ally Record NEWSPAPER, V AND do Priimtiimc Office; MAIN STREET PETROLEUM CENTRE. w II, torowsti, Proprietor.' from New Tork. Phlladelphiaand Pittsburg, which together wlih iit.rl.!a and Loci matters, make It AdvrtUIng Medium, Th. BECORD bat no iap.rlor, m It circulate. VtrTr an Oil Operator or Dealer can be found. JOBBINS DEPARTMENT. W. hats a large and wall . selected assortment 0 new Jobbing Material, emDradng the very teat ltylos. We are therefore, enabled to execute oo Work of every variety In a satisfactory manner When desired, jobawlUbe neatly printed in Colois Skipping Bllli.l Potter ( Hand-BIIli. Fiog-rammes, Bllli of Fare. .Labels-. AND PtMlneai and V lilting Card3 LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS OP MDINQ, Eto , Etc BALL, PRINTING, in or Tanoy Htyloa, neatly and promptly exeen ted, .mbraolug CIRCrTLAKS PKOGRAMMES IAUU3, Tll&ttia, JStc fact, (vary variety ano style of vork In letter, press pr:ntlng. Morchania, Lawyers, Jastlcos of the Peace, Land Agents, Gil Dealers and Agents, Insurance Agents, Bxpnusmen and other parties in want, are Informed hat we are prepare! to oxocnte toorfer all kinds of rUSIty. ousiuessv iet, tuiri iu iwm svhj . MEECHAHI'8 GARGLIN9 OIL, IS TUB BEST LIIMilYIEIMT IN Tilt: WORLD For lYIan Beast. 36 Yean in Ue. la good for Rheumatism, Chilblains, Corel, Whit lows, Caked Breasts, fcore Nipples, Crumps, Bulla, Bites of animals, Weakness of the Joints, Contrac tiona of tho Muscles, Burns and Scalds, Krost Bites, Painfal Nervons allectlons, Chapped Hands, tame Back. Faiu In the Side, Swelliugs, Tinners, Tooth Ache, Old bores, Ilemorrhoide or Files, Flesh Wounds, Galls of all kinds, Sprains. Braises, Crack cd Ueeht, King Bone, Pole Kvil, Wind Galls, Cal" loos, Spavin, Sweeney, Fistula, Bitfast, Externa Poisons, Scratches or Grease, Springhalt, Hand Cracks, Laaxne,,., Strains, Foundering feet, Mange, Uorn Distemper, liarget in Cows, Cracked Teats, foot Hot in Sheen, and m.nv other disease, ine.l. dent to Man and beast. - 3D ISO - R. D. TxTton, of Concord, Ky., sav the Gargling Oil currd a horse of his. tulur-.d while Dlouithiuir bv attempting to step over a stump, almost severing his thigh from the body ; also that he has used it in his family for fifteen years, and Is the beat remedy for Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Frost Bites, Strains, ltueuin atlsm, etc, he ever used. From CttCMP ft Bnos., Cochrane Landing, Ohio, Nov. SO. 18.1K. We are pleased with your medicine. It has been the means of enring a great number o different discuses upon persons, as alo upon horses. We think it cures all yon recommend it to do. We want you to send 11 the larger proportion of the variety for "Family Use," in eniull bottles. From Dr. J. P. tirekll, Warron, Ind., March 185B. I am engaged in the practice of medicine' and find yonr Gargline Oil an extremely cfilcieet remedy In all cases where an external application Is indicated. From Db. G. B. Nbai, Bnrris, Iowa, Dec. SO, 186K. I have practiced medicine In this ennntv seven years and cheerfully recommend your Gargling Oil as the best linament In use. tJFrora Da. T. W. Eilis. Ga , Jan. , 1SSB If I could receive both boxes of the Gargling Oil it will not be too much, as I thick I could soon find sale for it all, the inquiry being frequent since it is sup posed that I h ave It frr sale. From Dn. W, S. McCaia, Chamois, Mo , Nov. 8, 1858. Your Gargline Oil Is taking thcehine off from all the liniments of the day. If von desired them, I could procure dozens of certificates from those who have been eured by It. Messrs. McLiIh A Bros., Wholesale Drui-rlsts, Wheeling Va.. say, under d ite of July 24," 18'iK, that they can safely recommend the (Ja'gling Oil for more diseases than It is recommended for. From J. K. Fishbr. Unlontown, Pa.. June 31, 18CT- Your Gargling Oil is doing mnch belter here than formerly, since its virtues have become known, and the buttles, put up for Family Use, without stain, are much Bought for. en 73 Extract from a letter from lion Nathan I istwet. County Jmk'e of Shelby Co., Iowa, dated Harlan Anril 18. 1W7 It is decidedly tirefurnvl to am lin. anient sold in this section. Extract ol a letter from Saxvxl 8. Hrpp, dated FalMmrg, Ohio, July 17,16. In June last, Henry bhaffle bad a yearling colt that liad what was sup posed to be Dyptlicria for more than ten d-tys so that it could nut eat. and the throat swolen nlmiint shut, and the Hue of three or four application of uie uoiiur uoiiie. uiu me uaMrea eueci. A. O. Niil, Loiville, f'oschocton Co., )., March. 1853. i have used vour Gargling Oil for the Scratches on my horse, and It cured It with the first application. From Enos NiTnF.n. Mlddlenort. N. Y.. Julv M. 18S!). I purchased a bottle of your Garbling Oil of 'our agent, a. b jiaaer, at suu'iiepon. and as yet lave used hut half ol It. I think it has eiren me more relief in a casapl' severe Khenmatism, of long standing, than any thing I have ever used before. Extract from a letter from J. 0. Pratt, dated Quincy, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Annus! 14, 1 have been acquainted with your medicine Oarlinrr Oil) for the last fourteen years. It has proved a sure cure for Foot Hot in Sheep for which I sold the last bottle and have calls almost daily for more. Ploaso forward as soon as convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. lletall Price, gl.OO, 50 Ctt., and 25 Cts. Shake well before miner, and rub on thoroughly before tho fireor some warm substaiicc. The Gurgling Oil has been In use as a linament 3'! years. All we ask is a fair trial, but be sure und follow directions. Ak your nearest Hrugrist. or dealer In Potent Medicinis for ono of our Almanacs and Vado Mo cuius, and road what the people say about the Oil. The Garbling Oil Is for salo by all respectable dealers throughout the United States and other countries. Our ItttimoniaU dato from 18S3 to 1808 and aro untolicittti. I'se the Murgling Oil and tell your neiuoors wnat goon 11 nas uone. Wo deal fair and liberal with all and defy contra diction. Manuraclurod lit Iiocltpai t, -V. Y.j by t Slcrcliiut's Gargling MI Co, JOHN HODGE, Secretary.' Bold by A. D. MIXLEIl It CO., HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil Crfek Pipe Works. CIIARIiES ltOBSiO. Ac Co., Corner of Sonera c centre Stsi., Cast aide oil Creek, Oil CHy, Fa,, Dealers In Morris, Tasker Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, WORKING BARRELS AND VALVES, HTDFFINO BOXES, CLAMPS, TONGS, ' SUCK EH KODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BORING TOOLS, OIL POMPS, DRIVING PIPE, COLD WATER PUMPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BRASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS FITTINGS. BELTING, tAVKINQ, and 110 SB; HARDWARE, HOUSE TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Rope, Onkum, Nulls, Axes, Coffee Mills, Table & l'ockot Cutlery J a Full Assortment of Everything in the HARDWARE LINE. iiuse Funlahing Good, Lamps, Chiu.neys, No. 1 inter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Kefineri Oil, Stair l.'od, Table an i! Door Mats ; I'luimjiioii Clothes Wrm.sirs Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Repairing of all kinds dono with neatness and dispatch. Especial attentiuu given to STEAM AND GAS FIT TING. We have endeavored to merit the patron.iL'c of the public, and shall use every exertion to insure its continuance. Our facilities for fernlhin2 eiorythltij In our line, having been greatly increased, iu the erection of nur New Building, are now SUl'KlflOK TO ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT auiJl-3m. IN THE OIL KKlilON. Petrol'm Exchange Saloon AND RESTAURANT. SUTHERLAND & TAYLOR, PROP'f FRESn OYSTERS ! Received ALL TIIE LUXURIES! . nv tut.' DAILY I JCT SEASON Wailiiiigton Street, Petroleum CcntfF..)ox., floor to Tsham & Co.'e Jawelry btoru Day Boardors accommodatr-i. Meals gorvpii all hours. Oygters, and every dHeription .( y;ime uroUticd triHi-tft, No piiins win h iparM 10 (treemmodut who favor ns wilU their jiatron.tge. ED. SCTI1ERLAND. GEO. TaYI.OK. Petroleum Ccutre, Sept. l-J, '69. tf. John O.Welch, Seiieca-it., Oil City, Pa., Dealer In ibhs, EEussi'II & Co's Unri,: and Fishing Tools, Innis' S'Tker Rods, Driving Pipe, crrick Iiont. Grittc urs, Balance "lVlie(!i &, Piillicg, All .1... ' lly eonnoclion with Meadvilln and Pltt.hnri'h twiiiililes is such that can gut out all kinds of Cartings at short order JOHN 0. WELCH. Oil City, Fob. IT, HENRY E. W RIG LEY, CIVIL, ENGINEER AND SURVEYO R , HERALD BLOCK TITtSVlXLE, ..... PA. Surveys or Level Maps, Tracings, Building Flans, and Patent Drawings. ON HAND, A huge stock of his aoagoned and painted Lease Stakes, OF LARGE SIZE, AND WITH PAINTED NUMBERS, Which are being universally used. Tin: Nt:v itsAF or the ENTIRE OIL REGION IN FAit.nx. POCKET FOUM, 13. ON ROLLERS. 12 Juul5:2w. MISCELLANEOUS, AUempzeliiBty Terrlory. N TICE TO OIL OPERATORS. The nnderslgned, agent for the Metropolitan Oil Company, now offers to lease the territory of said Company, In lots of two acres each, for one-fourth royalty. This larm Is situate on Cherry Tree Run and lies on the JUGULAR VEIN Which connects Wood and Plcrson Farms with CHARLEY RUN TERRITORY. For further particular apply to the original D. W. KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytree Ran. Or oddites, "BOX 117, Petroleum Centre, Peno. i" April 16 lm. NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATING AND COOKING STOVES ! In large variety. TABLE AND POCKET C utler yl SHELF HARDWARE. EDUSE FURNISHING trOBSi TIMWa&RE, LAMPS, LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. IVoosIm Ware, &c. For pale CHEAP 1 At the store formerlv occupied hy Bnrchfleld and Custerlino. Oil. CITV. PA. Jiracsj u. n:uie. OllCltv, Jan. 4, lSCD-tf. Kolisoii's Uil W Hjb Worts CS2AH. IIOKSOX & CO., Corner of ?enec and Centre Sts. east side or Oil Creek, Oir City, Pa. IIivinLr i.Med a powerful Kteam Engine sad three lare I. iTIl ICS, to ur ftlrrady extensivo Manufac tntiiu: Ks:;iitiUhtiiiit, nr. no'w prep-ired to do all the ueceeary wyi a, lu titling up, and repairing ENGTN'KS. liOILKRS. IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS ''do'all Mochinerv Job Work entrusted tons with neatness and riisnaten augvlmos RU5S & DAVIDSON, Diamond Ht.. TIT7SV1I.EE. PA. (')pposlte Herald Office) W ou'd li.ito n:s o.d patrons and the public gener ally lo"cull arxamlne his SflENEIB SPRINB ST03K OF rinimnniE of all kinds. I'arlor Suits. Chamber Pols, B'wk Cases, Side boards, Lounges, Carpets, Mirrors, and every de- sTlptlon of fnrnltiire, jilatn and fashionable.- I erma reasonable. VH: Jn J'lio ;reat Yo.emlte Bitten. All hull I great benefactor,- Who to cui-e us of Our Ills, Gives life to the disconsolate,- Without noxious drugs or pills Drives diseu.c from out the system, Kills the heart wlih life and light, With the best of all the tonics, Downer Oreat Yosemitol With root from out the valleys. Where California's sun doth shine, Giving wealth to us poor mortals, Kevond the riches of her mines. Wealth ot health and happiness, Us blessings none should slight, Dn you want It 1 Would you have It f t. . Use Downer's Great Yosemite. Come ye sick, diseased, disconsolate, Why should you pine and dief Ye feeble, faint and languish ing, Come, these glorious liltturs try. Bee how those quacks and nostrums, iiuu r........ i..7i i.. f . i.ii. mini iu II 1111, Giving place to this pure Ionic, Downer's Great Yosemite I tul24tf. O. F. SCHO.BIiOM, Proprietor of the Buffao Bakery. Dealer u choice Flour, Butter, Eggs and Cheese. Also, cnoice urocenee, Petroloura Centre, Pa, Orders left will ho promptly1 attended to, an uuoas acuvurea. rostoinco box ;oa. myiv C. D. TIIOMPSO, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN, NO. 1, DIAMOND (STREET. (Up-Stalr.,) TITUSVILLE, PA !R. H. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DEALER IN PURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CHEMICALS8 CHOICE FOREIGN AND DOMESTICJ Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy! Goods.. IMPORTED PERFUMES! SOAPS, , BRUSHES, AND Druggists Sundries ! Physicians' Prescriptions componndedfronijpiire and choice materials. JIK YOU HAV'NT S E E 1ST 1 TJJ GO AND SEE IT The Magio Match. Petroleum Centre, June, 1PC9. juoT CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally tliat we are prepared to receive' orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever been in troduced. Give us a call ! Fisher, orris & Co. i KIN'S II A EL.. Tr's nll is now ready for theatrical exhibition! concerts, lectures,' 4c. The Hall has been rnuia and strengthened. No pains and expense has been spared to make It a first class SHOW BUILDING. On the first floor is one of tho best Billiard Room n the place. AH under one mauagoiueut nyt F. J. II A3 X A & CO., CENTBAL MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WA8HIIVOTOIV " -ST.. PE- thoijEUM cejVtiie, ra. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work done promptly so warranted to give satisfaction. SiugiW tf F. . HANNA 0 The New York Meat Market ! HA W. PARKER have fitted up a new build . ingon On Slain street, Opponite the McCllntock House, And Intend keeping what Petiolenm Centre has long needed, a flrst-class Meat Market- Daly n CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will be kept. It will be our aim to serve onr omera with promptness aud to their entire ,0tiOs.ptl6:tf. n- W. PARKER- ,