Petroleum Centre Daily Record. til. t.i'ittrc, ThW")i ct .-f. J-:. r. Jiditor. 'J'l.-no of flonlim OTalln. J'. O.. I'ETHOLISI f'KNTKE. PA , ) JULT iiVst, 1SB8. I Cntll fhrther notice the rnnlla will arrive at and depart from this office a follows: ATtRrVK. South and East, via. Irvineton. 10. IS A. M. Sooth aud West, " MendTlllo, D.1S 1. M. Worth and, " Oorry, 3 55 BEPAKT. Couth and West, 8.4S A. JI. Hotitt East and Won!, 4 -SO 1. M. North, East and Wcat, 10.00 A. M. lUvtno Servient. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. lYotiehimr at 11 o'clock A. M., nnl 1Z o'clock P. M. Rkt. J. T. OxTortT, Pastor. V.ETIIOPIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services every Pah'.afh at 11 A. M. and 7;J P. M. Sabbath School at9' A. M. cafe free. A cordial invitation extend ed to all. Rev. C. M. IlKABrt, Pastor. ST3. PETER 'AND PAUL'S '(Catholic) CHURCH. Mass nt ICI4 n. m. Vesper and Eenoliclion of. the Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2'p. m. JAMES DUNN. Pastor. Once around your clinched fist over tho knuckle joints is just the length of your foot. So says a female clerk who sells stockings. Sleeping on feather beds, or with the hands raised above the head, !b very liad for the lungs. So says a doctor of experi ence. A sorvant was askod why it was so diffi cult to wake bim up: 'Indeed, master, it's because of taking your ail vice, always to attend to what I am about; whenever I sleeps I pays attention to it.'' Insti.tino. Two of our citizens very properly arrested a man in the street this afternoon for insulting a lady ns she was passing along the walk. lie deserves severe punishment for his misconduct. The New Jersey cranberry crop this sea son in Ocean county alone is valued at 2.310,C0!). An acre of gojd cranberry land U dow estimated to be worth from ! Ofin to ft? ..Kin. Th demand In mui-tot is always in excess of I he supply. Well Uirxkd The well No. 59, Woods Farm, owned by Edwuid Fox, of this place, caught fire from benzine on Saturday niht last, and the derrick, engine house, ic., were totally destroyed. Mr. Fox is an esti mable citizen and a very wr.ithy man, aril we think Providence oust have made a mistake, nnd placed uiitfortuno where it does cot belong. The Election. The election is passing oil' very ciuielly in this precinct, nnd we benrof no particular exoitoment anywhere in the Township. Tbero will bo a much larger vote polled than was at first supposed in this Township. Tho interests of local candidates nra carefully looked alter, seem ingly without regard to tarty, but tho State tickets ure receiving tho party vote. Little iitttik was Jtaught ho was made of ilust. As ho stood by the window watching the dust as tho wind was whirling it in eddies, ho exclaimed, seriously, "Ma, I thought the dust looked as though there was going to be another little boy made." In the last illaesj of witty Goorgo Cola- uiuu, lue doctor being later than the time uppointed, apologized to his pationt, saying that 4ie had called to seo a man who had. luiieu uown a well. 'Did ho kick tie bucket, doctor?" groaned Coleiuun. Here is another deplorable result of mix lug water with wiiitky. "Some Kentucky uiBiiuers uoi naving stock with which to eed their slops poured them Into the Lick ing rivor, whereupon all tho fish went 00 a spreo. Multitudes or them Wore bo intoxi cated, that they renounced cold water for ever and wont staggering about on dry land." baturday evening two largo buildings iu tho rear of tho University of Hochesten New York, containing tho laboratory, work uhops aud private uiiuuralogical, zoological uud other cabiuets of Piol. Henry Ward, tud his plaster cast molds, wero destroyed ty tiro, ilost if not all of the zoological cabinet was saved, comparatively uuinjured. The mincrulogical cabiuet was burned. Tho valuo of the wholo is estimated nt $110,000; insurance between $jo,000 uud $l(l,l;0. The large cabinets sold by the Professor lo tho Utiiversity are safe. An Iowa editor bolls the regular tickst. lie declaies that he '-will not support lo KepriK'ntatlve a man who is a whisky cartel in tho morning aud a buml of whi4 at night. A CiRiors WiM.. Elizabeth A. Berry, a colored woman who bos been quite exten sively known in this city as a fortune teller or "wise woman," died not many days ago leaving a will which is curious in the de tailed instructions given by it relative to tho manner nnd stylo in which she desired to be buried. The instrument reads, in part, as follows: "When I nra prepared for the grave, my resting place, I wish to be dressed in citizen's clothes. I wish to bo dressed, in every respect, as I would lor the street. Two rings upon my fingers; car rinjjs in my ears; white silk stockings; Congress gaiters of tho best material; white kid gloves.'' After Borne further details relating to under clothing the will proceeds to diiect that tho best bl nek silk dress of the deceased shal' be plaoi-d upon her person, with no cap up on her bead, but a "tasty head-dress'' in stead, and that sho shall be buried iu Forest Lawn Cemetery, with six carriages at the luneral. and with no "undue weeping'' on the occasion. Tbo lutter injunction was probably complied with, as tho deceased left no nearer relatives to mourn her death than a step-sou, living at a distance, to whom most of her littlo property (about $12,000 in amount) was bequeathed. Buf falo Express. A Curiosity. Tho best evidence that something is going to happen is that souie already has happened. Whether it portends another eclipse, an earthquake or tho mil lenium we are not upprised, but nicely boxed up on our table is a pair of small eggs joined by un integument and oae egg ot very di miuulive dimensions, all of which are said to have been laid at 0110 time, by a hen be longing to Jits. Sarah Wulker, at Harbor creek. Wno was present at the ceremony, so as to vouch for the odd little eg;, our in formant does not state. The recent tluctua tion in the price of gold probably call ed the convulsion that so disarranged the in ternal economy of tho hen, the cllect 0 which was the wonde:ful phenomena de scribed. Eric Disjxiich. A scieutilic coiiespoudeut says: The' Led gor gives ono of the true causes of the late storm and flood, uamely, "The action ol the sun and moon, wnen in conjunction anil near tho time of the equinoxes producing high tide3, which back up the descendin water." Close observation, for yeais, sat!. Qes tne writer that wheu several plaaeis, especially the larger ones, are in conjunction with the sun aud moon, as nt new and full moon, and when the moon is uearest the earin, u uu tho huu 01 uotuuei tuat these are tiiu periods oi stoi:n high tides, auroras, meteors, increased mug nelic aud electrical intensity of the eariii, aud also of eariuquakos aud eruptions. The tnird of .November uuJ December next are suutl Jl' peliuds. Farer petucuals have cunie w.U fashion in England. Iu uiimufactunn' ihem uiniifo ment U blended wiih comloi t in a very uigh degree. A dealer iu tlio article inserts this advinisetu' lit iu t'io London papers: 'iludamo Percales begs leave to cull tho at tention of ladies about to visit the seaside, to her new and richly embroidered paper petticoats at one sbilliug each. Each petti coat coutaius an installment of a ccw novel of great domestic interest, by Anthony Trol lope, entitled "tucks or trills." Tho story will be completo in fifty weekly petticoats." The following was posted on the door ot tho Ludlow Church, la Hertfordshire, some time back: "This is to give notico that no peisou is to be buried iu th." church-yard but those living iu the parish. Those who w:sb to be buried are desired to apply to me, Ephraiui Grub, parish clerk." Tins Itui.ixu Passio.v. Wife: "Now. George, do try and seo the editor of tho Juui nul, aud tell bim my dress is a peach- bluBsoin; the last time he called it a mauve' Everybody wears mauve." Husbaud: "Yes. level It' you see bim before I do, tell bim bo forgot to mention my new dress coat lust time, and to make amends, to mentlou that I have on a new pair of drawers to-night-red Canoe!. " A learnt d lady, tho other ovuniug, aston ishod the company by asking for the "loan of a diminutive urgentitie truncativo "cone, convex on its summit, and semi-peiftrated with symmetrical indentations." She waul ed a thimble. A lollgate keeper waB brought he- (oro u magistrate for cruelty to his daughter. The trouble arose from a discuvery that the girl, who was frequently loft iu charge, used to allow Imr swootbeart, a young butcher, to drive his waaou through free. Alas, "she never tolled- her love." "The hog may uot bo thoroughly posted in arithmetic; but wheu you como to a square ruot he is tlieie tho bog is." A c.eutleman rodo up lo a public hoiifo iu the country uud asked: ''Who is the master ol this house';" "1 um, sir," replied the landlord; "uiy wife hub boeu dead alou' tlirjc Weeks" TELEGRAPH REPORTED FOK THE DAILY RECORD, Afternoon Dispatches riltI.ADKI.PBIA. Sept 11. The recent, freshet so tilled the locks Of th Schuylkill Navigation Co., at lair mounl, as to render them impassable. The consequence was that a large number of boats collected. This aftornoon two prize fights took placo on these, tho first between two negroes for $25 a side, and tho s -cond between two boatmen to decide tho merits of rival fire companies. The police arrested the lour parties implicated. Tbo Bcientilio French weaWier prophets predict a wintor of unusual severity. Tho signs in this country point in the same di rection. Com has aa unusually heavy coat of husks, and tbo birds are molting earlier than usual. Why are sheep the most dissipated ani mals in creation? Because they gambol in their youth, spend most ol their days on tho turf, tho best of them are blacklegs, and they are sure to be fleeced at last. A man and woman arrived at a hotel In Cincinnati, and asked i( they bad any 'marry. ing facilities' about the house. They were soon spliced, when the man told the clerk to change the register, nnd put them iuto one room, with flrst-rato sleeping utensils, as they were both mighty sleepy. The safo of the Duchess County Mutual Iasnranca Company, at Poughkoepsie, New York, was Mown oyen by burglars on Satur day morning, nnd robbed of about sixty thousand dollars in coupon bonds and mort gages. ThanUnslvitig Proclamation. Washington, 0. C, Oct. 8. By the President of the United Mates Tho year which is drawing to a close has been free from pestilence, health has pre vailed throughout the land, abundant crops reward the labors of the husbandmen, com merce and manufactures havo been success fully prosecutej through their peaceful paths, the mines and forests bnve yielded liberally, the nation has iucre.ined in wealth. and its blisinK.J have advanced everv in terest of the p '(iph) in every put of the Union; harmuuy and fratern il intercourse restored and obliterating the ranks of tin naatoullict and enstrun :omeut: burdens navo been lightened, in 'una increased, civil iiul religious li'vr'y ant secured to every inhabitant of the lnul, whose soil is to-d.iy peopled by none but freemen. It becomes x people llim fivoieJ tn mafco acknowledge. uient to the Supremo Author from whom such ulesrilngil flow, of tucir xratifud.) unci Ihuir depeudeiico to render praises nnd thanksgiving for the same, and devoutly to implore a continuance of God's mercies. Thereforo, I, Ulys.ies S. Grant, President of tho United States, do recommend that Thursday, tho 18th day of November next, bo observed as a diy of Thanksgiving nnd of praise and prayer to Aliui 'hty God, the creator and tho ruler of the universe. And second, I do further recommend to all the people of the United Stutes to assem ble on that day in their accustomed places of public worship, and unite in tho homago and praise due tho bountiful father of all mercy and in fvrvent prayers lor tbocontin- uanco of the merciful blessings be has vouchsafed to us as a people. In testimopy whereof I havo hereunto set my baud and caused the seal of tho Uni ted States to bo affixed, this, tho 5th day of October, A. D., 1809, and of tbo Inde pendence of the United States of America . the ninety-fourth. U. S. Chant. Dy the President. Hamilton Fisu. Secretary of Stuta. CAItlTS AND OIL ( I.O l filH I JUttTKCEIVKD, nm nlco jmttcrns, nt Tllli FUIiNl lLUK STORE. CO,rtXJAIi iiOVR. and ttio BfapplucKS of Vrtio ?Tnrrlat;c IlSSAYS ftjr Vouni; Men- oifche Krrora, Aihi j and Uifliik'Rsf nliicTi (lf'lrny the Munly liwjra au'J eruate impwliraini of MAItlU.UiK, with sure means of relief. Hcut in m'alod Idler PiivehipBsfrt'O ofclmre. Adtlretw Ilowaitl - t ti'in, R, rhllndelphin, l'a. hti :3m. V'mo Morrlaou'ii Genuine I'Juo Tar and Persian Healing Soups. These soaps are imprefrnnted with exotic of t!e mihl't and mont II ilsamlc nature, and are warrant ed porfecily innocent and free frum mineral and nth or purnlcions admixtuivs, and aro selnrted by the ladltM and the ptihlic in yenoral in pivfm-i ce ti all oliKT ffoflp, HHtho ureal producer.- and prfiiirvcru uf a hfalthy purity of eiimplexion. and a eonaervahtr of ffinulu I'l-iuty. Kir the yo!'t!n-;-i and ilmioary wlii.'h t!,cy i!)un e to tho hand.- and Tire thulrnapa hility of soothing frntation nnd r- movit.g imllitly eruption., render them liidisptiirdlili; lo every toil et. We kindly uaU the public to try the virtues o theosoapH. J. L. II. t('o.t Proprietors. A. 1. Miii-:- Co . Oaural Aeiita. jul2-Cm. Npoclul Notice. W HtS OK WISDOM forviHine; men, on the Rullni! Paloti 111 Youth ami E;ir!y Manhood, Willi SELF IIF.I.f fur the errlna mid unfortunate. Sen in willed letter envelope;, free ofctinrire. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION' B t I Piiilaiiklpai a I" a. liny 91, nm Xew Flour, Feed mill Grocery Store ! J. S. riCATIIHIl, At tho OLD BANK Itl'II.DINO, ON MAIN ST, opposite the McClintork House, has on band a luge and (list class stork of Inur,I-'col and ;ro'Orle, which lie l soiling at a low fluuro. Don't foraut the place wlinro A, V. Cotto A Company broke up. Crockery For nil kinds so to liUYNOLDS 1IUODHEAD A CO'S, No. 11 Centre (-tree!, oppo site tho Tost Office, Oil City, I'a. Carpets of every qnsllty nnd description, at REYNOLDS, IIltODIIBAD CO'S, No. 11 Centre Stroct, opposite, tho P.O., Oil City, I'd. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOK MA I.E. A team of vslnnblc horura r offered for sale cheap. Inquire of Sam Bloomer, nt the Now York Meat Maiket, oetl2:lw. 01 NO. A small, white dopr Inquire t this efftcp. JfOIt SAL.E. Dwelling House lor sale Inquire, of lw. ' JAMES KUTHEREOUD. Dissolution. rillTF. Co Partnership existing under I tho fl :in name of A D. Miller Co . Is this day Hi.jr,lv...l l.w niiiln ,1 enrwnt All ftrroltntfl HK-UMt the late linn will be settled liyM. S Simmons nt the old Mind M.S.SIMMONS, I'eU Centre, Sept. 2d, 'CO. A. D. MIM.Elt. issoi.trriON. rheenn.irtnershln heretofore cxiiine tinder the Arm nnniA nf Wnehti-r Co.. is illisolvrd, nnd "U panics to ih flnn, nrc reminded to sritle si i ne em sin mi, iit-ss r in in. i vi. . ""- , t I' aitu the brick bank. jiliillf II. C. W. A KIN'S II AM,. T) ' Illl is now ready fur theatrical rliilvtionsii rotirrrts. ievtnres, sc. i no iia i n-is -,i renu'-u and strengthened. No pains nnd expense has been spared to make It a first class SHOW BUILDING. On tV.o firrt fl'r one of tho lwn Tlillinril.Koom in ttiu pUun.'. Ail wulir one itiutingcmuut n2yt, " - RsMs Oil M Pics Wsr'ss" Iiijas. :;tj;soN & i'O., Corner of Seneca and Centre Pis, cast side of Oil Creek. Oil City, Pa. Ilnvin:: aiUJeil a powernd Stnnni KmMne nod threv 1:1 T-r E. v't'l i to i:r.v !reii'jy cxtt-n-'ive i'.itii::".ir Hiring' 10itill.t-li:-!;'iit, nr. nnv, pfi'p;ire.I tn ilia!: llic n-':es..aiy wylk, ,u lUtlu up, and up..imir; KN"TXF.S. iiOTi.rcns. 1P.ON TANKS. K K V I N i N Gt M A C 1 1 1 N C 11 Y, COI'PKR V. OUM3 AND STILLS, OIL WliLL TOOLS AND KITTINCS '-f 'do'all Maehtnerv .lob Work cntmsted tons wi!h nentiu-s and disuatr-n auu '.times NEV HARDWARE STORE nKATIJJG AND COOKING STORES ! In largo variety. TABLE AND POCKET C utlery! SHELF HARDWARE.' HOUSE FUMKHINS GrQI3S. LAMPS.LANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. PJASLS APJD IRON Wooden Ware, &c. For sale CHEAP 1 At the atore Tonnerlv oreupiefl by Rnrclifie'd and Ca.iterlino. (ill, CITV. I'A. - .n tii;s it. uuutiiE. Oil fity, Jan. 4, 16i)!l if. HV.O. II. ItlSKMi A; CO., TH .A. 1ST EC IE ' IR. S , PETKOIXL'.n CKSTUKi l'A. G. II. Iilssell, M. C. Srarliu Christopher Meyer. V?e ofler onr mmiw for the trnnfactlon of a OKVRHM. HANKING, EXC'UANGK mid COL LKCTKtN HIWINKiiS. Anv hulne liiitraatedto our cara will receive pruini.t alteiitioll. jul7 tr. T NTi:lSNA'l'iN AI. IIOTIX, MIM.EH JOHN 13. ROWR, KARM, pa. Prop'r. Cood iifciininioilHtious for trnnaient eustonier!. Duy Hoard mid ltonnl Willi rooms on reiiBiinalple t.-.rnir. Tlie prnprietnr will spore no palui to make his House attractive to gium. juue2 tf FOK THIS Fal! Trade WASHINGTON ST., Petroleum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST OPENED A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP FOREIGN & I0MESTIG DRY GOODS, For tho Fall Trade, embracing a full Lino BLACK ALAPAt'AS, POPLIX ALAPCAS. POPJ.!X., SILKS SHAWLS, Carpet CtllitMH a..s( irtu s, Oil Cltitlw. CI lllltf?, , iUllsllUS, usiit of clui'ro LADIES Mil) FUBSBMl! la And a!?on rlmlee as.ort:nent of I'LAN.N'i'. very cle a;. Our Line if Alp-icis nnd I'n lin Alpacas is the finest and c' in t!.e placa. eptl3:if Tho New York Meat Market! n V. PAKKfiil have flttud up a no.v huili , in;; on On 2Iain Htrcet, Opsititc Ots -llrClintorK IIoiini", And Intend keeplnu what Petmlemn Centre lw lunir neuded, a nrit-clnaa Meat Market. Only tlio CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will he kont. It will ho onr aim to .rve our nis tnmera with proinptaess and to their enilrn sntis fuctlon. . soptllMf. II W. PAUi.I.I- 1'ctroPm cliaiig( i AND RESTAURANT. SUTHERLAND & TAYLOR, PROP'.' FRES1I OYSTERS ! Received DAILY! ALL TIIEJ LUXURIES! OF TI1E SEASON". Wnsliiugton Street, Petroleum Centre, Va., next door to Ulurai i -'" ? Jjwelry 14lorr Hay Hoarders nccommndited. Meals W""'''!LC all hours. . Dystein, aud every UeBoi ipUon oi y urulnlied i;nest,i. No pilns will ho ipared to nccomroodat tho who favor us with their patronage. ed. sr-rn liiuANn. geo. tavi.ok. retr drum Centra. Sent. 14, '60. tf. John O. "Welch, Scneca-St., Oil City, la,i Dealer in Cibbs.KiissflltJiLCVsBttriii?: and Fishing Tools Innis' Sicker Rods, Driving Pipe, ratc orricU Iron") ;irs, Itiilaiice Wlu-ei all size, Mv ennneetlon with Meadvillo d ''''min o limiidriui Is aneh Mint I ean J5et out all m" (.'nstinns at short order , , .KHIN C llf" j um Cdl CHy, Kel' IT, IM -tr