Baily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Jos Printing Office; MAIN STREET PLTKOLEl U H:T11L. W H. Proprietor. ftom N.w Tork, Philadelphia, and Plttabof, which together with Editorial, and Local matter., make It heoVIl?,0"tdf,llbl8,1wPP Pushed In "swh- a mu -idrrtltlng Medium, run u,uB has no inperlor, at It circulates Opttmtor ur D.aler can be fouad. J0MN3 DEPARTMENT. W. have a large and well . ..elected assortment o1 new Jobbluir material, embracing the very led Ityle.. We are therefore, enabled to oiecutc ob Work of every variety in a satifrtn When desired, job. will be neatlyprinted in; CoLoan Shipping Ullli.:? Iland-HilU, Ptograiuiuoa, . IlilU of Fare. Label. AND - iSmineti and Vidtiiig C'ard LETTEll - HEADS, " t BlLL-IIEADSj BILLS OP WDINU. Ktc , Etc - tuo . , Bill, taiTIXi Stn or Faney Btyle.. neatly and prgaiptly execn ted, ttmbracintr CAKUH, TTCKBTS. Etc. ft,vsry variety and style of work i p. i utter, press prntlnt;. Mrc'jant,.Lawyor9, .loMicos of the Pe&ce, L-snri AffenU, Cinea;er3 acd Agents, Insaranco Axilla, Btprasmen anfl cthor parties In want, are Informed hat we are prcnarc! t ptrriUs too-dor all kmds of fci-jnit. b-jsintsff 1-jch1, ru pired In .m- MERCHANT'S qaEGLING OIL, 18 THE BEST LINIMENT IN THE WOULD 4 For Man i Beast. 36VcriUiliie. C3 CD I flood for KhiMimstkm, CMlb.Alns, Corns, Whit lows, l akod BreAst. 8ore Nliiplw, Crumps, Hoils, Hites of animals, Wtnki eas of the .Toims, Contrac tions of the Muscles, Burns ami irculds, Front Bites, Palnfal Nervous aftections, Chapped Hiuids, Lathe Back. Paiu in the Side, Swelllnge, Turners, Touth Ache, Old Sores, Hemorrhoids ur Filus, Flesh Wonnds, Galls of all kinds, Bruises. Crack ed lieels, King Buiie, Tola Evil, ind Galls, Cal ious, Spavin, Sweeney, Fistula, Bit fas!, Kxtenm I'oisons, Scratches or G reuse, Hprinplialt, Saud CrftCKS, Lameness, Strains, Foundering Feet, Ivliuige, Horn Distemper, Garget in Cows, Cracked Tents, Foot Hot in Sheep, and many other diseases inci dent to Man and Beast. " mm U. D. Tatior. of Concord. Kv.. savs theGsnrlinc Oil cured a horse of his. iniur'd while nloiiirhim: bv attempting to step over a stump, almost severing his inigu iron, me uouy; aiso tnat ne nas nsea u tu nis family for fifteen years, and is th best remedy for Cuti, Burns, Bruises, Frost Bites, Strains, aiism, etc., he ever uaed. rfOl-gH 41 n go From Chump A Bros , Cochrane Landinc. Ohio. Nov. 0. 18.'ti. We are pleased with your medicine. It has been the means of curing a ureat number o different dfsoaees upon persona, as uNo upon horses. v e tin UK it cures all you recommend 11 to uo t wsntyou to send n the Urger proportion of the raiiety tor "imnuy Lse," m small butties. FromDn. J. P. Tr.nRKi.L. Warren. Intl.. Itaroh 1856. I am engaged in the practice of medicine' and find your Uarifltnc Oil an extremely offl,ini,t remedy lu all cases where an exit r mil application IB iuuiciue:i. From Dr. G. B. Neat.. Tlurrls. Town. Dee. 90. 1S5U I have practiced medicine In tin county seven years and cheerfully recommend vour Uiuvl'iinr Oil us buu ueni uuunieiu lu use. HFrom Da. T. W. Ellis. On , Jan. , IRS!) If 1 coald receive both boxes of the fiarclilKt OH it will not be too much, a I thlt k I could soon llnd sale lor it an, me inquiry n-ing trequent stuce it is sup nosed thit I h ave it f'r sale. From 1)R. Wm. S. McCsll. Chamois. Jin . Nov. . 1868. Your GarclinuOil 1. taking theshlneofffrnm all the liniments of the day. If vou desired them. I could procure dozens of certificates from those who have been cured by It. , Messrs. VcLim Puns., Wholesale Druc 'is s. Wheeling Va.. sav, under d .to of July 24. IS II, tnat mey can saieiy reeommena the ' iii-Kllny; oil lor mpteaiseuses man u H refouitneliili-u lor. Kro'm J. K. Fi!-nEK. lrniontown. l'n.. Juno ,11 1867. Your (jarelinir Oil is doing much better here rnan Torniriy, silicons virtues luive necotne knowu. and the bottles put up for Family Uc, without stain, are much sought for. CO CO Kxtract from ft letter from Hon Nathan T indoky. County Jud.'e of ShWby Co., Iowa ffftted Hail in April 18. It is decidediy preferred to any liu anient sold in this section. Kx tract ot a Jotter trom Samuel 8. Hupp, d ited FallHbtiire, Ohio, July 17, lSftO. In June hit. lienry Shiitllt! hd a v 'Hrlinr colt that had what war stin- posttd to be Dyptheria for more than ten d iys so inai u conm iiui em, ana me in roar, twe en inmost shut, and the use of three or four applications of luo aoiiar noiiies am me uerirea eueci. A. G. NiBii, LewisvUle, Coschocton Co.. ). March 1852. i have used vour Gargling Oil for the bcratciies on my norse, aua it cured it with tbc tirai application. From Knob Matitkr, Middleport, N. Y.. July i3. 185!). I purchased a bottle of ymir Garni. ng Oil of yutir aircut, A. S Baker, at Middleoort and as vet have used but half of it. I think it ha given me more relief iu a cuseof severe Khoumattaui, of lone standing, than u nothing I have ever used beioie, Extract from a iWier from J. 0. Pratt, dated Ouincv. (Mmntnuoua Co.. N. V.. Autrust 19. 1S54. I have heeu acmiainted with your n c-dicine OnrL'ling Oil) for the laHt fourteen years. It. h is proved a urc cure for Font Hot in Sheep for which I sold the at bottle and have calls almont daily for more, ricase lorwara as soon as convenient:. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL- And take no other. Retail Price, 1.00, 50 Ct. Shake well before uiiff, and rub on thoroughly ueiuru iiiu uruur buiuo wunii .-inwLance. Theflargliiiff Oil his been in nsa os a linament 3'i years. All we ask is a fair trial, but bo sure ana iuuow uirucuunu. Ak your nearest Prutrgl-t, or dealer In Patent MeUtcnit'S lor onn oi our AimannC" atiii ane mm cims, and read what the people sav about the Oil Thn GarL'llns OH U fur sale bv nil re-neotnbli dealers tiiroughout tho United State and other countries. Onr tpttimmriah date from 18JB to IRfifi and are itnsolinittd. Use tho Oargliuir il ami tell your neignnors nt good it nas clone. Wo deal fair and liberal with all aud defy contra met ion. 3SXann.fn.ct.urnd ut IjORkport, AT. V.j toy Slerchant's Kara jlnjs Oil do. JOHN IIOJIGIS, Se.-ret.iry IIARDWArE-OIL CITY. ROB30N'S Oil Cbiek Jpipe Works. CIIAHIiKSl ftOIlOX . CO., Corner of Soneci centre EaM itldo oil Cre.k, Oil Cll' Dealer. In Marts, Tanker Co' OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, WOJIKINO nAKRKT.8 AND VALVES, bTCl'lINU IIOXKK, CLAMl'S. TONC, Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BORING TOOLS. DR1V1N0 PIPE, COLD W.VJ'EU PUMPS OIL PUMPS, Every description of SUITL1ES FOR OIL WELLS AND UK- FIXKUIES, Also, STOVES, ' TIN WAKE, muss GOODS, TEAMS AXD OAS FITTINGS, BELTISa. tACKISU, ann tKJt ; UAKDWARE, IIOCSK TKIMMIXGS, Carpenters' Tools, Kope, Oakum, Nails, A:;es, Coffee Mills, Table & l'ocket Cutlery ; Full AssortmeDt of Everything in the HARD WA HE LINK tiutie Fifdshinic Gool;t, lamps, Lninmevs, No. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, Js'o. 1 Hellned Oil, Stair Knds, Table an d Poor JIut., thampion Clclkes Wilnsors Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. UenalnnK of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. Kspuclal attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. VTehavo endeavored to merit the pntron.T'e oi the pnWlc, and shall use every exertion to insure its continuance. Our facilities for fornlshinz erythln in our line, having been greatly increased, lu the erection of onr New BtilldtnT. are now SUl'KKlOU TO ANY OTHKli ESTABLISHMENT auil-am. IN THE OIL KBGION. I'etroi'ni ExchatsiC .SaJo.'sn AND RESTAURANT. SUTHRIA ND & TAYLOR, PF.OFT FRESH ALL THE, LUXURIES OF THE SEASON OYSTEHS ! ReceivHd .V D A I L Y l .v.,-r.Tt!a Wiisiliingtoii street, Petroleum Centre. Pa., next door to Isham & Co.'s Jewelry btoru D ly Hoarders flcconiinod ,te:l, Mnl sei" 0 ' all hi'urs. Oysters, and every cVsoription el luic uruished enests. No i,:iins wilt be snared to nrcommoO.t who favor ns with their patroimgo. ED. BUTflERLAXD. GEO. TaVLOU. Potr iknni Centre. Sept. 14, '9. , If. Jolin O. "Welch, Scncca-SI., Oil Ciys Pa., Dealer In anil FM.ins Teals, Innis' 'S 'Cker Ecds, crrlck' Irons. MVS, Grato all sizes. Mv eonnectlon with Meadville and Pittsliiir.-li foiindrlt's U Hiii-h that I can f,t out all Kinds ot CaHinift, at short order joiin c. wuLcii. Oil City, Fob. 17, 18CM tf. HENRY E. W RIG LEY, civil, r.Girr;i and SURYEYO Tl . HERALD BLOCK TITCSVILI.K, ... - - PA. Surveys or level Map3. Tracings, . Building; Plans, and Patent Drawings. OS'HAKI), A huge steck of his seasoned and p.iiuieU Xjease Strives, OE LARQE SIZE, AND WITH PAINTED NUMBERS, Which areloiniT'.iniversnily used. THF NEW 1S A l OC Tffl'. ENTIRE QIL REGION POCKET FOint, $ it. ON UW "KS f junli.iw MISCKLLANKUUS. AUemapozeliimJCity Terrtory. ) The uudorslpned, apent for the Metrorndltan Oil Company, now offers to lease the territory of said Company, in lots of two acres each, for one-fourth royalty. This larm Is situate ou Cherry Tree Hun and lies on the JUGULAR VEIN Which connect. Wood and Plcrson Farm. CHARLEY HUif TERRITORY. For further particular apply to the original D. W.KKNNEY, Allemagoozelnm City, Cherrytree Run. Ot 0'MlU:SK, "BOX 117, 1'i'lroleura Cotitro, ' April If. -1m. Prun. NEW HARDWARE STORE I1KATIXU A XI) COOKING ff ! In largo variety. TAIU.E AND I'OCXET G u t 1 e r y I SHELF H.VTDWABE. rtr ra ."V c pris LAMrc5.LASTr.KXr?. AVT1 FANCY ARTICLES. mns &m mom Wcodi'ti Ware, &c. For pale CHEAP 1 At the store fortnorW ori-u;'-'! ty P.urclifio'd and CllSUTltlH'. tjl f, t . PA f w.s si. ni:uun-: Oil nty,.Tan.4,lSr;u.if Hot Oil Crook Pipe Works t2AS. t81HSSfX & CO., Corner of Monona nnil C-'ti't:' ls. oust sije ol' Oil C.-oel;. Oil Ci'y, l'a. Il.i'viiiL' 'l l-e-l a 't!'ii! WtcftTii rticfTn, and (lire, !!!.- L V I i' t" ' oi itiii!y , xlrnMve Mimnrae tu ri !!Lr !t:il il-'iiut'lit, Jlr no,. prroure.l to do ail :tio t.r wyrli, it, lilting up, Jiul i.piirin i;.T,'!N"!"q. noir v:n'. IRON TANK I !V; FINING MACHINERY, corrER won?i;5 and stills. OTL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS , ''Mo'n!l Mat li'itiM V Job Work entrnsr'"l 1o us with nltiorsH ;ui,i dinu itcn nuL'lmos EUSS & DAVIDSON, f.". Diumoml Kl., TITUSVILI,!-:. I'A. (Opposite Herald Office) Would invite nis o.d pillions and the f uMlc goner nlly to c.i'.l iu,il examine his Ei'LESJED SPFJN8 STOjK DF mKnuHE er aii kisb3. ' 'iirlor H ilts, Clmn.lier Sols, Book Cases, Side lx.nrds, LiiuiiR'is, Cui-poi.-, .Mirrors, and every de 'riitlon of furniture, plain and f.ishiotiablo. Terms ror.sornl,!. jn 'Mir ;i'iil luKCitilln Klttorsi. All h ill 1 uri-nt hen"fa"h,r. Who o, cure i:H ..f on. Ills, (livo,, lio lo tlioili-euMSolMle, Wilhout 'Htxi'ius oi usor pills. Drive di,PMxe froin oi;t the sisteui, Fills tin- lio.ii f vl 1, li. and light, W illi the het of nil the tiiircs, bowntr Ureat Yoscuiitel With root fr -m nut the vallnvs, Whi-ret.'a liforniM's sun doth shine, (jivinir wonlih to us poor mortals, lii-M U'l Iho riclo-s ot lux mines. Wealth ol licultli and h:lp oiichs, lis lili s-ons none slio'ilii slinht, Do you waul it Wou d you havo It I C.-e Downer's ftreat Y..seniito. Come ye sick, dlaei. ed. dlsrnnsolatc, Why slioiild you pine and die? le fo'-tih, limit an. I liiliinsliiii, Conn,, ilie.o L'lorhnis P.ltturs try Seo limv tlio-o (uurkK and tioslruins, '' fro.n i.i.. I.i id In IViK ii, (:iv!nt pl.-ire lo tliis nuro ionic, Downer's Oiont Yoseniitel illl24tf. O. T. Sic J50.MtI,4HI , 1'ropt iiitor of the Bulla o Bakery, Dc:l,T n eli.)ice h'loilr. ltotter. X''s au Clieeae. Also, clioic CrociTie.i, Petroleutn Cenlre, Pa. tliiloi-s lefl will l,o promptly ntteoded to, an Hoods dclivereo. Piistolllco Box iiVJ. Myltf. C. I). TiiaMU'w., ECi.lCCTrC PHYSICIAN, i' NO. 1, RlAftONn STIIEUT. H'll-Stil.lK,) TITUSVILLE, 1PJ. R. Tt. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DLALEK in PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BRIGS, MEDICINES MD CHEMICALS i CHOW'K K0HE10N AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Faricv 'iGroods. IMPORTED! SO A l': liiarsiiES,' 3 AND 15niist!s Sundries ! l'hy.iciaiia' Prescripiiiiiis componndcdfrompurc lUid choice iiAieruils. tIK YOU HAV'NT ' SEEN, 1 T,s GO AND SEE IT Tho rMas:io Match. Petroleum Centre, June, JWO. mil Coal! Coal! Coal! jil'ilC niideisi;:iied, having established a branch X . lard at ISynil larm, i' arc now prepared to futiiNu All Grate ef Coal kt the Very Lowest Price. Operators from Chem trce Pun. and vlrinity, living- ut P!ti'oleum Centre, esn leave tlieir orders at our ntlko here, and trive liiein iironijitly lllleu irom me liytite iailn luru, AT LESS COST THAN LVUAL. Di),)T rouo'TTirr: riiACK SKAHLES COilNWK.I.I., Offlceon 0. C. & A. II !(., Petroleum Centre. Blanch Office at Kyiid Farm. N. D We hohV exclusive control of the famous STONEGORO COAL. at hnth the nitove tmmed points. .iun'M . The New York Meat Market! n W. PAHKE'I have fitted u; a now huild . on On .Hai n direct, Opposite tlic McCliutock Ilonxc, And Intend keening what Petioleiim Centre lis. Ioul' neodod, a nrsl-c nss Meat Market. Only Iho CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will bts lifj.r. It will be onr nlm tit nM ve onr omors Willi pruiuploess niiu to tueir entire snlion. ss!.t.1:tf.' II V. I'AHKTllt. CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally tli at Ave are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Sin Cutter Reamer. This is Avitliout doubt the most perfect tool lor reaming that has ever been in troduced. Give us a call ! Fisher, A orris & Co. James Robinson, Tank Ganger BOX 380, " ZmnLE.Oi CEKTRE, r.i. jus. SoUhy A. D. HIIM,rK cV CO.,