J ,44 DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL ing and t on :aro p' Wlfl. M! icnilly i-cccivo ni Six Without ool I"01' ecu i' 1 SCKiS PRINT OBSCURED BAIL Y vol nr. no 87, THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. 1TBL1SHE1) EVEUY EVENING, (Sunday excepted. ) W. H. LUNG WELL, Proprietor. Per year payable in advance, Per month, 18 CO 1-KH E-MKT Or ADVCIII IMMi. (Ten lines of nonpareil make ono scjitare.) Sm Inscrtiinu, 1 sp, a W. 3W, i4 ci. Hue day. ": 1 O" ti 3n l tt Two days 1 (H 1 ,"!' 31 mi s 50 Hiroe flays. 1 si a ihi a wi Ii .Ml r'mir liny, 2 on a .VI ;i Ikl 7 mi live days, a a:, aim 50 r mi I'lioweck, 2 rxi US' 4 bik 8 so Tun weeks. 4 SI I I) 01' 7 ft I 14 INI 'I lireo wii'kj, 11 iki s no 1011:1) Hi mi 0n in. mill. 7 im 10 no 1200 at) (in Two month, if) on ij so 15 mil an nil Throe months, w on ir on is no 40 no Six months, ai ihi S7 on 311 Ml: no mi Nino months, iff on :t,i mi .- 00' M no Vim year, : mi 4s mi cj mi mi mi Special notice an ci-um per line, each Insertion. Advertisements my;illo i;unrteriy ill advance liL'.-HNK.-V! CARD?. J . W.I.IOT!', A T T O It SEV. A T - l A V , AND NOTARY PUI5LIC, I PETKOI.IiUM CFNTliK, 1'A. tl'islncsj in the. Courts at Franklin imuiptiy nt londisl in. OPr'tcK In Co' llrlrk Iiank Ilnlld- In-.-, flip .lair-1. U ashinirlon t. mi -if. a).ki:ict iiivuic, ATTORNEY .t COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE lit the Koche-trr lines,, IliiiMin:.'. un i iiiiiinyiini nil J .u.iih .nt-, PRTPOl.W'M tKSTIil-:, PIJNX'A.' y If, 13t.. tr. 'ISOMl.liH A tv'IHSI. , ATTOIINEYSXCOL'NSKLORS AT LAW, nin- Uiuh Pln-it, Franklin, ami I'elr.ili-itm Cen 're. Il:l Mlvlll-if. V. .MiAI.B'tM'., RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST." OFKICR Perry's IK'W liniMte?, comer of Wash ington ami Sci-oiel !-ls.( I Yti'olciim ciitrc, I n. inavlil tf. t. j. rtaitiM ii:, n. rilTSH'lAX ANI 8i;l!IK')N; lll'lce opposile tlic McKinney lloiisp, I'ir.irtilutville, Pa. I't-rsoiw IV0111 a ilislauie will u'-nerally tlud iilrn ftt liin Otileeou Nitnnlav ftt-ut io a. ui.t io p.m. Fi-pl 1 1 R- I- WII.SOH. H. U. VAN Yiasuil AVI I. SON A VAN VII.SOI5, "Al'GERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDIO PETROLEUM, L'FFIl'ES,M.-nvmtil(! lluildiiiL'. oil City Pa, and llwalon -c Sowers; Peu'oL-mu I'entre, Pa. inly aatii, is ;g ir. I t?"To .Milliui'iK noil Country Storekeepers. FALL TRADE. u om;s . lu i:iA ri.ii km ' srAins. KSIlt A HI.E ciiods reeelved daily frt-iu aiietiuii ion! nriv.-ileMrtli, Our stoek of i-iilhi-i-s. l-'inw- 'i. fitlm. Silks. Velvet'. Itilil.ons, Iju-e. Trie "l':.J, Fliliifes. -auken Notions, Funey liods, et,-.. is l:ir-'. mill ihi-jln. Wn cut lrnifllirf at Wece prices, liny and sell IV cilsll. KilwanI Jliilley & Son, :M0, 311, & UV,i Grand, and liu, 08 0 70 Allen Street ''oim-r store, llfih bluek east from the Howory, Nl:V VOUK f'l'I'V. !pnic:tr. (. 11. waiiLiiis, pi-: A 1. nil in o 'COAL I I '.'AVRoiiBiH'dn I' .nlViir.l nt IIia on.1 nf I). ''5i'Vfi' l''l'rm Ur'e' wlwro will lioc.i,?tniiily kop AND STOVE COAI fuus cuuihig to my yard lor Coal, w ill liavo n-e I'uksiih over Iho Crvck . OPERATORS Vnl.i j H j, 1-0 t eihtuire al ilie ofiU-e, and i.l to IV,, ir advaiua-eloucal Willi wo. 5 e'rolc;i Centie, l a PETR0LEU3M CENTRE, PA FBI DAY EVENING. OCT. 8 1869. HOTELS. () 11 i:yciiam,i: iioti:i SAMUEL KKXOI.DS. . . Proprietor "11-e lanjc!"! anJ mo.n cnniinoiliiiiH Hotel in th oil rurlen. Fair on the lirlduo reduced to boarders Tins hoiiBO i plimannll) iituatei, rooms cool and pleasant, tnnklni! it u doliehtfnl li.itel In all respect I'etriilettiiCenlrc, April IB, lNiu. jOCIIESTKU HOI:, Washington street. Petroleum Cemro, Pa IIKADSTItF.ET & MlEltWOOI), I'a.iriUKTon-. Tills House Is centrally located, andilio Kineuil neaIiiMi-ter- of oil m,.,. lViroleiuu Centre, Fa., May 10, l.iGS tf QI.MTKAI, IIOI SK, I'ETiioi.KFM c'j:nti;e, I'A., Near Oil Croek Allegheny Uivei liailway Depot. myl9 ir. o. ,;. citOSS, Proprietor. rcijirroi'K irons!-:. I'EPRDI.EfM 'CENTUE, l'A'. 'I his popnlat Hotel, aituofcil t:orncr or .Haiti & VailiigtoiiS(., Xeartlie Dmo', ha been refitted ard fiinii-lnd tlirnii-.-iioiii, nud Hie jjroprietor will apiir. uo i.ain 10 make 11 n FiRST-dr.xss norsE. ocl8 If C. GuISWOI.I), Proprietor. niKIUCAIV IIOTKI., "PETIiOLEUM CEXTIiH, PA. J. II. HA UN US, . . . Vroprietor. Thi Home is In a pleasant locality, and but a -Inirt ak ir.ini llin Pepot .,T,lis.i;0'iwi1 Wi.l"tflt lii-lii-.l. ii-s of tile selirioll. Ju-JU tl- .1. It. r.AHNES.. tSAMiMX IIIIISL'. siii.i.nit fa;::: station, i On 01. Creek Failroad.l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW, If. SU TEFF, Proprietor, .lunei-ir. J NTDJIN ITIONAl, IIOTK(., MIM.EIt FARM, PA. JOHN E. ROWK, Vrop" Ootd aeroinmodiitiifns for trariniiait ensitiniers. Pay Ilti-ird and Himril with roenis on reauonaMe terms. The oroprieiur will .jiare no pains to niako Ilia Iloilae attractive to "uesta. JltncS-tf 13 1M.KASAXTVIL1.R. PA rhin Hoii9f. liavini! nwnilv bom etilrirtrod and ro- funiUttd, I Htn t.iw prepared to acomihoJnte two linmlrcd 'infrttf nnn'ortnhly. STr;'8 h'fivr tliif- lmtic iliri'e time a da? Tor Ti tiwvillc 'J'hi-re U a No n line of Stiitro to l'itliule. JiiH-tf. THOH. AIcKlNNKV, Trop'r. lIlIOL!:i)JI HOUSE, OIL CITY, IM. Ilavinj recently taktm posnji(iin ni tlic nbovo llniP , wowmtld wwA ro:-pectri;ily Inform thi; tmv- elin public tliat we propose o "keepn IIoiil," and to convince Uiom of iho acl, wo nvitc nil who wish (lie comfort ol n homo, to c.il upon us. It will Le found The Hotel of the Oil Kigioiis. Our Snipl Room lt tupplfi-d with the chutet Win.'?, I.iip.ior'4 nnd Cijrarr, and our tnblo will bt ftnind liidrn with the very best tho nmrkot Bffordrt. TIuto is connected with the IToo Tour first chu"s Hillinrd Tabliw. Also, H:irb r Shop nnd Ruth Room, (iive n n iv11, nntl remvinee youraeived ot the tnUhhiltietfi of our Hssertiou. if iri:s Y. RTAATS, octo tf ja:iii;s whim:. TrI C. Jarvis. Dealer in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGB ASSORTMKNt ALWAYS ON HAND. bOOIUNH CI.A'HS In irre-l variety. I.ooki.-.n (lass i'iu'.ui, retilaeud in old Frame. !i'lii:'c J-'raiiii-s iiiado lotirtliT. t'arpits, il Cloths, Wall Pa piT, Whuknv Shades, K FINK STOCK. COFFINS of !l sizes on hand and trimmed to order on short notice. SAS3, :iA2S AND EOQRS. ''-! Variii-bt 11. Ac tio. 100 U ASISIX ' TO-M Rcrok'tini Cintr'Stp( im ;i ifst riMltt DAILY KKCOKD. Istlm hu advi-i hbli:? A uuaui ,u tliO cUivij, mmtimB RECORD. V-. Thk 1'ktkoi ki m Thadk Tbe rhiladcl phia Keiher of Monday Bays: During tlit past week th following vessels cleared from this port with petroleum. Schooner Milder and brig Tucker, for Havana, with 5,000 gallons; ung Dacuclor, for Jlarbados, with 1.S80 "allons; sebfloner McKec. for Trloati.. with 33!),040 Raffciis; bark, HoffuiiDg, lor Stettin, with 9-t,71(Bnllon j ship Armstrong, for Antwe-p, with 25",083 fcallons; rig Cub 1, lor London, with "87,158 gallons; nark Uor.e, fCr Gibraltar, with 93,581 gal lons; Kirk Homo, for Rotterdam, with 2.12, 344 gallons; schooner Lnmoyer, lor Si. Johut with i.OOU gallons; barks Meridian and I)' siah, for Civmcn, with 247,980 gallons; brig Conf. a, -ration, tor Bristol ' with 18 830 g-illons; brig Ea. for Nnte with 104,140 gallons, nnl:ing a total of J. 284,758 gallons for lue week-, ut:d 22,351,02 since the first of Iho year. Two ships, four barks, six brigs and one sclioouer aro now loading. The Principal of a young ladies seminary in Mnsachii?otts has advertised In the pa pers that his grounds aro protecled with powder and ball." II expects the ''Cousins" and friends of his fair pupils to take warning- A West. paper announces that ii has "employed a humorist to write funny para graphs lor the journal, and an aJiute writer to show up the jokes." Horse thieves are operating boui New castle piiio lively. One night this week, a horse and Lugg.t, the property of Mr. Greer, was taken, and others have recently rienn The chestnut season is setting in, and the b'-vs uro preparing to make the most of it. O. T. M IIOMllOM, rrpricior of the feufiao Bakery. Deal it u choice Flour, Rut ter, Ki;l'? and (.'beese Also, choice GroL'erieB, l'etrolfuni Centre, Vft inbr left will be promptly attended to. an Goods dulivero'l. lVmtoillco Rox niyU C. 1. TUUHI'SOX, hCLECTIC 1'ilYHlClAN. no. i uiahiond si Hrt r. (I p-StaimO TITTJS'IIL.ZL.E, PA The Great Yonoiultc HMter. AH IimII ! pj'cnt bcn fictcr. Who to cure uc of our i 1 1 t.iviv lift tu tlnMii.-eon -ohitr. Without tiorioun drt, s or pilU. Driven (iint'tine from out il:.; .-vftci::, Kills tho hcrt vi h lite 'it I :ijn. With the beat of all tlm roak-s, " Downer Great Vosjinitv! With root from out the valley!, Wlu'ivt'iilliforiiiii's biu doth shine. Giviut; wtvilin tons poor niortatri. Revolt tlniriclifs of Her miMM, ''alrh of heiilili and luipptuirs, lis bifri-iint;H none lu tihi slight. Do ytni iui t it ? U'on'J you luivc tt " lu DuwiierV Ureut Vusumite. Come ye sick, dixcixcd, (llncim-nhitc, Why'al.oiild you pine and di ? v fwblf, faint au laiiLrni-U jiir. Come, t !.t;o luiimis liiiters try. Sim- how tlni' (jinn k and nostrums, K;! from the lun.l in friit, Givinp pl:re to t tiis nui'i! tunic, Duwnor's Great Yusuuitu ! iul'iRi. HENRY E. W 11 1 G LEY , CIVIL, i:blNKi;il AM) SURVEYO n , ' llEHAtD r.I.OCK TITI SVILLi:, IA. Surveys or Level Maps.. Tracings, Building Plans, and Patent Drawings, o n n A N I) , A lai(te steck or his seasoni'd ai.1 painted Lease Stakes, OF LAIidB SIXK, AXl) f ITU PAINTED KL'MBKHS, Vt'hioli are bein:riiliier,-.'ly n-id. TIIK NEW MAP Ol- 'I Hi: ENTIRE OIL JIKGION in rAitn. POCKET FOHM, f I junl.") :'vv. ox nor.Msp.s. t iv lilt. !! S AllIIIAOi:s A fine u.-crtniun' at Ut rmxifurv Suae OIL OHMmOKS Cm always find the oenuine Plymouth CABr.Es and New York Ukltino Co'a Beltim; and Rubber Goods, both of which are acknowledged to lie unsur passed in quality and mtumfac ture. Of Well F iirnishmg Goods, Ave have the largest as sortment in the Oil Region, and can refViv to our customers for evidence that wo keep nothing but the best of sxootls. F. W. AMES, TITUSVILL, V A. may5-8m PIPE CUTTIN3. 11NWAHE. 0 H P " H is o i h1 Cfi . I " 5 Br fl I i 3 GAS CUTTINli. TINWARE nugf.lf. AO. .'IT rU.'TIUST., on. nrv, pa. Tl ill 's the ln-t i-.i l'.lishmciit -f -.lie Mud in Ii Oil Ki';.-io:i. i .-jui- ami iVi .l oid v i.c.i .all- at i! 25 CTS. WEEKLY GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealnin In all kinds of WEMi TOOf,S A: FIXTl ltllS Necessary fnr putting dttva and opcrntine Ol; a i-ils. in contieclioil Willi -nir MACIilXli SHOP we have a lai-L'eand eonvenie'it BLACKSMITH SHOP. Oi:r rr.cilltles 'pr MAXCFAIT OKING are not cs celled by any Kli lp in the Oil llenious S!uj)M,tiii-st,o'i)osi'.i Mcl'llnlnr.k JIhu e inyi7 tf FISIIUU & NUillilS. A" (!. ...i pr,; i , i c.it flit, wnrth if Viiur moiicv t nt ttn M:W l I.OCil AND KKKII S'rulfn AND 1,1 M RKR YARD nf I,. M. STi;iSMl'ISCi V C'UM wl.frn then) is alwun a. MAN rrndy to how tholr ciHtntnei!" tlipir Uro t o( I'l.Ol'l. HAY. and all kinds i f I-EKI niu! tin- place ako where may he FOUND t IirL-c assortment of fl:-st clnsa UO' OII ANT), iKKSHKD I.F.MIIKU. l.ATII, SII1XU1.KS. ill, Utile vei7 luV-est ea?ll prices Tliy4j who are Hut DEAD Ai their on n interest, nnd wish to ileal with mm- ho do ImKikiss on the lonare. will And it to IlieJi interest to glvo nt a call lieiore imruliasinir else where, and eue what wo can do for you TTSTTt'-Virf"?,ViVi.mr't 1,t P'w. t)l? IVriTMV KTIrt.M,'T r Petroleum Centre, I..' 51. STKHXIIUtO, 11 11. VA1.'NI:K. Felict-tf MACHINE SHOP -AND Brass Foundry For Sale, MESSRS LKARD & WRIGHT lioini; . atiout to reniove to Tenuessoo woiiIl offer their woll known shoji for sale. To a good machinc-nt a rare opportunity is oll'erod Tonus rcasou'aSrli'. Address L'SAP.'D i V. R IG H T aug23 tf 1'itliolo, l' Pianos ! Pianos ! uoi:.i itiu)Vi, MHtiufacturer JAMKSTOWN. N. Y. A No, cx elusive Aeuie lor me ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLKSALE AM) RETAIL DEALERS IN Nlim Music, Wrings, v fjTScnd for illustrated Catalogue and price liHt . GAOItHI & IlltOWN. tvarwnoins 1 1 Male Street. Factory P.ronklyii lilcttU, liHit of iluin-st. nui7 If BI'Ft'AI.O ASM KIMS HUI.HOAII, on and afir Monday, Kcv. Ihi;.-., Passe nger Trains will ran on this ro::d as fcilo-A'a; l.EAVK RIOE TjlllNl EA'IT. - It I II 'A. M, Mtlll'l' KXPItBSS, fiot.pinu a-. t-t? Kiplry, Weslfleld, liiinklik and silver crit l:, Hrriviin;at Itnllalo at 4. -15 A. ,1. A. M., NEW VOKK HXPKKSS. aloit . Utt't'f i-lnj- at Wtllel,l. lirnctmi. Dunkirk, Sil vei-creek. and Almoin, nrriiu in Iluii'al'. ni a .10 I'. M ,. P. SI.. CIXCTVNATI F.XPItr.SH, Btii , 4 .'I'l i,u,' at Nortlieast, Wesilichi, Bruclon - llunlili'k and hilverrreek, and arri.vs a. liiinnio at 1... P. M. ;,j A. M , MAIL ANi) ACi'OMM-iili , '1'IOX, utoppinit at nlliimtiiiris, linivo g a linftnloal l.i.Jo A. M . "i P- M-, DAY i:.Yl'llr.S r.lopi,llif.- a . ' Norllu-ast. liipliy, Wesllii-'d. i)unkiik; . Hilvervfeek and Argula, aiiivin at Uui faloat V.llo 1'. M. I.KV.'K rTKFLO OOIHO WhST. Ioik 1'- M-i 1AY KXPUKW sioi,.::ix i An l.wl.-v'V f'uhl. Sliverclerk, D.l.wiil'I:, o:hIuii, We-lflcld nud Xoithuis., Uii.ingat Fiie l."' " m ! MA 1 1. AM) ACCOMMODA -ftlMF TInN. siopi.inir "I "'I slati'us, ariivii. al Kiii ai -v." f M- A. M., T'll.KIKJ h.VPItl-.ss. rmppuitr ni tli'lw all sliiliona, and aii'ivin ut Fric a' lu, A M n,Wk ! M., STHM1!"AT KXPIlIiSS, bi,.. jT.vyiP .,in at Aie.'iila, Silverijwck, DiuiMrk. . l -ll. llll.!'n..lll'l.1ll!.liHI HI 1 I, - ,.!. at l.iM A. M. Mi:HT I ' X ! t ; - . fVnipiic a' . . '.. 1 liinliii k and '.-l.'n-lii, in I., . .1 I. I.i A. V . Im i It s f.i 't.t-r Ki ln Ft if tin It: . 1 '' '; ):!:"- , t: i K f i i Ii I'' M ! V ''I