r I9ail7 Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office, MAIN STREET, i'ETTItWLEl1?! tEXTKE. W II. LONttWELZ,, Proprietor. from New York, Plilladelnliia.'and frltahnrcVhii-h together trlfli Eiitorlal. nnd Local matter., make it ?k n iVfJ10" da,lr!1''1e published in Artvrflaln? Medium, TIm RECORD liaa no atipcrlor, aa it circulates wnorcwar tin oil Operator or Dealer can he found J0BBIN& DEPARTMENT. We have a larp;e nnd well . anlected ae.iortmont oj new Jobl.InK Material, embracing the verj tost stylcj. Wo tiro therefore, enabled to execute ob Work of every variety in a satisfactory manner Whim desired, jobs will bo neatly printed luj Colors Sitippin,' liillli. Ilauil-Ullli, I'nograMimcg, Bill ol Fare. Labels. ... AND ttiithii!M and Visilisi C.rl? I.UTTKll-HEADS, lilLl.- niiADH, UtULS 01? FADING, Etc, Jtc tiso It k2Cl.TI:, am or Fncy Stylon, neatly and promptly ejucn teil, o:ubrac;u' wioniAU vtoauAy.siF.s CAUOS, TICKETS, Ktc. fict, every variety anu tylo of work In letter, prow r.iMitin','. Miircriants, Lawyers, Jmtlrwi or tip Praco, lam! Anient?, Cil Dea.en and Accnia, InrniRtnco A :etin, ' Kspresamen and ether parties in want, are informed hat wo arc procure! to oToiruto too-Jnr nil Is'ida of AUiuity. busin j.r la'l, required lu tt.i ioJD- MERCHANTS GAR GLING OIL, 1WH uaH IX Till; WOULD Eor Man & Beast. 30 Years In l o. CT5 CD Ta good for l(lifmmntlm, Chilblain!, Corns, Whit lows, i nKea nrpnifl. Mire mppiet. v minn, hoiif, Biten of nninmlit, Wc.nki.en8 uf the J ohm, Contrite tioim of the Muncten, Hums mid bfflild. Hunt HiU-P, Pninful Nervous HHW'tioii!, Clmppi'l ll'iids, I nnio Back. Pain in the Mile, Swelling, Turners. Tooth Ache, Old Korea, Hemorrhoids op l'ilod, Flesh Wounds GilU of nil kinds, SprMn. Ttnn-ae. Crnck cd UtH'lN, Kin-: il.uie, l'oie l'.vil, ind (wills C:il" lou, tpavm, Sweeney, Fistula, biit'iwt, l'xienm Puison. Scratche.- or Greiwe, Sprin-jhnlt, Sand CracKf. Lamene-?, Strains, Fuuiidwing Keet. Mmi,v, Horn Distemper, (,iirtfet in low, t'rnokeii leuta, Koot Hot in Hieep, and umny other diseases luci- dent to Man ttud Beast. Ti. D. Tatloti, of Concord. Kv., env? thnCfli Klhn': Oil cured n horse of hi:, in.iiiv.cl while plouu'hiiir by attempting to utep over a Mump, almost, severim: thifrh from tho body; also tint he l"t uaed it in h'.s family tor nuoon venr., una i tut Dent rcnieny ior I'nts, Burn. ltriifotn. Frost Bites, Strum;", l.heum- aliam, etc., he ever ujc-i. -1 1 ". CT3 73 From Chump A Bros., Cochrane Iindin?. Ohio, Nov. 2(1, 18.'.0 We are vletwd wiih your med'eiim. It haw bpeu the meniif of curing a gr-tit numher o different dijen.-is upon persons, ul-u upoiilurses. We think it cures all von rerwmiiieinl it to do. We want ym to nernl tho l.nvtv proporiioii of the variety lor "l-amuy use," m biiiauuoiuiw.. From Dr. J. P. Terrell, Warren, Tnd., March 1S.VJ. I nm enquired in the Tnictice. of medicine and find your Garjjilimj Oil un extremely riUcie-t remedy In all cast-a where an external application ig mauaiex From Dh Q. R Xbal, BurrU, Iown, Dec.2f ISA!. I have prac'!oid medicine In this cnuntv m icn years and cheerfully recommend your Unrling (jil as tho beat liuament In use. fFrom Pr. T. W. Ku.ra. Ga , Jan. P. If 1 con id receive both boxes of the Garclimr Oil it will not be too m nch, nt I thlrklconld iooti iltid sale tor it an, rue inquiry o-inir irequtnt since it is anp p sed thut I h avo it fT s:ilo. From ln. Wm. H. McCall. ChnmoN, Mo , Nov. (1. 1858 V(Mir GarplinL'Oil is taking thcfOiinoolf from all the liniment of the day. Jf von desired them, I could procure dozens of certificates flora thone who have been cured by it.- Ncpsra. VcLiiN Bros., Wholcoe Driiciri' "Wheel i uk Va., say, under dao of July 2t. 'jf that they c:m safely ifeomnioud tlie '-idin; Oil for morediseasefl tt.an it i.- ref onjinei'.dc d lor. rom J. K. Fii'iiBTt. I n'ontown. Ca.. June "1. 18(17. Your lirtrjrliui; Oil U doin;, much hi'ttor here than forniyrly, since ita virtues have become k:iovn, and the bottles i-nt no for Fa:uiiy Lte, without aiain, are muc.i sou"iii lor. CT3 C73 Kxtraci from ft letter from ITon NatiiavT isirv, t.ounty JiiaL'e or Mieiny t'o., jowa, Oared ilarl-in April l-'J. 1SH7 It is dmvJedly preferred to any liu ament sold in thin Pwhou. Extract ot t letter from Samuel S. Hupp, dated FallHbun?, Ohio, Jn y 17, lFtifl. In June l:.t, Ui'itty bhalliehad a vaHlnir colt that had what was hiui- poKfd to le Dyptheria for mure, titan ten diys ho that it could not e.t. nnd the throat swoli n almost hnt. and th use of three or tour Applications of me uonur uoiciefl aiu me ae-o-ou em;;:r. F.om A. 0. Niel, LowiBvllle, Cosrhocton Co., ., Varch. 1S.2. I have u.-;ed vour (litriiiimr lor th. Scratcho-i on my home, aud it cured it with the first application. G3 . CD From Enos Mather, Middlepon, N. Y., July ''JTt, 1S50. I purchased a bottle of your OnrirlliiK Oil of vour aent, A. S Hiker, at Mid-IIepoi t. and an yet have U;ed hut. half ot it. I think it ha jnven me more relief In a cn-e of ?overe Rheumatism, of lone Blimding, than any tiling I have ever n.ed before. Extract from a letter from J. 0. Pratt, dated Quite y. Chautauqua Co.. N. Y. August 2, IM54. I have been nrfuaint.rd witli your medicine Oarjjtin Oli) for tho last fourteen yt-ars. It his provt-d a ure cure for Foot liot in Hheep tVr v-liirh Isold the la-t hottli! and have calls almost dally for more. Flettdc forward uu soon aa convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And take no other. Ec(;Ul rrftrf, i.oo, ro trs., autl 25 i ts. Shako well l.'oforpi nslncr, find rub on thoroughly before the fire or nonie warm substance. rpi.nn.,i1!r. nil t.nm -.t.rm ln n a o 1 1 o . t ycard. 'All 'we ajili. a a fair trial, but bo sure and follow directions. Ask your nenvett T)rmririst, or dealer in Patonl Medicines lor ono ot oui' Almanacs ini't auo Me c.ims, and read what the people taiv about the Oil, The O.irL'liiv Oil la for wilo by all respectable dealers throughout tho Cnitcd taleB and other couutiu. Our t'gfiuiwifth daM from 1S3 to 1nud arc unsoliciUU- Ck! the Uaruliu'.' Oil nnd tell jour neighbors what g"0'l it lias Uoite. We deal fair a:id I!bcr;;l with all and di:fy contra diction. AIuTiuiivct xirtl uk JOHN HOnF, yn?ie!ury. 18 THE BEST LINIMENT Sold by A. U. 3IILI.EK A; Cs., IIAUO'iVAIlK OIL CITY. EOBSON'S CilAItliES HOKSO-V A; Co., Corner of Spin-on ,ottrc .vs., r.avt Bide Oil Creek, Oil t l'O , Dealer In Morrill, T'mt .V ('"'" Oil. WELL TUlilN'G AND CA.NG, WOUKINO BAHRHI.S AM) VAIAEN blTFtlNU HOXKS, CLAMl'S, IllN;8. ' Mcit;:!i r.cis, c Machinery for Oil 7ells & Esfiaeiies DOHINO TOOLS, OIL I'L'Ml'S, . Dnivisfi ni-K, cold wateu rcr.ii's Every description of SUri'LTES FOR OIL WELLS AND KE-l-'INL'KlE-. Also, STOVES, TINWAUE, UKAhtJ GOODS, rrj.lS AXD OAS FTTT1XGS. BKLTIXG, tAVKlXG, auil TIOSE; UAKDWAHE, IIOUSK THLVMI.NC3, Ctxriieuters' Toob, Rope, O'.iltittn, Nuil?, Ases, CoTeo MU's, Table & i'ocket Cutkry; Full Apsnrtmeut of Everything in tho HARD 1 VA UE LINK .-iituc FunlpMnii Good, JilIQi3, C!!lIllT!Cfl, 0. 1 Winter Striked T.nrd Oil, 1 KLlim':: Ml, Kllti- KoJr, Ttil'le nn ('.Door JIatf ; Wanufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. KpfUrm Jt of nil klvd done with iht.Ii.c?5 and dispatch, liti'ucial attmiion piveu to STEAM A2sD GAS FITTING. We have endeavored tonorltthe Ti:uron!iLro ol the puHiie. and uliull u.ie uvory ecrUou to insure ita COTitlmnnee. ur ri-ciliticA for fiimi.4nn;i efen'thlnu in o:ir tire, having been greatly increased, iu the erection of our New Uuildiii'. are n HUT'KKIUK TO ANY OTTIEIt FTABLISIIMENT auffSl-Sm. IN TUU OIL HKi,lO-. Petrol! Excliairffc Sa!on AND RI55TAUIIANT. SUTIIERLAR3 h TAYLOH, P?.0P' ALT j THi:a '-.- OYSTEUS ! r Ileccivo'l " Or TIjI; DAILY! 'XZ'i SEASON! V;iil5an;;t(?:i Street, t'ttio'.cum Centre, Pa., next dnfrto Li ham & Co.'s Jewelry ltoru Ty Hiard.'i-s aecommd iti""l. served allh'.n'a. O; stera, and every dehfri.jtion of game uiiiished 7!ie-M. No pains will he ppared 1o acccimuindr.t" who favor m with their patroniu. ED. PUTIIERLANI). CEO. T.WLOIi. IMnlium Ccuiro, Sect. 14, "Z9. tf. John C. "Welch, Sttitcca-St. Oil City, Pa., . Scaler In ami Fishing To!s, Innis' S'icker Sods, Itri-.'i::5 Ptyo, crrJcJi Irons, Cji'.'tto ' Ttrs, liitlilitCO "WSjooI z Pullits, nil Mzai, My eonnrrtinn wilh ?.It'!HlviUe nnd Vit'Hl.'iri'i foil'!ili-i"s it sm-li tlmt 1 e.'lll .'i;t out nil Linda of ;ntint;3 at bliort order ,7011 NT C. WELCH. Oil City, Feb. 17, ISOt.-tf, IIENHY E. WHIG LEY, CIVIL ENOINEEIt AND SUEVEYO n , ii Kit ALU nr.ocK TtTI'SVIJLM: VA. Surveys or Level Haps, Tra Building Hans, awl Patent Drawings. ON HAND, A large sleek of lils ieat(iiH'(l a:t painted Hieas?o Stakes, OF I.A 1(0 R SIZE, AND WITH PAINTED NUMCEP.S,' Which are l)ciii?univei'::a'ly nfted. TfiEK K3iV r TBI 83 EXTU1E. OIL REGION l-Ot'KFT K01;m, $13. ON BOI.LIiUS. ? 12. jMlllj:'Jv. MISCELLANEOUS. AltaapzelMHty Terrtory. II TI03TO OIL OPEEATORS. The undorpicied, airent for tho Metropolitan Oil Coni tny, now offer to lease the territory of Bald Company, Iu lots of two acres each, for one-fourth rnjalty. This form is Mtunto ou Cherry Tree l!un nnd Hew on the JUUULAK VEIN "v'hicli connects i. Wood aud riersou Farms CHARLEY HuUi TERSITORY. For further pirtiirUr ojiplv to the orlftlnnl D. W. KKNNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Cherrytree Run. Or oudno, "?0X 117, rolrolcum Cuntre, .:.'Apvil 10 lm. Pcnrt. NEW HARDWARE STORE IIKATINQ AND COOKING sToiras! In largo variety. TABLE AN'D POCKET Cutlery! SHE LI' HARDWARE. mm FtinNisEiNu croi'Si '..I urf ki-M UuvA lual y LAM I'?. LAN T E KXS. A N'T) FANCY ARTICLES. ails Afo mom Ware, &c. For pa!o CHEAP 1 At the more formerly occupied hy nnrchfio'd and v;iivi tiiiv. viij ii " . i .-v Oil City, .lira. 4, lsoii tf. Holm's ua M Pipe Ms CiIA. r:cu.soN CO., Cornin' of S"ni ca ntnl fYntrn SI", ca.'t jiilt ... of Oil Cri'ik, Oil Cily, Pa. ITrv.-ltv- I 'l'-fl n p.-wnrful Pfparii Kiitrpp nnfl throi l.";;;-t L . I'ii I'. i. in n!r already cxlt iilvo l;t:l:.'':ll' h.;:r. r-!:l!il'.i U!llt, lr. TlitvV pr'"):irc-1 to liuali tiio i.io.-:uy w.l:, in lilting up, flnd n-paliin;; KNGfN'KS, uoir.E;;s. ikon' tanks. i : i : F i n i x g .mac nix e n y , COrPF.R V,(!U1I;? AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS i ' Vit'all ;i tilnerv .Tub Work cntnitwl tons willl m-utmH :i l nl dUimtrn auit'ilmoti SUSS & DAVIDSON, TITl'SViM.K, PA (Opposlto Herald Ofike) TT cu'd itvltu n;s o.d patrons and the rubllc gener ally to call and examine his sjiExun s?airjs stojk of pnamidHE or all nm. Hntior Suits, Chamber Seta, Book Capon, Sido boardH, Lounges Carpetn, "Mirrors and every de scription of furniture, plain and fadhionablo Term-i reasoj.ithle. jn ri lie ;rat VohouiUu 12 liters. Alt hdl ! prent benefactor. Who to euro us uf our ilia, Giv"n l!fe to thudivconsohite, Without 'tolotifi drills or pills. Driven oi-eave fr;m out the nvntem, Pills tl;e iM-.irt wi-h life and llyht, Wiih the bet of nil tin; touicd, Dosvitur (ji-eat Yosumltel With root f''.m out the valleva, Where Ca lifornia's sun dotn shine, Civiiifi we;ihli to us poor murtals, Ilevoud ihe riches of her mines. Werdlti ot hcaltli and htippinc-P, in hit S'us none should alight, I)iyiu want it ? VS'ou'd you liave it t LVo DowiiCi'c Great Yt Homito. (Vine re sii k, dleeasod, di aeon folate, Wh.- .t.iinlymi pine and die? Yi if -"lit. , faint and laiuru tailing, Cuuih, tline irlorious Hit tern try S." !:i,u- thf-M quaeka nnd nostrums, TV.- IV ):n i'ie land in frijrht, ("Iviiu; pifsee to tliin pun; tonic, Dmwp-i".- On-M YojJttuitel Iul24tf. O. V HCUUAUIiUM, Proprietor of the j3uffao Bakery. IVnlcr n clmlcc Klnnr, Butter, Eggs and Cl'oesc. Aliio, clioico Groi-eiU'S, , I'etrnliMim Ci-ntro, Va. CvWri Infl will l prnmptly' nttended to, nn Cini'in (li-livitruii. l'jitniilcu Dux '.VUU. uij-lu- C. IJ. THO'TPiSO, ECI.KOTIO PHYSICIAN, no. l, rmaw3 stbegt. I TITUSVILLE, PA 1. II. lISHER Petroleum Centre, DKALF.lt IN PUKE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BRIGS, HEDII1KES MB SHEEHCALSi CHOICE KOUKIQN ANDDOJIESTICJ Toilet Articles ! AND Faricyo Goods. IMPORTED- SOAPS, BRUSIlEa, .' AND Drujrgista Suiidrics ! riiysidiuie' richer pl'oim romponr.ditlfromi'pnie and ehuice nmtennlH. IF YOU IIAV'NT S 3H E lST IT, GO AMD SEE IT The Magic Match. rctroleum Centre, June, 1 'M. -fiu.7 CHAMPION REAMER I We desiro to inform Oil Oji crnlors .ind tho public generally that wc are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer." This is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaminsr that lias ever been in trocluccd. Give us a call ! Fisher, Rorris & to. KIN'SIIAM.. Tl.i Hall In now runily fnr tlipnlrl"al exhibition cciiicfrts. liTtnri'H, A-c. Tho Hull h tn'un ri IHtut nnd fttroni.'llii-iu-fl. Nn pniii and exponse hus been spared to make It n flrnt cIohs SHOW BUILDING. On th first ln,v Is nne or tlin l)(t Ttllllnrd Iloom n lliu placti. All unik-r ono uiaiiiienu'iit uyr, F. .5. & t., CENTRAL MACHINES BOILER SHOP WASiiir.To' " ,-st. ei TltOliKUM CEATliE, Pa. BOILERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All klndn of Machine Work done uromptly nnd wftrriinti'd li ive stitiBlhctlou. Sinis-JO-t . . IIANNA " The New York Meat Market ! TT W W. PAHKElt havo fitted np a now build- 11, lug on On Main J root, Opposite Oo McClinlock House, And Inlnnd knonin:: what l'otinlemn Centro li lmi),' needed, a urst-cinm Jl'Wt Market. Only CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will lie kept. It will bo our aim to n?r-o our i? oniora with pruuiptncM aud to their entires n rction. , ,.rr soptlCitf. 11 W- PAK1EU .