The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 08, 1869, Image 2

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    r .
Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
I'et. itniifi rrlstni',
' 7 j:"ifor'
Tlmo of C'ltmlna iJilii.
1'. )., I'kthcii.ixm OKSTIIS, l' .
Jui.i STst, 1'. i
Iftifll furlhir notice tlic mnlls will nrrivo at and
depart from thiv'lnco tis follows:
L'tiuth and Fut, vin. lrvlnvton, 10. 28 A. M.
Smith mid Weal, ' Muulvillc, 5. IS I'. 51.
North r.ud Ent, " Oiny. 2 5j . "
South and Wot, S 45 A. !.
Sniitl. vi, ami Went, 3 ) I M.
North, Kwt and West, 10.0 1 A. M.
til vino Mi vl.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and
o'clock T. M.
Het. J. T. Oxtoiiv, Pastor.
Services overy Sabbnth ut 11 A. M.. nnd
7 P. M. Sabbath School atr,' A. M.
eats free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to all.
Rev. C. M. IIkaiir, Pastor.
ST3. PETER TAN I) PAUL'S '(Catholie)
Mass at 10' a. in.
Vesper ami Benediction oP the; DIcsseJ
Sacrament at 4 . m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
JAMES DUNN, rstor.
Cliaimc of 'I line.
Mll.NDAV, SEPT. I tli. 1MB.
IVortliward Trains
I .nave I'ct. CVntre 7:".0n m , nr. at Oorry 9:40 a m.
" " 10 II n m . av. " I -lip in.
" ' . ' :iV i i. hi j nr. " R:1H I), in.
o M:05 p. m , nr. TituaviIlCd:20p. iii.
Southward Train
1'et.Centre. T:l0a.m., nr. at Oil City s 10 am
" ' tl :l p. m., nr. " 1:41 J in
" " " ':5:i p. in., nr. , ' S:.'I5 p m
' " 4.3tlp in. nr. " 6:511pm
iTIiis Tmin will slop 20 nilnuto for dinner.
Tlno arc Freight Trains and go to Titiiivillo and
Oil fit
Tiicnn trains pi) at this pjiiit. The tiniUiwiii'd
Train Btopintr for break :'iMt '
V v. 2:'i pin Tram eoinj .Noi-lli and the 7:"3
Train ipilng South run-im Sundays.
Speech ol Attorney General UJreivslcr
lira i evening.
A largo niidiemc assembled at the Opera
ilouso last evening to listen to tho distin
guished lawyer mid Attorney-General of
i ,is m-i I.. U i r,r;sj J.I. UllKWSTKIt. 1 he
of the Republican County Committe, and
uitef an organization was pmlected, the
speaker of Iho evening was introduced uud
received with great applause.
Tho language of Benj itiiin II. iJrewster
not soon to be forgotten l,y those wtio bear
bun address a publio assembly, and his
scholarly attainments eminently lit him I..r
the respoii.iibiu posiliuii be tills in our State
adiuiuistratiun. His gentlenuinly address
and masterly argument, ut ouco interist un
usseiubly, and the thoughtful turn theireyes
upon him, teeming to driuk iu every sentence
of bis clear, logical elfoijs, which come
Coined in language beautiful and express
ive. Politicians of any party when under
the sound of his voice, from tho rostrum
arc riveted to tho spot by his eloquence'
whiali is uiwnys imuUonded with that rabid
uatrod of bis opponents usually rampant
with stump eratots. lie treats uil men re
spectfully, nnd nil sutj-cts with, a clear
bead, distinctly allowing tho division ol po
lilicul parties, nnd placing hU own upon its
merits, drawing tbo lines with that exact
ness which marks him as u runn of ability
ud sound learning.
' A Card. Tlmiiking my many friends for
tho kindness iu presenting mo as a candi
date lor Justice of the IVaco o! thin Town
ship, I beg with draw u,y name.
Their liberal oll'eis of support vr ill ecpially
favor mo by vo'ling for Mr. John Rickelts,
the regular candidate who I believe is u
gentleman worthy tho voto of every respect
able citizen in the township.
Plumer, Oct 8.
Merritt KTRootb.
Commodore Vanderbilt is chnrged with
ruining tho House of Lockwood & Co., in
retaliation for some supposed or real bieoch
of failb with him about tho Lake Shoro
combination. 'If the. fact was not appaienl
before, it U now, that were all tho bcoiid.
drels dealt with M they deserve, some nf
Iho "great trunk lines" would cense to have
the benefit of tho extraordinary talents with
which they aro endowed j.nt now. It may
be considered a fair question, 0110 worthy
Ihoatlentioii of tho Missionary Board now
in session, whether or not the downright
inborn, audacious rascality of oureiviliza'
lions ut homo is not an even match lor the
very worst Ilia) can bo said of any heathen
laud yet discovered, and as such pre-em-nently
worthy of (heir clinsiiani;:',,;,,' eUjris j
The question is respectfully uu'oinii'ted.
. Mosby, tho pun, a, has ohal!en-ed Col '
Hnyd, ShiSiifr of Farqur.r tomily, Va., und !
lorintrly a United States ofKcer, on account I
'it an attack Ihu 1 at tor reecnt'y made on I
.'''"1 '
A 'Uknti.emas ok Leisi tin." There
arn few grown men, or even "stout boys,'
in this country who have any pride in Vicing
out of Inisincfs. Occasionally one is found,
however, and when found in worth making
a note of. We ran across a genuine speci
men Iho other day or, rather, ho ran against
us emphatically against us; against our
feelings, against our judgment, against our
feelings, agaiust our sympathy, but not
against our pity. We did pily him and
that was tho extent of our rocoguition. lie
iviu droned faultlessly that is, if the ex
tent of latter-day fashion can ho called!
laultlees. lie bad beautiful whito hands
and tooth, his hair was parted iu the middle,
his downy moiihtueho was adroitly colored
and culled, a gold-uiouuted eyo-zlnss dan
gled from a button-hole of liis ve.-.t, and a
"nobby" little walking stick was twisted in
his bcjewcled lady-lingers, lie was proud
to say bo was a "gentleman of leisure.'
Wo inferred us much before he su:.l it.
What else could have been inferred '.' Wba'
earthly uso could tho mortal being bo pu
to? Physical force ho had not: his mind
was as vaeaut as uu exhausted receiver; and
be seetnjd to have no excuse for living ex
cept to advertise some tailoring establish
ment. To tiio credit oi this republican
country; scb specimens ol the genua Ztomo
nr.. r .io Wu ciin diiIv wish they wore so
rare that llarimw would bo induced to cage
them with his monkeys; though tho mon
keys would bo apt to protest against the
YiUa Middy Morgan, tho Indy appointed
by Mr. liigulow to Iho position of reporter
of cattle markets for tho New York Times,
is a daughter of a fine old Irish gentleman,
of tho fox-hunting school. bile ho lived
his daiighler shared iu bis passion for field
spoils, in w hich sho three times received
falls which broke- bones. Her neck was not
dislocated on either occasion, wo believe, or
if it was, she recovered speedily, under the
careful treatment of the traditional skillful
surgeon. At her father's death Misi Morgan
went to Italy, made Rome howl with admi
ration nt her noble horsemanship, attracted
the attention of Priuco Pouiatcwiski. (a
literary and musical ttmettiir, with predilec.
liotis for horse-fiddles, and other improved
musical instruments!, was introduced to
Victor Emanuel, mil was commissioned to
buy horses for the royal stables. Then she
tittnr -America, with 'tliploinatic cieden
i:ppoi:ile(l her inspi ctor general ut the ci't'.le
niuruels. us hereinbefore ne'iitionul. ,S!:o H
tall, a superior woi:iu:i, and speaks several
languages iu an accent whioh, Hk- New
i'urk Hall ears, 'bitggests ibe laud oi he.
The terrible disaster nt the Indiana, Stale
Fair will result in me abuliiiou of
futuio e.iii'..itions of this character, uf t!je
"racing" of dangerous machinery a prac
tice that lias grown up of late years in the
strife of competing exhibitors. Neither is
this "racing" a practical test of the value oj
tho engine or the iiiuchinno it drives, for no
sane niuu engaged in agricultural or me
chanical occupations would judge of the
value of any piece of mechanism by seeing
it propelled at an exceptional rate of speed.
The plan adopted hereafter will probably' be
to plaoe all tho machines upon a safe ocjiiui"
jty, und then eco what they can accomplish
uud compare their work. Tho sacrifice of
twenty liven is a dear price to pay for this
lesson, und it is to bo hoped it will be un
effective one. .
The K'ow l'ork Hveniny I'ost takes strong
ground ttgaiiiat tho uequisitiun of Cuba iu
any way. It maintains that the true finan
cial aiiU political reasons are opposed to it,
n.t.l il. i t.n iu,l .. i iii
m.iu .uui w. jwi.t uiiuun.a u euiuiu oo iltr
better elf without I ho annexation or control
of tbo island. TLe I' thiuks that uo one
will deny that it is u disadvantage' to tho
country to have us part of lis population
so many ignorant citizens, uuaccustomed to,
and unacquainted with the forms of iiee
government, and to a great extent uuawaro
of tho importance of thu vote they uro to
On Friday night last the huidwuro store
of iloechur 5', Copeluud, iu Vv'arrvn, w
broken into, und knives, Ac, to tho amount
id some u were stolen, loetlier Willi the
scrip in the drawer, amounting to 3
ur more. The eninmc.i was made
llirongh the tin mUiiji beluw. They oiler
i-lUO rewarJ for the ihiel and the goods.
The Cincinnati base ball club sends a dis
patch to its .Secret 111 y. Mr. Joyce, that il
will uwive froui C'.ililoruia ( ct. It! and 0:1
Iho ISI.U will play uu Ihcii oui erounds a
match gu'jic wilb Iho Allilfte:, of l'liiladel- j
1'bia. ' J
A very lieautilul idona.--. that aavansed j
h! "r'ii-t inell 1, n j Colli, r. !
,'"(,"i '!:o said "He w as a por.r trip; I
mortal, but he always Deanareu to vlitiLbie!
towards the cm.-.-. '' '
KEl'OUTED 1'Oit THE miLY KKCt ill),
Aftt'i-nttKn Disi'rttrliw.
ritti.AiiKi.riitA, Oct. 7.
Tho pnhlislies a letter stilting that on
the 4lh'inst., Jim Quinn (colored) while
in custody of tho Raltimoro County officer!
at Whitehall station, on tho Northern Cen
tral road, on a charge of committing a bru
tal oulrase on Miss Reip,. nged C5, was
seized by tho peoplo and bung.
M,.Himlis:n is cood for the rheu
matism, lor an "old layman" in the Annua'
Conference at Franklin, said, "ho once bad
the rheumntisiu, but the spirit oT Baptism
had cured bitn and he felt like a youth of
21." 4 .
That good old soldier of tho Cross did not
find Methodism a sure euro for the tas'.o
of tobacco, for "ho once tried to quit the use
"of tobacco, but felt b would die without
"it uud resumed the habil," When he had
come to an old age, juid bad conclndeJ "ho'
bad lived long cnonjS anyhow," ho resolved
to discard tobacco "if it killed him,'' and
"tobacco wont and the biesaing came.'
The report of llje Convention says, "This
"raised it volley of Hallelujahs from the 'a::,
"li-lobacco parly, but there wora some iioud
"brethren who could not even wb'epcr.
Tho chewing brethren were in a like lix
with Macbeth, "I could nut say Amen, when
they did say Cod bless you." bjr tl.eir
mpnths wero so occupied with the weed that
"Amen stuck in the throat."
Maj. A. P. Callow, the Republican nomi nee
for Mayor of Allegheny City, i3 nn old
Instructions have been issued In th"
United States Assessors at Pi"l!sb:irj to t:il;.
n thorough ro-cinvats lor incoiao retums.
Every hou-'o is to bo visited.
Tiio new Opera House at Mea lville ia lo
bo opened on Monday evening with a grand
oncert for the benefit of tho proprietor!.
A sucJcs-rion of entertainments is rram-cu
for the season, and Edwin Forrest is e.!;-
nounocJ among tho theatrical tarsto n;
I ion r.
VaJvo Gaps,
K::p'.'ri'M'tMl v.
In unliV.
-rl. ite.
, '.llltly oil h.-ii (J ,ii (1 Hi:.
I or Su!
Done at
Call niifl cxiniliH' nr suc); .'.r
J rices,
U5S5s fFfll!:
Peinilonm Centre, !' Jan- "lb, It'CB -tl
Coal! Coal! Coal!
Yard at ISyzatS.FarKi,
tt.-c now prqiiirutl tu ftirai.-h
Ail tefcf Coal
At the Very fowest Friers.
operators nwn i lierrviree vW-t.i
i.t m:r
1 al leliolniim elitre. tan lenvt: ilie.r orlus
' ( lii: e liev
. and liave Pii'in iii'oninttv liili il lei,.n I) e
Jtji:d YarJ,
criceoiit'. ('. A. I!. I.'.', 1 'el .'u'eiiTii Centre.
flrnueliOiilrc nt r.nd 1 arin.
N. 11. Wo hold exclusive control of liie lamoiis
it 1x)t!i tliiibovo nniiLfl ixtnts. jun2 t .
AEoMozcliiCiiy Tariory.
Tl njulfrsi-iH'J. :u nt ft.r liie
C'i;ui,).i!iy, iifv oilV-p u )v:.-l- tin'
,!Mi'j.:uv.', !:i lot-i of tVJ InlVSrU'
r r.iiiiy. ' Thi limn a ?itu.Uo
llua ar.d li.s; or. tin;
:!rnpi.Ii:-in (if!
lilnry of kiM
f'i' o.u'-i'uinUi
1 Clu-rry Trw
Which cimncctii Woo l and rjercou Kurna
t'ui' furtliur puuiruLir ii-.ply to t! t; in ij'iiuil
Allcmtigcoij'.'kitt Ci t y,
. Clierryti'ce Eun.
"ROX 117.
I'cliclcuia Centre,
i. 1 ' r : 1 lo im
Sit ting perfectly net would add ten years
lo the lives of many sedentary persons, be
sides preventing much sickness.
Just received onr Oriental Parlor Stoves
ept 28-It Nicholson A lllnrkmen.
Stale, county, borough nnd township elec
tions Tuesday, October 12, 1NG0.
Frtit Cans! at
Niriioi.sox & r.i.ACKMOX a.
Iron (inle, Wheat Shenf, Globe Heater
Oriental, nnd Pallor Stoves, at Nicholson A
lllackmon's hardware store.
Lnmiiicis & Aldeu nio selling oil' presen
stock nt cost.
Tinw are, In retail nnd jobbiiiR lots, at
Nicholson & Ulackmons'.
I.ommeis ei Alden bnvo a new stock o
nil late styles of Hats nnd Caps. tf
Mr "niTcm: rienBo nnnoiinee the name of Ikr
mi- :-. iiiHiru, w a candidate! for J tint ire or the
: i'., nnl :h',.rtOMllllil. nt tllf Mlslllrg Uc-
., ., etee.ion,' iii..l, MASV ClTlZliNS.
I'ne.ner, e,il. li, 1S).
Lot tl NotMres.
' KUl'l'UVtD, -nnie ntcn patleni", nt
(JO.J!L"A1j liOVE
uinl t!so Elappit'ess (itTruoJlarrlaffo
PAV for Y.,i
.'.lie::: Men. nitlin Krror", A'm'i
v:uL'h de.'troy thu Manly I'ower
fi r. I hi-eii
lime! Iior M AKIMAdK, Willi sure
..' rohef
S'-n! In sealed letter envelope fail
i-irc.w Howard As.'O'latien, Hex V.
ra. S'T1' 1 ::!m-
lorrliioii'i ;emiltt3. I'lno Tar
;:;iil I'erslaii Bicnlins Saapu.
Tl'.r'e seap am linpmrniti'd with exotics of the
nniile.-i a:' 1 inot liil-amie aAlnro, and are warinnt
e.! i c f j:ly iim J 'onl mid free from nilneral and olli
,; ii.n:ici'.i:c! niV.e.ix:iires, and are selected ny t,
li"4ii:'.d tl-.e I'uhl'c In general In prufirei re to nil
oilu r .in :;u. as the a:v..t producers and pre- i vers of
a h alt'iy jiaiiiy of complexion, and a coimervator
i, fiir. lie o,'.i;:lv. t'.ir the "oftness and delicacy
trirleh Vv.'y iritl.iee to t!i hwAn nnd face. t!ie!r capa
liiil'y of siicililie.: InUation and r morti g unsililly
ci'UpllonJ. i -'ii i.t them lnfII-H-n-llle to eery toil
et w e l-.'i: ilv.e-li tli' pul'Iic lo try tho virtues o
:!:. eur.s. .T. T.. II. A' 'O-, I'ropriet'TS.
A. D. Killer Co , r.eecrtl Afrnt. jn'.SM.n.
iiotlal Notice
'Wr.-iM.A! firyMMi'.' mm, on ti:e
i la V.v.i;, o.nd Ear y Maoli.".1, e i:h
::!;.: eir'n; and unfortunate. Sen
i-' ( '., (:-, iVee ol c'li'irte. e-.-
i-; I'.ud '-i
i!t::.!' r.:
t l.'..:er
"A til)
iATl' N U IS 1', P,lll.lKI.l.
:u , i-'toc; :tii! ilrtjcurj'
...S'H-.vei I
!:A-';: r.3; i.pino, O'v JI V-T.
'."l.-.'fjr!.: Itiir.e, br. i Jm,..! j.
'.i" :e reef V'ioiir,r-,..j .lluj
" :..' '" I l!Si ::l a I . v ..
: i-lncv wiiere A, 1). 1'u.i.,
v-'i. iV:.'t ;
i! :ciui
, Ko. 11
: (.'!:. p.i.
.;ti'titi oli.o.
. quality a-) I ('escrlnlion, nt
v a '. N.. it t'ciin
. (., Oii city, I'a.
!? A TijT".
13 ltoit.,e lor
ale I;iflllrB"f
Slraved nr sioL'-n from !m enIosiire of tin nub-
B( : ieer. on Tie r Kinn. on T Inr'iiv last' a lar.'e rert
nv v.ii:, v. l iin ( " .. wl'h ri -I t horn oT. while tnl I
lie! Hiree uliitc- re"l. A rcw nvil or len dollnrn will
le'n".'' tunny ierMi:. re:u:lii'i The na-ni' fo me at
i'nrr Vmn.. PAT C'ONKHTII Y.
H!OHT ilA'n ' V vow PE Af.WIKED
Tlil werl: U an irn,i ivieiieel ipion tll fu'liteni
life.! liv tin- retioiter o!' I'-e Tirt,l-h rarliainent It
:- d: ide'I into neveti I i.rf nnl cmy lefi onn nd rnn
!.' lie:-,ie'. il bVHIlV olio It ir the tTenti'ft produc
Pen of tli" p .:i. K" -In-f. .i for he eoinploe work.
AildresH .1. A. OKAY, Jtox , N. Y. 1'. O.
for ftiTc.
inf. 1
"th in iirrr.Tl n i r. 1111! nmnms; nlnonne 10
linrjf 'fi-li!npHni St.ITint'firv, nn tho J. Firrson
i'iinn, Chm yiiu'. m At T. ri'OTIIINflll AM
' TiKt)Olsilion
rp:ri' rv.PirHiHi'p ho-p'nf.rp Utfntr nndnr
I tho 11: m n.iniM ol' A T). Miller & . I Ihi- rtnv
r''HM."'' t . y innin ll cfiiw-it All pffniintfl nirilnt
l!ir h.t;. -rn will hi-reith l hyM- f SfPn?on nt the
(M mi.-l. M. S. fIMM"NS,
J'r;, C-'itro, Sn;t. 21, A. I). MTLLKK.
fp-m Tidiiii' of Wrr'nt'T Co.. 1.- diri ;olvcK nml n'l
prtviips iTifl' i'i. M t- Inn, nro HNitmxt'vl tof'Mc
,(. ,,,( (,t-"!i!. i ftri.-i r :.irm, fv ai rei. lpih'. onit
ailu tlic brie!: haiilc. j'i'.2l:l
II. C. W.
Hoari'tiiii: lhn Hiw Sl,
'PiC s.ll
1 rjllee
Willi or "
I'Tin- i
I'm- pti-i-.
K i h Mi
ii i-ll ei i.'.ler f.e- -:
line, nriilp.,.;
iilu n' f.e iiil me (.
i Kieoe- wifl
ne - in ,'lire n: ll
it Me.rl.rt.
K:.n, ':,,!.
s lio!i-o on Clter
I'.iiiril'ler llon-ie,
e iito-t rennnahle
m.ieii fl'Ueli.-d.
i-e ,,- .,1 Clm-les
Fat! Trade
sew limns.
Petroleum Centre. Pa
For tho Fall Trade, embracing a full U.
mrUX Al.Al't'A.
voruss, m
OH C'loil:.-,
lIlHlii!S, Jill! 1
it el.-
asioi't'.nnt tt"
T?;TT)TT.;iTTT;..T:i fiTfli
.int also n ei:
v.-ry eh"ap.
tio Ij.acas i:
'i:ee tS':
I inr Lin
: the fine
: i. i'U'
TTi o
Moat Marl:e
n' AUM
. lie; oi
, I'AUKi:
i have .HI.-J u t "'
e; on
And Intend keiiia,' what PpMoh'ten t'-:
louu' ne.-ded, n llMl-ela.n Heat yiirkrt- ((
will ho fci pt. It will he our aim tn ?rvi"
tomonn with prompt uiM4 :i;iJ I t!n:ir cM
lilUl (I'll. , r
sontifcir. il. & . rAi.K
Pctnr.M Exe-lia:is!:tfSa!c
D A I r. v i V'Sr''-' SEA
- - ---..!t '.-rr-j
Washington S''ie,
Potroloitm Centre, la.,noxl dwr t0 umi
Jawelry ftorir
Pay liimnlnr accommod iled, ""'L:
nil hours. i-tcni, and every dcieu.'i""
uruL-ihed iruciii'. j.r
Nopalnwillhn iparnd to noro
who ruvor us with their palrouni!
I'etr.iknm Centre, Sept. 14, '09.
John CWelc
SeHcca-St., Oil Cityjr'1
Denier in
......:-k I'
r..I-. ....... XVllellW
I lili,lii'U . --
nil i;.e-. . j ;'
lv eonnecllon with -'"""'''''..fall
foundries Is such that I can Ka'
Cantiujjs nt bliort order jyilS C- v
Oil Cltv, Feb. 17, l-.l.-tf
A Jj'.e n! ."it ;! e l' iri::ture btore.