The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 07, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record,
Pel. (.eiitre, Tliuralay, llet. 7.
.?.. Jfslf, Jiaior.
Time of ('toeing OTallsu
I'. O., PBTROI.KfM CKSTItf, Pa.,)
JUL! -7sT, lailS. j
Until rnrtlier,not!ee the maila will arrive at nnd
tiepurt from tliisJoHlcc a fotlowe :
AimivR. ,
Month nnd East, via. frvineton, 10.28 A. M.
South nnd West, " Meadillc, 6.1S 1". M.
North and East, " Curry, 2 55
Sooth and Wot, 45 A. M.
Soutt, Kat and Wert, 9.3(1 1'. M.
North, Kant and Went, 10.00 A. M.
IMvlne Servier.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. AL, uml ".
o'clock P. M.
Kev. J. T. Oxtodt, Pastor.
METUoDisf episcopal enuuen.
Services every Salibath at 11 A. II. nnl
7 P. M. Sabbath School atOJi A. 31.
cats free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to nil.
Rev. C. JI. IlEAim, Puelor.
ST?. rETERFANH PAUL'S '(Catholie)
Mas. at lOVf a. m.
Vcpper nnd Pencllction ofj the messed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism nt 2'p. in.
JAMES DUN'N, Pastor.
1 t'hnntro of Time.
Northward Trains
Leave tt. Centre. ":' a m., nr. at Corry P 40 n.m.
I'M I a m . nr. " 1 25 p m.
" " " i!:M p. in , nr. " Mil n. ni.
" " " 1, 1:00 p. in , nr. TttiisvillcOitMp. m.
Southward Trnin
Lrnvj Pct.Ceutre. ":I0 a. m ar. at Oil Clty.tlo am
" " I.O.Ip. m.,nr. ' J:4 1 in
" ' " W3 p. 111., nr. " 8:. p m
" ' " (l.S'Jp in. nr. " 6:i)Uim
tThia Train will stop 20 minutes for dinner.
iriieoureFreii;lit Trains aud go to Titusvillo and
Oil City.
These tr.iiiia piss at t'lls 4ut. The. t-outliwarj
Train sloping fur breakfast
f la 2:55 pia Train going North and tho 1:'.3
Train going South run on Sundays.
BESJAMW II. lillEM-STER, Attorney
General of- Pennsylvania, is to address
the nH-nis of Petroleum Venire this eve
niinj in front of the Rochester House.
The candy man with his fighting wolf la
now'eneamped ut Fhuniburg.
Peaches soli in New Castle lor SI. GO psr
bushel best quality, and uro a drug upon
the market.
Tbero was no prio fight between Collyor
and Dougherty yesterday, tbo lattor forfeit
ing bis money on ncconnt of weighing a
matter of two pounds and a halt too much.
Delaware is threatened with obliteration,
Ur chief river Is wasting the State uway at
the rate of fifteen foot a year. She can't
island that sort of thing long.
Arrungomouls have been mado by Collect"
or Uriunell and Secrolury Poittwcll for tho
reduction of the salary Hat of.tha New York
custom hoiiBe about $25,000 a ycur by dis
charges ol employees.
NoitcK. The parties that took tho clock
from tho Cozy Uilliard ; Parlor, will .lease
call and get the koy lor same, as we liuvu
no further use for it unci it is u nuisance it)
our bauds, lly complying with the above
you will much oblige,
Iiobson ib Arnold.
Tho burglurs ttbo robbed the Norwullt
Conu.,J Lank, on 'J'liursilay night last,
curried mil' $100,000, of which sum $30,0(l()
belonged to the funds of tbo bank. The
vault was j.riod open by tho burglars, who
then blow open the sufo door a mass of
iron, weighing lour thousand pounds with
Mrs. Portor, the tiew post mistress ut
Louisville, Las executed ber bond, and it
has been forwarded to Washington Jor rati
fication. The uuiuuut is $150,000, with
Captain Z. M. SSuirlcy and Edgar Newborn
us Securities.
misnt.--TIii ri;;bt man in the right place is
John J. Carter, in his clothing emporium
ut Tilut-vllk', opposite CorinlhiiUi Hall. ' lie
lias just received a large stock o! cloths and
caxsiiuorcB, of tho very latest styles, which
no is uiuklng up for customers iu strict ac
cordance with tho present fashions. Also,
bib slock of gout's famishing guojj, bats,
und caps, lire of a supetior quality und ore
eagerly sought ufter by thuse who vi.-it Ti-
lu-viiie. His facilities fr lnuuufaeiuriug
i(ilk bets to measure, is equal to that of any
lurge city, und ibis depailment ia driven
to its utmost to Gil orders. John has "suits''
nr. tho brain amazingly, but not luw-sni'e,
.nud is subject to flts," s all bis patrons
uro uwaro. lie is truly liet.t'rviiig o( a
tul patronage, and we are pleased to LiI jw
bis trujj '.i luiuu'.y CkLeiuiilig '.htvKjbout
be t-il n
Habit is everything. We have all lionnl
tho story ol the man who slept above a
baker's oven for twenty years, then changed
his lodgings, but had to go back to the oven
before be could sleep. A caso illustrating
tho same princtnlo is reported in Ohio. A
city man, accustomed to lodge on ouo of the
noisiest streets, visited a county friend.
Too much quiet disturbed his lest at night.
His friend felt for his distress, and said he
would try and relieve it. Accordingly he
went to a neighbor's und procureJ a bass
drum, which he bent under the euest's bed
room window, and hnj bis boy run u squeak
ing wheelbarrow up nud dowu on the porch,
while his wife pltiyed on the piano, and his
servant girl pounded on the chamber dour
with tho tongs. In this mauner the sufferer
was enabled to get two or three hours o'
quite refreshing sleep, though it was heavy
on tho family.
Ho for Tim Ofif Riiui'iN. I. Trayor has
agniu arrived in town with a first class lot
of cloths from the that cluss bouse of Charles
Stokes, Philadelph a. Any person wanting
suite of clothes made up in good style would
da well to givo him a call at the Central
House, Polroleuin Centre. 2t
Boston has a philanthrnpistw bo visits
the prisons. Said lie to a prisoner, Most
of your friends think your sentence was ex
cessive; nothing like it was ever known.''
"Yes, I suppose so," was tho prisoner's re
ply; "but tlieu, yon know, every thing has
gone up sincu the war."
A 'J'hi llliig Adventure.
Tho Cleveland Herald, of Monday siyh:
On Saturday evening u thrilling adventure
beiel the messenger in charge of tho car of
the American Express Company, ou tbo
night express train from Erio to this city.
Shortly ufter leaving the former place l:e
discovered to bis consternation that the cou
tents of tin car were ou lire. The car was
packed full of Iheu.-unl assortment of express
heights, consisting principally of dry guoJs
and other merchandise, and the bell-rope
counecliug with tho engine bad been passed
over the lop of thecal', lioth ends of tho
cur were crammed with packages, only: a
small vacant space being left iu the cuutie
ai tue doors, occupied by the messenger.
The perilous nature of his cjudiUuu uuu
not be fully reafizjj. Tho train was whirl
ing aluug ibruugti tho duikucss ut the rale
ol thirty inilis un huur, and tLu lire wub
rapidly spreading through luo dry combusti
bles, last lining tue car with bcatkud BiuuUu
Uo bad no posdbto nieaus of digualiug the
engineer, uud Lt) menus of egress to tLu
other cars or of couiuiuuiculioti with
their occupants,, lie migut suuut himself
hoarse and bis voice would be dronud y
the roar of tho iiu'in. It seemed impossible
lor him to give uuy alarm until the lire
should have made such progress as to ue dis
covered by others, but in the meantime
himself must iuevitubly bo suffocated or
take (ho alternative of leaping from tiio
To open tho doors of tho cur would be
but to u dm it thuuir and give a new impetus
to the lUines. Hat the beat uud smoke
woreulreudy stilling and something must be
dotiu immediately or be must perish. Open
ing one of the doors he wheeled out thu iron
sate to tiiu edge of liie uud let it fall. It
wasstrucii ty tbo steps of the baggugo car,
producing a cJncu.-xiou sous to alarm its oc
cupants, liighlly conjecturing that some-,
thing was wrong the engineer was signaled
and the train toon came to u mop. Tins
cause of the ulurul was boon discovered, the
messenger boiug found, leuuing as far us
possible out of lliu car to escape the smoke.
Every appliance ut Command speedily
brought into requisition, und tho lire was
forluuatuly extinguished. The sale was
picked up uud thu train resumed its journey,
arriving ut its destination without further
DispattUes show Ihut tho lain storm
which begun ou Saturday night and contin
ued until yesterday morning, hj been gen
eral uud severe. The bridges at Copoke and
Ghent, ou "tho Harlem railroad, are both
gone. On tho Delawuio division of the Eiie
Koad tho river is twenty foot higher than
on Friduy lust. A portion ol tho truck is
washed' away between lVrt Jervis aud De
posit. Tho interruption of luo wires at the
former place propetits infoi matiou regarding
the flood beyond Deposit. The Schuylkill
rtvor has risen leu feet, and tho freshet is
sweeping cveiy thing bufure it. At Phila
itt'luliia. Severn I ireicht cars on low ground
oil liio west tide of Iho river woio canied
oil' from the Pennsylvania railroad depot.
The water has obliged the suspension of
ln.vnlnii I'm YnnnUown Malliouu. uaiu-
by hid flocd at other points is leported,
Out t'..J inUrruptioil of Ibe lelegruph win's
preveuta any ini'nm atiun Irom being receiv.
ed. Great d iniago has been dono to the
busumeiilB and collars in tiie lowest part of
New YeiU city. It is tbe ievcutt ltoud
l,;r wn tor eiae time. .
A.'tcnwmi Dispatches
PlTTSnt'RUU. Oct. 6.
The Jlonongaliola river is four feet si
inches nnd lulling.
Piin..uit:i.rHiA, Oct. 6.
About half a million of property was de
stroyed by the Hood in nud about this city.
New Yoiik, Oct. C.
About a hundred feet of the hlc.Ii embank
ment on tho Harlem railroad at ti 1st street,
fell last night, stopping travel ou that road.
Tho Hudson River railroad is again in run
ning order to Albany.
Lawkknck, Mass., Uct. C.
All the mills, nro stopped to-d;iy by back'
water. Nearly all that portion of tho city
between the river und Lowell strict, and
the railroad and base of the lower hill, over
a hundred acres, is oveifljwed, and a great
many houses are stirrouuded by water.
l'lTTST.W.UII, Oct. C.
Monoogahela four feet eight inches and
rising : thorniou.i'tor at CO.
Dktkoit, Oct. 0.
Stewart, tho burglar who murdered John
Willis iu his house in this city on the night
of September loth, was brought before) Re
corder Swift this morning for hearing. The
court room was packed will) spectators. The
prisoner was strongly guarded to prevent
uuy attempt to seize, him. After tho read
ing of the complaint tho prisoner to the as
tonishment of everybody, pleaded guilty to
the charge of murder in tho first degree and
immediately afterwards was sentenced to
sjlitory conUnemcut ia the State Prison f r
life. The result was a surprise to ail, for
up lo to tho limoof trial, the piisotiei stoutly
denied his guilt.
Speaking of his object in life, sumo lime
ago, to an acquaintance. Mr. A. T. Stewart
said: "I do business to establish a principle.
It is tho principle of truth.- 1 am iu a slate
of continual warfare to prevent what are
called white lies bulng told ia my establish
ment." It is ii great pity that all dealers
do not do busincF'on thu sauio principle.
"Aw," exclaimed un English cockney to
a Western traveler in England, "speaking
ing, aw, of the law of primogeniture, 'ave
you thebeiltaT in America;" '-Hentail:'
said the American' looking at his interroga
tor with curiosity. "No sir, wo have the
cock-tuil iu Amotion, aud a verv popular
drink it is."
Thev UFO liipfilUr II n fill iilil iVimnfrrn in
Mn.-ftiUini. Tiu-m timl nc.. thn
7 -', ' "-v ww VUUIflltf),
coffins, bones and all, to Gil up a frog poud
iu making lauu.
Iu digging a well in the yard of tho Cove
Foundry, ut Providence, Rhode Island, the
drill passed through a bed of coal fourteen
leet thick, at tho depth of 119 feiit, uud a
ei'coud bed of coal six feet in thickness at
thodoplh of 131 feet. Thomas !5. Kidgwny.
Mining enginoer, writes to the Ptovidencj
Journal that the coul contains tiO per cent
of carbon, and can be mined at an expense
ofless lhau $2 per ton.
The Newburyport (Minis.) Herald thinlis
it is time Tir n "strike in the Jecturo binl
uess," oud adds: "One or two hundred dol
lars for an bout's talk ubiiut leiorm, woman's
rights, female sufi'rago, and tho lile, is what
I'oor Piohatd' tonus puv ing dear for the
whistle. The prof .-sors of tho Acndemy oj
Science at Salem will furnish lectures of
real value upon scientific subjects, at less
lli.tu quarter the money, und forty limes us
Lost On hubbath afternoon last, on
Onyx Sleeve J3utton, on which was engraved
tho letior J. The finder will Le rewarded
by leaving the same at II. C. Jarvis' Furni"
turo store. Oct. i-'M
A Hauk Cii.ixl'K. Mr. Barker, having
engaged tho uervic,s of Mr. K. Howard
whose reputation as a colurist ranks with
the first artists of tbo country, ia prepared
to furnish photographs beautifully eoloied
or .fiuiiitied in India ink. Those desiring
such work, either from life or copied from
small pictures, should embrace the opportu
nity at once, uud call at Barker's photo
giaphic gallery, on Washington street, pe
troleum Centre. aug25-lm
Prince Arthur was, on Friday, mado a
chief of the Mohawks, at their village near
llrantlord, Canada. He was inducted into
tho honor by ono of the chiefs of the Six Na
liens, a descendant of thu celebrated Brant.
His older brutheis lave also been made
chief", of th; tribe, lie was named "The
l"!v!&g Sun," bi cause, i'liko tho sun, be is
! f'.ylr.j from cast lowest over ll.ovastdo-
minions of his mother." He is not the only
i son of Ylstoriu, iiying over bis mother's do-
mi iiiouN who bus proved to be a Ligh- five
Silting perfectly erect would add ten years
lo the lives of ninny sedentary persons, be
tides preventing much sickness.
Just received our Orients! Parlor Stoves
Sept 28-41 Nicholson & Blnekmon.
State, enmity, borough nnd township elec
tions Ttlefiliy. October 12, lf-00.
EitnT Cans! at
Nit iioi.sos fc Blackmon's.
Iron Gate, Wheat Sheaf, Globe Heater
Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson A
Blaclynon's hardware store.
Eamrners & Alden mo selling off preset!
stock at cost.
Tinware, in retail and jobbing lots, at
Nicholson & Blacknions'.
Ls miners it Aided have a new stock o
all late styles of Hats and Caps. tf
Mb Envnm: TMcase nruoiuiee the name of Mkb
Bin' S. HiMtTil, na a candidate for JuMice of lhe
I'eace in t'oniiilanter Inwiuiliip. ut t!i ensuing Oc
toiier elmiiiun, a-id oMe, MANY CITIZENS.
l'lamer, Sept. 15, 13US".
Iical Xoticett.
JCST It EC EI V ED, imi' ntr imttema, nt
and the llspilnea of Truo .Tlnrrlmce
11SSAYS for V'li'ie; Men, oujllio Errors, Alntei
,i itihl Disea-e wlileh destroy liio Manly Towers
and create impediments nf itlAlfKIAOE, with ure
menus of relief. Sent in pealed letter cnveloptsf.oe
of charge. AdJ.vsi Howard As e lation, Hex 1'.,
I'bilndelphia, I n. si'i"I:ui.
luo KIorrlHoii'n ;eimlno Pine Tar
and I'cmlaii Ileal Ins Soan.
Tlie?e soaps are tmpregnated with exotics of Uie
mild.'st and moat Uilsamic uaturo, and are warrant
ed pe:f.'Ctly liiuo-uat and free from mineral nnd otti
er pernleions mlinixturea, and are selected by the
ladies and the public In ceticat In preferer ce to ail
other soapa, as tho great producors aud preservers nr
a healthy purity of complexion, and conservator
of female bcantj-. For the oftncs and delicacy
which they induce lo the hands and face, their capa
bility of soothing irritation and rviuoving unsightly
eruptions, render them Indlspeiisitdo to every toil
ct. We kindly flsl: tiie public to try tho virtues o
these Anapa. J. L. U. A(?o., Proprietors.
. A. D. Miller & Co , General Agents. Jiil2-3m.
Special Notice.
V imS OP WISDOM for young men, on the
Ttulins Pnsstnn in Youtli nnd Ear'y Manhood, Willi
SELF HELP for the erring and unfortunate. Scu
in sealed letter envelope, free ofcliarfrn. AOilrcas
nOWAUD ASSOCIATION D ix P, Philadrlpaia
Pa. May 91, 3m
r.'eiv I'lour, I'v.vtl nnd Owicery
.T. S. I'KATriKK,
At the OLD HANK lintF.TiIXr), ON MAIN-ST,
opposito thu McC'.intock House, has on hnr.d n
I i:e an l first elts.i stock of l'Iour,l'eeI ami
frncerlCNt which he in sollinE at a low figure.
tU-Bon't foriiet the pl.ico wtiero A, I). C'otto
& Company hroku up.
Crockery Pur nil kinds eo to KEYN'OLDS
IlItniMIHAD .6 CO's), No. 11 Centre btreet, oppo
site tho Post Oltlee, Oil City, Pa.
i'arpeto, or every fua!ity and description, at
RCY.IOLDs, U'tOUilKAD A CO'S, No. 11 Ccntro
tr..-i.-.iip;iiMlta the P. O., Ol Cltj', Pa.
iw l:nrt limine i or wile Tnnu're of
I'trivp ! or Fto,rtn from 1 lie rnnqtiri! of tho tmh-sf-i-ii
!, Tht V'.irai, on Tlminflay hint' n nn(i nil
ctw uiih w hiht f, in, with rlirht horn off. wrilio Uv
nwi )int:c vltitu 'fit. A ruwnrri of t.n Jollarn will
iitM;:ivl in any nyou lui nrninir tlu1 hamio to mn at
'inirlnrm. VAT roNKKTIIY.
IX ' , i l, Mi. III.
Tb' i yi.r'.i ! m lnip"vuin''t up.m the system
utiiIIjv ihprt'i'"i irroft!i KritMi I'arUnntuiit It
i- t!l itlf into i v :u 8h"it nnd o ity latnii.' and can
! Tirif-ffTdl hv Ri,u one. It i t''prenNt punlnc
lion of ih a;. Kri' l for tho fumpMc work:
A'iti-t.! ). A. (iliAY, Ilox N. V. 1'. O.
Far Sale.
ONE superiir 12 horso Porl.i'ile Air.e Knu'iner
mid nne ;(l l,oi"o Pnrl'ilileWond te Mnnu Kn-u-In?.
b-th in perfect onler. nnd rnumng; nlm ono in
h a- Wn-liiiiK'on Wntloimry. on Hie .1. Plenum
l', Cheisynox. S-M T. PltOTlilNOH AM.
'PIIE ' .T.i tiieestitp hernof.irn exixtlnat under
I tned in of A D. Miller Co.. ).-. this iluy
Ihs .iveil i.y inii'.ii il eonsttiit All ncotinta afc'tlnsi
i.he late tirm will be settled by M . S. Sinnn iiui ut the
,1 ,i,,a M. S. KIM ()NK,
J ot. -'nitre, Sept. Sd, '09. A. P. M1LLEK.
Tliccoputnerilp horetofuro exist ins under the
Arm nun nf N'nelitor t o., Is dis-olved. and all
pariies indent, d le lhe firm, ntu re imeled t'i eellle
-t the old aland, I'qmi Kami, or at Pot. Centre, oppo
site the brick bank. julSttf ll.C. V.
EJitlhici House fur Sail'.
'IMB siil, crlber oilers for sain his hnnse on ("tier-
rytreo Hull, ulTimged for a U-aU'd'ng llnusa,
Willi or witnoui furniture, on the luo-t reasonable
li nns l.i,i"e Itooiie. Willi barroom atuiebed
-iu- pnrticulais in.pilio at thlsollli-e or ut. Charles
Kin . a Ileal Market. J- C. LUOKAU11.
Cbeiryireo Itiui, Sept. 80. '6it. Iw.
tine assortment a the Ftirnimro Sluie.
1889. H
FaSS Trade
v,x mums,
Petroleum Centre. Pa.
For tho Fall Trade, embracing a full Line
ropuy ALAPCAS.
Caipets, Oil Cloths, Cliiiitzc-s
Csxlicos, Muslins, and :i choice
assortment of
And alsna choice nsanrtinent of FLANXKS.
very cheap. Our Lino of Alpacas nnd Pop
lin Alpacas is tho liuest and chcapost in the
place. septl.1:tf
Tiie New York
Meat Market!
& W. havo il'-U-a a nc.v buiM-
i lag on
On Main' w1 root, OpjsDsitc
McC'Iiulock HotjHC,
And Intrnd kplnc what 1'etiolpitm Ct-ntrn bfi
lunir ncdi'il, a nrt c!rn: Meat Mnrket. tiily the
will be kept. II w'll tie our aim lo p-'rve our cus
tomer, with promiriuea nnd to thrlc ei.tiru satis
septiiMf. ' n. w. PAi;rci:u.
FRESH Ji ALh Tin;';
Heceived OF
Vushintoa street,
rtroIera Centre, Pa., next door to sham A Co V
J'Jtttilry bturc- nil. Meala served
all lioursv Oysters, and every deseription ot game
uiiiisneu guests.
No piinwill hn ipared to nccomniodat the
who favor us with their patronage.
Petr ileum Centre, Bctit. 1 1, 'OU. 'f-
JoItlh C. "Welch,
Seneca-Sit., Oil City. IM-t
Dealer in
Uilibs, Russell & t o's BrinjS
and Fishing rfi':!s,
Innis' Sucker Rods,
Driving Pipe, IlcrrlcU IriT
Grate llitrs,
ISalauce Vliel As IMillif
nil sizes.
JIv connccllon with Jlendville "d PHtjr
touiidrlei is eiieh that I eun get out nil Mum
Cathus nt uliort order
Oil City, Feb. 17, IHW tf