The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 22, 1869, Image 3
TUfti OIL B1AHKETS. Office of hRUCS ! MEDICINES! EEMOVAE OF Thb Pbt'm Cknthk Daily Rbcord Petroleum Centre, Oct. JOHN J. CARTER The market ii a little firmer at yesterdays flgnres. 1000 bbls. were sold la two lots at $3.55. Shipments, 2001 I H. CHEISTIE, DEALER IN TO TIIK LOT DRUGS AND MEDICINES. MIUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, paints varnishes, Grass, Putty Soaps, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles. AM KINDS OF PATEWT MEDICINES. PURE WINES LIQUO R, I SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. B .Prescriptions carefully compounded at ill hours. Xo. 13 Wasliington-st., Petroleum Centre, l'a. GIt. me a call before purchasing elsewhere. MyM-tT J. H. :HHISTIE. PETHOLEIIin ITIAKKETMHY TfcL, EGBAPH. Special Dispatches to tbe Dally Record Crude 18! to 18. Refined 33s'toV. Market Firm. New Tori, Oct. 22. PITTSBURGH, Oct. 21. Spot IS. t irst water, 15. Sept, . S. O. all the year 14to3. B. O. all tbe year lBJito'jJ. uci dt mov. la Market Quiet Philadelphia, Oct. 22. Spot . Nov.andDee. 32Ti. Oct. S3. Oct. & Deo. 32T4. Crude 17)6. Market Quiet. Western Villon Line market Repor' New York. Oct. 22. Crude,. 18i 19. Bbls. . Re(lned.33igto. Aue O Sept. 3 Spot. Market Quiet. There Is a great nub to the Jamestown Clothlog Store. Tbo reason, New Goods arriving erer y day. Sept. 13tb. j S O all year . i j an year . Refined Oct to Dec Market Film. Pittsburgh, Oct. 22. DTi Philadelphia, Oct 22. Crude 17J . r. u. s. to w., 32- s. W 33 Market - weak. GOLDIHi NEW YORK. New Yore. Oct. 22. Gold 131t. J. A LO McEowen & Co. (Corner Spring and Monroe Streets,) OPPOSITE CORINTHIAN" HALL, TITUSVILLE, : PA.f Where the patrons of the house w21 meet witn all tlie courtesy characteris ic of the establishment A complete assortment of Linen Goods J nut Received, White Duck Suits, Latest Style, Brown Duck Suits In Great Yarietv, Linen Sacks In Dwf Style A Splendid Assortment of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, The largsst in the Oil Region. The custom department is pr" sided over by one ot the best and Most v ashion able Cutters in the State. OFFERED AT Greatly Reduced Prices! For the Next Ninety Days, to enable the Proprietor to open hi ISTZErW" STORE, In course of Construction on the lot latelyoccupied by him, oor , ncr ot spring ana H ranklin otreeta. Remember that the stock of HATS AND CAPS Is large : and that such another assortment of FUENISHING GO DS Was never before qresented to the public in Titusville. MERCHANT jksiss baiii TAILOR llfOt'LD rati the attention of Grocery Diallers , of the Oil Kritinnn lotlic fnct tlmt t'hev have I established lur the accommodation uf the trade a A strictly Wholesale COR. FRANKLIN & SPRING STS., Gr o eery. House, TITUSVILLE, 3PA. (Extensive Assortment of Foreign and .Dome tic CLOTHS and CSEMERSS, Which I am prepared to Make up t j Order on Short Notice ! Tito only one of tho hind In the Oil Rep-ton. w e nave wn me nucewiy 01 nucu an eatabUnu-mi-lit tor a long lime. The Retail Dalprs who pays his taxes and licenses and ventures his cnpitui in ins uusincss, In it. Wepraposc to do it by hiiu2M. J. A. PLANTE, FrenchBoot Maker Washington Street, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. IV LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, . PETROLEUMCE2VTKE,ra., t manufacturlnc to order FIKST-CL ASS yi., I. WUHK, each as Patent Leather Boots, Pump Sole Boots, French Cork Sole Boots, Scotc Welt Boots. HEAVY OR LIGIIT WORK DONfc! IN FRENCH STYLE CU and gee samples. Petrol, BENNINGHOFF RUN. Those wanting or using Poultry will And It to tbci udvautiigv to purchase uf me. u29-3tn. JAMES LINDEN. J. X. PLANT!!. euro Centre. Pa., July 3 .8m. pt-ANK HO AO NOTICE I Idas . .'!"" ho maetlne on Mo a!Ltha office or Wlllianu, Si Jt offlc, oil City, of tho comtnl 7 Special A nr r -i... ...... crlptlon to the c Itoad Company. ifnnday, Ancust IfltV , Say A Co., over the tnl4dlnti.,r nnnnint( liLff"'! Act f Wiilnturo, to open bonks and ?eive ohi.i-l..ii..J ... .1.. .!.! r.i,rm Wm. W. Williams, .1. M sowers, Kid Bishop, J. It llsrr, ? ?"7i Jul M, '69. FflUITHT. POULTRY. " 'I'l .i uttoullon of tbe public Ii callcdto Imgc .'ilvjns, Ducks, Selling to Dea'ers Only. We have in itore a LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK, comprising everything that Is required la a FIRST - CLASS STORE. Which we Oder at prices that will Turkeys, Gee Mi.hwlll be found atmyrlaieat IhemouOiof I VUi'.:-lU Willi UllJ iUUlIVVl in the Country. We cordially Invite an examination of our (rno and satisfy yourselves aopt.H:3m 111 AM A: t'Ai.. in pit . rrpf uivcrif rccw Watchmakers & Jewelers STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. IN OPERA IIOCSE BUILDING, WASH JNGTON STREET, PETnOl,EI'!TI CENT11E, PA., Ecep eonstautly on baud a largo assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, PISTOLS, HliVOLVEHS, K1NIIINO TACKLE I have put Id a good stock of Riding and Driving Horses, which 1 will lot on reasonable terms. Alan. t'Httorm lViiirnni. Snrini; Cartrldjre,a, and will sell at emfeni prices. All ' Vllliors, UUSOIII, pprillt, wateh W1)rk Wllrnt toelvsatisfa.fon. T HKIIIIS. . TinuuDU 1 .j..T... r..j7. i 11 n..'U J IWOiyni IUU 1UU UUU IJITM Ul L.IU LUOf 1 ..... .aB.. jun9 tf. A, BMAWLEY. 1 A fine assortment at the Farclturo 8tor, S. S. G-riswold, Dealer In O AIi. JSP Orders by the Car or Tod promptly riiieu Also, Agent for the celebrated KEEL III DUE COAL ! OFFICE on Second Street, near R. K. Track PETROLEUM CENTRE, TA. Janft-tf. CRAAE 4c TIIACKE1I 134 ITIalden Lane, N. Y., ummm wmwm ftre now prepared to roco'vo on Commission and make Liberal Advances to Kufiuyrs and Doak rs in both Crude and Kenned Oil. GREAT BARGAINS i Pianos and Organs OIL. "V ITRIO Xj. CRA VE, TIIACKKR A: Co., PKliiOLHtr.M C'KN TUB, PA , Keen on hand OIL VITRIOL. BLUE & WHITE PAINT CAUSTIC. SODA and GLUE. Are prepared to mnke lilMTal discount to Refiners tor I'ASII, and will not oe undersold in any of thei above articles. JunelH tl CRANK. THAAKKR Co. TBE GREATEST BARGAINS IN PIANO FORTES AND ORGANS THAT HAVE EVER BEEN OF FERED TO TUB PUBLIC. Tarn selllntr for cash for a few dnve enlv. Pfano' ami Orpins selected from the re t stni k nf in strunients In the Obitcd States, at SO per ceiil oa llinll niniliifnetnrrrK price. Tim public are in"ited to call and lie cunyinced that I am offering better lisrL'ai' s thnn can be bad elaewhera livery lnstrament warranted to give falislact'on. PIANO STOOLS, SPREADS, &e. Centre St., Oil City, Pa. N. E. SK1M5KR. have the exclusive npeney fur the Emerson Pianos, and tbe AMEKK'AN OHdAN for the eoimtlei a Warren. Forest. Venan-'o and Clarion: nnd all liiher persons clalininctohe airents for either of the abov. named instruments, are impostors. N. K. sv sepii-onti. DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE, HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOR, BLIND AND WINDOWS. REART GHED PICTl'ltE rlt AMES, Arc. HOUSE &SIGX TAINTING GLAZING PAPER HANGING TO OtlDEIt QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFIT L. D. KhLLOGf). House to Unit or lor Nalo VIjAHC.B,rnmrnrtul.;e nnd roninioiHonn flour will Lu sold or reuK-d. It U loi uU-e in the BUSINS ICKTION OF THE TOWN. 'Hie owner Is cfimpellcd to remove, and wil sell or n in at a f-ariilk'o. A iooI ltniit's stand. niiuircof titan SCIU TT, aujrasdf i'llrokum Center, l'a. STORE. The underpinned bavluir fittiid up s new store otf 1VASH1N1ITOM & MHCONU STsj., Petroleum Centre, is now prepared to furnish his customers with av.- urythiUK In tu bouse lurulshiug lino. Stoves and Tin ware. Jiauterns, Fancy Articles, Stamped, Pressed and J a punned Ware. Also a Large Stock Of RrnsN Ac Iron FiltinsM (1UM, PISTON AND IIKMP PACKlVO. I.Arii LEATIIKK, etc., TIIK CHAMPION AND NOVELTY CLOTIIRS WlVlNGmtlt WATEH COOLGHH ol all SIZES. Ml Job Work promntlv atten- (led to with neatness and 1 is- patch. Particular attention pnil to Gas and Sterm Fitting-, hav ing- a Gas pitting- Machine not excelled in the Oil Region for cutting Gas Pipe. JAMES RUTHERFORD. Petroleum Ccul.-c, July 18r.:i tf.,8 riinn DAILY RK( Oltl), Is tbo adwHsiiu I uitHliuu iu lb. oil nuiui- "aTs?!, C V"