SOME PRINT MISSING Ckn're Daily Record. ."Ion?, Nev. . J'. JA'I, M'aitor. . ii-o of Closing Ntalle. l". O., CE-raoLCTTi Pnrrn, Vk., J pit S7r, 1S88. t,r frrtt nertce toe mil wUl antra at and 111 from .Mi one m follows: ASIUVS ui::h .-. East, tta. Irlnwn, 10.21 A. M. "fli.tfi in,l (Vwt, Moadvtlta, B.18 P. M, ! a J lint, " Carry, J 54 . '"! md Wort. MS A M. -t t and Wut, 9 80 P. M. tand 'Vest, lo.oo A. JL SMvlne 6erTlf.ce. PRESBYTERIAN CHCRCn. iVenching nt 11 o'clock A. M., and 'i'.oot P. M. Rbt. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. "1KTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. ana til,' P. X. Sablmtb School at 12 1 P. Jf. ente free. A cordiul invitation extend ed to all. Ttt. C. 11. Hcard, Pastoi &TS. -PETBR ArTpACL-S (Catholic) CHURCH. Hiss at 10J 0. in. Vesper and Benediction of tbe Blessed Sscraineni at 4 p. m. Cstecblein at 2 p. as. JAMES DUVN, Pastor. Four Tsars tl Husband or Two WiTf a Uhxnown to Eithbr. A soil for $5,000 year alimony and the cnitody of child, the survivor of three:, bat been begun in St. Louis by Lacy Hall against Benja min L. Sanderson of that city. It is claim' ed tbat the couple were married in Terra Halite, Jnly IS, 1865, but tbat tbe defend' ant bad previously been married to another woman without hor knowledge; nor did aba learn tbe fact until sbs bad borne him three children. Mr. Sanford is the nephew of the luto Pierre Tbouteau, Jr., is very wealthy and Is the husband ol a daughter of one of the first families of St. Louis. His wife will seek divorce. Henry J. Raymond's son has gone to work on tho Now York Times as a reporter. Tbat is the way to begin. Crawford County Tencbrn' Institute meets at the Croas Cut R R at Corry. A post office been established on tbe east bunk of tho Allegheny, opposite Par ker's Landing, named Polloclt. A eomspondent ol the Pittsburgh Ccm 'merclal, has been interviewing Mr Win. vum, ui trnoiiim, r. ile Is J3 yeurs old, and in good health. LaRcb's MiNamst.8. This lauious com- bination of Ethiopeaa talent glvo an enter tainment at the Opera House this evening. From fir and from near, wherever they have rtbeen, they are heralded as tie leading min strels of tbu diy, and will give to-nlgkt an interesting entertainment. . 1 BcBlNBsa CsuxoB. Messrs. J. V. Barrett, of Dunkirk, formerly proprietors of tbu establishment now owned by Owen Gaffiiey, have purchesed Michael llooney's nquor more, aoa taiso possession at once, -TLe Mrsnrs ll.irrett are at pnsunt proprie tors of a wholesale liquur bouse in Dunkirk ntnl bring with them a thorough knowledge of iho business. It will be their aim to keep on band- tbe best of liquors, at prices us cheap as tbe rhoupest. Tho Venango County Teachers' Institute will meet at Venango City, to day at 10 o'clock P M and wi'l continue la session fire days. Tbe Hon. C. P. Wickorihatn, State Su perintendent of Common' Schools, will ad dress the Institute and citizens this evening. The exercises for each evening will be an address or leoture.' Soled reading by Miss Stetson, of Philadelphia and others, essay, to. Tbe publio are respectfully In vited to attend. Ijirk AT uskman, i. Y. The quiet but nourishing little town of Sherman, aitnatcd on the Cross-Cut ruilroad, was visited by a most uevasuting Ore on Friday afternoon iiibi, wuereoy all tDo business portion of tbo town on tbe north side of Main Street was burued to tbe ground. The loss cannot be I. . ...-. ort fnn ... . ... mi num 4JU,uuu, wim out comparative lit tin lriDi,unAn rPU.. 1 .... iua uro originated irom a defective Due in tbe hotel. It will thus be seen how much might have been saved by a few shillings expense, or .perhaps a little attention even might have prevented this ealomity. As the season of cold weather approaches, we can but admonish our own citizens of tbe great necessity of such atten tion, particularly here, where there aro so many tiu chimneys and otherwise imperfect flues. Oiled furullure that baa been scratched or marred may be rtatored to its original beauty simply by rubbing boiled Ilusoed oil, used by painters, on tbo surface with a wad Of woolen rags. Vurniahtd furniture dolled may be similarly restored by the use of a varnish composition of shellac dissolved Jo alcohol, applied in a similar manner. Common beeswax rubbed over furnituro and heaid by the. friction of a woolen wad briskly used ii also an excellent fjrnlturo polish. RlXOTAL OF TUB, EsTBEeJ OFFICII. Tbe A. U. U. Expess office of this place li being removed from Its old quarters In Washington street to the new building op. posit tbe depot, to-day. The new quarters are oonvealontly arranged for tbo business, and Mr. Morgan, local agent for tbe Com pany, who is always at bis poet, and ever ready to accommodate the public, will be pleased to see bit friends and tbe public who nay have business with the Company. Tbe old office Is to be f ttcd up for a drug store, by Griffea Brothers, of this place. Niw Firm. Business changes in our commercial circle are always uotewortby. B. C. Wacbter, who has (or several years ooodaoted the business of a grocer, in Pe troleum Centre, In a very successful man ner, has taken a partner in tbe business iu the person ot John J. Fetter, who bas been a clerk In the store for several years. Johnny's affable manners and generous dis position bas won lor bim many friends in olldom, and his acquisition to a unniber thip In the firm with which be bas been so , long connected, will be received with satis faction by bis friends and tho buaiuess tub lie. The new firm of Wachter ft fii.. 1,.. Four new attachments were issued yester day against tho Fisk Opera House, three as the suit of Orlando W. Joslyn and ono at tbe suit of Waison B. Farr. Tho former were for $352,330 and tbo latter for $272,- 530, which with the former attachments completely ties up Mr. F:sks interest in tbe establishment. On motion to vacate th previous attachments against the Opera House at the suit of Joslyn, Judge Brady has decided that legally Fisk is a resident of Boston and that the attachments were properly issued and must stand. A portion of Brigham Young's army, com pri.iog cavalry, infantry, and artilery, have been in camp near Salt Lake City, and maaa a nne appearauce. Tbe Desert News says: '-The order, sobriety, good feeling ana innocent mirth that reigned every- nre toroiign ttie-oncampuaent may nossi bly be equalled, but never excelled, outside of Utah. The troops, from tbo youngest urummer-ooy to tue commanding general tuauiicetuu imu mey oolongU to a rate whom a high religious feeling and devotion to truth and liberty enabled at all times and la all circumstances to main'ain their dig- any ana act as gonllemeu." TELEGRAPH RETORTED fOIt TUB DAILY RECORD, Afternoon Dispatches. Roobester,-N. Y.. Nov. 6. The Rochester Theatre caught tire In tbe green room this morning and burned to tbe ground. Several stores adjoining were dam aged. Total loss about 50,000. Thomas Carr, manager of tho theatre lost all his property and barely escaped witb his life. E. L. Davenport lost part of bis wardrobe. Lively Old Gal. Tbe Warren connty correspondent of the Erie Vhpalch relates that at the house of an eloquent Methodist divine, bo recently saw an old lady of eighty. lour suddenly ju mp up and danco a hoe- down lor the space of five mluutes, to tbe musio of a violin and orttan which were be 'ng played by members of the family. Give her tbe champion's belt. It is estimated tbat there aru now In tho Parker's Landing oil district thirty-live to forty producing wells, the yield of which ranges from throe to fifty barrels daily. The average daily yield of the district ol last month, as sbown by tho shipments and stocks, was about 430 bartels. During Octobor two wells were struck tbut produc ed twenty-ilve barrels each, one that nro- duced four barrela,and ono that yields forty ve to any Imnels. As there bus been 110 decrease ol important', tbe total yiold of the district muni now bo at loait 030 ban els per day tae week through. Only u lew of the wells are pumped 011 Sund.iys, and thu above average boing for every day in tho week, it is necessarily one-seventh loss tbe avenge during tbo days that tbe wells are worked. The Boston Post says: 1 was found doad in his bed 'Samuel liecht In New York, bis cold band cleuching a Saturday's Tribune containing an essay on political economy. It had killed him." Strauss, tbo Vienna waltz-king, is bank rupt. Wiklie Collins will spend tbo winter In Paris, Patli, It is said, intends to leavo tbo stage entirely next year. Seven monuments have bitberto been erected to Cavotir, in Italy. Richard Wngner said lately that be we'd compose no new operas. Marshal Buzjitio is reputed to be tbo wealthiest General in Franco. Mazzinnl isasstronga smoker of ciga rettes as the Emperor of the French. Mis. Julia White, born in Ireland, bas just died in Boston, aged 103 years. Brigham Young bas four thousand lbs. of mother-in-law. Benjamin P. Rosenberg, for some t'me connected with tbe press of Northwestern Ohio is dead. It is said that Mr. Beechcr is a Fienob scholar, and could couver3u with Father Hyucintbe in his own tongue. Louis Blanc says, in a letter to a French paper, tbat in his opiniuu, Fletcher is the greatest living actor. Dr. Evans, the American dentist iu Par is and a great favorite of tbe imperial lum ily, if a millionaire. Joe Jefferson lived ia Galena when a bo aau is remembered by tne tcboolmabiei" there as an irrepressibly witty urchin. r , ... inuiuuu noon nus reaa up tbo papers since returning from Europe, and says in speecb tbat he is "di-gusted with Grant. Mr. Charles Francis Adams, tbo younger, is writing a continuation to bis Chapter of i.rte, to lucludo tbe exploits of the Erii buccanneeia io tbe gold corner last u.ontb General Juan Prim is Baid to be so much alruid of assassinations tbat bu never sleeps inthe same room for two successive niybts, and that, on walking out in public, both iu the duy tim und uigbt tiuio, be is constant ly louoweo. oy a uisguieed body guard of fifteen picked men. Mashieradii Ball On Tuesday eve ning next a Grand Masquerade Ball will be held in Sobel's Operu House. The Com mittee desire to stato that tbe arrangement are completed for a grand party, and tbat the costumes are already secured and will be distributed on tho day previoQB und on tho day of tbe ball, at tbe Onera. House Spectator tickets are to be issued at $1.00 each, wbich will be sold to citizens who do not desiro to join tho dance. The dancing tickets will be $2.00. This custom of issuing spectator tickets la ,.,,.. ono at masquerades, and as all the dancers will be uiuskod duriug tho entiro eveuing 1 1.1 lobe s ippoisd 1:0 ono will bo idcnli- fiod. p. n,,i..r f Nov5-ld ".Mamma," suid a precious French miss of fourteen, "von never let 1110 pky tbo charades, but I know how to muko tbein ton. My socoud is what every woman tries tn f.r.n....l If.. 1 .... ... Jy ivuoio lame beginning ui liberty. Cau you guxsi it?" "No." '-lint, mamma, it is very timplo. It is mari-ay..' Tbe reader will pleago observe that man' is the French for husband. Local :vileea. A 1AAA. A I'teriryuiaa, residing ia Sloatii jliMrjca as a mlsaiouary, difvotMct) a ftfh and atrofale mnody fcrthe Care of Nrrvoes WeatukM, tm'.l Ifccav, Dtsraiwtof tlie Xuliry tual Fomfnal 077a!, and the whole tmln of dlKordors Uvagtit On ty banrfu' and vlcMu rmbltn. Cirirt n:rflbej-e liave lum car ed by this ni ble rrtnuly. Prompted by a duxlro to hem-fit ilia omitted and unlortunat. I will send the recslpt fjr prejiai hiR and uelus Uiii medicine. In a nealcd iuvclupe, to any on woo DJrf It, Frtt .- Onargt. Adreps, Ftatlou D. Bible Horn, N Y. City. COMJLGAIi l,OVK. and tne Happiness ol Trno ainrrlage I?l SAYS for Yonnj Men ou tlie JJmr, Atxict j' ud Di-aoe xrhiuti di-struy tlie Munly Tnwrus and crttatc Impediments of MAKHIACE, with tars mean of rebel. Pent in sealed letter envelopes fre 0 ot cl-arge. Address Howard Asjoclatioti. Bov. P., Pliiladolibi, l'a. suil:3m. -w Flour, Feed and Grocery Store ! .T. S. I'KATHRR, AtttnOLD BAVK Bt7II.T)Ci0, OS UAtN ST, opposilo tbo McClintook Honr, Lni un haud a lugeimd flist class Btock of I'lour, t'eeU find Urocericn, which ho Is setlini at a low n ;ure. -?. Ton't forget the plaoo whom A, D. Cottrn & Company hroku up. t lHPETS AND OIL rLOTtlt! JCST KKCBVfO; urnie iilen put. rtw. t TU ii Kt: lis 1 1 UKE 'i'()UK. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jrpUAKKLIN, PA , ;lUltANCE AOKNCV.. I. S. rjILIURD, Aent. Koprentcd ficd cirrfu'l iivo-itL'i by :h? fo'.lyw fd rili!l! coinp.iiiiei: TLe Mn'u.-il Life liweiranca Co. ol N. g V ik rmi'iRl. 920.OCO.OC0 Tho .Ktiin Life Insurance Co. cf ILirirU CWi. rft!),tnl, 3,!.0 0t0 Tht Home Iiituiniuce Co. of New York, capi a!, a.2!I The luaiirane Co of North America, P:'.,ca; it;il, 9.MS.stJ3 The liotiip of New lluvea, Couo'tlctit, Tbo A h 'iiv City Taenranro Co., of Alba ny, New York, e.v.'ital, &J0.C0 The vu.nricaii Lif; lns'irauco Co. of Phiindt'lpliia, capiuil 3.0'0 003 This A L-L-ncy i an.ons th-j oMfflt iii-uiiflpii iu ti e ii ' n or ivrm-yivin!i. wcv ot i-Liiiiie')U'. xim paid Ju.ini; ttio laal lotU'U'ua year.- over $300,000 IN LOSSES Ooofl Dwulli'itr Hoasef, Clmrcbci, School llojoi aua other Liuiaiupi Insured Perpetually. OH InKiirod In Store an'l In Transit. VoV n n'd ou nlmrt notice, in any of tho uhovy t irci In Fiinu:c9 Compiiiiit-a t'flijc iu FmuUlia Ksohaiiye, Frutirilio, Pa. uov5:t"uj. If. i0.5, M. I)., HOMEOPATHIC pnvsiCI AN, cau b found at the HI el llutock Iloune, t'et. Cotitrn, for i ho present. , nov4:tf. ? 9 q ? q nnO TMK WOTaKlNO riASS. Woaonowpre parttl to furninh all cU.-se with constant t in- ployrafnt at homo, the whole of t'is ti'n or the s iai D ii'oii" ntd. Uijrtinf'H- new. light ami proclaim Pcrsous f t pcx easily curu from 6''C to $5 jier bvoiiinf, ntid it proportional enm hy di-'Vutlng tneir wholit time to thu hu4ut. Huyn and ctrls earti Hourly ua m'!i an uien. Thai all who tliin ootico may rv-nd their addre i. and tvM tho buIncaii make this utinniaMeiod oiiv-r: To nuchas are uot well aitl-rttd, w end iltop-wfor ho trou It of writing. Full untiru'nrfl, a vuiuahle aflsVpla. vv hich u ill do o ominnite work on . and cimv ' tho People's Literary Companion onuof thn 'ttrertit nud hft-t f. tin ii uw-p!ipei s puhlislutt all fern frfte tv nin'i ira it?r ii you want oorm'tn-'ut, profltuMc wort, addros 1 C. AL KN c CO , Aueitutd, Maaie. nv-4:3m. TITUSYiLLE our beat wiihos for its success. At about midnight of Friday Nov. 5, the noted sporting bouse ot Harry Hill, 26 East Hudson st, became the scene of what may yet prove to be a fatal stabbing affray, in which tbe noted proprietor received serious wounds at the hands ol one of the fallen creatures who frequent his place. Tbe origin of the affray wus a disturbance wbioh was created is the bouse a fow evenings ago by ono Kelly Smith. The New York Sun learns from Washing ton that Secretary Bunt-well is makeing ar rangements to bring out a uw loan at 4 percent, interest, and tbat It will bo offici ally announced at au early day. The Sun is also inurmed that an agent of tbe Scotia on Wednesday last, in order to negotiate with capitalists there for a considerable part of the loan. The maximum rate ol in teiest which he li authorized t9 treat for ii 4 per cent. A non-oxplusive lamp, filled with non- explosive oil, and capped with a paten' non-expioslvp burner, exploded In Cleve land, Onio, on Friday night. A gontleman iu me room-suddenly noticed that "tbe lamp Boemcd to enlarge. He drew back step or two, when tbo lamp exploded, tend ing a hundred pieces of glass flying through tne room. It was standing on a bureau ut the time, and was properly trimmed, and n good order; yet wild all these "nou-ex-p.psives'' it did explode. I Be i resident will probably send in his message to each lionse in writing. Tbe ob- jeot of this Is to prevent its premature pub lication. The Secretary ol the Treasury ib also contemplating tfaa same thing. The property sloluu Thursday night from thfl Dorchester Insurance Company, Boston, consisted ol $14,650 in United States bonds, t'7,000 in bank notes, and $2 500 iu Lank bills. The loss fulls on the depositors. f Turkeys are already begiuning to feel their importance, ia aaticipatloa of Thanks giving Day. mm goods Wliits Goods 3H1WLS K0TI0X8 Boirt (Ms nam & O i 37! CO? 3 O A atio s'wottsaent M tt Vunituit t0 pi ft m i 9 iH C5