3 17 0 ' i P id i t. n in Lo : -4 gel rh ; w . tbi ; H; St. I o It 30 B. tea urj ler, tat gbt at ' nge ot tl unit m t laro ' t Ji fen tnlt iltid. i we tIO 4 ' llH 'dir. i to i ?S lio n 'in t: l8llOf itod ay i hp XDud ily . Record NEWSPAPER, MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, HARDWARE 01 ti CITY. 18 THE AND It Office, HAtX STBEET PETJtOLEMI CEXTUE. W. II. LOXfiWELt, Proprietor. BEST LINIMENT ix Tin; WOULD For ZVlan X 36 Yearn In m era In (rood for Ithetimatlrun, ChMhlfUn, Corns, Whit imvM. Caked ISrea-M, Sore Nipples, Cramps, lUiiln, Ibtes of animals, W tnki.em of the Joints, Contrac tions of tilt Muscles, limns nnd IScalds, Frost 11 it oh. rinnfiil Nervous aileetions, (happed Hamta, Lame (lack. I'ntu in the Mde, Swellings, Turner, Tooth Acliti, Old Sores, Hemorrhoid or JPiles, Flesh ROBSON'S Oil Cbfek. Wouks. CIIAULfW ilOBSO A; Co., Corner of Nriicru t'Piilre Htn., Kant mo if II l-rei-i Healers In Morris, Tnskcr 4 Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, 1LSO, W0KIN1 liAldtRI.S AN!) VALVES, KTITIt'kINO HOXr.. CLAMPS, ToMIH. Machinery for Oil Wells & Befinerios MISCELLANEOUS. HOVINO TOOLS, OIL PL.Vl'b, dm vino pice, COLD WAl'Ult PUMPS Wounds, Galls of nil kinds, SnMlna, Bruises, Crack ed Heels, Mm lime, Pole Kvil, t illd Calls, Cal" hiih. y-imvin, rnvecnev, ristllla, pitkisi, r.xterna- Poisous. cn-ralche or Urease. StiriiiL'lialt. baud Chicks, Ijtmcncs. Strains, Poiiudcriitj: r'wt. Manure, Horn Distemper, liurirot in Cows, cracked Tents, root liot in Mieop, and many other disease lnci- utm to Jinn auu ijcasu so U. D. TATion, of Concord, Ky., says thoGarR'ini; Oil cured u horse of hi, iniur' d while DlciiL'hinu. by attempting to step over a stump, almost severing Ms family r,r fifteen years, mid is tlu best remedy lor Cuts,' Hum, Brnl'ses, Frost Ultra, Strains, Mioum- atism, etc., tic ever tlicU. era C73 From Chump A Bros . Coehran Lindlne, Obiti, Nov. SO. 18."jti. V are pleated wiTh ,vur medicine. It has been tins mtUTi ot curiiiEi n crenr nuiiiiiet (lilTti'enT (lijiensert upon Mirsotii. at :il?o nnon hordes. We think it cure U vn reeoinineii'I it to di. We want you to send the lArcr prnpmtiou of tl.e vaneiy lor "rnmny use," in mnu Dtnuea. NEWS DEPARTMENT. Wa receive toloinpMc despatchoa np to 4. r. a., and preont tlicui toonr readers every evenint, cm n;na 01 great Interest from all section of ths country. Wo have made special arrrmyemc'itu. whereby o receive regular Petroleum, stock and Produce .Market Ueports every oveiiit.' ly telegraph, rrora Xow Vork, Plitladelphui, and I'iiubuv, which, together with ailtoriaU aud Load matter., nuke It me of the most d(sini1ire nuudpipei a puLlisbod In the Oil Region. Ae ail Atlvrtlsliig filcOiisuj, l'.'io HRCORI) has no cnporlor, na it drculntos ivhorrvar no Oil Operator or Dealer cnu ha fotind. From Dr. J. 1'. i biirell. Warren. InJ., JIarch ISo'i. I am enirap.d in the practice of rei' lirino' an-1 tlnd your (iaralina Oil an extremely etlicie! t remedy in nil cases where au external aj'idicntiou Is indl'-atei. Frini Db. G. n. Xeal. Burria. Towa. Dcc.ffi. 18rJi. I hnvo practiced mediciite in thH county seTcn yean anil cneeriiuii rccouimoriU your ti.tri'iuig oil a inu oesi uuameni in ne. From Da. T. W. Eu.ia. f 5a , Jan. 0, 1P."1 If 1 conld receive hoth boxe. of the Gurrlinrf tHi it wi'i mit he o. ranch, a4 I thli 1; I could toon HnJ snlo f it all. ttte inquiry b-itm treiiucnt Hlitce it is su tti'ii i nave it l-r ate. Frotii Itn. Wm. S. Mci'ail, Chsmoi, Io., Nov. tl, 1H5.S. tiur ("Inf'Tiini.' Oil is tttkhiL'tlioauincoff from lie liniment of the dav. If you desired them. I could procure dny.ens of certificates from tho.-, who hu e been cured by It. mm fflPAMHi v have n lare and well selected asiortmcnt i new Jobbing Material, emDracIng the very Utcst style.. Wo nro therefore, enabled to oxocttte Job Work of every variety in a satisfactory manner w ncn aesiroa, joos will bo neatly printed inii!oL0s Fosters Etilla of Fare, babels. AND IJiuincss anil Vlsitina CarclH LBTTEH-IIR-XDS, ril.Il OP '.ADINO, Rtc. PAc UfO - ll.tl.J. WISlNTJNtJ, r.ain or I'.mcy 9lyln, nr-ly and promplly excen to.l, embi.u:!n :jvitatin (Miuu'LMf H'(ookam.mes OAKDS, TIOKKM, Klc act, every variety ano stylo of work In luttor, pres. pi'.utlug Merchants, Lnwyor, Ji'licos of tho Peace, Land A'joiit.i, Oil Tna.en ar.d Annta, Iirnqranra Amenta, Eipreicn Ind rtbrr prWc' In want, are lnrnrtned 1 -a' o-,. -ir" orcrirel to avctH tonAl,r all k'U nl iljAM, '. i in or te.Mt, t'vtnir 'J in t'.ii .'oTn in toll;-. Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE- . IINEKILS, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BHASS GOOD?, TZAKS ASD OAS FTTTIXGS. JlELTJjyU, rALUlv, snajiyor.; HARDWAUE, UOUSE TKIMM1SCS, Carpenters' Tools, Kope, uaktim, Nails, Axes, CofToo Mills, Table & I'ocket Cutlery; Full Assortment of Everj thtns in the HARDWARE LINK jtauc PUT-iishins Goods, lAru-an, tttimneys. No. 1 Winter Strained Tjird Oil, No. 1 lletlnw! Oil, Stair Hods Table an dDoorTdats: Mannfnclnrers of Tin, Sheet Iroa and Copper- V are. Hernlrinr; of all kind done with neatness and dispatch. Kspecial attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the pnlnnnce of the public and hIiii'ii use cvtry eXfiti ju to insure its continuance. Our faeilitle f ir frniHhm e'eryth'.ng in our line. liftviiTir Invn cr?p.tly inci eased, in tho erection of our Sew linibLiii'. are now SUPKI'.IOH TO ANY OTilKII FTABLISHMEMT J1-31U. IN THE OIL Bm,IO.N. NEW HARDWARE STORE ! Itlllll llT IIIIYAN A: Crt.s lies leave to announce to the citizens of Petroleum CnilreniMl vicinity, that they have opened . new -tore In ttie rear oi II nice of the Central 1 etrol. euro Cniupanv at the railroad crns-lif-, where iney will keep constantly on hand il full assortment ol everything in the Hardware line, such as TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, -GAS FITTINGS AND 11KASS GOOS. Mr. nryan having hcen encaRcd In tho rmsinow with Messrs. Winter Hro"s. lor inur years past, will attend particularly tottao business ol niaiiuiacturiiig 1 smokp: stacks All kinds or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, &C. They havo a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIT With an entire ' SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In thl. line. Apr :9. Petroleum Centre, DEAl.Ei: IN rURE FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND A M ERic A , DB, MEDICINES 1! CUEJIICMS CILOU'EFOUEION MofMr VrlAiN .fc Bho , Whulenio T)ruir?itlH, whiMjimr a., nv, tuuir-r Uite ol .Jiuy v.i, v thnt tlicvr!in palely recnmmeiia the inrelui'; OA U)T tno'e ais ftsc tnnn it t r(K'onimeTiM'-'l lr. Troni K. b irn ten. I niontown 1 .t.. l'nio Z 1Si7. Your (iarlin (Jil in doing mwh (tetter hero th:i:i ttirmerlv, sinei-lis virtucr htivelH'tviuekii'iwii, ;it.l tin butties put no for i'anilly Use, -without gtAiu, aru tnUL'ti tvou.t for. Cj3 I7D RaWs Oil CreK Pipe Ms Corner of Seneca and Ontrn Pis. car.t si.le ol' Oil Creek, Oil City, ra. ITavinr: s-I-lcd a To-.verrul steam r.vr''nn a,.: three h'.r!. L f irl,;, t'. our nln.idy cxvu-lve M.n:,i!'n; tTliir: flat I'.-lino'et. are u..-.v prepile-l to iia'; the i.ee-Ds.iry j:k, j.i flttia "!', " i' eiu. j ENGINES. UOILERS. iro:-i T A ".. REFINING Coal! Coal! Coal! rjIIR undersigned, having established a branch Yard at S.yir.i Farm, arc now prepared tofnrnili All Grades of Coal At the Very Uwet Pricts. Operators from Cherrvtree Itun.and vicinity, living at l etroletim Centre, inn leavctheir order nt our offlce here, and have Ihem promptly filled from the Kvud i-'aim YanU AT LESS COST THAN USUAL. IIO.VT rOltO'T THF, TtiACE SKAH1.KS & COKNWKI.U OJ.ce on O. C. .t A. II. II., Petroleum Centre. Dratich Ol'ce at lljnd 1'imu. X. D.-We ho! 1 exclusive control of the famous ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at lth the above named liulnU. Jun2 t . AND DOMESTIC Toilet Articles! AND Fancya Good? IMPORTED SOAPS, RRUSHES, AND Physicians' Prescriptions compnm'.itnVJror.i.'r.ni mid choice malenais. A. T. LEGGELT, Mnnnracturcr and Dealer In Fxtrac friim a hitter from IIotN..than riNTiv, rotifity .iim-re dt rtuityt n.. tmvn, amwi unrirtn, Avr, Vi, It i dfctdedly prefcrred to any lin- aincnt iold in this sectiou. Kxtra-. t ot a letter trom Samuel H. TTr?p. d'ltcu FflHlur, Ohio, July 17, lsrjtJ. In June lat, Henry fehtiMe had p vift' lii'1,' colt that had what was un- v 8fl to he Dyiittieria for mnro tlmu ten d iyn so tnat it eeuht not eut, aiei me tnroat tvoidi aimoit phut, and the we of thro or four s,:piIeHtioiH of i mo Uiiuur uoTtiett a:utue uri-cj eno.:t. F.i i in A O. iSiBi,, LwUvjl!o. t OHChoeton t o.. . Jlarch. 1K52 i havo ued vour (otriiiii; Oil lor the Srrntchea on my horne, aiiti it curej it with tiiu drat appiiuuuou. From Emo Matiieh. Ilddlcttorf. N. Y.. .Tulv 1S5). I purchared a bottle of your Gari'linK Oil of vonr ar(nt. A. H llftkev. at 3! intlienort. ami ntt vtt I have iwe.I hut naif ol it. I.thiuk it ha (riven me more rellet in a etireot Hetere Kiieunmtisui. oi long tatrJiug, taan ouy tiim; l nave ever useu Uororu. Extract from a letter from J.-O. Tratt, datef! Qnine.y. 4'hantau(im l'o., N. Y., Auiniririi, is" K T h-tvi! been a-(Tniiuied with your niede-ino apj1i: i: oil) tor the iiwt lourteen yenr. it tins proved mire cure fur l-'oot Uot In Shoep for which I sold the hit bottle and have cnllf n'mottt dally lor more. riiNwe torwuru tia eooa ws conventenr. macii;k:-:gy, COPrEIl V0RM3 AND STILI.F, OH. WELL TOOLS AND EITTINGS doa'.I M.-'.rhnerv Tob Work cntnte l tou with ne;itncs.- and dim.ftte.n i)ijvlmr.a MEW HARDWARE STORE HEWING AND COOKING T In largu variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutler y! Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Kxp'"-:-:.cel workir.CL arc employed, and Tlar lies ..f ill kind l:oiiii r..taully on band ui.d made to older. T. V. llslm.' Tat. Seed -Has l or Sale la airing Done at all Times ! ("nl! 'indexnm'ne mirstocl. :ir.d prices, Jlala-flt., below li.o ;.5c'll toc'i. lloiisiu. Petroleum Centre, Pa Jan. 7th, it1 -tl . HOUSE FHMI3EKIS e nnSi v.-- itr? Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GABGLIHG OIL, LAMPS.LANTERNS. AND FANCV AKTICLE3. And tako no other. Wfti!lsis Ware, " &c. illl.lt Zit? VIS. Fhako well before n-lnr, and rub on thoroughly neiore me lire or itoinn w;trin sunsiauce. T!io Oiirirlincr Oil hrw been in tiio n Unnment n'-' year. Ml wo ask is n fair trial, hut be sure ana imuiw uu eciioiw. Ak your nenrcsit DriiKCt-t. or denier in Pnient MudiciiiiM lor ono of our Ahnanae? and Vade cuius, and read what the jwyile f.y ahotit the Oil. Th. rifirl'n O'l in fr pale by all ropeetnblt dealerM tiiroufiout tiio Lulled btatiij ami tr.ei- couutner1. Our teimoriaH drvto from 1S: to iscflnml five untolici.'td. Uno tiiw Oarhii'i Oil nui tell your Dt'lglibord what good It hub U'-nc. Vu djiU fair and liberal with all aud defy contra diction. Pilamifivr'tvirud at liockport, X. V.j by Hmfcint's tiarglizBS till . JOHN IIOIXi E, Se -rta-y. For Palo CHEAP 1 At the store formerly occupied hy nr.rchno'd and Unsteilino. oil. city, r.-v . J tTiUsJ II. VBtiUtK. Oil City, .Tan.4,1lt-tf. AlispzdTiiKtjf Terrtory. 2iaria: T3 oil operators. Tl.c undeiaiiod, npeat for tho Metropolitan OH Comp'iny, now oirurs to lease the territory of said Con, puny, in lots oft'.vo acres each, for one-fourth r )...iUy. This larm Is .'.tunta on Cherry Tree llun nrd lb s on the JUGULAll VEIN Which coiim cts Wood and Piersou Farms with CHOLEY E.TJ:J TZ2.3.IT03.Y. for further MnrMciilfir npjilv to the original ' 1). W.KKNNEY, Allemagcczdura City, Cherry tres Hun. I)nii$ts Suiishics! .IF YOU HAV'NT S-'EE3ST T. GO AND SEE IT The Made MM Petrolewt Cen've, June, . T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE At tiJe Bfi:i)t. :!i;oStC the - m ' Ccntml SSewse, PETROLUD M CENTRE PA nuns host P'ock of PIlIVINd AND S.UiiW I . ... i.r. A t X HOHSl-a on uie t recu, are iu ai'DouuId's I.ivcry. & CUTTEB3 TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. nLEHIASES IIOnSE3FEr Ae UOARJ)E on licasonablo Terms. ftf All at tested to l9r:5i!tly. Teamtus; T M'DOSAIi Or o-ld less, April 1C lm. "BOX 11 7, lVtioteitm Centre, Pcnn. GKO. II. KISSES IjIj & CS),, 33 J. N K E US , I'jiritoi.imM CKKi tei:, I'a- 0. II. lV.siell, M. C. Jiiutin Chrlitophcr Meye". We cft.Tour si'rn.i.rt for the transaction of ti TI'NI'.ltAl. IcVNKINti. L.VCIiANOL and COL- Li:c I'luN HVflNKsS. vny biis.ni'ss enu-iisted to our euro will rttccivc protiijit attention. jol t U. SHOW BUILDING. ail.y A. . MirrFIl A: 0 ti e first n.dar isi on" 'f the ben'. IllHiiU'd.Ktmiii in tin plaee. All under ouo maiuioineut KIN'S IS,2il. Thin U tl! in now roady T.tr ilie;ii'M"l exhibitionsd ciU'iTiLJ, Iivtui- t, 'I'lie Hall h heeii icthti d ami !!"uti:Ui"iu'i!. pains auJ.espeurie haa bo vz4 to I'mke ii a tiint cliht g0ttjsc i uruisMug KTOltK. rf'lii under !iicd bavluu' lltted up i nw store on Petroleum Centre, Is now prepared to furnish his customers with cv crylliln", In th bouse (uniishiu lino. Stovpn svinl Tin ware, Di:LtncriiM. Fancy A rticlos, S;j!iij t!, Iriel ;niil .liii !iricl Ware, Also an li:irn sllt. ol ttms cV Iron rotniv;i COM, I'ISI'oN AMI HEMP l-.M'KIN't!. LACI. I.KA'l II !''!!. etc , Til K CIIAJUMS AMI KlIVKIl'V -!. TII j:s WIIIMIKKS, v. i'i;it iwoLi'iits ui'uii M.i.s. All Jul) Virk iiromptly attt-ie iled to with neatness and ilis viatfli. Parlicuhir attentitin paid to (Jas and Sterm inir a exec t y (Jive me n call. Petroleum Ccntro, Nov. 11. IPI'S LWB R Y & FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite the Opera Home, PETROLEUM CENTRE, I'ENN'A. , i . t . .i .int, nf Tiidinir nl I, UUfC Jllll. Ill n (;oun nn'i - Drivinc HorwB, wliicb 1 will let on . reasonable terms. Also, Cutters., Wason, Sprl" Wokoiin, Arc. HOUSES boarded and fed and best of care F jali9.tr A.SMAJ. Fitting, liav- Gas Fitting Machine not Hell m the Oil Kedon for cutting das Pipe. -i--- JAMES RUTHERFORD, Fvtluieuiu Celitie, July liou. It'., j , CHAMPION REAMER! We desire to inform Oil Ojr erators and the public generally that we are prepared to revive orders for our Champion Six n.-tt. .. T rri,?a ?a V Itliout doubt the' most perfect tool for reaming that has ever beta ii f troduceil. (live us a call s f isher, Xonis & 1' 9