(V Daily Record NEWSPAPER, AND OB Office, HAIJf STKEET, PFFJKHiEUM CEXTltE. Oil W. M, I.ON4JIVKI.I., Proprietor NEWS DEPARTMENT. .. ..,..., veiegrapmc despatches tip to 4. r. at and present them to our readers every evenlmr. em. W.. Anat.. .... ... oracing news f t,ro, ,u,cre9t f,om ,eclhril of ... couniry. e have made special arrangements, wherehy we receive reKlll,ir Pelroleutu, Slock and Produce Market Heports every evenly by telegraph from Now Vork, PUiludelphla, and Ph.,!,,, ' together with tutorials and Locil matters, make it one of tha most desirable newspapers publijhcd in iMuvMiHugion. Asau Advi-tlsins SIccH.iin, Tno RECORD has no superior, as It circulates wuercTor an Oil Operator or Doaler can be found. J0BEIN5 DEPARTMENT. We have a largo and well noleoted assortment of new Jobbing Material, omorucing the very latest stylee. Wo are therefore, enabled to execute Joo Work of every variety ln a satisfactory manner When desired, jobs will bo neatly printed luj Colobs Siiipping Dills.; Posters? Ilai.d-Biili,, I'logrammci; Bills of Fare. Isabels, AND BiuSncNR aud Visiting Cards, LETTK11 -HEADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS ap LADING, Etc, Etc iU.80 . BALL kUINTIJJa, 1'iain or Fancy Stylos, neatly and promptly ciecu ted, oinbrac'm; TS'VITATION OIROULAKS PHOGRAMMES 'act, OTcry variety av.c atvlo of work in tetter, Merchants, Lawyers, Jnstlcea of tho Peace, Land Airouts, Oil Bcalen and Airents, Insuranco Aironts. KjproJsinen and other parties In want, are Informed mM. w,',V",r0 PTO':m'1 to exeruto to o .-der all kvU of BuuVy ' b'l-n' "T k"ul' ro'l'ih-oJ In tl.ls wm- MERCHANT'S G-ARG-LING- OIL, IS THE BEST LINIMENT IN THE WOHIiD For Man & Beast. 30 Ycara In I'so. CD CO In (rood for Rheumatism, Chilblains, Corns, Whit lows, Called Hrinsts, More Nipples, Crumps, Holls, Bites of animals. Weakness of the Joints, Contrac tions of the Muscles, limns ami Scalds, l-'ro't Wtes, Painful Nervous atl'ect Ions, Chapped Hands, ljiinie Hack. 1'iilu III the Mtio, Swellings, Tumors, Tooth Ache, Old Sres, Hemorrhoids or Files, Iflesli- 53. Wounds, Galls of all kinds. Sprain. Braises. Cmrk i cil Heels, Hill" Uomi, l'ole Kvil, Wind thills, Cal" ions, r-pavtu, r-weency, riBiuin, Biltiisl. r.xtcrna- Poisons, ricrntehes or Grease, Springhalt, Sand Cracks, Lameness, Strains, Foundering Koet, Mango, Horn Distemper, Garget iu Cows, Cracked Teats, Foot ht in r-'lieep, mid niany otlier diseases incl- dent to Man imd llvast. J3 R. D. Tatiok, of Concord, Ky.. savs tl..GarBMnj II cured a horse of his, iniur.d while plousbinii by attempting to step over a stump, almost severing his noun iruni t o oouv: uiso mni oe mis useu u oi ins family for llficon years, and is the host remedy for cuts, liurns, uruises, itosi lutes, strains, nueuiu- atism, etc, he ever used. CTS C72 From CnrMP & Bros , Cochrane Landinp. Ohio, ov. ill. lH.iii.-w e are pleased with your medicine. has heen the ni'-nus of curinc a arr.mt number o dillerent disenses upon nersons. as tilr-o noon horses. . A tiiniK it cures an you roconimeno it to uo v t ant von to send us the l.tryrcr proportion of the variety lor "Jraiuiiy lsc," in await uotiics. From Dn. J. P. TpnRKi.L, Warren. Ind.. K.irch 18511. I am enKflff'-d in the practice of medicine' aiol llnd your tlaiiliui? Oil an extremely etHciet t tneoy in an cases wnero an external application indicated. From Dr. O. It. Nkai,. Dnrris. Iowa. Dec. 90. 1851. I have practiced medicino In llns rounlv seven ears and cheeriuliv recommend vour Gariiift Oil as tno dosi iinaiiieni iu use. Frnm Dr. T. W. "Rlt.ts. flu . Jnn. fi. 11 .Tf conKl receive both lon-si of the OarKling Oil it will not ne too ninch. ftr 1 thU k I cmud cuon niid snio fur it ml, tho inquiry b-intj lreqnent sluce it is sup tmsml ilmt I hvo it1r s;ile. From iR- Wm- S. McCau,. Chamois, Mo , Nov. (1, I 1S58. V;r OirijHnirOil ie takiu:.' thi'?Mn?ort from nil tho Hn'mpiits of the dftv. ft' yon dsircti them. I conld procure uuzer.s ov ctTtilitattu from thos'C wlio liave oeeu cured uy it. Mosars yoL.u?7 ft B'.iosj., VIiol"Bnio PrMffitFt, wheeMiie sfiy, uncor .tte ot ,uly at, is .( thit tlicy nnn Htrtwv ns'vjtnmoTiu tnc (ii. -nim: Uu for moro diswiSfH tiian it W re(;nunniJtd for. From J. K. bViiRH. I'liiontown. JJti.. Jnno ill, 187. Your(i:ircli?.p (Ml 1m doing much heUnr here th:tii formerly, nii.ee tin virtuo j have hocome known, nnd the b )ttlurt put un for l'"a:ai!y lite, without etaln, avo much sought for. CO CTD Extract from nletterfrom Hon NathanX-inpt. Oonntv Jnd o of Shelbv Co., Iowa. titxicA llarl m. April IU. imi It ii decidudly preferred to any liu- ament sold In th s Paction. r.xiruui oi j-m i n oniJoi. i irr.u.u-u Khu lie lifltl n v'-ftTllnir coit tnar nan want wiih tun- poBod to be Dyjrthorln for morn lhan tm d-tys so that it could not eat, and the throat nwuien almost (hut. and tho iihp of three or four applications of the dollar bottles ma me ueirua etiect. F.om A. G. NtE, Lewfville, f'oBchoeton Co., (, March. 1852,-1 have used vonr burgling Oil for the Seratciiun ou my norse, auu u cureu u uu tae urt appucauou. From Erfof W atiieti, MidiUfport, N. Y., July S3, 185(t. I mirehaHed a bottle of vonr (laiL'linir Oil of your agent, A. S linker, at Middieport. and aa yet have tt!ed but half of H. I think it hn civen me more relief in a cnfeof eevrro KUcumatlsin, of ioon standing, than any thing 1 have over uuca bofore. Extract from a letter frnm J. O. Pratt, dated Quincy, (.'hautauqua Co., N. Y.t Anirust 12, ISM. 1 have boon ncqnainted with your medicine flarirlhis Uil) for the lam lourtoen ymiiM. jt ihih provua a sure euro for Foot liot in Snoop for whirh Isold the kidt bottle una have caua almost isaily lor more. I'lcaac lurwaru us soon aa couvemcni. Always lnqulro for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And tako no other. Retail Pi-ico, t?)l.)S 50 DCs., Bhake well hoforo ttsln?, and rub on thoroughly before the flroor some warm Biibstance. ThoflarHinff Oil hns been In tiso as a llnnment 3' yearB. All'we asU ia a fair trial, but bo sure and louow uirectious. Ask vonr nearest 11ruirf,'iJt, or d(nler In Pc.tenl Medicines tor one oi our Announce an-i v ime 31"- unis, aud rood wliat the people sav about the thl. Tim Onrcrlln" Oil is fir snte bv nil rcnocttible dealers throughout the United btates ana otucr couutiloe. Onr tnlimmtnU dite from 1CT to lRORand .ire unnniicite.it. I, so tno uar'iiimr un niii ten your neighbors what good it has done. Wo deal fair and liberal with all and defy contra diction. IMaiiaAvctturocl fit Iioclspvt, -V. V.j by Merchant's Gurgling ttil Co. JOHN HODGE, Secretary. Sold by A. U. PIIM-FIC ft :- HARDWARE OIL CITY. BOBSON'S Oil Cuter Pipe Wokks. CHARGES KORSOA' A: Co., Corner of Soiiocn A: Centre Ets., Alas! fdo Oil Creek, Oil III), ru., Dealers In Morris, Taskcr 4 Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ' AVISO, WORKINO r.AHUKI.S AND VALVES, bTU UNO HOXKW. CLAMPS, TONOS, BUCKEU RODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries u()i)Tjj() TOOLS IUIIV1N0 VII'E, OIL l'Cill'S, COLD WAT UH ITJ MPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE- i IN bKIbb, Also, STU V LS, i UN VV .Altlii, KKAS9 GOODS, TEAMS AND GAS riTTTXGS, J1AZ.I7.VO. tACKJXO. and JTOSE: I1AKD AKJ5, UOUBU T1.1.M..1I.NUH, Carpenters' Tools, hope, Uaktim, Nails. Axcn, Cofrec Jillls, Table & FooUet Cutlery; t, Full Assortment of Everything In tho HAIWWAUE LINK lime Fii'iifh'nir Goods, Lmz.u. t. itmiievfl. No. 1 Winter Ptrninefl T.nrd Oil, No. 1 Kclinud Oi!, Stidr Rods, TuMeani'-Doorructs; Usamion Clothes WrinstT; Slfintiftictnrers of I Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper lippairmtTrf nil khul- done with nentnesg nud STEAM AND GAS FITTING. VCchftvc cndortvorcl toniprttth pAtrcRfc of conimunnrr. Our facilities for fn ml sin tier ?T crythinL' In onr line, liflvipir Nwn irreatly incrouisiju, iu tin) ert-ctiDii nr mir New r.r.ildln-r. nro now SUI'RHIOK TO AN V OTIIRH KSTABUSIIMEN'T anasi - 8iu - i:h 'iUifi uiu nriuiurs mm UH mi m were Cl-SAR. & CO., Comer of Penppa an.l Cntr Pfs. onot oMt. of Oil Creek, Oil Cily, Ta. ITuvin" fl'lrlrd n pnwiTful Ptc!m Kmrine i?A t'irM bnro i3!Tin"S, to in:r Klnuidy ux.u n-iv.' M;iT),if.ic turing EatiiW.?Ime!it. nr iuv j)i'i o;.r,-l to do ui the iieceasAry wyrk, in Liuiu u;, nuil rt-p ilrir: EJGlNn, ,nrr vpa m- Vii? rr vr Ki ll' ij. Ii KT M . V j 1 1 1 H L. iX I , iinrniiiiTrt r a niirvfirii COPPER WORMS AND STILLS. OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS i idoTall Micblnerv Job Work entnttpd torn? w nc:ltne3S and donated aug 2:mos NEW HARDYARE STORE HEATING AND COOKING STCVSS! In largo varloty. TAEI.E AND POCKET Cutlery! Mfl B? ff? B 1 jf Hf A T) W 'i I l!i 4J V a J ti ilZJ iV li ECUSG raBNISEKB GC033. LAMP.LANTERNS, AND i' AJN U 1 Ait I LULi liS. nails Mm mo For Bale CHEAP 1 1 At the store formerly occupied by Purchflo'tf and u-isieiuuo. un, i:i i'v, rv .I,l.Bl:s IS. tiCiitilE, Oil City, Jan. 4, 18611 If. GKO. si. ursaEJLij & CO., E5 .A. N K S RS, PKTStOI.EUM CKNTltHi PA. G. II. Iiissell, J' c. Marllo Christopher Meyer We offer our services for the transaction of a OKNKIt A I. BANKING, EXCUANUIi and COl.- f "",, Any bll 'ine;'s ontl'tlatedto onr caro will receive prompt attention. jut71f. SHOW BUILDING. (hi Iho flr.t ilonr U ono of the hem liillinrd.lioom in thu place. All under ouo in ami foment niyt A KIN'S SiiAI.l.. Thw i r :il I i now rea ly for llientric.'il exbil!tion?d (Hi'-rH. it eturc , ,v-r. Tl'e Illlll li:is benn relilt' d and :Hi'eiiLrtlieto!d. No pnin.-i nut exi).-l..-;e hit leeu -ii;o'ed to loalte il a tlr-t elms MISOKLLANKOUS. NEW HARDWARE STORE! ICOKI.ltT KIIVAN& CO. ltef leave to announce to the citizens of I'etrolcnm Centre and vicinity, that they have opened a new store In the rear oi the ofllce of Hie Central Petrol eum Company at the railroad crossing, where they w ill keep constantly on hand a full assortment of everything in tile Hardware line, such as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, UAd SITTINGS AND IJRASS GOODS. Sir. Aryan hftvlnz heen encased In the business Willi Messrs. Wlmer Bro s, lor itntr years past, will attend paiiiculariy tolue business of nitiuiilaoturliig smoke stacks; All kinds of Tin mid Sheot Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, &C. They have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIP With an entire. SET OF NEW DIES, Aud will warrant all work In this line. Apr :9. AltaaioozgliiKty Terrtory. IIOTICS TO OIL OPERATORS. The undersized, aijent for the Metropolitan Oil Company, now otlVrs to lease the territory of said Company, in lots of two acres each, for one-fourth royalty. This larm Is situate on Cherry Tree Hun ar.d lies on the JUGULAR VEIN Which, connects Wood and Plerson Farms with CHARLEY RTTS TERRITORY. For further nr:ictilar apply to the original I). W.KENNEY, Allemagoozelum City, Chcrrytree Run. Or O'ldaesi, 'l!OX 117, Petroleum Centre, April 13 lm. Peun. Coal! Coal! Coal! 'jjlIL ti'idory'i.-ni'd, having established a branch Yard a$ K jusl Furiw, arc now prepared to f;inil.-h All Ms of Goal M tin Very Lowest Prices. r.,,, -t'.vo -r,,-i ("horrytrce linn. and vicinity, HvIpk ,, i. tT.r,. in, Cci. t-r. run leavf; tlieir orders at our ei:i Ii rv. li:i vi; iliem promptly illled from the Kyr.J r rvi i:.r.t. at r.r.-'-s cost than u.-tal. K- f ? 'J' F i : i ft T T 1 1 E P f i A C E SKAi i "H COltN'WKLL. Cr.ce on U. V. .t A. It. It.. Petroleum Centre. HmuchOfilco at Rynd l'nrm. IJ. We bold ex'.lurive control of the famous STONEBCRO COAL. at lntli tiro above nnmc d points. jtin2-t , A. T. LEGGETT, JI:i:mfacturer and Dealer in udl aril Sesd Bags, Valve Gaps, &c. Experienced workmc-t, are employed, and Har ness of all kinds kopto r.-tantly ou hand and made to order. 1. . IIc2nzs Pat. Seed -Baa , For gsi!e- Repiiiring .Done at all Times ! Call and exnmlno our stocl. and prices, Iai'.i-St., below lie XcClin tock rioe. Petroleum Centre, Pa Jan. 7th, lbW) -tt. ifitr!p iritymirfimiY STOUK. rphe iinder!nned bavin? fitted up new store on J. WASHUNtSaON &; SiXOWU . Petroleum Centre, Is now prepired to furnish his customers with cv erytJiim; in Hie hottuo luiniah'iis lino- giovnsdiii! Tin ware, St-un-pfld, ! reused nn"l .Isiit. ntHMll Ware, At so a Rjii-;;ii t'ck of Bros At IroM r'tUiu;;s OUM, VIST. IN AMI IIIJMV VACMNO. I.ACh. LEATIinit, etc , TliK CIIAMI'IOS AND movki'tv cuvtiiks wiiiNomts, WATKIt COOJ.Iilib of all KIZ1JS. All Job Work promptly atten ded to with neatness and dis patch. Particular attention paid to Gas and Sterm Fitting, hav-iivi- a Gas Fitting Machine not excelled in the Oil I'egion for cutting Gas Pipe. XWn JAMES RUTHERFORD. r.-troliin Centre, J'l'.y 1SUI tf.,'! R. II. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DKALEIt IN VVVLE FUENCII, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRUGS, MEDICINES AM CEEHICAIS CHOICE VOHEtON AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND Fancy! Groodgj. IMPORTED PERFUMES' ! SOAPS, CRUSHES, AND Brui'ftists Sundries ! Physicians' rreseriptUms componndedfrompure una cuoice nuitcnaid. , IK YOU IIAV'NT SEE1ST IT.i go;and see it The Masio Match. Pctrnlonm Centre, Juno, lsi'fl. T. M'.T3oiialcL LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At ilia Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA 1MIV. hest Stock of DHIVINO AI tAliIJl.t UOllSliS on the Creek, are to be found at ItS' Donald's Ijirery HASEIABES BUTTERS TO U LET AT ALL, TIMES. HORSES FEI & HOARDED on Koasonahlo Terms. Teaming of all kinils At tended to Promptly. "Glve mo a call. T M'DONAL Petroleum Cen're.Nov. Tt, LIVERY FEED STABLES, Wasliington Street, opposB the Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I hove put In n good stock of RidinR a"4 Driving HorBc-B, wliich 1 will lot on rensonublo terms. Also, Cntteri, Vaffoii!i, Spring AVasono, Arc. II0K8ES boarded and fed and best of care g" CHAMPION REAMER 1 We desire to inform Oil Op erators and the public generally that we are prepared to receive orders for our Champion fcix Cutter Reamer. This is without doubt the most perfect tool for reaming that has ever been in troduced. Give us a call ! Fisher, Xonis&Ce. A V "Ml