C. M. IIkabd, Pastor.
Mass at 10 a. m.
Vesper and Benediction of the Bltised
S.-.eratnent at 4 p. in.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
Ail unusual number cf wolls ta this vicin
ity have shut down for want of coal.
The lie pub lie mo Executive Committee o
Venango County will inoet at Franklin on
the 23J, Inst.
If a Hock of geeso see one of their number
drink, they will all drink. Some men are
grea t geese.
The (booting affair near Tionesta is eaiJ
to be boax. still there Is some mystery
about toe disappearance ol Capt. West.
1 be immediate causa of .Mr. Peabody's
doath was congestion of the lungs, and he
passed away without much apparant suf.
llr. Jonh Pitcairn Jr., General Manager
or we uu Ureek 4 Allegheny River R. k.
with several others passed down the road
to-day, at noon, in a special car.
Tbk finest display of wild game ever
brought to Ibis city can be seen in the
show window of the Petroleum Exchange
iioioi. Take a look.
Pius. Faber, of Ilauiburu, has construct
ed a spanking machine which utters various
words, answers questions, and even enuni
ntes simple sentences.
New Dailt. The editors of the Corry
Republican contemplate the publication of a
daily paper, soon. In our bumble opinion,
a live daily in tbat flourishing city would
Recently parlies at Pleasaatvilte have
been trying the experiment of sinking one
of the old wells on tho black oil belt deep
er, lo hopes of striking green oil. The ex
periment was tried in one of the Harmoniul
wells and was orowned with success as the
well commenced pumping green oil yester
day. Kansas Praiuiks on Fire. An exchange
says that last week all Western Kansas was
ablaze. On Wednesday alternooa and
niguinre covered the bills. The heavy
coat of grass and the high winds made iui-
moose flames. One gentleman saw flames
forty foet high.
The latest Internal Revenue decision a
bout whisky has been interpreted to mean
an official prohibition of mixing water with
liquor. The CommifBioner says all "water
ed spirits" are to be confiscated, and there
in shows big evident leaning for "wisky
All tbose Id want of Buffalo or Fancy
Kobes, Lap Bugs or Horse BlankotsJ from
the cheapest to the best, cannot do better
than call on J. J. MoCrum, TItusvlllc, who
keeps the largest and cheapest stock In the
oil regions.
A. T. Stewart has sold twenty shawls
cbis season worth $2,000, and one $5,700.
One woman run up a bill of $20,000 at bis
store in two months. If Eve had been tbat
kind of a "help meet" Adam would have
gone into bankruptcy the first year of his
married life.
In 1841 J.Ross Biowne mailed a letter
from Louisvillo, Ky., weighing one ounce,
upon which the unpaid postage was one
dollar, to Mr. Wm. W. Snowden, editor of
the "Ladies Companion," New York. Mr.
B, refused to take it out of tho office and it
wasjsent to Washingtonamon2 the deudlot
ters. It was accidentally picked up tic
other day anions tome of the literary rub
bish of the Department, and at ooco for
waidcd to tLe writer.
The in oat Slugnlar Suicide on Kccortl
Krom the Albany Argus,
From Canneltun, Ind., comes the story of
a boy named Stanley Clark, who, a few days
ago, committed suicide because his mother
would not give him money to Jattend the
Owensboro Fair. He was sitting in com
pany with his widowed mother and the chil
dren, in the family sotting room, when the
subject of tho Fair came up incidentally.
Not the slightest apparant Importance was
given to the matter; it was talked of like
any other of tho thousand and one little
topics which we all tulk of dailyj around
our firesides, when Stanley remarked:
'Mother, I wish yuu would let me have a
liltle money; I believe I will go to that
fair." To tuls the mother replied: blau
ley I do wish you wouldn't ask me for mon
ey to go there. I wish you would not go.
You are only 13 years old, and I do not
tbiuk it wise or safe lor you to be keeping
so much company. I waut you to stuy at
home with us, and you know I want to
make home as pleasant fur you and all of
us as 1 can. As your mother I dread the
idea of your getting into bad company or
To this he rather smilingly answered-:
You will let me have it, mother, I kuow
or words to that effect, while he turned into
his private room, where, before we can tell
it, the family were shocked by the discharge
ot a pistol, and rushing in they found him
on the floor, lying on his buck, stark, pulse
less, and L'orv. the red current of his life
streaming from the fatal orifice.
Sharp. A young mn, accompanied by
his lady lave, stopped at one of our board-
bouses for dinner, the other day. Never
having seen fish-balls he banded one to bis
lady, under the impressiou tbat it was
doughnut. Alter breaking bis own open, he
carefully examined it, then unfit of it, and
with a sepulchral voice said: "Matilda,
don't eat that doughnut; there is something
dead in this!" Exchange.
Oil in Omaha. We have received a copy
of the Omaha Daily Herald, containing the
announcement of the discovery of oil at
Bear River City. A sample of the oil ac
companies the paper. It is of a dark ooloi,
and pronounced by good judges to be of
good quality. Among tbose who are pros
pecting in that locality is E. L. Pease, of
Oil Creek aotorltey. Meadville Htpublican
Queen VlCTOltiA. Queen Victoria has
Bhown a noble concioiisness of tho true
woitli of her position In giving to the mor
tsl remains of Mr. Penhody tho ceremooiul
honors of Westminister Abbey. This sorer
ign.ict succedes to br better than queen'
ly solcitude for the health ol the en.tucnt
phlilaotbropifd. It wan the homage one
good person should pay to another, and the
best reaped we can render it is to say that
it mailo us almost format that her kind-
hearted majesty was a queen. Such a deed
is in itself a benefaction, and gives Vic
toria a claim to the gratitude of both heruis
pheres. She has dune what she should do
and that, it seems to us, is the very crown
of womanhood and of roinl womanhood,
Express Kbiikry. Our readers have no
forgotten the robbery of the American Ex
press on its way east one night in August
last between Fonda and Albany. At Hi
lt was claimed that the loss was but alow
thousand dollars, but subsequently it turn
ed out that the amount was ubout $300,000,
At that time Chaa. B. Conklin, the tjugjago
man, was arrested, but was discharged on
writ Issued by a New York city Judge-
Skilled detectives have- been on tho truck,
and on Saturday, last, arrested the partiei
Implicated, and took them lo Eouda for tri
a I. A portion of the stolen money has bee;
recovered, and there is a fair prospect
gotting tho balance-. Tho persons arrested
were all railroad men, 'including Conklin
the baggageman.
Miss Kate Fishertbe Mazeppa of th
stage) made an address to tho Hartford and
iecce Monday night, in which she throat
ened to sue tho Hartford Times for eayin
tbat ',sho wears false calves!" and said sh
would "make tho reporter prove It."
Franklin Mimical Association-. Th
Frunklin Spectator says : A number of our
amateurs, ladies and geutiemeu, have form
ed an association under the above name,
and will give their first concert in Ilannu
Hall, on Taesday evening next, Novembe
16iu. The proceeds of the ontortaiumon
will be appropriated to tho Organ fund of
St. John's Church, Franklin.
On Thursday evening lust, a man named
I.ano full from ouo uf the piers of the A. Y
R. R. Bridge, breaking one of the bones of
his rijsht arm and otherwiso injuriug him
self. From the great distance which he
fell, nearly thirty feet, it Is a wonder he
was not instantly killed.
Brig. Cienornl Millen of llio .Mixlcan ser
vice is iu town. The Uenoral is un Irish
man, and was tho reputed chief of thu in
surrectionary forces under Stephens. He
witnr?sed the execution cfMnxitnilun.
Mlrdbr in- Braver Township. On
Thursday last, .Clarenco J. Curtis, ajed 22
years adopted ion of George Curllf, win
struck by a oliTb in the hands of George
Varnes, aged 18 years, son of Ieaao Varner,
In Beaver township, six miles west of Con
neautvillo, from the effects of which ho died
on Saturday afternoon. Tho two families
are nighbors and it appears have beeo on
bad terms fur years. Oil Thursday after
tornoon, says the Connoautvllle Ecord. Cur
is' geese got Into Varnes" lot, when George
Varnes nud a younger brolhar went to drivo
them out, intending to kill them if possible
For this purpose tho former procured nt the
wood pilo a Leuvy maple club about tw0
feet long and two inches in diameter, aud
took It with him. While engaged in chac-
ng the geese, Curtis ca me iuto the field,
when au altercation took place between the
parties, in which it is stated, Curtis, who
was much the larecst of the three, dared
both the Varnes' to fignt him, expressing
opiuiun that he could whip tbcin both to
gother. Tho challenge was not excepted,
when Curtis caught one of the goose and
in running afier jinotber he stumbled and
fell forward upon bis face. Before bo bad
tituo to rise, Georgo Vanes rushed upon,
and struck hiiu a henry blow with the club,
the blow taking i-UVct a little over and back
of the left ear, fracturing the base of the
skull. The fracture was aheut two inches
lung and half inch wide, und strange ns it
may seem, thu skin was nut even bruken.
Curtis was at once removed to the home of
his parents aud Dr. Greene, of Conneaut
ville, siiuiniuaed, who upon examination
found the wound fatal. Alter I'lnnerinc in
an insensible cuiul.ticn fron the liuio l.e was
struck until Saturday afternoon, death en
sued. Varnes was ai rested on Thnsday evening
and ramained in custoduy until Curtis died
when be was brought lo this city and com
mitted to jail. Cuitis was buried on Mon
day. Meadville Republican.
A I' is Trouble. From the
Dispatch of yesterday we learn that a yonnj;
man named George Shannon fonmrly of
Pithole, was arrested la Erie on Wednes
day by the police ol that city on a telegram
from Frank Austin, a Pithole officer. The
charge againut Shannon is forgery. Some
time since, Shannon, who is an orphan,
twenty yeaia of age, and who would
have bad about $700 left him by hU fatbet,
when he came of age, garo out to bis asso
ciates that be was expecting a famine Irom
reletive in Scotland. He went to the
State of New l urk and about two weeks ago
returned very flush of money. Ito slated
that he bad got the ant cipnted fortune
and spent his money freely. Hu departed
very suddenly, and it was discovered tint
a number of forbid checks on II. M. Mabb,
of Pithole, were in circulation, and Austin
was Bent on Shannon's track, an 1 fiddly get
a clue from discovering tho wcreahnuts of a
Mrs. Nettie IZin.j, ali'is Mrs. Annie Hicks,
also from Pithule, u friend and aquuiutunce
of Shannon.
The case ngitist Fhnnnou H said to bo a
clear one, some $1.1')(JI the ch c!:s for Mr.
Mabb havo been firmed, and it U alleged
that the evideuce will be pi'i.duo d to show
that he nooiiatei! tliem.
Aftrruoon dispatches
Luiiibville, Xo.-. 11.
Important !t The heirs of John
Cumpbell, ibo iiuiaeesor of 'MO of land iu
1783, which no.v oiiil.rncvs tho commercial
cuntre of Louihvi k-, are about Instltiilln
suit for this pmririy, of which they are the
rightful owners. Since '.ha first charter of
the city in 1823 tliis property has passed
from one bund to another until it is now
owned by a In rye number of person?, all ol
whom will ho tin defundonts of the suit.
1 lie land nnd l;;r:rovcmunls ore valued at
Wasuixotok, Nov. 11.
Condition oktue Tb3al"RV A (state
ment of the eomliUuri of tho Treasury shows
a balance of gold on hand of $111,000,000;
omount of outstnr.dioj; gold certilicatus,
$32,000,000, leaii, a balance af $S2,nOO,
000 gold; balanej ot greenbacks on band,
The Wisconsin Election Ciirciao,
Nov. 10. Tim Senate will stand 18 Bepub
lican, 14 Deniecrn s, 3 Independent, two of
the latter liriif Democrats. Tho House
will stand 55 Republicans, S3 Democrats,
7 Ind. 'pendens
Nashville, Nov. 11.
Coi.oiikd Coxvkntion Cai.i.ku. The
colored people held a meeting hero to-day
to call a convention on December 12th, to
investigate the condition of tbeir race In
News lie mo.
MisSallleA. Brock, tho authored?,
sail fur Europe on Saturday.
Henry Ward Beecfeer's salary last year
was $28,000. This your it will be $21,000.
Senator Bradley was married yesterday
to Peter B. Sweeny' slater. .oUt.
Xcw Flour, Fvvl and Grocery
Store 1
J. 8. lMlATIIRIt,
opposite the McCllntock House, has on hand a
Ihko il first ela stock of ('lour, Feed and
(;rocerlOK which he Is solllns nt a low flgare.
flflu Don't forgot the place whore A, I). Cotton
& Company tu-ol up .
A TAltD.
A Clergyman, residtng In Boutli Ametisa as a
missionary, dii-oovcrcd a Rife and simple remedy
for tho Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Pocv,
Diseases of llio rnltnry and Seminal Organs, nnd
tho wholo train of disorders brought on by bnnrtu
and vicious habits. Great numbers have boon cur
ed by tliU noble remedy, l'romptod by a desire to
benefit the nlllicted and mifurtuaato, I will send the
receipt for prepai tng and using ihts medicine, in a
sen Hid ttivelupc, to any one who needs It, Fra of
Charge. Adress,
t'tatk'n D. B'.hre House,
, X. Y. City.
aud the lliipplnces ol'frns iriarrlasje
1,1 SAY4 for Young Men on the Errors, Abuses
juul Diseases which destroy tho Manly I'owres
and create Impedinien's of MAKltlAGK, with sure
means of reliel. Pent in sealed letter envelopes Tree
ot charge. AiMress Howard Association. Mow P.
Philadelphia, l'a. sep?I.Hm.
JUJT KB CBVKD, souie nice pslorns. at
I so Dlerrlaoii'K Gciinlno Pine Tar
and I'eralan Ileal Ins Snaa.
These soaps are imprenited with exotics of the
mildest and moit Bilsamic natuie, and arc warrant
ed pcrfecily lnnnrent and fiee from tulr.eral And oth
er pernicious admixtures, and aro selected by the
ladies and the public lu neial in prefi-ret ce to all
other soaps, as the sreat producers and preserver! of
a lualthy purity of complexion, and a consorvntor
of female huauty. For tho ofinoss aud delicacy
which they Induce ui the huuds nnd face, their capa
bility of southing irritation and r- moving unsightly
oruptions, render them indispmsililc to eery toil
et. u khelly nik tho public lo try the virtues o
these soaps. J. U II. & Co., I'roprlot' rs.
A. D. Miller Co . Geueral A . JnlSl-Sni.
Drilling Jars.
M'n wrul'l r'-pclfully aiuiouiK'e to our ci-.aIo
ni-Ts nvA I -ie i:tli;ic inoi-al'y i1i:il wehe.p cju
staLtly on runil
I'ast Steol i)ri5ih;.s: .rars !
WhiMi fr Stmrirth aM Hurahility excel nny Stcch
Lintd Jar he;'etor.ire n um.
ov r Li"'d Jm-fl ir? tl -at, tein A T.T STKKI, they
are !trt)iiii'f tli n Jar- to, .ar;lv of Iron;
that nr'Neniiii a Sm-oI fun r.u-e to 't.e ruck, thy Hre
pro'.p.-rcd Irotn wi ir en the outwide, unl will Ltep
tlieir tbitpu loMer.
Fifttesi Mtnjilra! tVct.
Wq alun kci'p on
Cnbt Iron Worliiag ifarlels
FisSi-L'r, Morris & o.
Kov 121., 18 9 . tf.
'Vt'iantSu filair-lj'rtih&iKS and
T UK mihorllier lina lilted np tils secnnil floor in
lusurioiiM and l'mrrtibl" stylo, aa a llmt-olum
liHrberSlmp. V.inr flnit-e!aH workmen will be In
altcndance. Tln-roaro liinm entiaucoi to tlin
litr Whop, ono hut-.i-cen the rmlldliurs. one ihrotfh
the ohl ro-iiiu on the llrst ftoor, benidis two flighta
3 ..nirrt fioiu the i-ide-na!k.
nortl:lw CIIAHLKS .7. 1.KONHKlsEit.
I. H. HILIIAKD, Agent.
HejireaenUil atd rjirefally invested by Ihe fo'.low-
ld&r leliublo ri)in,:inles :
Ihe Mu'iiiiI 1.11V; kin.ur.inco Co. ol N. S!
V rk caimal. 93i.OG0.O0O
Tho .-Klria'e liiiii.n".i- Co. of nw-tford
Conn e.'lpila!, B,in0.0CO
The lloine Insurance Co. of New York,
, eapi ul, 3 tm.m
The Inaiirunee Co. of North America,
Pn.,ea:.ital, satS.32S
The Hume of New Haven, Con.ctient,
eiliinl. 1.5iJ.U74
Tho A Cltv Inmtrar.eo Co., of Alba
ny, New York en- ital, 600. (CO
The - Iciui Life Inmnaneo Co. of
Philadelphia, caniinl, S 000 000
This At'ency U anions tlio oMeat airenetos lu the
Htue of I'oMiiiylvania wcl of Plillalao)ila. Has
I'aid ,lurini! llio hul foiirle.n yours over
$300,000 IN LOSSES
Good Dwelling llousioi, Cburclics, School llonses
and other luiildini;,
Insurcil Perpetually.
Oil innred In Store and In Transit. Pollole. 1."
sued on (.hurt noiieu, in anv of the above Fit-o In-Biir.u.c-
l oni),.iul, . OiHoii tn Franklin Kxebnnge,
1'iankllu, Pa. noiD:t)m.
II. POXI, 91. D.,
HOMEOPATHIC l'UYSlPlAN.ean be found at tho
McCllntock House, l'ct. Colli,
for (be pr.seut
Main street, opposite McClintck
House, Near Lower Bridge,
Pet. Centre, Pa.
An TmmtMine Slock of Men' nnd Toy'i ready
mrnle Clothi'iit; to bj mild nt nnd hflnw Cot. a
Sqiiiirc dealing ami well piitronind cuueorn.
Fran.-hp nil ovrr tho rnllrd Ptafra, The under
nitftuid hm tiy return thoir tn nkMt tle intnM Hutu
olPrtiolt um Centre, nud Ttcinity. for ihoir literal
tmtrutM!: during the Sn' ing and Summer; and beg
U'Hve to Inform them that they will r'ui;iin at tliu
n hove nnmod stand for a few wit ks lunger todi
loM!Ot n In mo Stock or ready mtide (.'Unhing fr
Fall and Winter Wear
at from
2i to 40 per cent, cheaper than
can lie purchased in the
The reason why we nan and will sell cheaper than
the phenpi-r!; wo mimufrtcture im i.en' n. ninth leu,
on which account wo lire enabled to nell our gnodn
ai reiail cheaper than they can he nmmiftictitred hi
small qimnt'tie. often nmke live thousand miita
cf oue kind, taking advantage of every inoh of
cioih. The w w conduct our hiHncn-t ftilci'y
on iheONIi HKIOS ST KM meets with lavorovify
where, for It ft the only wav nnd faitia th con
nderce of the eommimtiy nt lanre. Kneli article If
marked with the lowest and only price in p'nin flir
U e N hantertni;. no dv atiou, all eoni wflri-ant
cd to he of the hrst mn'erial aiidf j!eriitr work
mnnhip, unlike U.e tnn!i often kept tn re.-idy mndo
rluthiiiK "lorei. all urtirltN pinchim-d nt our ttcre,
if not to the cut re oatirtfaction of the buyer, can, if
not ot otl, he returned within llvn day to Im ex
changed or the m ney will ho refunded. Look at
our low price, good Overcoat ft $5 Of) .entire cai
n.incre ui- $S,(Ki. & fUViO, Heaver hiiHh J 1-1,00 A
$ Jit,o', Ove;a'li 5t rt , Taper cotlfut., Bet per
box, and all other rtic es in our due eiu-tlly a
eheip in proportion. Call early lit th IhilTaio
Cheap Ono Piee Cothiin ISiore, Main Street op.
piitc MfClin'.oek Mouse, Jsear l.o ver Hrid.:e,
lVtrolouni Cenfe l'a
lilLtENTUAt.yAIXK A If. if AM..
Nov. 9 tf. i'lyp.iii. rs.
roleum Centre. Pa.
JUST Ol'E.N'ED A LA ltd E AN'i
For the Full Trade, embracing a full Lire
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes
Calicos, Muslins, and a choice-
assortment of
iTiixisniA mmvs t
Aud also a cboloe assortment of FLANNl'-
very cheap. Our Lino of Alpacas and Top
in Alpacas is tho Cncst and cheapest in lb.
'lace. septl3:tf