The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, October 06, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre, Daily Record.
teb -emre, Wednesday, Oct. 6.
A. 2?. AT. Adit or.
Time of Closing Mails.
t. 0., Pmounm Ckiitiu-. P., I
Jtni sTst, ISO.
Until further notice the matte will arrive at and
depart ft-oni tiilejoffloe as follows:
(tcirtd and Sail, via. Inrlneton, 10.18 A. M.
Soath and West, Meadville, 8.18 P. M.
If ortb and last, " Corry,156 ', . ' ,
Sotrth and Weat, A. M.
Bouts Ban and Wert, 1.30 P. M.
North, East and Wert, 10.00 A. M.
DlTfne Services.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and 1
o'clock P. M. '
, Rv. J. T. Oxtort, Pastor.
Services every Sabbatb at 1 1 A. M. and
1 P. M. Sabbath School A. M.
eatt free. . A cordial invitation extend
ed t all.
Ret. C. M. Heard, Putor.
STS. PETER f AND PAUL'S !(Catholi)
Mam at 10i a. m.
Vesper and Benediction ofj the. Blessed
'Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
Change of Time.
Northward Train
Leave Pet. Centre 7:50 a m , ar. at Corry 9-40 a.m.
" " " 10.I a m., ar. " 1.25 p m.
" " " S p. m., ir. " 5:111 D.m.
- ' " 4:05 p. ni., ar. Tltusvllle6 J!0p. m.
Sonlhnrard Trains
xki3 Pet. Centre, 1 :10 a. m., ar. at Oil Clly8:10 am
' " " il ft) s. m., ar. ' 1:4 pm
' , " " 7:63 p. m., ar. 8:85 p m
t.isv p m. ar. o :ou p m
tThis Train will atop 20 minutes far dinner.
(These are Freight Trains and go to Titusville and
Oil City.
These Ir.ilns pans at this point The Southward
Train Hoping for breakfast
riio 2:5) p m Train going North and the 7:58
Train going South run on Suuduys.
Kepubllcan Meeting Thursday vc.
uluf, at Aklu's Hall.
- Speeches hr General Harrison Allen,
v. Ci xarior, esq., aad W. G. Rlitm.
Tie Republ leans of Petroleum Centra and
vicinity are Invited to attend a Rmnl.liean
meeting at stkin'c Hall, on Thursday eve
ning next. The meeting will be addressed
- - - - ts - vv a geuerai mm out.
Per Order Com.
Gov. Geary passed throuirti our nlaen (hi.
afieinnop, looking halo and hearty. Three
cheers were given by (ho crowd at the de
pot. Tho Governor was introduced and
shook hands with a number of our citizens.
Tho train then moved on to Titusville.
PEitsoxir.. We received a call to-day
from Mr. A. E. Williams of
Oouuiy Preki, nt Jamestown, N. Y. Like
tbe paper be represents, bis congenial whole,
soitled manner wins tbe stranger, and gath
ers about bim lusting friends. Wo hope to
moet bim again.
Notiub. Tbe parties that took tbe clock
4 from tbe Cor.y Billiard Parlor, will please
call and get tbe key tor same, as we bave
ao further use for it and it it a nuisance iu
our bands. By complying with tbe above
yon will much oblige,
.ZZ Rotson & Arnold.
A ppeclal through train left Omaha tor
San Francisco yesterday, and will be run
regularly hereafter once a week. A Pullman
drawing room and hotel car will compose
tbe train. Thedistanco will be run in three
days and a half. Tbe fare from tbe points
tiaaied will be $150 la currency.
The Avondale subscription bat reached
Men would think It Ml lo bave a yard
tick made ol a tubttaMs that night vary In
length a quarter lu a day, and yet our
dollar measure baa bow bo greater liabili
ty. ,
A bright woman In Indiana was Mrt.
Blake iu tbe morning, Mrs. Gibbs at notu,
and Mrs. Soon in tbe afternoon. , Tbe legal
faoilitivs or that State are wonderful.
. s ,,
WiLLUMsroRT Huksk Fain. A great na
tional bursa fair is to be held at Williams
port, Pa., commencing on tbe 19tb Inst..
and coutiuuiug four days. Tbe very large
amount of $21,400 is to be given in pre
miums. Tbe heaviest is a purso of $7,000
which is given for a trot betweeu Goldsmith
Maid and American Girl, $5,000 to the
first and $2,00 to the second. There it a
purse of $5,000 for 3:27 botses; two, of $2,
000 each, for 2:33 and 2:30 bones, and
cither large premiums to accommodate al'
classes. Such liberal premiums caooot fall
to attract fine Oelds of horses. Tbe entries
cloau OcU.bcr 12lh. Moines will to carried
VU tie railruuda at half price.
4, Citt Directory. Mr. Joseph Wiggins,
compiler of the new directory for Oil Creek,
French Creek and Allegheny Valley, is now
delivering the work to subscribers. It Is a
handsome volume of 250 pages, and affords
a full and reliable directory of the resident
population of Meadville, Franklin, Oil City,
VenangoCity, Petroleum Centre, Titusville,
Corry. Jamestown, N. V., Warren, Pa ,
Kittening, Kreeport, Sbarpsburg, and Etna
together with historical notices of each place,
and a description of the manufactures, edu
cational institutions, oburcbes, placet of In.
teres! and business sources.
The work was printed and bound at the
Republican office, Meadville, and presents a
floe typography. The compilation ot tbe
work has involved a heavy expense to the
publisher, but it is hit intention to continue
it from year to year, with sucb addition
as may be necessary to make It a complete
and popular directory. It Is by all odds
tbe best publication of tbe kind over issued
for tbe region it embraces, and should receive
a liberal encouragement from tho business
community. TUusville Herald.
Tbey have a she-devil for a school tuarm
la La Crosse,' Wisconsin. A little girl was
guilty of the unpardonable sin of taking a
bite from an apple during study hours. This
Xantippe of a teacher seized the offender
and placed ber on a table. Sbe then made
all tbe scholars disgorge from their pockets
their apples, realizing about a dozen, which
sbe compelled the little girl to eat, until
he vomited lrotn her oter loaded stomach'
Among the inflictions of this inhuinau
teacher the favorite one it wbippiog the
children's ieet until blood flows, gnggiog
her toholars with wooden pins, and twitching
their arms until tbo blood trickles down
their finger ends. Tbe La Crosse School
Board are in favor of corporeal punishment,
and sustain the teacheis in pounding tbe
An old man, whose sight was defective
and who bad to use glasses, was reading a
newspaper on tbe train between Wheeling,
Va , and Washington, a few days ago.
When the cart reached tbe tunnel tbe quick
diBsppearaoce of the light caused bim to
look up. Taking off bit speclaolet and
wiping them, be replaced them and tried to
read. Perceiving that all was still dark,
be dropped both paper and spectacles, ex
claiming, in a loud voice, "My God, I'm
blind, I'm blind!" Tbia aroused tbepas-
songers, and It was a long time before be
could be convinced what was the matter.
On coming again to the light he thanked
God fervently for his sight.
The storm which has prevailed in the east
since Saturday night is said to bo the severest
which has visitod that part of I be country
since 1850. The damugo has been very
great. Bridges bnve been swept away
bouses destroyed, and communication is in
terrupted. It is thought that It will require
two weeks to repair the damages ou the
Erie Canal alone. Tho accounts received
convey some idea of its extent, but we fear
tbe worst is yot to come. .
Ssys the New York Sun: '-Gen. Babcnck,
of Gen. Grant's Stan", it traveling In St Do
mingo, and, at they tay, Is dickering for
tbe long coveted bsy of Samana for a naval
station. Perhaps this it what be it doing;
but we fancy that he bas been sent to look
after tbe who'e Dominican Republic with a
view to Informing Gen. Grant whether It
will be worth while to annex it. For sucb
a duty Babcock is an excellent man, shrewd,
sensible, and with bis eyes always open."
Comissioner Delano bat decided that
wholesale apothecaries and drtigglutt doing
business as inch under a regular llcenso
must cease to sell liquors in qusoties ex
ceeding half a pint at a time, or pay tho
special lax required of a retail liquor denier.
His decision also covers the case of. sales of
alcohol by such parties, who sell in quan
tities less than five gtllons at any one time,
or yay tbo special tax required by whole
tale liquor dealers.
One of the Salt Lnke saints has fur tbree
of bis wives a grandmother, mother and
daughter in this way avoiding "the un
pleasantness of a mother-in-law. fJt
It It rumored that tho Secretary of-War-
ship lies between Dan Cameron, of Pennsvl
vania. and Gonerai norace Porter, of the
President's household. Per contra, it is
said that Shoiman holds it until Congres
A Rakk Ciiancb Mr. Barker, having
engaged tbe services of Mr. E. Howard,
wbose reputation as a colorist ranks with
the first artists of the country, It prepared
to furnish pholoKrapbs beautifully colored
or finished In India ink. Those desiring
snob work, either lrotn life or copied from
small pictures, should embrace t'jo nppottu
nity at ouce, and call at llarker's photo
graphic gallery, on Washington street, l'o
troleum Centre. aue'iS-lm
Aflcrnoo. patches
New York, Oct. 5.
Action of Cold Board.
Tho Gild Board Committee to-day recem-
mended t plan for tho establishment of the
clearing f gold contracts in connection witn
the Farmirt' Loan and Trust Co. inal ac.
tion will be taken Saturday.
The election In Connecticut, yesterday, is
imperfectly reported, owing to the prostra
tion of tb telegraph wires. A Democratic
victory it txpected in Hartford.
A writer describing Japanese cemeteries,
bears testimony to tbe affection generally
tbown for tbe dead, by tbe erection of me
morial stones and planting of flowers. At
tbe cemetery at Hlogo, quite a number of
tbe ttonea are mere boulders of an oblong
tbape, staading upright in a stone socket,
and sculptured to represent the human
figure, or with a simple Inscription. More
frequently the ttonet are substantial slabs
dscorated with an Image of Budba in relief.
In one instance a mammoth turtle support
ing the monument proper on its bsck, the
wbolo elevated on a mammoth pedestal. In
alt casos these memorials bare placed on
tbe ground before them a receptacle for
(lowers, made from stone or bamboo, and it
is due to the Japanese poople to say that
fidelity to tbe memory of the dead is a na
tional characteristic Even where stones
are crumbling with age, true human hearts
survive to bring fresh flowers as a perpetual
Fisk, Jr., bas given bit opinion at last.
A reporter cornered bim and got from bim
tbe following view of tbe tituation from
tbe Fiskian standpoint:"
"If there were so many sharp men bit
must not tbey bave been operating ? If they
bad bad me where the hair was Bbort would
not tbey bave made me squeal? Well I
guess yes I Talk about buying $30,000,000
ofgoldl Why no one supposed that there
were to many wild men that were morn
crazy than tbe man who bought it. Tbe
wbole matter can be placed in a nutshell
Mr. Beldon told Mr. Speyer In his (Mr. B -1-don's)
office, In my presence, that any or
ders that I might give bim (SpeycM would
oeonBeldon't acsount. With that I told
bim to buy at 60, never supposing he could
raise $10,000, Instead or which be took in
$30,000,000, and a great many sharp men,
too. It It nothing but a nine days wonder.
I know there are a great many sick mon in
Gotham, but tbe world still moves."
Prince Arthur was, on Friday, made a
chief of tbe Mohawks, at their villace near
Brantford, Canada. He was Inducted into
tho honor by one of the chiefs of the Six Na
tions, a descendant of the celebrated Brant.
His older brothers have also been made
chiefs of the tribe. He was named "The
r'lying Sun," because, '-like the sun, ho is
flying frein east to west over tbe vast do
minions of his mother." He it not the only
son of Victoria, flying over bis mother's do
minions, who bas proved to be a bib-flyer.
An Alligator seven feet five inches long,
four feet in circumference, and weighing one
hundred and sixty pounds, was caught on a
trout lino at Cairo, Illinois, tbe other day
No ordinary book could have held this mop.
ater, but tbe line bad accidentally become
twisted around the jaw, and thus it was
held, drawn to the surface, and dispatebed
with a kuife.
Lord Ainsley, who is to marry Miss Lily
Martin of Siateu Island, gave tho most mag
nificent banquet given in New York, on Sat
urday morning, to bit friends, male and fe
male. Tho tablecloth was of corded Bilk,
Iriuimed with lace, and tbe dishes and gob
lets were of solid silver, lined with gold.
The cost of tbe banquet was $15,000.
- Dr. A. D. Miller, successor to Hiram Ma
guirc, who bas been detained lor a couple
of months arranging bit business in Penn
sylvania, it now at bis post on the corner
ol Second and Court streets. He expects to
be occupying the corner room in W II helm's
new building on Fourth street by the 1st of
November, and will then bave one of tbe
moet attractive eitablfHbinents in the city.
Portmicmth (Ohio) Times.
Lost On Sabbatb afternoon last, an
Onyx Sleeve Button, on which was engraved
the letter J. Tbe finder will be rewarded
by leaving tbe eaino at H. C. Jarvis' Furnl.
turo store. Oct. 4-3t
The local of the lnn Kcjmbhcan Bayg
there are only two persons in the country
who bave not communicated their views of
tbt iiyron question to Hie newspupers, and
they aru citizens of Capo Cod, who went
out, mackerel fishing six weeks ago, and
buvu't I'utiu'uud.
Biltina nerfectlv erect would add ten years
to the lives of many tedeutary peraons, be
tides preventing much sickness.
Just received our Oriental Parlor Stoves
Sept 28-4t
Nicholson Blaekuion.
State, county, borough and township dee.
Hons Tuesday, October 12, 1869.
Fruit Cans! at
Nicholson & Ui.ackhon's.
Iron Gate, Wheat Sheaf, Globe Heater
Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson &
Blackmon't bardwaro store.
Lainmers t Alden aro selling off presen
stock at cost
Tinware, in retail and jobbing lots, at
Nicholson & Blackinons'.
Lsmmers Alden bare a new tlock o
all late ttylet of Halt and Caps. If
Ma Kihtor: Ploase announce the name of Mrra
ritt 8. Booth as a candidate for -Jueilco of the
Peace In Coroplantor tnwtuhlp, at the Mining Oc
tober election, and oblige, MANY CITTZh.NB..
Planter, Sept. It, 1HB.
sjoeal Notices.
J VST RECEIVED, some nice pattern, at
and the Happiness of Truo marriage
ESSAYS for Yeiing "ilcn. on"tho Errors, AhnMi
ml Dln-n'e which deitroy the Manly l'owors
nd create Impediment! of MAURI AOS, with tnre
means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelsn free
ofchnrgo. Addi'cai Howard AsMK-lstlflfi, Box P.,
FUUndjIphln, In. seaSlftn.
ITee Morrison's lie mil no Pin Tar
and Persian Heal Ins; Soaps.
These soape are Impregnated with exotics of the
mlldeAt and moat BuNamtc nature, and are warrant
cd perfectly Innocent and free from mineral and out
er pernlcions admixture!, and are selected by the
ladius nnd the public In general In pruferer ce to all
other soapi, tho great producers and preservers of
a healthy purity of complexion, and a coniervator
of female beauty, tor the softness and delicacy
which they Induce to the hands and faco, their caps
hlllty of soothing Irritation and removing unilghtl y
eruptions, render them Indlspenslhlo to every toll
ct. vve kindly nek the public to try the virtnes o
these soaps. J. L. II. &Co., Proprietors.
A. D. Miller A Co , General Agents. jul34-3io.
Speelal Notice.
W' Hills OP WISDOM for young men, ou tho
Ruling Passion tn Youth and Eur'y Manhood, with
hELf 11KI.P for the erring and unf ordinate. Sen
in sealed letter envelopo. free of charge. Addrces
HOWARD ASSOCIATION U it P, Piiiladkipaia
Pa. - May St, 3m
IYcv Flour, 1'ced mid Grocery
stfore !
J. 9. PltATdKIl,
opposfto tho McClintock Houe, has on hand a
luge m l nrt cla stock ot f loiir,l'ced and
Groceries, which he Is selling- at n lmv figure.
Don't forget the place whore A, D. Cotto
& Company broke up.
Crockery all kind go to HEYN'nLDH
BKODHEAD & CJ'S, No. 11 Centre Street, oppo
site the Pol oiUco, Oil City, Pa.
Carpets, of every qnality srnl description, at
RKYSfOLDs, BltoniIKD 008, No. 11 Central
street, opposite the P. (., Oil City, Pa.
S tliE.
Dwelling House tor ssle Inquire of
Htrned or stolen from the enclosure of the eub
criher, on Tier Fir, on Thundnv Inst' a lurw nil
cow with wliire firai, wiib rk'hi horn off. wilte tall
and i luce white left. A reward of ten dollars v III
1m piiid trinity ucrton returning the same lo inn at
This work Is an imp-oveinect upon the svstem
ncd hi i he reioiteni vf the British Parliament It
is divided Into si-vcn short ssdotii.y I'veong and can
be mastered by any ons. It is ti e greatest produc
tton of the age. hnrloie $ for the eompleto wi;rk.
Aad.eea .1. A. GRAY, Box 672, N. Y. P. O.
For Sale.
ONE superior VI horse Portable Aries Engine,
and one 10 horse Portable Wood Mann En
gine, both In perfect order, and running; also on ID
horse Washington Ptatlonary. on the J. Pieraon
Farm, Cherrytre. 29:tt T. FKOTUINGIIAM.
rpnE Co-Partnership heretofore existing nnder
1 tbe firm name of A D. Miller & Co., Is this dny
dissolved by mulnal consent. AH accounts against
the late firm will be settled byM. 8. Blmmnns at the
old stand. ' M. 8. HIM MONH,
Pet. Centre, Bopt. Sd, '6fl. A. B. MILLER.
The coportnernhlo heretofore existing nndur the
ilriu numo of Wncliter Co., Is dissolved, und all
.nl... Inrtr.l.i il n, Hie arm. are riHiuesled to selllo
st the old sinnd, Hess Farm, or at Pel. l-emro.
aite the brick bank. Jul24tf
II. C.
House for Sale.
rpilP subscriber offers for sale his honse on Chor
rytree Run, nnangud tor a lloardltig Donne,
with or without furniture, on His mort reasonable
tonus Lingo Rooms with barroom aiuwhed
Kor particulars inquire at this ofttee or nt Charles
king's Menl Market. J. C. LKIINAltD.
Cberryiree Run, Sept. 29. lw.
viiii.Ditr.N s t.iitin ;i:s
A tine assortment at the Furniture Store.
1 w
Fall Trade
Petroleum Centre. Pa,
For the Fall Trade, embracing a full Lino
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes,
Calicos, Muslins, nnd a choice
assortment of
And also a choice assortment of FL AN'NK-,
very cheap. Our Line of and Pop
lin Alpacas is the finest and cheapoxt in W
place. Keptl3:tf
The New York
Meat Market!
nkW. PVItKE I hare dtted up anew biUM
, log on
On Main street, Opposite the
McClintnrk House,
And intend keening what Pntmleiim Celine l
long needed, a flMt c nss Mal Market. Only Mw
will lie kept. It will bo onr aim to 3rve our cbv
turners Willi promptness aud to their entire tit'
fiction. septtKitf II. W. PARKER.
Petrol'm Exchange Suloim
I) A I L V I
Washington Street,
Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Ishaui & t' '
Jjwelry Store
THy Boarders accommodated. Meals sivd
all honrs. Oysters, and every description ol k'
urnished guests.
No palm will be spared lo accommodat luu
who furor ns with their patronago.
Petroleum Centra, Scut. 11, '09.
John C. Welch,
Sencca-St., Oil Citjr, Pa-t
Dealer in
Gibbs, Russell & (Vs BoriiiU
and Fishing Tools,
Innis' Sucker Rods,
Driving Pipe, Pcrrick Iron,
Grate Ubw,
Balance Wheels St Piil"e
My eonnecfloB with Meadvlllo J'fl
foundries is such that I ean get out all kiu
;aftliis at short order ..,, ,
Oil Cty, Feb. IT, I86M.-tt