aiiyecoraaAfi(jLIl3Ij. 0(j NEWSPAPER, AND Office, MAIN STHEET PETROLEUM CENTRE. XV II, LONVIXL, Proprietor. NEWS ; DEPARTMENT. Wo reeelve telegraphic doipalchoa up to 4. P. at-, and preaent them to our reader, every evening, em bracing nowa of great Interest from all loctluri of the country. Wo have made special arrangements. whereby we reeulve regular Petroleum, flock and Produce Markot Ueport. every evening by tclogrnpu, from New York, Philadelphia, aud Pituburi;, which, together with Editorial, and Locnl matter,, make It auo of the niont dclrablc newapapcra puhlbhed in the Oil Region. An an Advrtislag IHcdiuni The RECORD has no superior, aa it clrculatea wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can lie found. J0BE18 BEPMTMSiT. We have a laro and well - selected assortment oj uuw Jobbing !TIatorlal cm bracing the very latest atyles. We are therefore, enabled ;o execute Job Work of every vnrloty In a satisfactory manner When desired, jubawHlbo neatly printed lujC'uLuib Shipping Bills.:,! Poster , ilaiid-nills, Fiogrnmrnci, ISUU ot Faro. Isabels. AND . Dualncmi aud Viitiliiig Cards i LETTISH - I1E ADS, DILL- DEADS, EILI.8 OP FADING, Etc , Etc BALL kKlNTIXG. Piain or Fancy Btylca, neatly and promptly execu ted, embracing rinoni,HS VKOOHAMMKS CAUIM, TK'SETS, i:tc. fact, overy variety nnostvlo of work In to tier, pre r.ntlD. Merchants, Lawyers, Jcotico of the Pence, Lid A-centi. CU Beaiers and Agents, Iiwu;'Rnce Acnt3, Exprcumen Sufi c'lior jwrtien In want, arc informed hat wo are nrftrf' nxor-ile ton lfr all ki'i(L) of MERCHANT'S IS THE BEST LINIMENT ;IN 1IIK M OULD 36 Year lu I'ho. era era la pood for K hell mat ism, Chilblains, Corn?, Whit lows, Caked Urease, Sore Nipple, Cramp!, lNiiln, Hite of animal;, Wcnkrcss f the .TonitM, Contrac tion of the Muselei, Hums and Scalds, KroH Uitet, I'ainfttl Nervon HtVectiou. i'lmppi'd Hand, Uiiiu Hark, Paiu in the Side, SwelliUK, Turners, Tooth Ache, Old Sores, llemorrluUda or filed, flush Wound, Gall? of nil kinds. Sprain, Tinii Cmrk ej Heel, Kill" Bone, 1'oie Kvil, Wind GalN. I'nl" km, Spavin." snveeney, Fistula, f!ifu.t, Kxterna I'oisons Seratcherj or iivam HpriueJinlt. Sand '.'rack. Lameiies, Strains, Foundering beet, Manne, Horn Di.tei!iptr, (iaret iu Cows, t'raeko!l TtMin, foot Hot in Sheep, and tnauy other dibcasts Inci dent to Alan and iieast. so 11. D. Taylor, of Cuncoid. Kv.. fav? thoOtarirlln;: (Ml eun.d u horeoi hit. iuiur-Ld while plouirhlnir hy attempting to step over a tump, almost severim: hi thigh from the body ; nlto that he ha used it in hi. anury tor uiieen years, aim i; int r.u remeny n r Cuts, Burns, limits, Frost Uitus, Straiu?, Ifheuui utiam, etc., he ever used. era era Prom Chump Sc Bhps , Cochran n Landing Ohi Nov. iO, We are pleaded with your medicine. It ha been the menu of curing a jrreat number o mlerent uieaes niion pcrsoiifi, a iva upon nuri. We think it cure all von recommend it to do We want vou to send ns the lii-jcer nronoiliuu uf the variety for "Family Leo," in iutm butties. From D. J. K tekhkix. Warren, Ind.. Jlnrrh 1 Soi. I am enL'afd in the practice uf nu'dfeimv and find your Garnlin',' Oil nn extremely eOlcinrt retnecy mi nil casus wiiero uu external application Is indicati' 1. From On. O. fl bal. Burri. Iowa. Dec 18.VI. 1 lirtvo prndiced niediuiim in this coimt seven years and eisvfuUy rcJOiuinend your Ciarjling Oil us thy Irnit hwlment in From Dr. T. W. Ellis. Ga., Jan. C, 1S50 If I con Id receive both boxe. of the OmullM: Oil it will not le too much, n I thlt k I could soon llii-l sale tor it all, the inquiry b'-inir frequent since it ia aiiu po.aed that have it frr sale. From Uu. Wm. S. McCall, ChamoU, JIo , Nov. (!, iMfW. Uur GnrlinOil is taking iliesliineorT from all the liniment of tiie dav. If vou dv-tired Uwiii, I could procure dozen ot fortillcatea from those who nave been caret: uy u. MeH.rfl 'cLa!N .fc Bnos.. WholcMaio OrinriHtri. Whuelim? Vfl nav, under d.te of Jul v -4, lS'itl, tuoi inuy ean suieiy recommena the .aitn wa for moio diensef tlian it i reoinmer.di u lur. from J. K. Fihrh. fniuntowu, l'a., June Ml 18117. Your (ttiiclhn: Oil is du'tur much hit.'rhert than onn'jrlv, since iia virtues have Ijecime kifwii. and the battles put up for Family Use, witli jut utaiu, are mucu guuylit lor. era - era Kx tract from a letter from lion Nathan fisiHEV Countv Jud- e ofSiu lbvCo., luva tla'ed ll'irlm April lh'iT. tt is deeidedly preferred to un.; liu ameut sold in thiH section. Kxtraet ot a loiter from Samuel S. ITrpp. dited Fnllrdvirtr. Ohio, July 17, lKifl. In June U-t, llonrv S'.iaiMe had a varllni; colt that had what wan sup- j(;setl to e ly;p;hena lor mere Ihau ten u;iy m that it could mil eat. and ihe throat Mvlei: imno shut, nnd the uae of three r i'.mr appUo.iiiuns of tnn uoiiur unities um me aeire l eueci. l'.nm A G. Kiel. LowWville. Ooieliocton Co.. O. Waieh isrii. 1 have used vur liarlin: Oil for the Scratches on my horse, and it cmcd it with tuc Crt application. CD Pvom Enos Mather. TW'ddlfTort, X. Y.. .Tulv 3. 185. I purehiwed a Iwttle of your (iarIiiu; Oil of your a-j;eitt, a. uiKer, at Mdiiiepoi t. ami aa y have u.-ea out half of it. 1 thiuK li has jnven mc more relief in a cifeol' n?vere Uheiimatisin. of lomt Blftuuiiig, than any tiling I have ever iweU before. Kxtraet from letter from J. O. Pkatt, dated Quiiiry, ('haiitauqua Co., N. V., AuimM 12, 1 sr 1. I have been ncqri,iiu:td with your medicine Ganrliuy Oil) for the last lonrtecn year.. It has proved a sure cure for Knot Hot in Sheep for which 1 sold the hut bottle and have callw almost daily for more. Please forward a- soou aa convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, Aud tako no other. ISctaU PiScc, si )S G(J Cts., and '535 Ct. FhaUe well bi'fore, aud rub on thoroughly before tlie hVoor omc warm oubiiance- TheQuvlinc Oil has been in tine bp a llnament S i yean. All we aik In a air trial, but be sure aud lonow uireeuoiirj. A-k your nearest Druz ht, or dealer In Patent Medicines for ou: of our Almanac and mi. Me cunid, and read what the peo2U my nbout the Oil. The Gari'limr Oil for Ml;; bv all re-t'OOtnlde dealers throughout the UniLed Stated and other countries. Our testimonials dato from 1&S1 to lhU and aje unx-ilicit.ed. LVe the Oarirlhkr Oil uni lull your nuihbord what good ii has uouo. We dual fair and liberal with all and defy cu&tia dictiuu. ' MivniifUcliirtscl at JOHN IlOJJUr, Secretary. so"i i.y a. i. misLr.m: i co., HAUDWAKE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil iitiLK in'E Works. CIIAKfiKS KOItSOA' As Co., Corner of Senium A: t'onirn St., kidu Oil Creek, Oil City, ' Dealers lu Morris, Tanker CVa OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, WOKKrvn n.wKKi.s and valves, KTIlk'UVIl HOXi.S. CLAMl'S, T0N1. blCKIili K01M, 4c Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries IIOIUXO TOOLS, D1UV1NO VII'K. I OLD WATEU rUMI'S Every description of surruES fok oiii wklls and nv- Also, STOVES, TINWARE, 1IKASS GOODS, TEAMS A.VD OAS FITTIXOS. BELTlSu, l ACi-u, ana liuzu; HAKIIWAKE, UorSB T1U11111NG3, CnrponUTs' Tool?, Kope, Oakum, Kails, Axes, Coffoo Mills. Table i 1'onkct Cutlery j Full AfSortmcDt of Everything lu lha II AUD 1 VA RE LINE. Jliiiae Fur iishinst Good-, 1ie,-., t lilllll'CVU. o. 1 U inter Siralncd I.nrd Oil, Ho. 1 Ht'tlned Oil, Stair i.'od., '1 alio an tIDoor Tilr te; thamniou Clerics 'VrixtTs Mannfacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper 17are. IVnalrmz of all kind, done with neati.uss aud di?p.ltch. Especial altiution given to ST2A1I AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored lo merit the ratronae of the public. tuiJ ba:l use evwty exertion to ,:isu:e m colilitjlinnr'e. Uur fariUtlos fur fernl.'lim,' e'orvthiiii; :n reir line, liavlptr btwn greatly IncteuSi'd, in iho oreotiou of nor New P.Mildi.-iu'. ai'e now SUI'KllIOli TO ANY OTHUH KSTABUSUME.N'T auil-Uio. l.N THE OIL KKtilON. Oil Coiner of Sodocq and lcntro Sip, cast bWo . of Oil Creek, Oil City, l'a. rinvfn'.' added ft powerful Stoarn Knpine nnd three lai'Ke LaTIIIW, to our already extensive Mann far luriii"' K-i,'ih!l-hincitt. art- mnv in-fpiired to do all the nuees.-ory wuk, iii mtlu u;. and ittunlrlnj IKON TAM. REFlN'iNO MAC 11 1. ;erv, corrEa V.ORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS t - di'aU Mf.' hinerv Job Work cntrntcd to us with m' unj disuatc.o uu lmts NEV HARDWARE STORE HEATING AND COOKINU 3 2. i9 In largo variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. nCCSS FUSiSISEINS BSQES. LAMPS.LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. nails amd mom Wooden Ware, &c. For aale CHEAP 1 At the .tore forraorl y occupied M Hurcliflo'd and Custorlino. nil. MTV. I'A J.I 'ii:u Ii. GHUUIV. OH City, Jan. 4, 15B'. tf. GO. II. IJISSEIili fc CO., 3 -A. N K E ES, VKTHOJ.KljM CJENTKK, I'A. G. II. Blawll, M. C. Martin Christopher Mnyw. T?e offtTour pmrn for the transaction of a HKMKUAI. HANKINd, KXCUANtiK uuj COl. LKCTION TUI.-IINKSH. Any tniirin. vtunutedto our earo will receive prouipl atleu'.iou. ju!7 tf. T STEIiSAtlUNA I. T". UI1X, MIU.E11 I'A KM, I'A. JOUS E. ItMWK, I'rop'r. ConO acroniofl:,llon5 f.r Irnutucr.t culfintcrs. H......1 ....1 1) I ..j....j r,.in....l.l.. torhn. The ,roprielor will no piiin to mike lu4 lloude attractive lo piet. j'.mc-i tf. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! IIOHI.KT lilt VAN Sc CO., IV" lmvc to announce to the citizens of Petroleum ciitr.' I'l d ,ielnlty, that they have opened new xtnrc In the i ear ol the olllee of the Central l'etrid nim t'nnipiinv at the rnllmad crowdne. when, they will Keep ein-antly on hand a full HHHortuient of everything in llie liiirdware line, uch u TIN AND SHEET IKON WARF. GAS FITTINGS AND mH6 GOODS. Mr. Tirvan having heen enrnsed In the lnifiti with Venus. Winter Hro'e lor lour year piwl, IU attind luuliuinrlv toUio bllsiueM of uinnuiaclurtiig smoke stacks; All kinds of Tin uml Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. They have a Kew Machine for CUTTING GAS PIP With an er.tiro PET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this line. Apr :0. AtaapflziMGiy Terrtory. N TIC 3 TJ OIL OPERATORS. The undershmed, ajont for tho Metropolitan Oil Con.pany, now offers to lease the territory of laid Coir.p;iuy, in lots uf two acre each, for one-fonrth rojully This larta Is (ittiate on Cherry Tree P.uu ai:d lies on t!ie JUGULAR VEIN M'lii.'h coueeots . nnd 1'ierson Farms Willi CHARILY IlU;i TERRITORY. Tor further particular apply to tho original D. W.KKNNEY, Allemsfrooztlam City, Clierrytreo Run. Or odd.tess, "BOX 117, Potroloum Contro, Pcnn. April 11 m. Goal! Coal! Coal! rjHU, having eatnl)'iUed a branch Yar:l at EByn:! fiirni, arc no.v pre;". to fiuiii.h All Grab of Coal At the Very Luv.'cst Prices. Clporaiom from riiorrvtrei" Iti'li. nr.d vicinity, HvinR rtl IN't'-iili'-miCcntri'. ('llll h'll' t'l'-il nnh l'rt ftt OUT ofiicc lii-ri', ami havu 1!kiu proniptly IlllfJ fi'uiu the llyinl i-'aiin .ird, AT LKSn COST THAN USUAIj. t0.?T FOJ:0'T TIW IMiACU HKA'd.lvl & C'OH.VWKM., Ollke on 0. C. A A. It. H., IVlrnlcnm Cratrc. llraueliOIIke at li.Miil 1 u-.ui. N. Ii W'e liolil exclu.-ivo control uf tin famous STONEBORO COAL. at both the above nnmed Points .jnti2-t . A. T. LEG GELT, Manufacturer and Dealer In tilcil rf.iilli liuiDb' iWVJ Lj& IW t.' ) Seed Bags, Valvo Cups, &c. K:;p"rlyiiccvi wuri'piei. nio cniphyfd, and nir ric ! ifall V.nlu- )):: i. c.iutly uu hand and maue to order. 1. C. ilt'Inzn Put. Seetl-Uag Tor Salo- Uejiairing Done at all Times ! Call nnd examine eur .tocU and ptlcm, U;itii-$t., I.olo iv il c McCliit lock I!lnO. Petroleum Contra, l'a., Jan. "th, V"- -a 0 n e r , DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND WALL FMi STUBS, HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOR, BLIND AND WINLOWS. READY GUED PICTl'UE I'IS AMES, Arc. HOUSE &SIGN PAINTING GLAZING & PAPER HANGING TO OllIIEIl QUICK SALES, . SMALL PROMT L. D. KtLLOGQ. JOX IICK.SE SAMl'I.E UUO.II, FI1EO. C. II YMF,:. Proprietor, PLEASAXTVn.LE, PA., 'Ipp tlie tho Preshvtorian Church. I'elli tf. I Petroleum Centre, DEAl.Klt IN PUKE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, MEDlCliMS CEEIIICAIS CHOICE FOHEWN AND DOMESTICJ Toilet Articles ! ' AND Fancy! Goods. IMPORTED SOAPS, BRUSHES, AND Ktisjdrics ! Druggists rbyeltlfttifl' P rescript ions componr.dtdfioDifar und choice material a. II F YOU IIAV'iNT SEEN 1 TO GOJAND SEETITg ' The Maeio Match. Petroleum Contre. June. istw. inn! T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE 8' At the Depot, opposite the Central B Souse, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA rpnK heat glork of DIIIVIN'O AM) SAPDLB 1. UOKSKb on the Creek, uro to be found at SI'Donald's .Livery. HASRIAGES & CUTTESS TO M LET AT ALL TIMES. HOUSES FEW ii nOAKDEt) on Ilcaaonahlo Terms. rcaiiiins of nil Kinds ut- teauled to PromiitIy nrClvemeacall. T M'DOKAL . Petroleum Centre. Nov. IF. irx. L5VERY FEES) STABLES, Wasiiinston Street, opp,e 1IteOteru Iloune, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PEN.VA. I have put In rt good stock of Ridinn "4 Driving Uoravs, wlncn l wniiei"" reasonable terms. Also, CitUer, Waftons, S"irln5 WuguilH. A:c. HOUSES boaided and led aud best oi : b- anteiHi. A. SMAWtET. janO tf. CHAMPION REAMER ! tr We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally that we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion ha Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool ior reamin" that lias ever been in troduced. Give us a call ! . Fisher, Korris & O