.aw.. tV:-)V.-u;n Centre Daily Record. ..n.;rc, Wrdun ait Not. 10. A. M JAX, Jiailor. lik O ol Clostus Watt i O., PKIIULIlI'M Ciotm, TA., Juli tiat, 1868. Ci- 'l ' .It.oi notice tlie nialla will airive at and f'pa.l fiOut tfcla office u follow! : S"tri wl ftat, Tla. Irviaeion, 10.18 A. M. -imtii .-,J Want, Meaditllr, 6.1S P. M. So: a art F.aet, Corry, 1U . " ifcwtti a4 Wort, A. M. nu K"rt and Wat, 9. J) P. M. S jrti-. tiiit and We:. 10 00 A. M. SMvtne Service. VKESBYTEFTAN CHURCH. tV-Khlne, at 11 o'elock A. M., and 7 .luk F. M. Kir. J. T. Oxtoby, Pastor. rlT'IOWST EPISCOPAL CHCRCH. i; .iTvicpa ever; Sabbath at 11 A. M. and I' T. M. Sabbatu School at 1JJ P. M. e.i fre. A cordial Invitation extend- Eiv. C. M. Haiw, Faalos. siZS. PETER 'A0 PAUL'S (Catholie) CHURCH. Jla-M at a. ra. Yoipur and Benediction or. the Bleated 8orarnent ut 4 p. tn. CnteoMem at 2 p. m. JAMES DUX'S, Paator. A new fire company hai been organized la Warren, and number 26 members. Frank Howard, the Clog Dance, died laat evening at the house of Frank Coban, on Benninhoff Run. ' lira. Steward, wife of the late Steten W. Steward, who wan killed at the. late Angola disas'er, has ailed the Buffalo and Erie rail Toad company for damages for cautiog bis death.. Mah K.'LLin. We learn that a young man named John Murphy was killed at Parker's Land'.ng on Monday last, at the California well, hy being caueht in the Bull Wheel. He helonired to Brady's Bend. " Thb Pbodi-ctios op Oil is October The total production of oil in this region last mouth, was 13 071 bairels, an increase over the yltld of September ol 400 barrels, and of 3000 barrels oer October. 18G8. At Baltimore, the dead body of a man named TJ.ouiai Flaherty was found in a mud hole on a vacant lot, into which he tmib while Intoxicated, and. unable to extricate himielf. had been smothered to death. His body was free from the puddle, his hed alone blnii buried in mud. A taan named Sidener was taken hy two Mn with loaded revolvers, out of Fayette Into Scoit county. Kentucky, and there an attempt w is made, under throat'of death in cae he refusedj to make him marry a young lady whose hnme be did not learn. Sidener answered tb.it be would die first, was released. Aditioxai, Stock The original "riant" Las blossomed into maturity, and has sent forth good fruit. One ol those who were givoo one talent returned with ten, and PUatdid the next best returned with two! Boots and Shoes are now on a decline at J. Plant's establishment, reasou attention diverted in the rise ol stock which are dow at a high premium a bouncing boy! No ble aire, may your riches be plentiful. Winter y. We are reminded of ap proaching winter now-a-days, the ground being covered with enow, and the wiutery winds whistle through the cracks of the lice board bouses. Let her come. Another Flowixo Well. It will be remembered by our readers that Messrs. Arnold A Phinney put donn a well on the Mallory Farm some time since, which alter many (accidents, proved an extraordinary good one. Trey have put down another on the same tract, which is now about two feet in the third sand. Yesterday it com menced flowing for a short time, sending out eight barrels of oil when she st oped. This well Is looated about 150 feet from the first well put down by them. And boars very indication of being another equally profitable well. At Worcester, Mass., three women ap peared at the polls last week, and olaimed the right to vote. A vote was oast in Wor cester for a state ticked beaded by a woman and she Mrs. Anna Shaw Greene, the wife of Col. Greene', and daughter tf tho late Boliert G. Sh aw, of Boston. Senator Muu roe, of Ruxbury, who voted against women suffrage at the last seision, was nearly de. feated by the vigorous action of woman. Mia. Lane, of Lynn, the heud of the wo man's branch of tba labor reform organiza tion, with two other women, enlisted in Monroe's district iu Col. Greene's behalf, and uot only oauvassed it beforebind, but distributed votes at the polls, one at each of the three principal voting places. A Count rr Without Trees. There is dangei that before many year have passed the United States will become, country without trees. And this proba bility is a danger in the full sense of that word, tor a treeless country Is the equiva lent of an arid desert land, in which agrt, culture is an linposiuility. Thioughout the Union timber is being cut in order to supply the enormous demand without any regard to tire effect of thus de nuding the country, This is particularly true of the Atlantic States. As trees dlsap pear, especially from the beads of the gron water courses, whence much of our him bet corner, the rivers league in volume, the annur ul fall of raia throughout the cleared dis" trict diminishes., and as a consequence tbe agricultural product is reduced. Peifertly accurate atutistics show such results as tbese in European countries, from large portion of which the standing wood has been swept away In France whole districts have been ren dered sterile through scarcity of trees. Very ately in India tbe Government lias fouod it nacasary to restrain, the clearing of jungle and in Uajpootana, and in some parts oj t'-ie couutry forests have been planted nndnr ts direction. Tbe lessening extent of tim ber covered country has left the land sub jeel to long draught", .and when there is rain, it comes in to form of frusnets, there beiug no forests to distribute the moisture Should the destruction of timber In thi' 8 country con iotie with its present rapid, ty, and do provision bo made for the plant ing of forests to replace the loej all the State will probably be corns a rainle.9 region like Arizona, where orops can be grown only by the aid of expensive artificial irrigation ol be soil. Ttie present consumption or wood in the United States is enormous. One hun dred and fifty thousand ucrcsoftke bi si timber iB cut every year to supply tho de mand for railway sleepers alo:io. For ailroad buildings, repairs, aid cars, tbe annual expenditure in wood is tbirty-eigbt millions of doling. In a single year tbe locomotives in tbe Uuited States consume fifty-six millions of dollars worth of wood. There are iu tbe whole country more than tour hundred thousand artisans iu wood; ai:.i li the value of their labor is oue thousand dollars a year, tbe wood industry of the ceuniry represents an amount of nearly five Dunured millions of dollars per aunum. It will be seen, therefore, how extensive are the interests dependent upon the pro amnion at lumUr. Frottauly tan will inv eventually to be enacted by the State Leg islatu res to prevent such d.structien of t ie forests as willle likely to result in natnra, Injury to the country; and it in.iy be ncces Sary to encourage tbe plauting of forests to meet the demands of tbe future. A man who plants a forest tree is hardly likely to live long enough to reap any reward for hi" labor, and until some encouragement be given l.y the State, f.-w such trees will ever bo planted. iU-a are not pitolic sprite d enough for it. We Relieve that tliere is a 'aw for tbe encouragement of tho nlanlinu of forest trees in Iowa. There thu r,vrmer have an incentive in tho n csaity of protect ing their crops against the high winds which frequently prevail. They take small cotton wood trees from the river valleys, and trans plant them in hedges oa the westora side their farms and fields, as tbe highest winds in that region come from tho west. It is true that in some parts cf the onun try iunu from which wood bus been cut is subsequently devoted to its erowtli aaain But this is only for small trees intended for n cop-poles, which attain a sufficient growth in ten or twelve yonrs; and even this custom is reBrrictea to but few districts Most of n uicu is ciearea is never again de voted to timber growing. The Governor of Iowa will not Gil the vicancy caused by the resignation of Sona tor Grims, but will leave the election to i e Legislature. The Hon. Willian B. Al lison is indicated as the most likely to be chojen for tbe short and long term, ne is pressed by the younger and more active Republicans of tbe State. Either Gen. Dodge or the Hon. J. F. Wilson would be chosen over all others, il they would ruu. A man who had filed a petition for di vorce was informed by his counsel that bis wife bad filed a '-croEE-petiiton," as law yers call it. "A 'cross' petition!" exclaim ed her husband, "that's just like her. She never did a good natur-d thing in her life.' Important Invention. A- safety car wheel, which, it is claimed, will prevent railioad accidents, has recently been exhib ited in New York. The invention is re ported us tnusisting of an axle, with two wheels attached to cither end. These wheels run on both sides or tho rail, but they do not touch it except when tho sur fr oa of the inner wheel rolls on tl.o top of the fail. The bevel of tbe wheels is such that a car Ij off the track, the ou-er wheels lore v h nit en again, since they cunnol 1 -are tin ruck to long as there aieuny souv.d mi's. Ncnra Item. There are seven thousand Odd Fellows la Iowa. Pears from California are for sale in New Orleans. The Columbus (.Georgia) Sun admonishes tbe larmes to sow oats. Several Mobile merchants are importing coffee direot from Rio. Potatoes are so cheap tn Iowa that maoy acres ate left nndug. ' Memphis drives a fine revenue from semi weekly descents on the Kenoists. A Memphis negro is inakiug money run ning a sassafras mill iu Richmond, Vir ginin. Savannah papers paragraph the remarka ble activity of the guano trade of that city. "A beautiful woman," says Emetson, is a picture which drives all beholders uobloy mad." Five cigar factories at Key West employ one thousand men in tbe manufacture o Havana cigars. Tbe fourth wife of a Tennrsseean named Wade finds beiself stepmo'.bvr to twenty seven children. The ghost of a departed messenger boy bail nts the Western Union Telegraph Com pany in Indianapolis. Center Point, Iowa, bns a wonderful dog, which makes a very respectuble farm band, takes horses to water, brings up tbe cows, fetches in wood, and other doirgonod tricks. Tbe coal bed recently developed lies one hundred and twenty feet below the rocks on which Fort Scott, Kansas, stands. To remove spots from velvet, rub the soil ed places with a eioth siturated with any sort of distilled spirits. The effect will be immediate and will not Injure the velvet iu tbe least. A lady who was out shopping promised her little girl a doll baby. As she left the house tbe little grrl ran after her shouting 'Oh mamma! I dont want a dull baby; I'm tired of doll babies. Bring ma a sure enouch baby!'' TELEGRAPH HEPORTKD TOR TUB DAILY ItECOltO, AfttTiaOon Disjiatclicft. Cincinnati, Mov. 9. A large number of roughs arrived to wit. ne-s the McCool Allen mill, but the st.kt were witlidriwn and the light declared o this afternoon. PnrriHiiia nr. tm.rl in ,.n - - ...i... in ,,1-u sure of McCool, whom they charge wi h enwarmce. lie c plainly iia shown cap "oinness about the final stolen tn,l.'r.r i,. ."inn iu rtu ( v any oin Murray, who ab 80lutely declined to act. Cleveland, Nov. 9. Considerable excitemi nt was created a mone railroad men here to-dav liv the nres- ence of Jay Gould and Mellenry and a numner ot others interested in Erie and Atlantic & Great Western railroads. Ne gotiations have been carried on all day, and although they have been private, yet enough i is known lo justify the statement that they hive been of a highly b.dliupr.'nt character. It is understood that McIIpnry is here to commence legal proceedings to o'ifain possession of the Atlantic & Great Western railway through failure of the Erie to comply with tho ternje of tho lease, and hfavy damages are involved It is given out to night that Gould and his Erie friends have (ailed to satiny tho English stock holders to effect a compmmisi with Mc II. n.-y, and to-day the latter will commence l'al proeeedin-s. It is assorted that Gould and Fisk were badly hurt by tho re cent gold operations, that thev mado war on Cobin ami ibo administration to conceal their bankrupt condition, Ihet they failed to pay the moury duo the Atlantic & Great Western pimple because they bad not tho means and now their broad gauge line to the west is likely to be gobbled up or destroyed by the McHenry interests. Loral lYiirircm. " 'irgytrta, rcwtdinu iu South Amu ica as a mUslowiry, discovered a mite and ibupio remedy tot thO tUlU Ut K.,n:. U ... !,.,... v.. I. 11 ljIfl.MM..M rr .1.. .... -- . w. ,ua mlurj una fcmmui urgaui, and m aic011ierfc brought ou by ban iu' '", Great uumtxrs liava been ci t-d bv tliii. 11..1.U ... .... .... cur "iciueuy. jTonjijiou oy a uetiro beuellt ill afiii...... .. . . . . . to weeuit forp.q.a hl MU(1 ual ,,, Mil,t j MtMh.i li.....l..n . . ' u a u auyoLa who n.-uk It, Frc Charge. A(Jl JOSlil'lI T. 1 l'v v t uuiuu D. iiiblo I'.au a. x. Uly. UltrETS AND OIL. CVOlltS ! CtT tittViil), scsse nkc patrrns, at mii s-L'ltytlVKK STOW New Flour, Feed and Grocery Store t J 8. PKATIIFR, AtthaOLD BANK BUILDING, OX MAIN ST, nppoaite tho MsCllntoek Hons, bas oa hand a Urn ud list rlaea alack of Flour, Feed and ;rocerlea which ha ts salting at a low Biftire. tel. Don't forget the plaoo where A, D. rotten A A'oaipanj brake op NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JpHAKUM, TA , IN'b-URANCK AGKNCT. . I. H. HILIIARD, Agent. $50.00.01X CAPITAL. itntiwmntif. ritd f!tTf ull lnvefUi) bv the fgllow- 000 000 Ida icli:tb'e companion: The Mil unl UtV Insurance Co. ot N. B Y rk. rap'tal. $36 The JKiim Ufa Insurance to. or uttruora Conn ciiwita!, The Home Iutmnutee Co. of New York, raj al, Ihe Insurance Co of North America, F:.,cmltnl, The Home of New Ilavan, Oonettlcot, 1,7)000 0G6.M3 34S.:i-i3 5S5.74 capital. The A.bmy city !nunnce Co.. of Alba ny, New York. nit iCil, The American Lift? Iiwnranco Co. of H)il.Hdt:l.ti.a, cnpital, GOO.OeO 3 D! 0QD in tlie Has Stwtn of lVim-,vlvmii, wt of riiilaile'phia I' am iui luy ititj iiibi luuttren jqimb w $300,000 IN LOSSES C.wxl Dwetlins Iloaaofl, Churches, School Ilonfos and other laildlnra . Insured Perpetually. Oil inonred in tnrn an1 In Tranlt. Polielra ta--n-d on -tiort tintii-e, tn any nf the altova Firo lil "iirrnico Companies. OlH:e tn Praukliu Kie!mni;et Kianklia, l'a. noD:tio. II. I'OXl), M. ., IIOMKOI'ATU'C PUVSICI AN.can bofound at the .11 c t' I In toe h. lluu.iv, Vri, Ceutrj, fjr ihe present. no-l:tf . q ? ? q ; q ? q TOTflF. WonKlSO CLSrt Wo t-t now pre jmrcil to ftiMiUu all claie wltli c m-tftnt m pli)mnt at h mp. the wholrt of th tt-ne or f r the Mime tuoni'iitri. Ilutnc- new. Hitht nnd profltah'. IVr-"ns tf t iihpr fox omtly cam from 5('o to f5 ,or over. in, nnd a proportional mm bv devoting tiifir vh ! Uuie to the- hui(. - Hots and gtrU tum nenriy a mitc'n nu. Thai all who upp thi B'Hic; may il :li?ir ai!d-a. anil t(t the hiiitif?4 e mnke thi. unpa'a!lel (l ofTr; To attch as arc not well riti-fli-d, wn w U $ I to pit for 'h trmi- lenf writing. Full m)tk'H'flr, avuiuahlo a;imili, v h'ch w ili .lo to 1 om:iiiriti work on, and copy T the lople't Literary Companion one of the in eg at nnd hesi i.iiuit nwsjpapeii puWIUhed all setit free tv mail Hi n iVr. If you ivunt iennin"nt, profitable woik, ftJJrD-n K- C. Al. EX A CO. Ai.MBta, ilamrt. nov4:Sm. fetroVjii F.xclmige alin AND RESTAUBANT. SUTH?.LA1D & TAYLOR, PROP'5 rKESII ALL TllhX OYSTERS! ..;tHr, LUXURIES! Received cfti W OF THE DAILY! SEASON! n'a.Iui;stiMi flrcftt, Petroleum Centre. Pa., neit door to I. ham & Co.'a J jwclry Store TViy ItoardM ncrom:nnd.ted, Mctila served all liuii' 4. testers, and eTcrr deseription ot g:une umiHl.ed uoVn. No t ilns wiPlm iitarr-d to accommodat uhr 1'ivdr with their palrouti. Ell. SUTflEIiLANI). ' CEO. TATI.Olt. l'etr 1I1 am Centre, Sect, 14, 'it. it. TITUSVILLE Easy & ta Llffl 60EEB WMte Gi o I') St cf O am SHAWLS KOTMS Doslic FLANNELS COVJUOlfj lOVB nu t the 5Jntj)lne.ss of Truo ITIurrliijre ISA YS for "i ok: (r .M. n on 'lie Error. Mu-c J MHl l.s a w iL;li lltistiOV tho Munli- u. aadcraate iuiiedlnien a of MAKKIinE, wiib . ia iri(!iir of iAot. Sent In sealed latter envelopos ti. e ofcLar;e. Afldreas llows'.a At.'Otis Am. Bov. P. runf.iKpi.is, Pa. j,-fl:5,n. THE Buffalo CHEAP ONE P2UCB CLOTHING STOEE STILL IN THE FIELD Main street, opposite McClintck House, IN ear Lower Bri(lo-c Pet. Centre, Pa. An InimetiBO Stock of Mn and Poy's rcad made Clothing to bj iolJ at and hfliW ('0eL Htjuarc dealing aud wt'll patronized couctrn. HEADQUARTERS, BUFFALO, N. T. i Franche nil ovtr the fulled Smtoi, Tho tindfr rlffned lnTthy n-nirn thnfr tn nk-to tl e inh'ilii nnt ol Pi'tiolt-uin (Vittro, mid vicinity, fur their HWra f:itrnimL'e uut inn uu' tn nig iiu-i i inmpr, and b. eave tu inform ilu in tUat i ln'v will r ni;iin tt tha niHivu ii;ini(u cinii'i mr n irw k Iuli;pr todi. pweol a hiry;o Stork of ready nnide Uuthing for i'all and Winter Wear at from 2.j to 40 percent, cheaper thaa can he purchased m the OIL HTlJlTnS, Tlie rf:ison whv wn can and will srn-ll chpajKr tln the che:ipt--l; we niannftctitri? ini en-t? fpnutitie. v.. it ul vruail iim: I IMiillli IU HI'll IHir flllKl at re'ail t'lK'apt r ttinn tlioyriml.i? nminif ctmedia tniiU (piatilitics, ofl'-n tnak tf on 9 kind, tal.ii'K adTAi.tae of i-vory inoh o( fin the ONE 1'liICI- S YS I'fcM meets with invore..'r "'"iB, i"i ii inn uTiiy whv sum Eton m COtt tldeiici! of the ruiniiiiini v nt inrc. Ivich nrth-Uli u, b.l ...Ul. 1.... ! n j aim av. mi -or 1'in ei 'itri ni v ji it;v in ) Bin c. u ea N.i lmnturin, no duv atiun, all jirrt warrant ed to b of tho ivM material itmI f Htipertor work mnur.hip, unlike ti e tnnh ifton kept in n'Hily mide Clothing ore;, all artirliM nurohncu nt. our ninr if not to the cut ro Hiiilnfnction of the buyer, d, if not ! ed, be returned within An day a ch inked or themniy will Iw refunded Loukt 'tir low prlros ..oi Overcoats fit U'l .entire ra b more iv. t HAM. & I lti. UK i.iiivpr suit- il fin A $ i.o Ova alii 5 1 vt , I'aper col Ian. 6 ot ps-r d x, aiman ot;ur nrticea m our una tvpiuiy n ehaiip in proportion. L'nll early at tlm IliitUo uticiip ino tJ o'liinu Moro, Main Siri'i-t np. poj.io MtrCHntock llou.-o, No.ir l.o.vir llrld -r?, I.,lr'.ll,n l',.l, I. 1 -Ifct'li NTI1AI , FAI.CK 4 lSHAtL Nov. 9 tf. r.-ui.u.'.ur. FOR THE Fall Trade NEW 1)UDS, NEW GOOI1S, J. WASHINGTON ST., 3 !. roleum Centre. Pa. nAS JUST OPENED A LAF.GIi AN'D COMPLETE STOCfC OK FOSEIGN 4 roaiESTIB For tbo Fall Trade, embracing a Aill Lice BLACK ALAPACAS, POPLIN ALAPCAS, POPLINS, SILKS mm, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes', Calicos, Muslins, and a choice assortment of 3LADIES ANB GENTS Aad also a choieo assortment of I'L ANN" ts very cheap. (Jur Line of Alpacas nJ IllP in Alpaoaa is tlio finest and eboipas' in lace. B,'ntl3:lf Bill DM GOODS,