The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 18, 1869, Image 4
Baily Record NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office; MAIJf STREET PETROLEUM CEYTRE. W. If. LomWELt, Projirletor. NEWS DEPARTMENT. We receive telegraphic despatches np to 4. r. M., Bod present them tc onr readers every evening, em bracing news of great Interest from all sectiors of , the country. We have made special arrangements, whereby we receive rev'itlnr Petroleum, Stock and Prodnco Market Reports every evening by telegraph, from New York, 1'hllndolphla, and I'iltsbiirjr, which, together with Editorials and Local matters. make It one of the most desirable newspapers published in the Oil ltegloii. As an Advrtiaing Irleiliiun, The RECORD baa no superior, as It circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can be found. JOBBING DEPARTMENT. We have a large and well - aclected assortment ot new Jobbing material, emoraclng the very latest styles. Wo are therefore, enablod to execute Job Work of every variety In a satisfactory manner When desired, jobs wilt be noatlyprintcd ln;CoLOB9 Shipping Bills).:! Iland-Uilla. I't urumnivs, Kills of Fare. Labels. AND tliulnciig and Visiting Curds. LETTEU-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS OP JADING, Etc , Etc -IL80 II A 1,1. k'JUNTIM;, lain or Fancy Styhsi, neatly and promptly caecu tod, embracing CIRCnLAK PHOUKAMMES CAKUS, TICKETS, Uic. fact, ovcry variety a do at via of work In letter, proas ;r:ntlm;. Marc'innta, Lawyers, Jaitlcos of tho Peace, Land AL'ont3, Cll I5ca:er. and Agents, Iusmance Agents, Kiprcfmeu ani othor parties iu want, are informed hat we arc prepare) to execute too -derail kind, of r'lalty. L-iwiuwsr lujil, rutpiirod tu this autn- MERCHANT'S IS THE BEST LINIMENT I Till: WOULD For Man & Beast. 30 Yearn In I hp. era era Is wd for Khenmatlsm, Chilblains, Corns, Whit lows, Caked lireasts. fore Nipples, Cramps, Hulls, Bites of aniinnls. Wenki ess ef the Joint. Contrac tions of the Muscles, Burns and NcaM-s 1'rost ltiu-s. Painful Nervous atleclions, (lulpptd llauds, Ijime Bark, l'aln In the side, Swellings, Turners, Tooth Ache, Old Sores, Hemorrhoids or Piles, Flesh Wonnds, Galls of all kinds, fipralns. Bruises, Crack cd Heels, Kins; Bone, Pole Kvll, Wind (inlls. Cat Ions, Spavin, Sweeney, Fistula, Sittast, Kxicrna Poisons, Scratches or (ironso, SpriiiLii.'ilt. Sand CracKS, Lameness, Strains, Pounderilnt Keot. Mangf, Horn Distemper, Onrei't In Cows, Cracked Toils, Foot Hot In Sheep, and many other diseases inci dent to Man and Beiut. R. D. Taylor, of Concord, Ky., s.ivs thoOsrijlini; Oil cured a horse of his. iii'iir- ci while iiion-lotte hv attemptini; to step nvera stiliip,nlmoi severing liVs tlnith from the body: also thai he has used it in Ills fninily for fifteen years, and is the best remedy for Cuts, Bums. Bruises, Frost Bites, Strains, llhiuin Qtism, etc., he ever used. CT3 From C; BMP ft fi-i 'S . Cnchnrt" Landing. Oliio, Nov. ill. .We a e phased u iih vonr im-il.ciiie. It has huen il.c mean ot curim-n crent number o different dl-on. is ttpoa 'vr-oin. as eio upon horses. Wo Ihink it cm, sa.i juu ruco unity). tl it to do We want you to semi its tlto liiver proonrtion of the variety lor "Family I'se,' in email bottles. From Da. 4 P. I F.'-.m:i.t.. W.m-, i. Intl.. "Va-ch 18oie 1 am enL-a;:, d in the priict; e of mcdlcim" and find your (l.irlini; Oil an txliviuelv etlk-i.- t remedy In nil eases jlcre an cxt!.nial application is Indicate i. From Du ft. B. Neat., Bunts, I.-wi, TW p V-V I have praetii ! nioiliolee In this roui'tv 'seven years and ilicertnllv recommend vottr (iur -lit -z oil as the best linameut in u-e. " " fFrom Dr. T. W. Eu.ts. Ca , .Tan n, lmiFf I coold receive br.tli boxes of the (Varelini Oil It wi'l not lie too nim h, as I tho k I could snun tlud sale for It all, Hi,, inoiiiiy b ans: IVeonent since it Is bud posed that I have tl l'r sale. , From Un Wsi. S. MuCaia. chamois, Mo , jjov. U, ?;l,;.'i ''"r "artrlinL'Oli le inl:ln;r thcshii tf iVom all the liniments ol tho dav. If von desired them. I cmuM procure doy.,.8 of certlcatc from thos who have been cured by it. Messrs rljts Duos., Wholesale DniB"'t, Wheetlnir. a., say, under of July 2i, Is, n, that they ran safely reronnner.d Hie ia-ii'.in Oil for moiediseasts than It is ree, , Tl,, I, fr " . J'ro,!;.J- K- Pi-ukii. ruioniown, Pa . .lime .11, 18C7. lour (lalBlinir Oil Is doing innch better luvo than formerly, siiirells virtues have heroine known anil the bottles put up for Family Le, without stain, are much gunght for. CT3 era Extract from a letter from non Kaiiian I iNnsKv, County Jlld'.-e of Shelby Co., Iowa dated Hurl In Anr:l 1ft. 1HH7 U ia ,ln,.l,t,u i ' . , , , ., ' '"J 1'iuviiuu tu buy U. ament sold in this section. iraruet t a letter I rum Samuel S. Hipp, dated Vnliwloirir III.!., -I..1., 1! I.. T t . . , , . . . . ' .. J ' iiiotme last, iionry Shatllehad n yearllna colt that hud what was sup posed tu he Dyptherin lor more than ten df.sso tllMl I, u.t o..H ,1... it , ...... . ....... .,, ,, ,,iIunl M,,iti i, i ijjiisr shut, and the use of three or four applications of wttyiiitar otoiit-s uiu tee nesireu eueci. , .win ,. u. i-,ir.j.. i.ewiMviiie. voselioclon I n., o , Xluroli tw-.O . . I .....1 . . ....... .. ....... . our mrIILr I'll lor Hie Scr itche ou my horse, and it cured it with the ilrst application. From Rvna 1U .mtftrn Xtl.1.1 l..n.. V V T.., lHrsi. i pnrcbased a bottle of your (imvline Oil of ,... Hu'-ui. n. nriKer, ai .uiU'lleport. and as vet have Use,) hot hnir nt It f 1. 1. ... . .. , ,,. . ...imiv , ;i,en me more relief in a ease of severe Khellmatism. ot long oiouuiuj,', man any minf? i nave ever used bet'oru. Extract from a letter from J. 0. Pratt, rlnted Qumcv, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Adsrusl p.', I have been aeti. tinted with your medicine liap'lhi" ttlll for the lust ruin-tool, it .......?.i .7 sure cure lor Foot Hot in Sheen for which Isold the last bottle and hnvo cnlls almost daily for more. Please forward as soon as convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated. GARGLING OIL, And take no other. ElctiU! Price, gl.OO, 50 t'ls., ami a a Vis. Shake Well llltfoSA ttjlltir anA v,,l n. 11 1. 1 .. before the lire or some warm substance. The Oat'L'llllCr Oil has been in mo i n H,.,i Wi rears. All wo ask la a fair trial, but be sure mm lonow utioetiuilB. Ak VOIir nearest DriUfist. nr itotilnrtn P.,ll Medicines lor one of our Ahnanars nml Viiilo Me. cuius, and read what the people sav nhoat the Oil. Tho Cnri'llll? Oil Is for snln l,w nil rn.T,n,..l.l. dealers throughout tile L'nile,! States inttl other countrie?. Our MimwM dale from 113 to 1st'? anil tire vmnlieit.U. t.'se the Oaru'lino t)i and tell vuur neighbors what K.Tod it has done. Wo deal fair and Hhornl with nil ntiri itefv Mi,i.n. diction. jMaiiufiiotiiviwJ tit Xjotikpsirt, JV. V., ly JOHN liODCE, Secretary. Sold by A. I. ?Iir.t,s:i &. ;., HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil Csfek Pipe Wouks. CIIAUMES SlOlIS'O.'V Ac Co., Corner of Senrrn t'ontre Ms., I'.am Hide Oil Crock, Mil City, Ph., Dealers in Morris, Tasker A Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, also', WOIIKINO P.AltltKl.M AND VALVES, bTUKl'INi) lioxKf. OLA MI'S, TONtiS, slCKlilt BODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & IteHueries domino tools, oil pumps, dkivtno nrrc, COLD WATKll PUMPS Every description of SUFPLIES FOR OTT, WELLS AND RE i'lNEKIKS, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BItASS COODS, TEAMS AXD Cl.t FlTTIXfty. BbLTlXil, tALhlXQ, and HOSE; HARDWARE, IIOt'SK TUIMMINllS, Carppntprs' Tools. Ropo. Oakum. Nails, Axes. Ciiooe Mills, Tabic & locket Cutlery; I Full Assortment of Everything in the . HARDWARE LINK .1 !. F'ir iI(J)In Gno:,H, N 1 U-u.irrS?n.!nM I.?;vJ Oil, N,j. 1 1'i"tu.! !, Htair iUuU, TjiMo an rDoovT.ri'. : T-t.T.iir.tfti:r"r- of Tin. Sheet Iv'jix v.v.l Cci:p:r Vare, ironinnir of .ill l;in.l- il"V.c v i'h nei.tnoj wl stca;.i and gas riTTixn. Y":'T ?V( pnflonvnrr .I to mt'riMh" I'TTr.'nnf! of the pul-lir, mid -liaii u--e Cuiy vxt.n'ti;n j hi;;ro ;t.i ('."Mtniiiui''!1. )-:r !iii';;iilc.' f'r (V-Tii-'!iin e orvtiMP r n:,r lit,", having htvn ruitly i.KTi,-;isfiJ, in i!m ii',vt;,u: nt "Mir N't w l!ititii';Mr. !i!i'fi'iv fiii'KKion 'j'o an o r;n::; rsv.vDr.isn.MENT au-'-.l-ii. X.N 'i'lL t i;iL Ui;..iUN. Hsfeii's Oil feS rm M 1 I Li t'3CAS. rS03N0N i: CO., Corner of Penect an l Cenlro Sis. cart si'lo of Oil Creel;, Oil City, l'a. flavin? stltlcd a powerrtll Steam Flntrh" ffod tltrei larj-e L-a'1'11 !-'.S, to our, extee-i ve ;,J:t!,ti';:e tnriilL', nr now p"oo.ire,i to iloal the nnctusary wyrk, in nitin up, and reniurini; ENGINES. BOILERS. IRON TANKS. UEFINING JIACIIINEr.Y, COrPER WOIiMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS " i '"'do'nll Machinery .Tob Work entrusted tons with neatness and disnarcn ant; 2Imos NEW HARDWARE STORE HEATING AND COOKING STORES! In large variety. TADLE AND I'OCKET Cutlery! EDUSS rnRNISHINB GrDI)S. LAMP.-;,LANTERN?. AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AR3D IROW U'o.j'n Ware, &c For sale CHEAP 1 At the store formerlv occupied hy Hnrchlle'd .and Casleiline, oil, CITY. I'A j i ii s:s is. ;i:(;;iii. Oil City, Jan. 4, lsc.l-tf. CRO. JI. IlISSEIili & :., S .A. 1ST E G , puTuoi.mi.Ti t:i:p.riij;, pa, G. II. Ilisscll, M. C. iart!n ( Il:Istoph;r Meyer. Wo offer our servr-t-H !Or the transaction of a flKNKtt M. II N K iNC, KXClIANtiK llltu CUL LECTION T.I'nlNKSS. Any business entrusted to our c iro will receive prompt attention. Jul; tl'. Y N T II MX A Tl UN A I, I BUT EL, MILLr.l! I'AK.M, I'.V. JOHN p.. now i-:, . lVo,.-r. (l. oii tu'toiti ior, ; f,,r traiiment customers. Div Lit'iMl a: -1 witli rooms on reason ti-ie tei'ins. Th"!romii.,r rill spare no ;.iiit- to te '.i;., his Il'ii: e ai'i.inr i mests. yiuc2 if. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! iioiii:it r uu yaiv & co., Hpit leave to ajinotiiiri to tho cllli'ii of lVtmlinun t 'nitre imd vicinity, thnt tlu y luivo oiittnrrf a new clcie in the I'-nr ni ihc otllcu nf (lui Out nil lVtrol turo CtMiiiiiii.y at the milrond cropsiny, wbvre thuy keep cniiifintly n hftuU n full tiH"ortment of uvtrjiLing in i lie U hi J wary line, tuch as TIN AM) irlU-.VT IRON WARP. GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS. Mr. I'rynn 1 rt iti ven cnnnm'il In hm ttiifiu w itli !enr. W'inuT Uro'H. mr tour ycnn pmt, Will attt ml piuli -ulatly lotho lHritu'ia ot nwmilactnrlng SJIOKE STACKS Alt kinciti of 'fin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, &C. Tluy have a New 3Inclilno for CUTTING GAS PIP With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work iu this line. Apr .!). IT XIC3 T3 OIL OPERATORS. The midersh-iu-.I, a;,'ent lor the Metropolllnn Oil'iany, now otfers to le.:--e t!ie territory of said Company, In lots of two .irr. s each, for one-fourth royji'iy. This iann is siftmto on Cherry Tree Bun and li s on tlie .ju(l:laii vein Which c;i' tu on pud Ficrson Farms Mllll CIIA5.LEY RU.V TERRITORY. l-'or luriHT ; .uricuhit' n;;lv to tho original 1). W.KKNNEY, Alicnagcos' lum City, Cherrytree Run. Or o War -!0X 117, rclrolctim Contre, IVno. Af-ril lm. Coal! Goal! Coal! rjMlB tK.di'i-.leujd, bavin- e.-tshli-hed a lirnnrh;l at llyvA Farm, J arc uo'.v preparc l to f.uui-h All Grals of Coal M tSstt i-i-y UiWit Prlci'P. rynv.i ' 7'. 'r-tvi f hen- trer Urn. ami vlr'nlty, tiring :tt t'et -i ', ,:i.t t ., ; e. tan letivereir orders at our urilre h 1 li i.-e iheiu j-roifr.-fv flllttl from the Il.witl t';em V:t:d, AT L'-S CO.-T THAN Lr.VL. IJO."V ' T I-'Oi: O'TTI! f! 1 IjA CM skal'i rs & co;:'wkll. OHlcc on c. C. ,v A. I; It., fetro'eum Centre. lliattehOMeeat liynd I arm. N. D '.Ve litt'd exclusive control or the famous STorjEsono coal at both 1 tm above named Points. Jun2 t . A. T. .LEGGETT, M.inufiicliiror and Doalcr in EI k EHISS, Seed Bags, Valve C ups, &c. K-nerlr,cid w..rkmc- nre emploved. and Har-ne-s t r 11 kind' ken c ctantly on hand and made to oriier. I'. C. JltiLiiy Pnt. SoclRa$ I" or .Sa!o- Uepairing Done at all Times ! Cull and examine our stock and price, H:iin-$t., below ! o .HcClin Jock 5 1 3ii'.. rclrolctim Centre, l'a., Jau. 7lh, '.t'4 -ti DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND HEAD Or CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOB,, BLIND AND WIKUSiTffS, 3SA37 GLEB IMCTl !tSJ I f A-ll:Si, Arc. IIOUSK ctSKJN PAINTING GLAZING .t PAPER HANGING TO OH ll Kit QUICK SALES, . SM ALL PROFIT L. U. KKLLOGj). "J'OX ISOI.'HM SA.III.E KOOitl, FJli;i. V. II VF, ri oiMivtor. PLEASANT VI LLR, PA., Opp ,i,e the Prctbyitrotu Church. Ti ltii tf. R. tt. FISHEB Petroleum Centre, DKALKK IN TUKE FUENCII, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN drugs, mmm i EHEHICAIS CHOICE FOKEION AND DOMESTICJ Toilet Articles ! it AND FaiicyS Groods IMPORTED SOAPS, r.::i"sars, AND HriifKist.H niulrirs ! I'hislclans' l'rc-'cr;pt!.,ca ri.tiipnmi.Ii'i'Jiomj nrc a:id ciu'ioo maleri:.!.-. Ill' XOU IIAV'NT SEEN I IU GO AND GEE IT The Magic Match. retrolenm Centre, .Tune, l'-tlfl. ,m; T. M'Doiiald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES! At the ftrjiot, ojjjjosjti; t!:e Ccntml ISojjse, PETROLEUM CENTRE T A rt Ml R best Stock of DIUVINO AND SADDLE X IKikSES uu the Creek, are to he round at M'Doiiald's Jjlvery. CARRIAGES & CUTTSRS TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FED V BOAItri on Reasonable Terms. Tcum'aiz of all K'uiU wt teiuled to Proisjptly. fiGWo mo a call. T M'DONAL . Petrolenm Centre, Nov. Ir, WS. LBVERY FEED STABLES, Washington 81 reel, opposite the Opera Hoiinc, TETROLEUM CENTRE, TENN'A. I have put in a good Block of Rlilinp; and Driving Horses, which 1 will let on reasonable terms. Also, Cut tors, IV it go ns, Spring WugoiiN, Ac HOUSES boarded ami fed and host of caro Rimr anteeil. Jan9 tf A. SMAWLEV. CHAMPION REAMER ! Vo desire to inform Oil Op erator and the public generally that we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion Six Cutter Reamer. This is w ithout doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever been in troduced. Give us a call ! Fisher, Aorris & Co.