The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 18, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
pet. Centre, IUon4j Oct. 18.
A. J. JAr. JSaitor.
Time ol cimf. !.
JOLT 7t, 1868.
Cntlt farther notice the nulls wilUrriva at and
depart Iron thle.offlce m follow! :
Month and But, via. Irrlneton, 10. ? A. M.
Booth and West, " Sleadvllto, 8.18 F. M.
North and last, Corry, .M ' -
South and Wat, 8 44 A. M.
HouU. East and West, I SO P. M.
North, Eaat and Weat, 10.00 A. M.
Divine Services.
Presetting at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1)4
o'clock P. H.
Rv. J. T. Oxtobt, Paator.
Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
t P. M. Sabbath School at9' A. M.
cat free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to all. 1
Rev. C. St. Heard, Pastor.
8TS. PETER JAND PAUL'S '(Cutholie)
Man at loyj a. m.
Vesper and Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. tn.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
' Mercer, cjqrtioty gives about 700 Republican
majority this year. Warren county 000, Ve
nango county 300 and Lawrence 1700.
Some burglars have formed an attachment
fur Saperatuwn, Crawford county. They rob
thi sale In the railroad office at that place
every quarter, and are never caught.
During the week ending September 251 h.
five pii lis were, admitted to the Soldiers
Orphans' School at Tltiiiville. The total
number In school is 1C3, of which 91 are
main and 69 females.
The A. V. R. R Dipot iu Vennngo'CiTy
Is raised, and is being rapidly finished.
When completed, it will be quite an orna
ment to the place.
llarrisburg sportsmen spare the partridges
In thnt vicinltv. Imping that by next year
i eiv nnxli is will i i ski lutireaeed as to ad
mit uf Hull' aUuuli.ig.
A new well was struck on Friday last on
the Briggs (formerly the Russel) farm,
about two miles directly north of l'ithole.
The dally yield is now fifteen barrels. The
well and the farm on which it is situated
are ownod by Mr. Briggs, ol Titusville.
The following slanderous paragraph goes
unrebuked: A wag has invented a new tele
graph. He proposes to place a Hue o1
women fifty steps apart, and commit the
newfUto the first of Ibem as a secret.
New Well. A new well has been struck
pa the Lilllle Farm, oue mile south east ol
the National Wells, It is producing 40
barrels, and is owned by George S. SDerman
and others.
. The Oil City Times ilenicB that the debt
of that town is $100,000 as has been stated
.in a paragraph goiug the rounds of the
press; it is something less than $40,00, in
cluding the debt for school buildings.
Enlahuku and Improved. We have be
fore us a copy of the Oil City Time of the
11th Inst., which is enlarged and gre
improved. Us ' mechanical appearance is
second lo none in this seotion, and Is far su
perior to one or two of our neighbors who
bave been lo aniplo expense to make
bauusome sheet, nut the general make-up
is deficient. The Times is a live political
organ, and Its editor a sirripg politician.
We are pleased to note the apparent pros
perity of the Times.
Goon Templars' Amateur Dramatic
Entertainment. lo the amateur dramatic
entertainment which the Good Templars
are making aotive preparations to give, they
bave decided upon the great moral drama Of
'Ten Nights io a Bar Room." A subject
quite akin to the mission of that society.
Tire enutertainment to conclude with the
side-splitting farce ot the "Quiet Family.'
From various hints which wo have received
we are led to anticipate that the charaoti
ol Joe Morgan will be rendered unusually
well. From a sense of delicacy tho name of
the young amateur who is to take that
character is kept from the public Wo are
privileged, however, to let them this much
iuto the secret: that he served an honorabl6
part in tho late war as major, and is now, io
time nf peace, winning fur himself honors
in law and politics in western New York,
and that on several occasions he has taken
the role ol an amateur merely as a pastime
and on every occasion has drawn out great
In marriage, the heart of a widow is like
a furnished apartment, where one is apt to
find something left there by a former
Cuanors at Niagara Falls. Niagara
Falls have undergone marked changes tbl,
seasoD, from the repeated fall of heavy
maws of rock and the gradual caving in of
embankments. The Horse Shoo, it is stated,
has evidently given way some thirty feet at
that partof the cone where the "groen water''
is seen, so that the horse appearance Is
metamorphosed to that of a triangular shape.
It is thought about una hundred and fifty
tons of rock mist have fallen in on the
Uotse Shoe alone, and old inhabitants are
tuking landmarks to notice the recession
that may take place before another year.
The American Falls, also, have evidently
given away at points to a certain extent.
So many thousand of interesting couple have
gazed on Niagara under circumstances need.
less fur us to describe (and such, we trust,
that a repetition is neither expected or de
sired) and essen'iul change In the aspect of
the grand old cataract would be regarded as
as a personal affliction.
Now is the time io lay In your coal for win
ters use. The coal dealers of Petroleum
Centre are now amply prepared to fill orders,
and now is the time to leave them.
Geart's Majority in tub State. The
count of the Return Judges in tho State,
with all the countits heard from officially
except Dull-r, Junlaia and Potter, gives
Geary a majority of 4,812.
The Rochester Cnion, of last W duesduy
evening, gives the following particulars Willi
regard to a tragic occurrence at Charlotte:
"A tragic aft'iir occurred at tho village ol
Charlotte this morning about fire o'clock.
At that time the village lock-up, a moderate
sized wooden building attached to the plat
ter warehouse of Eaton S; Upton, in the vi
cinity of the turn-table of tlie railroad com
pany was discovered to le oa fire. The
flames communicated to tho warehouse and
boih struct ures were consumed. Last eve
ning two siilurs, niHiiu.l Alexander Fisher,
of Bath, Maine, aud Michael MeMuun, ij
Elyrlii, Ohio, employed on tlie sciiouuer
Cascade, Captain Nelson, of Green Bay, were
arrested lor driiiikenness and disorderly eon.
duct, and placed in the lock-up for the
night. They were burned tn death. Alter
the lire their bodies were found, but tbey
were frightfully disfigured, and presenled
but slight appearances of being human be
ings. Their limbs and heads were burned
from their todies."
The Directors of the Lake Siioro unii Mich'
nn Southern Railroad wore 111 erBslon at
New York, un Thursday, aud late in the
day it was reported that they had elected
Jurors H. Hanker Vice President, w:cl .Mr.
Augustus Schell to succeed Mr. Wetrnoie io
the direction. Mr. Hanker is Vie President
of the Bank of New York, aud Mr. Eieliell is
always spoken of as in connection with the
grand schemes of Commodore Vandeibilt.
The probabilities seem to be that, iu conse
quence of the embarrassment caused by the
failure ol LeGruud Locliwooil, Vanderbilt
will secure cuutrol of tho road after all.
A Western editor thus charges bis pen
with electricity: "Vivid flushes of resplend
ent and slippery lightning penetrates tbe
recesses ol our sanctum and nnk tho garret
light as day. Without, tbe concentrated
balls of electricity are prora'soiioinly mixed
arring aud tumbling against each other with
that peculiar force which frightens timid
young ladies, and awakens babies from tbeir
sweet sleep."
In Freeport, Pa., on Sunday last, Mrs
Struub, who is subject to fits of iusaoity
slipped behind her son, twenty-two years
old, while he was eating his breakfast, and
struck bim in tho head with a pick, splitting
open bis skhll. lie died ou Tuesday morn
ing. The mother is in jail.
General Georgo B. McClellan nud familyj
and General Mercy, father of Mrs. McClullen
have engaged quarters at the Metropolitan
Hotel, Washington, aud will spend the
winter in that city.
Any one desirous of acquiring the babl
of taking things cooly is advised to raisot
early these mornings, and be will find that
be can't tako them any other way.
Nothing sine, in the vicinity of Utica,
New Y'oik. a marriage was solemnized in a
singular manner. As the parties to lie mar.
ried entered the parlor arm-in-arm, the
clergyman met them midway in the room,
when the bridegroom, taking tbe lijht hand
of the bride, said: "We have promised to
protect each other so long as we live. We
intend now to bo united, and hereafter to
live together as husband and wife, and we
bave invited you to be present this evening
to sanction our union according to Uie re
quirements of custom and the laws." The
clergyman, in reply, said: "By the anthor
Hy I possess as a clergyman, and in the
presence of these witnesses, I hereby (laying
on bis hand) recognize you s husband and
wife in Iu liil I met t of your promises.''
Prayer followed, and tbe ceremony was
ended. '
Afternoon Dispatches
Pnii.AiEi.PiiiA, Oct. 16.
The official count in twenty counties gives
Geary a majority oi 24,278. That In twenty
seven counties gives Packer 27.123 majority
in those counties. Other couniirs are yet
to be heard from.
Personal. II. A. Converse, Esq., who
has fur nearly soven years been a resident
of Oil City, and a member of the Venango
Co. Bar, has removed to Louisville, where
be Intends resuming the practico of his pro
fession. The cilizons'of Louisville will find
in bim a lawyer ol ability and Integrity, and
very prompt in the execution of business
entrusted to bis care. Although widely
differing with Mr. Converse in politics,
justice demands a good word from us on tlie
departure of one of our best citizens. We
hope he may find many friends in bis new
home, and that bis business may bo fully a,
remunerative as it has been in the Oil regions
of Pennsylvania. Oil City Times.
A Meeting cf citizens was held in
new tabernncleo at Salt Luke city oa the
8th. The crowd was enthusiastic, number
ing over twelve thousand. The Hon. L A.
Smith, Brigham Young's counsel, was elected
chairman. A committee was appointed to
draft a memorial to Conrea.". asking the
admission of Utah asaStato. The memorial
presents the similar petitions sent to Cun
gri'sss in 1S50 and 13U2, although properly
presented they were never brought to a
vole. The memorial claims a precedence of
other Territories admitted into the Union,
with far less order of government and gene
ral resources for maintenance. Territorial
government ut the bct is oppressive, a rolic
of toe old colonial form our luthers threw
ofT because of its injustice, exaction and tyr
anny, particularly tho practice of govern
ment appointing officers from distant States,
who are unacquainted with the necessities
of the people. Tbe population of Utah is
now 150,000 and they are anxious fur aolf
ioveriuuenr. Another accident occurre d at McClintock
ville on Friday, the sufferer being a man
named Black, recently from Ohio. Ho was
assisting lo put the rods In a well, when the
tightness of the working valve -prevented
lb. ir goiu down easily; one of the men us-
cemlcd tho dernolt wilu, a heavy piece o1
wood to drive the;n, but unfortunately miss,
iug a blow, tho stick lelt with great force
upon poor Black, breaking soind bones u:nl
so severely injuring the Sjiue as iu He
meantime to disable him.
Tho Pittsburgh O'omiiieraiif" says the
Pennsylvania Riilroad Company have
notified the oil refiners of that city that
they wi'l to-day advance the rates of freight
ou oil fifty-fit e cents per barrel. It is held
that tbis movement on the purt of the Rail
road Company will effectually kill that
branch of Pittsburgh industry.
The members of tho Baptist congregation
are buildjujr an elegant brick Church on
their lot. Coltajio Hill. When completed
tho building will be one of the finest in
No'rlhwestern Penn'a. Our citi-ns should
i. id the congregation in the work, as a fine
brick church will add much to tl.o beauty
and permanency of tho place, and enhance
the value of property. We will speak more
at length on ti e sulject in our next issue.
Oil Cilij Times.
JUST ItECEIVtD, some ntro im'term, nt
Tflli UltM 1 UKK STOKE.
and (lie tlappliicmt ol True Mnrrluuo
tjISSAYS for Your? y,.n otftlio Errors, Abu-oi
J anil Uisea-cs nuicu deatruy ihu -Manly 1'ohois
and create impediments of MAJtltlAOE, with sure
means of relief. Seiit In sealed letter envelopes-fr ee
orcliarge. Addrusello i. :iiln, I' .,
Philadelphia, l'a. sc-p3l:1iii.
jHorrlaou'a Ucnuine Pino Tar
aud Peru I a n llcallna- oa;n.
Theo snaps are impregnated with exotica uf Die
mildest nud raont Balsamic nature, and are warm: t
ed perfectly Innocent and froe from niineml inel ot!,
er pernicious admixtures, and are selected hv the
ladles mid the public in general In prufcroi ce to all
other soq)m, as the jtr-eat producers and preservers ol
a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator
of female beauty. For the aoftucna and delicacy
which they induce lo the hands aud faco; their cnjir.
ulllty of southing Irritation and r-movirp unsightly
eruptions, rundur them indisprnsil'le to every loll
ct. We kindly oak tho public to try tho virtues o
thoso soaps. J. 1,. II. &Co., Proprietors.
A. 1). Miller Co , General Agents. Jul- 3m.
Special Notice.
W IHDS Ol' WlftmtM fr yoiintj men, mi the
ltulinu IVuion In Yo ith anil Tariy Mmilioo.l, Willi
bt.LV HHI.l for iho errlnir and unfortunate. Sea
in scaled letter envelopes, IVoe- of oliiirire. Address
IIOWJltD A6.iOCIAT10X B T, Puiladelvaia
r a. May 21, 3ru
Crockery tat aU kinds go to REYNOLDS
BRODffBAD A CO'!, No. 11 Centre tttreet, oppo
site the Poet Office, Oil City, Pa.
Carpets. r every qnallty and description, at
REYNOLDS, BKODHBAD 00-8, No. 11 Centre
Street, opposite the P. O., Oil CitjrJPft.
Xew Flour, Feed and Grocery
Store I
J. 9. rUATHKU,
opposite the McClintock House, has on haul a
liigonn.l (hst class stock of a?loar,Feed and
groceries, which he is selling at a low figure.
Don't forgot the plac" where A, D. Co tto
Jb Company hroke up.
The Innocents Abroad, or tub New
Progress, bt Mark Twaih This fcook of
happy thought and tumorous sayings, is
now published, and is being offered for tale
by agents only. This work, like all the
writings of Mark Twain, abounds io wit and
carries the reader through oceans ol genuine
fun and original sayings, such as Mark only
is capable of doing. Filled as it Is, with the
characteristics not only of "Innocents
Abroad,'' but with those whom tbe innocent
comes iu contact with in loreign lands, presents-Unit
side or tbe picture where alone can
be found tho real merits of our brethren
across the water. Mark has made bis ''re
mark" iu this production, and no person
should be without a copy of his book. W.
J. Cuinmingsand II. Wilson are tbe agents
or this work for Oil Creek, and are canvass
ng l'etreletim Centre at present.
STRi-uiiLEj AXn TRii'Mftts, oh Forty
Years' Kix i.i.ei tions ok a BtsY Like.
This captiuii relates to the lifu ot P. T. Bar
mini, as a Merchant, ManayMy Banker
Lecturer, and showman, on two continents.
It is the matured and leisurely view of al
inusi half a century of work and struggle,
and liu.d success, Iu spile of fraud aud lire
the story of which is blended with amusing
utiecd itos, fuuny passages, fulicitfous jokes,
captivating narratives, novel experiences,
aud remarkable interview the iuuny and
sombre so intermingled a not only to en
tertain, lint convey useful lessons fur all
class of readers. The same agents who are
canvassing for Mark Twain's work, are
agents for this, mid arc now iu Petroleum
Centre, obtaining subscribers.
T,ia:s s h.e.
A team of vilna'ile horses are offered f r sale
c'i;ip. Invtire of Sam IliooiuJr, at the New York
.Mu.u 4M..1 kjt, octl&tw.
Dwelling II. Hire lor
MIR ('o-T'-triniMshiii here'uf .re exitleR under
rhe 11 111 11 in.e or1 A 1). Miller & Co., I this .lay
dis-t ilvc'J ly mutual ctioselit All Heroine againxt
tl'O ate ih-ui will besi'tthal by M. S Kitnmons at Hie
o,J 1 unl. SL S. SIMMONS,
Tel. Lei.tre, S.'pt. M, 'C!'. A. D. MILLEU.
T'r.n cniwtvPT-hir. l'iTtfnro pxltlnff nndtir the
firm ii'iino cf Wncliter k Co., is uifl-olvedj and all
Itnr.ica intli'M.-d t. th- Arm, nve rinentw. tnteffto
tin; "M ni'ina, Mt?ss tu'tn. nr at l'tit. Centre. 01
uite Uie brick bunk. JUiV-itt H. U
Tho New York
Meat Market!
Hi W. IVVUKK I h:ivc HUfJ up nw build
io;' on
On Main street, Opposite tbe
22cCiintok louse,
And lutein kv.inr what Pottoletim Centre hftf
luu ce-jdeil, n flrl c.'nsr. Meat Murkut. Ouly tti
will bo kept. !t will be our aim to trvo our cm
t in org with promptoudd nud to their euliro Mtia
ftctiun. Bej.tHi:tf. II W.PARKER.
T. M'Donald,
t thft Depot, opposite the
(Tistra! House.
I' E T V. O a e u m centre pa
'1111K bet s-o,'; of TllflVINO AND SADDLE
i. HOUSKS ou the ( 'reek, are tu be funud at
houses ini x. nuAiiiiCi)
on ticaeoimblo Terma.
'3V;ni:,iiii' of all kinih at
teiuUMl to Eroniptly.
rycii e me a call.
Pntrnlenm Oen're. Nov, H, 1RI18.
A lir.o as.iortmcut at tbe Furniture Store
Fall Trade
Petroleum Centre. Pa.
For tbo Fall Trade, embracing a full Line
rornxs, SILKS
Carpets, Oil Clotlis, Chintzw,
Calicos, Muslins, and a choice
assortment of
AnJ loa choice nssnrtmentoi KLANN'l'?,
very cheap. Our Lino of Alpicas ami Pop
lin Alpacua ia tho finoat aud cuurtpjst in Ibe
I'lnoe. septl3:!f
Washington Street, opposite
the Oicra liuimc, 1
I bave put tn a good stock of Riding and
Driving Horses, winch I will let on
reasonable terms.
Also, Cutlers, Wagons, Sprin?
Wagons, Ac.
ITOKSES boarded aud fed aud best of care cuar-
Jan tf A. SMAWIET.
We desire to inform Oil Op
erators and the public generally
that we are prepared to receive
orders for our Champion Six
Cutter Reamer. This is without
doubt the mosfc perfect tool for
reaming that has ever been in
troduced. Give us a call !
Fisher, Norris & Co.
Tr' Hall le now ready for theatrical exhlbltlne'd
conci-rw. Iccturce, c. The Hall lu heen reflilrii
and Blienu'lliiMiral. No pnlim And axpeuae has one
spared to make It a first clan
On the flint floor In one of the heel Billiard Koom
In the place. All under one management
James Robinson,
Tank G auger.
BOX 380,