The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 05, 1869, Image 4
Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office, JAIlf STREET, PETROLEUM CENTRE. w Proprietor. Advertising media tn, whr.Tor an ou Operator or Pm1t .an be found. JBBfflS BEPABTfflfflT. ,, a,e,al, emDracing the Tern o?w.?i " '""led to ecu?e When 1. ,"7 "ri,ty 10 " -, manner wh d., job. win b. n..,iy prlnt91 Co ;s Shipping Bills. Potters ' 5 Hand-Blllf. Fiotframmoi, 'Bills of Fare. Isabels. AND . Btislnsss aud Visiting Cards LKTTKK-UJtADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS OP FADING, Etc, JCtc tuo . BAU, MtllVTINCi, .."or Fan., "frl,. teat, y7 Tartly ,n0 stTl(, of wmk , prsi pr:ntlnj. 1 Mtrcnaot. Law,., On.tioe. of the Peace, Land A..n... Gil Dealers and Agents, Iranoo A'gonl3i .tnr.iraen and other parties In want, are Informed w" "n pieparol to execute ton-xlerall kind, nf MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, 18 TUB BEST LINIMENT IN THE WORLD For Man & Beast. 36 Years In Use. as an Is good ftr Hheiiraattsm, Chilblain", Corns, Whit lows, Caked Hreasts, Sore Nipples, Cramps, Boils, Kites of animals, of the Joints, Contrac tion! ortlie .Muscles, Hums and Scalds, Frost Bites, Painful Nervous atl'ectionB, Chapped Hands, Lame Back, Pain in the fids, Nwelllmra. Tnimm. Ti,ii, Ache, Old Sores, Hemorrhoid, or Piles, Flesh wounds, Galls of all kinds, Sprain., Bruises, Crack ed Heel., King Bone, Pole Kvil, Wind Galls, far OI1S. SllRvin Ml-OnnV Vim .,' I.'-. Poisons, Pcrntches or Grease, Springhalt, Sand v.-vnr, MtiuoHOPB, Cll IUIIS, T OUUUenilg t CCt, .VUlURO, v,DLcuj,t-r, unrRKi in vows, vracKcu reats, VWlt W.. 1. Vhnnn .... A . ...i. ii , - - '""f "u iuu oilier uiseune. mm nnt fn Man aw,A It..-- R. T. TaTLOR. of Concord. Uv . a4va lhnaMl!i Oil cured! horse of his. lninr-d win In attempting to step over a stump, almost eeverntr biu thtgh fruia tht body ; also that he has used ii in his family for fifteen yearn, and is tht bent remedy fur uiMHB. oruwoj, rroui cut, strums, itneum- nuiiu, ru;., ou ever usea. tn From Crump k Bros.. Cwhrann I nnrl nov. xo. moll. e nre n caiI iv t i vmir !,, It has been the means of curing a irreat number o unease, upon persons, as aUo upon horse. We thiuk it cures all you recommend it to do. Wi want you to send us the larger rooortion of the variety lor --jrumuy use," id small Dottles. From Tin .T 1 w ht . -r- t . and And your Gurgling Oil an extreni. ly otUcio-1 T , t .j "UC1U u exicruai appiiuuttou Vrnni llu fl R Voir n...i t t-v A . - k , . "iv'uu iu uus conn tv seven years and cheerfully recommend your Gargling vib shT htLvn Trafliiul nnlt..I..n J .1 ' . ' TFrora Da. T. W. Ellis. Ga , Jan. fi, lUlO If J could receive both box of rhf r;.ri)-iii.u on if mm not be too much, a I thfjklconld noon find Pale ii it mi. uih inquiry Dfing irequeut shico it in up From Dr. Wm. M. MnCAi.r.. Phnmnt . Vn v 1??3rXonr O-.rglinuOi! la taking thesiiiiieolf from' all tho liuimeiiti of the day. If you desired them. - vw.i.u K'wi'" uwAtiiB ui cerimciitcti irom those wu unvti ueen curvu uy li. Ueisrs. MoLilN & Bkos.. Wholesale Drtietrfst. ui.dft. nay, uuut-r one or jiiiy 24, lHitt that they can eafely recommend the Gating Oi From J. K. FtsiiKn. Cuiontown, fa.. Juno 31, lo'Ji.-iuiiruurgiiiif'uii is aoinj? much hotter lien than formerly, nince ila virtues hav. fomiii.tirm.ti.-! and the bottles put up for Family Uee, without Kxtract from alettorfrom IIonNATiiAvT intiskt, ,uuiiij tfuuLo w ouKwy su., luwa aaiea ti;trl'in Auril l.'t. It U dtietdedlv nr.rr,.,! u, n ament sold in this section. Kxtract of a letter from Samuil S. Jlrpp, ditrd Falinburg, Ohio, July 17, lKmj. In Jnnn l-t. ll,.r,i v fehaffle bad a yfarling colt that had what was sup posed to be Dyptheria for more than ton d tyautt that it could not eat. and 1 he throat hw,,,-u ,ii.n,.ut that, and the -nse of thrcH or four applications of F.ora A. G. Niil, Lewinvillf, Coschocton (V. ( . March. 1852. 1 have used vour (iaiirling (Ml for the Scratches on inv horse, and it cured it wnli thn drt appucauon. rruiu r.ntin n at 11 eh. .nioaicporc, r. v., daty W, 18."i0. I purchnsed ft bottle of yntir Gnrpling Oil of vour arrant. A. H Rakr. at, m,i-t .... .1a iifeu uui I'nii 01 11. 1 in nut 11 nns givfttt nic more relief inawinoof Severn Khoumatism, ot'loiiL' Ihnn u tl,;n.. T !,., i L P """"'"hi "J wiu;, iuii;fa UPUU uuiure. Extract from a letter from J. O. Pratt, dated Quinry, Chautnnqua Co., N. Y.t Aiiiriii-t 12, 1S5I. 1 have been acquainted with ynur tnudicine Gargling Oil for the limt .fourteen years. Ii has proved a lire cure fur Foot Hot in Sheep for which I nolij tho lnt bottle and have calls almost daily for more. Pleaso forward an soon us convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Retail Pricn, ftl.OO, 50 Cis., UIIU aij V.B Khake well before hsIhl'. ami nib on ft.nrmi,.l,K- before the tiro pr some warm suhetauce. " The Oarcltntr Oil has been In ni an n iinnmoni 81jears. All we aali Is a air trial, but be Bute aud follow directions. Ak vour nearest UniirL'Ut. or dnn1min Pn,.,, Modicines tor olio of our Almanac ami Vmlo Mo cuuis, and read what the jievple snv about the Oil. Tlie narolln'j Oil U fir rh1 hv nil t.,..tu.t,,l,i doalcis ihroiigliout tho Cniiwi Suites and otliur uountrio. Our ttstimonials date from lSH.t tnlsnRnniliirn trntiiUcilnl. Usu tha Uarulinz Oil und tell your neighbors what good It lias done. Wo deal fair and liberal with all and duly contra diction. Manufaut uvc-d at IiOt:ktort, v., y Slercliaitt's Gargling Ml Vo. JOHN HODllE, Peoretary. So'.db, !tl- S. 81JIJIOMS, DruggUl. HARDWARE OIL CITY. IFtCHBSOHNPS Oil Criek Pipe Works. CHARLES UOIISiO. A: Co., Corner of Ncnora A tleiitro Mu., l.nt tide Oil Crock, Oil HI), 'u., Dealers in Morris, Tflsker Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, WOMJINO BAHKEL9 AND VALVES, STUFFING HOXEH, CLAMPS, TONUS, SUCK Hit HODS, c machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BORING TOOLS, OIL PUMPS, driving Pirn, COLD WATER PUMPS Ercry description of ' SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BKASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS FITTINGS. BELTlXd, tAVKlXQ, and BOSK; HARDWARE, nOJSB TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Rope, Onkrnn, Nails, Axes, Coffee Mills, Table & Pocket Cutlery; Full Assortment of Everything In tho 11 AUD 1 VA RE LINK Jiuno Ftirttslitng Onods, Lamps, Cliimnevs. No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Helloed Oil, Stair ItofK Tabic an d Door Mats ; tliani)ionClutliealVrliin:i,rs Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Keiialniiir of all kind- done with dirtpatch. Special attention giren to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit tho nfitrnni-,n nt the public, and use evory exertiou to itiMtre its continuaure. Our fncilitlC3 for mrnfchinir eTorvthiiv In nnc line, having been frrontly incroased, in the erection of mir Now JTuildinir. aio now tSUPEKIUit TO ANY OTIlS't EST All LIST! MT!T uug'Jl-3m. IN THE OIL REGION'. A. T. LEGGETT, Blaanfactiircr and Dealer In h a mm ess. Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Kvnerler.cnfl Tr.rkmir nm I..t-a.l n .. 1 tt ne of aUJiind kepi or r..uuty ou liund ai.d made to ord.ri' l. C. il8:ri Pat. SccdU;t I or ISalc- ftepairing Done at all Times ! Cull and ex-imine eur .tocli and pricon, ' Haiu-!!., below tl c SleCljis- tOCK IIOIIID. Petroleum Centre, Pu Jan. 7th, lmt -tt John C.Weloh, Soiicca-St., Oil t'lly, a., Coaler in j i5)i)s, ilussell & Co's Boring and Fisiiiiig Tools, Innis' Sicker Eods, Oriviitg Pipe, crrick Iroim, Orato urs, Ualanco AVIkci &. Piillics. all sizes. ' Mv eonncctinn with A!,..wK.nii. ami I'lll.K,,,,.!. Inundrl.iH Is mirh I emi get out nit" kinds of aLlU(;s ai suort order - JWDH C. WELCH. Oil City, Feb. 17, Coal! Coal! Coal! 'PIIE undoislned, bavins established a branch lard at Kynil Farm, are now prepared to furnish All.McsofM14 It tlie Very Lowest Prices. Cnerators from rimprvt.. nni .utiu li-t.. offl. i: Iii-ro, and have Iliem promjitly tilled from llio AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. oo.wr lOKGJT Tin; place 8KAH1.ES & COKNWKLL, Office ou 0. C. & A. H. 1!.. I'utrnlenm Centre. UniucliOillce ul ltynd I'linii. N. B We bold exclusive control of tho funious STONEBORO COAL. at both tho above nnmed poiuts. )un2-t . t'nrj-ctv, of erery ()milltv an1 diwcrlptl'-n, at KY!-i.,-, rtitoQilBAD & CO'S, No. 11 Centre StroM, -.i.-.oit., the 1'. O.. Oil Citv. I'a. Vroeliorr F .r alt kiuU l'o to KEVNULI5S HKODIIKAU & CO'S, No. 11 Centre btreel, oppo ile the Tost Ofllcc, Oil City, I'a, MISCELLANEOUS. T. M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, I'ETROLEUM CENTRE PA rpiIR best Slock of DBIVINO AND SADDLE J. 110USES un tho Creek, are to be found at M'Donuld's liivcry. HARHIASES & CUTTERS TO B LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FED Ac BOAItDED on lieseonable Terms. Teaming of all kinds at tended to Promptly. 53Glve me a e.ll. T M'DONAL Petroleum Centre, Not, II, ISM. STORK. rphe underpinned bavlne fitted up s new store on 1 WASHINGTON dc MtCONU STS., Petroleum Centi-e, 1.- now prepnrn! tn furnish his customers witkj et- eryuun in tue nouse rurnisnini; ltu. Stovos and Tin ware, liuutitrnsi, Faucy Articles, tampd, Pressed ana japanned ware, RrasiN A-. Iron 1'illinsit GUM, PIST 'NAN1 nEVP PACKING. LACE LlAJ tl r. k, e!C , I 11 r. CHAMPION AND NUVKI TY CLOTHES WKINQBHS, WATER COULEUS ofall 8IZKS. All Job Work promptly atten- uea to wulj neatness and dis patch. Pariicular attention paid to Gas and Sterni Fittinc. hnv. ir.g a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil Region for cutting das ripe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. Ptrolenra Centre , Jul, lloS tf.,1 HENRY E. WRIGLEY, CIVIL. ENGINEER AND . SUEVEYO R , HERALD BLOCK TSTrsVIELE, . . . . . px Surveys or Level Maps, Tracings, Building Flans, and Patent Drawings. N HAND, A laigc sleek of his seasoned and painted Lease Stakes, OF LARGE SIZE, AND WITH PAINTED NUMBERS, Which are being nnlvorsall, used. THE WEW MAP OF THE ENTIRE. OIL REGION IN FAItnsi. POCKET Ff Ril, $18. Juulo.'Sw. ON ROLLERS. $12. FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A; I have put in a (rood stock or Riding and Driving Horses, which I will lot on reasonable terms. Also, Cutler, Wagons, Spring Wagons, V. 1IOMSSS boarded and fed uml ,mi nf n f A, 8MAWLBY. CHASE 4c Til ACKER 134 HI allien Enuo, N. V., ttosmim HBEciim nre now prepared to receivo on Commission and make Liberal Advance, to HeUnurs and Dealers in both Crude aud liuilned Oil. OIL "VITRIOL, VllANE, TIIACKERAVCo., , VElHOLKl'M CENTItB,PA , ' Keep on hand OIL VITRIOL, BLUE & WHITE PAINT, :Ai!KTin son i nnfi m in.' Are prepared to umke lilM iul discount to Roflners in ..iii, unu mu uut ou i.uue:7mm in any ot the above urtirlei. i junel3 If. CHANG, T11AAKER 4 Co. R. n. FISECIU Petroleum Centre, DEALER IN PURE)(RENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Dili ;, MEDICINE JIB CHEMICALS:, CU01CE FOKEION AND DOMESTICJ Toilet Articles! ANDJ Fancy Goods, IMPORTED PERFUMES ! SOAPS, BRUSHES, AND Druggists Sundries . Pttvaloiat,.' --...l .... - Wiimiuiis cioii pouoaeti -iromf pur and clioice maLeiiali. IfYOUHAVNT SEEN IT J GO AND SEE IT The Magic Match. rotroleuni Centre, June 18(59. jn7. McEowen & Co., t( Corner Spring and Monroe Streets,) WOl LD call the attention of Orocorv Dcaleic of the OH Keaions lotho liict fiat they Iwt. ctablished lor the accommodation of tho trade a Ajstrictly Wholesale , Grocery House, The only one nf the kind In the Oil Radons. -We hive seen the nec.-altv of suck .n n.tjihiuh. mcnt lor a long time. The Retail Dalers whft Dare hn taxra und t teen fit i nnd vpntnrn h(H capital in his businea", Sbonld Bs Frotsctefl, In it. We propose to do it by Selling to Dealers Only. We have in .tore a LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK, comprising everything that is required Inja FIRST - CIASS STORE. Which we oflcr at prices that will Compete wijli any Market in the Country. We cordially invite an exaniinnlion of our cm nnd satisfy youi.eK.i