Petroleum Centre Daily Record. I'd. Centre, Tltur la), Oil. I I. Ji. J'A l, J: H or. '"Into pi fluxing ni.iHw. T. O., rKTBOI.M'M CKNTIO:. V , ( Jci.y "7T, lStk. ) rnlil further notice the mails will arrive at and depart fcoro this-otli.-c mm : AKHtVK. South and Ia. via. Irvluvion. 1 "S A. M. South and Vi-"t, " Meadvillx, " is I'. M. NurUi an.l RaM, ' Corrr, 'J '.i . " OU'AHT. SorJtb and Wrat, 8.40 A. M. , Kouit Kant and Went, 8 :;0 i'. M. North, East and Wl, lo.u.i A. M. Di vino Ser ivvtt, PRESIIYTKRIAN CIIPPC'II. Preaching al II o'clock A. .M., and 71 o'clock 1'. M. Kkv. .1. T. Oxtoiiy, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbath al 11 A. M. and V.'u M. Sabbath School ntlt'.J A. M. rata free." A cordial iuvitulion extend ed to all. Kev. C. M. IIkaich, Pastor. STS. PETER TAM) PAUL'S (Catholic) crimen. Mass nt 1U';,' a. r.i. 4 Vi'apr and HeueJiclion of the Phsed Sacrament nt 4 p. v.. Catechism nt tn. JAMES DUNN. Pastor. iVe have as yet been unal.lo to receive the election, returna Irom the Kynd Farm. Tm: Ri:st-i.T ix tub Statu. The verv latest dispatches this afternoon show Hint tho Republican majority in the State will not bo h-$ th iu i".,(j(m, and tuny roach lO,0UU. The Kdiubiirs .Vrirtr. says ''Carlvle hns about .C30,(00, all of which he made" by hid lien." Josh Uillin-H mj-s: -"Whenever I lind a real liaiidsonm woman, encased iu wimiiiin 's lihla inmncss, then I am going to take my liat under my arm and jitio the proc esslun." Never intentionally wound tho fbeliugs of anybody. Tho good opinions of tho world is tho very beat kind you can have, mui thu moro tho better. Tho man or woman w ho s.iys be or she doesn't euro a pin for what the world thinks or says, gives! utterance to what they know is ubsolutclv false. J'u llo care, awl it is well wo do; und thoi are eiavoly mistaken who bay they do nut. The re-union of tho Old and New School Presbyterian Churches, on the ba.-is adapted by the two (leucral Assemblies:, is certain of consummation. Vims far thu voiiiij,' in the Presbyteries is all the same way. Thirty-four Pre:diytoriea have taken action, and not one has recorded its; name on the list ol nays. In tome in.slances tho vote bus Wen unanimous, and in every other the mi nority has been very finall. 9 u AMATEtilt PllA.MAilC KntKKT.HNMEXT. For somo liiuo pAst the Good Templais of this place have been making active prepara tions for giving a public eiitertaiument, the proceeds of which to assist in paying lor their now hall. Thoy have decided npou on amateur dramatic entertainment. The pieces have been selected, uud Coo;.ideible time I; aa already Lueu spent iu rehearsal. They have decided upou ne.t AVeluesiiay evenin,;, the 20th, as the evening upon which it is to take place. Sobcl Opera house has been secured, und the cumiuiltee are about making urruugeuioii is lor a good and eflicient orchestra. The umalcur autois are spending a treat deal of time in rehear sal, and altogether no puius will be spuied to give tho public, the very best Uud ol au votertaioqient. llouitlKi.K Acciuent. The terrible con sequences of reckless driving weroexeuipli tied on Monday nt Pittsburgh, an Monday, near Fifth Avenue and McGeo street. An elderly lady, Air's .Moore, was walking in that locality with her little grand-daughter, a child of ubout two years of ae. , Keaching the ciusaiug, the took the child iu her arms und was iu the act of ttoasiug the avenue, when a brewery wagon, drawn by a hoiso and mule, cauio along nt a livu y rate of speed und ran over tho old lady and child. They wcro picked up and car ried into a drug store near by, but neither over epokc again, the child breathing its last in about two miuutcs niter the accident und the ludy in ubout a quarter of an hour. Tho bodies prcEented a mor.t horrible ap pearance Tlio old lady's forehead I cing crushed in, and a frightful gash beinj visi ble over her left temple, from v.kic'j u stream of blood poured. The driver of the wagon escaped, but was ulitrwarJ captured ju a bay-stuck cear the brewery In whicj bo was employed, where he had taken ref uge. It is hoped that the law will not bq tympurei with much murcy iu this case.. Votca rolled ut I'etroliMini Centre. (iuvernor tioary, ill; Packer, 310. Judicial William. 3!'.l; Perching, oOl). Senators Allen, 117.-'; Hall, hT.'l. Assembly Mclunkiu, Ih'.o; Stone, 31'J; llauna. 317; Croon, ol. Piolhonoluiy-Ciunfoid, -d; Oona-hy, I It!. Troanurcr (itaiit. h'ol ; Kicnun, 311. Register and Recorder--Shaw, 3 1 5 ; Hates, 3L'!). tuuuiis.siouer Sigjius, .'!M ; MoCray, 312. Auditoi Neely, Sill; Poor, 3.M. lOKNI'LAXTUl TOWNSlllf. Justice of the Peace -Samuel Key Holds. 271; I). P. Monroe, 2it); John Klckelts, 13. Constable (Jeor-e F Lawrence, Zjl; Thomas Jlclluh, 272; J. 1J Fitterer. 1. School Diri-ctoie -James 1!. Smith, 2o3; A. S. Prathcr, 203; A. M. Turner, 103; Washington Altun, 271; Win. McCiee, J ill; N. i). Haven; 2tiJ; 11. llu'chinsoii, S; Cy ril A. Cornon, 2. IHcrseer of tho Poor liula llollowoy, 2C4;'U. C. Piather, 201; D. P. Williams, M'A. 1!. Curtis, 2.M. Auditor Win. 1:. Puidue, 2ul. Township Clerk Win. It. Purdue, 2d; A. S. Smith, 271. Township Auditor Thomas Aruott, 203; E. H. Glynn, 27U. Towuahip Trensiircr K. C. Peveiidyc, 271. lioud Cpnimissioner James Siio'L'i 201; W. V. Campbell, 2CU. Jiule of Plection Wiu. (iarjner, 2GS; (.ico. W. Wilson, 257. Iiispeclois of Election J. M. UicUey, 2oo; W'ui. Spence, 207. Judge uf i:iccliur.3 Ii. A. Pempsey, 2; K. M. liuoe, 2; George d. Djiican, 1. ; A Wo!:n ok ExiM.ANATioN. The other day we published the following paragraph: 'The ugent of an eastern tailoring s;al. liihmeut who recently received orders lor !-itowi suits of clothes iu Oil City, has had fouiteen of tliem sent back to him.-' Mr. Daniel Kennedy, who represents tho Louse of Geo. White & .Co., 2:1 and 23i Broadway. New York-, assuming that he was tho individual referred to, having been en gaged iu soliciting orders in this Jino of bus iness in the oil country, addressed a letter to tbo M.-ii-v m Agent at Oil City, lor a statement on the subject, and the lulluwing is a copy of the leply: Hi:. Klnxkkv lJuur Sir: The lateness or tl;e hour v. Iif-ii this was received. pri-Veuls uii; from luaKiii..; liie!aiiiiiiatioiis und stuleinenis yen requi m. IJiii I will otaio lor the inioi mat ion of w ii"a it may concern, Unit ot tin- t;i.t-. an.', tl.ey aie a good many, shipped by express to tlii's place by tlio house ii i.: ii xi ivi,;vsen'. not one has been jeliirueii iu my nium itdge. Kespcylfuily, l.."Poi:rtji:. Ag;it L. press Cumpa.iy. On. Citv, Oct. 11, ISiiU. We give Mr. Kennedy the benefit of t'aN explanation, und do not question Lis It l j . nor tho right of people to p'itroi.i;'.e wbo-u they chooio, nt tho Game tiuio we repeat what we have before urged, that our own tailoiiug establithceuls are best entitled to homo support, for tho Considerations which must be apparent to all, and that they are fully able to respond to tho wants and tastes of the comuiuni'.y. Til'isville Ihrald. Mr. Kennedy is entitled to tho sam:i ex planation from us, but us the it, i:i referred to fust appeared iu the Oil City TL.u.i, we oupposed it to be oorrec:, uud perhaps is, but uo one will suppose Mr. Kcntiudy the agent relerred to. We heartily endorse every word tho Herald says iu reference to patronizing homo institutions, as money paid to eastern houses does not benefit busi ness ut home, still, all have a perfect right to trade and solicit trade wherever they choose. Ptxir.;: Makls a Halt Mh.k in" Oxk Mixitk ami Potn Hia-oxos. The gentle men w ho were ut Prospect Parle last Salui day ultoiuoon saw tomelhing uover before seen in this world: they saw a horse trot a half mile in one minute and four seconds, and the second in thi:ty-one! Of course the horse was Poxter, and bo was driven to sulky, by Mr. Bonner. The ti;k was in goid order; so far as dryness was concerned' and pexter's trnck, with tho new shoes on his foro feet, were just where he put his feet down ; there was no slipping. At the same time the Hack was so rough, for tho wunt of scraping, as to uiuke it unpleasant to ride over it. Dexter did not make a break, and bo never looked fmr. As he Came in, an experienced horseman who was liming him rxclaimrd repeatedly: '"It is more like (lying than anything else." The femalo clerks iu Govern ment offices at Washington ure compelled to tell their ages. A shoe factory is to be established in ualiington by a number of business men, headed by General Howard. Hand organists ure emigrating ta the South from the North, a sure sign of return iu3 prosperity to that suction. O A DU imrn f.Kl'OKTKl) FOIt TUB DAILY KKt'OIW, Af'tfi'iioun I5isj5iitt'lic. Pi.vMorru, Ohio, October 13. Jacob Goodman, a resident of Buffalo, arid engaged iu peddling clothing through the eV.iulry in a light wagon, and accompanied by an nsiistant earned lieunct Xegotia, was luuidered by Negotia yesterday afternoon, three miles north west of New Haven, Huron county , Ohio, in plaio sight of a farm house. Goodman was found soon after in a secsv- lc.-s condition, be having been beaten ovor the bead with a piece of railroad irou, which w as recogiii:'..'d as one that belonged to tho ow ner of a larin house which they had pre viously visited, and which had been picked up Iy Negotia for lhi3 pnrpese. After pro curing the iron, Negotia refused to ride oa tho same seat with Mr. G., hut took the rear seat. Negotia was Immediately pur sued and arrested at Centerton, and taken to New Haven, where he now lies iu close confinement. Two handkerchief wcro afterwards louii.1 iu the wajon stained with blood, which Negotia had used, but who claiiud upon their being shown to him that he "had the jije bleed." The murderer is a young mui about thirty-two years ol ngc, of Swiss descent. CaoduiaJ hud three bun dled ar.J thirty djiiars, v.liice was (oitnd in Nego'.ia's pos-essiou. A joins gentleman living in Kingston. New Yuri;, went to see his girl tho other night, und when he started for home, the night being dark, lib iuuuioriU give him a red paper lauteru v. illi whie'.i to light his lonely way. lie tool; the railroad traca, as being the shortest way to his home, and was walking leisurely along, hid mind no doubt lilled with agreeable ikeugtits of the fair one he bad just left, w hen his reverie was biought to an ejd by some 'ono in the raar, who gave tho Chinese lantern a kick which sent it flying. '"Confound you, ' Eaid tho prison from behind, "hero I've been slowing my train lor the last two hours on accmiit of that red light." And looking behind him tho young man saw a treight train, and it was the engineer who tad dis turbed his uudite.lious. Co.'ttxG. Prof. Manner, the great hois." la.,icr, will visit Petroleum Cen're on Sut urtiiy Uctober 16l!i. Al one o'clock he wi.' tii-ivo thioub Tt.e sneet?, bis beauiifu' matched pair o! stallions io CAt'riage, without j bidlei, hii.-", or reins. Immediately i,ft, r I I. .is iui'. ie.-. lug c;;hiOlio:i he . iil dii e tu his oa tae ciicus touii 1. u:.d -ive a lieo cv.ilbitioa with hi c-le'.i.-ated tries unit:, Tou.;ny and Il.ii.U Liiiiy. I-uuies le I a.t'.culA; iy itsvite.l. Peer :cci:.m ndatious lor youirj ladies showy div.-.-es iu tho street, and ignorant of all housekeeping lit home. Young men ol sens-1 du!i want such girls for wives. Some people that wo know of, seem to have viituo enough for the whole town, themselves alotie excepted. TIiai:l:lvlni I'roelar.iulioi;. Wasuinutox. L). C, Oct. 8. -i',y the President of the United Mates. Tho year which is drawing to a close has been fieo IVota pestilence, health has pre vailed throughout the land, abundant clops reward the labors of the husbandmen, fon. nier.o u.:d manufactures have been suocce.--fully prosecuted through their peaceful paths, the mines and forests have yiuided liberally, tho nation has increased in wealth, and its blessings have advanced every in tmvBt of the people in every part of the Union; harmony and fraternal intercourse restored and obliterating the marks of the past cjnliict and enstraiigetueut; burdens have been lightened, uiaans increased, civi' and rcligiuus liberty ure secured to every inhabitant of tho land, whose soil is to-day copied by none but freemen. It become 14 people thus favored to uiako acknowledge ment to tho Supreme Author from whom such blessings fluv, of their gratitude uud their dependenco to render praises and thanksgiving for tho same, and devoutly to Implore a continuance of God's mercies. Therefor.', I, Ulysses 3. Grant, Pre.-ideiit of tho United States, do recommend tha Thursday, (he 18th day if November next, be observed ns a thy of Thanlcglvlns nnd of piaisc and prayer to Almighty God, tho creator and the ruler of the universe. And second, I do further recommend to all the people &f the United States to assem ble on that day in their accustomed places of public worship, and unite it) the homage and praise duo the boun'.ilul father or all mercy nnd iu tervent prayers for the contin uance of the merciful blessings ho has vouchsafed to us as a people, fn te-ttimofy whereof . I havo hereunto set niy livid and caused the seal of the Uni ted State) to be (.Hived, this, the 5th day ol October, A. D.. .'s("!l, and of the Inde pead.'nce of the United Suites of America tho ninety-fourth. U. 8. Grant. 2y tlio President. II IMII.TO:," Fl.12. Secretary cf State CUriJ'ETS AND OIL LOTUS 1 JOT UECE1VKD, 'nmi nleo pattern?, at fl ltNITUllK STORE. COXJITJAL LOVE, and I lie ICappliicxx of True 71arilue I .ASSAYS for Totme Jl.n. un;tlie Krror-i, Ahuwi I and Jlisiases which destroy thu Manly I'oweni aud create lnppUiment of M AltlilAOK, wilh mire means or relief. Sent in sealed letter envelope rrce oretiarKr-. Address llo . yi!i , . :;o,. P., 1 hiladeli hia, l a. ecjit :3m. ' I'ae Klorrlann' (reiiuliio I'lno Tar und I'vrMlau (lenltuu Soap. These soai are Imprevinted with exotica of the e.'.iMest and niOHt Milsamic liuturo, and arc warrant -eJ perfectly innocent and free from mineral and oth cr iirn!c1nii9 admixtures, and are selected by the ladies and the public tn general In pri'ferei ee to all other soapa, as tlie in'eat producers and preservers of a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator of female beauty. For tbo aoftnosa and delicacy whii-h they Induce to the hands nud face, thcircapa bility of soothing Irritation and removing unsightly eruption', render them liulisptusibla to ovory toll i t. We kindly ask the public! to try tho virtues o ltio-ooap. J. L. II. JtCo., Proprietors. A D. Miller To , deiicrol Agents. juh.'J-Om. Sppclnl Notice. WJHDS OF WISDOM for young men, on the Knline; l'aa'ion in Youth and Early Manhood, with M:i.F ItKI. I for the en-ins and unf oi lunate, gen in sealed tetter envelopes, free ofcleirire. A ddress HOW A till ASSOCIATION Bjs P, Pillt.AliKl.rAIA i'A- J'.aySI, 3m I'loisr, I'cc.l jintl Grocery More ! .1. S. l'KATIIKRj At tlicOI.I) HANK ltrn.nixo, ON" MAIN-ST, i ;'.:o-ite the McCliuloek House, has on har.d n l. : ."and fl:t class stock of Flour,tVcori and (;: reei-le, which ho Is selling at a low fcriirc. t" Diu't forget the place nhe: A, 1). ( otto Ai Coinimny broke up. ':"oekcry all klu-l sin to ltEYNtM.DS i::;i)i)ltEAl) CO'S, No. 11 Centre "Jtiftt, oppo site t!w 1'ojt Otllce, O'.l City, l'a. Carpels, of every quiiMty and desrrlptinn, at ItEYXObU.". BKODIttt D .ft l")'S. No. 11 Centre ?tiv:-t, op.ios't ! the '. () Oil City, l'a. N E W A D YE UTIrf E M E N T.. po: SALE. A t "rin ef v.ilinble linniN ai-9 ntT r.-d f..r -). Iinpiire of Sim Illuuiuer. al t!v New York Mtai Msik.-t, r:-12:lw. pOIXD. m.ill. v'llt-" dm-. T-innVe at lie rtlife. Dw.1 "fin;; Ilou-e lir sab' Te.-'t'-e i f i itr rn::;::: )i;i). liitsoleil :o;j. 'J';:!: . !V.rtuerlM lie:eiofri! exlstin.- und. r I tli.. Ji i.i name of A it. Mill.- A- Co , ii thii di.v (1-. iH.-l t y inu'inl celKfMt Alt ,le.-r,ilnl ie"llli-' 1 e - -i:;u will bo se'.tlcl by M. S Shone i i a I I lie "'''"I M. S. SIM vonm 1 . .. i ei.t.o, Se;.t. Sd, O'.l. A. I). MI 1,1. Kit. Tl.e ropirt'-erhio heretofore exUtintr under the linn nan.e i f Wachter Co., is dissolved, and all i ar.:e. ii.Uel.loil to tle' llrni, are r'-qu.slr.l to .el llo si the I'M mind. I less Farm, or at I'ot. Centre, oimio nite the Ill ieU bunk. Jllli'llf II. O W (r:3N's iiali.. T'-1 -. Tf ill Is now ready for exhlletinnpi lei turea, Tho llnll h been relitled iWl e,i-"iiTli.-ied. .No pains and expense has bceu s;,r,rLJ to eial.e it a lli-st rl-ws SHOW BUILDING. On the first floor Is one or ihn heat Ititlbird Itoom in th place. Alt under one luaiue'emeiii n!' t LSVERY & FEED STABLES, ' V.'asIiniifJon S-'treet, opposite KicOet'tt iloiiNOj PETJiOLI'UM CENTRE, I'ENN'A. I have put in a good stoelt of nidlnjt nnd Pliving Horses, which I will let oil rensonablo terms. A No, Cullers, Wagon. Spilii? AViikoiin, IHilf-KS boarded and fi4 and best of care cnar an!ie.i. " J 'l 'J if A. SMAWLEY. CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire to inform Oil Op erators nnd the jml-lic generally that we are jrojnirel to receive orders for om- Champion Six Cutter Ileainer. This is wit limit doubt the moat jK iiect Ick1 for reaming that litis ever lieen in troduced, (live iw a oall ! rislirr, orris Co. IIII PIIi:.N K CAItlll tl.lA A Sue a;:ortmeot at l!'. parr-.f.-i v fou Tin: Fall Trade sew (;ooi)s WASHINGTON" ST., retroleum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST OPENED A I.AKfif av,, COMPLETE STOCK OK c FOREIGN & EOMESTIO ' For tho Fall Trad , oiii'ii-acin ; a VL.WK ALMW'AS, al.v:..- fun !.:: ;" voruss, sum ' 131 C'iil-Iiotr-, Oil Cloths, CIlillt.:, Calict):-, Piliislins, and ;t choice ti'ss'n'tmcnt ol LADIES AlVJ -GSHT5 rbii.i:jiiij!i'i liucjU), And ti!.-o a i-'o'i'i.1" as-nrlraeul of i I,. .'.'.'.' .'. very ih"iip. Our Iiue "i Alp n-n -and 1'oj. 1 1 ii Alpacas is tho finest und c!ie.'.p,i-t iu ll.j place. -pt!3:!f Tho Now York Meat Market! H W. I'AKKKlt have fitted u; u uo.v b.el'l . ItJLf on On -I:iiu sired, Opposite tin Mt'CliittcX'K House, And intend kcoin vhat IN.tloleinn C.lilre l.u lon' ne'jded, a tirat-claas ileat Market, only i!.j CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will Ik; kept. It will ho our nim tei g?rvp our rn loiMfrri willi iH-oiuptnu nutl to tht-ir entire Mtis fiicliun. roj).H::tf. II W. I'AIiKKK. Petrol'jji cha!t & AND RESTAURANT. SUTHERLAND & TAYLOR, PR0P' FRESH UA ALL T1IK1 i j s r i ? i j r.i;-i; imps ! rwe",l-k j.eooivou V'tiiii li Of mr. Wusliington Struct, Petrofcnm Centre, l'a., next door to la ham & Co.'s jewelry Store" Pay Itoarders accommod iterl, MeaU served all hours. Oyatera, and every dcBoriplion of itar.ic uinished quests. No tiilns will ho apared to accoinmodat tho Mho favor us with their patronage. El). KCTtlErtLAND. GEO. TAYI.OK. I'etioleiioi Centre, 8cDt, 11, "OD. tr. John O. 'Welcli, Seiicca-St., Oil i ity, l'a., Dealer In (aihhs. ISussi'll & ( o's Bin in-' nii:l Fisiiii; Tools, Innis' S'icker Rods, Driving Iipt', crrifk Irons, Grato urn, Ralanrc AVliopi & Pullit's, all aies, Mr eounec'lco with Meadvillc and Pit Utilise. I ouedrica i u"h that 1 ean gel out all kinds of t a'..:..;- ut hort order J n DRY GOODS I JOHN C. WELCH. C 1 I '.iy. Vwb. 17, lt-ol'.-lf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers