Daily I&ecprd NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office, MA IA STUKET , I'ltffitOLUl 51 (K.MIJli. Urn ; - j l l(W " :. iJ? r r ., 1 d- NEWS DEPARTMENT. Wo r.cotvo telegraphic despatches up to 4. r. a , nu.1 present theni to our rcadert .Vary evening, em bracing news of great Interosl from nil sodium of ho country. We have mode apodal an-unex-monta, whoroliy we receive rcKiilor Petroleum, Mock aud Produce Market Keports every evening by telegraph from Naw York, Philadelphia, and l'ittabur-, which, together witli KMitoriala and Local mnttera, make it uni. or the umst deniable uewjpjpers published in the (111 Urgiua. Art uu , Advi-Usiug .Tltdiiiiii, Tno ItliCCr.l) no superior, as it circulates wherever an Oil Operator or Dealer can be found. JOEBIffi DEPffllMT. Wo have a laro and well . selected wwortmcnt r. iwwjobhliin material, emoracing Uie very latart Mylua. We are therefore, enabled to ciccuto Job Work of ovory w1ety iu a aatiafuctory mannnr Whou desired, Jobs will bo atatly prlntud in; ColoIii .-Iill;i::S Kills.; . Posters Jlana-UiilM. . , l,iogramrai:,) Itilt of -'arc. .... .1 .' ;. l; I . ' AXD tliiaincM itntl ViKitins Cardu LETTKK-HEADS, DILL- HEADS, BILLS OP LADING, Etc , Etc m IL3( . J'am or Fanry tylo, neatly nnd promptly cxecn ted, cmhmc'o ' NOTATION "'CIU(nU,AltH fK00UAMMr.3 CAltOS. TICKETS, Etc run, every vaiiety ami stylo oT worU In lottpr, lrem -,-r ntlnj; Morr!j:nitn, Iwyerp, .1n11pp of Uie Pram, I,ind Agents CU Va em and Aeents, Inpnrance Axilla, Kii-o""mcTi nui cllterp..tti"8 in wan', n re inform "d I w we rr" pre -lie It., pTerntf tin lor nit l:li of JViAM ui .- 'ir ie;n, vijn irc-i in t'.m HI III IT V- MERCH ANT'S GAEG-LING- OIL , is Tun .. , BEST. LINIMENT i Tin; WOULD For Man & Beast. 3(1 Yen rp in I nc. ta era Irf (rrxrtlfor Hhcnnifttlfm, Oliilllaln, Corn, Whit itiMn, Caked HrcntH. Sore Nipple, Cramp-, UoiM, Hues nT animals, i'.iki.ww of the Joint, Contrac tion of the Minnde,' Hums and Scald-, KT"t Hire, Painful NervoiM atl'ection. Chapprd Mandtf, Lame Hack. P(o In UtoMO, Swellings, Turner, Tooth Ailie, Dlil Sores, Hemorrhoids or I'llcs, Flesh Wounds Galls of all kind, 5pr.-t.ni. Brnie. Crack oil Heels, Jtlnp IJone, Pole fcvil, Wind (iiilU. Oil I out, Spavin. Sweeney, Fistula, Hit fast, Kxterna I'ofooii!, Seratchei" or Grease, Springhalt, Sand Crock. r,amoni'-is, Strains, Foundering Feet, Manpe, Horn IH? temper. Gurnet in Cows, Cracked Teat, Foot Hot iu Sheep, and many other dipiis( Inci dent to Man and Beast. Jl. D. T.VYion, of Concord, Ky.. wiys thC.a,n'Un:; (il cured a Ji'yseof hi, iniur.d while ploiiL'iiing ly attempt hit; to step over a stump, almost ieveriuir his tli'tfli from the body ; nm that tie has used it in his family for fifteen years, and is the beat remedy lor Cuts, Burns llrnises, Frost Bites. Strains, Jilitum atiaiu, etc, he ever used, era era From CnnMP A Bros , Cochrane IjindliiL', Ohix, Nov. SO. l.HJ. VVe are phased with yunr mel;cine. It has noon the means of curing a sroat numbur o dillerenr, disttti'ea ui'on pvrouK, an alo upon hornes. We think it caret ali you recommend It to do. We want you to tend ih the Ijiver iirnnortion of the variuty for. "Family Use," in tn.nll hottlcn. From Dll. J. I. 'lntRELI., Warren, lad.. Slarrh 1K,i(i I am en'UKt-d in the ornctice iimt'diciti,i' ami find yont (iarlinf: Oil an -xtremoiy eUlcfe t reniofiy In all cnuca where .an external application e iiiuii aiej. J-rom Dji. G. B. rai., Thirns. Kwa. Dec. 2X 18511. I have practiced niedicino in thm county suven yeara and ehevrfiillv recommend vour (iui-iiini: oil us me ulpi iiuuiiicio iu use. IFrnm Da. T. W. Ku,ig,Gn , .lan. n. S.-,n If I con'U receive Itotti lioxet ol the liuruunir Ull It will not ho too much, 114 I 1I1I1 k i could soon Hud fale fur It alt. thn inquiry b'lm lretp.ieut Hiuce it la sup Ixwi'd tliat i have it fT Hale. From uit w m. r. Mt'i;ALr.,i iti'.nini, :.io . ov. 0, 1s.v. our (iarplin'-'Oil llal!in-' ihoMiineotr from nil the lililmentH of the Oav. It' vfai dedred tlieui. I cor.l.l orocure dy.tud of ccililicalca from thoe who have been curcu by u. iici-mii a.. .iy, inner 0 .to nf .fulv "4, I; that they mn ar'.tcly ri-coinmou t!ic ihi''liog Oil or moreni.-H-juoM timri it rc oiiintentii d l.ir. from .1. K. mhikii. I iiiontown, I'n., Juno SI, mui. louriiiiririinKOtl I tloinpr much helt.T lu-.-i thnn formerly, since ila virtues hnrc heroine known and the bottle tint, no for Kamllv L',c. will.nl era era Extract from n letter f mm Hon Katiian I isdey, iniiiiy ,11 ni re 01 riicniy iown Uit'ea Hurl in April 13. iwi7 It is decidedly preierred to anv ltn nmont sold in this section. K tract of n leiler from Ramitet. S. ITitp, d ited Fnl!-lnir, Ohio, July 17. lOti. Jn June last, Henry Shit ill t; h;id fl y-aflin toli that hud what w;w sup- pMi 10 ie uy.Huerift ior more inati ten m ivri so that it etuUl uot eat, and the. thrciit. eivtili-n Mhiimt slmr. mid Ihe wo of thrrt or foMi flrpiidml-uis. of me uonnr imkikm uiu me unriruu eiiner. F.om A. (i. NiKt., Lewirtvtlle, Codc'i'K-ton Co.. O March. iK.")2. l have used vonr iur i i hjjj Oil for the M; rite 11 os on my horse, anu ti cuma it with tr.e tlrst appneauou. CD CD From F.nos Bt atiigr. MiddlDort. N. Y.. Jniv i3. I nnreha-ed ft bottle of vutir (inriilintr oil of youraont. A. 8 liaker, at Mid'lleport and as yet have iifffil Imt half of it. I think it man given me more relief in a ensoul' sovern Kiieniniliin. of ionir aianain', tnan any imug 1 have ever used heiorc. .Extract from a letter from J. O. Pratt, dated Qmur-y, (Jtmiititi'ma Co., N. Y., Alien?! 13, in.'iJ. J h ve been tU 'iiminted with vonr nu dielno OftiLhiiL' Oil) for the l int fourteen years. It h.ts proved a sure cure for Font Hot in Sheep for which I gold trie v.iH ii'iine mm nave caun niiinst dally lur more. I'l'-ne lorwaru us noon as convenient. Always Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And lake no other. Uct:il! Prim, l.OO, SO Cls. Shake well before 11 dn", and nib on thoroushlv Deiore hip nreor uniu warm sunsuuicu. The OanrlhiEr OH bnn ben lu ttso as a linament 8iw'H. All we ask Ih n .fair trial. Imt he pure ana ioiiuw uireeuonn. Ak your nearest Drii'It, or dealer in Patent Medicines for oie til uni' A!mnnnc ami oi.' .1 c.nns. and read what the pr-ml sav nlmut the Ud. Tin- lnrclliiflr OH Is f Mle bv all l O pe' tnMc dealers lliiiiJ;;'.uiLit tii L mte.l St.lU-s nii-l cti countries. ihw f.t.imttnidl date from 1P;" to lP3f and are unli:i.'rU. Vn the Garirjin: il mid teli your nciunorn wiuu gnoj u lias dune. We dral fair and liberal with all and d.fy canlm- IM ivn u ixvt urd ut JOHN HODilE, Screlnry s,.;,llj A, II. MII.I Tllt A- KI., hardware-oil city. Oil Ckfki - TirK YI'okks. i CH AIiliEl HOMO'S' A; Co., I ornor of Si-turn & I'ciHro M. 'at Kido Oil Oeck, OIUItr, Fn., Diallers injlorrts, Tusker 4 Co'a OIL WELL TURING AND CASING, WOKKIXO n.llT!I,S AM) VALVES, BTUl'UNC- 1IOX.KS, CLaMI'tl, TOWS. , !10KEH nous, Kachir-ery for Oil Wells & Refineries BOHINf TOOLS, UniVINO l'll'E, ecu) WAi'b.i I'uy.rs Oil. lTMl'S, Eveij- def crlption of SITPLIKS FOR OIL WELLS AND KE- HNKKIta, Also, STOVES, 'TIN WAKE, II K ASS GOODS, TEAMS AXD OA H FlTTTXnX. IIELTISO, i-ylt'AiAtV, ana ituza; UA1I0WAKJ3, I10USB THI.MMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Hope, oaKitm. Nails, Axea, CouVfl-MIU, , Tablo t locket Cutlery; Full Assortment of Everj tlnng in the ILAlim VA HE LINK. Jise Fnrdehin Good, La to pi. Llilmnevs, No. 1 Winter Sfn'ri! T,ard Oil, No. 1 IJeflncd Oil, Stair Krnls, Tal lean tipoor Mats: Manufacture of Tin, Sheet Iron end Copper Ware. Hepalnnc of all kind done with ceatnetia and Qlspaicu- Jirpcc.ai auin'ion myco 10 STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit the patronage of the public, and shall use evory oxrtion to 110 nro Its colitinu-ince. Our Jirilitle for fi'rnlslun e'crytlilnj In rmr line, liavbig Own jri-eatly lnciv,u,id, In the eroction of our New lltiildm';. are now SUr'EUlOU TO ANY 0TUK1! KTABMSU.MEST ausr-ll-Sin. IN Tills Oil. ltliiilON. EM Oil M E53 Woris viias. i:oii.s:; cu., Uornor of Sent'oa ami Outre Ft?, ccst siile of Oil Crook, Oi! City, Pa. ITavliis S',d-rl a lioverful Ste:im Kierlne nvd i 'ivne llli'e L 'ril .":, to 01: r i nily ( " i!-:i ee M:i::t ; lii:-i:i'.: IC t?i'..i.1ir.5i'n4 . ar. uo-.v iiremrej to il.i al! the nueui.-iii'y v,;i-k, in ilitin;; i;p, : :el lej.-ii. ENGINES. L OILERS, IKON TANKS. E L EI N 1 N G MACHINE R Y, COTTER WORMS AND STILL.?, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS rf"do'n'! ?.ra."li'norv Job Work entrusted tons with ui attic. and d.uatiui au Vlmos NEW HARDWARE STORE liKATING AM) OJOiClNij In laica variety. , TARLE AND l'OCKLT .Cut 1 o y ! o 1 SWl W Til :A 1 15 nT3 J. i$i &i H3 &a ifs.s.'Ca5 L A M TS, L AN TEIi N ?. AND FANCY ARTICLES. mD mom Vt'innU'ii U'liri?. tte. 1' For pale ! '' CI 1333? 1 At the store formerly occupied hy Ilurchlle'd and . , Cllstorlllie. oil, CITY. 1'A. j Adkijs i. ;j:;(;ii:. Oil City, .Ian. 1, lQlj.i If. (iKO. I!. IHSUfifi & CO., 13 .A. !DT . IE 13 ES , I'KTftbl.EITW' ITNTltH, FA. O. II. Hindi, ' M.' C. Xiarlin ("liiMlopher M.:ycr. W" ( r..'i-'.!ir ii.-m--, for the triinactlon of a fl :!'.. n-VNKIO,- KXCUANGB aim Col.. LKCl'ION l:a!N!S. Ai,v leM-r.,-.4 eiui'udtcd to our care will receive proupt attention. . ' JuUtf. ItlJi'S IIAI.I.. 'lies TfiM in niw ready for theatrical exhibitionsd rolterrt. leetilfvH. ,c. '1'lie Hull liac hc.'n relltl nt nud tci-eii:rtleeie.. X,, p'llni and expense h:ii h.:eu sjiured to m ike It a Ilrsi citiHa , SHOW BUILDING. On llie Hr-t f.oe.r i nno i.f the bent r.illl.lrj.llooa ia liie pluv . a:; mil,.,- one i.i.ma ;eiiu'.u n-J.l M1SCKI.LANKOUS. NEW HARDWARE', STORE I IIOiSDItT UUVANA I O., Ild; leave to nnnouni e to the citizen, or l'ctrolcnm ( Vntre and vlrinltv, that they have opened a nev -tore In the tear 01 the oilier of the Central l'etiol rum minpniiy at the railroad cri."lti'. where they will kn p ceimtantiy on hand a full assortment or everything in the Hardware line, audi as TIN AXD SHEET IRON WAKE. GAS FITTINGS AND BRASS GOODS... Mr. Ttrynn hnvlnu been enszaned In Iho business with Uosfl-s. Wlim r ltro's. lor lonr years past, will attend particularly totho business ol tniinulactitriug SMOKESTACKS . All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Wore to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. Tlioy have a New Machine for CUTTING GAS L'lL With an ectlrt) SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work In this line. Apr ;!. Coal! Coal! Coal! riillK nnilerslsiied, lia-.lii established a hraucn :m at Sfiyn 1 iarni, arc now prepared to furnish M Grate of dial At t!ie Very Slowest Prices. Onerntnrs from ( herrvtree Hun.and vlrlr.lty, Uvine nt iVti'iiliiimOntie. can leave tiieir onlers at our ofilce lievi'. and have il-.em pioinptly llneil lrum uic Itjiii-; 1 aim iaru, AT LESS COST THAN UUAL. SKAItI.ES & fOUXWKI.U Ci7.ce on O. t.'. & A. K H., l'etroleum Centre. lirnneh Or.lce at Kynd rami. X. B We hold fxclusivc control of the famous STONEBORO COAL. at Imtli the above named points. Jtnv2-t . A. T. LEGGE'LT; Mnuiifncturer and Dealer in lyo ' J SgscI Bags, Valve Cup:?, &c 'e "el tv,,ri,n..o; n.o einpleyed, and liar- M.- e l' 10 oi'ti..- .1 i.i-1:- mm r. Mt.uy i)'.i nam: anu mau' I. V. r2c''V' Put. Sced-Ilng for ncpr.ii'in;!; j)no at fill Times ! Call nud cx.mino onr stxicli and prices, U:iii;-ii., bnloiv tJ .'iJcCJWi toct. IIIIil. I'eiioh nm C'.-nti e. l'a,, Jan. 7th, 1"' -u J...U.' k-i-iJ -ilUll riOII-ri 13 CIL 0PSP.A.T02.3. TI t: n; Ii)rdi,nii''l, frreit Tor thf Metropolitan Oil Coniji;iiy. :.ttw niV ;o leo tlio territory of mi id Con: --in.-, In lot-i oft-.v.) acres each, fir one-fourth r:)iilty. T.ii .i s; mate on Cherry True Una- niid iiin or l';e .TUGULAU VEIN Whic. com-eoii '."oo'l and lMerson Karma Willi CH.IT.LY IvTJi TEETJTOIIY. t or fwr:!:cr ;iruci.Iar ;:ilv to the original ' 1). Yv. KKNNKY, AUemgroo-tlum City, Chcirytree Pu;n. Or o Itlcsi, i-r.ox in, lVlroli tim UiMitrc, Ajirll 1G Im. Venn. ia STOBIJ. rihe io'd'TliiiM-t .,u'?'ii? fitted np a new store on JL W.?.Sill.MITU3l l:VU?tU M.S., Petroleum Centre, Is now tirepired to fiirni-.lt his customers with cv ci'ythiu; ia the house fanilshinij lino Stoves Hurt Tin wiirc, liiiiitcriiN, I-'illH'V X rttalCMa MUIIIjJ'4l, lrC!M!l :t::l J;ttiiiiut(l IVaic, Ais:i iinrgtt ?t'i-K i 5Srux A- Iron I'iltiiltfo i.L.'l. I'lSi'nN ami HKMP I'ACKINtl. LACK LEATli;:it, etc , T1II0 CIIAMI'I'IN AMJ i.l)v;; .'i V CI.OI'IIHS WHIMIKllS, VA'i lilt CUOl.Ulih orall SI7.HS. All Job Work promptly niton tied to with neatness and (lis pateli. rariicular attention pa'nl to lias and ntenu JMttino;,' nav iii" a Gas Fittini' Machine not excelled m the Oil Keirioli for enttini' (J as Pipe. !'' 1 ' JAMES RUTHERFORD. I'-.tiv'.- uni t'eiiu. , July 1 ti.'. i J. ,:i Petroleum Centre, DK.VI.BK IN 1'IT.E FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH ' - ,ANI.AMIUCA. ura (a, medicines m CHEMICALS . C110U E I'OUEIQN AM) DOMESTIC Toilet Articles ! AND IMPORTED SOAl'S, PiRL'SHES, AND HJrujrglxfc !'10U'iaiiri' rre-eilption romrur-' and elMic nmU naL-. dfrem; i-;:rc IK YOU 1IAV NT SEEN 1 -A. o GO AND SEE IT The MatcL IM'.-hittn V;r.'...I"iif. !". T".05onald LIVERY, FEED & SALE At t!.c S)is,t, opposite tin Central lEcmse, I E T R L I: D M CENT R E I' A 'pill? he-r P'o.'; of DUIVlNf, AM) fAWI.E . i. IlolISKt? on the Crock, are to he found at 33Jiosi;iIri?9 liivcry. LET AT ALL TIMES. :roi.SES rr:i .v. iio'akjikw on llcacoimblo Terms. Tirtitiinj: d ail lihuh ut- ten tied to Promptly,. tVH'Kc mc n call. T M'DONAl. IVtr.deiiii Centre. Nov. II. 1i".m LIVERY & FEED iSTAfeLES, ; i ' . ' ' W:iDiiiKtoii Street, oppBsHo l liu O pern House, l'ETROLErJM CENTRE,' JENS'A. I btvve put In a Rooil elock of Hiding ami Uriviiiy Hows, wliicli 1 will lot on reasonable torms. Also, Cullers, Wsikoiisi, Spring WugoiiN, Atl. IIOIiSES boarded und led and bil of care gmtf antetHl. J.inUtf A. SMAWI-KV-, CHAMPION REAMER ! We desire, to inform Oil Op erators and the 'public generally that we are prepared to receive order for our Cham 'ioif' "' Cutter Reamer This i witht'i't doubt the'iiiosfperleet tool for reaming that has ever been m tiddiieetl. Give us a call ! Fisher, .orris A;