DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL i -'' .n-.U'-MU.1 ' J MMMiW iMPWIIMHIli W i I 1 1 troleum Centre Daily Record. I'M. tfllllc, ivsoti. ni. .Oct. 11. .-1. 7;'. J'A J , JX.i tor. Time of - onl it c r'InflH. 1". I)., Pktromu-m :jtT'. Fa., I , .Iti.v Stt. Hh. ( itil further notiro the maiui will arrive at and irl from this otlico n follows: g uth and T.. vtn. Irvire-ton. 10. 'S A.M. mill and V-V t. " Mcndvilie, 5.1." ' M. . orth ami East, " Cowry, 2.35 .. " T? nri'AiiT. nittll and West- "-46 A. M. in:!. Kat mid West, 2 "0 1'. M. orth Kant mid Wert. 10 0" A. M. liivlno service. I'RESBYTKUI AN CHURCH. 4 'reaching at 1 1 o'clock A. M., will 7,'j lock I'. M. l Rev. .ft T. Ostomy, Pastor. 5TIIOPIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH! Services every Sabbath (it 1 1 A. M.' nnn ; P. M. Sabbath School aiOlj A. M. nts free. A cordial invitution exlend lo all. 1 Rev. C. SI. IIkahd, Pastor. 'S. PETER 'AND PAUL'S (Calholio) CHURCH. .Maps at inj.4' a. m. Vesper and ISctio'liclion of, the- i;ie6sod icrament at 4 p. ni. Catechism at 2ji. m. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. Fourteen buildings wore burned in Osh ish. Wis., Thursday evening. Loss, $20, )0; insured for flS.tmt). The Jamestown, N. Y., fall race?, come T this week on tbo 13tli, 14.li and 15th .StS. Reituucaxs Attention- The Repul) can Club of Petroleum Contra will meet lis evening at the Oil Exchange Hotel. ii't there be a full turu-out, an business of nportuuee is to bu transacted. By order Com, PKMoi itATic; Cub MkkTino Tc-nhhtt. 'ho Democracy of Petroleum Ceutro will .saemble this evening in Sohel's Opera louse, lor tlio piirpixie of transacting im- lortant business, dipt. Gray and W. C Mummer of Tilusville, will address the oyot.ir.jj- New Time TAiti.s. A new time tnblo ?ent into effect on tlio O. C. & A. K. U ;i!bii)uluy. T!ie down passeng-r 'ruins ; cave Petroleum Chue8:l5a. in., 1 ;'irt p. n ,8:43 p. m. Up trains, (passoiiiiei ) touve ,ho Centre 11:15 a. lu., 7:37 a. in., and 3:50 p. m. HoitsK Tj!M:f Caiuiit. Last night a man named J-ldward Wilbor, who until Saturday ntg'it last had been ill tho employ of Oo. W. King, butcher in this place, went to the stable of his former employer (King i in rear of his nia-ket. nnd liarn-ssed up his horse, hitched it to bis single buggy, and drovo out into thostioet, and coming down Main street, when about opposite Windsor Pros. omr.v Tir. Ambrose. Weaver, of the Central House, who was passing, recognized the horse and bugy 113 tllu PFrly pr Mr- K" am Mr. W. inirn edintely went to Mr. King uml gave information, which upon investi gation was found to be true. Officer Kinuoy and onu or two others immediately went in pmsffit on horseback, and overhauled the young man at Fnnkvillo, where, seeing he was going to bo caught, jumped from the buggy and made tracks on loot. The horse went through the creek and ran up the bank bn the opposite side, doing souio dam- u-n in th buuj:v. Wilbor secreted himself in the yard of a private residence, where ho was discovered by Officer Kinney and brought hack to this place, and tli3 morning ho was examined before Squire Donaghy ami hold and was taketi to Franklin to-day. TbiS Wilber had been in the employ of Mr. King but a few days, a.iJ during this timo had stolen from the drawer in the mar ket, sums of money, and in ten days advan ced in his profession from stealing five ceut pieces to driving oil' a horse and buggy. ru.UUI OllC'HAHl) 1'OKTT - FlVB MlI.KS Long. George F. Akers, or Nashville, who is at present on a visit to Virginia, wrilus to :i friend in Nashville, from Petersburg! liiat, '-tbo breastworks in front of Peters burg thrown up by the Confederates durinsr tho lute war, extending to the lelt toward Richmond about twenty miles, and to tho light about twenty-live miles for the de fense of the city have grown up in a contin uous line bl peach tiers of every variety, yielding an abundant crop the present year. This is tbe only legacy left by the Conk-de rates who were on the advance line within one hundred yards of tlio enemy. Having eateu the fruit while on picket duty they cast tbe seed aside, ami now they appear in one continuous lino ot forty-live miles in beautiful trees, yielding the greatest variety of the tiuest fruit." Forrest begins his unnunl starring next week nt Alb -.ny. tour Peabody intends to paa the winter in the South of Frnnce. , Abbott will lecture this winter on "prance and Her Emperor." ,T. Ross Browne's Chinese revelations will all end in pig tales. General Braxton Bragg lias returned from Canada to tho South.'. K Is Wasblmrne, late Minister to Paraguay in England, making a book. , Tho Princo Napoleon is now studying Ciesar with Napoleon's commentaries. Barmuu's autobiography P. T. 'tis, but 'tisn't true." -Veio York HorW. Pedro liattista, once tho tenor of LaScale, grinds a hand-organ in New orfc. The Lelaiul Brothers are reported to have mi'.do $100,000 by their Saratoga season. Motto for New York financiers: "All is uol Gould that glitters." Especially not in Fisk al matters. AM ra. MoDonald is editress of the Coming Woman Department of the Crawl'ordsvillo, Indiana, -Journal. A poor, thoughtless old gentleman, Eat down the other day on the spur of tho mo ment, llisiseream" were Irightl'ul. Here is a literal translation of n poik butcher's sign in a French provincial city : 'Batta, junior; slaughters bogs like his father." A moitiug sermon being preached in a country church, all fell to weeping except one man; who, being asked why he did not weep with the rest, said: "Oh, I boloBiii another parish." Troupe Death op Ci.auk Ewixij Tho Titus. i;le papers announce tho death of Clark Ewing, osri., of that place, who expired yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tho deceased was a young lawyer of celebrity in this section arid in his death the bur of Crawford county lose an eminent uiomber. This evening the Funny Horrin porlorm in Oil City; at Kousevillo the 12th and 13th; at Tidiouto tho Mill and 15th, aDd at Corry on Saturday evening tho 10th. TiiniikHKirlnW I'roolninatlou. Washington, D. C, Oct. 8. By the rrtsUlent of the VnUtd Stales. Tho vear which is drawing to a close has been free from pestilence, lieulth has pre- vailo 1 throughout tho land, abundant ciops reward the labors of the husbandmen, com merce and manufactures have been success fully prosecuted through their peaceful paths, the mines nud forests have yielded liberally, tho natiou has increased in wealth, and its blessings have advanced every in terest of the people in every part of the Union; harmony and Iraternal intercourse watered and obliterating the marks oi the past conilict nnd enslrangcifte; burdens have been lightened, means increased, civil hihI religious liberty are secured to every inhabitant of the land, whoso soil is to-day peopled by none but freemen. It becomes a people thus favored to uiako acknowledge, ment to the Supremo Author from whom such blessings How, of thoir gratitude and tlmir dependence to render rralses and thanksgiving J'or tho enme, and dev'ovUly to implore a continuance of God's mercies. Therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant,' President of tho United States, do recommend that Thursday, the ISth day of November next be observed as a day ot Thanksgiving and of praise and prayer to Almighty God, tho creator and tbo ruler of the universe. And s.'cond. I d.) lurther lvcoiunumd to all tho p.-opleol the United Stales to asseui hie. on that day in their accustomed places of public' worship, and unite in tho honing' and nrai.'o duo the boun'.ilul lather of nil mercy and in fervent prayers hr thocoiitin uanco of Iho uiereiiul bletaitigs ho has vouchsafed to us us people. In leslinidl'V whereof 1 have hereunto sr. my hand an l caued tho seal of tho Uni ted States to bo uSIxi-d. this, the 5th day of October, A. D., 1S..:0. and of the Inde peiuU-nce of tho Ualtud Slates of America tho uiuety-foiuth. U. S. Giiaxt. By ths President. Hamilton i i.iit. Secretary of State, 1 I FOltTIlK Fall Trade Mitt WOODS, KEW GOODS, ' Vacation. -T he Presbyterian olmrch so ciety of this place, has consented io give its pastor, Rev. J. T. Oxtoby, a vocation of three weeks, during which time the church will be cloecd, and will undergo a thoiougb renovation and some repairing. Tho pastor will ppend his vacation among old aesociatcs in his former borne, and no doubt will re turn with renowod vigor to hiB duties. Th church, under bis pastorship, has grown in ' prosperity, and the society, every member, wish their beloved pastor a pleasant visit and a sale return. John SVffleld, tho athlete, was severely Injured ut the Conneautvillc Fair on Friday lust. lie was pertonniug his teals upon tf.e track-, and had run ftis mile, and was en gaged in wi';ing I'.is hajf mile liack-.vurds, when ho oai-.ie in co!li.iio:i with a hunt uii'l carriage on tho truck, the ilriv.ir not observ ing hUiiti time to turn out or warn him of ins danger. Tno thill struck Mr. SLu-f.ield on tho loiver part of the spine, knocked him violently forward on bis (ace, in wmcn po sition both wheels of the uuggy passed over his body lengthwise. It was thought f:om tho force with which he was struck Uml his injuries must prove fatal, but forma jiely though seriously ho is not dangiu-oucly uuri. lie susUined u severs contusion on me iower part of ilio spifto, caused by tho tbilt, a bad cut on tho b&ck of tbo bead and one over the lo.t eye, winlo thektn was broken in upwards of twenty places oa his body and limbs. A rsnn being awakened by tlio captain of a passenger boat, with tbo announcement that he must not occupy his berth with his boots on, very considerately replied, "Oh, it won't hurt em; they're an old pair." It is fn'ul that Bayard Taylor will retire from the tilRure Ud at tho cli.so of the present sealati, and devote himself iifnc- J. BAM, WASHINGTON ST., Petroleum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST- OPENED A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCli OF FQREISN & EOMESTIC L i GOODS, For tho Fall Trado, embracing a full Lino BLACK ALAVACAS, roniN ALAVCAS. . r0FLlX. SILK1 Li or. al rVoilees. DAKPKT: A"il OHj rjts I 1USTKECEIVKD, S'-me nko pnt'eriH, nt JI - TlIKFUltNilUliiiSTOHE. firth exoliii-wly to litfi-atiiM. Ho begins his far-.-v,oll courfo at Cii..eii:uati'ahout tho b-riuiiing of November. An indulgent lather urged an indolent son lo ri:-. 'i''rji-y.-yv," said he, '-t ;at l-ie -arly 'ilid C4tcii03 the worm." -Wliat da I cure for worm.??" gvowlc! Ilia youth, '-mclh-er won't let me go I'f'uivg." ' aue5 tiio 2:tiji!iesii of Truo Marrlnce j.i.a'-'s ; Vt .-..:-ll.i-. I'll I ri l ii'- n.e.uH u!' : ot char.-;.!. l-liiaiJulj.' Men trilii Rrnirs. Alm-W ..v'.iK-ii d-j.-it:-!. tin: M itlly l'ot.v:e ti..m.uf ll.ili'.Sl .n:, with sure Seie u sei;o 1 lvt.i-i- i.-e. elui o-lYee Jli.-.varJ clati'.r, 1'., Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes, Calicos, -Muslins, aiuT'ti oliice aiisoi'traciit of LABI S3 "GENTS ; iiSJilsiiiliib bl :1a, I'a. 'Ot. The Ei.kctiox To-Mounow. Tuesday, October 12tb, (to-morrow) Is election day in tho Stuto of Pennsylvania. There seems to bo lilllo excitement, hs far us the State Tickots arc concerned, there Jieitig as much apathy in one party as the other. Tbe ri val candidates on our County and Township tickets, however, are exceedingly active. which, will serve to swell tbo vote on the Slate lickcl3. In Cornplnnter Township thorn aro threo tick.ets in the field, two Deuiocratio and one Republican. Tbero is but ooo Republican and one Democratic county ticket. . Pretty girl to Charles "Charles, bow fai ls it around the world? Isu't it twenty-four tuou " Charles -who adores pretty girl nnd puts both arms around her "That is aU u mistake, uy love, it Is only about twenty-four inches." She was ull tho world to him. , "Dear Charley." A PariB newspaper states that the num- bor of messages which passed over the Vieneh Atlautio cable ilurini the week ending September 18th was 547, the cable charges on the saino being 83,075 fraucs. In tbe previous week tho messages numbered ' 478, and tho earnings were 25,700 francs. Compositors frocjuently niaiio singular . blunders. ' A luto number of the Chicago Evening Post says: Tbe distinguished typo who made this column say yesterday that theeniues had "washed 147 houses," when the copy read "worked 147 hours," has hud his wages raised. Ingenuity shall not go unrewarded In this o&Qa. A stabbing affray occurred at Sharon on Sundaywhich may result in the death ot a young man named Carmody. Ho was struck wiih a knife in tbo ahdom.n by a mau named McKoe, inflicting a wound four inches long and deep enough to scrape, the intes tines. McKee is it dangerous character and was committed to jail. He has already served ono term in the Sing Sing Peniten tiary, O'.e term nt the Dry Tortugas, and one'term In tho Allegheny Peniteutiary. Mr. Friguet, an agent of the Rothschilds, is expected in Washington shortly. Mr. &. comes here, it is stated, to tender on the part of I Im famous bankers, a loan to any nvtiuit. r.lr rrovcrnmont may desire. This voluntary action on tbe purl ot tho liuths Cuilds, is said to have been promptel by the discovery that certain Germiu capitalists were contemplating offering our government a loan at four per coot. Mr. Frignot is said to be authorized to makeo Jume proposi tion. j v- Extioguishing a lighted coal oil lamp by blowing down the chimney is very apt to be attended with fatal conseqtn-nc . On Thursday of last week a Mrs. Eckforl, of Carroll county, Md., uudertook to extinguish tho Uamo of a lamp by thu. uhoee noted means, when the oil exploded imd set firu to bur clothing. Sho was so badly thutshe died tho next evening. A traveler stopped at an tun in a neigh ! orlng viliuco, and fujdiug the landlord and laudle.dy (i'.ilu j'.. cried out: "Hallo, who Uaeps this" house?" "Trip-wile replied: "Thai'a.just what we are trying to decile.' A Quaker of Bloomington, Indiana, who observed, his wile lurking in a', tho kitchen window while ho was embtacing the servant girl, thus ndJTessed her: "Betsy, moe nnu beter quit peeping, or thoj will make a dis turbance In the family." A lady was urged by bur friends to marry a widower, and as an argument they cpoke. of his two beautiful children. "Children, replied the lady, "are liko toolh picks a person wants her own." Some ono has beautifully said, "The wutor that flows"rom a spring, does not congeal iu winter, and thoso sentiments of Iriendship wbch flow from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity." About seven o'clock Monday evening the Union Pacific Railroad carpenter shop and car shop at O.n ihn, the latter a Hue brick structure! were burned lo tho ground. Loss about $30,000. Many of tho workoien lost valuable tools. fee Firr-Jm!ii'.- tiemitiio i'iac Titi an" S'.ere.'an Hoaiius Son:. T'cc.e , nic h:i;.r 'znait a ivi.il es'. tie of Uif ni'ldest ui'ii m-)t Till- i-.-i'' nam. Mid an .varmut "J perfectly lua'i .-ent iin.l rV f.-.)m lai, oral nndjUli el-pBi tii.'.io'.m fl 1 e.-;tiii-i-rt, eiel nre paijeKd ly I tic ladies and I'e.e ;.ul,'.!c in g-;ie al in pi-.'i'erei c.2 to nil otlici- S'tnrn, ants.? L'i-er.t ;no:i'.-e.---. and prervei-H of a b.-allhr P''V uf e.iae,,'.'x:oi:, and n coiisev at r ot rc-aiai-j t)'v:ly. F-T Iho o'ltierl ulld doticaey vliie.h they inaiK-s to 111", hands nnd tucp. their enpa blllry of snialiieg irritation An a.nvirg i'.npiglilly minion", render them liidtspinJI.;'.- to every loll et. vr l,;i.ly nsl; tiie fitlilie to try the virt-aei o !liCX01!.8. " .1. b. 11. A f'o., l'l';:rietci'S. A. D. ,Viir A Co , Ccneral Agents. juli!!-3m. And al'oa i-!rien awortmimtnl FLANXKS, very cheap. Our Lino of Alp ic -.s and Pop lin Alpac-is is the tiuest and cheap.)! in tho place. septl3:tf ' Npeetnl Motlce. AV-iFDS Ol? WISDOM fur young men, on the Kullag Tan-Ion in Youlh and Ear y Itlanhood, with Isl.ti- lit',1. 1' for tlio erring und unf ortunaLe. Hen in w-atod lertrr e-nve'iojies tree orclun-ge. Address HOWAUD ASSOCIATION B is 1', 1'.iii,aiiei.paia Pa. . !aySl,3ni Ths New York Meat Market ! Hi W. fAKKl ' ! havo fitted up a now- build . iagoa On iluin Klrcct, Opposite llic ""iiCUistock J1ohc4 And l.it.'iid keeping what PotmliMim Centre has li.ng iiei-di d, a rlrstrflniis Meat Market. Only tho CM0IQEST AND BEST MEATS will be Lent. It will be our nlm to servo bur cus tomers with promptness and to thoir entire satis- '''"'''"'Ulilgr. H W. FAKKEH. burned Kcw Flour, led ami Grocery ,T. S. J'KATMfif", AtthnOI.D liniLOIKO, ON MAIX-ST, ojiposilo the MnCihitoek Ilonsp,-l:as on liand n hue and 11. -t ela;s ttm't of flattr,Vced and CJi-oer-rlOfc, v.-ii'eli lie Is Hctllr-tt at n low fig-are. llon't forcet tho placa w here A, 3). Uotto tt ("oatpany hroUe up. i-etrl'is.i changt loan AND RESTAURANT. SUTHEfiLAND & TAYLOR, PROPT :r,e.eryir all kinds gr t ) 1!KY.''LT3 lt'.;'Hi!i:,:) & C VS,No.ll CoutroHtruot, oppo 1. ii tha l'o a O!r!co, Oil jf, l'. At Vinceunus, Indiana, a few days ago, a mother was trying to forco hut- child to toko a dose of pills, nnd In its struggles agaiuat swallowing them, one of them enter, ed ils windpipe, utid it died io a few mo rn e nts. Miss Uatcman gets $2,GU0 per week, whih would support a husband handsomely, il he inly thought eo. Tlio pastorand flock ol'St. Joseph'sChurch, Erio, have got up a little "onpleasantnoss nmar.g themselves, which resulted on the 7th, in seventeen lambs being held lo bail to answer charges of dtsoidorly conduct wilhiB tbo sacred precincts of the church edifice. Eleven of the number ar.v of Iho female persuasion. Even French wbinen tire disagreeablo to ono another sometimes. The other day, two '-dearest friends" were iu conversation. 'My dear," said tho eldest, "do you know that your husband told ma last night that my cheeks wore like roses!" "Yes, love, I know lie did. lie Bj-oke of it uftorwimH and paid it was a pity they were yellow roseiji . A somewhat unusual scene oeeuired iu tho Ilarrishnig Pulce Court the other day. A man was Inought up for souu petty oil. nee, cjtifes:iad that he was u t-'ave to drink and wished to reform, and tho magistrate called upon u clergyman pieseut to pray lor him. Prayer .& lu-L-ordiug'y niored. (Vtrpoti, or every quality nnd description, ftt UUVNOLDs:, B'tODlIKAO & IM'S, No. 11 Centre Street, opposite tbe P. )., Oil City, Va. E V ADVERTISEMENTS. rwi-lliiu Ib.-lisc torale Tii(iitrc of lw. JAMES KllllIEItKOItD. FRESH oysters': Eocoivod DAILY! Wasliinston Street, ALL TIIEJ LUXU R1E3 I OF THE SEASON! Fctrolomn Centre, Fa., next door to IBham Co.'S Jswelry Stole- T)av Fiarders necommodited, Meals served all hours. Oysters, and every dasoriptlon ol game moii-liea guests. No pains will lw iimreil to accommodat tbo who lavor us with their patronage. ED. SDT11 KHLAND. OBO. TaYLOH. I'etr ileum Centre, Sent. 14, '03. tf- IMIF. C IiKUitittioii. Favtnoritin lue-e'of ,im (-xi-tin(r under ri I 1 li" ji in nii'ne ut' A I). Mill-r Co . i- this day aU4 itvcl l.v i.nitii tl P.irw.Mit All iieeoillltfl Hiriliiwl till lute nnu will liesoltle Vliv M. H iSlinnein" ai u.u oldnlaiel. " Yi. S. SIMMONS, l'et. Oatre, Held. 2d, m A. J). MILt.ilK. -r-vISSlM'TI. 'I'lec-oliartiH, Mo he eliroro exist ill!' under tin! dm ii one nt Wiuliter Co., is ill--.aed, and all luinie- imiel.led ti III (inn . lire 1-ennc-ded t . eltle l Hi.- ill sifiii-1, lies- l-a"in. er iu i m. Jolxn. C. "Welch,- S!iicr.ii.-Sl., Oil City, Pa., Dealer In Clbbs, llusseli & (Vs Ilring awl niHig Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, in i ill! .' the llriek laak. jnli'ltf 11. C. V. 'i'l 1! -.11 is new ready 6r tlieati-leal exliihttionsd r.-j r-il-, ! -'tun s, Ai .,' Tiei Hall li- tieen i-diited ai.d .-"-en-.'lle'iie.l !'. ji.iii.- uui tpelne turn b:en -paved to make it a tirrt 1 1-:' Olivine l'ipc, Jr:ito liahiucu AVImel crrick Irons, 1 I'M, At rnlli(, ull vl7.es. My noancc:i-.n villi tWlvlllc! and lltll.iirch (..umlri-.H i. Hiieh I'-it I enn get out all kiiidn Casting.- at Mlant order JOHN .0 WFM'll- 0 tUty, Fi t,. U, lout' If