ily Record NEWSPAPER, 7 t s ' " i -1 1 J- AND Job Prjtso Office, M A I J!f STUEET ft'ETROUWH CENTRE. W H. LOMWEIL, Proprietor. Ih i New York, Philadelphia,",,,,.! PltUtar- which nether wllh s ,IMrUI. hoa Sfll'''-P-. published in AUrrtielfi;; Medium, Tn. RKWD ta iaprior, H cIrcn,at(,, whtreier a. Oil Operator or Dealer can b. found. 13 DEPJ I, ? ,Uff 1,,atu". en,rdug tho very Ivt! ,'J TOr'ety inn """'""""fy manner Whn doroj, jobs will bo neatly primed !; C'olobs Shipping Hiiu.v " Posters ; ' Haiul-Bii,, Pioramjiie, Jiills of Fare. labels. AND tiiuSiies ami Visiting Card3 LETTKII- HEADS, UlLL-nEADS, BILLS OP FADING. Etc, Etc ILHO . fin or Fancy Stvln, n.n'!,v ar.1 promptly cxeru led, -ernbraeiiiij nicni... ' vkogium .mes CAKDS, TICKETS, Kic. t.r evary variety fttiujtv'e of work In itr.r, prens pr nllu. V'2'ifnit Lwan, Jtntlcoj of tho I'eic.e, T.and A'im h'.il a.;d Ak-'H'.b, Insurance At;t liiH. K t;i'ess:r.ei. sud ether parties in want, are inrorneJ hat wo are prepare! to exerute tn n--dar all kinds of g-iuni.y bUMluott1. lietil, .uipibu l in tl.u J',.- MERCHANTS g-ARG-LING OIL , best umment ,1N TIIU WOULD For Man S Beast. 30 Voara In I o. CO CD T ipoodfor KliPTimnlUm, ,hilhUiti. Cnrn, Whit owi. Cal in:i-T trv Nij'jil"!. ("r-nnp-t, I'.nMj, JliU-j I't HtiinuiU. ml 1 1 hi t the .Until s, Vni ne-tion-t of (lu .Miioclt'. linn,! it mi m-uNK 1 mi ltitc-, I'iiinl'i,! Ntrnn atl'ertiotn. t't):tpj.ti H't'idd, Vmk. I'aiu In the Mu Swelling, 'r-.mi-, Tooth Achu, Old Sures, lU-uioiTlioiii.-) or Fllvt, UhU Wounds, Gall? of all kinds. Sprain.. Hniiscs. Crack cd Ik'. Is, ltin lime, rolr hvil, W hid Calls. rr 'on. fyar.n. Swmnry, I'iaiula, SMfwi. i.xu'rm- l'tiisDn-, StTillcho or Cri-rtMC. Snrin -I.Mlt. S-mil uorn iilcnip'r, .ari.-'-t in 1 ow t r:u-ki' 1 Ti-at-4, F(Mt Hot in Sh 'in. tid manv ollm'' itlui iiwi. JrnI to .Man Item. S S3 K. I. Taylor, or Concord, Ky., nvs tliGarsHni: (.ill cnrnl a horeof hi. Inilil' d h:iu nl,,ii ii i i-- In attrniiitinL' 't-'j, over a Mimp.aluo-'t !.fV4'riir.:l:;, ni'Kri imiiu uio oo'ly; nto Hint ue im nsi'U n hi family lllu-yn tnrs. an-1 tin lu-.r ri tnnlv fur f!lt, lilirn. Hrnlsfs, Frost liitu, Slrain, J.iiium- aiui, etc., ne ever uata. .. . . m CO CD From CnuMP linos, Corbrano I,ain!ina. Olit Nov. iO. Is ii c arc plca.! wilh yonr in,-.l'ciue. It ha- b''i'n ttio tn'llll nf rnrin!rii irront nnnilfr o (lilTwrciit dica.-fs upon pcr-on-, al o 11 1 ion liulv. e Hl'IiK (i ciln-H all yon rwomiui'liil it to do. A e want y"ii io p(m:iI lis tlio l.n cc:' h-mimh-Uuu of tilt variuty lor "Family L'c," in nnall l.ottliv. From t)ll. J. V. 'l nnr.Ki.t,. Wirrcn. 1ml.. AMrrb 18jli I uni prL'.lired in t!(' i.r,-iii'i. ..r ...... ana li'id your tJarlins Oil an p::rMiolv i'l!-ioi t in allcaaca wtwro an external nppbc ui From Pit O. B. Nttat.. Pnrrw. Tnwi nnn i it-..: I liavo prac'ieeil nioilicii e i i : tin- comity m-ven yuar- and cb'-cifnllv rocoimnund your tior-'ill .it tJil as tho bost liiiiimont in us. TFmm TH. T. V. Kims, On . Jan. e. If I eiuM receive both b.xr of Hie l.a'-lhii Of it will not 1! tori mni'h. a I tho k I eoal t mi.iii llmi nab' fuV it all, tin- Impiiry li in - fre.juent sin .e It is sup poml I h;ive il lr.alo. From 1)r Wm. S. JlcCAtr., rbimo'H, Mn . S.iv. II. bslS. Year (oirtrlinL'Olt is l.ikni'' ihi's'iineoii fimn all the Hnimnina oi tlio dav. If on dosireil iln-m. mould procure dozoiu d corlillcat'.a froru lhae who have been cured by it. Ww. ?.'fU Ttp.n., Wholcwo Wbteint: Va.. say. loulfr d -to of ,In' that tlii'V cia sab ly reenmnie! d t'u-1 : lor more diHi ajei ti.nn il u roeoMiniendi From J. K. I'i-iikh. rnloi;o',vii, I'n isiil Your (hirc'nic nil b l.i!nn B.rt than t'orni'Tly, snifci virtues Lave ben P-ilt-M V 1-. ) t:'ioi' i 1 l.T. .. .1 nil" V-'.Th UK' It T I i '.' and the b ttleri put no lor Family U E3I.U1U, me iiiueu bount lor. CT3 era Extract from a letter from Hon Natm vn r.tvnFv f oontv .Ind -i. nl' Sli ilvl'n 1.,,. .. i 1 1 . .1 ' ' Apr:l i'i. iMil It N d.'i'i.lediy proiorr, .i to ;.iiJ im- ariuni 'i!'.i in tins hocimoi. Kxti 'i'-t ol a left. T from Sami'ei. s. Hivi. d 't. i' FalwbarL.'. (II. io. .Inly i7. 1;-U. In Juno I i-t. liciry Shuffle hid n v si-lio'.r colt that l.ail lib it wa 1 -up-poscl to he Dyptheria I'or mnra lli in len il n-.s no that it could not and Ihi; Ihroitl .-umIi-h uioor sl'Ur. and th" pie of Hire: or ('our 'lop'o-adun-of the dollar bullion .lid li e dn-ireil e-.M. F Olll -. (j. 'EL. l.CWi.iVliii-. (' is ortm To., ().. March lri.V.i. 1 h-ive 11 i-d nmr i.irifiiiy lor ila Ser.itchi! 011 my huue, and it cured it vuih tLe lii-.t applicaliou. C3 trmw From Eurw MATnnn, MidJl"po:'t, N. v.. July lS.jl. I pnrch-i-i.'d a bolloi of vmr (.ai!iliii" tiil .if yoiu a'eiit, A. S Hiker, at MM. lieu nt and as yt have 11 -eil but .half ot it. I think it lta. .irni ni'ini relief in n ea-eof srvt(! Klienin.ili-in. o, -Blaudiu, tin ui imy tiling I have t-wc uf J iK;uic. Exrn?t fron a 1"Ikt from J. 0. TV. tt, d:ilc 1 Qh.u'V. LVi:inri'ur'in Co., N. V., Aiil' rj, ii. l li'ivt l)('cn !i'-Ti:ttiiT'd :ih your v . f ti4 (imviiji'' Oil) for tin- liH' I' Ul ltM'ii Vt':ll'-. If hw ( rVe a nro enw lor Fom Hut iii sinp fur wli i Ii I h.)d (hi' ln-t hcMtlc urn Invo calU aim i-t dully for more. J'luase forward d soou ua convcuiont. Always Inquire for Mercliant's Celebrated GAHGLING OIL! And take no other. IletiiU Price, .!, 50 C'ts., and t'ts. Phake well before nilli?. nn'l rub on thorotp'bly befort: tiie Ib-eor some M iirui sub-eauce. fr Tim (l.ia'linir Oil has ben in use n a Muain"iit 3 I Tears. All we ask is a Jiiir trial, but he sure and lolhuv drfeciions. '.lb'yiiiir nearest l)nii':i--, or deal-r In P-itciil M.i'lieini-ii lor otv of our .lina:iac mill r."(h. culm, and read wluil the pr j,le snv aimilt tiieoii. I'lio (iilr'.'Miis (lil is fir sale hv all re-puetable diaiers llu-ouhout tho f iiilcl Stilus uni oih 't count! les. Our l;.m!ai tlnto. fro:n Vn to --V.Co,:.,l ,.,. W.H'1'.-t. I'sc I'm iPir.'hn't nil and tell your Q i'IOHirs V. httl ;;Oo.l il 11 19 llollO. We deal i'air un i ilheiui with all and defy contra il'.i'li, u. Mttiiuiactm'eil ut Jnek;)i)ft, TV. V., Iy Merchant's arSn fill a. JOHN IIODOE, Secretary. Sold by A. D. HIItLER A; CO., HAHDWAKK 0II CITY. ROESON'S . Oil (iuciv iin: 'ou.iR. ' WA !1 lit;- ltOEtS!O.V .V Co., Junior of Senrca & rcntro !'!., i;al side Oil deck, Oil t'lj'j '"! Dealera In Morris, Tnt-ker k I'"' OIL WELL TlT.l.NG AND CASING, ALSO, W0RK1N0 HAItl'KIS AND VA1.YKS, bTl Fi'lNd ioKS. OLAMl'S, TONI. i (.Klilt Hons, Ac Hachiucry for Oil Wells & EeSucrics ISOb'INO TDOI.S, I)I1IV1N; I'H'F. OJb 1-L'Ml'S, C'(U.l) WA I i:iS I'l'MFS Every clesciiptien of scrrLiEs foi? otl v. klls and j;f.- I'lNKKIK.-, Also, STUVL?, TI:.'V.'A!:K, UiiASS (;(()!?, TKAXS AXD (7.1.9 rtTT'SO". lttJ.Ti:-J, l MK1XG, and H0.SK; HARDWARE, UOl'SK THI.V.MlNliS, Curnoiiti't'a' Ttmls, Iit'l.o, Oalaim. - . Ku:i.. 'v.', CoHVc .ViH.i. Table & l'ocUftC'uCevy; 4 Full Apsnrtni'-i, of :i.Tyl!;ur; ill the HARD VA HE LlXi:. .iiLie F:i ii-'T-iiir Go."1-, Uiiiips, (.'i.iinnen. No. 1 b'liitrfirilmil bard Oil, t Jio. 1 1,'i-;',-h"I ('.:, ' Mai.'- lb-Si. 'i'aoii- ar. i i'oor M;it -; i'3,Oi5"L i".??'!! VV'! - 'I'li'i' ..M4.t.txi l llilb! J 3 i U.c a . M.-inufa: tnr.-rs or Tin, "Jlhest Iron and Copper T7are. Ih'piirini; of ail kicd dune n iih i.. .tnoss ro i'.paleh. alii n'. ui ivi a tu STEAM AND GA.S FIT "TNG. We have eu'leuorc-1 In ui-r.! t'-c pa:--, -.i-r- , ' til.' p'lbh'-, ii'iii u-e e'.iij e ;i-i;ion ; i i,i-i;;-r i: (0-'!!Ml-Ul -. loir ti-'i'lios f t- 0' '-Iilu "-erv'hin !o on lie I.vo h ,';! -.-' i: v in ri - ill It..; imi :;Ii ' if . e.- X.-v ! ;o.V"i - .. SlJCillOit .'il AN V t) ' Ii KSi'AKl.iSiiVnN'l ju'.-U :im. i.n 'i a;; oil, ku.-Ivn. AND ltl'.TAl'R AN V, J"! ii..Lnli J mil,.'., injr; all th:-: i.vxv iiii: Ci" i ;il ri K Ami ; ovrtTi:;::-; : K-'Civo'l DAILY! .I;iio i l h. -r-. ;sns, .ni l eVi-:y .! 'rij.tujii iUi;:r Hi l.i.-i,"'l 1 1 (! N, -'t p .in- v.iH h- (I 1o nrcr n.n ( t !iivr ii.- wir!i tl.-jir ji.iiri.!'.-. SciKisa-SL, C33 tit-, Ueeh'i' in Win ... k Yiir.U t ; vi i- v. bnh' so clior Eoin. SJrsvi t Pipe, rrrir.fc Is-o:ix. f.ltl! ".I I'M, I5:il'i-.o Vv inek 'c J'nllin. ai! si;"-, Vy eoan.'c'iim with Meadvi'le r.:nl l"tNI,iii- 1 liiunihi i- such hut I e.lli ;et olll all l.imls o' t a-tiii.- at siiorl order JOHN" C. WTLCH. Oil City, l eb. IT, I;n. If HENRY E. WHIG LEY, CIVIL ENGINIFFS AND SURVEYOR, ' 1IKRA1.1) Ill.OOW TSTrsvii.i.i:, . .... px. Surveys or Isvol Kaps. Tracings, Euikiin?, and Patent Drawing. O N HANI) A laie sleek 0f hj g(,,isnnea a-d riin'ed Lease Stakes, OF I.AIME SIZE, AND WITH PAINTED NUMP.Ei'vS, m- tuv ENTJIIE OIL REGION IN l Ai:3IS. iuw'kt.t roujj, $1.1. ox uoness. $12. jur.;r.-3iv. -MISCKLLANKOUS. Allen: a no j zol uinCit y Tcrrtory. iiTiaTa oil, j?;v: o its. The iitHh'rHiLTi'"!, n'onl for the Mctrntoliifin Oil C mil 'i v, T-Mv r.' i-i to U' we tho Itrrilory of iiiid Com :in , ; ;i I ! - ui' two ncntt ioh, f.r one-fourth rov.ilty. Tiiis iHi;a i.-t utimlo on I'licrry Trtc Uuti ;uul Hi J on tin' JHUiLAU VEIN M'hi. h coinH'ctrt v'otil nnd Picroii Fiirms v. hli CIIAULEY LU:i TEEEIIORY. iVr fuvtluT itiriU'l:ir u;plv to the original J). W. KKNNEY, Allcmr. jcozelnm City, Cherrytre8 Kun. "I10X 117, lb 'roleiim Centii', 1'ODII. April lii 1 ill - NEW HARDWARE STORE I'iUTINtJ AND COOKINO In hir rc vai't-ty. TATiLi; AND POCKET C u t lory! V.;.? S L A M L'S. LAN T Kll X A?CJ FANCY AKTICLKS. For calu .M the iter- '.. :-','cil -. c-.-.ip', nv RnrrhAv'd and i.. ;-o rloi . i 'i t. i ; , 'i . V J i 'i;.. ii. . r.(;i;n:. oil Citv, .'lip. 4, lsi-.-.i :f .o'kii ; lii Mi Fipg Vftrte ft: a. !;!;:tiv & :o., ,.P f,c fSont-z-n aiM , -'id.. Sla. rust ii.le oi O 1 ( r.'. k, i y, I'a. ,!, :. pa.i...i ,,..,....,...1 Ep,ne and thin ' -;-. ' ' i .-- i' .i ,!-.-. i ; .- , ..o iiHive aiinh'.e .'. -i. -i,. ,o , i,"p ircd to do ul; ' ' '' ( ' ii- h I i i . '.ip, nod lepail-iu .1.1 i ;" n i v i n-ixiNf; macjiixkrv. '.'PPI!: ','(.' i IV, A AS it STILLP, OIL 'i'.VI L TO! )!..- AND UTTINCS ' ' M- ' - o.h Work ei'iru-'ifl tons. -CUSS & VIDSON, .-IT53VU.MW IA. Ci-rc !:.'.v,i!J omce) i ' !" v i u'd !i v;tc , o ! paeons ar.a the pubEc gener "i hi e .11 c.i.d e;mii;e !.s 0? Alt ' -li'o- S- -;. I'lu'uh.r ,.., J;.,,;. c,WCs, Siile '' ('.up i. .V.iriois, ni;d evo-y de. r..-:hu of fiiniiliii-o, plain and fa-liionable.-' '-.1, - ri: -so. a!,;,.. i j Tlie firetit l'ii!..'ti;lij CI it tern. All il ii! ! ;:!. ill '."i,r;. -1,,,., V !iO ii cull. I s of our j!'s, Oivi- I I- in li e li-ro: H..I.U.', Wiiln ut i.ox-i'.in .'re,- in- p:i!j Drive- c.i..;i.,; from ool the atnni, 1 i'l- tiie I." ri id h lib ami li-!it, Vi'liliiel,. .tori. I lii -ton es, iio.iiur-i.nat Yi.m-u.Hc! Willi root fr -m out tho vallevs, v in i o i i. nii.i i,i sun iiut!. bin (i- me i.ealih t0 ,H j,,,,,,. inn,iH( il on I :hi. in ju s ui .i ,- niiiifs. t. I'.l'h ol hi'ii'lh and h imi,i,.-s, lis hii s-.ii -s ooiie si o i'.l -li"l,, !) yon u.iiii ii ? ,i , ,,, ,vc , r I -e Doii iu i'.- Gi-i-nl Y- swuiite. rnme ye sii k. di -e i-e.l. ilisi-.,. -ohlte, Why s! 01 you pine aii'l d,. ! Y I- h:"'it, , ;lt(.i UL'-'i shin", ('"tin-. ih,i " -l,,i-ioi,s i.iiic,, i", -,'. "o'-e ijii i'-lis io ! ii'isin.ius, F'ee I'm il 1 .' In ., in IVp.r'i, (.1- Hit p!i;.-."o .,,,-,1 i,,.,l,. le. Uii'l- - (h.Mt V.,,'.. llllWIf. I'ropi h lor of liie B ti lXao 13 n kory. Di .-ih-r n oiio'io KlPtir, liuiti r, I-h'a and cfSome. Also, choice Lil-oi-ci-ies, I'l'lt-oleiliu (reutre, I'u. (Irlers left will he promntlv nttomli'd to, an deliveye l. l istoiile,, lox .203. lnylu. KtT.ECTK' l':!YS:ci.N', NO. 1, I)n."!()M) SiTKf-XT, (E'l-Sl i'rs) TITTJSVILLE, J?j. Petroleum Centre, PKAI.Elt IN PUKE FKENCII, GLHMAN, ENGLISH AND AMEKICAN BIlllCS, MEBICIXES ffl tEEKICALS CIIOK'E FOliEIUN AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND ; DiroilTEI) ' ui i. mi a-j ui..KMII4iil 3 s-OAP?, AND i?ri! " Kr.s!ries ! rbye(ciai:s rrr-Tiji"(.!;4 ritn-.pcuiitlftliii:. xxt auu ciiuico laalt Titii-. ' lV YOU HAV'NT S E Jl! 3ST I T.. GO AKD SEE IT The Mo,. Match. ?Vt ..' 'ii Cvip Jnro, llf 'i. Goal! Coal! Ocal! 'jj'iin ui.U'.Tsi,.aieil, bailn- eitabli-lu-d n hr.ilch Y:t:3 3t lly.ul fcY.n.j, now p.i'pnnvl'tit fnitjiVa AHCraiscfCoal . M th2 VtT.v Frii'c::. ( rrn from f lirrytrrc fFitit. htmI vi'-ini:v, li!' !t I, ( n'riiiii(''1iiin', rail louw tl'o;i finl.ii ' fit tr rr, nt'i h ivc ilu'iu promptly Iti it il 1'n-in tl rii4 I n m Yard, AT Ll-?s CO.ST THAN tVI'AL. r.'i.u r.!.r.. t OfHrfonO. f. A. U If . IV!r.i;.'im Oi-iv. g- " . linini-liOr.lrc nt liMi-l 1 ;u i.i. X- B We ho'it fx'-lu.-ivf c.iiol of th: faiimH STONEB0HO COAL. at both ihonhovf ivunrfl po'nt; jmi'1 t . The New York Meat Market! H W. l'AF.:CE I have n terl ii , aii v b:t!H- bit; fm Oh 'daifi'Klreet, ijomI; (lie r?Jct'li:;lo-lt II:ii, And Inlo'id keening what Pelioh-u u O.-uire !in loinr needed, b lirsi-c nss Mmii Markei. Only tiie CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS wMMie hfjit. It will Im our h'ih to stvo imr rin otnotx with jruitiptiicss to t!ic:r v. ti.n c;itii fttiun. Ml'Ulf. II VAVMV.R. CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally tliat we are prepared to receive orders for our Clmnipion Cutter Reamer. Tliis is without doubt the most perfect tool lor reaming that lias ever been in troduced. Give us a call ! FisEier, Aori is & Co. p'TLIMTATlOTfAI. HOTtX, MILI.EI! FARM, FA. JOHN E. ROWE, . ihop'r. Oood a-commodalion for Irausi-it cu-i"':'1 ' J " Divlloinl and Hoard uiih iisnus on n-.i.-i i-id i' terms. fl he proprielor will .pare no puln-i to nci'f bin House atlractivu to guesuj. juuei 't