iI;UGti AND DRUGS ! J. H. OHEISTIE, DKALEIi Paints Varnishes, G ass, Putty. Soaps, Jyt; Sfriffr, Fancy and Toilet Articles. All 07PATEMT IBEDIDIHES. PURE WINES LIQUORS I lMiL 8KLECTKD EXi'KKttfLY FOR MKDICaL PURPOSES. & B- Prescriptions Ciut fully compounded at all Lours. i. t:i Ya.sItfngtn-t.. I'Urolmsi: Centre, Ia. Mf Glvn mc call before pnreha.h:,; elelifr. (VyU'.f.) .1. H. ,'K aitlSTlF. T!i",- In a iro it null C'"i!iiir Sin i-i'. Tliu w.iving every duy. COR. FRANKLIN & SPRING STS., TiTUSVILLE, PA. !-Ati'mivc Assurtaient of foreign and Home tic CLOTHS and C&SSIM2RSL35 Which 1 am prepared to Make up to Order on Short Notice ! French Boot Maker AVahJifcigtou Street, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LEU CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETKOLF.UM CKXTKE, Pal.. I manufacturing to order I'lltST-CLASS FIXE WUHK, meh at Patent Tjcntlier Roots, Pump Sole Kooin, French Cork Sole Hoots, cotc Welt Itoot. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONL IN FRENCH STYLE. Call and gee samples. 12lP'in Centra. Ta., Julv 2 Sin. TlliA.NK UllAlt NOIICM I IrIi"."" '"' n mi'"S nn Mnndnv, Aiijint K th ' at tho ntllen iif Wllllnnn, Say ( over the "11 ,'IV, Ol tllO 45UIIkllMH.lUllfl-t4 ItlKillltl r.?.,.i f I.enl.hitimi. lo .ipen hook and .i-llll VB ...1. ....I ...i ........ . .... . ... .... LV..i.- n. ''-i 'Milling hi urn ciiiuiai aioca or tnc i lrk Plauk lioad Uumpaiiy. Win. V. Williams, il. M. Hnwers, Kid Hlxhop, d. tt imrr, on : ily, Jul 86, A. M. Umtj. AlbJJIUijNbS. IN t'J the. Jamestown ii"icin. Xew GoihIa iv.'pt. V-iih. ' 31 EL i mini. POULTRY. i "u iMiuanuu ui ine duuuj is caiicuto lu-pp Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Gee Which will lm fmi' d at my rl e eat tho mouth of BENNINGHOFF RUN. Thn wanting or ti-iii-.' Poultry will II ml It to thel advantage to purrhafe of me. 29-3tn. J.1ME8 Lil.MUIX. l .5. & ., 'MACHINE& BOILER SHOP AVASII.I3T ST.. TuoiiiJUM cu.vruu, OuiIjERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. All kllldfl ff Mflrt.ln ur.i- ,J .... . varraniltoirvomcilo,.: " lm"UVi" "Da -tf . jr. . UA'A & IltlMHi K1H. OIL, .11 A It KD'IS. Okfick op i Tuk Pkt'm Ckxthk Daii.t ttKitnnii, ' . I'ETIIOI.KI.M CKNTIIKi Out. 18. Tho market remains very dull and noth ing doing. We hoar of uo offors. Shipments, M61 I't.'t tti.i;i.ni iiAitKins-.iiv ti:i. Special Dinpatcnes to the Dally l(p.,)ra New York, Oct. 18 Crmlo 18 to . Ruflnrd 33 Market Strong. Axtweki-, Oct. 18-3 p. D, Crude ;'' Liverpool. Oct. 18 3 p. Refined 2iH- Spirit! U.J. I'lTTsnunoii, Oct. IS. Spot l-" Kirst wiii'er, 15. Sept, . S. O. all the year i n . lo V: O. all t!i rear 15''. ;ci. & nv. i470ia UuiLat Quut. I'.III.IDEI.I'HU, Oct. 13. Spiit 32'.;. Nov.Knd'Dec. . 'vt. 33. R. O. all the year 33' ; Oct & ), e. . CriKli! 17!.;. Ji:ii'Ket Quiet. Western nuon l.iun MarUci Kc-pon. New Yoi!;. Oct. IS. w;ne..iM!S;. libls. !! lined.:!2;I '4 (ti' J' Auir- Sept. an Market 1' inn. riU:..M.i-:h, Oci. IS. Ppot !!'. . S tl nil tear , II 0 all v,-ai liellneii Oot to Dee Market Fiira. Philadelphia, Cct 18. rnnl IT'..;. P. L. S.' "to V., 32 S. W 33 Market - firm. , , Nbw v,mi Oct. IS. McSowen & Co., (Corn' r Spring and Monroe Streets,) V f'l'I.' rail tho nti.Mit! ! i.f Crocerv ncnlcr I T "I ll'o Oil KfnioliH ii.lni'l.i't tiiat fhi'vliiw f i,ii.b!i-ln.i for the nicoiiiiiKHiiuioii of ihe timlo a A sJrk-th" WiiaJesuJe Grocery House, The only one of the kind 01 the Cil He-tons V.-l.jv.. wen Hie ncce alt of ruth an (..uhii-h-mcnt for a lon tiuio. Tin who pay h'i tax.-., anil lii-cu-cs ami vcuiutu. h' eapital in his husines-, U Fwtecletl In It. Weproiy?e to du it hy Selling to Dealers Only. Wo have lu itore a LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK. convrlKtiu everything that is roipiireil In a I'lttST - clvss miv. Which vu o-T-.T nt price.- that will C'oiupptu vit!s any xllarkvt W'?co:'ii i!ly invito nn exnniinntlon of our coo and milUfy yourat'l vt-- f oit.34:-';m Mouitj t llvv.t v.r for Waie VL. A I'llE, coiiifort:!!)!-' niwl ci'rn'itodiouH -ioiho will bit M ild or roiiu'd. Il i iiu-atwi in tho uusin'ss roinioN of TUK TOWN. n'hcow:ior is comK'tlcd to reinovu eat, and wit sell or rental a narriih ii. A JKl IJllill H Sluntl. 1 luqu.'icyr fKUnscilfTT, u.iMf Purolunn Cctter, Pa. EEMOVAL OF OHN a Tin; i.or OrPOSITJC C01U5TTJ.XIAN- HALL, TITUSVILLE, : PA., WlitTti th piitrt.ns of the house will meet witn nil the courtesy characteristic of the estalilisluneiit. A complete assortment of Linen Cood Jnt lieceiveil, "Wliilc llHck Suit, Latent Stylo, UCi'Owu Duck Sut In (ij-tiitt Twrlety, Linen .S-irJii la livory f lyle A Splendid Assortment ol . . -mir j. . ja. w lOJl m. A Skis' JtL JLTA jhjj XL C 1. Ai J The larirsst in the Oil Keion. The custom department Li pro dded over Ity one of the best and Most Fashion able Cutters in tho State. OFFERED AT For the Nest Ninety Days, to enable the Proprietor to open hts In course of Construction 0:1 the lot lutelynccuj tic I lv iiin;, . ner of Spring ar.d Frankim S: reels. Remember that the stock of Is large : and that such another assortment of FUENISHINCi- G-OODS Was never liefore tjresented to the public inTiinsville. S. S. G-riswolcl, Dealer In f ft) & V, Orders by the Car or Tin prompt!, Alro.Atm.ifoill.crcK-li.-.t.-J ,w , . . . liKS'.Si KI35E I'C'AL! OFKICB on Secir.d Street, near IL . Track rRTROLEUM CENTRE. FA. I.nriJif. csn.in t;jackf.ib 13-1 T-itiil.-'i t.nnr, . V., are !... ,r,.,u,ri.il In reee'ee on f'ommlnliin and melir :.l.,,-'i A.ivan to n.Sneu and Dealer, ini holh C1.1U.1 and Helmed OH. -r--r -r-7- -r m -r- -r- r v -r I'lii unl.Kt M I'KVi'lili, I 'A , OIL ITRIOL. HU E ,fc WHITE TAINT euvrii' v 1 1 . i .. t n i i r.- lor CASH, and will not ho uuhr.wlj in any of the,' ' ";, i.T vin.-i ', , i .' "v'' r iih.ive'irfi-lej. ' . ii'imohl-io i- a-.-..i for i.lma'of ll.e uhov. jmielJ If CItANE. THAAKEIS & Co. n;"V.,'.;?,:ut,nU' 0,c ""l""'"1''- K. B. SUSS & DAVI30SOPJ, !fi Diamond (St.. i rrirsviLtii:. ia. (Oppo-itc Herald Cilice) Would h.vito , o..t p.tro,,- and U. fMlt- i:ccr .-illy to rail and examine hH SM.SS3IU SPHINO STO'K OF FUHNIIUiTS OF ALL KISDS. Parlor Suit, Cliiuiih. r Sila, Book ajes, Sido-i IjoiudH, I.oimi-, ('nr;n't. ilirror, and every de 8i-r!;itiim of furniture, plain and la."Mo!iiihle. Tunnd reuHoiiahlo. fn I.StlA.U A; Vil., WatciijiaksIus & ,5r.v;:LKrs IN Ol'EKA IIOU.SH nriLDINO, WASH JXGTON S-iTK EiJT, riri iEoi.i r u iikntici-:, .., Kei'ji constantly on hand a luru aaKurtmeut ol WATi 'Ill's. JliVi:i.i;v l'ls Idl.i, HUVtM.VKIts, 1 lliiNi; TAl'e.hl. Cartnl , i.'inl Mil i-i'll Ml i t i ; ( j il vti;h vviak w.nuuud to ?i .luatirjuoii.i,,. Pianos and Organs " , -' " :,.'.'r ; t ""Vf$V rV! v -.i i ''.-.f.i ?5 THE GREATEST RARGAINRIN HANO I'ORTES AND OIJOAXS THAT HAVE EVER IS KEN OE FERFD TOTIII3 ri'I'LIC. T ri" ' ' llli'rorra-h feraf w li nn elv. ttM I :.it! Or'-uiw velcel..il ',,.. v i," t, ,, , ,.. jlT'li".'!'..'." l'hU"' P i;" SO per tcnU , . ' i"" ,'V,'" ' T"rh' ''"- The i' ,"' ' " ' K1 1 he cem h,-... il, ,t ,.m M.eru.;h.-:vriari...i-tl.i,ii e.iu lio hull eVe.hei a. Lvt''V '"""'fa i:i rr.':t-.l lo ratiofaeliuu. i cntre Oil ( i:y, l'a. K. f, fcU S' I Inve the ex.v,;-i'.e -mi'iiev fir , IT.' liter mii i t'i.-titci, tSf v.V V STOlii! ''he ii-..h-r-i!.i..,l l".-.l'.i-ri.,.i i(, n,.w ..,.., L UJMIl.il.KW A; hl.vilSVt SIN., retroleuin Centre, 1 n:m prepare 1 t.i furliUh hi.. riMlmiien i.:.. .. :"r-v'llln-' ir-ll,c '"' "'"'"aliiBff lino. !t'lveat::!Tl!i w:r.-, Jjilljlcjjl.;, I'nury rtlio.i. ti:J JsiptMutt'ol V. .tie. .4 t . II Ifl-J!i'i ,V Biit;j J.'Ut5iitfs liLM. IM : .N A.M lli:.v,p , .... l.EA1ll.:H.e.e,TUK inpii ! , iv ', NOVi-XTV t'U.rn,:,! w'ltrilVl.:!" WATKltcool.i;;..sra.-i.l.:. ' All Job Work promDiIv n't. . tied to with ncMtiio ;:'n.l (is. paten. Farlinilar atleniion paM to Ga-i and Sterm lwt;i: 'r, h;;v in' a Gas Fitting Jlachino u,.: exctillcd iu the Oil I'lon j", . cutting (J;w J'ipc. JAMES RUTllL-ItTOfiD. I'd i'o!t-nm 'i'.-1 ri,.! ,;!y l'.i"ii.- ; J. lUOdiiiiu U.v lAi K-i.' J-'. ' 'i