DRUGS AND DRUGS ! MEDICINES ! X H. OHEISTIE, DEALER IN BSBD3CSB7ESS. OILS, Paints "Varnishes, Gass, 3?utty t Soaps, Dye Stulls, panoy and Toilet rfcioies. All KINDS OF PATENT MEDICINES. SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES N. Ii- Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours Xo. 14 Washlngton-st., Petroleum Centre, Va. f Give mo a cll before nri'hlim elsewhere. My19-tf. J. H. :WKINTIF. T'tnr.i U jrrj 1 1 rns'.i Cluthiiu Sloro. The. twrtvinf every diy. COR. FRANKLIN 1 A. LOSEE, MliBPIJAIT Till OP IMLilJlill I il I Li U 11 Ti'TUSVIIXE, PA. Extensive Assortment of EVweiga ssid Dome tic CLOTHS and Which I am prepared to Make, SOBE13 0"ERA IIOUSI, One Night Only. Monday Evening, Nor. 8. LaRues Minstrels fe Biass Band! EI3HTSSN AHTISTJ. TtlE crratot combination or Iratrnmentsl Vn A. cal, Operatic Comic. 11114 TnriMlclinreiin i;eniu nowlv mimciited, enlarged and reuioduUtl f.ir 18iiu ana ih.u The world deficit ta produce tntont equal to the caruivaU. Tho great RICAMH), HILLY ItEEVKS, AKT11UK nAMAI.U llIMill UAJIALL, b'1'b.VIU UOUtillS. The host Hoiik and llanco Van in Iho world. JIIk flrat niit-:irniiii in three oan. Adiiiiardou AO ccnti. Ko.rve1 geats, 75 cenU J .uura open m 7. eminence ai 0. D. C. URUE. Jlnnneor. THAT BOY.-Mtuagar. MLMC1NES. to tba Jamestown reas:;i, New Gooda Sept. 13lii. & SPRING STS. C&5Sm2RES up to Order on Short Notice SOBEL'S HALL fkiay & satcriuy'kvexings, 3 THE BERGER FAMILY Swiss Bell Ringers UAKl'ESTS, VOCALISTS, VIOLINISTS and CORNET PLAYEliS, For the part three yearn with thn Vo 'k Family Will appear u no'JTe, nieieu oy iOI,' SMITH ItrsSBIX, Humorist, MISS MAUD STANLEY, Vocalist, mat ok.), n MAitsn. 1'P.OF. J. II. CAliDNEK, Comet Soloist. N6W Sonc lluet. Quartettes, Incremental Over tures, I hnmcii-r N'lM'iiiwins, Comic Ora tion. V'nlin. Ctinii-r aud Stair Hell Solos. Adraisiion, W cents. Reserved Scats, 7j cents Donrsopen at 7 : to cnnine-ni-o t S o'clock. Sea's c;tn In, procured In udvauco Friday, a. m , ut the Hucniiiocn uouHe. V. W. FOWI.KR, At,"Mit. Ctlll.DUIiNS nitiAa:s A flnt assortment at tha Farcitttre Ptoia. Tilfc OICi .HAStllt'l'S. OFFICK OK Tub Pkt'm Chsthk Daii.t RKcnnn, PKritoi.BCM Ckxtbb Not. fi. J2Tlie market cohtlnties'excited and strong. with cousidcrablo enquiry lor gravity oil. Thn mtcB were 1000 bills Rravity, ot $0.00; 2000 bbls at $11.00; 600 bbls on p t.; 1000 bbl on Boyd Farm, gravity oil at $(1.00. Wo hear or one sale at $11.10. ShlumerilB 1200. i;'!TlU.i,ElIM MAItlil;'J'S..UV J' I, I, Wentcrn Unlou i.iue market Report. Special Dinpntche to the D .illy Itsaord Keport of nil tjio Sales of f'etroleuni In New York Yesterday. l'etroletim market eriiJa very s'rong at oi1vouc.n1 Hum-on, owing to limit. 'il ntrivale Sales, 1I100 I1I1I9 bulk 20, closer! 20' asked . Rcfiincd firm, but advanced prices jmid slowly and market very quiet. S1I1B 5UU0 bbls stundnrd white Orst lmif of month- 000 bble ditto 51,'i, 500 Ibis for last bulf of monlb, 35; 25,00 bbls f ir month fo ot Philadelphia delivery, oOO bbls first half Nov 3.1, and 5J0 tibia Dec St 1-2. New York. Nov. 5. Crude. 19V(20. Bbls. 20. .Inn. . NovADec. Spot. Unrkel I'irm. Liverpool. Nov. 5.-3 p. m. Refined 21 Sjiirita lld;(. Antwkkp, Nov. 55 p. in. Crude CI 'a. Ilatnbui'g, Nov 5 IG'.j marks, firm. Bri-mi n Nov 5 21 Grouteg . 7 Thaiem. lircuiiii p m Nov. 5 Hamburg, p m Nov 0. Tb tiers 7. Gio.iti.s 3 ). Murk lfiV4 rvjc.-wroaa'T'.'J'iiw.-fwJ Uii'Lilti.-l .VJJW lHJi. Niw Yoke, Nov. 5. Gold I2H4. I so Klorrhou'n .cnn in Pine Tar an J Iersinn lficnlln& Soa;. These (i9m ar imnri'tniatpd with exntie of tb? uiildit ami ni(Ht Bil-amic nature, And tire warmit ei perfwetly iiinoce!.t nod fire frcnn mineral flud oth r pernieimiB admixturcM, nnd Bro (elected by the latlifs mid the public in gonotiil in prufcri ce to nil other 8fnpB, na ttie ?reat producer! and preservers of a healthy jsiirity of complexion, nnd a conaervaUr of female Iwutty. For the soft new nnd del' cue which t'K-y Induce Kj Iho hand! nnd face t!ieir e.ijia- bililv of pocthiPi; irrit.;tinu and r-movirg unijhtly fniptinu, rendr tlmin IndipinalMp to every toil et. We kindly aik the public to try the virtues o ihcfesoApt. J. L. II. A Co., Fropriet. m. A. D. Miller A Co , General Agents. July -3:u. AND RESTAURANT. SUTHHLAND 4 TAYLOR, PROP'5 FRESH -4 ALT, THE; urn ? rv OYSTERS! A-iU LUXURIES! Received i- OF TriE SEASON D A I I. : 1 Petiolcum Centre. T.i., i;e.-t donrtu Iaham fc Co.'e Jiwtlry Sturc P'iv Hoarder accoinnind'iti' 1, Menlt served all limit. islcn., and every description of game No p iiu will npin'd lo ficcommodut who I'nvor u wilh their pjitron.ie. EI). HUTU KRLAVD. CEO. TAYLOR JVtr dt um Ctutrc. S-.-nM-t, C9. tf. S. S. Griswold, Dealer fn Orders by the Carer Ton promptly ! Mieu Also, Agent for the relcbrat?d KKEL I.ISMsK CAL! OFFICE on Second Street, near K. H. Track pi:trolkuv centre, pa. Jan3'Mr. The New York Meat Market! U V. I'AltKEHhavellttcdup a now build- 41. liit on On .Main slrft, Piosilo the .Mct'liittock Hoiinc, And liit,nl lici'liill.' wlint IVtiolomn Cent re Iiiiio uenlcil, ft flrn-c (is.i Mwit Murket. Only tlio CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will ho k"pt. It will tin our aim to our m onoTs witii iromiitueJs and to their ei.tiro sati act:on. :itllf. H w. I'AUKKlt. I'roehery For all kind-i zo to I!EYNOI,IS BKODHEAI) .t CO'S, No. 11 Centre Sireot, c.p;io ite the Fojt Office, Oil City, Ta, EEMOVAB OF JOHN J. CARTER, rr Tin-: i.or OPPOSITE COrtUfTIIIAST HALL, TITUSVILLI, : 1PJ..t Whore the patrons of the house will meet witii all the courtesy characteristic of tho esitalili'ihineiit. A conipleto a.-.rtmcnt liinen Goods Jsist IIfifcivs!j "VVhtle Ifuclt .U!iJt, liiitett Stylo, liisicn tJ:t'!t in itoxvy ftv' A Sjilendid Assortment (.f CLOTHS & CASSIMEEES, The largst in the Oil Keio'i. The custom department is pr- sided over by one of the best and Most Fashion able Cutters in li.e State. OFFERED AT For the Next Ninety Days, to n. course of Construction on the, lot latelyoecujiieil b- hint, v'or ner of Spring and I'Vanklin Si reel s. Komemlier that the stock of f Is large and that such F U IsT I S II Was never before qresented to the public inTitnsville. FIFE GUTTINB. TIIJWARS. fi 0 1 1 H; Us - H b" in A w hi fi 8 n m m I 7.1 7 (!) EA3 CUTT1HG. UN WASH aufitf. enable the. Proprietor to open Lie, : r ts another assortment of I G GOoDS 369. 1300 FOK THE 6 rade ail 6 fiTTlH' T Tn OKI 8 m MaV Mi W -W WASHINGTON ST., etroleum Gontre. Pa. n"AS JUST OL'EN'El) A LARGS A N 'J COMPLUTK kto;;;c ()V FBSEI2N & TC';I2S?iC nv mm. t a ?! i J LP i For the Fall Trade, m!r icing a full Litu ULACK ALArACAS, rorus AlAPCAS, roi'J.rxs, sirji.1 snms, Carpets, Oil Cloths, CiiintT.ci, Calicos, Muslins, and a choicj assortment of Am! !.. a ijoic-t n'.-.r;:uenti I I LA N N l"--'4 very cli a ; . Out- Line. ')1 Alinom miJ P; Alpaci i tbc Uucst ued cjeapjit in th . !ac-'. ' bi'l'l!3:lt 14 3