roleum Centre Daily Record. ( Fet. eutir, Tan.)i Oel. 20. A. A: JM.r. fid f or. Time of Cloning trial I a. P. O.. hnoui fits-nut Pa., . JOIT iT, 1868. Until furthor notice the anils will arrive it and lepart from this office follow! : AnitlVB. Smith mid Kv, y"s. Irvtneton, 10. W A. M. Smith i l r.-f t. y.eadvilte, P. M. North i. K-t, " Oorrjr, 8 56 . ' Soiri iTi Wiit, MS A. M. Sonik n-id West S.30 1 M. North. East ai ,1 West, 10.00 A. M. K'ivlne SScrvleea. I'UKSUYTERIAN CHURCH. i'rech:r! at 11 o'clock A. M.. and V .Veto P. M. Rbt. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCn. Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 1 r. M. Sibbath School at9 A. !ft. en's free. A cordial Invitation extend rd to.alt. Eir. C. M. Heard, Pastor. STS. PETER JAND PAUL'S (Catbolle) CriURCB. Man at 10V; n. ra. Vesper anil rteneictloa of tbe Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN. Pastor. Thayer's Circus ,1ms been seiz-d in Cin cinnati by the Sheriff, at the suit of creditors, most of them employees or the company. Tbe suits amount to over six thousand dol lars. Hoo. Thomas EwiDg, nr., was stricken Sown with heart disease while in the midst f an argument in tbe United States Su preme Court at Washington. Late accounts report him out of danger. Oneol tbq Georgia editors objects to tbe proposed editorial convention in that State. Ho says tbe offalr will only be a big drunk, and "we can get drunk at borne, on whisky we are iMied to." Gatlagser, tbe prize fighter, narrowly es caped being killed, at St. Louis, early on Thursday morning, having been stabbed by deepi-rulo who was intoxicated in his es loon. He was promptly arrested. Galla gher will be disabled for some weeks. Supervisor Smith, of the Western District nf New York, and Supervisor Southwortb, of the Western District ol Pennsylvania, baving resigned, ex-Senator John (VDnnnall. of New York, and Gen. J. B. Sweilzer, of Pittsburgh, have been nominated by Com mi sioocr Delano to nil tbe vacancies. The financial rsementor tbt Pease Ju bilee at Boston has just bees made. The receipts were $2S' ,270.3:1. Expenses $283, 388.29. The balance was presented to tbe gett-riip of the Jubilee, Mr Gilmore, which with the proceeds of tbe benefit concert given him, will amount to $39,028.40. Dkmcious. jjioodcock, Pheasants, Quails and Squirrel wilPue served at the Rochester House Restaurant to-night. A fresh supply has been secured, and those who desite to feast upon tbe good things of tbe season, will, give) tbe popular proprlelors of the Rochester House a call. A 200 Barrkl Well. Messrs. Winsor Bros., of this place, and Mr. Welch, are tbe owners of a 200 barrel well at Pleaaant ville, which commenced pumping yesterday afternoon, and a dispatch recceived here this morning says it "yields 200 barrels strong." It is located on the Twombly Tract. Snow on the Ckoss-Cit Road. Snow fell to depth of 18 Inches on the Cron-Cut Road in tbe vicinity of Brocton. Sherman sod Jamestown laat night, and cars arriving at this place to-day, which were in that vicinity last night, bring winter's mantle of white, reminding one of what is In store for us. A Good Pus. A regular hoarder at one of our first-class hotels, who is well known for his adroitness, notwithstanding his slowness of speech, was accosted by the table waiter as to to whether a plate ol bash would be agreeab'e or not, and his answer was emphatically "No." Turning to neighbor at the table, he made the remark that he "never rat hash unless be has sonfl denoe in tbe oook." TbeLaruest Hotel ixthb World The New York Sun says that when the new Union Hotel of the Letand Brothers in Ssratoga is completed, it will be thejargest hotel in the world. It will have a frontage f one thousand and fifty feet, five slories high. It is to be built of brick, and divid ed Into nine compartments, almost fire proof. The contractor is lo finish tbo grand hotel by the 1st day of June next. When Is a cat lllio a teapot ! When yoii'io Ak Incident or tbr Gold Panic. Here is an Incident that transpired during tbe tresendou 'gold excitement, when so many fortunes were lost and won: A yonng man who bad been In one of New Tork's largest bankers' offices for some time and was tho roughly conversant with tbe operations of tbe "street" drew some $66(1 that ha had saved and put in tbe bank and speculated therewith. Fickle fortune smiled on him and by Friday moroing he had made $15, 000 profit. Hi employers, surprised at bis luck, advised him to invest that amount with tbem and they would "makes bun-' drwl thensand lor him. He very naively replied: "Charley has made fifteen cool: Charley will nop!" Chailey that night was worth $1,000 Charley's employers not lifteen cents. Such is lire; more strange than fiction. Sneinu in Meadvii.i.e The Meadville Republican of tbe 85tta inst., brings us tbe sad news of the death of Collin C. McClean ny a pistol shot from his own hands, on Saturday afternoon last, near the McUcnry House, in Jtradville. Tbe deceased wa a young man but 19 years of age,.. a resident o t.cttysburg, this State, where bis parents reside.- His father is a prominrnt lawyer in tbe southern part of Pennsylvania, and tbe deceased was highly respected at home as a young man of promise, religiously in clined, and withal one in whom , tbe com munity placed the ntmost confidence. His sad end is attributed to the fact that bis eyes were growing very weak, and he labor" ed under the impression that sooner or later bo would bicome blind, and chose deatD rather- than the misfortune of loosing his oye-sight. He cime to Meadville at the solicitation of bis patents, to spend some timo with a relative near Meadville. think ing that this change would benefit bis sight. His death will cast a gloom over the quiet Village of Gettysburg, and his parents will deeply feel tbe loss of a beloved son. The slung-sbot with which Twitcbeil, the Philadelphia murderer, killed bis raotber-lo-law, Mrs. Hill, has bee i found. It is a pear-shaped lump or lead, the base of it be. ing bollow, and the cavity is smeared with blood. The handle of it is made ol strips of leather being plaited together. Tbe lead is very much battered, and there are about half a dozen impressions of beads on its but race. This corroborates tbo opinions or several learned physicians, eubpcenafcd as witnesses, who stoutly maintained tuh out the trial that tbe wounds upon the skull of Mrs. Hill could not have beeo caused by tbe bloody poker which was produced at the trial, and which was not at all bent. Rip Van Winkle. Mr. James Fox, an old gentleman of 65 years, and a citizen ol Clarion county, mado bis first trip by mil on tbe Frnnklin Branch one day last week with Conduotor White. Tho locomotive which moved the train was the first he bad ever saw, and bis observations to the Con ductor about railroad traveling were- de cidedly original and amusing, ne is the "Rip Van Winkle" of Clarion Jeatftitfe Hepulicin. A little six year old girl who uttended church in a meeting house recently remod eled, was enlarging eloquently on the beau ties of tbe edifice, when a young friend Interrupted her by Inquiring if she suppo sed the minister preached any better than be did in the old bouse. "Well," said the enthusiast, "I guess be doss; at any rate dinner tastes better when you have a nice clean plate to eat off of." This settled tbe matter. A man by tbe name of Eke Ends, In Greene county, N. Y., is stranuely deformed. He is without ears, and never had auy. He gathers sound through tbe .medium of his mouth, and can bear anything said to bim in an ordinary conversation. Equally as strange, his hair Is black, with white spots nearly as large as the palm of a man's band interspersed through it. He Is about 45 years of sge, and is tbo happy possessor of thirteen living children. Ilis occupation is that of a ebairmaker. Hera we rend of a clever invention: A private soldier in California has invented a new method of skimming milk. He fits'a fine gauze seive to a hoop of tbe size of tbe pan. The milk is then poured Into tbe pan so as to a little more than cover the seive. When the cream has risen the hoop Is lifled and the eream is thus completely re moved. "Sim," the chief of the Washoe Indians, ia dead. A newspaper published among tbe Rocky mountains says of him: "Hewasa good, though very dirty red man. He possessed a well balanced bead of hair and stomach enough for all be could get to eat, His. regard tor truth was notable he never meddled with it. He left no will, and bis eBtate consiated of a pair of boots." A yankee arllst recently painted a winter scene so, true to nature, that a child which slept near was frozen to death. TELEGRAPH KKI'CITKD FOR TI1R DA1LT RIICOKD, Aternoon Dispatcher Philadelphia, Oct. 25. . . tAmA 1.0 Clnv tfrewier lias neon icuu.i ... Geary tie position of Attorney General of this Stale, now occupied by Benj. Harris. Brewster was former Judge of the Court of ... : ; i t Commor. Pleas ana one oi u inojuiuy w t. .k.t Aa'itifA the election contests iuu Luu . tun ...v. -, t.i:nAH Mtila.l.tlll a isvoroi London, Oct. 25. Nearlv all the metropolitan papers to-day have oiituary notices of the late Earl Derby. Tbe Times, in an obituary on Lord Derby, lavs: No man can be a statesman without a statesmanlike temperament. With this tbe Esrl ol Derby was never endowed. He was too impulsive to resist tbe tempta tion or miking sallies or enemies. His sneer at the Italian struggles will always be remembered as a proof of his recklessness in speaking on foreign affairs. The Duke of Wellington bequeathed to bim bis intluence in the Houso of Lords, but the bequest could not be executed, and tbe mantle of tbe Duke's soldierlike virtues bad not de scended on bis successor. Great as was bis ascendancy among the Conservative Peers, be never gained tne tonfldence of his coun- ttyuien. Tne Standard predicts that while the present generation lives Lord Derby will be remembered throughout his own province, not only as an orator, scholar and statesman of whom Lancashire may well bo proud but as a man who in the direct trial took bis place as leader in the work of relief and charity, as the rich man who cared fur tbe sorrows of tbe poor, and tbe great man who respected the pride of tbe lowly, not as the Premier of England, but as a kindly neigh bor, generous friend, and Christian gentle man. Local Aotires. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH! JUST RECEIVED, tome nice paterns. at Tilt. t'UKMlL'llE STORE. CONJIGAIi l.OVE aud tbe HapplucKS of True marriage EsSAYS for Venue Men cn'the Error", Annes and Disease which destroy the Mitnly Powrf-ft and create Impedlmen'i of MAKKIAGE, with turn meant of relief. Pent in nea'cl letter enrclopet free of cr-are. Address Howard Asiociatlon. P.nv. P., Philadelphia, l a. e.-.?l H.-n. Use Plorriaon'a Csennlno Pluo Tar and Persian lleallus Soar. Thee soaDif nre lmnreirtrif.ri with .miiN rtf'ti, mildest aud mott Bilnamlc naturo, and are warrant ed perfecily innocent aud flee from mineral and oth er pernicious admixture!, and are .selected by the ladles and the public in general - In prefernrco to all other loape, aa the great producers aud preservers of a healthy purity of complexion, nnd a coniervatur of female hennty. For the ortneM and delicacy which they induce to the hands nnd faeo thelreinn. hillty of sooihlng irritation and r-raovlng unsightly ujniuue, rcnaer mem lndispenolLIo to every loll et. W. kindly ask the publlo to try the virtuei s thete inapt. J. L. n. Co., Proprietors. A. D. Miller & Co , General Agontt. Ju!22-3m. Kpectal Notice. WJRDS OF WISDOM for young men, on the liullns Palon in Youth and Early Manhood, with SELF II EL.P for the erring and unfortunate, flei In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge . Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION B ,x P, PiiitAuiirAiA Pa- May 24, 3m Crockery For all kinds o to REYNOLDS BRODHEAD C0'., No, 11 Centre Street, oppo Ite the Port Office, Oil City, Pa. Carpel, or every quality and description, at RBYNOf.D:,II)RODnBAD CO-8 l ,, Street, opposite tbe P. O., Oil City, Pa. New Flour, Feed and Grocery Store 1 J. S. PKATIIEIt, At the OLD RANJT nnil.DTVn rrv uiom opposite the McClintock lloute. Im nn i.h ' lageand class stock of flour, feed and rorrnca, wmch lie Is selling at a low figure. .lon'lforot the place whero A, D. Cotton A Company broke up. The New York Meat Market! II, A W.PARKE !t have fitted up anew build ing ou On Main street, Opposite the AlcCIiuiock House, And intend keepin? what Petiolenm Centre baa lin!i needed, a flrsl c iiM Meat Market. Only tbe CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will ho kept It will be our aim to tarvo our cut. omers will- promptness aud to their entire satls- ction. septlfrif. n W. PARKER. INTERNATIONAL. HUTCL, MILLER FARM, PA. JOHN E. ROWB, Prop'r. Good urctmnindrttbins f.w trnn.ient j Tny Uourd u:d Ilutird with rooms on reammiihle I tnn. Thi proprietor will spare no pains to make his House tctive to guests. JweoS tc NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. A LI. my Mends and enrtornors are horefcjr noti A find respect fully, that I have sold aty building kunwu as the Brocton llonse, In Washington street Petroleum Centre All baeroge left In my care, be longtniito other parties, can be found by lP'7nK to me amy house In Hluimbiire, known aa the Miu dlrtote Uonse. near the Post Office. Said bapwiKe ran be had at any time ay calling on me. ermuumK an order and paying epcnflca. Parties elaimlng anv dues of me, will pit ate call during thte week fur settlement. Oct30 3t. UKO. BAltO.N. First Claaa Saloon and Rettan rant. WASHINGTON STREET, Petrol torn Centre. milE best Laser Beer constantly on draturht, ana I and all the clioieott Wlnea and Clmrs. Lilllher- Ifer I'lioeae, rtll.rr ia, ntuinwiciii, nnnum., vc I'llRTKLVOU sVOlH-nrH, Proprietors. Oct Su:ti. (rreu. ocnuiu oiu wuu.j Boiler for Sale. 1 "Washington" Boiler for sale, rated at from b J to 10 noree power, in woraiuir oruur I'KH'K, 1180. Inquire or air. : r. uuuen, nocn tiler lloute. Petroleum Centre, Pa, C. A. I ur fey, DKALEit la tcrond hand engine, bol'ers, Tnt ins:, Casing, alto new Wood Mann engines cooitantly on hand. Itavlng thj facilltlei foe CLEANING AND REPAIRING EN GINES, will do so on th most reasonable terms. Parties Having Engines for Sale Will do well to plve me a call, riatform near th O.C. K., PCTROLETJitl CENTRE, PA. Oct a THE RIALTO FETKOI.EUH CENTRE, M. TnR nuder'lLmod hivlnc refitted and ononei the I.Ulro ilo.vl, An th Kuripta plttn. It )rm" ou to frniih uumr with metis at all hours. All tue dpliearif of the Benson coiumitlyon hanil Private pivties nupplUd ut hort notice. FRESH OYSTERS in tho Shell received dally from New York OYTTERSET THE.OrAT, GALLON OR THOUSAND, To suit Hotels or Private Families. Feeling grnlefnl for ra't favor,", I hope by strict siieiHinu ia business to merit tne pnTronge o mc public genoralljr. V. W. TOPLIr r. Petroleum C'uiitre, Pa.. Oct. 3!itf. D rhec'inftrtnwhln fcwrtniVro oxUtln? rnidpr the firm mime nf achtor Co., la iMs-olvtt, and all pinion indt-bt.ii to ih firms aru rtiicftftii t ncttl ki nit! oi ixni, ietB f arm, nr at l'et. 4 entre, nro- hiiu mo uricK uaiiK. j 111111 11. c . yon tiiE. Dwelling llonse tor eetei Inquire of iw. JAMK ill'THEKFOItn. 1'iNMOllltlOII. rpHR Co-P.irtnerliip herenf .re existing under 1 theltin niiMieof A T. Miller A Co . I- thi day dnevdved by lnu:n tl coua llt All neeniinls SRlini! the late drill will lie Hell lei h)M. 8 Si. inn-inn it Ihc o:d stand. M. S. SIM ions, l et. Centre, Sept. Sd, W. A. It. MILLEIt. KtN'S HAM.. Tt-1 II ill is now renly for thentrlcnl rThlhHInn.d cone. rtn. leetnren, .tc. The lln'l ha been n-fi'tt d end mrenirtlienefl. No pains nnd expense hm been spared to mke It a llrnt cli.s SHOW BUILDING. On the first flonr U one of the heet Bill Itird Room n tli9 placo. All undt r one maaonient nyt. Coal! Coal.' Coal! 'IIF. undersigned, having estahliihcd a branch Yard at Kynri Farm, are now prepared to furnl'b All Grate of Coal At the Very Lowest Prices. Operators from rherrj-tree Itnn.and vicinity, llvine; at Petroleum Centre, enn leiive their orders at our office here, nnd have iiiem prumptly fllleil fruin the Hynd t aim Yard. AT LESS COST TIIANUJUAL. DO'T FOIIC'T THE PLACE BEARI.KH OOHNWEI.I. Odlceon O. C. A. It. H., Petroleum t'entre. Branch Offlce at Itynd Farm. N. B We hold exclnsivo control of the famous STONEBORO COAL. at lioth the above rinmed points jun2-t . DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE, HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOR, BLIND WINDOWS, READY GL1ED PICTUHE FRAMES. Ac. HOUSE & SIGN PAINTING GLAZING &, PAPER HANGING TO ORDER QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFIT L. D. KI LLOGq- CIIIIUHRNS C A It It i Anns A fine assortment at the Furniture Stcte 1861 FOR THE Fall Trade NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, J. Mil, WASHINGTON ST., Petroleum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST OPENED A LARGE AND i;U Ml' !,,! ; STOCK OP FOREIGN 4 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS For the Fall Trade, embracing a full Line BLACK ALAPACAS, P0PLIX ALAPCAS, POPLiys, HUES CILDAS!, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes, Calicos, Muslins, ami a choice assortment of LADIES AN CENTS FAMISHING G00D3, Anil also a choice assortment of FIjAN"N"23, very cheap. Our Line of Alpacas ami Pop lin Alpacas is the finest and cheapt in lit place. septl3:tf NEW HARDWARE STORE I ICOilKIIT I5ItVAA I O., Per. leave to nm,o:inca In tlia etilzenn cf I'etrolenm t'entre and vielmtv, that they hove opened w store in tno ienr 01 the otilce of the enlnil Petml- f ....... vu,i.. ut .1... r.ilr..l .ntJnit. wl..r. IK'V will keep cin.tancly nn hand a fall iiiiiriBi.Li of cvcryiinng In tne i.arawarc line, susu as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARF, OAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS Mr. Bryan having been enraged in the ha!if' Ilh .Me.ra. Winier ltnr.. Inr inllr Iltnilis." attend partlculurly tolhc hunlueas ofmaaulaetiiraf SMOKE STACKS All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. 3 GAS AND STEAM FITTING, iC. '" They hare a New Machine for . , CUTTINGGAS PIP With sn entire SET OF NEW DIES,! And will warrant all work In this line. Apr A. T. LKGGKTT. Manufacturer and Dealer In HARNESS; Seed Bags, ValvQ Cups, &Cr Experienced workmet are employed, and n ness of all kind kept nstautly on hand and to order. P. V. IIcin7 Pat. Seed -Da Tor Sale- Repairing Done at all Times . Call and extmine enr stock and prices, Main-St., below l c McCU" lock Iloiitt!- Petroleum Centrn. Pb Jan. 7th, le'" . J. Gh. OGDEIST, FLOE AND FEED STORE NO. 3T CEJITBE-ST.i on. cxrvt pa. Thlu 1s the best ostnhlisliment of the 'n'','n,'Jl Oil Hejloa flour end feed sold at n"y. i.