The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 09, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
( CUM-, Saturday. Oct.
L J'Ai, MUUor.
Wild Puck, Pigcou und Eels will be
served this evening at tbo Rochester House
Time of cloning Iflnlls.
p. o.. ptntoi.Kin cvx-rns. r . i
' juli a t, lww. 5
Until further notice the mails will arrive at aud
depart (Tom Uilsjotllcc as follows:
ISmitb and East, via. Irvlnoton, 10 .8 A M.
South and Went, " Jleadville, 6.1a 1. M.
WurUi and Knst, " Corry, S3 . "
, rrlAiir.
South and Went, 8.45 A. W.
xoutt KastnndWoat, 9 3P. M.
V.rth, East and West, 10.00 A. M.
Divine (service.
Preaching nt 11 o'clock A. M., and iy
o'clock P. M. f
Ret. J. T. Oxtoiiy, Pastor.
rVnlcm every Stiblintli at 11 A. M. nnd
T4 P. M. Sabbath School nt9J A. M.
eats free. , A cordial Invitation extend
ed to nil.
Ret. C. M. Heard, Pastor.
STS. rETER f AND PAUL'S '(Cotholie)
Mam at 10J a. m.
Vesper and Rencliclion of tho Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism 6t 2'p. m.
Cltaiirteof Time.
YONPAY, SEPT. tn, isra.
Northward Trains
Leave Tot. Centre T:10 a m , nr. at Cnrry 9-40 a.m.
' " I'M la m , ar. " l.'i" n m.
" " " 2:Sjp, m , or. " Win. m.
l 1:05 p. in , nr. TitusviUeoOp. m
Southward Tralnn
T.C.1V3 Pet. Centre. 7 :in a. m., nr. nt Oil City 3:10 am
' " " tl iH p. m., nr. ' 1:4", p m
" " " 1:53 p. ni nr. " 8;.'I5 p m
" 1 " 4 u0 p m. nr. " 8:50 p m
tThis Tmin will stop 2D minutes for dinner.
k These arc Fruight Trains and go to Tltnsvlllo and
Oil City. trains pass at tills point. Tho Fouthward
Train stoplng for break lint i:b) pm Tram golnj North and the 7:53
Train going South run on Sundays.
. Situation1 Wanted. A young mimed
man now out of employment, desires to ob
tain a situation as clerk or book-keeper in
any establishment, and having a general
knowledgo of business, would enter upon
any honorable occupation at a small salary.
Inquire at this oflioo.
Clam Chowpek To xiuht. Oysters
Fkesii Evkky Day. Nelse will be prepared
this evening to servo clura oliowder, fresb
and uice, savored with the choicest viands.
Also, ho receives daily fresh oysters, and is
prepared lo servo Ibem in every stylo. Re-
njoiubir the place, lirst duor below Uus
Uhicl's Erce and Easy.
Goxb to His IIomk. A hall wilted old
uian nanind Weaver died this morning on
the Piorson Farm. He was familiarly
known as "Aunt Mary." He lived ulouo in
a little scanty and for occupation did
such was hi uk (or enuiuevts us bo could
get to do. Although his earnings were
small his wants wero smaller, nnd he, con
sequently, was able to lay by a small sum
for a rainy day, which ho usually deposited
with Mr. Ed. Vaughn, a batter man than
whom he could not have found. Ho has no
friends ill this vicinity. Mr. Vaughn has
the mutter iu charge, and will see that bo is
very respectfully interred in Chcrrytree vil
lage gravo yard.
Thaukusrlrliis; Proclamation.
Wasiiixotos, D. C.; Oct. 8
By the President of the Uitittd Slates,
The year which Is drawing to a dose bas
been free from pestilence, health has pre
vailed throughout the luml, abundant crops
reward the labors of thi husbandmen, com
merce unit manufactures have been success
fully prosecuted through their peaceful
pallia, the mines aud furesls l.avo yielded
liberally, the nation has incrcus 'd in wealth
und lie blessings bavo advanced every in
terest of the people in every part of the
Union; haitnony aud fraternal intercourse
restored and obliterating tho marks of the
past conllict and enstmiigonrent; burdens
have been lightened, ui'uns increased, civil
nnd religious liberty are secured to every
inhabitant of tho land, whose soil is to-day
peopled by none but freemen. It becomes
n people thus favored to make acknowledge,
meat to tho Supreme Author from whom
such blessings flow, of thoir gratitude and
their dependence to lender praises and
thanksgiving for tlo same, and dovoutly to
implore a coutinuunoa of God's mercies.
Therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President
of tho United States, do recommend that
, Thursday, the 18ih day of November next,
be observed as a diy ol Thanksgiving and
of praite and prayer to Almighty Gjd, the
creator aud the ruler of tho universe.
Ana second, 1 do lurther recommond to
all the people of tho United S lutes to atm-ru.
ble on that day in their accustomed places
of public worship, aud unite la the bouiag"
and pruifo duo tho bountiful futber of all
meroy and ia fervent prayers lor tbo contin
uance of tho uiercilul blessings he has
voucbsifod lo us us a people.
In testimony whereof I bavo hereunto set
my hand and Caused the seal of tho Uui
ted States to bo affixed, this, the Gib, day
of October, A. D., 1809, aud of tho lade
pendunoe of tbo United States of America
the ninety-fourth. U. S. Grant.
By lh President.
u Hamilton Fish.
Secretary of State,
A noblo inMuuce of heroic devotion to
duly occurred on the railroad between New
ark and New York. A watchman w hose
duly it was to cloto a drawbridge upon the
approach of the trains was iu tho uct of per
forming bis duly when his little boy fell in
to the deep waier. To have jumped ia and
rescued him would huvo been an easy mat
ter, but a passenger train was already in
sight coming ut a high rate of speed. To
save the child would involve the destruction
of tho train and tbo loss of many lives. It
must bave been a tettible alternative to the
lather; but duly triumphed. Tho draw wus
closed and the train passed on with its load
of passengers in safely while tho child er
ished. His lileless remains were recovered
shortly ulterwards. The New York papers
have suggested that the passengers on the
train ought to subscrile fuuds to raise 1
monument over tho child that would com
memorate his death und tbo heroic conduct
of bis father.
Afternoon Dispatcher.
licnth ol Ex-Prculuotii 1'iorce.
The following was made public this morn
ing: Washixoso.n, Oct. 8.
Tho painful duty devolves upon tho Pres
ident of announcing to tho peoplo of the
United States the death ofouo of his honored
predecessors, Franklin Pierce, which oc
curred at Concord cailv this morning. Em.
inent in publiu councils, and universally be
lovud iu piivuto life, his death will bo
mourned with a Burrow belitting the loss
which this country sustaius by his decease.
As a mark of respect to his memory it is
ordered that the Executive Mansion and the
several dopartineutsat Washington be draped
iu mourning, and ail busiuoss eueponueu on
the day of tue funeral. It U further ordered
that tue War and Navy Departments cause
suitable mililury and nuvul 4tvaors to be
paid on this ocoasioa to t'le memory of the
illustrious cilizea who has passed from
among us. U. S. Guam.
Charlotte Cirshinan is reported us lying at
tho point of death in England. Miss Cush
man was born in Bostou, July 23d, 1S15,
aud was ouly twelve when sbo became u
vocalist fur tho support of her lather's fam
ily. She sang at a conceit with the cele
brated Mrs. Wool, who pronounced her tiio
Uucst contralto blio had ever heard. The
failure of her voice iu opera drove her to
the spoken dra na, iu which soon becamo a
'avonte, and rapidly rose to an enviable
fame Iu hiuh comedy and tragedy. Sho has
lesided at Rome for sercrul yeuis past.
Sitting perfectly erect would add ten years
lo tho lives of matty fcdenlary persons, be
tides preventing much sickness.
Just received
Sept 28-4 1
-our Oriental Parlor Stoves
Nicholson & Blackmon.
Slnlp, enmity, borough nod township elec
tions Turpdny. October 12, lSf.9.
fVlu iT Cans I nt
Nicholson & Rlac kmon's.
Iron Gate, Wheat Sheaf, Globe Heater
Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson fc
Blackmon's hardware store.
Earn mors & Alden are selling oft prrsen
stock at cost
Tinware, in retail and jobbing lots, at
Nicholson & Blackmons'.
Lammers & Alden bave a new thick 0
all late styles of Hats and Caps. tf
JIr KniTnn: IMenso announeo the name of Mkr
kitt S. llnoTiT, iu n c.iinllilatfl for .luetlee of the
I'enne in t'ornnlantor township, at the onsiiini; (c- clccltnn. nml nbllgo, MANY C1T1.KN8.
Plainer, Sept. Iu, lfiW).
IjOCuI A'otlces.
JUST KECEIVKD, oime nleo pattern, nt
COX.?rAIi liOVE.
and tho UnppIiienH of True IHarrlnpo
I ASSAYS for Young Men. onllio Errors. Abiifei
ftlu, Disies which destroy tlio Manly Powers
snl create iniieilimems of MAUP.IAOR, wilh nrc
means of rultef. Sent In senlod letter envelopes fi ec
ofchaiRe. Address Reward As oelation, Ilex r
Philadelphia, Pa. 'sepVl Sm.
Fall Trade
Petroleum Centre. Pa.
The failure of Legiand Lockwood seems
to bo the only one iu New York that elieits
much Kympilhy. It appears In be generally
regretted, and a heBt ol friends r.fjer biin ii:--
siuuca. His bou--e and grounds at Nor-
walk are valued, iu their iucoirpiele slate,
at 800,000, and it was h:e inlti-.tiou lo
expend morn limn a million npuu tuer. .
The owner's chamber is furuiabtd with elatM
orrtely inlaid rosewood, the bedMead cano
pied with green funning a ftau.ewoik ol
gold o,n J jet. Attached are a dressing ruom
aud an oratory, tho hitter frescoed in imita
tion of lluted white satiu, tho windows bung
with Parisian labric.i, and tbo ceiling iu
mjc'drnb and gold, with a dome of sky'b'ue
studded wilh stars.
A utile girl wants to know if floas are
wliite because her uncle told her tha1
Mary bud a little lamb with fleas as whito
us mow.
An undertaker having apartineuts to lot
posted bis bills upon tho cudlns iuthe win-
low, announcing, Lodgings for single gen
The agont of an eastern tailoring cslub-
mont who recently received orders lor six
teen suits of clothes in -Oil City, has bud
fourlonu ol them sent back to him.
Tho "James Lynch, colored," as ho is
described by telegraph, who is now running
for Suoretnry of State iu Missirsippi, was for
along time the Rev. James Lynch, a Mo
thodist clergyman in Philadelphia, and i
sueken of by the presi of that city us a man
of no ordinary abilities."
A Welsh paper has this account of a prize
fighter turned preacher: '-On Sunday eve
ning a great many peoplo were attracted to
tho Carmer chapel, Ponty'ried, lo bear Tom
King, who was fur some years a prize
tighter, and a companion of the luto Tom
Sayers. In bis sermon, which bo preached
from Si. Mattlieiv, he gave, iu a bold and
earnest manner, uicny very touching inci
dents of bis lifo while a fighter. His manner
was free from all assumption, and bis stylo
of preaching very lorcible and natural.
TUiouh jut Ihs s r.nju h,u'm at att.mtio:i
was given by tho congregation."
Tho Hon. John Morrissey, M. C, of New-
York, bus written to thu peoplo at large
about tho Troy base ball club. Emanating
from such a high source, it should be gene
rally read, nnd have duo weight:
A machinist belonging to tho Arsenal ef
Naples bus Invented an iustiumont. which
1 e calls an Amismosraph, W'licli indiote
wilh piect.-ion tile yeiocily f wijich 1 vess-'
is traveling, til:; chviges in the direction
nnd tlio deriaiioa of the compass. Some
experiments have been mad.; within the
ast fe.v days on Uar-1 the l'itb'fei'o. a
vessel which is a'lout to j oi l the Italian
squadron at Alexin. I.'rv in Egypt. Tliey
arosiid to no higlrly eiUst'acfwy.
Plorrlson's ;enuino flue Tar
and rcmian llcalliijr Soapa.
These soaps are bnpreiriintod with exotica of the
miUlust and most H:tlsamtc naturo, aud are wnrrnut
ed pcifeclly itinocoat and free from mineral aud otli
or pernicious admixtures, nnd aro selected by the
ladies nnd the pntdic in general in prjferor co to all
other snain, as tho great prodncors and preserveri of
a h'.fllthy purity of complexion, and a conservator
of female bounty. For tho aoftncaa and delicacy
which they induce to tho hands and faco, their capa
bility of aonlhinir Irritation and removing unsightly
sruntlons, ren.lcr them indispenslMe to every toil
et. U'o kindly nsk the public to try the virtues o
those soups. 3. L. II. A Co., rroprieters.
A. D. .Miller & To , Ooncral Agents. Jtil-3m.
For the Fall Trade, embracing a full Lhm
Oil Cloths
.nr. 1 .1 rlidici!
An nccumplisiieil German la'ly, Mrs. Marii-
Tluene, who is versed iu nil housewifely
attainments, and who bus been solicited by
her friends to givo instructions in keeping
house and woman's work, opened a school
for iliat purpose iu Wilkesbarre the other
day. She gives lour lessons per week, at
tho rate of ono dollar per month.
ftpoc'.nl Notice.
V.-VRDS OF WISPUM feryoima men, on the
l!u'.i" Passion 111 Youth and Kir y M.mhosl, l'li
ShLf HKU' for the eir'n and unfortunate. Sen
In sale 1 letter f relopcs, free of cli:irne. Ad.l:-ess
HOV.'AliO ASSOti A'i'lON 11 ix P, l'ini.Ai:i.i'AiA
l'A. May 'M, 3in
.cv FJour, 5-'i!!E ;uul t'lriictiry
,t. p. FniATiir.;:,
At the Oi.l lt.'K ri:l.T)IN(l, f)X MAIV-KT,
iip iiit.. Ihe Mcl'linlocl'" Ilense, has on 1ut.1 a
lik-eei! clas st.iek of lt"loiir,yeiu ati!
i roee.rlo.!. wh'cli bo I solli:i rt a lo-.v fi-ire.
fn. iiou'i I'or.'i!1 Ihe place where A, 11. Cult,
it t.'ooipany lnoita up.
A C.tnn. Thanking my many friends for
the kindness in presenting me as a candi-
The date for Justice of the Peace of this Town-
uewspapot'3 aro talking about my heavy I ship, I beg leavo to with draw my name.
losses on tho Atlantic haymaker match
The truth is, I lost only $10,01)0 $1,01)0 00
each of the nine, and $1,000 for tho scorer.
I bot this for the honor of Troy, where I
iveo? lung and found much kindness, and
whose peoplo I love". I have $10,000 yet to
invest in the Haymakers, and another afte:
that Is gone. And further, I intend my son
shall pluy in that niuo."
A richly" dressed lady stopped a boy
trudging along with a basket, and asked,
ve got
potatoes." .
Without Ihij aid of udvortiseiuentB I crHd
have done nothing in my speculations. 1
have the most complete faith in "printers'
ink." Advertising ia the "royal ruad to
business."-Iturn urn.
I'Myliitlo boy, bnve you got rellgii
"No, ma'am," eaid the innocent, "I've
Mrs. Stowe's defence will appear, proba
bly, in tho November .l(j)i(ic,-or, it it Is
too long for the magimino, will ba biougLt
out in pamphlet form.
Too Boston Journul conipluins that "not
witliHtandinir tho bountilul rain that has
fallen tho past week, milk has risen 0110 cent
per quart."
Henry Wurd Reeeher's lust. Sunday sermon
wus nddnws'id oxprossly to Wall struct, nnd
he advised tho deuizms there "not lo lay up
trrasiua on earth.
Their liberal offers of support will equally
favor mo by voting for Mr. John Ricltetls,
the regulnr candidate who J, believe is 11
gentleman worthy the vote of every rerpect
ablo citizen in the township.
Plumer, Oct 8. MevrlU S. Booth.
Cr.-.eisRryV ir all kinds o ti HKYNOLDS
H'ii.WIH A!) .t C 'S, No. 11 Centre, .Street, oppo
site the. l'ust (Jillce, Oil City, Pa.
assortment of
ifUililioLil.J uJ'.
Ar.d nhi a rlvilc -.,irl lent nf I-'L rS'r.;.
very ch"a;i. nir Line Alpic s mid P"i"
li:i is the Sinest and c'' in 1 1
pine?. ts.-pt ! :-f
I'lir-iets. or everv nnalltv and deserlptlon, nt
nin'Mil.T)-.. I11(()D!IB.D . CO'S, No. 11 Cent 10
Stnwt, opposite the P. ()., Oil City, Ta.
J. V. Andrews. young mrmVr of tho
Chicago Board of Trade, realized $10,CC0
on bogus sales of wheat, and then absconded
either to California or Canada.
jgottsc ttrnfeltiHg
riilio underpinned liavlna lltieil np n new atnre on
Petroleum Centre,
Is now pre'inred to fnrnlsb his eiwtomcra with cv
erytlilu in'lliv liuuse liii-nishins line.
Stovpsausl Tin ware,
I'am-y Article,
flumpi-i!, Srospl
and Jiitiii iiiK il Wiirc,
Also si stock off
LKVniUK, ate., THU CHAMrluN AXll
MiVKi.TV cr.nrilKS vi;Iniii:i:m,
WATKK tWLKiib of all SIZE:?.
All Job Work promptly .it ten
tied to with neatness and dis
patch. Particular attention paid
to (las and Sterm Fitting, liav
in' a Gas Fitting lachiiie not
exetHled in the Oil Region ibr
entting Cuts Pie.
Petroleum ivierc, July lo'lii t'..:i
Strnvc.t or ptotrn from Ihe enelosnrn of the sah
scrilxr. on Tier Farm, on Thursilay Inst' a lar.,'0 rwl
cow vi;li while fseo, with ri'-dit liom off. while tall
and tin . e white leet. A reward of ten dollars w 111
be e lid to any person retu:nin the dnme lo mo at
I.-.,.,. 1AT 'IIVKHTn V.
ThU work Is aTi Improvement upon the system
need l,v the ronortnrs of the British Pnrlinment. It
Is divided Into seven short nniVeasy lessens and can
!. mastered by nnv ono. Tt is t'ie (;reiitst prenlur-
tlon of the nee. Periods $' for the eompletc work.
Adil ess .1. A. GRAY, Box C7i, N. Y. V. O.
For Sale.
ONT! stirerlnr VI horse PntinMe Aires Kmrlno,
nnd one 10 hnrfo Portalile Wood A Mann Kit
dne. liotli in perfect order, and mnnire; also one III
in r-n' WiHlilnirtnn Stntlonnrv. on the J. Vierwm
Farm, Ctierrytro-.. 29:t T." FKOTHINOIIAM.
Tnn Co-Partnership liereofnrn exlstlngr under
the firm namo of A I). Miller ft Co , Is this dny
rlitu ilv-,l l.v mnliiil consent All accounts nirllnst
the lite fl-m will lietettlea byM. 8 Hlmnion ntiho
o'd sland. -M. IS. "I.M ""W
IV.. (!.t-e, Sept. 2d, '01. A. D. MIU.F.H.
i'lie roinrliiershl'j heretnforo cxlstlns nnder tbe
firm nam., of Wschter Co., is dissolved, aim an
psrtles to til" llrm, nru reiiuesKsl to settle
T 111" ol'! somfl, lusts rann. nr ni lot. .om,ii-.
.,.1.1 so
ui to Uit h. iek bnnk. JuliMtf
II. U. W.
Tlio New Yorl:
Meat Market!
TT W. PAItlCTI H ted 111 nn v lu
ll, inoii
On .Main uli-ret, Op5lc t!ic
M:Cn!tt;l Eocj:; ,
And Intend keenliiK what Potioleum Centre liw
long needed, a flrsi-c:nss Meat llarkoi. Duly t
will he k pt. It will be onr nlm to aw onr
turners with promptness and lo their crlli"
facliun. ... ninrril
seytli;:tf.( 11. & . i auci'"
1'ctrGi'm change Sabnn
FREsn JrrL ALIj TlinJ
Received F Tf
WutiliiiiKtoii Street,
Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Is ham Co-
Jawelry Htoru-
T)av rtoardera aeenlrimodated. ""'tLie
all h'inrs. Oysters, aud overy description (.
uruislied guests, . .i0
So pains will he, spared to necommoaai
who favor us with thuir patronage.
l'etr ilcum Centre, Sept, 14, '09.
A line afortuu-nt at the Furtiture titnre.
ItoartHns House fur Sale.
'r.'l F iilierihor oners for sa'e liw honso on fJunr-
rvttei' Vim, nrrnneed for a Bmnl'na lions,
witii'oi- u ltlieui furniture, on the 1110-t rensonsblo
terms l,ai"0 Rooms wilh hnrrooiu nltnelied
For imrtlenlniK iniulroj thlsollleu or at Clmrlcs
Kino's Meal Market. J. C. I.KOKAHD.
Churylieo Run, Sept. 29. '00. lw.
John O. "Welch,
Scncca-St., Oil City, T'1-'
Doaler iu
1 w
1 KIX'S lIAI.Ii.
Ti-' 1 1UU is now ready for theatrical exhililtiomd
concerts, lc eltires, Ae. Tho Hall has boon rilltted
nu t stroniMhened. No pains stid oxjiouse fuij been
spared to uiake it llrat.claji.
I living
ISalaiice "Wheo
all sizes.
My eonnectlou with Mon"v'li".l" all k"'d3
toillKiries is siiun ion. v..
(.actings at short order nuCU
Oil City, Vcb. 17, rsotl.-tf