J PRINT OBSCURED DUJS TO CREASES Co., DAILY se, On! 'UI..LY 1.7 i t m. no no, THE l'ETROLEUM CENTRE BAILY KECOKD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) H II. LONGWELL. Prmri..tor. Fir year payable lu advance, rt oiomh, S on miCE-MST of ADVEHTISINO. (Ten lines or nonpareil iske one square.) Ifil, lHCrt,.IS. 1 S,. y ;j ' "eds.o 7.. 1 li l j,, TOdays, 1 no i ,-yii a mil ree lra, 1 Si 2 mi s (to wdays, got, 51 Sim ndy, S i', 8 no 3 Ml! ek. U: 3i I Ml ro weeks, 4 m, g (KPI T s,j rw weeks, ( iv, n (io io mil smmtli, 7 tic moil u (U tomoiiihs. i,i,i, u f,ot 150,J reo motion, vj m 110,1 js if, I Ms months. 21 K, 47 op so mil Mue months, .j 1,1 M llt, .u 0 fe-ycar, : '' 4i ii ) (Hi '4 col. 1 ill i Ml 1 IW) t mi 8 IKI 8 50 11 (XI 10 no 211 m SO IKI 40 (; 1U1 Oil so mi loo no ;.rll notices iO rant per Una, Men liiwrtijn AiliMtm-nienU payahle ijiiarlr ny lu odvasce llL'sjINEed CARDS. j u. i:ls.b(it, ATTOBXBY.AT.L.1W, AND NOTARY TOCLIC, rKTKOLEUM CENTliK, PA. flMtneaa In tho Courta at Franklin iromptly at tand'jrf to. orrlCK-In BlaiMll Co'a Brlclt Bank Bnlld Itig. up atalral, w aaiilnnion St. o.-tSM.(r. AtBEBT H. HAVEK, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOK-AT-LAW, OFFICB In tin tochrtir llonaa Iiuildlnir, on YVMMngton and M ila .Suecu, rXTltOI.KGM ay 10, 18il3. tf. CKNTItC, I'ENN'A. ATTORNEYS 4 C0UNSEL0R3-AT LAW, Omca Ml;li Street, Franklin, and Potrnlanm Con Ire. Pa. Mav1u-tf. RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST ": OPnCE-rtorry'a new Bnlldlnu, coiner of Wash- ingioii aim socoua ata., I'atrolcilni Cmtro, II. maylll tr. OHO. JI. IJISSLIMi Ac CO., 23 .A. N K E ES, PKTKOCEL'iTI iCMIIH, PA. O. n. Blaaoll, M. C. Staitin Chrlitorber Meyer. ofTar onr ftmrm ror tlio tnnssrtlon of a OKNKIt Alt liANKINti, KXUUAMiU ano CJL LKCWIN IIIlsIVKsiS. Any huHin,? enlrnnteilto our ero w'll reoeiy pr u;ipi atn utiou. Juii tr C. A. Sisirlt'y, DKAT.R.tln ae-ond hin l hak vtn. r.orar, Ti;l ini;, Catling, nl.o uv Wood . Mann ent'ii.e comuiiily on hand. Having ths facl.ltie for CLEANING AND REPAIRING EN GINES, will do 90 cm In moat reaauuahlc terrna. Parties Having Engines for Sale WUl do wall Io ira mo a oall Platform near the O. C. A A. It. It., PETHOLEVn CEHTUC, PA. Oct S5, '09. tf. GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealer! In all klnda of WEliJL TOOLS A: FIXTVUES Necoaaary for pntthn.' down and operating (111 Walla, in tunnuettuu with our JlACIUNK btlOP wo have a largo and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. fOnr hrJMtlea for M ANPFAint!K,Nli nranota celled by any Shop In thu Oil Ki-ginra. Shop3tUn-iit,oiioaile McUlintvck .(lou t mySflf KISUKIt ai MOH lilS. O. F. S1I0I5 3.0M, Projirintor of the 33uffao Bakery. Dealer n choice Flonr, lliittor, bes uud CllJooe. --', miuiui viiuvuoiw. Petroleum Centre, Pa. Ortera left will he prompily nttendoj to, fli; xid delivired. PosLmiico Uox Uii'.i. nyJ aaiiuai i iha oil ivioe; ;TH0LSUM CENTRE, PA "WEDNESDAY HOTELS. o II KXCIIA.NCij; Hi)Ti:i., SAMCKf. HKYNOLDH. . . Proprietor The Inrgoat nnd most commodious Hotet in tha oil r.'ion. Fair on the Url.lto reduced to boarder llus house Is ple.samlv situated, rooms cool and pleasant, making ii a dflh.'httiil hotel in nil recoct. 1'ct rul ti m Centre, Anril PI, lti(,l. jot!iK.viri:it irirsr:, WrmhirBtnn street, retroleum Centre, P.i.' ItHADSTKEKr & KI1EKWOOP, I'sohuktom Thia Ho-i'o U rentrally Incatcd, and the gcncwl hea1,ur(er;i nf oil mm. Petroleum lleutio. Pa., Mny 19, 1KH9 tf. iioL-sr:, PKTHOLBVM CKXTRS, PA., Near Oil Croek A Allejrhiny Itivei Bailw.iy Depot. r:ayl9 tr. C. .1. CitO!H, Proprietor. Iff 3x C'I.l7(a'JC:c SCn':iJ:. PETUOJ.EC1I CEN'TUa PA. IV.t populat Hotel, ';ti:utcil Corner of Kaln ii wVr.nh!:i-roi:-StB., Nenr'h-- feio', lina l-i rfiitl ani ftirnN'tad tlir..n-:hi!t, and the proj rietor will siuua 110 i.;i::u to make it a FIRST-CLAPS HOUSE. oc-tf C. OHISWOM), Proprietor. MI'.cHCAJV HOtEt., "PKTHOl.EDM CKSTHS, PA. J. Tt. B.MWF.-l, . . . p,0;ir!,0r. Thli ITnnp la In a nlenaant l.-.;ai:iv. ni.d b.it a ahort walk from tlia le;-ot Thu room, are ti."e and eoinr,ir;.i le, er l thfl tnlilo auiinlird with the delicnrl, of ll.e muk. l-W-tt- J. 1!. HA11VCS.. JNTEU.V. J SOJ1AJ. KU'l'KL, . MITiI.EU FAXM, PA. JOHN E. nmvE, " . i-,r. Rood aeeommtHliiHiina fir tramiei.t eut,,nierf. Day Hu'ird and B-iurd vilh tonms on re..onnMe tennv 'Hie nroprii.lor NI spars no palni 10 nik hi Ilonsa attractive to gr.eafa. June'J-tf PI.EA5ANTVir,I.13, PA' Thia Hoiikc liavln,.' recently been enlarged nnd re- fnrnif.bf'1, 1 nm row prepirt-,1 to accommodate tw,, liundrc'l truesn. conrori-ihly. Stnea li-nve tli! hoii-e tl,r,i time- a rtav forTi- tllsi-iile Thero is also a line of l-v-i.. to t'itlio'e. Jilf-tf THUS. McKJNN'KV, PrupT. !'ET!5JJiElI53 HJOl'SS?, OIL CITV, PA. PavInT recently tal.en pri.pisV.n ot ti:e nhove ll'inae, vawon'd tno-it reppitri:!'.-t,irf)rm tn0 ,mT. ulinj ;.tilil' ill it w,' p o "l;e-r a Hold,' .in'l t" e -;i:iir' Meni of tho j,,.-;. n v v;!e .-.'l i 1 , . w ,1-f.-'Crniilvd; o; a l.iKiie, To .-r.l u, , ',; .; ';l 1 1 full") $; :tr. Car Sample I'.Ki-u I H, ,1 i!;t!tVe c',n'e,'--l Vine, I,i,(:t,v :tn-l i.-;ir, .tm1. i,i:r l;i!!e t-m1, h f.mi.d laden with t'.ie very Lest t'l.i teki1 a.irl rl-.ere is emineeti'd v illi Iho li .v- e f, '.'.r fir-t el.iss nillinril T.i'i'ei. Alio, TWb r hnn nnd tit'i Wo ,i:ih l.ivo ua n eill, at',1 e nivince yourselves 01 the truthfulness of our HKsi-Unn. CICtBtf II. C . J arvis, Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HANU. LOOKINO CLASSICS In erert' vnrletv.' I.oo'tino -!laas Pla'aa replaced In old Frame P!clre ri-atncs in;i!n t order. t'.55!'ts, 2! rinfSis, Wall I'ISE STOCK. ' COFFINS of !l siKi-s on Imnd Hnil irlmn, to ordfr on short notice. SASH. 1AHS AND BBSHS, alaea. Viirni-h, n, Ac. No. 100 WASSIlif'.TOiV.ST. Perolenm Centre tjept IMC ti8, James Robinson, Tank & auger, BOX 3S0, ETSOIKUU CESTBE, rA. jnn The iroal YoNeiuito IllUcra. All hull I (treat henc fuctur, Who to clue us of our Ilia, Ciiv,.-. lite to tlicdi-cmifolntc, 'itlioiit i,o-i.itis erutrs or pilla. Driven dlsentc from out the avstem, FilN tr,,. hivrt i h life mid light, i'!i i;ie best of n'l the tnnici", Downer Oreat Yoatmitel With root fr.im ont tlio valleva. Where Ca litonilu'a sun ilotii shine, C.lvinn ic-ilih to us poor morinla, Beyond ihe riches ot her mines. t ealtli of h:i!tn and hupplue.. Ha hiessins noi.e should slight, ni you want i; 1 Would yon have it ? JVue Downei'u O.-eiit Veaemite. Come ye sick, tlieased, dlseor.aolnto, Why a(.oul,l you pine and diet Te fo"lil", faint and lansilishtne, Cotne. the-e clorious Bitters trv. Se" limv ihe-e ipiaiks nnd nostrums, . Plea from the laud in friirht, filvini' pire to this pure t.nitc, ; Downer't. Oie.it Yonmitul iu!24tf. rrt'LTYri tt a t itia a.av4iiJjt, PETKOI.I..U.M CEM'P.B, PA. ryit: nnd.T-l.ni'.d h".-.ini rented and opened the X "hlito 1,'oiel. on til Muri neim nluil. is nm,,.-'. od to luiiii-h uuists vrl h meals nt all hours. All iun 00 icurl 01 llie si ason consiantlv on hand 1'iiTuie pa lie. mi piled at shott uollco. FRESH OYSTERS in tha Shell received dally from NsTf York oytte;;shy the qiiaht, GALLON OU,THOrjSASD, To 9-.tlt Hetels or IMvato Famil:. Feellnr: r;"atoful for past fnvor, I hops hy trirt a'lsuii n 10 hiisineesto merit tho patronise of the p iHI'c p-neriily. C. W. lOl'LIFF. Petr,le:nn Centre, Pa., Oct. 2'ittf. F. .3. & CO., CENTKAL MACHINE & BOILER SHOP V',VSl!n'(!T(W ST.. PE TIUHjEI'M CJUIVTUK, I'u. BOliiERS ANli ENGr.N kA AT SHORT NOTICE. All klnda of Me.chine t,ork dono promptly and warranted to aive satisiactior-. g-l H V. J. 11 ANNA A Co. 5!. Wil.MASlS, COAL ! f 11 AV " opene ! a Coal Yard nt the end of Ih I itiod Farm Itfid.ro, where will b-.cou-luntly kep a.l l;ii;tis of STEAM AND STOVE COAL Termj corn'ni; to tny y;rd for Coal, will hare K I'jisn:)',!' c.vcr Use U,irEt o: 1HATOES V.'t.M (io re to ui'i:i.rtitt the nfllcp, find Kill 2nd H Ut t1i?ir a l- rr;?:! to ilea with me. PiUSS DAVIDSON, it." Uinmoiid Ht., TreisviLii;. pa. (Opiawlte Herald Office) Wonld iuTlto nis o.d patrons and the pntillc gencr ally to call ar.d examine our SPIE51IID FALL STQ3K of FURNITURE OF ALL KR1IS. Parlor fuit.. Cliamlier Sots, n.wk Cases, Bilo boardi, Lonnires, Carpets, Mirrors, ar.d every de scription of furniture, plain and fashionable Taims res.oi aide. jw lae WorrlBoii'a ;rmiiue Pine Tor mid Pcrnlan Hciillng Sou.-ia. Then maps are Impregnated with exotic, of Ihe Diildem ar.d most IlilBUiuie naluie, and are warrai t eil potftvlly iliuo-eot and free from mil oinl and oth er peiniclous admlxlurn, and aro Bolected by the ladies aud Hie public lu Sfneial in prvferei es to all other soojis. a. me t-reut producers and prasci-veta of a healthy purit) of complexion, and a conservator of female beauty. F,ir the soilness aud delicacy wMt:k they Induce to tile hands and fuca tlu-!r capa bility of sot ihiiiKiriitMion and r-movii g unsti;hlb eruptions, reiidar lliem Indlspi iu,llile to every toil et. ' v.e kindly ask tin public lo try tl.a virtues n tbasa soaps. J. I, II. Co., PropiiofTa. A D. Miller & C , O.neral Ajafits. J.i'3i 3m. EVEN IN . NOV "iT 1669." 25 crs v'ffA-5l mm CP!'' iTTTVe11" V w.i3.tyM:w..5s!w. IMPROVED ORIENTAL AND A O.tBAT VAIllETr OF CQQKI37? AN3 HSATING STOVES ' At AMES' my6:6m. Oppoiite Post Office, TltnsvUlo, Pa. ClIAat. ROIISON cV CO., Cornnr of ?onccft anil Cetilro Sta, oast side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Bavin: added a powerful Steam Enclne and three Irtl-ire I. THK?i. to our slr.uiHu .i.ii.Ik. u i-.H lurini! Estnbilsliineut, nr no prepared to do all uiu uect-ssioy wjis, in nuing up, ana repairing ENGINES. UOI.iERS, IRON TANKS, REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS " 1 do" all Machinery Job Work cntrnsted to as with neatness and disnatca aug uliuos .CHAMPION REAMER! We desire to inform Oil Op erntors and the jiublic gtiiierally tiiat we are prepared to receive orders for our Cliampiou Six Cutter Reamer. Tliis is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever been in troduced. Give us a call ! Fisher, orris & Co. J5gr"To Milliners and Country Ston-keeixTS. fall"trade. WHOLESALE nOMBTXCM PE3IU IU-K pnodrt rcriv) dai'y from nnfllon imd ir;V;itemU f)rr .stturk olVt-HtlliPS, F'ow- rm RulinH. S.lkfl. Velvot-, liilibourt. Lire, Tii" i!iii:(r-, l:tii.fVr. Yankee N(Jliu.H, Kancv flotd, etc vU. i( mv 111H ciiiMj). Wo cut Icitgtb at piwe p.'I'-c.-i. i'-u- aii'l 11 fVe !li. EiiJ-wai'i. lii'Uey & Son, 309, fill, 31L'' GrantI, ami CG, G8 (G 70 Allen Street, Corner Mora, fifth block cast from the Bowerr, NKW YuKK CITY. s.'ttiMf WEEKLY .A. (Jun plsxt,'. fti tin worth vnnr money is at tin NKW' H.ODrt AND KKKD HTOKK AN"l LUM BKK YAIIU or I,. M. STMHNUI'ItH V CVi, where there Is always a MA.2ST ready to show their customers their Isri FMU'lt, HAY. and all kind, of KEtf t of I'd tbe mu pisu iiucic miiy no FOUND l lariro assortment or fiM-class BO'.'Ot! AMD HtltSHKD LOMHEH, LATH, HlIINOI.E.-t. AC , lithe velj- lowest tash prices Thme who are sot DEA.D .V their own Interest, and wli-h to deal with mo ho do business on the sciinre, will find It to their interest to glyo n. a call before pnreha.lng ! where, and see what we can do for youj onr line of b-islness. f3 All Orders and Iteamiaf; nrnniptly nt'ended to. Do rot forzel the place, OP x.,A,,,,T?. TIIK HOOIIliSTEU U'OUBIS, WASHJ INQTt'N STKEET, Petroleum Centre, Pa. L.-M. STERKHfTRO, II II. WAKNEK. Febcr-tr . DEALER IN OIL CITY. PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE, HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOR, BLIND AND WINED W5.REABY GLAED PICTlltP? Fit AMES, &c. HOUSE fc SIGN PAINT.NG GLAZING "A VAVrM-nnn. TO OKIlKft QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFIT" L. D. KELLOGG. Pianos ! Pianos ! Manurftctnrerd, JAMRSTOWN. N. Y, Also,- x-- ciumve Agtmla fur tlio ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SlWt 3Insic, Strings, &c. r2r" Send for illnstratei Cataloituo and price1 list. UAOitui a mum n. Warerooriia 41 Main 8treet. Ulcsii, foot of tlaiu-HL Factory Brnokly mayST-tf tl' I TFAI.O AMI r.UlK KAII.IIOAD. J On and after Monuay, Nov. '.Hid, IKtW, Hid, HW follow.: I'asscnger irainh will run on this road n 1 EATK EUTF. OOINO EST. a i ll A. M. NHIHT KXI'HKSH, stopplnir at " Klpley, Westfleld, Dunkirk and tiilvor eruek, urnvftitrat HiirTnln at 4.4'i A. M. Ik11 A. M., NKW YOKK KXI'Rl-.SS, .top II'"'''' pinitat Wmtfleld. Krucfen. Dunkirk, SB--vercreek. and AlljloJa, arrlvin; iu Buualc SI 3,10 P. M P. M., CINCINNATI EXP1 E8, .tef piiiL' at Northeast, Wisllield Broclon, .liunkirk and Hilrercrcek, and arrlvos at Billluln at lo.4A p. M. e.no A M , MAIL AND ACCOMMODA ll.l'v' TinN. sti ppinit at nllstatlons.aiTiTliig at Jtiutalo at lo.dn A. M. rj,l P. M., DAY KXPPESS, atopplnc aa I.-' Norllieast. Klploy, Wesllleld, Dunkirk, Hlvercreek and Argola, arrlvinf at But- faloat.no P. M. i.kave nri'F to ioi?n WHST. 1 .,: P. M., DAY i.XPKKSM stopplnir at An t'ola. Wilverereek, Dunkirk, Brocton, Weslrleld and Northeast, ariivlna at Erin at 8.46 P. M. 4 'fill M- VAUj ASn ACCOMSIODA .vt thin, stnppinir al all stations, arrivlne at Krle at P. M. (It'tli A. M-. TULBDO HXPBESS. alonplnp at - - - - - - hii siaiiona, -oiu urrivin; at Erie a lo,) :00 BTEAMlsOAT FXPRESS, itton pin(t at AivolA, Silvi'rvrfik, Duntdrk, ilriiOton, Wetfleld nnil NorthtUit. arriv fit i.rift rt l.a, a i. ta A. NUJ11T EXf'HE.SS.BtomiM l. wir silvercw'k, Dunkirk sdJ WeMDetd, ar rivitift at Erie el 4,'1o A. M. . IUUrofid time it lu mimitti inMor ihm Et ie tlm R 1.ROWN, Oth'l hviit t'O.JrGAIi i.GXV, - - . a til tii Happiness oITrno nartlssfo iSAY for out 9 Mew HA 1lie B'l'or?, biso' j' and DistaM nkich Jut troy ilia jl'tnly I'dives' slid creato linpedlmen s of MAMIIf AOH, itHIi . lit' means of reliat. Nnt 'n sealed letter enveJo)n s rrr," ot ctiarpe. A d irest Jioward Asxclatlon Bnv. V f Pkllade'ptoe, la ti