r BAIL Y iiiilpS5 RECORD "' -1 SA'VJ'i''la.ui V.)L III. NO 8G, THE PETROLEUM CENTRE AILY JRECOltD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted.) W. II. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TKItMS. For year payable In advance, Fcr month, IS 10 I I'HICO-B.JNT OF AUVCIETINirVf;. (Ten lines of noniiarell mako one square.) Mo. Imiertliiiw. I a -u. a n ci. One day, 7: tl iui ( I On $Ttoi Two days 1 . i 5 2 (r.il am Three day, 1 !h a iM S Mil (I mi Four days, a o S 50 a Dili 7 mi Five day, a -jr, mil vil 8 (Hi One week, 2 r. S StH 4 6H1 S 50 Two weeks. l 0 Ik I 7 fi'lf 14 01 '1 hroo wenl:4, 8 (H M 00 10 t)ll la (H) One month, 7 (n in ou u IN1 SO (XI Two month!", 1(1 (HI 11 Ml 15 (Hi 1 HI! ml Throe months, 12 tie l.'i 00 Is (ri do ml fix months, 21 on 27 mi! so iiij ' mi hi Nluo mouth;, 1:7 (' 30 Oil! 4.-, on SO IV) Dae year, .ill (in 4 mil i0 (Kll KM () Pperlnl notice iiO cents pur Mile, each Insertion. Advertisements pasithle tpmneriy in advance BUSINESS CARDS. .'"' MA.TT, " ATTORSE Y-AT-Ii A W) AND NOTARY PUBLIC, ' I'ETHOLEC.tf CENTRE, PA. Bnalneoa In the Coiirta at Frnnktin iromptly at ' tended In. ' OFFICE In ISisstdl ft Oo' Uriclc Hunk Build Win;, fnpialrs1, Wnshlinilmi-Ht, net 2u-tf. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOIl-AT-LAW, OFFICE In the Hrrlie.-Or IIiw Bulldim.', on Wa-iiiiiigtou aa.i .M.iiM Slr:;.s, PSTHOLEUM CKSTftE, rUN-PA. ay 19, 181)8. tf. UOMIAitl & SMITH, 1 ATTORNEYS ,fc COUNSELORS-AT LAW", Onicr-THu-!i Street, Franklin, and Pe'roleum Cn 'r". ''a Mn ,13-tf. RESIDENT KUIoJEO: DENTiST.; OPriP!3 lWryV now liul'dinc?, cnnipr of U'aah innm a-iil ).-coul !., 1'ttroU'iiin tVnlre, I'a. Mnviii tr. t. r.. cs;uisti), m. b., I'UVHKM.W AND SUWIR'lNi (M'lre opposite tlio Mclilnney House, l'oa.aiitvillu, Ta. l' Trtim from a ili?tnnce will jr-.-iiera'ly fled him i o, uiwtu tin Dai'.n uay ireiu iu a- Hi., 10 o p.m. sepll t . t. WIl.s.fN. a. B. VAN VELSOIt WllSOJI A- VAN Vt:i.KOI, UAUUEItS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OKFirES,Mercnntilo IliilWIine, oil City Pa , and ,vi ii .nvHon .v rmwura; J'e.iokilia L'untro, I'a. July 2,'ith, IS ;8 tf. J2f" Tu Milliners utnl Country .Slorelit'opi is. fallTrade. WHOLESALE DKIMRTJIKYI' vp sr.intti. "l-ESIItAl!l.E.ioJdroeehodilallv fioiil nucti.in S ' ami private who Our stock olVcitllims, Flow er S.itilia, Silks, civet', liilibons, l.ncc. Trl i . liiiiitt-i, FriiizvH, Yankee Notions, Fancy (Joo.Ih, etc., etc., iHlaiw. an J chc ip. v out lungilu at piece pdeca. l!uyand?ell t'oi-cinll. 300, 311, 6 31 L',' Gnnul, and CO, GS ct- 70 Allen Mi-erts Corner Htore, fin I Work east from t he Bowery, iNKW VOKIv CU'V. 9eptlU:tr. C II. U'IBilXUiSi, OOAL I IrUVKop.,ucla c.ial Varl at tl.o cn.l of ih ail kinUi ot STEAM AND STOVE COAL. Teams coin ji to my y.irj for Coal, will liavo I''rc la ftsugTn Over Jjj CriteU iieidge, OPSRATOES Wonl.l t.o well to oniitlriit the oillcu, and will Mud II to ilietradmnliitretudeiil with me J of olc lln Culitlc, I n gfirgaEiJaa csgyjE. HOTELS. tt MXCIIAM.i; ItnTKI. SAMUEL ItENOLDS. . . Proprietor The larqent ami mo?t com-m,i:oiii Hotel hi the oil rcL'ion. Fair on the Bridge reduced to hoarder IIiik house Is pkMminllj nltnatcd, roonu coolnnd plciiant, makiiiu ii a dOllnhtfiil hot id in all respect lVlrolouni Centre, April B, lKl.ii. Vt'asliinston street, Pctmlcum Centre, Pa. BiiADSTKEEl' A S7!EHVO(in, PnoruiETims Thinilonsei-centrally located, mi l the general ltcailiimriers of m ii,,:u. Pelroleuni Cuniri, J'u.. May IH, ISi'.ft tf. ' PCTKOLEnM rsjiTRB, PA., Neur Oil Cfeek t Alii r,'ie'iy lilver rtaitway ropet. mnyio tr. a. .1. CKOSS, Proprietor. M C'.XKTOCK i:OI:iK. PETUOLEUM CENTKE, PA. li(ijnpu!ai !:otel, eitir.tcJ Corner ot Main & WanTi'titon-sr., Near the Domt, ,a been refitted and r.ttiMi,1 thronudiout, aud the proprietor will eiiaro no pain to make It a ,",! FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. e8-tf C. GUIS WOLD, Pi-oprletnr. ItlESSICAN BSOTr. "PHTIiOLECM CSSTliH, FA. J. R. BAIIN'ES, . . . proprietor. Tils Ilnnse Is In n phviant lnrnlitv. and lint, a ."lotl ualk rrnm the Depot The rooms nr. l ive ajid.tmut'urta'-lu, and the table smiill ,ith tie duilrarieH of U;u uwn. ii-f- J. K. BA'IXES.. . .MILLEU FAK?.t STATIC)."?, (On t)l. Creek Ilnltroad.l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. Tt.srjrEFF, . . Proprietor. JiineS-tf. I i-TEBNATIttSA !L M Hit : i,, MlLl.Ei! l'AIWt, PA. JOHN E. ROVt'B, Pi Pood acconi'!:oilatinn3 fr trr.-.3:"Tt cusinie;'!,:i. Day Heard nd Hoard with n oins on nvwuiml.lo terms. The tirmirlelnr will spa-o no putns to nmlio his House ultmctive to pice,,. Junes if V j IT.EASAMTVlI.T.v;, PA This Honsc haTlni: recenlly liecn i.nVm e,t c,ri rc riiriilhid. 1 am now prepnvd to aceoinn.odatu two hundred eiicst com'urtiilily. MiiKi's li-ive this house il.rce tones a iav frrTi tiis'.'tile There Is also a linn oi Kici-a to l'';iiiii. JuX-tr. THUS. McKlKNKV, Pron'r. Olli CITY, IA. llavini recontly taVcn p-wo?' n o! tb. n'ime II ma", we would most resin etrnii v ,,crm t.,e )mv. oiiiik loiooe iniii we p'oposo o ,;,. .;i I :,.!,' and m c.invnicetnom oi the act, we nvitc all who wi-li the comforts of a hor.io, to rr.l. upon tt. It will he round Tiic iioipi f tuoti'n r:t-i'.;!!K. Our Sample llonm la supplied wi'll the choices! Wines, LIuor.s and CL-urs, and on r table wi'.! be found laden with the very best the market nuor.1.. There Is connected with the House lnr 'i-t c',is Tilllllrd Tables. Also, IV.ib.r Shop and Hut'i Itooius (i,v., ,M a cHI.-nnd coining. iol:rs..!v,. ,n the Irutliluloess of our tissertion. at! I.H-ts '.'. WUTS. 19 If J AM KM li. W 1 J iT.v. 1 " U. C. Jarvia. Duller in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALW YS 0 HANI). LooKivfi or. in m, , ,., (ilit-'S pii.,.8 i-eplaeeti ii, i. Kninien.' I'S-lyj'ct l'rH;Hs Mi;e!e ( oi 3 r. Crcls. m Until, 15'er, Vh!v S!ia$?,'5. .V FINE S TOCK. ' COFFINS 0. u'l sizes on l,;ml nml t.imm,i to utilff nu shui t Rntiee SAsn. :iazs ahu mum, siza. aini-i,, ,,. it. o. 10 V. AS21I.1'.tjix.s.e.. Perolemn Cemr.i sc I INI!- 1H, -' 'u" tin n jiui' pa., Tinas day svei-uhg. oct. 7. i9. V 1 I II Ac 'niACKES; IJl MInllcn !,n:ic, N. If., mmmw meegoixts. aro now ;.r, wr..I to receive on ConiTnlssion and make L.iii..-:.l Advaiiem to uaacM and Dcakra in with Crudi: u:id lii lined Oil. OIL VITRIOL, J-K'l ln.T.KI'M ( l-.N I'lil-' PA , 7 Keen no I .....I OIL VITRIOL. LLl'E .t WHITE PAINT, CAUSTIC. SO!A an-i GLUfc. Ar,-. nri-n.ird to m ike illwral discount tt I!eHner. loi i 'ASII, and will nnt lie und TsjId in r.ny uf tl.o al.ove artic!t?s lun.:t:i if. CUANB. T1IAAKEP. & Co. (f(w HUSS & DAIDS0r-T, ii Ditimontl t. (Cp;.os!te Herald OClce) W ct'd ir.vtte n i o.d patron -in 1 the public tjonor al'.y fci call ai:d esnmlnc hit a'Amm mm nm of ruiruBs or m mm. Parlor Suits, Cl'.amher Hcls. Hook Casei, tide lioanls. Loiii'Kes, Carpets, Mirrors, and every de aerlptijo of f irnitt re, plain and fajhronablo.- Terns reasonable. Sfn Propr'ttoi of t!,e XufTao .Bakery. Healer v. rtolce Flnar, IlitiT, Vz-Ji and' Ch'.we Also, cholee tro.' erics, I J.:tr..le-.;m O.l'ro, Pa. Or !or I -ft witl he pro I .tie icte-i3..d to, an (,oo :s U li.ere t. P isto.iko p,os S.H3. luyU. ECI.KCTIC 1"IYSIC!.V.N'. ra, i, vtinnso stjekt. TITTJSVILLE, VIjo (.rent VitHcutlio tlltterB. AH hail ! cri at b"m fuctor, Vho to cure i;s of our il's, Civ.s proto tlieiiircons.ilate. Viiucut tinxlms linn'sor pills Prices dicrite tVoni oio the s' stem, Pills ti,. he..rt wi h ii' cnil M -'it, l i. It me lu st of n l the tonic.-, " Downer Great Voscmitel V'l'h ror.t fruii ( til t ' vntlevs, , Wilt re Tu liVnii ,N sun dotll shine, (lit iin: we:il.h to ih poor mortals, l'.'tom! the riches ot her niines. Wealth of health and hnppii.c-s, lis i.ii ssitis none should slight. Do you want it '! H on d Mm h ue It ? Uiii Dnwnct'j Ureal Y.senilie. Cnne ye sh-k. diseased, ditconsotr.te, M'hy slioill, you pine and diel Ye fo-'li!?. flint and h n;'uisi:Iiit', Come, tl pt. olorioiis letters lev. See hit.v thee ipiat l.s and nostrums., Fiee from tun hind In fright, (iivlne phice io this pnro tonic, Downer's Oe.it Yogurt I lul-.ttf 11 EN 11 Y E. WHIG LEY, civil. i:NGiNrjE:t asd lll-.It.VT.U BLOCK lr ! 'ra'':!Vllt St, Surveys cr LsycI ll3ps. Tvacirifjo, Saiidisg Iluas, aud Taicut O N II A D , A la-jrc! s-leck of hi se'i.-.'tn d p.-dnted Xjenso Stakes, op I. aim's . ;;:!:, and with PAINTED NUMIJEKF, '!iicli n;v I'ttii! ';u;iv(!ri-:i:ly a.-j. TirK Ti:V C!F 'JflK EXTlJUu OIL KEG 10 X l'OCEFT I-OIi.U, 513. O.VIIOl.LKIW. 111!, junla :'iiv. i AM Ac CO., IN Ol'EKA 1IOU.SI: IIUILDINO, WASH INGTON STREET, I'tTllirt'.lU IH HKN'i-'SM, t... Keep cnnstantiyitii lnind n l:i!';.-.,-miiLi-.Tit u WATi'ii!'. JEM'KI.PY, 1 -1-Til !. UliV'iU.YEPs. 1-lllINr. tacxm; Chi triil:. , Ac, mid will sill nt inslerti i.rli.,. o. Wlttel! Wol k W..I Jilted p. to ve Htl sl':ft ion. OIL tttEIt!iiZiJ5 C;m always fiml tlio genuine Plymouth Cables and New Yokk Eeltinu Go's BeltiiiL' and Rubbop Goods, both of which are acknowledged to be unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Furnishing Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Iu-gion, and can refer to our customers for evidence that we keep nothing but the best of croods. Vl F. W. AMES, II A HI) WARE IJEAS.i:i, TITTJSVILL, PA n fiy 5 On PIP3 CuITine. TISWAilS. l3 8 C AS GUSTISTG. ?FJ VASS mif-fitr. a. OGKDEISr i I,. 3W Hi. 7 (XVT:ti;-ST., BUt crrv, sA. Th't) '.9 the host e-talil.shinont of the M,l :,. n, ( i: lieiou k'lotir mill Keed sold t v h..ie.. .! at tl 25 CTS. WEEKLY GENERAL MACHSNISTS,- and Dealers In nil kinds of WElili TOGIjS Ac FIX'ffrKES Necessary for putting tlown and operatlp,; Oil w'ells. In cue:.. 'ell. .11 with our .MACIIlNE "ilJOl' we have a larycimd convetiient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Our facilities for MAXUFMTCKiNU arc not cs c, lied by any Shop In the oil Helous. fc'iop Muin-stjOpposUe McUl'mlnrk iou.e my37 tf FlSiliOH & NORHIS. A. (J...H, placeu, col tl,.. worth of vour inoncv Is at the NEW I I. OI, H AN D FKKD sTllltH AV) I.I M men vaiiu or i hi. N'rt:it?si siu &. Cf., where tl.ero is alw;ivs a rcadv to hnw their customers their Inn Fl.Otnt, 11AY, and all kinds of FEE place also where may ho t of . ami tin- FOUND 1 leivr ncsortmort of ilrttcln-s llO'Tin AM) ittEsnii t.ir.MitEi!. lath, siiiNtii.xs. ,v( , itlhe vcr-lo-.vest cash prices. Those uhoarcnut i.r;.uti:i?. i.a iii, smi rxunt ci"!. prlcwfl. Those DEAD .'n their own Interwt. and wish to deal with men 'ho do business on theaouare. will Hud II to their interest, to trim us a call Ix-toru purclnisini; else wlierc, and ?co what wo can do for you ( our line or Imtlnrm. " All Urgca-a a"d "teneiit p; til'i.niplly attetlfietl to. I.'n !l"t l" if r! lie ;:,,. U ' I'l't-ITK Tlll.t KOClir.&l 'EK liOtiM.,' V.'Ahif. INUTON yTllEET, Petroleum Centre, Pa.' u v. sTKiiMirno, 11 11. WAhNKl;. Fti.Ei-tr MACHINE SHOP AND Brass S'oissjiSry For Salr. Messrs leard ,t weight u-mir. iilinilt to remove to Teiimssoo wottlii rft'er tlinif well known sliop for aulo. To it jtooil iniicliiiiotil a l ure oppoi l'tiiily is ollWi'tl Atkliofs LEARI) itVi'RIfHIT ns23 tr Pillio'.p, Pit. ianos ! Pi?aios ! Miiifiu:turert, JAMESTiWN. K Y. Alao, ox cluaivu Airt'iits tuv tlio ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE " AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Ucf"'Send far Illufitrale.l Catalogue r.r.d pr'ci; Hit CAOKitl & IJKOWN. w.arinonis 41 Main Ptrect. Factory ltrei.1. y t Llni k, I'sil oi' Main-ill. ma-,2l-tr ijfj-B'A!,o Jixn r.uiii ieAr5.!n.t i-. ) I'll lllt'l utter Mond.iv. Nov. Iliil, 1:1,-., I;-.-i:ii,3'cr 'I'laili will run ou this roed a;: lolhKV.s: 11IAVB Ell!E ooi;:o r.A:. pl'l A M. M-.ilT liXi'i:::-:;, Miipp'n nt. ti tW p.i,l,.y, WeMllelil. lemkiik ni.d ci'ver creck, firnviie; at I'titlaloet 1.1., A. -M. OIJ.'SX A- el., NKW ynr.K F.XI'IIKSH. stoo at 1V.tlMd, i:.o.'.'oa.l)..iii;iil,-. Ht(. e!eieek. mill Aofc'ulu, airiiia- .ll l':i;:'.ili, nl r.'.lu p. M XL. IM'INNATT i:XPK?.SH. sir, '' pill!' at Nottlieiisl, V.'esillchl, liroeie t, Uiiiikirk and silvercrecli, and an'ivo-t nt llilftiilo at lo,45 P. M. A. M., MAIL AN:i) AC'':0i.'";i.V vnl- '1'inN. Btrppii:.; ,ii e:i-.ti;l:iii.s.ar.ii!. nl l..ll)iilo al lo. lo A. M. . i I". Al.. HAY EXPirES?, -ti at. "'' Norihensi. Hipl. v. V. c.sti'eld, Dunkirk, SIlvi ici-ci k ii:;.! At j.-v!a, aniline .it llu! fulo a! V.l'o I1. M. I. :ave i;i riMto o-uvo v. fst. i.,.Tlir r. M., DAV EXi'lti.S.-i -lopplrv at An w' irola, Silvcreri.i'l;, l,ii:l:itli. I'.iorn n, Westfleld iintl vo. .'hi:lst., aliivintr at, J-:.-,e at .1 I i P. M. I' M . MAIL AMI ACCC.VtMd!)'. "i: .o ir 'I'lON, stop.ii:ir nt all mal'ons, iiriivii,i; . at Kri.. nl s.'o I' M. fUt A- Al.. Tli.t:l:t r.XrilE'-.l. r.pppif nt itf I 9lf nil stiiliolis, -ll.d ili-i i . iri- at '.:' .J lo.i., A. M. ii.'tii p m., KTKAVlioAT K.vrrr':-:., -t-.. ...!1K m Atu-o'.-i, Hlvr. llltls' I.,. Ihoi ton. Wi-lii .t ami No.t. e i-i, nt Fri A. M t,.?t A. M . M'.iliT I'X I'ltr'it, -e.oit in.' n t ! l-'ile.l I-', . Ill'lllil! I. n-. I Hi Hi. . I, r I vile; X Ftt,- il I lo A. M. Fi'mail ti:'.i' i- lo niinuu s fa -!"i-ili m 'i-1,-1!-., ! K N l'.':l. vrt. l ei ' pt if ". 1 "l 1 r c sar- J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers