The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 06, 1869, Image 3
DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DRUGS ! MEDICINES ! J. H. CHBISTIE, 'dealer in drugs, mebicimss, aims, Paints Varnishes, Gass, Putty. Soaps, Dye Stuns, Fancy and Toilet Articles. ALL KINDS OF PATENT MEDICINES. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. No. 13 Wasliiiigion-st., Petroleum Centre, la. Give me a call before purchaalng elsewhere. fMyl9tf.l. J. If OHItlrt'TIE. THE Olfc IWAKKU-H. Officii nil Thk Pbt'm Centah Daily Iecord. Pktrolcum Centrk, Ol. 0. Tbo market I very dull aodootbing do ing We quota at $5.60 ra$5..5. Shipments, 2000 REMOVAT; OF1 JOHN J. CARTER i PKTUl)LEDIIinjlKKEr.' TUI, EORAPH. Special Diapatchea to the Da b Record Ssw YittK, Oct. 6 Crude 1G?4' Ki'flard 32 Market Quiet PlTTKHCKm, Oct. I). Spot U to First water, H (o . Sep., . P. O. all the year 14 5 to j.. B. O. all tlie yoar 15. Oct. & Nov. li Market Quiet. Philauelpuia, Oct. 6. Spot 3I'?4 Nov. . Oct. 32 to . Line., ' Oct. & Deo. 8214. Crudel6? to 17. Market Quiet. y'o THK l.O'l' Western Uulou lane market Report. New York. Oct. 6. Crude,. 17. Bbln. 23V. 32. All!?--Kept. ((8 Sprit. Market Slcauy. Tlwro k a iiwh to tho Jnmenfoi Cloihintr Store, 'a'hu retiami, New Omuls w living every (ley. Sept. 13Ui. Spr.t H. i Market Quiet. riltslurub, Oct. 6. Philadelphia, Oct 6. Crude 17. P. L. S. to W., 31- Market - Wrnk S. W 31.32 UOLillN iMUtt VJlltK.. New York, Oct.6 . Gold 130. McEowen & Co., (Corner Spring and Monroe Streets,) J. A. LOSEE, MERCHANT TAIL ul COR. FRANKLIN & SPRING STS., TITUSVILLE, PA. .Extensive Assortment of Iforsign and Bcisie lie CLOTHS and O ASSZSSSiBLBS, Which 1 am-prepared to Make up to Older on Short Notice ! J. A. PLANTE, FrenchBoot Maker li.e attention of nlio public Is called to tbo large Black oi Wuvliiiisi'ton Street, THREE DOORS WEST OK A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETttOJjEU.11 CENTRE, Pa., la niauuntctnrlna to order FIK8T-CLASS FIMi WOKli, aucu in Patent Leather IIont, Pump Sole llooln, French Cork Sole Hoot, Scute Welt Hoot. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONi. FRENCH BTYXE. Call and ace samples. jr. . planti:. Petrnlpnm Centre. Pa., July 2. m POULTRY. fCUlTRY. ittonllun 1 Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, 1irori.ll call Hie attention .if Oncery Dcnlera V'V or Hi.- nil lii., .!.. '.! t.mi imy have latuli'.i.-'iitd lor the. accumui. tlaiLu of U.o tiu.lo a Grocery House, Tito only one rf thu klml In the Oil Itn?lmi WeliivcMiui the ncc"iiy of mill an eatabiieu incut lor a I0U15 lime Tint Retail Balers who TMivsM' tnxm miJ Hocuses and ventures hi? ca)iiai in in ou-mi'.'sts SMu Be ProteCM In . Wepropoae to do it l.y Selling to Dealers Only. Wo have lu tore a LARGE AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK, oonipriaingcvorjtlifng tt.i.1 it required In a FIRST - CIASS STORF. Vhloli vie o:1lT at price that ilW I'oiuprrc with any Market in dm Country. We cnrli.illy invito hti (inmiuattoii of our ukj acd mfy yonrnulvt-d tU'jit.HJl'n OPPOSITE CORINTHIAiV JXALL, TITUSVILLE, r 1?J.-, Where the patrons of the house will meet witn all the courtesy characteristic of the establishment. A complete assortment of liincn Goods Just Received) White Duck Sult, Latent Style, Ilrowii lluck Suit Ui CJreat Varletv, Iilnen n-k in Every Style A Splendid Assortment of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, The largsst in the Oil Regitsn. The custom department Is pro sided over by one of tLje best and Most Fashion v , able Cutters in the State. OFFERED AT Greatly Reduced Prices! For the Next Ninety Days, to euable the Proprietor to open his IsTEJW STORE, In course of Construction on the lot latelyoccupied by him, ' eor: ner of Spring and Franklin Streets. Remember that the stock of HATS AND CAPS Is large : and that such another assortment of J? U I?. 1ST I S II 1 1ST G- GOCivS Was never before qrescnted to the public in Titnsville. Jiuv Gee Which wilt be h.ui.d at my i In e at the mouth of BEKNINGHOFFRUN. fhtisc w.inti'ip or Ufin i'uiiury will lind it to thci u.ivahiht: to purchase cf mu. yu2ii-3ui. J A . MLS IilMJEIV. 1)I.ANK HOAU NOTICK S Tlmntwill be a meeting on Monday, Autimt lllth 18iia, ai tho offlon of Wllliunn, Hay Co., over t lie lHwt ofltcn, Oil Cltv, nfthe coiuuiiaaionora nppolnloil "f apodal Act of Lttuialaturo. lo open book ami reaelve Kflitcripliont to lliu capital stock of Ilia Oil Creek Plank Bead Company. wm. w. wiinams, .1. M. Howera, Kill Hitiliop, J. B Hirr, A. M. lleaty. I'll t-lty, Julj SO, 00. Fa .5. IA.7A & CO., MACHINES. BOILER SHOP WAS1IITO ST.. PE TUOLEl JI CEVTUK, Pa. BOlt,ERS AND ENGINES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. AM klnda of Mucliinc Work dono .i.iu.nly aod wrranled to ulye tatblucliou. an If f. . UAN.V.V UJ ESimse to JiJeiit or for Nai I.ATiGK.cmnf rt:itic imtl rommudump tiouo will bo dtild or renrml. It in lnaiieu in the BUSIES PORTION OF THE TOWN. "lie owner l compellod to remove east, and wilt sell or rent at u sata mc. A flood Biiaincsii Stand. luqilTu Of FKKO HfnUTT, niiL'2:tf Pitrolenm Ccmtor, l'a. F OX HOISK.SAMPLE ItOOn, FKEU.t'. I1VHE. Proprietor. 1'LEASAMTVIU.B, I'A., Opp alio Ilia IV-wliy toriau t'lmrch. Feb6uT. KI.'S HAM.. Tit, a ilallia now n-a.h r..r llh-nli t.-itl ciiiiearlK. ln'itma, Ac T"f Hall liwn refilled an.l tii-itnuilii'iieil- No pain- an,i t'i,cii.u iiaa lieeu ' -jkiicJ to mala il a lit.-1 ..l-i B. B. G-riswold, Dealer In sr- Orders Ly th.- Cnr or Ton promptlj Killed A'.f o, Ajent fur tho eelebrated KEEUj KIDCSE COAL ! OFFICE on Second (trect, near K. K. Truck PETROLEUM CENTRE, I'A. .InnM tf. CHEAT BARGAIN Pianos and Organ CCAJE ii Til AC US'. IS 131 ITIatilou l.niio, . V., THE (1REATEST RARfSAINS IX 1'IANO I'ORTES AND OIKIANS THAT HAVE EVEIi KEEN OF FERKD TO THE TUULIC. Tarn pt Utoj for cfi-'li fur a few ilnya only. riuiioi and Oreiins .elpctd froyi l v- iv -I .t.irk rt' N MEEtir are now nrmmreil to rece've on Coramii"n ami '-inimentj In ihet'l Itni si(itt. nt III pr veil I. niale rSlieml Advance, to Hefluera mid Dealers iuloa thnn mnitufiii.t.rci rrl-in. Tn both CrodJ auJ Helmed Oil. i;niic are In "Hell to c.l'l an.l he convinced iliat I am l, CVrinL' Itftte: Oaivai-1 llian can lw lenl e.nemlirio. OIL VITP.IOL CRANE, TIIACStlllt & Co., l'li'l KiiLM'M I I4NTHK, I A , Ktep on nano OIL VITRIOL, ill . ITU & WTI.TF: PAINT, CAUSTIC. SODA an I GLVK. 1 ... . i. - ftldll I It Tt) ItlMI II f arapron-ireu to . ""","-, .... r ,- u nllrr,.. v,,,-..,,. Vmanrro na.l Clarion: and all lor t:Ar-u, nou tit u. u ..h-..- .- , ...,.., ,,i...f .i. above nrttclea. & i..r, . i.,,.ion ' n k h. eepld imt'. Kvery inatniment wnrrantt-il to elo antwrnci:0u. PIANO STi"'!.S, SPItKADS, .'.c. Centre si., Oil Cily, Fa K. I-:. SCt"Xt:iH. Jt2l llie exclusive airency fur tl.. Kmemoii I'iaiicis, Mid the AvnKIOANOU'SAV f. r tl c cot, tl. ' of Juuul3 tf. BUSS & DAVIDSON, :ir UinnioiKi ?t.. TITt'SVl!.t.K. I'A. ((ip'Ktfiin ll.ira'd (illlte) Wou'd invite u s o.d patrona ivi 1 t!ie pulillc (tener ally to call and examine M. SBENDI3 SPHIN3 STD3K OF rUBNirUEE OF ALL KIKDS. rarlor SuiU. Chamber !. Casea, MJ hoarda, Loiinaoa, t:arpe. Mirn. s a-al ! . . . . t t I.. i.:...,ut.i . acrlption ot lunniuio, im.iu "" Terina rcaaonalile. -I -i 1L D. KXBCSv DEALER IN OIL CITY PAINT AND WALL PAPEB STUBS, HEAD OF CENTRE STREET. SASH, DOOIl, BLIND rniinutor tif the I3ufTao Bakery. Dfuh-r n f-lnrcc Fiour, Butter, Ejcgu ud Chedtc Ainu, cbutcv (iicn riiii, IVltoloura riitrt!t l'a. (ii-dt-rn h'ft v.ill prnn;tly nHi'mleiJ- to, uv U(HiC UUIIV'!!''!!,. riClillM..l lHi.1 in Jl c. u. TiioHreox, KCI.l'.'HIC PHYSICIAN. r.i. i, diamond Mini:r '. (I t-Mulrs,) WliraflWS. READY PIASB PICTlltK ! JIA.11S, Vc. HOUSE tt SIGN PAINTING GLAZING' & PAPER HANGING TO ORDKIt tifICK SALES, SMALL PROFIT Li. U. Kr.L.L,Utif). James Robinson, Tank Gauger,' ItO V 3K, Ji-Tll OLEUM' CESTUI!.. VA. jim- 1 . I i 1 :